Messages postés147Date d'inscriptionsamedi 23 décembre 2006StatutMembreDernière intervention12 juin 2009
26 mai 2008 à 02:47
mcouvran -
1 déc. 2008 à 17:40
j'ai installer OCS, et GLPI (les paquetages qui en dépendent)
j'ai accès a l'interface web de ces deux outils (via et
Malheuresement, apres avoir configuré " agents OCS sur Windows XP, Ubuntu et le Serveur GLPI Mandriva j'obtient le rapport ci dessous -->
OCS INVENTORY ver. 4048 Starting session for Device <FIRSTPC> on Monday, May 26, 2008 02:43:37...
Command line parameters: <</SERVER: /PNUM:80 /NP /DEBUG /auth_user:7'.áDIº /auth_pwd:>>
HTTP SERVER: Connection WITHOUT proxy
HTTP SERVER: Opening Internet connection to download <>...ERROR: HTTP status code 400
HTTP SERVER: Closing HTTP connection...OK
WMI Connect: Trying to connect to WMI namespace root\cimv2 on device <Localhost>...OK.
Registry Connect: Trying to connect to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on device <Localhost>...OK.
CHECKINGS: read <FIRSTPC-2008-05-25-20-01-16> and <00:50:56:C0:00:0800:50:56:C0:00:0100:19:DB:67:C8:EA> in ocsinventory.dat
IpHlpAPI GetNetworkAdapters...
IpHlpAPI GetNetworkAdapters: Calling GetIfTable to determine network adapter properties...OK
IpHlpAPI GetNetworkAdapters: Calling GetAdapterInfo to determine IP Infos...OK
IpHlpAPI GetNetworkAdapters: OK (3 objects).
CHECKINGS: write <FIRSTPC-2008-05-25-20-01-16> and <00:50:56:C0:00:0800:50:56:C0:00:0100:19:DB:67:C8:EA> in ocsinventory.dat
HTTP SERVER: Creating CInternetSession to get inventory parameters...OK.
HTTP SERVER: Getting HTTP Connection to server port 80 using no authentication...OK.
HTTP SERVER: Sending prolog query...HTTP status 200 OK
HTTP SERVER: Receiving prolog response...OK.
ERROR: Won't change PROLOG_FREQ to 0
HTTP SERVER: Inventory requested by server
HTTP SERVER: Closing HTTP connection
Retrieving Device informations...
getUserName: Trying to get logged on User ID...
getUserName: Will using Process32...OK
User found (explorer): Drizzt.
WMI GetOS: Trying to find Win32_OperatingSystem WMI objects...OK (Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 1 ).
WMI GetDomainOrWorkgroup: Trying to find Win32_ComputerSystem WMI objects...OK (MSHOME)
Registry NT GetDomainOrWorkgroup...OK ().
WMI GetBiosInfo: Trying to find Win32_ComputerSystem WMI objects...OK (MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD MS-7360)
WMI GetBiosInfo: Trying to find Win32_SystemEnclosure WMI objects...OK (MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD MS-7360 To Be Filled By O.E.M. 3)
WMI GetBiosInfo: Trying to find Win32_Bios WMI objects...OK (American Megatrends Inc. N/A To Be Filled By O.E.M.)
WMI GetProcessors: Trying to find Win32_Processor WMI objects...Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6850 @ 3.00GHz 3600 (x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11). OK
WMI GetProcessors: 2 processor(s) found.
getMemory...Physical: 2147323904 bytes, Swap: 4135542784 bytes. OK
WMI GetMemorySlots: Trying to find Win32_PhysicalMemory WMI objects...OK (2 objects)
WMI GetMemorySlots: Trying to find Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray WMI objects...OK (4 objects updated)
WMI GetInputDevices: Trying to find Win32_Keyboard WMI objects...OK (1 objects)
WMI GetInputDevices: Trying to find Win32_PointingDevice WMI objects...OK (1 objects)
WMI GetInputDevices: OK
WMI GetSystemPorts: Trying to find Win32_SerialPort WMI objects...OK (1 objects)
WMI GetSystemPorts: Trying to find Win32_ParallelPort WMI objects...Failed because no Win32_ParallelPort object !
WMI GetSystemPorts: OK
WMI GetSystemSlots: Trying to find Win32_SystemSlot WMI objects...Failed because no Win32_SystemSlot object !
WMI GetSystemControllers: Trying to find Win32_FloppyController WMI objects...OK (1 objects)
WMI GetSystemControllers: Trying to find Win32_IDEController WMI objects...OK (10 objects)
WMI GetSystemControllers: Trying to find Win32_SCSIController WMI objects...OK (1 objects)
WMI GetSystemControllers: Trying to find Win32_InfraredDevice WMI objects...Failed because no Win32_InfraredDevice object !
WMI GetSystemControllers: Trying to find Win32_USBController WMI objects...OK (8 objects)
WMI GetSystemControllers: Trying to find Win32_1394Controller WMI objects...Failed because no Win32_1394Controller object !
WMI GetSystemControllers: Trying to find Win32_PCMCIAController WMI objects...Failed because no Win32_PCMCIAController object !
WMI GetSystemControllers: OK
WMI GetStoragePeripherals: Trying to find Win32_FloppyDrive WMI objects...OK (1 objects)
WMI GetStoragePeripherals: Trying to find Win32_DiskDrive WMI objects...OK (7 objects)
WMI GetStoragePeripherals: Trying to find Win32_CDROMDrive WMI objects...OK (2 objects)
WMI GetStoragePeripherals: Trying to find Win32_TapeDrive WMI objects...Failed because no Win32_TapeDrive object !
WMI GetStoragePeripherals: OK
WMI GetSoundDevices: Trying to find Win32_SoundDevice WMI objects...OK (1 objects)
WMI GetModems: Trying to find Win32_POTSModem WMI objects...Failed because no Win32_POTSModem object !
Registry NT GetModems...
Registry NT GetModems: Failed in call to <RegEnumKeyEx> function to find subkey of HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
IpHlpAPI GetNetworkAdapters...
IpHlpAPI GetNetworkAdapters: Calling GetIfTable to determine network adapter properties...OK
IpHlpAPI GetNetworkAdapters: Calling GetAdapterInfo to determine IP Infos...OK
IpHlpAPI GetNetworkAdapters: OK (3 objects).
WMI GetPrinters: Trying to find Win32_Printer WMI objects...OK (3 objects)
WMI GetVideoAdapters: Trying to find Win32_VideoController WMI objects...OK (1 objects)
SetupAPI Connect: Trying to connect to SetupAPI on device <Localhost>...OK.
SetupAPI: Enumerating DISPLAY devices...
EDID : Monitor BNQ.76D8. 27AB ()
SetupAPI: Enumerates DISPLAY devices finished (1 objects)...
SetupAPI: Enumerating MONITOR devices...
SetupAPI: SetupDiGetClassDevs MONITOR failed with error 87.
SetupAPI: Enumerates MONITOR devices finished (0 objects)...
SetupAPI Disconnect: Disconnected from SetupAPI.
WSA GetIPAddress...OK (
WMI GetWindowsRegistration: Trying to find Win32_OperatingSystem WMI objects...OK ( 76413-338-2088334-22282).
Registry GetWindowsProductKey...OK (CDK7M-VRHC9-VFXJH-RH3RR-DT3BD).
Registry NT GetRegistryApplications READING hive HKLM ...
Registry NT GetRegistryApplications: OK (209 objects).
Creating CXMLInteract object...OK
Trying to open database on folder <C:\Program Files\OCS Inventory Agent\> with XML...OK.
Scanning Device's Logical Drive(s) for informations and softwares...
Getting Logical Drive <C:\> properties...OK
Getting Logical Drive <D:\> properties...OK
Getting Logical Drive <E:\> properties...OK
Getting Logical Drive <F:\> properties...OK
Getting Logical Drive <G:\> properties...OK
Getting Logical Drive <H:\> properties...OK
Getting Logical Drive <I:\> properties...OK
Getting Logical Drive <J:\> properties...OK
Reading last inventory state file...
XML Read last inventory state from file <C:\Program Files\OCS Inventory Agent\last_state>...OK
IPDISCOVER: function not required by HTTP server...
DOWNLOAD: WARNING: Cannot open history file...retrying...
DOWNLOAD: WARNING: Cannot open history file...retrying...
DOWNLOAD: WARNING: Cannot open history file...retrying...
DOWNLOAD: ERROR: Cannot open history file: 3
Checking last inventory state...
No change since last inventory.
XML Update Device properties...
XML Update Memory Slots: OK (4 objects).
MEM: Set to 2048 (instead of 2047)
XML Update Logical Drives...
XML Update Logical Drives: OK (8 objects).
XML Update Input Devices...
XML Update Input Devices: OK (2 objects).
XML Update Modems: OK (0 objects).
XML Update Monitors: OK. (1 objects).
XML Update Network Adapters: OK (3 objects).
XML Update System Ports: OK (1 objects).
XML Update Printers...
XML Update Printers: OK (3 objects).
XML Update Registry Values...
XML Update Registry Values: OK (0 objects).
XML Update Softwares...
XML Update Softwares: OK (210 objects).
XML Update Sound Devices...
XML Update Sound Devices: OK (1 objects).
XML Update Storage Peripherals...
XML Update Storage Peripherals: OK (10 objects).
XML Update System Controllers...
XML Update System Controllers: OK (20 objects).
BIOSINFO: Launching in default mode
BIOSINFO: Searching System Slots...
XML Update System Slots...
XML Update System Slots: OK (0 objects).
XML Update Video Adapters...
XML Update Video Adapters: OK (1 objects).
XML Update Device properties: OK.
WMI Disconnect: Disconnected from WMI namespace.
HTTP SERVER: Creating CInternetSession to send inventory results...OK.
HTTP SERVER: Getting HTTP Connection to server port 80 using no authentication...OK
HTTP SERVER: INV : SEND received, sending inventory...ERROR: HTTP status code 403
HTTP SERVER: INV : ERROR : No server answer concerning the account update
HTTP SERVER: Closing HTTP connection....OK.
Writing last inventory state file...
XML Write new inventory state to file <C:\Program Files\OCS Inventory Agent\last_state>...OK
Execution duration: 00:00:15.
OCS semble être la cause des problèmes, et non les agents (clients).
Je n'ai pas trouvé de réponse sur le net par rapport a l'erreur :
<>...ERROR: HTTP status code 400 et je m'en remet vous, bon il ne me reste qu'une journée pour clore ce projet, donc je crois que c'est foutu pour moi, mais au moins j'obtiendrai peut-être une réponse hors délai, histoire de comprendre tout de même.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide...
Je pense que l'agent n'a pas été installé dans OCS et que lorsque tu essayes d'inventorier ton poste, l'ocslogon.exe n'arrive pas à trouver ton ocsagent sur le serveur apache.
Il faut donc depuis l'interface web d'ocs, commencer par uploader le fichier ocsagent.exe (menu avec des roues dentées)
Messages postés147Date d'inscriptionsamedi 23 décembre 2006StatutMembreDernière intervention12 juin 200927 26 mai 2008 à 06:13
Bon apparemment le problème viendrai du fait que ma version de GLPI necessite un plug-in OCS RC3 qui est aujourd'hui obsolète... par contre 'info est bien planquée.
Une bonne prise de tête pour rien, entre temps j'ai essayer d'installer sur Mandriva One Spring 2008, mais le localhost ne peut être hostname du MySQL... bloqué au niveau de l'install MySQL donc !
Alors j'ai essayer Ubuntu, il refuse d'installer trois modules PERL, donc je peut pas utiliser MAKE... blqouer dès le départ.
Bref, je reviens sous Mandriva pwp 2007...