Je ne m'y connais pas beaucoup en informatique mais pourriez-vous m'aider?j'essaie de mettre des variables pour un lien.J'ai bien essayé de mettre un script ligne 236 de struct_blog.php mais ça m'indique l'erreur Parse error:syntax error,unexpected,T_VARIABLE expecting ',' or ';' in C:\program files etc...C'est certainement facile mais je ne connais pas les variables.
<?php /*
Blogator-script | | ***@***
Copyright 2005, 2006 Samuel TOLLEC pour SAMTEK
This file is part of Blogator-script.
Blogator-script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Blogator-script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Blogator-script; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
if (isset($_POST['id_sond'])) {
$sql_membre=mysql_query("SELECT id_membre, pseudo, date_naiss, genre_mb, pays, dept, url_photo, tri, theme
FROM membre M JOIN blog B ON M.id_membre = B.id_m WHERE id_blog = $id_blog");
$membre = mysql_fetch_array($sql_membre);
$sql_blog=mysql_query("SELECT nom_blog, description, date_crea, date_maj, is_adult, id_son
FROM blog WHERE id_blog = $id_blog");
$blog = mysql_fetch_array($sql_blog);
$desc_titr=substr($description, 0, 100);
$sql_count_a=mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM article WHERE id_blogE = $id_blog");
$sql_all_blog=mysql_query("SELECT nom_blog FROM blog WHERE id_m = $id_membre AND nom_blog NOT LIKE '$nom_blog' ORDER BY nom_blog");
$nb_blg = mysql_num_rows($sql_all_blog);
$sql_count_r=mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM commentaire, article WHERE id_blogE = $id_blog AND commentaire.id_artE = article.id_art");
$sql_liens=mysql_query("SELECT blog_lien FROM liens WHERE id_blogE = $id_blog ORDER BY rang");
list($annee, $mois, $jour) = explode('-', $date_naiss);
$today['mois'] = date('n');
$today['jour'] = date('j');
$today['annee'] = date('Y');
$annees = $today['annee'] - $annee;
if ($today['mois'] <= $mois) {
if ($mois == $today['mois']) {
if ($jour > $today['jour']) {
} else {
$adr_urlM = strtoupper($adr_url);
$nom_scriptM = strtoupper($nom_script);
function format_date($date) {
list($annee,$mois,$reste) = explode('-',$date);
list($jour,$heure) = explode(' ',$reste);
$date = "$jour/$mois/$annee à $heure";
return $date;
if ($dept0 != '') {
$dept = "<br /><img src=\"$adr_url/_blogadata/graph/menuarrow.gif\" border=\"0\" width=\"8\" height=\"9\"> département $dept0";
} else {
if ($url_photo0 != '') {
$w = $size[0] + 30; $h = $size[1] + 30;
$url_photo = "<a href=\"javascript: openwindow_ph('$adr_url/_blogadata/include/cadre_ph_mb.php?adr=$adr_url&photo=$pseudo_ph-$id_membre.jpg',$w,$h)\">$url_photo0<br />Cliquez pour agrandir</a>";
} else {
$url_photo="<img src=\"$adr_url/_blogadata/graph/no_ph.gif\" border=\"0\">";
switch ($genre_mb) {
case 'homme': $gif = 'garcon1.gif'; break;
case 'femme': $gif = 'fille1.gif'; break;
case 'groupe': $gif = 'groupe1.gif'; break;
$gif_alt = ucfirst($genre_mb);
$img_mb = "<img src=\"$adr_url/_blogadata/graph/$gif\" border=\"0\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" title=\"$gif_alt\">";
if ($nb_blg == 0) {
$blogs_url = "$pseudo n'a pas d'autres blogs";
} else {
$blogs_url="Ses autres blogs :<br />";
while ($all_blog = mysql_fetch_array($sql_all_blog)) {
if ($adr_abs_sd == '') {
} else {
if ($a < $nb_blg) {
$sep = " <b style=\"font-size: 15px\">|</b> ";
} else {
$sep = "";
$blogs_url .= "\n<a href=\"$blogs\" target=\"_blank\">".$all_blog[0]."</a>$sep";
$count_a=mysql_result($sql_count_a, 0);
if ($count_a > 1) {
$art=" articles";
} else {
$art=" article";
$count_r=mysql_result($sql_count_r, 0);
if ($count_r > 1) {
$rq=" remarques";
} else {
$rq=" remarque";
$nb_pages = ceil($count_a / $nb_art_p);
if ($nb_pages > 1) {
$pg=" pages";
} else {
$pg=" page";
if ($adr_abs_sd == '') {
$adr_blog = "$adr_url/$nom_blog";
} else {
$adr_blog = "http://$nom_blog.$adr_urlS";
$adr_blog2 = "$adr_url_sd/$nom_blog";
$adr_blog2=wordwrap($adr_blog2,60,"<br />",1);
$adr_blog=wordwrap($adr_blog,60,"<br />",1); ?>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<?php echo "<title>$nom_blogM sur $nom_scriptM : Le blog venu du futur - $desc_titr</title>
<meta name=\"description\" content=\"$description\" />
<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"$nom_blog, Blogator-script, Blogator, blog, blogs, weblog, weblogs, multimedia, blog gratuit\" />";
if ($theme != 0) {
print "\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$adr_url/_blogadata/css/theme$theme.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\" />";
} else {
switch($theme) {
case 0: $hr_color="#$bordure"; $des_c="#$fd_principal"; $font_c=$fd_principal; $font2_c=$fd_tableau; $txt_c=$tableau; $url_c=$liens; break;
case 1: $hr_color='#C0C0C0'; $des_c='#F8F8F8'; $font_c='F5F5F5'; $font2_c='FFFAFA'; $txt_c='696969'; $url_c='FF0000'; break;
case 2: $hr_color='#00FF7F'; $des_c='#020202'; $font_c='000000'; $font2_c='696969'; $txt_c='98FB98'; $url_c='00BFFF'; break;
case 3: $hr_color='#D7D7D7'; $des_c='#BAFDFD'; $font_c='BCFFFF'; $font2_c='EAFFFF'; $txt_c='000000'; $url_c='9900CC'; break;
case 4: $hr_color='#FF1495'; $des_c='#DEFDFD'; $font_c='E0FFFF'; $font2_c='FFFFFF'; $txt_c='000000'; $url_c='FF7F50'; break;
case 5: $hr_color='#FF1495'; $des_c='#FDFD97'; $font_c='FFFF99'; $font2_c='FFFFCC'; $txt_c='000000'; $url_c='993399'; break;
case 6: $hr_color='#000000'; $des_c='#F2000C'; $font_c='F0000A'; $font2_c='D3D3D3'; $txt_c='000000'; $url_c='000000'; break;
case 7: $hr_color='#000000'; $des_c='#0067CE'; $font_c='0066CC'; $font2_c='003366'; $txt_c='C782FF'; $url_c='FFFF00'; break;
echo "<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\">";
if ($adulte == 1 && !isset($_GET['page'])) {
echo "\nchoix=confirm(\"****** ATTENTION AVERTISSEMENT ! VOUS ENTREZ SUR UN BLOG POUR ADULTES ******\\nSi vous êtes majeur dans votre pays (+ de 18 ans en France) et averti du caractère érotique voire pornographique de ce site cliquez sur [OK], sinon cliquez sur [Annuler].\\nParents, il est de votre devoir de protéger vos enfants en les surveillant et en installant un filtrage parental.\\n\\n****** CAUTION WARNING ! YOU ENTER IN AN ADULT BLOG ******\\nIf you're of age in your country and informed of the erotic indeed pornographic content of this site click [OK], otherwise click [Cancel].\\nParents you must protect yours children by watching them and installing web filters.\");
if (choix==false) {
} ?>
function openwindow(url)
{, '', 'width=600,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');
function openwindow_ph(url,w,h)
{, '', 'width='+w+',height='+h+',scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');
function sond(msg) {
var choix = confirm(msg);
if (choix) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
<body marginwidth="10" marginheight="10" topmargin="10" bottommargin="10" leftmargin="10" rightmargin="10">
<table border="0" width="100%" height="100%" bgcolor="white" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr valign="top">
<!-- colonne gauche -->
<td width="35%" rowspan="2">
<table border="0" width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="panel">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="13" height="13"><img src="<?php echo $adr_url; ?>/_blogadata/graph/corner-hg.gif" border="0" width="13" height="13" /></td>
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<td valign="top" align="center">
<!-- contenu colonne gauche -->
<h3><a href="<?php echo $adr_url; ?>/inscription_blog.php" title="Créer un compte en moins d'une minute..." target="_blank">Je crée mon <?php echo $nom_script; ?> gratuit !</a></h3>
<table border="0" width="215" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="white" style="border: #FFFFFF 1px solid; -moz-border-radius: 5px">
<tr align="center">
<td><span class="lib_noir"><?php echo "<a href=\"$adr_url\" title=\"Cliquez pour revenir à l'accueil $nom_script ou pour créer un compte !\">"; ?><img src="<?php echo $adr_url; ?>/_blogadata/graph/logo.png" border="0" width="215" height="70" alt="<?php echo $adr_urlM; ?>" /></a><br />
Le blog venu du </span><span class="lib_rouge">futur </span></td>
<br /><p style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px">
<?php echo $adr_blog;
if (isset($adr_blog2)) {
echo "<br />$adr_blog2";
echo "</p>";
if ($id_son != NULL) { ?>
<br /><table border="0" class="desc" width="100%">
<tr align="center" class="tab_titr">
<td colspan="2">AUDIO BLOG</td>
<tr align="center">
<td colspan="2" style="font-size: 9px">
<a href="<?php echo $adr_url/_blogadata/multimedia/s$id_son-nom_blog ?>.mp3">cliquez sur ce lien pour ecouter de la musique</a>
<?php } ?>
<br /><table border="0" class="desc" width="100%">
<tr align="center" class="tab_titr">
<td colspan="2">INFOS BLOG</td>
<tr align="center">
<td colspan="2">
<?php $file_check="./photo_blog.jpg";
if (file_exists($file_check)) {
echo "<img src=\"photo_blog.jpg\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$nom_blog\">";
} else {
echo "<img src=\"$adr_url/_blogadata/graph/no_illus.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$nom_blog\">";
} ?>
<td colspan="2" class="titr2">Message du créateur :</td>
<td colspan="2"><pre><?php $desc=wordwrap($description,40,"\n",1); echo $desc; ?></pre><br /></td>
<br /><table border="0" class="desc" width="100%">
<tr align="center" class="tab_titr">
<td colspan="2">STATS BLOG</td>
<td align="right" width="45%">Lancé le </td>
<td width="55%"><?php echo $date_crea; ?></td>
<td align="right">Modifié le</td>
<td><?php echo $date_maj; ?></td>
<td align="right"><?php echo $nb_pages; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $pg; ?></td>
<td align="right"><?php echo $count_a; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $art; ?></td>
<td align="right"><?php echo $count_r; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $rq; ?></td>
<br /><table border="0" class="desc" width="100%">
<tr align="center" class="tab_titr">
<tr align="center">
<td><br /><form><input type="button" value="Faire connaître par e-mail" name="mail_mod" class="bouton1" style= "width: 200px" onmouseover="'red'" onmouseout="'#696969'" onclick="<?php print "'$adr_url/_blogadata/include/mail_mod.php?nom_blog=$nom_blog&theme=$theme&id_blg=$id_blog'"; ?>, 'Recommander', 'width=640,height=480,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');" /></form></td>
<br /><table border="0" class="desc" width="100%">
<tr align="center" class="tab_titr">
<td>LIENS BLOG</td>
<td><table border="0" align="center">
<?php $vide = TRUE;
while ($liens=mysql_fetch_array($sql_liens)) {
$vide = FALSE;
if ($adr_abs_sd == '') {
} else {
$lien="<a href=\"$blog_lien\" target=\"_blank\">".$liens[0]."</a>";
echo "\t<tr>
if ($vide == TRUE) {
echo "\t<tr class=\"blogaliens\">
\t\t<td>Pas encore de blogaliens</td>
} ?>
<!-- fin contenu colonne gauche -->
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<tr valign="bottom">
<td width="13" height="13"><img src="<?php echo $adr_url; ?>/_blogadata/graph/corner-bg.gif" border="0" width="13" height="13" /></td>
<table border="0" align="right" class="panel" cellpadding="5">
<td align="right" valign="bottom">Weblogs par Blogator-script<br /><a href="" title="Le blog venu du futur" target="_blank"></a>
<br />© 2006 <a href="" target="_blank">SAMTEK</a> - <a href="" target="_blank">Blogator</a></td>
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<!-- fin colonne gauche -->
<!-- haut gauche -->
<td width="32%" height="200">
<table border="0" width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="panel" style="border-left: white 1px solid">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<td><?php echo $nom_scriptM; if ($theme != 0 && $theme != 2 && $theme != 6 && $theme != 7) {
echo " <img src=\"$adr_url/_blogadata/graph/cercle.gif\" border=\"0\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" align=\"baseline\">";
} ?>
Connexion avec <?php echo "$pseudo $img_mb établie
<hr noshade color=\"$hr_color\" />$blogs_url"; ?></td>
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<tr valign="bottom">
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<!-- fin haut gauche -->
<!-- haut droit -->
<td width="33%" height="200">
<table border="0" width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="panel" style="border-left: white 1px solid">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<td width="13" height="13"><img src="<?php echo $adr_url; ?>/_blogadata/graph/corner-hd.gif" border="0" width="13" height="13" /></td>
<td width="13" height="13">
<td><table border="0" class="panel">
<tr align="center">
<td rowspan="2"><?php echo "$url_photo"; ?></td>
<td class="titr2">Infos sur <?php echo $pseudo; ?> :</td>
<td valign="top"><img src="<?php echo $adr_url; ?>/_blogadata/graph/menuarrow.gif" border="0" width="8" height="9" /> <?php echo $genre_mb;
if ($genre_mb != 'groupe') {
print "<br /><img src=\"$adr_url/_blogadata/graph/menuarrow.gif\" border=\"0\" width=\"8\" height=\"9\"> $annees ans";
} ?><br /><img src="<?php echo $adr_url; ?>/_blogadata/graph/menuarrow.gif" border="0" width="8" height="9" /> <?php echo "$pays$dept"; ?></td>
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<tr valign="bottom">
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<!-- fin haut droit -->
<tr valign="top">
<!-- colonne principale -->
<td colspan="2">
<table border="0" width="100%" height="1000" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="blog">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<?php include('articles.php'); ?>
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<tr valign="bottom">
<td width="13" height="13"></td>
<td width="13" height="13"><img src="<?php echo $adr_url; ?>/_blogadata/graph/corner-bd.gif" border="0" width="13" height="13" /></td>
<!-- fin colonne principale -->
Configuration: Windows / Chrome 76.0.3809.132
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