Cisco controller wlan WLC 2112 et AIR-AP 1020

the_cool - 21 mars 2012 à 11:50
brupala Messages postés 110304 Date d'inscription lundi 16 juillet 2001 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 5 octobre 2024 - 29 mars 2012 à 12:11

je besoin de vous pour m'aider a trouver une solution ;
en effet j'ai un Cisco controller wlan WLC 2112 QUE je voudrais faire communiquer avec un AIR-AP 1020-E-k9
je les mets bien en contact ,dans le controller l'AP se voit mais il ne diffuse pas le signal
il joue a la guirlande tout le temps
je ne sais plus quoi faire
A voir également:

2 réponses

sdj79 Messages postés 295 Date d'inscription samedi 16 décembre 2000 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 30 avril 2013 118
22 mars 2012 à 23:55
La configuration d'un WLC n'est pas une mince affaire. D'après ce que tu iniques (la guirlande), j'en déduis que les leds (vert,jaune rouge de mémoire) clignottent de manière répétitive.

Normalement cela se produit pendant la phase d'initialisation de l'AP, lorsqu'il tente d'acquérir une adresse IP ou quand il cherche à obtenir son image IOS d'un serveur TFTP.

Il faudrait quelques détails supplémentaires sur la topologie et la config mise en place pour en dire plus.
ok le cisco en question était connecté a un swicth qui lui était connecté aux APs et aux serveur DHCP; au départ la situation précédemment expliquée était déjà présente.
donc je les ai déplacé pour avoir une connexion directe(résoudre si était -ce un problème de câble) c-à-d AP connecté directement au controller
résultat: same thing
PS: j'ai changé de controller (CISCO 2112 toujours)
brupala Messages postés 110304 Date d'inscription lundi 16 juillet 2001 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 5 octobre 2024 13 800
23 mars 2012 à 09:18
tu as essayé de changer le power injector ?
c'est peut-etre un problème d' alimentation POE
sdj79 Messages postés 295 Date d'inscription samedi 16 décembre 2000 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 30 avril 2013 118
23 mars 2012 à 09:34
Si les APs jouent les guirlandes l'alim devrait être bonne. Au niveau du DHCP il faut normalement rajouter des options pour indiquer le serveur TFTP qui est utilisé soit pour charger l'OS de l'AP soit sa config, soit les deux ... de mémoire c'est l'option 150.
A vérifier aussi ... les APs (en opposition aux LAPs) sont des points d'accès autonomes, et doivent être explicitement configurés pour pouvoir être gérés par un WLC.
d'accord j'essaie et je reviens vers vous peu importe le résultat
bonjour a tous comment allez vous
désolé pour le silence prolongé mais je procédait a de multiples tests
j'en suis arrivé ou j'ai du donwgrade la version du cisco 2112 dont nous parlions et la j'ai a peu près ce problème là

(Cisco Controller) >debug lwapp events enable

(Cisco Controller) >Thu Mar 29 09:35:43 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Received LWAPP J
OIN REQUEST from AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 to e8:b7:48:91:88:a7 on port '8'
Thu Mar 29 09:35:43 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 AP Ap2: txNonce E8:B7:48:91:88:A0 r
xNonce 00:0B:85:24:56:B0
Thu Mar 29 09:35:43 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 LWAPP Join-Request MTU path from AP
00:0b:85:24:56:b0 is 1500, remote debug mode is 0
Thu Mar 29 09:35:43 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Successfully added NPU Entry for AP
00:0b:85:24:56:b0 (index 54)
Switch IP:, Switch Port: 12223, intIfNum 8, vlanId 0
AP IP:, AP Port: 17771, next hop MAC: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0
Thu Mar 29 09:35:43 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Successfully transmission of LWAPP J
oin-Reply to AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0
Thu Mar 29 09:35:43 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Register LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85
:24:56:b0 slot 0
Thu Mar 29 09:35:43 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Register LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85
:24:56:b0 slot 1
Thu Mar 29 09:35:45 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Received LWAPP CONFIGURE REQUEST fro
m AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 to e8:b7:48:91:88:a7
Thu Mar 29 09:35:45 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Updating IP info for AP 00:0b:85:24:
56:b0 -- static 1,, gtw
Thu Mar 29 09:35:45 2012: spamVerifyRegDomain RegDomain set for slot 0 code 1 re
gstring -E regDfromCb -AB
Thu Mar 29 09:35:45 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0: 80211a Regulat
ory Domain (-E) does not match with country (US ) reg. domain -AB for the slot
Thu Mar 29 09:35:45 2012: spamVerifyRegDomain RegDomain set for slot 1 code 1 re
gstring -E regDfromCb -AB
Thu Mar 29 09:35:45 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0: 80211bg Regula
tory Domain (-E) does not match with country (US ) reg. domain -AB for the slot
Thu Mar 29 09:35:45 2012: spamVerifyRegDomain AP RegDomain check for the country
US failed
Thu Mar 29 09:35:45 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0: Regulatory Dom
ain check Completely FAILED The AP will not be allowed to join
Thu Mar 29 09:35:45 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 apfSpamProcessStateChangeInSpamConte
xt: Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 slot 0
Thu Mar 29 09:35:45 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 apfSpamProcessStateChangeInSpamConte
xt: Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 slot 1
Thu Mar 29 09:35:45 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:
85:24:56:b0 slot 0
Thu Mar 29 09:35:45 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:
85:24:56:b0 slot 1
Thu Mar 29 09:35:54 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST fro
m AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80 to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on port '1'
Thu Mar 29 09:35:54 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Successful transmission of LWAPP Dis
covery-Response to AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80 on Port 1
Thu Mar 29 09:36:06 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Received LWAPP JOIN REQUEST from AP
00:0b:85:24:57:80 to e8:b7:48:91:88:a0 on port '1'
Thu Mar 29 09:36:06 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 AP Ap3: txNonce E8:B7:48:91:88:A0 r
xNonce 00:0B:85:24:57:80
Thu Mar 29 09:36:06 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 LWAPP Join-Request MTU path from AP
00:0b:85:24:57:80 is 1500, remote debug mode is 0
Thu Mar 29 09:36:06 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Successfully added NPU Entry for AP
00:0b:85:24:57:80 (index 55)
Switch IP:, Switch Port: 12223, intIfNum 1, vlanId 0
AP IP:, AP Port: 17784, next hop MAC: 00:0b:85:24:57:80
Thu Mar 29 09:36:06 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Successfully transmission of LWAPP J
oin-Reply to AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80
Thu Mar 29 09:36:06 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Register LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85
:24:57:80 slot 0
Thu Mar 29 09:36:06 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Register LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85
:24:57:80 slot 1
Thu Mar 29 09:36:07 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Received LWAPP CONFIGURE REQUEST fro
m AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80 to e8:b7:48:91:88:a0
Thu Mar 29 09:36:07 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Updating IP info for AP 00:0b:85:24:
57:80 -- static 1,, gtw
Thu Mar 29 09:36:07 2012: spamVerifyRegDomain RegDomain set for slot 0 code 1 re
gstring -E regDfromCb -AB
Thu Mar 29 09:36:07 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80: 80211a Regulat
ory Domain (-E) does not match with country (US ) reg. domain -AB for the slot
Thu Mar 29 09:36:07 2012: spamVerifyRegDomain RegDomain set for slot 1 code 1 re
gstring -E regDfromCb -AB
Thu Mar 29 09:36:07 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80: 80211bg Regula
tory Domain (-E) does not match with country (US ) reg. domain -AB for the slot
Thu Mar 29 09:36:07 2012: spamVerifyRegDomain AP RegDomain check for the country
US failed
Thu Mar 29 09:36:07 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80: Regulatory Dom
ain check Completely FAILED The AP will not be allowed to join
Thu Mar 29 09:36:07 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 apfSpamProcessStateChangeInSpamConte
xt: Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80 slot 0
Thu Mar 29 09:36:07 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 apfSpamProcessStateChangeInSpamConte
xt: Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80 slot 1
Thu Mar 29 09:36:07 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:
85:24:57:80 slot 0
Thu Mar 29 09:36:07 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:
85:24:57:80 slot 1
Thu Mar 29 09:36:10 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST fro
m AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on port '8'
Thu Mar 29 09:36:10 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Successful transmission of LWAPP Dis
covery-Response to AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 on Port 8
Thu Mar 29 09:36:22 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Received LWAPP JOIN REQUEST from AP
hu Mar 29 09:37:23 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Received LWAPP JOIN REQUEST from AP 0
0:0b:85:24:57:80 to e8:b7:48:91:88:a0 on port '1'
Thu Mar 29 09:37:23 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 AP Ap3: txNonce E8:B7:48:91:88:A0 r
xNonce 00:0B:85:24:57:80
Thu Mar 29 09:37:23 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 LWAPP Join-Request MTU path from AP
00:0b:85:24:57:80 is 1500, remote debug mode is 0
Thu Mar 29 09:37:23 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Successfully added NPU Entry for AP
00:0b:85:24:57:80 (index 59)
Switch IP:, Switch Port: 12223, intIfNum 1, vlanId 0
AP IP:, AP Port: 17784, next hop MAC: 00:0b:85:24:57:80
Thu Mar 29 09:37:23 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Successfully transmission of LWAPP J
oin-Reply to AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80
Thu Mar 29 09:37:23 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Register LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85
:24:57:80 slot 0
Thu Mar 29 09:37:23 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Register LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85
:24:57:80 slot 1
Thu Mar 29 09:37:24 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Received LWAPP CONFIGURE REQUEST fro
m AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80 to e8:b7:48:91:88:a0
Thu Mar 29 09:37:24 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Updating IP info for AP 00:0b:85:24:
57:80 -- static 1,, gtw
Thu Mar 29 09:37:24 2012: spamVerifyRegDomain RegDomain set for slot 0 code 1 re
gstring -E regDfromCb -AB
Thu Mar 29 09:37:24 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80: 80211a Regulat
ory Domain (-E) does not match with country (US ) reg. domain -AB for the slot
Thu Mar 29 09:37:24 2012: spamVerifyRegDomain RegDomain set for slot 1 code 1 re
gstring -E regDfromCb -AB
Thu Mar 29 09:37:24 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80: 80211bg Regula
tory Domain (-E) does not match with country (US ) reg. domain -AB for the slot
Thu Mar 29 09:37:24 2012: spamVerifyRegDomain AP RegDomain check for the country
US failed
Thu Mar 29 09:37:24 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80: Regulatory Dom
ain check Completely FAILED The AP will not be allowed to join
Thu Mar 29 09:37:24 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 apfSpamProcessStateChangeInSpamConte
xt: Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80 slot 0
Thu Mar 29 09:37:24 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 apfSpamProcessStateChangeInSpamConte
xt: Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85:24:57:80 slot 1
Thu Mar 29 09:37:24 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:
85:24:57:80 slot 0
Thu Mar 29 09:37:24 2012: 00:0b:85:24:57:80 Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:
85:24:57:80 slot 1
Thu Mar 29 09:37:27 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST fro
m AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on port '8'
Thu Mar 29 09:37:27 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Successful transmission of LWAPP Dis
covery-Response to AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 on Port 8

(Cisco Controller) >Thu Mar 29 09:37:38 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Received LWAPP J
OIN REQUEST from AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 to e8:b7:48:91:88:a7 on port '8'
Thu Mar 29 09:37:38 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 AP Ap2: txNonce E8:B7:48:91:88:A0 r
xNonce 00:0B:85:24:56:B0
Thu Mar 29 09:37:38 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 LWAPP Join-Request MTU path from AP
00:0b:85:24:56:b0 is 1500, remote debug mode is 0
Thu Mar 29 09:37:38 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Successfully added NPU Entry for AP
00:0b:85:24:56:b0 (index 57)
Switch IP:, Switch Port: 12223, intIfNum 8, vlanId 0
AP IP:, AP Port: 17771, next hop MAC: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0
Thu Mar 29 09:37:38 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Successfully transmission of LWAPP J
oin-Reply to AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0
Thu Mar 29 09:37:38 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Register LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85
:24:56:b0 slot 0
Thu Mar 29 09:37:38 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Register LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85
:24:56:b0 slot 1
Thu Mar 29 09:37:40 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Received LWAPP CONFIGURE REQUEST fro
m AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 to e8:b7:48:91:88:a7
Thu Mar 29 09:37:40 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Updating IP info for AP 00:0b:85:24:
56:b0 -- static 1,, gtw
Thu Mar 29 09:37:40 2012: spamVerifyRegDomain RegDomain set for slot 0 code 1 re
gstring -E regDfromCb -AB
Thu Mar 29 09:37:40 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0: 80211a Regulat
ory Domain (-E) does not match with country (US ) reg. domain -AB for the slot
Thu Mar 29 09:37:40 2012: spamVerifyRegDomain RegDomain set for slot 1 code 1 re
gstring -E regDfromCb -AB
Thu Mar 29 09:37:40 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0: 80211bg Regula
tory Domain (-E) does not match with country (US ) reg. domain -AB for the slot
Thu Mar 29 09:37:40 2012: spamVerifyRegDomain AP RegDomain check for the country
US failed
Thu Mar 29 09:37:40 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0: Regulatory Dom
ain check Completely FAILED The AP will not be allowed to join
Thu Mar 29 09:37:40 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 apfSpamProcessStateChangeInSpamConte
xt: Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 slot 0
Thu Mar 29 09:37:40 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 apfSpamProcessStateChangeInSpamConte
xt: Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 slot 1
Thu Mar 29 09:37:40 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:
85:24:56:b0 slot 0
Thu Mar 29 09:37:40 2012: 00:0b:85:24:56:b0 Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:
85:24:56:b0 slot 1

merci de bien vouloir m'aider
brupala Messages postés 110304 Date d'inscription lundi 16 juillet 2001 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 5 octobre 2024 13 800
23 mars 2012 à 00:56
on est dans le domaine professionnel,
une formation serait peut-etre un bon point de départ, si c'est pour utiliser dans son travail et pour vendre à ses clients ou employeurs .