Problème de boutons.

Max747 Messages postés 258 Date d'inscription vendredi 11 juillet 2014 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 janvier 2024 - 17 oct. 2018 à 11:57
jordane45 Messages postés 38389 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 17 janvier 2025 - 18 oct. 2018 à 10:46

Ayant construit un site de jeu d'échec, j'ai remarqué qu'il y a 3 boutons qui ne fonctionnent pas.
Ce sont les boutons situés en ligne 394 à 396 comme indiqué dans le fichier chess.php ci dessous:

// set the session cookie parameters so the cookie is only valid for this game
$parts = pathinfo($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$path = $parts['dirname'];
if (empty($parts['extension'])) {
	$path .= '/'.$parts['jeuxechecs_fr'];
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path).'/';
session_set_cookie_params(time()+365*24*3600, $path);
session_start( );
// load 'always needed' settings
require_once './includes/';
require_once './includes/';

// include outside functions
require_once './includes/';
require_once './includes/';
require_once './includes/';
require_once './includes/';
//  load basic information
// check if loading game
if (isset($_POST['game_id']))
	$_SESSION['game_id'] = (int) $_POST['game_id'];

// make sure we have game id data
if (empty($_SESSION['game_id'])) {
	header('Location: index.php');

if (isset($_SESSION['game_id']) || ! isset($_SESSION['white']))
	// get White's data
	$query = "
		SELECT p_id
			, p_username
			, p_email
			, ".T_GAME."
		WHERE ".T_PLAYER.".p_id = ".T_GAME.".g_white_player_id
			AND ".T_GAME.".g_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
	$_SESSION['white'] = $mysql->fetch_assoc($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);

	// get Black's data
	$query = "
		SELECT p_id
			, p_username
			, p_email
			, ".T_GAME."
		WHERE ".T_PLAYER.".p_id = ".T_GAME.".g_black_player_id
			AND ".T_GAME.".g_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
	$_SESSION['black'] = $mysql->fetch_assoc($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);

	// get players' color
	if ($_SESSION['white']['p_username'] == $_SESSION['username'])
		$_SESSION['player'] = &$_SESSION['white'];
		$_SESSION['player']['p_color'] = 'white';
		$_SESSION['opponent'] = &$_SESSION['black'];
		$_SESSION['opponent']['p_color'] = 'black';
		$_SESSION['player'] = &$_SESSION['black'];
		$_SESSION['player']['p_color'] = 'black';
		$_SESSION['opponent'] = &$_SESSION['white'];
		$_SESSION['opponent']['p_color'] = 'white';

	// get id960 and position
	$query = "
		SELECT g_id960
		WHERE g_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
	$_SESSION['id960'] = $mysql->fetch_value($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$initpos = id960_to_pos($_SESSION['id960']);

$promoting = false; // init the promotion flag
$undoing   = false; // init the undo flag

// get FEN array (this should probably be in an include somewhere)
$i = 0;
$query = "
	SELECT h_fen
	WHERE h_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
	ORDER BY h_time
$FENarray = $mysql->fetch_value_array($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);

$num_moves = count($FENarray) - 1; // remove one for initpos

loadGame( ); // sets up board using last entry in ".T_HISTORY." table (
FENtomoves( ); // creates movesArray from FENarray (

// find out if it's the current player's turn
$FENitems = explode(' ',$FENarray[$num_moves]);
$curTurn  = $colorArray[$FENitems[1]]; // convert w -> white, b -> black

$isPlayersTurn = ($curTurn == $_SESSION['player']['p_color']) ? true : false;


//  save incoming information

checkDatabase( ); // check the database data against the current FEN to make sure the game is ended properly (

processMessages( ); // processes the messages (undo, resign, etc) (

// are we undoing ?
if ($undoing && 0 < $num_moves)
	call("UNDO REQUEST");
	// just remove the last FEN entered into the history table
	$query = "
		SELECT MAX(h_time)
		WHERE h_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
	$max_time = $mysql->fetch_value($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);

	$query = "
		WHERE h_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
			AND h_time = '{$max_time}'
	$mysql->query($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);

	if (!DEBUG) header("Location: ./chess.php");
// or saving the promotion
elseif ( isset($_POST['promotion']) && '' != $_POST['promotion'] && false != $_POST['promoting'] )
	savePromotion( ); // inserts promoted piece and saves to database (

	if (!DEBUG) header("Location: ./chess.php");
// or making a move
elseif ( ( isset($_POST['fromRow']) && '' != $_POST['fromRow'] && '' != $_POST['fromCol'] && '' != $_POST['toRow'] && '' != $_POST['toCol'] ) || ( isset($_POST['castleMove']) && 'false' != $_POST['castleMove'] ) )
	call("MAKING A MOVE");

	/* ensure it's the current player moving                                 */
	/* NOTE: if not, this will currently ignore the command...               */
	/*       perhaps the status should be instead?                           */
	/*       (Could be confusing to player if they double-click or something */
	$is_valid = true;
	if ('white' == $curTurn) // white's move

		// ensure that piece being moved isn't black (and is a piece)
		if (('black' == $pieceColor[$board[$_POST['fromRow']][$_POST['fromCol']]]) || ('0' == $board[$_POST['fromRow']][$_POST['fromCol']]))
			$is_valid = false; // if test passes, piece was black
	else // black' move

		// ensure that piece being moved isn't white (and is a piece)
		if (("white" == $pieceColor[$board[$_POST['fromRow']][$_POST['fromCol']]]) || ('0' == $board[$_POST['fromRow']][$_POST['fromCol']]))
			$is_valid = false; // if test passes, piece was white

	if ($is_valid)
		call("IS VALID");
		saveGame( ); // (

		// reload a fresh page to avoid errors
		// and to display the new database data
		if (!DEBUG) header("Location: ./chess.php");
// or we need to select the promoting piece
elseif ('P' == strtoupper($movesArray[$num_moves]['piece']) && ( ! isset($movesArray[$num_moves]['promo']) || null == $movesArray[$num_moves]['promo']))
	if($movesArray[$num_moves]['toRow'] == 7 || $movesArray[$num_moves]['toRow'] == 0)
		$promoting = true;

//  submit chat message
if (isset($_POST['txtChatbox']) && ('' != $_POST['txtChatbox']))
	$_POST = sani($_POST);

	$private = (isset($_POST['private']) && 'on' == $_POST['private']) ? 'Yes' : 'No';

	// select the last post entered and make sure it is not a IE error duplicate message
	// (same message within 1 second)
	$query = "
		WHERE c_message = '{$_POST['txtChatbox']}'
			AND c_time BETWEEN
	$count = $mysql->fetch_value($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $test = new DateTime();
    $d= date_format($test, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
	if (0 == $count)
	    //$dat= date('d-m-Y-G-i',strtotime("+1 hours"));
		$query = "
				(c_game_id, c_player_id, c_time, c_message, c_private)
				('{$_SESSION['game_id']}', '{$_SESSION['player_id']}', '{$d}', '{$_POST['txtChatbox']}', '{$private}')
		$mysql->query($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);

	// refresh the page to avoid double posts
	if (!DEBUG) header('Location: chess.php');

//  send wake up email
$wake_up_sent = false;
if ( isset($_POST['wakeID']) && $_SESSION['game_id'] == $_POST['wakeID'] )
	$wake_up_sent = webchessMail('wakeup',$_SESSION['opponent']['p_email'],'',$_SESSION['username'],$_SESSION['game_id']);

//  load game from database for display

// get FEN array
$query = "
	SELECT h_fen
	WHERE h_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
	ORDER BY h_time
$FENarray = $mysql->fetch_value_array($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);

$num_moves = count($FENarray) - 1; // remove one for initpos

loadGame( ); // sets up board using last entry in ".T_HISTORY." table (

// convert the current FEN array to an array of standard moves
FENtomoves( ); // (

// find out if it's the current player's turn
$FENitems = explode(' ',$FENarray[$num_moves]);
$curTurn  = $colorArray[$FENitems[1]];

$isPlayersTurn = ($curTurn == $_SESSION['player']['p_color']) ? true : false;


// set the display to show whos turn, or shared
if ($_SESSION['shared'])
	$turn = "Partagé";
elseif ($isPlayersTurn)
	$turn = "Votre coup";
	$turn = "Coup adverse";

$head_extra = '
	<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
		var watchgame = false;
		function redo( )

		// ouput confirmation for wake up email
		if ($wake_up_sent)
			$head_extra .= "alert('Envoi Wake Up par e-mail effectué.');\n    ";
		elseif (isset($_POST['wakeID']) && ! $wake_up_sent)
			$head_extra .= "alert('Envoi Wake Up par e-mail échoué !!');\n    ";

		// transfer game data to javacript vars
		$head_extra .= getJSFEN( );  // writes 'FEN' array, and 'result' (
		$head_extra .= getTurn( );   // writes 'isBoardDisabled', 'isPlayersTurn', and 'perspective' (
		$head_extra .= getMoves( );  // writes the 'moves' array (
		$head_extra .= getStatus( ); // writes 'whosMove', 'gameState', and 'statusMsg' (

		$head_extra .= "var DEBUG = ".JS_DEBUG.";\n    ";
		$head_extra .= "var numMoves = FEN.length - 1;\n    ";

		// if it's not the player's turn, enable auto-refresh
		$autoRefresh = ( ! $isPlayersTurn && ! isBoardDisabled( ) && ! $_SESSION['shared'] );
		$head_extra .= "var autoreload = ";

		if ( ! $autoRefresh || (0 == $CFG_MINAUTORELOAD) )
			$head_extra .= "0";
		elseif ( $_SESSION['pref_auto_reload'] >= $CFG_MINAUTORELOAD )
			$head_extra .= $_SESSION['pref_auto_reload'];
			$head_extra .= $CFG_MINAUTORELOAD;

		$vs = get_medal($_SESSION['white']['p_username']).$_SESSION['white']['p_username']." - ".get_medal($_SESSION['black']['p_username']).$_SESSION['black']['p_username'];

		$head_extra .= ";
			var gameId = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}';
			var players = '{$vs}';
			var promoting = '{$promoting}';
			var isGameOver = '{$isGameOver}';
			var lastMoveIndicator = '{$_SESSION['pref_show_last_move']}';
			var id960 = '{$_SESSION['id960']}';
			var initpos = '{$initpos}';
			var parties_gagnees = '{$_SESSION['wins']}';

		$head_extra .= "var currentTheme = '";
		$head_extra .= (isset($_SESSION['pref_theme']) ? $_SESSION['pref_theme'] : "Style A") . '\';

		<!-- the \'variables\' javascript must come first !! -->
		<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/variables.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/chessutils.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/commands.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/validation.js"></script>

	if ($isPlayersTurn || $_SESSION['shared'] || $promoting)
		$head_extra .= "\n	<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"javascript/isCheckMate.js\"></script>";

	if ( ! isBoardDisabled( ) || $_SESSION['shared'])
		$head_extra .= "\n	<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"javascript/squareclicked.js\"></script>";

	$head_extra .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/board.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/highlight.js"></script>
	echo get_header(null, $turn, $head_extra)

<div id='centrer_jeu'>
<div id="centrer_menu_partie">
			<a href="index.php">
				<input type="button" class="button" value="Page d' accueil"/>
				<input type="button" id="btnUndo" class="button" value="Demande à rejouer" disabled="disabled" />
				<input type="button" id="btnDraw" class="button" value="Demande la nulle" disabled="disabled" />
				<input type="button" id="btnResign" class="button" value="Abandonner" disabled="disabled" />
			</a>	<br/><br/>		
		<div id="history">
			<?php // case avec dernier coup : ?>
			<span style='display:none;' id="curmove"> </span> 
			<h2 id="players"></h2>
			<h2 id="gameid"></h2>
			<div id="gamebody"></div>
		<div id="board">
			<div id="checkmsg"></div>
			<div id="statusmsg"></div>
				<div id="gamebuttons">
					<span id="castle">Pour roquer : cliquez sur le roi, et ensuite sur la tour du côté du roque.
					<a href="#" class="help" onclick="'./help/c960castling.html','help','resizable,scrollbars,width=550,height=500,top=50,left=50','_blank');return false;">?</a></span>
			<h3>Pièces capturées:</h3>
			<div id="captheading"></div>
			<div id="captures"></div>
			<div id="date">
			echo 'Nous sommes '.strftime("%A %d %B %Y").'. ';
			echo ' Il est: '.strftime("%Hh %M").'<br/>';*/
			<form name="gamedata" method="post" action="chess.php">
				<div id="chessboard"></div>

					if ($promoting && ( ! $isPlayersTurn || $_SESSION['shared'])) // Write promotion dialog only to the correct player
						echo getPromotion( );

					if ($isUndoRequested)
						echo getUndoRequest( );

					if ($isDrawRequested)
						echo getDrawRequest( );

				<input type="hidden" name="requestUndo" value="no" />
				<input type="hidden" name="requestDraw" value="no" />
				<input type="hidden" name="resign" value="no" />
				<input type="hidden" name="fromRow" value="" />
				<input type="hidden" name="fromCol" value="" />
				<input type="hidden" name="toRow" value="" />
				<input type="hidden" name="toCol" value="<?php if ($promoting) echo $movesArray[$num_moves]['toCol']; ?>" />
				<input type="hidden" name="castleMove" value="false" />
				<input type="hidden" name="promoting" value="<?php echo ($promoting ? 'true' : 'false'); ?>" />

			<div id="gamenav"></div>
			<form name="gamemenu" id="gamemenu" method="post" action="chess.php" style="display:inline;">
				<input type="button" id="btnReload" value="Recharger" disabled="disabled" />
				<input type="button" id="btnReplay" value="Revoir partie" disabled="disabled" />
				<input type="button" id="btnPGN" value="PGN" disabled="disabled" />
			<form name="wakeup" id="wakeup" method="post" action="chess.php" style="display:inline;">
					// test for opponents email, and if none, disable the wake up button
					$temp = ('' == $_SESSION['opponent']['p_email']) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; // check the var and disable if no email is found
				<input type="button" id="btnWakeUp" value="Rappel" onclick="wakeUp( );"<?php echo $temp; ?> />
				<input type="hidden" name="wakeID" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['game_id']; ?>" /><a href="#" class="help" onclick="'./help/wakeup.html','help','resizable,scrollbars,width=550,height=500,top=50,left=50','_blank');return false;">?</a>
				// collect the public chat messages
				$query = "
					SELECT distinct c_message
						, c_private
						, p_username
						,DAY(c_time) AS jour, MONTH(c_time) AS mois, Year(c_time) AS annee, HOUR(c_time) AS heure, MINUTE(c_time) AS minute
					FROM ".T_CHAT."
							ON ".T_CHAT.".c_player_id = ".T_PLAYER.".p_id
					WHERE c_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
						AND (
							(c_private = 'No')
				// include private message data if game is not shared
				if ('1' != $_SESSION['shared'])
					$query .= "
							OR (c_private='Yes'
								AND ".T_CHAT.".c_player_id = '{$_SESSION['player_id']}')

				$query .= "
					ORDER BY c_time DESC
				$result = $mysql->fetch_array($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
				$i = 0;
				// on n'affiche pas le tableau si on a pas de résultats ..
				$nb_res = count($result); 
				if($nb_res > 0){
				<div id="chat">
					<div id="date">
					//$a=strftime("%A %d %B %Y");
					//echo htmlentities($a);
					//$y='Nous sommes le '.strftime("%A %d %B %Y").'. ';
					echo 'Nous sommes le '.strftime("%A %d %B %Y").'. ';
					//echo $y;
					echo ' Il est: '.strftime("%Hh %M").'<br/>';
					<div class="info"></div>
					<div id="chatholder">
					<table class="chat" style='table-layout: fixed;'>
						<col />
						<col class="message" />
							<th style='width:90px' >Joueurs</th>
							<th >Messages</th>
				<?php }else{ ?>
				<div id="chat">
				<div class="info"></div>
					<div id="chatholder">
					<table class="chat">
						<col />
						<col class="message" />
							<th>Aucun message</th>

				<?php }
				foreach ($result as $chat)
					$alt = ' class="';
					$alt .= (0 == $i % 2) ? ' alt' : '';
					$alt .= ('Yes' == $chat['c_private']) ? ' mine' : '';
					$alt .= ( $_SESSION['username'] != $chat['p_username']  ) ? ' opp' : '';
					$alt .= '"';
					$mois=array("","/ 01 /","/ 02 /","/ 03 /","/ 04 /","/ 05 /","/ 06 /","/ 07 /","/ 08 /","/ 09 /","/ 10 /","/ 11 /","/ 12 /");
					if($chat['minute'] < 10 ){$chat['minute'] = "0".$chat['minute'];}
					echo "
					<td class=\"player\">{$chat['p_username']}:<br/>
			        {$chat['jour']} {$mois[$chat['mois']]} {$chat['annee']}<br/> 
					<td style = 'hyphens: auto;word-wrap: break-word;'>  {$chat['c_message']}</td>

			<form action="chess.php" method="post" name="chatdata" style="display:inline;">
<textarea style="width:339px;max-width:373px;max-height:90px;" name="txtChatbox" tabindex="2" cols="39" rows="4" onfocus="clearTimeout(intervalId);" onblur="if(''==this.value){intervalId = setTimeout('redo( )', autoreload * 1000);}"
tabindex="2" placeholder="Ecrivez vos commentaires ici..."></textarea> 							
				<!--<label for="private"><input type="checkbox" id="private" name="private" tabindex="1" />Privé</label> -->
				 <input type="submit" id="btnSubmit" name="chat" tabindex="3" value="Envoi" />
	<div id="footerspacer"> </div>
	<?php // NE PAS ENLEVER FENBLOCK : sinon on ne peu plus revoir les coups précédents ?>
	<div id="FENblock"></div>
<?php call($GLOBALS);?>
			<form action="chess.php" method="post" name="chatdata" style="display:inline;">
				<textarea style="width:339px;max-width:373px;max-height:60px;" name="txtChatbox" tabindex="2" cols="39" rows="4" onfocus="clearTimeout(intervalId);" onblur="if(''==this.value){intervalId = setTimeout('redo( )', autoreload * 1000);}"></textarea> 				
				<label for="private"><input type="checkbox" id="private" name="private" tabindex="1" />Privé</label> 
				 <input type="submit" id="btnSubmit" name="chat" tabindex="3" value="Envoi" />
	<div id="footerspacer_jeu"> </div>
<?php call($GLOBALS);?>

Les identifiants concernant ces 3 boutons se trouvent dans le fichier commands.js ci dessous en lignes 7,8 et 9.

// these functions interact with the server

function disableButtons( )
	if ( ! watchgame)
	    getObject("btnUndo").disabled = true;
		getObject("btnDraw").disabled = true;
		getObject("btnResign").disabled = true;
		 //document.querySelector('btnUndo').disabled = true;
		 //document.querySelector('btnDraw').disabled = true;
		 //document.querySelector('btnResign').disabled = true;

function undo( )
	disableButtons( );
	document.gamedata.requestUndo.value = "yes";

	my_alert("gamedata.requestUndo = " + document.gamedata.requestUndo.value);

	document.gamedata.submit( );

function draw( )
	disableButtons( );
	document.gamedata.requestDraw.value = "yes";

	my_alert("gamedata.requestDraw = " + document.gamedata.requestDraw.value);

	document.gamedata.submit( );

function resigngame( )
	disableButtons( );
	document.gamedata.resign.value = "yes";

	my_alert("gamedata.resign = " + document.gamedata.resign.value);

	document.gamedata.submit( );

function displayMainmenu( )
	this.disabled = true;
	disableButtons( );'index.php', '_self');

function reloadPage(btnReload)
	btnReload.disabled = true;
	disableButtons( );'chess.php', '_self');

function downloadPGN( )
{'./includes/', '_self')

function replay( )
	if (document.gamemenu.btnReplay.value == "Revoir partie")
		document.gamemenu.btnReplay.value = "Continue";

		// pause the refresh timer

		// disable the board
		isBoardDisabled = true;

		// run the replay scripts
		var replayBoard = htmlBoard( );
		getObject('chessboard').innerHTML = replayBoard;

		// reset the moves with movable ones

		// get the FEN array
		currMoveIdx = FEN.length - 1;

		// display the captured pieces
		displayCaptPieces( );

		// make the replay buttons and hide game buttons
		getObject('gamebuttons').style.display = 'none';
		var navButtons = '<form id="navigation" action="">';
		navButtons += '<span id="navbuttons">';
		navButtons += '<input id="start" title="Début" type="button" value="Début" />';
		navButtons += '<input id="jmpback" title="5 demi-coups avant" type="button" value=" << " />';
		navButtons += '<input id="prev" title="1 demi-coup avant" type="button" value=" < " />';
		navButtons += '<input id="next" title="1 demi-coup après" type="button" value=" > " />';
		navButtons += '<input id="jmpfwd" title="5 demi-coups après" type="button" value=" >> " />';
		navButtons += '<input id="end" title="Fin" type="button" value="Fin" /><br>';
		navButtons += '<input style="width:100px" id="invert" title="Inverser" type="button" value="< Tourner" />';
		navButtons += '<input style="width:100px" id="invert2" title="Inverser" type="button" value="Tourner >" disabled />';
		navButtons += '</span>';
		navButtons += '</form>';
		getObject('gamenav').innerHTML = navButtons;

		function invert1(){ /*toggleInvert( )*/

			document.getElementById("invert").disabled = true;
			document.getElementById("invert2").disabled = false;
			document.getElementById("theBoard").style.transform = "rotate(180deg)";
			document.getElementById("theBoard").style.transition = ".3s";
			for (var i=0; i < 64; i++) { 
				var element =  document.getElementById("sq"+i);
				if (typeof(element) != 'undefined' && element != null)
						document.getElementById("sq"+i).style.transform = "rotate(180deg)";
		function invert2(){ /*toggleInvert( )*/

			document.getElementById("invert2").disabled = true;
			document.getElementById("invert").disabled = false;
			document.getElementById("theBoard").style.transform = "rotate(0deg)";
			document.getElementById("theBoard").style.transition = ".3s";
			for (var i=0; i < 64; i++) { 
				var element =  document.getElementById("sq"+i);
				if (typeof(element) != 'undefined' && element != null)
						document.getElementById("sq"+i).style.transform = "rotate(0deg)";
						//document.getElementById("theBoard").style.transition = ".3s";
			//document.getElementById("invert").style.display = "block";
			//document.getElementById("invert2").style.display = "none";


		// set the replay button actions - définir les actions du bouton de relecture
		getObject("start").onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(-10000);invert1();}else{moveJmp(-10000)} ;};
		getObject("jmpback").onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(-5);invert1();}else{moveJmp(-5)};};
		getObject("prev").onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(-1);invert1();}else{moveJmp(-1)};};
		getObject("next").onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(1);invert1();}else{moveJmp(1)};};
		getObject("jmpfwd").onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(5);invert1();}else{moveJmp(5)};};
		getObject("end").onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(10000);invert1();}else{moveJmp(10000)};};
		getObject("invert").onclick = function( ){invert1()};
		getObject("invert2").onclick = function( ){invert2()};

		//document.querySelector('start').onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(-10000);invert1();}else{moveJmp(-10000)} ;};
		//document.querySelector('jmpback').onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(-5);invert1();}else{moveJmp(-5)};};
		//document.querySelector('prev').onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(-1);invert1();}else{moveJmp(-1)};};
		//document.querySelector('next').onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(1);invert1();}else{moveJmp(1)};};
		//document.querySelector('jmpfwd').onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(5);invert1();}else{moveJmp(5)};};
		//document.querySelector('end').onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(10000);invert1();}else{moveJmp(10000)};};
		//document.querySelector('invert').onclick = function( ){invert1()};
		//document.querySelector('invert2').onclick = function( ){invert2()};

	else if (document.gamemenu.btnReplay.value == "Continue")
		// just refresh the page, everything resets itself

function wakeUp( )
	if (confirm('Confirmez le mail de rappel.'))
		document.wakeup.submit( );

function promotepawn( )
	var blackPawnFound = false;
	var whitePawnFound = false;
	var i = -1;

	// search for the promoting pawn
	while ( ! blackPawnFound &&  ! whitePawnFound && i < 8)

		/* check for black pawn being promoted */
		if (board[0][i] == (BLACK | PAWN))
			blackPawnFound = true;

		/* check for white pawn being promoted */
		if (board[7][i] == (WHITE | PAWN))
			whitePawnFound = true;

	/* to which piece is the pawn being promoted to? */
	var promotedTo = 0;
	for (var j = 0; j <= 3; j++)
		if (document.gamedata.promotion[j].checked)
			promotedTo = parseInt(document.gamedata.promotion[j].value);

	/* change pawn to promoted piece */
	var enemyColor = "black";
	if (blackPawnFound)
		enemyColor = "white";
		board[0][i] = (BLACK | promotedTo);

		my_alert("Promotion pour: (noirs) " + board[0][i]);

	else if (whitePawnFound)
		board[7][i] = (WHITE | promotedTo);

		my_alert("Promotion pour: (blancs) " + board[7][i]);
		alert("ATTENTION ! : Le site ne trouve pas le pion à promouvoir");

	/* update board and database */
	document.gamedata.submit( );

Ne connaissant aucunement le JavaScript, pouvez vous m' aider à résoudre ce problème de boutons?

5 réponses

jordane45 Messages postés 38389 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 17 janvier 2025 4 729
17 oct. 2018 à 12:06

A quelle endroit as tu assigné des actions à ces boutons ?
As tu vérifié qu'il n'y a avait pas d'erreur dans la console du navigateur ?
Tu postes dans le forum PHP .... mais ta question concerne le javascript non ??

Tu dis avoir construit le site... mais que tu ne connais rien au javascript... ce n'est pas toi qui a codé le script que tu nous montres ?

Max747 Messages postés 258 Date d'inscription vendredi 11 juillet 2014 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 janvier 2024
17 oct. 2018 à 12:32
A quelle endroit as tu assigné des actions à ces boutons ?
Dans le fichier commands.js en ligne 7,8 et 9.

Voici l'image de la console:

Tu postes dans le forum PHP .... mais ta question concerne le javascript non ??
Je ne connais pas suffisament le JS pour aller poster dans les sujets s'y rapportant.

Tu dis avoir construit le site... mais que tu ne connais rien au javascript... ce n'est pas toi qui a codé le script que tu nous montres ?
Je n'ai pas tout codé en effet.J'y ai simplement apporté ma touche personnelle comme j'essaie de le faire avec les 3 boutons qui ne fonctionnent pas.
jordane45 Messages postés 38389 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 17 janvier 2025 4 729
17 oct. 2018 à 12:46
Si , en parlant des lignes 7,8,9 tu veux dire
getObject("btnUndo").disabled = true;
		getObject("btnDraw").disabled = true;
		getObject("btnResign").disabled = true;

Non... ça n'assigne aucune action à tes boutons.......
il faut chercher un addEventListener dans le Javascript ou un ONCLICK dans le HTML ...

L'image de la console que tu nous montres... n'est pas sur l'onglet CONSOLE ... et donc ne nous sert à rien.

Même si tu ne connais rien au Javascript... le souci portant sur ce langage, il aurait fallu poster dans le bon forum.
Je déplace le sujet. Merci d'y penser la prochaine fois.
Max747 Messages postés 258 Date d'inscription vendredi 11 juillet 2014 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 janvier 2024
17 oct. 2018 à 14:08
Voici la partie utile (à mon avis) concernant addEventListener qui se trouve dans un fichier nommé sortabletable.js

// adds arrow containers and events
// also binds sort type to the header cells so that reordering columns does
// not break the sort types
SortableTable.prototype.initHeader = function (oSortTypes) {
	if (!this.tHead) return;
	var cells = this.tHead.rows[0].cells;
	var doc = this.tHead.ownerDocument || this.tHead.document;
	this.sortTypes = oSortTypes || [];
	var l = cells.length;
	var img, c;
	for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
		c = cells[i];
		if (this.sortTypes[i] != null && this.sortTypes[i] != "None") {
//			img = doc.createElement("IMG");
//			img.src = "images/blank.png";
//			c.appendChild(img);
			if (this.sortTypes[i] != null)
				c._sortType = this.sortTypes[i];
			if (typeof c.addEventListener != "undefined")
				c.addEventListener("click", this._headerOnclick, false);
			else if (typeof c.attachEvent != "undefined")
				c.attachEvent("onclick", this._headerOnclick);
				c.onclick = this._headerOnclick;
			c.setAttribute( "_sortType", oSortTypes[i] );
			c._sortType = "None";
//	this.updateHeaderArrows();

ONCLICK dans le fichier board.js aux lignes:
575, 576,
639, 640,
645, 645, 646, 647,
710 à 717 et 727.
function getObject(obj) {
	if (document.getElementById) {  // Mozilla, FireFox, Explorer 5+, Opera 5+, Konqueror, Safari, iCab, Ice, OmniWeb 4.5
		if (typeof obj == "string") {
			if (document.getElementById(obj)) {
				return document.getElementById(obj);
			} else {
				return document.getElementsByName(obj)[0];
		} else {
	if (document.all) {       // Explorer 4+, Opera 6+, iCab, Ice, Omniweb 4.2-
		if (typeof obj == "string") {
			return document.all(obj);
		} else {
	if (document.layers) {      // Netscape 4, Ice, Escape, Omniweb 4.2-
		if (typeof obj == "string") {
			return document.layers(obj);
		} else {
	alert('Objet non trouvé : ' + obj);
	return false;

function isGameDrawn( )
	var i,j;

	// Stalemate?  // is all this needed, it is generated in php, so...
	if (gameState == 'stalemate')
		var myColor = WHITE;

		if (0 <= numMoves && 'b' == FEN[FEN.length - 1].split(' ')[1])
			myColor = BLACK;

		if (0 == countMoves(myColor))
			alert('Nulle (pat)\nVous devriez offrir la nulle à votre adversaire.');

		return "stalemate";

	// Is the game drawn due to insufficient material to checkmate?
	var count = 0;
	var canCheckmate = false;

	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
			if (board[i][j] != 0 && (board[i][j] & COLOR_MASK) != KING)
				if ((board[i][j] & COLOR_MASK) != KNIGHT && (board[i][j] & COLOR_MASK) != BISHOP)
					canCheckmate = true;
	if (count < 2 && ! canCheckmate)
		alert('Nulle (materiel insuffisant pour mater)\nVous devriez offrir la nulle à votre adversaire.');
		return "material";

	// Is the game drawn because this is the third time that the exact same position arises?
	if (numMoves >= 0 && isThirdTimePosDraw(FEN))
		alert('Nulle (cette position a été rencontrée trois fois)\nVous devriez offrir la nulle à votre adversaire.');
		return "3";

	// Draw because of no capture or pawn move for the last 50 moves?
	if (numMoves >= 0 && isFiftyMoveDraw(FEN[FEN.length-1]))
		alert('Nulle (règle des 50 coups)\nVous devriez offrir la nulle à votre adversaire.');
		return "50";

	return false;

function displayCaptPieces( )
	var i,j;
	var color = 'white';
	var html = '<div>';
	var piece = '';
	var item;

	for(i = 0; i < captPieces.length; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < captPieces[i].length; j++)
			piece = color + '_' + captPieces[i][j];
			html += '<img src="images/' + currentTheme + '/' + piece + '.' + ((-1 !== currentTheme.indexOf('gnuchess')) ? 'png' : 'gif') + '" width="';
			html += parseInt(50 * 3 / 5) + '" height="' + parseInt(50 * 3 / 5) + '" alt="' + piece + '" />';

		html += "</div>\n<div>";
		color = 'black';

	html += '</div>';
	getObject('captures').innerHTML = html;

if (0 < numMoves) { // if we have not made a move yet, don't get the previous move
	var prevMove = new previousMove( ); // the previous move info as object

var takenPiece = 0; // the captured piece img in the captures section
var captEnPass = 0; // the square the en passant captured pawn was on
function unhighlightCurMove( )
	unhighlight(getObject('tsq' + prevMove.fromSq));
	unhighlight(getObject('tsq' + prevMove.toSq));

	if (takenPiece) // if we have a captured piece highlighted
		unhighlight(takenPiece); // unhighlight it
		takenPiece = 0; // and erase the var so we don't keep highlighting it

	if (captEnPass) // if we have an en passant capture
		unhighlight(captEnPass); // unhighlight it
		captEnPass = 0; // and erase the var so we don't keep highlighting it

function highlightCurMove( )
	var item;

	// check for en passant move
	if (undefined != prevMove.captSq && prevMove.captSq != prevMove.toSq)
		captEnPass = getObject('tsq' + prevMove.captSq);

	if (prevMove.captPiece)
		if ('w' == pieceColor[prevMove.captPiece])
			item = 'white_' + pieceLtrToName[prevMove.captPiece.toLowerCase( )];
			item = 'black_' + pieceLtrToName[prevMove.captPiece.toLowerCase( )];

		var capt = getObject('captures').getElementsByTagName('img');

		var i;
		for (i = 0; i < capt.length; i++)
			if (capt[i].alt == item)
				takenPiece = capt[i];

	highlight(getObject('tsq' + prevMove.fromSq), 'highlighted');
	setTimeout('highlightCurMoveTo( )', 300);
	setTimeout('unhighlightCurMove( )', 900);

function highlightCurMoveTo( )
	if (takenPiece)
		highlight(takenPiece, 'taken_highlighted');

		if (captEnPass)
			highlight(captEnPass, 'taken_highlighted');
			highlight(getObject('tsq' + prevMove.toSq), 'highlighted');
			highlight(getObject('tsq' + prevMove.toSq), 'taken_highlighted');
		highlight(getObject('tsq' + prevMove.toSq), 'highlighted');

function displayCurFEN(moveIdx)
	if (undefined != moveIdx)
		getObject('FENblock').innerHTML = FEN[moveIdx];
		getObject('FENblock').innerHTML = FEN[FEN.length - 1];

// these will throw errors, but initializing them as 'undefined' is the
// only way to ensure all-around compatibility no matter what the original colors are.
function moveTo(objMoveId)
	var theBoard;

	if (0 < currMoveIdx) // don't try to reset the empty span, it throws errors
		unhighlight(getObject('m' + currMoveIdx)); // reset the previous move box background color

	currMoveIdx = parseInt(; // get the move number
	FENToBoard(FEN[currMoveIdx]); // convert that FEN to the board var
	displayCurFEN(currMoveIdx); // display that FEN
	FENToCapt(currMoveIdx); // get the captures up to that point
	displayCaptPieces( ); // display those captures
	theBoard = htmlBoard( ); // convert the board var to html code
	getObject('chessboard').innerHTML = theBoard; // display that board
	highlight(getObject('m' + currMoveIdx), 'curmove_highlighted'); // change the move box background color

function moveJmp(moveDelta)
	var moveIdx = currMoveIdx;

	if (moveIdx + moveDelta > FEN.length - 1)
		moveIdx = FEN.length - 1;
	else if (moveIdx + moveDelta < 0)
		moveIdx = 0;
		moveIdx += moveDelta;

	moveTo(getObject('m' + moveIdx + ''));

function displayMoves(replay)
	var i;
	var alt = '';
	var objGamebody = getObject('gamebody');
	var theMoves = '\n<span id="m0"></span>';
	var moveId = 1;
	theMoves += '\n<table class="moveList">\n';

	for (i = 0; i < moves.length; i++)
		if ( (i + 1) % 2 == 0)
			alt = ' class="alt"';
			alt = '';

		if ('1' == isGameOver || replay || 'mate' == gameState)
			theMoves += '<tr'+alt+'>\n<td class="mn">' + (i+1) + '.</td>\n';
			theMoves += '<td id="m' + (moveId) + '" class="wm" onclick="moveTo(this);">' + moves[i][0] + '</td>\n';
			theMoves += '<td id="m' + (moveId+1) + '" class="bm" onclick="moveTo(this);">' + moves[i][1] + '</td>\n</tr>';
			moveId = moveId + 2;
			theMoves += '<tr'+alt+'>\n<td class="mn">' + (i+1) + '.</td>\n<td class="wm">';
			theMoves += moves[i][0] + '</td>\n<td class="bm">' + moves[i][1] + '</td>\n</tr>';

	theMoves += '\n</table>\n';

	if ('' != result)
		theMoves += '<span class="ctr">Result: ' + result + '</span>\n';

	objGamebody.innerHTML = theMoves;
	element = document.getElementById('gamebody');
    element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight;

function toggleInvert( )
	if ('black' == perspective)
		perspective = 'white';
		perspective = 'black';

	theBoard = htmlBoard( );
	getObject('chessboard').innerHTML = theBoard;

function htmlBoard( )
{ // Returns the HTML-code for the current chessboard (Note: Fixed square size and theme)
	var i,j,k;
	var classWSquare;
	var classBSquare;
	var classHeader;
	var fileLabel;
	var xtra;
	var mtra;
	var colorside;
	var invertBoard = (perspective == 'black');
	var rank = 8;
	var rankLabel = rank;

	if ('' == isBoardDisabled && ! watchgame)
		classWSquare = 'light_enabled';
		classBSquare = 'dark_enabled';
		classHeader = 'header_enabled';
		classWSquare = 'light_disabled';
		classBSquare = 'dark_disabled';
		classHeader = 'header_disabled';

	var sqBackground = [classBSquare, classWSquare];

	if (invertBoard)
		rankLabel = 1;
		colorside = "white";
		colorside = "black";

	j = 1;

	//changement du plateau selon le nombre de parteis gagnées

	if(parties_gagnees < 100){
			theBoard = '\n<div id="theBoard" style="background: url(./images/bois.png);">\n';
			var couleur = 'style="color:#111;"'; //correspond aux lettres et chiffres du bord de l'échiquier
	}else if(parties_gagnees >= 100){
			theBoard = '\n<div id="theBoard" style="background: url(./images/marbre.png);">\n';
			var couleur = 'style="color:#555;"'; //correspond aux lettres et chiffres du bord de l'échiquier


	theBoard += '<div class="' + classHeader + ' ' + colorside + 'corner"> <\/div>\n';

	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			fileLabel = Files[7-i];
			fileLabel = Files[i];

		theBoard += '<div '+couleur+' id="file_t' + i + '" class="' + classHeader + ' horz">' + fileLabel + '<\/div>\n';

	theBoard += '<div class="' + classHeader + ' ' + colorside + 'corner"> <\/div>\n';
	theBoard += '<div '+couleur+' id="rank_l' + rank-- + '" class="' + classHeader + ' vert">' + rankLabel + '</div>\n';

	for (k = 63; k >= 0; k--)
		if ((k+1) % 8 == 0)
			i = k - 7;

			if (invertBoard)
				i = 63 - i;
			if (invertBoard)

		var row = parseInt(i / 8);
		var col = i % 8;

		if (prevMove && row == prevMove.fromRow && col == prevMove.fromCol && '' == isBoardDisabled && ! watchgame && lastMoveIndicator)
			xtra = " fromSquare";
		else if (prevMove && row == prevMove.toRow && col == prevMove.toCol && '' == isBoardDisabled && ! watchgame && lastMoveIndicator)
			xtra = " toSquare";
			xtra = "";

		theBoard += '<div id="tsq' + i + '" class="' + sqBackground[j] + xtra + '">';
		var piece = '';
		var source = '';

		if(board[row][col] != 0)
			piece = getPieceColor(board[row][col]) + '_' + getPieceName(board[row][col]);
			source = 'images/' + currentTheme + '/' + piece + '.' + ((-1 !== currentTheme.indexOf('gnuchess')) ? 'png' : 'gif'); // Update the square
			theBoard += '<img alt="' + piece + '" id="sq' + i + '" ';
			theBoard += 'src="' + source + '" width="50" height="50" />';
			theBoard += '';
		theBoard += '<\/div>\n';
		if ( (k % 8) === 0 )
			theBoard += '<div '+couleur+' id="rank_r' + (rank+1) + '" class="' + classHeader + ' vert">' + rankLabel + '<\/div>\n';
			if (k != 0)
					rankLabel = 9 - rank;
					rankLabel = rank;

				theBoard += '<div '+couleur+' id="rank_l' + rank-- + '" class="' + classHeader + ' vert">' + rankLabel + '</div>\n';
			j = 1 - j;

	if ("white" == colorside)
		colorside = "black";
		colorside = "white";

	theBoard += '<div '+couleur+' class="' + classHeader + ' ' + colorside + 'corner"> <\/div>\n';

	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		if (invertBoard)
			fileLabel = Files[7-i];
			fileLabel = Files[i];

		xtra = "";mtra = ""; // erase any previous values
		if ("518" != id960 && "header_disabled" != classHeader) // if we are not in a normal game and not disabled
			if ("c" == fileLabel || "g" == fileLabel)
				xtra = "<span class=\"kingto\">K</span>";
				mtra = "<span class=\"spacer\">K</span>";
			else if ("d" == fileLabel)
				xtra = "<span class=\"rookato\">R</span>";
				mtra = "<span class=\"spacer\">R</span>";
			else if ("f" == fileLabel)
				xtra = "<span class=\"rookhto\">R</span>";
				mtra = "<span class=\"spacer\">R</span>";

			var LorigARookPos = origARookPos;
			var LorigKingPos  = origKingPos;
			var LorigHRookPos = origHRookPos;

			if (invertBoard)
				LorigARookPos = 7 - LorigARookPos;
				LorigKingPos  = 7 - LorigKingPos;
				LorigHRookPos = 7 - LorigHRookPos;

			if (i == LorigARookPos)
				fileLabel = '<span class="origarook">' + fileLabel + '</span>';
			else if (i == LorigKingPos)
				fileLabel = '<span class="origking">' + fileLabel + '</span>';
			else if (i == LorigHRookPos)
				fileLabel = '<span class="orighrook">' + fileLabel + '</span>';

		theBoard += '<div '+couleur+' id="file_b' + i + '" class="' + classHeader + ' horz">' + mtra + fileLabel + xtra + '<\/div>\n';

	theBoard += '<div class="' + classHeader + ' ' + colorside + 'corner"> <\/div>\n<\/div>\n';
	return theBoard;

// only do disabled = true for btnWakeUp, it is set as disabled if no email is present.

FENToBoard(FEN[FEN.length - 1]); // save the last entry in the FEN array to the board
var theBoard = htmlBoard( ); // The HTML code for the board
var currMoveIdx = 0;
var intervalId = 0;
window.onload = function( )
	var i;
	var lastMove;
	var navButtons;
	var gameIdDisplay;
	var invertBoard = (perspective == 'black');

	getObject('chessboard').innerHTML = theBoard;
	//displayCurFEN( );
	displayCaptPieces( );

	if (0 != gameId) // is it a database game ?
		gameIdDisplay = 'Partie '  + gameId;
		getObject('btnPGN').disabled = false;
	else // or a PGN file game
		gameIdDisplay = 'PGN Game';

	if ( ! watchgame)
		if ('518' != id960) // if it's a Chess960 game
			gameIdDisplay += ' - ' + id960 // display the id
		else // or a regular game
			getObject("castle").style.display = 'none';

	if ('1' != isBoardDisabled && ! watchgame)
		if (0 < numMoves)
			getObject("btnUndo").disabled = false;

		getObject("btnDraw").disabled = false;
		getObject("btnResign").disabled = false;
		//document.querySelector('btnResign').disabled = false;

	if ( ! watchgame) // are we playing the game
		displayMoves( );

		getObject("btnReload").disabled = false;
		getObject("btnReplay").disabled = false;
		getObject("btnReload").onclick = function( ) { reloadPage(this); };
		getObject("btnReplay").onclick = function( ) { replay( ); };

		if (0 < moves.length) // if there are moves
			lastMove = moves.length + '-'; // get the move number

			if ('' != moves[moves.length-1][1]) // if we are showing a black move
				getObject('curmove').innerHTML = lastMove + ' ... ' + moves[moves.length-1][1];
			else // we are showing a white move
				getObject('curmove').innerHTML = lastMove + ' ' + moves[moves.length-1][0];

			if ('1' != isGameOver)
				getObject("curmove").onclick = function( ) { highlightCurMove( ); };

		if ('check' == gameState)
			getObject('checkmsg').style.display = '';
			getObject('checkmsg').innerHTML = 'Echec !';

			// convert the board border to red if in check
			var divs = document.all ? document.all : document.getElementById("theBoard").getElementsByTagName("div");

			for ( var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++)
				if (divs[i].className.match(/.*?(horz|vert).*?/))
					divs[i].style.backgroundColor = "#BF2F35"; // TODO : stylefix

		if ('' != statusMessage)
			getObject('statusmsg').style.display = '';
			getObject('statusmsg').innerHTML = statusMessage;

			// if the statusMessage says anything about undo's
			// prevent multiple undo's from being requested
			if (statusMessage.match(/ undo /i))
				getObject('btnUndo').disabled = true;
	else // or just watching the game

	getObject('gameid').innerHTML = gameIdDisplay;
	getObject('players').innerHTML = players;

	//getObject('btnMainMenu').disabled = false;
	getObject('btnPGN').disabled = false;

	//getObject('btnMainMenu').onclick = function( ) { displayMainmenu( ); };
	getObject('btnPGN').onclick = function( ) { downloadPGN( ); };

	if ( ! watchgame)
		getObject("btnUndo").onclick = function( ) { undo( ); };
		getObject("btnDraw").onclick = function( ) { draw( ); };
		getObject("btnResign").onclick = function( ) { resigngame( ); };
		//document.querySelector('btnResign').onclick = function( ) { resigngame( ); };

	if ('1' == isGameOver || watchgame || 'mate' == gameState) // Allow game replay
		if ( ! watchgame)
			getObject('gamebuttons').style.display = 'none';
			getObject('btnWakeUp').disabled = true;
			getObject('btnReload').disabled = true;
			getObject('btnReplay').disabled = true;

		currMoveIdx = FEN.length - 1;
		navButtons = '<form id="navigation" action="">';
		navButtons += '<span id="navbuttons">';
		navButtons += '<input id="start" title="Début de la partie" type="button" value="Start" />';
		navButtons += '<input id="jmpback" title="Retour en arrière de 5 demi-coups" type="button" value=" << " />';
		navButtons += '<input id="prev" title="Retour en arrière d\'un demi-coup" type="button" value=" < " />';
		navButtons += '<input id="next" title="Avancer d\'un demi-coup" type="button" value=" > " />';
		navButtons += '<input id="jmpfwd" title="Avancer de 5 demi-coups" type="button" value=" >> " />';
		navButtons += '<input id="end" title="Fin de la partie" type="button" value="End" /> <br> ';
		navButtons += '<input style="width:100px" id="invert" title="Inverser" type="button" value="< Tourner" />';
		navButtons += '<input style="width:100px" id="invert2" title="Inverser" type="button" value="Tourner >" disabled />';
		navButtons += '</span>';
		navButtons += '</form>';

		function invert1(){ /*toggleInvert( )*/

			document.getElementById("invert").disabled = true;
			document.getElementById("invert2").disabled = false;
			document.getElementById("theBoard").style.transform = "rotate(180deg)";
			document.getElementById("theBoard").style.transition = ".3s";
			for (var i=0; i < 64; i++) { 
				var element =  document.getElementById("sq"+i);
				if (typeof(element) != 'undefined' && element != null)
						document.getElementById("sq"+i).style.transform = "rotate(180deg)";
		function invert2(){ /*toggleInvert( )*/

			document.getElementById("invert2").disabled = true;
			document.getElementById("invert").disabled = false;
			document.getElementById("theBoard").style.transform = "rotate(0deg)";
			document.getElementById("theBoard").style.transition = ".3s";
			for (var i=0; i < 64; i++) { 
				var element =  document.getElementById("sq"+i);
				if (typeof(element) != 'undefined' && element != null)
						document.getElementById("sq"+i).style.transform = "rotate(0deg)";
						//document.getElementById("theBoard").style.transition = ".3s";
			//document.getElementById("invert").style.display = "block";
			//document.getElementById("invert2").style.display = "none";


		getObject('gamenav').innerHTML = navButtons;
		getObject("start").onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(-10000);invert1();}else{moveJmp(-10000)} ;};
		getObject("jmpback").onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(-5);invert1();}else{moveJmp(-5)};};
		getObject("prev").onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(-1);invert1();}else{moveJmp(-1)};};
		getObject("next").onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(1);invert1();}else{moveJmp(1)};};
		getObject("jmpfwd").onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(5);invert1();}else{moveJmp(5)};};
		getObject("end").onclick = function( ){if(document.getElementById("invert").disabled == true){invert2();moveJmp(10000);invert1();}else{moveJmp(10000)};};
		getObject("invert").onclick = function( ){invert1()};
		getObject("invert2").onclick = function( ){invert2()};
	else // game is not over and we are not replaying it
		isGameDrawn( ); // Alert the players it's stalemate, 50 move draw or the same position has occurred three times

		if (true == isPlayersTurn)
		{ // No need to set event handlers unless it's the player's move
			for(i = 0; i < 64; i++)
				getObject('tsq' + i).onclick = function( ) { squareClicked(this); };
			getObject('btnWakeUp').disabled = true;

		if (autoreload > 0 && ! DEBUG) // if we need the board refreshed
			intervalId = setTimeout("window.location.replace('chess.php')", autoreload * 1000); // start the refresh loop

ONCLICK dans le fichier commands.js ci dessus aux lignes:
145 à 152

ONCLICK dans le fichier sortabletable.js ci dessus aux lignes:

Et l'image de l'onglet console:
Max747 Messages postés 258 Date d'inscription vendredi 11 juillet 2014 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 janvier 2024
17 oct. 2018 à 14:10
Et l'image de l'onglet console:
Max747 Messages postés 258 Date d'inscription vendredi 11 juillet 2014 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 janvier 2024
17 oct. 2018 à 14:11
Et l'image de l'onglet console:
jordane45 Messages postés 38389 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 17 janvier 2025 4 729 > Max747 Messages postés 258 Date d'inscription vendredi 11 juillet 2014 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 janvier 2024
17 oct. 2018 à 14:12
une image de ton bios ???
jordane45 Messages postés 38389 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 17 janvier 2025 4 729
17 oct. 2018 à 14:34
l'image de la console, c'est lorsque tu as cliqué sur un des boutons ou pas ?
Sachant que par défaut il semble qu'ils soient en disabled...
il faudrait peut-être retirer cet attribut déjà pour tester
<input type="button" id="btnUndo" class="button" value="Demande à rejouer"  />
<input type="button" id="btnDraw" class="button" value="Demande la nulle" />
<input type="button" id="btnResign" class="button" value="Abandonner" />
Max747 Messages postés 258 Date d'inscription vendredi 11 juillet 2014 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 janvier 2024
17 oct. 2018 à 14:48
Cette image est effectuée en passant la souris sur le bouton "Abandonner".
Lorsque je clique sur ce bouton cela me renvoi à la page :
J'ai modifié la ligne 396 comme ceci:
<input type="button" id="btnResign" class="button" value="Abandonner" />

Sans aucun résultat.
Max747 Messages postés 258 Date d'inscription vendredi 11 juillet 2014 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 janvier 2024
17 oct. 2018 à 14:14
Oui c'est tout simplement une mauvaise manipulation.
Tu peux effacer l'image si tu veux0

Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
Max747 Messages postés 258 Date d'inscription vendredi 11 juillet 2014 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 janvier 2024
18 oct. 2018 à 10:02
Comment fait - on pour placer ce sujet en résolu?
jordane45 Messages postés 38389 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 17 janvier 2025 4 729
18 oct. 2018 à 10:46
Pas de soucis.
Sinon pour fermer une discussion, Il faut utiliser l'icone de roue crantée qui se situe en haut à droite du titre de ta question.