Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
A voir également:
- Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
- Warning zone telechargement - Accueil - Services en ligne
- Téléchargement direct : les bonnes adresses des sites pirates - Accueil - Outils
- Pcl xl error warning illegal media type - Forum Imprimante
- Cpu fan fail warning control - Forum Windows
- Quota warning free - Guide
19 nov. 2012 à 17:05
<?php define('SITE', 'Bonjour!');
// hide errors for the live site
// the basics
if (file_exists('ndxzsite/config/config.php')) require_once 'ndxzsite/config/config.php';
require_once 'ndxzsite/config/options.php';
require_once 'ndxzstudio/defaults.php';
require_once 'ndxzstudio/common.php';
$time_start = microtime_float();
// make sure we have our connection array
// messy, but seems to work
$_REAL_SCRIPT_DIR = realpath(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));
$_REAL_BASE_DIR = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
$_MY_PATH_PART = substr($_REAL_SCRIPT_DIR, strlen($_REAL_BASE_DIR));
$uri = $_MY_PATH_PART
? substr(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), 0, -strlen($_MY_PATH_PART))
: dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$uri = entry_uri($uri, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$uri = str_replace($self, '', $uri);
// check for cached
$CACHE =& load_class('cache', true, 'lib');
$CACHE->check_cached($uri); // let's check for post values to turn off caching
if ($CACHE->cached == true)
// load the core
$OBJ =& load_class('core', true, 'lib');
// need to load up hooks
// set defaults
$OBJ->vars->default = $default;
// check for a preloading hook
if ($OBJ->hook->registered_hook('site_protect')) $OBJ->hook->do_action('site_protect');
// make a hook to change defaults?
// media checks
$uri = media_check($uri);
// 'home' feature
// if $uri == '/' switch query to search via 'home'
if ($uri == '/')
$q['qry'] = "AND home = '1' ";
$q['flag'] = true;
$q['qry'] = "AND url = " . $OBJ->db->escape($uri) ;
$q['flag'] = false;
// page query
$OBJ->vars->exhibit = $OBJ->db->fetchRecord("SELECT *
FROM ".PX."objects, ".PX."objects_prefs, ".PX."sections
INNER JOIN ".PX."settings ON adm_id = '1'
WHERE status = '1'
AND section_id = secid
AND object = obj_ref_type");
// second try - enforces / as default
if ((!$OBJ->vars->exhibit) && ($q['flag'] == true))
$OBJ->vars->exhibit = $OBJ->db->fetchRecord("SELECT *
FROM ".PX."objects, ".PX."objects_prefs, ".PX."sections
INNER JOIN ".PX."settings ON adm_id = '1'
WHERE status = '1'
AND url = " . $OBJ->db->escape($uri) . "
AND section_id = secid
AND object = obj_ref_type");
if (!$OBJ->vars->exhibit)
// try again with site root - the 'home' page
$OBJ->vars->exhibit = $OBJ->db->fetchRecord("SELECT *
FROM ".PX."objects, ".PX."objects_prefs, ".PX."sections
INNER JOIN ".PX."settings ON adm_id = '1'
WHERE home = '1'
AND status = '1'
AND section_id = secid
AND object = obj_ref_type");
// we don't cache these
$CACHE->defaults['caching'] = false;
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
// we need a formal error page
if (!$OBJ->vars->exhibit)
// we don't search engines indexing this
front_error('File Not Found', 404);
// we need to let the system know whether it's front or back end...
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['cms'] = false;
// create the abstracts for exhibits or even images
// autoload 'plugins' folder
include_once DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/index.php';
// additional variables
// perhaps we should port these differently?
$OBJ->baseurl = BASEURL;
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['baseurl'] = BASEURL;
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['basename'] = BASENAME;
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['basefiles'] = BASEFILES;
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['gimgs'] = GIMGS;
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['ajax'] = false;
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['cms'] = false;
// we want to lose all of this
$GLOBALS['rs'] = $OBJ->vars->exhibit;
// setup front end helper class
$OBJ->lib_class('page', true, 'lib');
if ($OBJ->hook->registered_hook('pre_load')) $OBJ->hook->do_action('pre_load');
// is it special media?
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['template'] = ($OBJ->template_override == true) ? 'media.php' : $OBJ->vars->exhibit['template'];
$OBJ->parse->vars = $OBJ->vars->exhibit;
// this allows us some control over outputs...
// like adding extra exhibits or variables via user input
$template = (file_exists(DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['obj_theme'] . '/' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['template'])) ? $OBJ->vars->exhibit['template'] : 'index.php';
$filename = DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['obj_theme'] . '/' . $template;
$fp = @fopen($filename, 'r');
$contents = fread($fp, filesize($filename));
$OBJ->parse->code = $contents;
$output = $OBJ->parse->parsing();
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
echo $output;
// caching - if enabled and possible
// we want media pages to cache as well
$uri = ($OBJ->template_override == true) ? $OBJ->temp_uri : $uri;
// no cache if a password page
if (($OBJ->page->cached == true)) $CACHE->makeCache($uri, $output);
et le fichier page.php:
<?php if (!defined('SITE')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* Frontend template class
* Used for generating frontend template
* (This really needs some work still - but it's functional for now)
* @version 1.0
* @author Vaska
class Page
public $result = array();
public $exhibit = array();
public $lib_js_add;
public $exhibitz = array();
public $protected = false;
public $last_visit;
public $cached = true;
public $js_lib_table = array();
public $js_jquery_table = array();
public $js_jquery_onready_table = array();
public $js_prototype_table = array();
public $js_prototype_onready_table = array();
public $version = '';
public $parsed = false;
* Returns results array and exhibition plugin
* @param void
* @return mixed
public function Page()
$OBJ =& get_instance();
//$this->result = $OBJ->vars->exhibit;
if (isset($OBJ->vars->exhibit['version']))
$this->version = '?v=' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['version'];
//if (isset($OBJ->vars->exhibit['ajax']))
//if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['ajax'] == false)
// init the format
// $this->loadExhibit();
public function version()
return $this->version;
public function get_imgs()
$OBJ =& get_instance();
global $default;
// load the interface
// implement the interface
$class = 'filesource' . $default['filesource'][$OBJ->vars->exhibit['media_source']];
$F =& load_class($class, true, 'lib');
// get our output
return $F->getDisplayImages();
* Returns void
* @param void
* @return void
public function last_visit()
setcookie('ndxz_last', getNow(), time()+3600*24*365, '/');
* Returns exhibition format parameters
* @param void
* @return string
public function init_page()
$exhibit = array();
$OBJ =& get_instance();
// let's keep track of visits
// what about section passwords?
if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['sec_pwd'] != '')
$this->cached = false;
$page = 'ndxz_sec_' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['secid'];
if (isset($_POST['ndxz_sec_pwd_sbmt']) && ($_POST['ndxz_hid'] == ''))
// it matches the password
if (md5($_POST['ndxz_sec_pwd']) == md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['sec_pwd']))
// set the cookie for one day
setcookie($page, md5($_POST['ndxz_sec_pwd']), time()+3600*24, '/');
// do we need to do a redirect here then?
header('location:' . BASEURL . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']);
else // it does not
$this->protected = true;
$out = $this->sec_password();
$out .= "<p>Incorrect.</p>\n";
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $out;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "security.css";
elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$page]))
// it doesn't match the password
if ($_COOKIE[$page] != md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['sec_pwd']))
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->sec_password();
$OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "security.css";
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->sec_password();
$OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "security.css";
// built-in password check
// checks only the active page
if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['pwd'] != '')
$this->cached = false;
$page = 'ndxz_page_' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['id'];
if (isset($_POST['ndxz_pwd_sbmt']) && ($_POST['ndxz_hid'] == ''))
// it matches the password
if (md5($_POST['ndxz_pwd']) == md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['pwd']))
// set the cookie for one day
setcookie($page, md5($_POST['ndxz_pwd']), time()+3600*24, '/');
// do we need to do a redirect here then?
header('location:' . BASEURL . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']);
else // it does not
$this->protected = true;
$out = $this->password();
$out .= "<p>Incorrect.</p>\n";
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $out;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "security.css";
elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$page]))
// it doesn't match the password
if ($_COOKIE[$page] != md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['pwd']))
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->password();
$OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "security.css";
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->password();
$OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "security.css";
// occoasionally handy functions
public function sysvar($name='')
$OBJ =& get_instance();
if (isset($OBJ->vars->exhibit[$name]))
return $OBJ->vars->exhibit[$name];
public function changevar($name='', $value='')
$OBJ =& get_instance();
if (isset($OBJ->vars->exhibit[$name]))
$OBJ->vars->exhibit[$name] = $value;
public function makevar($name='', $value='')
$OBJ =& get_instance();
if (!isset($OBJ->vars->exhibit[$name]))
$OBJ->vars->exhibit[$name] = $value;
* Password check
* @param string $function
* @return string
public function sec_password()
$out = "<form name='ndxz_protect' id='ndxz-protect' method='post' action=''>\n";
$out .= "<p>Password Protected Section</p>\n";
$out .= "<p>Enter Password</p>\n";
$out .= "<p><input name='ndxz_sec_pwd' type='text' maxlength='12' /></p>\n";
$out .= "<p><input name='ndxz_hid' type='hidden' value='' /></p>\n";
$out .= "<p><input name='ndxz_sec_pwd_sbmt' type='submit' value='submit' /></p>\n";
$out .= "</form>\n";
return $out;
* Password check
* @param string $function
* @return string
public function password()
$out = "<form name='ndxz_protect' id='ndxz-protect' method='post' action=''>\n";
// this can be changed via a plugin (need to make the plugin)
$out .= "<p>Password Protected Page (enter password):</p>\n";
$out .= "<div id='ndxz_pwd'><input name='ndxz_pwd' type='text' maxlength='12' /></div>\n";
$out .= "<div id='ndxz_pwd_sbmt'><button name='ndxz_pwd_sbmt' type='submit' />Submit</button></div>\n";
$out .= "<input name='ndxz_hid' type='hidden' value='' />\n";
$out .= "</form>\n";
return $out;
* Returns index
* @param string $function
* @return string
public function index($function='')
// load 'theindex' class
$NDX =& load_class('theindex', TRUE, 'lib');
return $NDX->load_index();
public function javascript()
$out = $this->jquery();
$out .= $this->prototype();
$out .= $this->lib_js();
$out .= $this->dyn_js();
return $out;
* Returns exhibition
* @param void
* @return string
public function loadExhibit()
$OBJ =& get_instance();
// check for password protection
if (file_exists(DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['obj_theme'] . '/format.' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['format'] . '.php'))
include_once DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['obj_theme'] . '/format.' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['format'] . '.php';
$OBJ =& get_instance();
elseif (file_exists(DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/format.' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['format'] . '.php'))
include_once DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/format.' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['format'] . '.php';
$OBJ =& get_instance();
// thie default format
if (file_exists(DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/format.visual_index.php'))
include_once DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/format.visual_index.php';
$OBJ =& get_instance();
* Returns ccs file info
* @param void
* @return string
public function lib_css()
$out = '';
if (!isset($this->exhibit['lib_css'])) return;
if ($this->exhibit['lib_css'] != '')
if (is_array($this->exhibit['lib_css']))
foreach ($this->exhibit['lib_css'] as $css)
$out .= "<style type='text/css'> @import url(" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/css/$css" . $this->version . "); </style>\n";
$out .= "<style type='text/css'> @import url(" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/css/" . $this->exhibit['lib_css'] . $this->version . "); </style>\n";
return $out;
* Returns ccs file info
* @param void
* @return string
public function theme_css()
$OBJ =& get_instance();
$out = '';
if (!isset($this->exhibit['theme_css'])) return;
$theme = $OBJ->vars->exhibit['obj_theme'];
if ($this->exhibit['theme_css'] != '')
if (is_array($this->exhibit['theme_css']))
foreach ($this->exhibit['theme_css'] as $css)
$out .= "<style type='text/css'> @import url(" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/$theme/$css" . $this->version . "); </style>\n";
$out .= "<style type='text/css'> @import url(" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/$theme/" . $this->exhibit['theme_css'] . $this->version . "); </style>\n";
return $out;
public function css()
$out = $this->lib_css();
$out .= $this->theme_css();
$out .= $this->dyn_css();
return $out;
public function append_index()
$OBJ =& get_instance();
$s = '';
if (isset($OBJ->page->exhibit['append_index']))
foreach ($OBJ->page->exhibit['append_index'] as $do)
$s .= $do;
return $s;
public function append_page()
$OBJ =& get_instance();
$s = '';
if (isset($OBJ->page->exhibit['append_page']))
foreach ($OBJ->page->exhibit['append_page'] as $do)
$s .= $do;
return $s;
public function front_test()
echo ' testing ';
public function sidebar()
$OBJ =& get_instance();
$s = '';
if (isset($OBJ->page->exhibit['sidebar']))
foreach ($OBJ->page->exhibit['sidebar'] as $do)
$s .= $do;
return $s;
public function password_protect()
$OBJ =& get_instance();
if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['cms'] == true)
$this->protected = false;
// let's keep track of visits
// what about section passwords?
if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['sec_pwd'] != '')
$this->cached = false;
$page = 'ndxz_sec_' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['secid'];
if (isset($_POST['ndxz_sec_pwd_sbmt']) && ($_POST['ndxz_hid'] == ''))
// it matches the password
if (md5($_POST['ndxz_sec_pwd']) == md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['sec_pwd']))
// set the cookie for one day
//setcookie($page, md5($_POST['ndxz_pwd']), time()+3600*24, $OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']);
// is this bad?
setcookie($page, md5($_POST['ndxz_sec_pwd']), time()+3600*24, '/');
// do we need to do a redirect here then?
header('location:' . BASEURL . ndxz_rewriter($OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']));
else // it does not
$this->protected = true;
$out = $this->sec_password();
$out .= "<p>Incorrect.</p>\n";
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $out;
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];
elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$page]))
// it doesn't match the password
if ($_COOKIE[$page] != md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['sec_pwd']))
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->sec_password();
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->sec_password();
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];
// built-in password check
// checks only the active page
if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['pwd'] != '')
$this->cached = false;
$page = 'ndxz_page_' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['id'];
if (isset($_POST['ndxz_pwd_sbmt']) && ($_POST['ndxz_hid'] == ''))
// it matches the password
if (md5($_POST['ndxz_pwd']) == md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['pwd']))
// set the cookie for one day
//setcookie($page, md5($_POST['ndxz_pwd']), time()+3600*24, $OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']);
// is this bad?
setcookie($page, md5($_POST['ndxz_pwd']), time()+3600*24, '/');
// do we need to do a redirect here then?
header('location:' . BASEURL . ndxz_rewriter($OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']));
else // it does not
$out = $this->password();
$out .= "<p>Incorrect.</p>\n";
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $out;
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];
elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$page]))
// it doesn't match the password
if ($_COOKIE[$page] != md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['pwd']))
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->password();
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->password();
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];
public function exhibit()
$OBJ =& get_instance();
if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['cms'] != true)
if ($this->protected == true)
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];
// otherwise, we load our exhibit class
return $OBJ->exhibit->createExhibit();
public function submedia()
$OBJ =& get_instance();
public function closing()
// this will be for hooks that come at the end
// google analytics for instance
$OBJ =& get_instance();
// think we need to loop through an array of parts here
if ($OBJ->hook->registered_hook('closing'))
return $OBJ->hook->do_action('closing');
public function statistics()
// this will be for hooks that come at the end
// google analytics for instance
$OBJ =& get_instance();
// think we need to loop through an array of parts here
if (isset($OBJ->abstracts->abstract['statistics']))
return $OBJ->abstracts->abstract['statistics'];
public function meta()
$OBJ =& get_instance();
if ($OBJ->hook->registered_hook('add_meta_tags'))
return $OBJ->hook->do_action('add_meta_tags');
public function favicon()
* Returns js file info
* @param void
* @return string
public function lib_js()
$out = '';
if (!empty($this->js_lib_table))
$this->js_lib_table = array_unique($this->js_lib_table);
foreach ($this->js_lib_table as $js)
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/$js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";
//$out .= $this->front_jquery();
return $out;
* Returns jquery file info
* @param void
* @return string
public function lib_jquery()
$out = '';
if (!empty($this->js_jquery_table))
$this->js_jquery_table = array_unique($this->js_jquery_table);
// auto add jquery.js
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/jquery.js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";
foreach ($this->js_jquery_table as $js)
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/$js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";
$out .= $this->front_jquery();
return $out;
* Returns css - dynamically generated
* @param void
* @return string
public function dyn_css()
$out = '';
if (!isset($this->exhibit['dyn_css'])) return;
if ($this->exhibit['dyn_css'] != '')
if (is_array($this->exhibit['dyn_css']))
$out .= "<style type='text/css'>\n";
foreach ($this->exhibit['dyn_css'] as $css)
$out .= "$css\n";
$out .= "</style>\n";
$out .= "<style type='text/css'>\n$css" . $this->version . "\n</style>\n";
return $out;
* Returns js - dynamically generated
* @param void
* @return string
public function dyn_js()
$out = '';
// check on this later...
if (empty($this->exhibit['dyn_js'])) return;
if ($this->exhibit['dyn_js'] != '')
if (is_array($this->exhibit['dyn_js']))
$tmp = array_unique($this->exhibit['dyn_js']);
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
foreach ($tmp as $js)
$out .= "$js\n";
$out .= "</script>\n";
return $out;
* Returns js onload parts
* @param void
* @return string
public function onload_js()
$out = '';
if (!isset($this->exhibit['onload'])) return;
if ($this->exhibit['onload'] != '')
if (is_array($this->exhibit['onload']))
$out .= " onload=\"";
foreach ($this->exhibit['onload'] as $js)
$out .= "$js ";
$out .= "\"";
$out .= " onload=\"$js\"\n";
return $out;
* Returns js - dynamically generated
* @param void
* @return string
public function jquery()
$out = '';
if (empty($this->js_jquery_table)) return;
if (is_array($this->js_jquery_table))
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/jquery.js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";
foreach ($this->js_jquery_table as $js)
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/$js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";
return $out;
* Returns js - dynamically generated
* @param void
* @return string
public function prototype()
$out = '';
if (empty($this->js_prototype_table)) return;
if (is_array($this->js_prototype_table))
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/prototype.js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";
foreach ($this->js_prototype_table as $js)
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/$js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";
return $out;
public function onready()
$out = $this->jquery_onready();
// not sure about this one yet
//$out .= $this->front_prototype_onready();
return $out;
* Returns js onready parts (for Jquery)
* @param void
* @return string
public function jquery_onready()
$out = '';
if (empty($this->js_jquery_onready_table)) return;
$result = array_unique($this->js_jquery_onready_table);
if (is_array($result))
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
$out .= "$(document).ready(function()\n";
$out .= "{\n";
foreach ($result as $js)
$out .= "\t{$js}\n";
$out .= "});\n";
$out .= "</script>\n";
return $out;
* Returns js onready parts (for Jquery)
* @param void
* @return string
public function prototype_onready()
$out = '';
if (empty($this->js_prototype_onready_table)) return;
if (is_array($this->js_prototype_onready_table))
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
$out .= "$(document).ready(function()\n";
$out .= "{\n";
foreach ($this->js_prototype_onready_table as $js)
$out .= "\t{$js}\n";
$out .= "});\n";
$out .= "</script>\n";
return $out;
public function add_jquery($file, $priority = 25)
if (!isset($this->js_jquery_table[$priority]))
$this->js_jquery_table[$priority] = $file;
$this->add_jquery($file, $priority+1);
$this->js_jquery_table = array_unique($this->js_jquery_table);
public function add_prototype($file, $priority = 25)
if (!isset($this->js_prototype_table[$priority]))
$this->js_prototype_table[$priority] = $file;
public function add_jquery_onready($file, $priority = 25)
if (!isset($this->js_jquery_onready_table[$priority]))
$this->js_jquery_onready_table[$priority] = $file;
$this->add_jquery_onready($file, $priority+1);
$this->js_jquery_onready_table = array_unique($this->js_jquery_onready_table);
public function add_prototype_onready($file, $priority = 25)
if (!isset($this->js_prototype_onready_table[$priority]))
$this->js_prototype_onready_table[$priority] = $file;
public function add_lib_js($file, $priority = 25)
if (!isset($this->js_lib_table[$priority]))
$this->js_lib_table[$priority] = $file;
public function remove_lib_js($file, $priority = 25)
if ($this->js_lib_table[$priority] == $file)
public function delay_load_last($function='')
if ($function == '') return;
$OBJ =& get_instance();
return $this->$function();
/// for alternate parsing - PHP
* Returns callback for function
* @param array $match
* @return string
public function load_plugin($match)
$OBJ =& get_instance();
$this->func = $match;
$arg_list = func_get_args();
if ($arg_list[0][2] != '')
$args = explode(',', $arg_list[0][2]);
$args = array_map('trim', $args);
$args = NULL;
$args = $this->getArgs($args);
if (file_exists(DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/plugin.' . $this->func . '.php'))
include_once DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/plugin.' . $this->func . '.php';
if (class_exists($this->func))
$tmp = $this->func;
// only if it exists
if (method_exists($OBJ->$tmp, $args[0]) && $args[0] != '')
// it is possible to send variables to the method
$args[1] = (isset($args[1])) ? $args[1] : null;
$args[2] = (isset($args[2])) ? $args[2] : null;
return call_user_func_array(array($OBJ->$tmp, $args[0]), array($args[1], $args[2]));
// return call_user_func_array(array($OBJ->$tmp, '__construct'), array(null, null));
else if (function_exists($this->func))
return call_user_func_array($this->func, $args);
* Returns parameters for function
* @param array $args
* @return string
public function getArgs($args)
if ($args == NULL) return;
foreach ($args as $arg)
// var
$arg = preg_replace('/^.*=/', '', $arg);
// front
$arg = preg_replace('/^(\'|")/', '', $arg);
// back
$var[] = preg_replace('/(\'|")$/', '', $arg);
return $var;
19 nov. 2012 à 19:19
Bref tout ça pour ça et tout refonctionne.