Problème de warning.

Max747 - 19 déc. 2019 à 11:20
 Max747 - 21 déc. 2019 à 16:23

Je rencontre ce message qui si il n'empêche pas le fonctionnement de mon site, n'en demeure pas moins intriguant:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /customers/6/0/9/ on line 486 Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /customers/6/0/9/ on line 486

Pour cerner le problème je vous livre ci dessous le fichier en question nommé


require_once '';

/* these are utility functions used by other functions */

function getPieceCode($color,$piece)
		case 'pawn':   $code = PAWN;   break;
		case 'knight': $code = KNIGHT; break;
		case 'bishop': $code = BISHOP; break;
		case 'rook':   $code = ROOK;   break;
		case 'queen':  $code = QUEEN;  break;
		case 'king':   $code = KING;   break;

	if ('black' == $color)
		$code = BLACK | $code;

	return $code;

function getPGNCode($piecename)
	switch ($piecename)
		case 'knight': $pgnCode = "N"; break;
		case 'bishop': $pgnCode = "B"; break;
		case 'rook':   $pgnCode = "R"; break;
		case 'queen':  $pgnCode = "Q"; break;
		case 'king':   $pgnCode = "K"; break;
		case 'pawn':
		case '':
		default:       $pgnCode = "";  break;

	return $pgnCode;

function isBoardDisabled( )
	global $board, $promoting, $isUndoRequested, $isDrawRequested, $isGameOver;

	 /*if current player is promoting, a message needs to be replied to (Undo or Draw), or the game is over, then board is Disabled */
	$isBoardDisabled = (($promoting || $isUndoRequested || $isDrawRequested || $isGameOver) == true);
//define ("COLOR_MASK", 127); # 0111 1111
	//si l'adversaire est en train de promouvoir, le board est désactivé.
	if (!$isBoardDisabled)
		if ($_SESSION['player']['p_color'] == "white")
			$promotionRow = 7;
			$promotionRow = 0;

		 for ($i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i)
		 echo "";
			if (($board[$promotionRow][$i] & COLOR_MASK) == PAWN)
				$isBoardDisabled = true;

	return $isBoardDisabled;

// this function returns a fromSqr as a tile (possibly only one character)
// to remove any ambiguity from the move
function clearAmbiguity($n = 'NaN')
	global $FENarray, $movesArray;

	$n = ('NaN' !== $n) ? $n : count($FENarray) - 1;
	$piece = $movesArray[$n]['piece'];
	$found = array( );

	// if there is no move, there is no ambiguity
	if (0 == $n)
		return '';

	// there can always be only one king
	if ('K' == strtoupper($piece))
		return '';

	// if it was a pawn move, but not a capture
	if (('P' == strtoupper($piece)) && ! isset($movesArray[$n]['captSq']))
		return '';
	elseif (('P' == strtoupper($piece)) && isset($movesArray[$n]['captSq']))
		// we always return a sqFrom for pawn captures
		// but just the letter
		return substr(sqr2til($movesArray[$n]['fromSq'], $til), 0, 1);

	// it is possible to have more than one queen, bishop on the same color,
	// rook, and knight move to the same square

	// set the moves arrays [dist][vert][horz]
	$bm = array(7,array(1,1,-1,-1),array(-1,1,1,-1)); // bishops
	$nm = array(1,array(1,2,2,1,-1,-2,-2,-1),array(-2,-1,1,2,2,1,-1,-2)); // knights (note special 2s)
	$rm = array(7,array(1,0,-1,0),array(0,1,0,-1)); // rooks
	$qm = array(7,array(1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0),array(-1,0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1)); // queens

	// get a searchable FEN string
	$xFEN = expandFEN($FENarray[$n]);

	// search the xFEN for any other piece that may have moved into the toSqr
	// first get the correct moves array
	eval('$ma = $'.strtolower($piece).'m;');

	$col = $movesArray[$n]['toCol'];
	$row = $movesArray[$n]['toRow'];

	// as far as we can go
	for ($j = 1; $j <= $ma[0]; ++$j)
		// for each direction
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($ma[1]); ++$i)
			// calculate the x and y location we are testing
			$x = $col + ($j * $ma[1][$i]);
			$y = $row + ($j * $ma[2][$i]);

			// if we are outside the board
			if (((0 > $x) || ($x > 7)) || ((0 > $y) || ($y > 7)))
				continue; // skip to the next direction

			colrow2idx($x, $y, $idx);

			$item = substr($xFEN, $idx, 1);

			// if we found it, save the data
			if ($piece == $item)
				$found[] = $idx;
			elseif (('0' != $item) && ('N' != strtoupper($piece))) // else if we found a blocking piece (unless testing knights)
				continue; // skip to the next direction

	if (0 != count($found))
		$from_til = sqr2til($movesArray[$n]['fromSq'], $from_til);

		if (1 == count($found))
			$amb_til = idx2til($found[0], $amb_til);

			// compare them
			// if the files are the same
			if ($amb_til[0] == $from_til[0])
				//use the rank
				return $from_til[1];
			else // the files are not the same
				// use the file
				return $from_til[0];
		elseif (2 <= count($found))
			$rank = $file = false;

			// compare files and ranks and determining which to use, or both
			foreach ($found as $piece)
				$amb_til = idx2til($piece, $amb_til);

				// if the files are the same
				if ($amb_til[0] == $from_til[0])
					// let us know
					$file = true;
				elseif ($amb_til[1] == $from_til[1]) // if the ranks are the same
					// let us know
					$rank = true;

			// if the pieces are not on the same file
			if (false === $file)
				return $from_til[0]; // return the file
			elseif (false === $rank) // if not on the same rank
				return $from_til[1]; // return the rank
			else // there are pieces on the same rank, and on the same file
				return $from_til; // return the entire tile
		return '';

function get_medal($player){


	global $mysql;

	$query = "
		WHERE p_username = '".$player."'
	$p = $mysql->fetch_assoc($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);

				$unsername_medal ="";
					//médailles pour le nombre de parties
				$medal = "";
				$nb_parties = $p['p_wins'] + $p['p_losses'] + $p['p_draws'];

				if($nb_parties < 10){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'];
					$medal = '';
				if($nb_parties >= 10 && $nb_parties < 49){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_1.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_1.png" />';
				else if($nb_parties >= 50 && $nb_parties < 99){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_2.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_2.png" />';
				else  if($nb_parties >= 100 && $nb_parties < 149){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_3.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_3.png" />';
				else  if($nb_parties >= 150 && $nb_parties < 199){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_4.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_4.png" />';
				else  if($nb_parties >= 200 && $nb_parties < 249){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_5.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_5.png" />';
				else  if($nb_parties >= 250 && $nb_parties < 299){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_6.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_6.png" />';
				else  if($nb_parties >= 300 && $nb_parties < 349){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_7.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_7.png" />';
				else  if($nb_parties >= 350 && $nb_parties < 399){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_8.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_8.png" />';
				else  if($nb_parties >= 400 && $nb_parties < 499){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_9.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_9.png" />';
				else  if($nb_parties >= 500 && $nb_parties < 599){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_10.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_10.png" />';
				else  if($nb_parties >= 600 && $nb_parties < 799){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_11.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_11.png" />';
				else if($nb_parties >= 800 && $nb_parties < 999){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_12.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_12.png" />';
				else if($nb_parties >= 1000){
					$username_medal = $p['p_username'].'<img src="rec_img/rec_13.png" />';
					$medal = '<img src="rec_img/rec_13.png" />';

				if($p['p_wins'] >= 100 && $p['p_wins'] < 499){
					$username_medal .= '<img src="rec_img/rec2_1.png" />';
					$medal .= '<img src="rec_img/rec2_1.png" />';

				else if($p['p_wins'] >= 500 && $p['p_wins'] < 1000){
					$username_medal .= '<img src="rec_img/rec2_2.png" />';
					$medal .= '<img src="rec_img/rec2_2.png" />';
				else if($p['p_wins'] >= 1000){
					$username_medal .= '<img src="rec_img/rec2_3.png" />';
					$medal .= '<img src="rec_img/rec2_3.png" />';

				$today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
				$difference = $today - strtotime($p['p_created']);
				$diff_jours = $difference / 86400;

				//inscrit depuis un an
				if($diff_jours > 364){
					$username_medal .= '<img src="rec_img/rec3_1.png" />';
					$medal .= '<img src="rec_img/rec3_1.png" />';

				return $medal;
				// au choix
				// return $username_medal,
function returnGameInfo($game_id)
	global $mysql;
	global $pWhite,$pWhiteF,$pWhiteL,$pBlack,$pBlackF,$pBlackL,$gStart,$MyColor,$isDraw;

	$query = "
		SELECT g_white_player_id
			, g_black_player_id
			, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(g_date_created) AS g_date_created
			, g_game_message
		WHERE g_id = '{$game_id}'
	$game = $mysql->fetch_assoc($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);

	$gStart = $game['g_date_created'];

	if ($game['g_game_message'] == 'Draw')
		$isDraw = true;
		$isDraw = '';

	$query = "
		SELECT p_username
			, p_first_name
			, p_last_name
		WHERE p_id = '{$game['g_black_player_id']}'
	$xBlack = $mysql->fetch_assoc($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
	$pBlack = $xBlack['p_username'];
	$pBlackF = $xBlack['p_first_name'];
	$pBlackL = $xBlack['p_last_name'];

	$query = "
		SELECT p_username
			, p_first_name
			, p_last_name
		WHERE p_id = '{$game['g_white_player_id']}'
	$xWhite = $mysql->fetch_assoc($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
	$pWhite = $xWhite['p_username'];
	$pWhiteF = $xWhite['p_first_name'];
	$pWhiteL = $xWhite['p_last_name'];

	if ( isset($_SESSION['player_id']) && $game['g_white_player_id'] == $_SESSION['player_id'] )
	elseif ( isset($_SESSION['player_id']) && $game['g_black_player_id'] == $_SESSION['player_id'] )

// converts the given id960 to an initpos
function id960_to_pos($id960 = "")
	// use normal game id960 if none given (0 is valid id, so use ===)
	$id960 = ( "" === $id960 ) ? 518 : $id960;

	// init string
	$pos = "--------";

	// place bishops
	$pos = substr_replace($pos,"B",(($id960 % 4) * 2) + 1,1); // light
	$id960 = floor($id960 / 4);

	$pos = substr_replace($pos,"B",(($id960 % 4) * 2),1); // dark
	$id960 = floor($id960 / 4);

	// place queen
	$j = -1;$k = 0;
	for ($i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i)
		// count the empty spaces (and filled ones)
		('-' == substr($pos,$i,1)) ? ++$j : ++$k;

		// if we are at the spot we need, place the piece and quit
		if ( ($id960 % 6) == $j )
		{ // j = empty spaces (minus one); k = filled spaces; add them for proper php position (begins with 0)
			$pos = substr_replace($pos, 'Q', $j + $k, 1);
	$id960 = floor($id960 / 6);

	// place knights, rooks, and king

	$j = 0;
	for ( $i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i )
		// if we're at an empty spot...
		if ( '-' == substr($pos,$i,1) )
			// fill it with the jth item in the KRN string
			$pos = substr_replace($pos,substr($krn[$id960],$j,1),$i,1);
			++$j; // then increment j
		if ( 5 == $j ) break;

	return $pos;

function FEN2board($FEN)
	$board = array( );
	$xFEN = expandFEN($FEN);
	$k = 0;
	for ($i = 7; $i >= 0; --$i) // black to white
		for ($j = 0; $j < 8; ++$j) // left to right
			// board[row][col]
			$board[$i][$j] = substr($xFEN, $k++, 1);
	return $board;

// this function converts the FENarray of moves to a movesArray
// containing all relevant information about the move
// NOTE: the ouput of the castle from and to squares
// is different from the javascript version of this function
function FENtomoves( )
	global $chess;
	global $FENarray, $movesArray;

	$files = 'abcdefgh';
//$files = 12345678;
	if (1 == count($FENarray)) // prevent the script from running without any information
		return false;

	$movesArray = array( );
	$movesArray[0] = "No move made yet";

	for ($i = 1; $i < count($FENarray); $i++) // start at 1 because the first FEN is the start position / commencer à 1 car le premier FEN est la position de départ
		// clear out the previous capture vars

		$thisFEN = explode(' ', $FENarray[$i]);
		$thatFEN = explode(' ', $FENarray[$i - 1]);

		$thisBoard = expandFEN($thisFEN[0]);
		$thatBoard = expandFEN($thatFEN[0]);
		$ep = $thatFEN[3];
		@ $epSqr = strpos( $files, substr($ep,0,1) ) + ( ( substr($ep,1,1) - 1) * 8);//PHP 7.1 n'accepte plus les valeurs non numériques.
		if (0 <= $epSqr && 63 >= $epSqr)
			$epIdx = 75; // nothing near the board

		// start by checking for a castle move
		// this may not be the best way to go about it, but it's all i've got right now
		if ('w' == $thatFEN[1] // it was white's move
			&& ( false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'K') || false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'Q')) // and they could have castled
			&& ( false === strpos($thisFEN[2],'K') && false === strpos($thisFEN[2],'Q'))) // and now they can't
			$backRank = substr($thisBoard,-8,8);

			// check for proper piece position
			if ('K' == substr($backRank,2,1) && 'R' == substr($backRank,3,1) && false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'Q'))
				$movesArray[$i]['piece'] = 'K';
				$movesArray[$i]['extra'] = 'O-O-O';
				$fromIdx = strpos($thatBoard,'K'); // the king's starting position
				$toIdx   = 58; // the king's final position
			elseif ('K' == substr($backRank,6,1) && 'R' == substr($backRank,5,1) && false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'K'))
				$movesArray[$i]['piece'] = 'K';
				$movesArray[$i]['extra'] = 'O-O';
				$fromIdx = strpos($thatBoard,'K'); // the king's starting position
				$toIdx   = 62; // the king's final position
		elseif ('b' == $thatFEN[1] // it was black's move
			&& ( false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'k') || false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'q')) // and they could have castled
			&& ( false === strpos($thisFEN[2],'k') && false === strpos($thisFEN[2],'q'))) // and now they can't
			$backRank = substr($thisBoard,0,8);

			// check for proper piece position
			if ('k' == substr($backRank,2,1) && 'r' == substr($backRank,3,1) && false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'q'))
				$movesArray[$i]['piece'] = 'k';
				$movesArray[$i]['extra'] = 'O-O-O';
				$fromIdx = strpos($thatBoard,'k'); // the king's starting position
				$toIdx   = 2; // the king's final position
			elseif ('k' == substr($backRank,6,1) && 'r' == substr($backRank,5,1) && false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'k'))
				$movesArray[$i]['piece'] = 'k';
				$movesArray[$i]['extra'] = 'O-O';
				$fromIdx = strpos($thatBoard,'k'); // the king's starting position
				$toIdx   = 6; // the king's final position

		if ( ! isset($movesArray[$i]['extra'])) // if not castling, get the FROM square and TO square
			// check for en passant captures first
			if ('w' == $thatFEN[1])
				if (75 != $epIdx && 'P' == substr($thisBoard,$epIdx,1)) // white capture black en passant
					$captIdx = $epIdx + 8;
					$captPiece = 'p';
					$movesArray[$i]['extra'] = 'ep';
			else // black's turn
				if (75 != $epIdx && 'p' == substr($thisBoard,$epIdx,1)) // black capture white en passant
					$captIdx = $epIdx - 8;
					$captPiece = 'P';
					$movesArray[$i]['extra'] = 'ep';

			// then go through every square
			for ($j = 0; $j < 64; $j++)
				// exclude any en passant capture squares from the search, and look for differences
				if (( ! isset($captIdx) || $j != $captIdx) && substr($thisBoard,$j,1) != substr($thatBoard,$j,1))
					// if the current board has a 1, then it must be the from square
					if ('0' == substr($thisBoard,$j,1))
						$fromIdx = $j;
					else // it is the to square
						$toIdx = $j;
						$movesArray[$i]['piece'] = substr($thisBoard,$j,1);

			// check for pawn promotions
			if ((((56 <= $toIdx && 63 >= $toIdx) && 'p' == substr($thatBoard,$fromIdx,1))
				|| ((0  <= $toIdx && 7  >= $toIdx) && 'P' == substr($thatBoard,$fromIdx,1)))
				&& (substr($thatBoard,$fromIdx,1) != substr($thisBoard,$toIdx,1)))
				$movesArray[$i]['promo'] = strtoupper(substr($thisBoard,$toIdx,1));
				$movesArray[$i]['piece'] = substr($thatBoard,$fromIdx,1);

			// check for all other captures (skip if we already have an en passant capture)
			if (! isset($captIdx) && '0' != substr($thatBoard,$toIdx,1))
				$captIdx = $toIdx;
				$captPiece = substr($thatBoard,$toIdx,1);

		// test for checks or mates
#   echo __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . '<br />';
		$state = $chess->get_status_string($thisFEN[1]); // get the current game state

		if ('' != $state)
			$movesArray[$i]['check'] = strtolower($state);

		// put all data into the array
		$movesArray[$i]['fromRow'] = floor($movesArray[$i]['fromSq'] / 8);
		$movesArray[$i]['fromCol'] = $movesArray[$i]['fromSq'] % 8;
		$movesArray[$i]['toRow']   = floor($movesArray[$i]['toSq'] / 8);
		$movesArray[$i]['toCol']   = $movesArray[$i]['toSq'] % 8;

		if (isset($captIdx))
			$movesArray[$i]['captRow']   = floor($movesArray[$i]['captSq'] / 8);
			$movesArray[$i]['captCol']   = $movesArray[$i]['captSq'] % 8;
			$movesArray[$i]['captPiece'] = $captPiece;

function expandFEN($FEN)
	$zeros = array('','0','00','000','0000','00000','000000','0000000','00000000');
	$theFEN = '';

	if (strpos($FEN, ' '))
		$FEN = substr($FEN, 0, strpos($FEN, ' ') );

	for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($FEN); $i++)
		if (substr($FEN,$i,1) > 0 && substr($FEN,$i,1) < 9)
			$theFEN .= $zeros[substr($FEN,$i,1)];
			$theFEN .= substr($FEN,$i,1);

	$theFEN = str_replace('/','',$theFEN); // Leave only pieces and empty squares
	return $theFEN;

function packFEN($xFEN)
	// insert the row markers
	$xFEN = substr($xFEN, 0,8) . '/' . substr($xFEN, 8,8) . '/'
				. substr($xFEN,16,8) . '/' . substr($xFEN,24,8) . '/'
				. substr($xFEN,32,8) . '/' . substr($xFEN,40,8) . '/'
				. substr($xFEN,48,8) . '/' . substr($xFEN,56,8);

	// compact the FEN
	$count = 0;
	$FENpack = "";
	for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($xFEN); $i++)
		$c = substr($xFEN,$i,1);

		// if we have an empty space...
		if ('0' == $c)
			$count++; // count it

		// or if we have not reached any empty spaces yet...
		elseif (0 == $count)
			$FENpack .= $c; // append the character to the end of the FEN

		// or if we have counted empty spaces then reach the end of them
		elseif (0 != $count && '0' != $c)
			$FENpack .= $count . $c; // append the count number and the next character to the FEN
			$count = 0; // and reset the count var

	// attach the last count number to the FEN if needed
	if ($count)
		$FENpack .= $count;

	return $FENpack;

// this function updates all the FEN bits with the POST move data
// and returns the full FEN to be placed in the ".T_HISTORY." table
function movetoFEN( )
	global $FENarray,$movesArray,$board,$COLS,$initpos,$pieceColor;

	$num_moves = count($FENarray) - 1;

	// get the post info out
	foreach ($_POST as $key => $var)
		$$key = $var;

	// reverse row and col so i don't confuse myself
	$colFrom = $fromCol;$colTo = $toCol;
	$rowFrom = $fromRow;$rowTo = $toRow;

	// and convert it to something we can use

	// get the current FEN data
	$FENitems = explode(' ',$FENarray[$num_moves]);
	$thatFEN = expandFEN($FENitems[0]);
	$CM = $FENitems[1];
	$CI = $FENitems[2];
	$EP = $FENitems[3];
	$PN = $FENitems[4];
	$MN = $FENitems[5];
	$newEP = '-';

	// get original placement of rooks
	$origARookPos = strpos($initpos,'R');
	$origHRookPos = strrpos($initpos,'R');
	$origKingPos  = strpos($initpos,'K');

	// separate the castle indicator
	$WK = (false !== strpos($CI,'K')) ? 'K' : '';
	$WQ = (false !== strpos($CI,'Q')) ? 'Q' : '';
	$BK = (false !== strpos($CI,'k')) ? 'k' : '';
	$BQ = (false !== strpos($CI,'q')) ? 'q' : '';

	// put board into expanded FEN string
	$xFEN = "";
	for ($i = 7; $i >= 0; $i--)
		for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++)
			$xFEN .= $board[$i][$j];

	// get the piece that is moving
	$piece = FENplace($xFEN,$idxFrom);

	// check for castling move
	if ('false' != $_POST['castleMove'])
		if ('white' == $pieceColor[$piece])
			// clear the castle indicators
			$WK = '';
			$WQ = '';

			// make the move
			if ('a' == $_POST['castleMove'])
				FENplace($xFEN,$origKingPos + 56,'0'); // delete the king
				FENplace($xFEN,$origARookPos + 56,'0'); // delete the rook
				FENplace($xFEN,2 + 56,'K'); // place the king
				FENplace($xFEN,3 + 56,'R'); // place the rook
			elseif ('h' == $_POST['castleMove'])
				FENplace($xFEN,$origKingPos + 56,'0'); // delete the king
				FENplace($xFEN,$origHRookPos + 56,'0'); // delete the rook
				FENplace($xFEN,6 + 56,'K'); // place the king
				FENplace($xFEN,5 + 56,'R'); // place the rook
				die("castleMove is incorrect");
		elseif ('black' == $pieceColor[$piece]) // black
			// clear the castle indicators
			$BK = '';
			$BQ = '';

			// make the move
			if ('a' == $_POST['castleMove'])
				FENplace($xFEN,$origKingPos,'0'); // delete the king
				FENplace($xFEN,$origARookPos,'0'); // delete the rook
				FENplace($xFEN,2,'k'); // place the king
				FENplace($xFEN,3,'r'); // place the rook
			elseif ('h' == $_POST['castleMove'])
				FENplace($xFEN,$origKingPos,'0'); // delete the king
				FENplace($xFEN,$origHRookPos,'0'); // delete the rook
				FENplace($xFEN,6,'k'); // place the king
				FENplace($xFEN,5,'r'); // place the rook
				die("Coup de roque incorrect");
			echo "<pre>";
			for ($i = 0; $i < $idxFrom; $i++)
				echo " ";

			echo "|\n";
			echo $xFEN."</pre>";
	else // or regular moves
		// make the move
		$piece = FENplace($xFEN,$idxFrom,'0');
		$capt = FENplace($xFEN,$idxTo,$piece);

		// if we have a pawn advance, or a capture
		if ('P' == strtoupper($piece) || '0' != $capt)
			$PN = 0; // reset the ply count

		// if we have a pawn double advance
		if ('P' == strtoupper($piece) && 2 == abs($rowFrom - $rowTo))
			colrow2til($colTo,($rowFrom + $rowTo) * 0.5,$newEP); // set the en passant indicator

		// if we moved a castling piece
		if ('K' == $piece) // white king moved
			$WK = '';$WQ = '';
		elseif ('k' == $piece) // black king moved
			$BK = '';$BQ = '';
		elseif ('R' == $piece) // white rook moved
			if ($colFrom == $origARookPos) // a-side moved
				$WQ = '';
			elseif ($colFrom == $origHRookPos) // h-side moved
				$WK = '';
		elseif ('r' == $piece) // black rook moved
			if ($colFrom == $origARookPos) // a-side moved
				$BQ = '';
			elseif ($colFrom == $origHRookPos) // h-side moved
				$BK = '';

	// check for en passant capture
	if ($tilTo == $EP && 'P' == strtoupper($piece))
		// get the idx of the captured pawn
		// and remove the captured pawn

	$FENbit = packFEN($xFEN);

	// search for ambiguous castle notation
	// remove any extra information from the current castle notations
	if ('' != $WK) $WK = 'K';
	if ('' != $WQ) $WQ = 'Q';
	if ('' != $BK) $BK = 'k';
	if ('' != $BQ) $BQ = 'q';

	// get current position of main pieces
	$whiteBackRank = substr($xFEN,-8);
	$blackBackRank = substr($xFEN,0,8);

	// search the ends of the back ranks for rooks
	// and add unambiguous notation if needed
	if (strrpos($whiteBackRank,'R') > $origHRookPos && '' != $WK) $WK = $WK . substr($COLS,$origHRookPos,1);
	if (strpos($whiteBackRank,'R')  < $origARookPos && '' != $WQ) $WQ = $WQ . substr($COLS,$origARookPos,1);
	if (strrpos($blackBackRank,'r') > $origHRookPos && '' != $BK) $BK = $BK . substr($COLS,$origHRookPos,1);
	if (strpos($blackBackRank,'r')  < $origARookPos && '' != $BQ) $BQ = $BQ . substr($COLS,$origARookPos,1);

	$castlingAvail = $WK . $WQ . $BK . $BQ;

	if ('' == $castlingAvail)
		$castlingAvail = '-';

	// increase the move number (if needed)
	$MN = ("w" == $CM) ? $MN : ++$MN; // make sure to use the pre-increment (++var) here

	// toggle the current move
	$CM = ("w" == $CM) ? "b" : "w";

	// put the whole thing together and return
	return "$FENbit $CM $castlingAvail $newEP $PN $MN";

// this function takes an expanded FEN 'xFEN'
// and replaces whatever is at index 'idx'
// with 'item', no questions asked
// returns FEN as reference, and original item as return
function FENplace(&$xFEN, $idx, $item = 'NONE')
	// get the original item
	$orig = substr($xFEN,$idx,1);

	if ("NONE" !== $item) // if there is an item
		$xFEN = substr($xFEN,0,$idx) . $item . substr($xFEN,$idx + 1); // replace it

	// if there is no item, we just want to know what is at pos
	// so do nothing to $xFEN, just return the object that is there

	return $orig;


// the format for items is to have the location first, then the type
// ie: from_sqr, to_idx, capt_row, etc.

// these functions convert from one format to another
// row - a numerical representation of the rank. row 0-7 = rank 1-8
// col - same as above for files. col 0-7 = file a-h
// til - a PGN notated representation of the square. ie a3, f6, etc. (PGN tile)
// idx - a numerical representation of a location in FEN space. (FEN index)
//       ie 0-63 for an expanded FEN, 0 = a8, 7 = h8, 56 = a1, and 63 = h1
// sqr - a numerical representation of a location in board space. (board square)
//       ie 0-63 for a board, 0 = a1, 7 = a8, 56 = h1, and 63 = h8

// all the functions return values by way of references and standard return when
// only one value is returned, function with two return values use references
// explicitly.  the name of the function also gives the argument order:
// ie: sqr2colrow(sqr,col,row)

// this function takes an idx value
// and returns a sqr value by reference
function idx2sqr($idx,&$sqr)
	if (0 > $idx || 63 < $idx)
		die('idx doit être entre 0 et 63: ' . $idx);

	$sqr = (8 * (7 - floor($idx * 0.125))) + ($idx % 8);

	return $sqr;

function sqr2idx($sqr,&$idx)
	if (0 > $sqr || 63 < $sqr)
		die('sqr doit être entre 0 et 63: ' . $sqr);

	$idx = (8 * (7 - floor($sqr * 0.125))) + ($sqr % 8);

	return $idx;

// this function takes a row and col in 0-7
// format and converts it to a sqr
function colrow2sqr($col,$row,&$sqr)
	if (0 > $row || 7 < $row)
		die('row doit être entre 0 et 7: ' . $row);
	if (0 > $col || 7 < $col)
		die('col doit être entre 0 et 7: ' . $col);

	$sqr = ($row * 8) + $col;

	return $sqr;

function sqr2colrow($sqr,&$col,&$row)
	if (0 > $sqr || 63 < $sqr)
		die('sqr doit être entre 0 et 63: ' . $sqr);

	$col = ($sqr % 8);
	$row = floor($sqr * 0.125);

// this function takes a til value
// and returns the row and col
function til2colrow($til,&$col,&$row)
	global $COLS;

	if (2 != strlen($til))
		die('til doit avoir 2 caractères: ' . $til);

	$row = intval(substr($til,1,1)) - 1;
	$col = strpos($COLS,substr($til,0,1));

function colrow2til($col,$row,&$til)
	global $COLS;

	if (0 > $row || 7 < $row)
		die('row doit être entre 0 et 7: ' . $row);
	if (0 > $col || 7 < $col)
		die('col doit être entre 0 et 7: ' . $col);

	$rank = $row + 1;
	$file = substr($COLS,$col,1);

	$til = $file . $rank . '';

	return $til;

// this function takes row and col values
// and converts it to an idx
function colrow2idx($col,$row,&$idx)
	if (0 > $row || 7 < $row)
		die('row doit être entre 0 et 7: ' . $row);
	if (0 > $col || 7 < $col)
		die('col doit être entre 0 et 7: ' . $col);


	return $idx;

function idx2colrow($idx,&$col,&$row)
	if (0 > $idx || 63 < $idx)
		die('idx doit être entre 0 et 63: ' . $idx);


// this function takes a til value
// and converts it to an idx
function til2idx($til,&$idx)
	if (2 != strlen($til))
		die('til doit avoir 2 caractères: ' . $til);


	return $idx;

function idx2til($idx,&$til)
	if (0 > $idx || 63 < $idx)
		die('idx doit être entre 0 et 63: ' . $idx);


	return $til;

// this function takes a til value
// and converts it to a sqr
function til2sqr($til,&$sqr)
	if (2 != strlen($til))
		die('til doit avoir 2 caractères: ' . $til);


	return $sqr;

function sqr2til($sqr,&$til)
	if (0 > $sqr || 63 < $sqr)
		die('sqr doit être entre 0 et 63: ' . $sqr);


	return $til;

function timezone()
	$datefr=$jour[date("N")]." ".date("d")." ".$mois[date("n")]." ".date("Y");
	echo "Nous sommes le ".	$datefr;
	echo ". Il est: ".strftime("%Hh %M").'.<br/>';

//*** END CONVERTERS ***********************************************************

Quelqu' un pourrait il m'aider à résoudre ce problème et en même temps me permettre de comprendre la mise en oeuvre de La solution ? Ceci afin que si ce genre de message se reproduit, je puisse le résoudre moi même la prochaine fois.

Merci d'avance.

Configuration: Windows / Opera Next 36.0.2130.80

10 réponses

jordane45 Messages postés 38380 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2025 4 727
19 déc. 2019 à 14:06

A quelle ligne de code correspond ta ligne 486 ?
Quelle variable s'y trouve ?
Quelle est la "valeur" de cette variable au moment où il t'affiche l'erreur ( visiblement pas un nombre.. vu le message d'erreur )
La ligne de code concernée contient certainement une opération mathématique.... et faire une addition/soustraction/division/multiplication....;; sur autre chose qu'un nombre...ben..ça ne marche pas.

Voici le ligne 486:
@ $epSqr = strpos( $files, substr($ep,0,1) ) + ( ( substr($ep,1,1) - 1) * 8);//PHP 7.1 n'accepte plus les valeurs non numériques.

Voici comment j'obtiens les valeurs des variables $files, $ep, et $epSqr :
(Ligne 10 à 17 incluse ci dessous)
	// clear out the previous capture vars
		$thisFEN = explode(' ', $FENarray[$i]);
		$thatFEN = explode(' ', $FENarray[$i - 1]);
		$thisBoard = expandFEN($thisFEN[0]);
		$thatBoard = expandFEN($thatFEN[0]);
		$ep = $thatFEN[3];
echo $files ;
echo "</br>";
echo $ep ;
echo "</br>";
        @ $epSqr = strpos( $files, substr($ep,0,1) ) + ( ( substr($ep,1,1) - 1) * 8);//PHP 7.1 n'accepte plus les valeurs non numériques.
echo $epSqr;
echo "</br>";		
exit("<br/> Stop");		
		if (0 <= $epSqr && 63 >= $epSqr)

Avec le résultat en gras que voici:


Merci au passage pour :

Que tu m'as inculqué il y a déjà quelques temps.
Cela m'a toujours été très utile!!!
Et encore cette fois ci.
As tu une idée pour résoudre ce problème?
jordane45 Messages postés 38380 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2025 4 727
20 déc. 2019 à 09:44
Ce code est exécuté dans une boucle.. ton "exit" fait que ça sort dès le premier tour...
mais, vu que tu es dans une boucle, le souci n'apparait peut-être qu'au tour d'apres, ou celui encore d'apres...ou au dernier...
A un moment, l'une des valeurs que prend une des variables n'est pas compatibles avec une opération mathématique.

Il faut également regarder chaque partie de l'instruction pour voir si l'erreur ne vient pas de là
strpos( $files, substr($ep,0,1) )

et le
( ( substr($ep,1,1) - 1) * 8)


Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
Pour la boucle voici le script modifié pour lires les variables $files, $ep et $epSqr pour tous les tours de celle ci:
for ($i = 1; $i < count($FENarray); $i++) // start at 1 because the first FEN is the start position / commencer à 1 car le premier FEN est la position de départ
		// clear out the previous capture vars
		$thisFEN = explode(' ', $FENarray[$i]);
		$thatFEN = explode(' ', $FENarray[$i - 1]);
		$thisBoard = expandFEN($thisFEN[0]);
		$thatBoard = expandFEN($thatFEN[0]);
		$ep = $thatFEN[3];
echo $files ;
echo "</br>";
echo $ep ;
echo "</br>";
         @$epSqr = strpos( $files, substr($ep,0,1) ) + ( ( substr($ep,1,1) - 1) * 8);//PHP 7.1 n'accepte plus les valeurs non numériques.
echo $epSqr;
echo "</br>";
		if (0 <= $epSqr && 63 >= $epSqr)
			$epIdx = 75; // nothing near the board

		// start by checking for a castle move
		// this may not be the best way to go about it, but it's all i've got right now
		if ('w' == $thatFEN[1] // it was white's move
			&& ( false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'K') || false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'Q')) // and they could have castled
			&& ( false === strpos($thisFEN[2],'K') && false === strpos($thisFEN[2],'Q'))) // and now they can't
			$backRank = substr($thisBoard,-8,8);

			// check for proper piece position
			if ('K' == substr($backRank,2,1) && 'R' == substr($backRank,3,1) && false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'Q'))
				$movesArray[$i]['piece'] = 'K';
				$movesArray[$i]['extra'] = 'O-O-O';
				$fromIdx = strpos($thatBoard,'K'); // the king's starting position
				$toIdx   = 58; // the king's final position
			elseif ('K' == substr($backRank,6,1) && 'R' == substr($backRank,5,1) && false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'K'))
				$movesArray[$i]['piece'] = 'K';
				$movesArray[$i]['extra'] = 'O-O';
				$fromIdx = strpos($thatBoard,'K'); // the king's starting position
				$toIdx   = 62; // the king's final position
		elseif ('b' == $thatFEN[1] // it was black's move
			&& ( false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'k') || false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'q')) // and they could have castled
			&& ( false === strpos($thisFEN[2],'k') && false === strpos($thisFEN[2],'q'))) // and now they can't
			$backRank = substr($thisBoard,0,8);

			// check for proper piece position
			if ('k' == substr($backRank,2,1) && 'r' == substr($backRank,3,1) && false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'q'))
				$movesArray[$i]['piece'] = 'k';
				$movesArray[$i]['extra'] = 'O-O-O';
				$fromIdx = strpos($thatBoard,'k'); // the king's starting position
				$toIdx   = 2; // the king's final position
			elseif ('k' == substr($backRank,6,1) && 'r' == substr($backRank,5,1) && false !== strpos($thatFEN[2],'k'))
				$movesArray[$i]['piece'] = 'k';
				$movesArray[$i]['extra'] = 'O-O';
				$fromIdx = strpos($thatBoard,'k'); // the king's starting position
				$toIdx   = 6; // the king's final position

		if ( ! isset($movesArray[$i]['extra'])) // if not castling, get the FROM square and TO square
			// check for en passant captures first
			if ('w' == $thatFEN[1])
				if (75 != $epIdx && 'P' == substr($thisBoard,$epIdx,1)) // white capture black en passant
					$captIdx = $epIdx + 8;
					$captPiece = 'p';
					$movesArray[$i]['extra'] = 'ep';
			else // black's turn
				if (75 != $epIdx && 'p' == substr($thisBoard,$epIdx,1)) // black capture white en passant
					$captIdx = $epIdx - 8;
					$captPiece = 'P';
					$movesArray[$i]['extra'] = 'ep';

			// then go through every square
			for ($j = 0; $j < 64; $j++)
				// exclude any en passant capture squares from the search, and look for differences
				if (( ! isset($captIdx) || $j != $captIdx) && substr($thisBoard,$j,1) != substr($thatBoard,$j,1))
					// if the current board has a 1, then it must be the from square
					if ('0' == substr($thisBoard,$j,1))
						$fromIdx = $j;
					else // it is the to square
						$toIdx = $j;
						$movesArray[$i]['piece'] = substr($thisBoard,$j,1);

			// check for pawn promotions
			if ((((56 <= $toIdx && 63 >= $toIdx) && 'p' == substr($thatBoard,$fromIdx,1))
				|| ((0  <= $toIdx && 7  >= $toIdx) && 'P' == substr($thatBoard,$fromIdx,1)))
				&& (substr($thatBoard,$fromIdx,1) != substr($thisBoard,$toIdx,1)))
				$movesArray[$i]['promo'] = strtoupper(substr($thisBoard,$toIdx,1));
				$movesArray[$i]['piece'] = substr($thatBoard,$fromIdx,1);

			// check for all other captures (skip if we already have an en passant capture)
			if (! isset($captIdx) && '0' != substr($thatBoard,$toIdx,1))
				$captIdx = $toIdx;
				$captPiece = substr($thatBoard,$toIdx,1);

		// test for checks or mates
#   echo __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . '<br />';
		$state = $chess->get_status_string($thisFEN[1]); // get the current game state

		if ('' != $state)
			$movesArray[$i]['check'] = strtolower($state);

		// put all data into the array
		$movesArray[$i]['fromRow'] = floor($movesArray[$i]['fromSq'] / 8);
		$movesArray[$i]['fromCol'] = $movesArray[$i]['fromSq'] % 8;
		$movesArray[$i]['toRow']   = floor($movesArray[$i]['toSq'] / 8);
		$movesArray[$i]['toCol']   = $movesArray[$i]['toSq'] % 8;

		if (isset($captIdx))
			$movesArray[$i]['captRow']   = floor($movesArray[$i]['captSq'] / 8);
			$movesArray[$i]['captCol']   = $movesArray[$i]['captSq'] % 8;
			$movesArray[$i]['captPiece'] = $captPiece;
exit("<br/> Stop");	

En voici le résultat concrêt:


Pour :
strpos( $files, substr($ep,0,1) )

Nous connaissons la valeur de $files qui est abcdefgh et de $ep qui est -
Concernant strpos, j'ai trouver ce lien en français expliquant sa fonction:
qui cherche à déterminer la position numérique d'un caractère dans une chaîne à ce qu'il me semble.

( ( substr($ep,1,1) - 1) * 8)

J'ai trouvé ce dont il s'agit en ce qui concerne substr sur ce site:
C' est une fonction retournant un segment de chaîne à partir d'une position numérique dans celle ci.Si j'ai bien compris.

A partir de toutes ces informations, comment les mettre en adéquation avec le message d'erreur stipulant que la ligne 486 n'est pas numérique.
Une idée?
yg_be Messages postés 23426 Date d'inscription lundi 9 juin 2008 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2025 Ambassadeur 1 557
20 déc. 2019 à 17:46
bonjour, dans quel cas strpos va-t-il retourner une valeur non numérique?
C'est une bonne question à laquelle j' aimerai obtenir une réponse.
Pour cela connaitriez vous un moyen de le savoir.
yg_be Messages postés 23426 Date d'inscription lundi 9 juin 2008 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2025 1 557 > Max747
20 déc. 2019 à 19:01
jordane45 Messages postés 38380 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2025 4 727
20 déc. 2019 à 18:58
On va debuguer un peu mieux :
Donc :
echo $files ;
echo "</br>";
echo $ep ;
echo "</br>";
         @$epSqr = strpos( $files, substr($ep,0,1) ) + ( ( substr($ep,1,1) - 1) * 8);//PHP 7.1 n'accepte plus les valeurs non numériques.
echo $epSqr;
echo "</br>";

A remplacer par :

$sub0 = is_numeric($ep) ? substr($ep,0,1) : 0;
$sub1 = is_numeric($ep) ? substr($ep,1,1) : 0;
  $epSqr = strpos( $files, $sub0 ) + ( ( $sub1 - 1) * 8);//PHP 7.1 n'accepte plus les valeurs non numériques.
  echo "<pre><br>Fichier " . $files ;
  echo "<br>ep :";
  var_dump($ep) ;
  echo "<br>substr(ep,0,1):";
  echo "<br>substr(ep,1,1):";
  echo "<br> substr(ep,1,1) - 1 : ";
  var_dump(substr($ep,1,1) - 1);
  echo "Ici.. on est dans le cas de l'erreur !";
  echo "<br> Apres correction, sub0 et sub1 valent : ";
  echo  "sub0: " . $sub0 . "   sub1: ". $sub1;
  echo "</pre>";
  exit(" ERREUR !!");;

Merci Jordane45.
J'ai bien apporté une modification au débugage comme tu me l'indiques.
Voici le résultat avec var_dump:
Fichier abcdefgh
ep :string(1) "-"

substr(ep,0,1):string(1) "-"

substr(ep,1,1):string(0) ""

substr(ep,1,1) - 1 :
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /customers/6/0/9/ on line 495
Ici.. on est dans le cas de l'erreur !
Apres correction, sub0 et sub1 valent : sub0: 0 sub1: 0

Voici la ligne 495 indiquée par le warning:
var_dump(substr($ep,1,1) - 1);
int(-1) ne serait pas la bonne valeur attendue pour être conforme à PHP 7.1 ?
yg_be Messages postés 23426 Date d'inscription lundi 9 juin 2008 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2025 Ambassadeur 1 557
20 déc. 2019 à 19:55
je suggère de remplacer
         $epSqr = strpos( $files, substr($ep,0,1) ) + ( ( substr($ep,1,1) - 1) * 8);
		if (0 <= $epSqr && 63 >= $epSqr)
			$epIdx = 75; // nothing near the board

         if ( strpos($ep , "-" )  === false)
                $epSqr = strpos( $files, substr($ep,0,1) ) + ( ( substr($ep,1,1) - 1) * 8);
                if (0 <= $epSqr && 63 >= $epSqr)
			$epIdx = 75; 
                $$epIdx = 75;  // no en passant target square
Merci yg_be de prêter attention à mon problème warning.
J'ai effectué la modif comme vous me l'avez indiqué en supprimant ces lignes:
$$epIdx = 75; // no en passant target square

Et en ajoutant les { } comme ceci:
if ( strpos($ep , "-" ) === false){
$epSqr = strpos( $files, substr($ep,0,1) ) + ( ( substr($ep,1,1) - 1) * 8);
if (0 <= $epSqr && 63 >= $epSqr)
$epIdx = 75;

(Je voudrai annoncer au passage que les lignes syntaxiques ne sont pas fonctionnelles lorqu' on répond en sélectionnant le bouton Commenter.Tout au moins en ce qui me concerne aujourd' hui.)

Sinon à part cela votre "formule" fonctionne car je n'ai plus le message warning.
La question semble désormais résolue.
yg_be Messages postés 23426 Date d'inscription lundi 9 juin 2008 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2025 1 557 > Max747
Modifié le 21 déc. 2019 à 10:44
je pense qu'il est important d'ajouter
$epIdx = 75; // no en passant target square
Max747 > yg_be Messages postés 23426 Date d'inscription lundi 9 juin 2008 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2025
21 déc. 2019 à 11:15
Je ne comprends pas.
Car ces deux lignes existes déjà comme ci dessous dans mon fichier en "production" qui fonctionne:
if ( strpos($ep , "-" ) === false){
$epSqr = strpos( $files, substr($ep,0,1) ) + ( ( substr($ep,1,1) - 1) * 8);
if (0 <= $epSqr && 63 >= $epSqr)
$epIdx = 75;

yg_be Messages postés 23426 Date d'inscription lundi 9 juin 2008 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2025 1 557 > Max747
21 déc. 2019 à 11:24
il y a deux if, il est utile d'avoir deux else.
Je voudrai remercier particulièrement Jordane45 ainsi que yg_be pour m'avoir consacré de leurs temps à la résolution de mon problème de warning désormais résolu.
yg_be Messages postés 23426 Date d'inscription lundi 9 juin 2008 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2025 Ambassadeur 1 557
Modifié le 21 déc. 2019 à 12:12
        if ( strpos($ep , "-" )  === false) {
                $epSqr = strpos( $files, substr($ep,0,1) ) + ( ( substr($ep,1,1) - 1) * 8);
                if (0 <= $epSqr && 63 >= $epSqr)
                      $epIdx = 75; 
                $epIdx = 75;  // no en passant target square
Je vais placer votre script sur mon site dans le fichier en question que voici:
Et vous indiquerai si cela fonctionne.
Bon. C'est ok également.
Ainsi donc je suis votre conseil d'utiliser ce dernier script.
Cependant je suis quand même surpris de constater que cette ligne :
$$epIdx = 75;
Comporte deux dollars l'un à côté de l'autre et que cela n'engendre même pas de message d'erreur.
Il serait donc possible d'écrire ainsi la désignation d'une variable php pour lui attribuer une valeur?
yg_be Messages postés 23426 Date d'inscription lundi 9 juin 2008 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2025 1 557 > Max747
21 déc. 2019 à 13:04
il faut retirer un des $
Max747 > yg_be Messages postés 23426 Date d'inscription lundi 9 juin 2008 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 13 janvier 2025
21 déc. 2019 à 16:23
C'est bien ce que je pensais.
Enfin ça fonctionne aussi comme ça.