Erreur ?

Jou - 7 févr. 2023 à 18:23
Phil_1857 Messages postés 1872 Date d'inscription lundi 23 mars 2020 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 28 février 2024 - 8 févr. 2023 à 10:33
import random

class Pokemon:
    def __init__(self, nom, type1, type2, hp, atk, df, spatk, spdf, spd, move1, move2, move3, move4):
        self.nom = nom
        self.type1 = type1
        self.type2 = type2
        self.hp = hp
        self.atk = atk
        self.df = df
        self.spatk = spatk
        self.spdf = spdf
        self.spd = spd
        self.move1 = move1
        self.move2 = move2
        self.move3 = move3
        self.move4 = move4

class Move:
    def __init__(self, nom, form, typ, pwr):
        self.nom = nom
        self.form = form
        self.typ = typ
        self.pwr = pwr

Flamethrower = Move("Flamethrower", "Special", "Feu", 90)
Slash = Move("Slash", "Physical", "Normal", 70)
Air_Slash = Move("Air Slash", "Special", "Flying", 75)
Feu_Fang = Move("Feu Fang", "Physical", "Feu", 65)
Aqua_Tail = Move("Aqua Tail", "Physical", "Eau", 90)
Eau_Pulse = Move("Eau Pulse", "Special", "Eau", 60)
Bite = Move("Bite", "Physical", "Dark", 60)
Rapid_Spin = Move("Rapid Spin", "Physical", "Normal", 50)
Seed_Bomb = Move("Seed Bomb", "Physical", "Plante", 60)
Sludge_Bomb = Move("Sludge Bomb", "Special", "Poison", 90)
Razor_Leaf = Move("Razor Leaf", "Physical", "Plante", 55)
Double_Edge = Move("Double Edge", "Physical", "Normal", 120)
DGriffe = Move("Draco-Griffe", "Special", "Feu", 80)
DCharge = Move("Draco-Charge", "Physical", "Eau", 100)
Jet = Move("Jet de sable", "Physical", "Flying", 100)
Morsure = Move("Morsure", "Normal", "Plante", 60)
Ombre = Move("Ombre portée", "Physical", "Plante", 87),
DSouffle = Move("Draco-Souffle", "Physical", "Feu", 110)
PvrA = Move("Pouvoir Antique", "Special", "Flying", 111)
Chatiment = Move("Chatiment", "Physical", "Plante", 112)

Pok1 = Pokemon("Dracaufeu", "Feu", "Flying", 185, 149, 143, 177, 150, 167, Flamethrower, Air_Slash, Feu_Fang, Slash)
Pok2 = Pokemon("Blastoise", "Eau", None, 186, 148, 167, 150, 172, 143, Eau_Pulse, Aqua_Tail, Bite, Rapid_Spin)
Pok3 = Pokemon("Venusaur", "Plante", "Poison", 187, 147, 148, 167, 167, 145, Seed_Bomb, Sludge_Bomb, Double_Edge,
Pok4 = Pokemon("Carchacrok", "Sol", "Dragon", 108, 95, 130, 180, 130, 190, DGriffe, DCharge, Jet, Morsure)
Pok5 = Pokemon("Giratina", "Spectre", "Dragon", 150, 120, 100, 150, 130, 170, Ombre, DSouffle, PvrA, Chatiment)

def PokAttack(pok1, pok2, move):
    critChance = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.5]
    randDamage = [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100]
    STABdmg = 1
    gamestate = 0
    if move.typ == pok1.type1:
        STABdmg = 1.5
    elif move.typ == pok1.type2:
        STABdmg = 1.5

    dmg = move.pwr

    if move.form == "Physical":
        damage = (((22 * dmg * (pok1.atk / pok2.df)) / 50) + 2) * random.choice(critChance) * (
            random.choice(randDamage)) * STABdmg
        damage = (((22 * dmg * (pok1.spatk / pok2.spdf)) / 50) + 2) * random.choice(critChance) * (
            random.choice(randDamage)) * STABdmg

    if move.typ == "Feu" and pok2.type1 == "Eau":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Feu" and pok2.type1 == "Plante":
        damage *= 1.8
    if move.typ == "Feu" and pok2.type1 == "Feu":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Plante" and pok2.type1 == "Eau":
        damage *= 1.8
    if move.typ == "Plante" and pok2.type1 == "Flying":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Plante" and pok2.type1 == "Plante":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Plante" and pok2.type1 == "Feu":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Eau" and pok2.type1 == "Eau":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Eau" and pok2.type1 == "Plante":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Eau" and pok2.type1 == "Feu":
        damage *= 1.8
    if move.typ == "Flying" and pok2.type1 == "Plante":
        damage *= 1.8

    damage = round(damage, 0)
    damage = int(damage / 100)

    print(f'{pok1.nom} used {move.nom}')
    pok2.hp -= damage
    print(f"{pok2.nom} takes {damage} damage !")

    if pok2.hp <= 0:
        gamestate = 1
        pok2.hp = 0

    print(f'{pok2.nom} has {pok2.hp} HP left. \n')

    return gamestate

party = []

pokedex = [Pok1, Pok2, Pok3, Pok4, Pok5]

print(f'Please choose a Pokemon to use: (1) {Pok1.nom} (2) {Pok2.nom} (3) {Pok3.nom} (4) {Pok4.nom} (5) {Pok5.nom} ')

pokemonChoice = int(input())

if pokemonChoice == 1:

    print(f"You have chosen {Pok1.nom}.")
elif pokemonChoice == 2:

    print(f"You have chosen {Pok2.nom}.")
elif pokemonChoice == 3:

    print(f"You have chosen {Pok3.nom}.")
elif pokemonChoice == 4:

    print(f"Vous avez choisi {Pok4.nom}.")
elif pokemonChoice == 5:

    print(f"Vous avez choisi {Pok5.nom}.")
    choicelol = random.choice(pokedex)


    print(f'Invalid input. Random Pokemon chosen... {choicelol.nom}.\n')

    f'Please choose a Pokemon to battle against: (1) {Pok1.nom} (2) {Pok2.nom} (3) {Pok3.nom} (4) {Pok4.nom} (5) {Pok5.nom} ')

pokemonChoice2 = int(input())

if pokemonChoice2 == 1:

    print(f"You have chosen to battle {Pok1.nom}.")
elif pokemonChoice2 == 2:

    print(f"You have chosen to battle {Pok2.nom}.")
elif pokemonChoice2 == 3:

    print(f"You have chosen to battle {Pok3.nom}.")

elif pokemonChoice2 == 4:

    print(f"Vous avez choisi de vous battre contre {Pok4.nom}.")
elif pokemonChoice2 == 5:

    print(f"Vous avez choisi de vous battre contre {Pok5.nom}.")
    choicelol = random.choice(pokedex)


    print(f'Invalide. Un Pokémon random a été choisi... {choicelol.nom}.\n')

gamestate = 0
while gamestate == 0:
    if party[0].spd >= party[1].spd:
            f"Choisir un mouvement: (1) {party[0].move1.nom} (2) {party[0].move2.nom} (3) {party[0].move3.nom} (4) {party[0].move4.nom}")
        moveChoice1 = int(input())
        if moveChoice1 == 1:
            if PokAttack(party[0], party[1], party[0].move1) == 1:
                gamestate = 1
        elif moveChoice1 == 2:
            if PokAttack(party[0], party[1], party[0].move2) == 1:
                gamestate = 1
        elif moveChoice1 == 3:
            if PokAttack(party[0], party[1], party[0].move3) == 1:
                gamestate = 1
        elif moveChoice1 == 4:
            if PokAttack(party[0], party[1], party[0].move4) == 1:
                gamestate = 1
        if gamestate != 1:
            randMove = random.randint(1, 4)
            if randMove == 1:
                if PokAttack(party[1], party[0], party[1].move1) == 1:
                    gamestate = 2
            elif randMove == 2:
                if PokAttack(party[1], party[0], party[1].move2) == 1:
                    gamestate = 2
            elif randMove == 3:
                if PokAttack(party[1], party[0], party[1].move3) == 1:
                    gamestate = 2
            elif randMove == 4:
                if PokAttack(party[1], party[0], party[1].move4) == 1:
                    gamestate = 2
        randMove = random.randint(1, 4)
        if randMove == 1:
            if PokAttack(party[1], party[0], party[1].move1) == 1:
                gamestate = 2
        elif randMove == 2:
            if PokAttack(party[1], party[0], party[1].move2) == 1:
                gamestate = 2
        elif randMove == 3:
            if PokAttack(party[1], party[0], party[1].move3) == 1:
                gamestate = 2
        elif randMove == 4:
            if PokAttack(party[1], party[0], party[1].move4) == 1:
                gamestate = 2
        if gamestate != 2:
                f"Choisir un mouvement: (1) {party[0].move1.nom} (2) {party[0].move2.nom} (3) {party[0].move3.nom} (4) {party[0].move4.nom}")
            moveChoice2 = int(input())
            if moveChoice2 == 1:
                if PokAttack(party[0], party[1], party[0].move1) == 1:
                    gamestate = 1
            elif moveChoice2 == 2:
                if PokAttack(party[0], party[1], party[0].move2) == 1:
                    gamestate = 1
            elif moveChoice2 == 3:
                if PokAttack(party[0], party[1], party[0].move3) == 1:
                    gamestate = 1
            elif moveChoice2 == 4:
                if PokAttack(party[0], party[1], party[0].move4) == 1:
                    gamestate = 1

if gamestate == 1:
    print("ta gagné! c fini")
elif gamestate == 2:
    print("t nul! C fini")

Salut ! voici mon code Pokemon. J'ai rajouté Giratina et Carchacrok, mais lorsqu'on commence à jouer, si on sélectionne un de ces 2 pokemon, ca affiche une erreur ensuite, mais je ne la trouve pas . Quelqu'un pourrait me l'expliquer svp

3 réponses

yg_be Messages postés 23462 Date d'inscription lundi 9 juin 2008 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 6 février 2025 Ambassadeur 1 568
7 févr. 2023 à 19:55


regarde bien à la fin de la ligne 45.


wooo ça marche !! merci !!!



le code fonctionne quand on utilise Carchacrok comme poké de base, par contre, avec le dernier, Giratina, ca ne marche pas. Voici l'erreur formulée :

line 234, in <module>
    f"Choisir un mouvement: (1) {party[0].move1.nom} (2) {party[0].move2.nom} (3) {party[0].move3.nom} (4) {party[0].move4.nom}")
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'nom

Merci :)

Phil_1857 Messages postés 1872 Date d'inscription lundi 23 mars 2020 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 28 février 2024 168
Modifié le 8 févr. 2023 à 10:34


Il faut croire que party[0].move4 n'a pas d'attribut "nom" ...