From the desk of Mr Amba Ibrahim

sambai Messages postés 2 Date d'inscription lundi 10 mars 2008 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 10 mars 2008 - 10 mars 2008 à 10:58
Hero_in_power Messages postés 297 Date d'inscription mercredi 21 novembre 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 10 mars 2008 - 10 mars 2008 à 11:00
From the desk of Mr Amba Ibrahim
Bill and exchangemanager
Africandevelopment bank
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
Telephonenumber 00226 78 1140 05

Dear friend,

I crave your indulgence forthe unsolicited nature of this letter, but it was borne out ofdesperation and current development. Please bear with me. my name is MrAmba Ibrahim an auditorof African development bank I discovered existingdormant account for 5years.

When I discovered that there had beenneither continuation nor withdrawals from this account for this longperiod and our banking laws tipulates that any unserviceable account formore than 5 years will gointo the bank revenue as an unclaimedfund.

I have made personal inquiries about the depositor and his nextof kin but sadly, thedepositor and his next of kin died in motoraccident while the rest ofthe family died in Iraq during the crisis, Ionly made thisinvestigation just to be double sure of this fact andsince I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives.

I seek yourconsent topresent yourself as the next of kin of the deceased. as anauditor inthe bank I will use my position in the bank to help youbecoming thenext of kin to the estate, so that the proceeds of thisaccount valuedat $25.6 million dollars can be transferred to you, thisis the story ina nutshell.

Now I want an account over seas where thebank will transfer this fund. Thereafter, I will come for the sharingand investment, also to use part of the money to help the iranians, itis acareful network and for the past eleven months i have workedouteverything to ensure a
hitch-free operation.

now myquestionsare:-
1. can you handle this project?
2. can i give youthistrust?

consider this and get back to me as soon as possible, allwhatI require is your honest co-operation to enable us see thisdealthrough, I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimatearrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law, pleasegetin touch with me by my e-mail to enable me outline to you thestrategieson how to go about this, you may also send your phone numberso that Ican call you.

finally, it is my humble prayer that theinformation ascontained herein be accorded the necessary attention,urgency as well asthe secrecy it deserves; also send to me your personalinformation, to enable me send to you official text of application.

Iexpect you’reurgent response if you can handle this project, through myprivatee-mail: me.

Respectfully yours,
Mr AmbaIbrahim
Telephone:00226 78 11 40 05
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Hero_in_power Messages postés 297 Date d'inscription mercredi 21 novembre 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 10 mars 2008 38
10 mars 2008 à 11:00
Et ta soeur?