{Oracle} Probleme de demarage de la base de donnee

keuf - 9 juin 2009 à 16:53
 keuf - 10 juin 2009 à 08:51
bonjour cher amis; j'ai un probleme que je suis entraint de chercher une solution, en faite mon probleme est celui:
j'ai ma base de donnees Oracle 10g installer sur Linux 4.0 tout ce jour j'acceder sans probleme a ma base mais subitement quand j'essaye de demarer ma base sur sql, le demarrage commence comme vous pouvez le voir mais arriver au niveau de database mount la base de donnees se plainte et fait meme plainter le system linux et rien ne marche meme pas la sourci ni le clavier ne bourge je suis oubliger de redemarer manuellement la machine.
SQL> conn /as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup open
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 536870912 bytes
Fixed Size 1262764 bytes
Variable Size 432016212 bytes
Database Buffers 92274688 bytes
Redo Buffers 11317248 bytes
Database mounted.

Mais quand je fait SQL> startup mount la base mount sans probleme mais pour l'ouvrir il ya moyen.
j'eu lu quelque part on ma dit que cela peut etre causer le parameter sga et parameter pga qui prend la totaliter de la RAM et le systeme linux manque de memoire et ce la cause du plaintage et qu'il faillait reduire le SGA et PGA chose que je faite en allant sur $RDBMS_HOME/dbs directory ou il ya un fichier init<SID>.ora que j'ai editer pour reduire la taille de sga_target et pga_aggregate_target suivant la capaciter de ma RAM.
helas apres avoir fait cela lorsque je fait SQL> startup open pour ouvrir ma base de donnees cela ne tiens toujour pas et la machine plante.
svp si quelque a une idees de ou peux prevenir l'erreur sa contribution sera la bien venu.

merci d'avance
keuf kabemba.

8 réponses

HostOfSeraphim Messages postés 6750 Date d'inscription jeudi 2 février 2006 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 31 juillet 2016 1 608
9 juin 2009 à 16:55
Tu peux poster le contenu du init<SID>.ora justement ?

Tu as combien de RAM sur ta machine ?

voici le contenu du fichier init<SID>.ora et j'ai comme RAM 2 GO


# Auditing and Security
# Logon auditing is very useful in determining the I/O profile of
# batch ( concurrent manager ) processes. This information will be
# available in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS in a later release of Oracle
# Applications.
# The cost of log on auditing is minimal, and the only additional
# requirement is for a housekeeping procedure to periodically
# purge the SYS.AUD$ table. Statement level auditing is not recommended.
# Some products require max_enabled_roles to be set. This should be set
# to a minimum of 40, although higher values are quite acceptable.

#audit_trail = true # if you want auditing

# this feature.
# Dump parameters
# These specify the destination of the trace and core files, and would
# normally point into the appropriate OFA trace directories.
# The maximum size of a dump file can be changed at the session level,
# and prevents a trace file using an excessive amount of disk space.

user_dump_dest = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/udump
background_dump_dest = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump
core_dump_dest = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/cdump

max_dump_file_size = 20480 # trace file size

# Timed statistics
# On most platforms, enabling timed statistics has minimal effect on
# performance. There are a handful of exceptions. It can be
# enabled/disabled dynamically at both the system and session level.
# This information is used by many options, including SQL_TRACE,
# Oracle Trace,statspack and Oracle Enterprise Manager.

timed_statistics = true

# Trace parameters

# _trace_files_public
# As the data server machine should be in a secure environment,
# setting to true enables trace file analysis.

_trace_files_public = TRUE

# Fixed SGA
# The fixed SGA parameters represent resources that have their size
# fixed on startup. If the maximum size is reached ( e.g. no of
# sessions ), then the resource is unavailable until freed by the
# instance.

# Processes/sessions
# A database process can be associated with one or more database
# sessions. For all technologies other than FORMS, you can assume
# a 1-to-1 mapping between sessions and procesess.
# For FORMS processes, there will be one database session per open form,
# with a minimum of two open forms(sessions).
# Either explicity set sessions accordingly or just double the
# number of processes.
# The other parameters will depend on the specific installation, but the
# values given are not untypical of many Oracle Applications customers.

processes = 200 # Max. no. of users x 2
sessions = 400 # 2 X processes
db_files = 512 # Max. no. of database files
dml_locks = 10000
cursor_sharing = EXACT # Required 11i settting
open_cursors = 600 # Consumes process memory, unless using MTS.
session_cached_cursors = 500

# Cache Sizes
# For 10g, the automatic SGA tuning option is required.
# This avoids the need to individually tune the different
# SGA caches such as the buffer cache, shared pool, large
# pool, etc.. The automatic SGA tuning option improves
# overall performance and improves manageability.
# SGA target refers to the total size of the SGA including
# all the sub-caches such as the buffer cache, log buffer,
# shared pool, large pool, etc.. Refer to the sizing table
# in the section Database Initialization Parameter Sizing for
# sizing recommendations for sga_target.
# Also, it is recommended to use a Server Parameter file
# (i.e. SPFILE) to store the initialization parameter
# values when sga_target is being used. The Automatic
# SGA tuning option (sga_target) dynamically sizes the
# individual caches such as the buffer cache and shared pool.
# Using an SPFILE allows the dynamically adjusted values to
# persist across restarts. Please refer to the
# Database Administrator's Guide for information on how
# to create and maintain an SPFILE.

sga_target = 512M

# Shared Pool
# It is important to tune the shared pool so as to minimize
# contention for SQL and PL/SQL objects. A value of 400M is a
# reasonable starting point for 11i, and automatic SGA
# tuning will adjust the caches as per the workload.
# The values below for the shared pool related caches
# are simply minimum values (i.e. starting values).

shared_pool_size = 400M
shared_pool_reserved_size = 40M

# Db Block Checking

db_block_checking = FALSE
db_block_checksum = TRUE

# Log Writer
# The log writer parameters control the size of the log buffer
# within the SGA and how frequently the redo logs are check
# pointed ( all dirty buffers written to disk to create a new
# recovery point).
# The checkpoint interval and timeout control the frequency of
# checkpoints.

log_checkpoint_timeout = 1200 # Checkpoint at least every 20 mins.
log_checkpoint_interval = 100000
log_checkpoints_to_alert = TRUE
log_buffer = 10485760

# Rollback segments
# As of 9iR2, Oracle Applications requires the use of System Managed Undo.
# System Managed Undo is much more efficient, and reduces the chances
# of snapshot too old errors. In addition, it is much easier to
# manage and administer system managed undo than manually managing
# rollback segments.
# Note:
# Oracle Applications will function correctly using rollback segments
# but Oracle recommends that customers move to System Managed Undo.
# To use System Managed Undo, you must create an UNDO tablespace.

#rollback_segments = (_syssmu1$, _syssmu2$, _syssmu3$, _syssmu4$, _syssmu5$, _syssmu6$, _syssmu7$, _syssmu8$, _syssmu9$, _syssmu10$, _syssmu11$, _syssmu12$, _syssmu13$, _syssmu14$, _syssmu15$)

# undo_management
# Set to AUTO to enable System Managed Undo

undo_management=AUTO # Required 11i setting

# undo_tablespace
# The name of the System Managed Undo tablespace.

undo_tablespace=APPS_UNDOTS1 # Required 11i setting

# Sort Area / Hash Area Size
# As of 9iR2, the auto. memory manager is being used. This avoids the
# need to manually tune sort_area_size and hash_area_size.
# Auto. Memory Manager also improves performance and scalability
# as the memory is released to the OS after the call.
# Although manual tuning via sort_area_size/hash_area_size is still
# supported, it is strongly recommended that customers convert to
# automatic workarea management.

# workarea_size_policy
# Set to AUTO to enable automatic workarea management.

workarea_size_policy=AUTO # Required 11i setting

olap_page_pool_size = 4194304

# pga_aggregate_target
# pga_aggregate_target is the total memory available for work area
# operations ( predominantly sorts ). The available memory will grow
# and shrink as the workload changes.
# Set to low, it will have a dramatic effect on performance, as
# sort operations will be forced to disk. The recommended minimum
# is 1G, although for small test or demo systems, 500M is acceptable.
# The upper bound is determined by the available memory allocated to
# the instance. Once you've subtracted O/S overhead, and memory used
# by other systems, 95% of instance memory is accounted for by:
# SGA Pools - shared_pool,java_pool and large_pool
# db_block_buffers
# pga_aggregate_target
# Never set pga_aggregate_target such that total allocated memory will be
# greater than physical memory, or the server will swap and cause
# severe performance problems.
# Use statspack to determine the optimum target. However, a simple rule
# of thumb would be 2M per database session.


# cursor_space_for_time
# Reduces contention within the shared pool but requires at least a 50%
# increase in the shared pool. Only set on the advice of Oracle Support
# or Development.


# PL/SQL Parameters
# The following parameters are used to enable the PL/SQL
# global optimizer as well as native compilation.
# Oracle Applications uses PL/SQL Interpreted
# compilation as default for 10g based Apps environments.
# To use PL/SQL Native compilation set plsql_code_type to
# NATIVE and the parameter (plsql_native_library_dir) should
# be set to the directory path which will be used to store
# the shared libraries generated as part of native
# compilation. Oracle Corporation recommends that you
# create the shared library directory as a subdirectory
# where the data files are located.
# The utl_file_dir must be set as per the installation manuals.
# utl_file_dir = <dir1>,<dir2> ...

plsql_optimize_level = 2 # Required 11i setting

plsql_code_type = INTERPRETED # Default 11i setting

plsql_native_library_dir = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/plsql/nativelib

plsql_native_library_subdir_count = 149

utl_file_dir = /usr/tmp,/usr/tmp,/oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/appsutil/outbound/PROD_ebskeuf,/usr/tmp

# Advanced Queuing (AQ) and Job Queues
# AQ requires the TM process to handle delayed messages. A number
# of Application modules use AQ, including workflow. Job Queues
# enable advanced queue to submit background jobs.
# job_queue_interval is obsolete and should no longer be required.
# It is now an undocumented parameter ( _job_queue_interval ).

aq_tm_processes = 1
job_queue_processes = 2

# Archiving
# Archiving parameters, including destination ( optionally multiple
# destinations in 9i ) need to be specified.

# log_archive_start = true # if you want automatic archiving

# Parallel Query
# Not normally required for OLTP systems. If enabled, tables/indexes
# MUST NOT have degree set. Use hints to enable parallel query.
# To use the parallel option with DBMS_STATS ( FND_STATS ) in 11i,
# parallel_max_servers must be set - it is not a dynamic parameter. It
# should be set based on the number of available CPUs. Examples are
# given below but may need to be altered. These are reasonable values
# Parallel Query uses the large_pool for message buffers and the
# large_pool_size may therefore need to be specified
# - see above for guidelines.

parallel_max_servers = 8
parallel_min_servers = 0

# Events
# Events are used by Oracle Support and Development. They should only be
# set as requested.
# The following events (if any) should be set.

# Platform specific parameters

# spin_count
# This parameter is used on SMP platforms. It determines how long to
# spin trying to acquire exclusive access to low-level SGA data
# structures.
# With 8i, this parameter is undocumented and SHOULD NEVER be set except
# at the request of Oracle Support.

# ------------------- MANDATORY OPTIMIZER PARAMETERS ----------------------

# CBO parameters

# Optimizer
# Release 11i uses the Cost Based Optimizer (CBO). The
# following optimizer parameters MUST be set as below, and should not
# be changed.

_b_tree_bitmap_plans = FALSE # Required 11i setting

# db_file_multiblock_read_count
# Many APPS customers have multiblock read count set at 16 or 32,
# depending on block size. For 11i, the required value is now 8,
# as this provides the best value for the CBO.
# This parameter can be set at the session level, so specific batch jobs,
# index rebuilds, and analyze can take full advantage of the maximum
# available multiblock I/O.

db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8 # Required 11i setting

# _like_with_bind_as_equality
# This parameter forces the optimizer to treat expressions of the form
# [indexed-column like :b1] similar to [index-column = :b1].
# Oracle Apps has many queries which use the LIKE operator on indexed
# columns with binds. Since binds are involved, the CBO assigns
# internal default selectivity estimates for the LIKE operator (5%),
# and hence does not consider the index selective.

_like_with_bind_as_equality = TRUE

# _sort_elimination_cost_ratio
# Setting it to five forces the optimizer to only eliminate the
# sort when it is 1/5th the cost of the index probe (or conversely the
# index probe is 5 times as costly as the sort).


# _fast_full_scan_enabled
# This parameter is used to disable fast full scans.

_fast_full_scan_enabled = FALSE

# _sqlexec_progression_cost
# This parameter specifies the cost threshold for the
# progress meter. Non-zero values can prevent cursors
# from being shared when timed_statistics=TRUE.




# ----------------- END OF MANDATORY OPTIMIZER PARAMETERS -------------------

# Customer Settings.

HostOfSeraphim Messages postés 6750 Date d'inscription jeudi 2 février 2006 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 31 juillet 2016 1 608
9 juin 2009 à 17:15

La SGA semble OK, 512 pour 2 Go de RAM.

Est-ce que tu peux copier / coller le résultat de cette commande, stp ?

tail -100 /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump/alert_PROD_ebskeuf.log

voici le resultat de cette commande

sga_target = 512M

# Shared Pool
# It is important to tune the shared pool so as to minimize
# contention for SQL and PL/SQL objects. A value of 400M is a
# reasonable starting point for 11i, and automatic SGA
# tuning will adjust the caches as per the workload.
# The values below for the shared pool related caches
# are simply minimum values (i.e. starting values).

shared_pool_size = 400M
shared_pool_reserved_size = 40M

# Db Block Checking

db_block_checking = FALSE
db_block_checksum = TRUE

# Log Writer
# The log writer parameters control the size of the log buffer
# within the SGA and how frequently the redo logs are check
# pointed ( all dirty buffers written to disk to create a new
# recovery point).
# The checkpoint interval and timeout control the frequency of
# checkpoints.

log_checkpoint_timeout = 1200 # Checkpoint at least every 20 mins.
log_checkpoint_interval = 100000
log_checkpoints_to_alert = TRUE
log_buffer = 10485760

# Rollback segments
# As of 9iR2, Oracle Applications requires the use of System Managed Undo.
# System Managed Undo is much more efficient, and reduces the chances
# of snapshot too old errors. In addition, it is much easier to
# manage and administer system managed undo than manually managing
# rollback segments.
# Note:
# Oracle Applications will function correctly using rollback segments
# but Oracle recommends that customers move to System Managed Undo.
# To use System Managed Undo, you must create an UNDO tablespace.

#rollback_segments = (_syssmu1$, _syssmu2$, _syssmu3$, _syssmu4$, _syssmu5$, _syssmu6$, _syssmu7$, _syssmu8$, _syssmu9$, _syssmu10$, _syssmu11$, _syssmu12$, _syssmu13$, _syssmu14$, _syssmu15$)

# undo_management
# Set to AUTO to enable System Managed Undo

undo_management=AUTO # Required 11i setting

# undo_tablespace
# The name of the System Managed Undo tablespace.

undo_tablespace=APPS_UNDOTS1 # Required 11i setting

# Sort Area / Hash Area Size
# As of 9iR2, the auto. memory manager is being used. This avoids the
# need to manually tune sort_area_size and hash_area_size.
# Auto. Memory Manager also improves performance and scalability
# as the memory is released to the OS after the call.
# Although manual tuning via sort_area_size/hash_area_size is still
# supported, it is strongly recommended that customers convert to
# automatic workarea management.

# workarea_size_policy
# Set to AUTO to enable automatic workarea management.

workarea_size_policy=AUTO # Required 11i setting

olap_page_pool_size = 4194304

# pga_aggregate_target
# pga_aggregate_target is the total memory available for work area
# operations ( predominantly sorts ). The available memory will grow
# and shrink as the workload changes.
# Set to low, it will have a dramatic effect on performance, as
# sort operations will be forced to disk. The recommended minimum
# is 1G, although for small test or demo systems, 500M is acceptable.
# The upper bound is determined by the available memory allocated to
# the instance. Once you've subtracted O/S overhead, and memory used
# by other systems, 95% of instance memory is accounted for by:
# SGA Pools - shared_pool,java_pool and large_pool
# db_block_buffers
# pga_aggregate_target
# Never set pga_aggregate_target such that total allocated memory will be
# greater than physical memory, or the server will swap and cause
# severe performance problems.
# Use statspack to determine the optimum target. However, a simple rule
# of thumb would be 2M per database session.


# cursor_space_for_time
# Reduces contention within the shared pool but requires at least a 50%
# increase in the shared pool. Only set on the advice of Oracle Support
# or Development.


# PL/SQL Parameters
# The following parameters are used to enable the PL/SQL
# global optimizer as well as native compilation.
# Oracle Applications uses PL/SQL Interpreted
# compilation as default for 10g based Apps environments.
# To use PL/SQL Native compilation set plsql_code_type to
# NATIVE and the parameter (plsql_native_library_dir) should
# be set to the directory path which will be used to store
# the shared libraries generated as part of native
# compilation. Oracle Corporation recommends that you
# create the shared library directory as a subdirectory
# where the data files are located.
# The utl_file_dir must be set as per the installation manuals.
# utl_file_dir = <dir1>,<dir2> ...

plsql_optimize_level = 2 # Required 11i setting

plsql_code_type = INTERPRETED # Default 11i setting

plsql_native_library_dir = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/plsql/nativelib

plsql_native_library_subdir_count = 149

utl_file_dir = /usr/tmp,/usr/tmp,/oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/appsutil/outbound/PROD_ebskeuf,/usr/tmp

# Advanced Queuing (AQ) and Job Queues
# AQ requires the TM process to handle delayed messages. A number
# of Application modules use AQ, including workflow. Job Queues
# enable advanced queue to submit background jobs.
# job_queue_interval is obsolete and should no longer be required.
# It is now an undocumented parameter ( _job_queue_interval ).

aq_tm_processes = 1
job_queue_processes = 2

# Archiving
# Archiving parameters, including destination ( optionally multiple
# destinations in 9i ) need to be specified.

# log_archive_start = true # if you want automatic archiving

# Parallel Query
# Not normally required for OLTP systems. If enabled, tables/indexes
# MUST NOT have degree set. Use hints to enable parallel query.
# To use the parallel option with DBMS_STATS ( FND_STATS ) in 11i,
# parallel_max_servers must be set - it is not a dynamic parameter. It
# should be set based on the number of available CPUs. Examples are
# given below but may need to be altered. These are reasonable values
# Parallel Query uses the large_pool for message buffers and the
# large_pool_size may therefore need to be specified
# - see above for guidelines.

parallel_max_servers = 8
parallel_min_servers = 0

# Events
# Events are used by Oracle Support and Development. They should only be
# set as requested.
# The following events (if any) should be set.

# Platform specific parameters

# spin_count
# This parameter is used on SMP platforms. It determines how long to
# spin trying to acquire exclusive access to low-level SGA data
# structures.
# With 8i, this parameter is undocumented and SHOULD NEVER be set except
# at the request of Oracle Support.

# ------------------- MANDATORY OPTIMIZER PARAMETERS ----------------------

# CBO parameters

# Optimizer
# Release 11i uses the Cost Based Optimizer (CBO). The
# following optimizer parameters MUST be set as below, and should not
# be changed.

_b_tree_bitmap_plans = FALSE # Required 11i setting

# db_file_multiblock_read_count
# Many APPS customers have multiblock read count set at 16 or 32,
# depending on block size. For 11i, the required value is now 8,
# as this provides the best value for the CBO.
# This parameter can be set at the session level, so specific batch jobs,
# index rebuilds, and analyze can take full advantage of the maximum
# available multiblock I/O.

db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8 # Required 11i setting

# _like_with_bind_as_equality
# This parameter forces the optimizer to treat expressions of the form
# [indexed-column like :b1] similar to [index-column = :b1].
# Oracle Apps has many queries which use the LIKE operator on indexed
# columns with binds. Since binds are involved, the CBO assigns
# internal default selectivity estimates for the LIKE operator (5%),
# and hence does not consider the index selective.

_like_with_bind_as_equality = TRUE

# _sort_elimination_cost_ratio
# Setting it to five forces the optimizer to only eliminate the
# sort when it is 1/5th the cost of the index probe (or conversely the
# index probe is 5 times as costly as the sort).


# _fast_full_scan_enabled
# This parameter is used to disable fast full scans.

_fast_full_scan_enabled = FALSE

# _sqlexec_progression_cost
# This parameter specifies the cost threshold for the
# progress meter. Non-zero values can prevent cursors
# from being shared when timed_statistics=TRUE.




# ----------------- END OF MANDATORY OPTIMIZER PARAMETERS -------------------

# Customer Settings.

[applmgr@ebskeuf dbs]$ tail -100 /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump/alert_PRO­D_ebskeuf.log
tail: cannot open `/oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump/alert_PRO\255D_ebskeuf.log' for reading: No such file or directory
[applmgr@ebskeuf dbs]$ cd /
[applmgr@ebskeuf /]$ ls
bin dev home lib media mnt oracle root selinux sys tmp var
boot etc initrd lost+found misc opt proc sbin srv tftpboot usr
[applmgr@ebskeuf /]$ tail -100 /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump/alert_PRO­D_ebskeuf.log
tail: cannot open `/oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump/alert_PRO\255D_ebskeuf.log' for reading: No such file or directory
[applmgr@ebskeuf /]$ tail -100 /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump/alert_PRO­D_ebskeuf.log
tail: cannot open `/oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump/alert_PRO\255D_ebskeuf.log' for reading: No such file or directory
[applmgr@ebskeuf /]$ tail -100 /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump/alert_PRO­D_ebskeuf.log
tail: cannot open `/oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump/alert_PRO\255D_ebskeuf.log' for reading: No such file or directory
[applmgr@ebskeuf /]$
[applmgr@ebskeuf /]$
[applmgr@ebskeuf /]$
[applmgr@ebskeuf /]$ Last login: Tue Jun 9 17:06:22 2009 from
[applmgr@ebskeuf ~]$ tail -100 /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump/alert_PROD.l
Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 100940679
Tue Jun 9 16:23:39 2009
Database mounted in Exclusive Mode
Tue Jun 9 16:24:12 2009
alter database open
Tue Jun 9 16:24:14 2009
Beginning crash recovery of 1 threads
Tue Jun 9 16:24:14 2009
Started redo scan
Tue Jun 9 17:07:58 2009
Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
Picked latch-free SCN scheme 2
Using LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter default value as /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/dbs/arch
Autotune of undo retention is turned on.
ILAT =44
SYS auditing is disabled
ksdpec: called for event 13740 prior to event group initialization
Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version:
System parameters with non-default values:
_trace_files_public = TRUE
processes = 200
sessions = 400
timed_statistics = TRUE
shared_pool_size = 419430400
shared_pool_reserved_size= 41943040
nls_language = american
nls_territory = america
nls_sort = binary
nls_date_format = DD-MON-RR
nls_numeric_characters = .,
nls_comp = binary
nls_length_semantics = BYTE
sga_target = 536870912
control_files = /oracle/db/apps_st/data/cntrl01.dbf, /oracle/db/apps_st/data/cntrl02.dbf, /oracle/db/apps_st/data/cntrl03.dbf
db_block_checksum = TRUE
db_block_size = 8192
compatible = 10.2.0
log_buffer = 11142656
log_checkpoint_interval = 100000
log_checkpoint_timeout = 1200
db_files = 512
db_file_multiblock_read_count= 8
log_checkpoints_to_alert = TRUE
dml_locks = 10000
undo_management = AUTO
undo_tablespace = APPS_UNDOTS1
db_block_checking = FALSE
session_cached_cursors = 500
utl_file_dir = /usr/tmp, /usr/tmp, /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/appsutil/outbound/PROD_ebskeuf, /usr/tmp
plsql_native_library_dir = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/plsql/nativelib
plsql_native_library_subdir_count= 149
plsql_code_type = INTERPRETED
plsql_optimize_level = 2
job_queue_processes = 2
_system_trig_enabled = TRUE
cursor_sharing = EXACT
parallel_min_servers = 0
parallel_max_servers = 8
background_dump_dest = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump
user_dump_dest = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/udump
max_dump_file_size = 20480
core_dump_dest = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/cdump
db_name = PROD
open_cursors = 600
ifile = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/dbs/PROD_ebskeuf_ifile.ora
_sort_elimination_cost_ratio= 5
_b_tree_bitmap_plans = FALSE
_fast_full_scan_enabled = FALSE
_sqlexec_progression_cost= 2147483647
_like_with_bind_as_equality= TRUE
pga_aggregate_target = 419430400
workarea_size_policy = AUTO
optimizer_secure_view_merging= FALSE
aq_tm_processes = 1
olap_page_pool_size = 4194304
PMON started with pid=2, OS id=3911
PSP0 started with pid=3, OS id=3913
MMAN started with pid=4, OS id=3915
DBW0 started with pid=5, OS id=3917
LGWR started with pid=6, OS id=3919
CKPT started with pid=7, OS id=3921
SMON started with pid=8, OS id=3923
RECO started with pid=9, OS id=3925
CJQ0 started with pid=10, OS id=3927
MMON started with pid=11, OS id=3929
MMNL started with pid=12, OS id=3931
Tue Jun 9 17:08:04 2009
Tue Jun 9 17:08:08 2009
Setting recovery target incarnation to 2
Tue Jun 9 17:08:08 2009
Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 100898292
Tue Jun 9 17:08:08 2009
Database mounted in Exclusive Mode

Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
HostOfSeraphim Messages postés 6750 Date d'inscription jeudi 2 février 2006 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 31 juillet 2016 1 608
9 juin 2009 à 17:29
Retente cette commande (en évitant de remettre le initSID.ora) après avoir tenté un startup.

tu peux expliquer pcq je ne comprend pas tres bien ton message
HostOfSeraphim Messages postés 6750 Date d'inscription jeudi 2 février 2006 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 31 juillet 2016 1 608
9 juin 2009 à 17:38
Essaye un startup sur ta base, vu que c'est ce qui pose problème, alors que le mount fonctionne.

Ensuite, une fois le startup tenté, refais la commande de tout à l'heure ("tail -100 ... .log").

Pour qu'une base puisse aller jusqu'à l'état MOUNT sans pouvoir être OPEN, c'est qu'il doit y avoir un problème sur les fichiers de données ou de log.

Apres fait ;
SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> alter database open;

et apres avoir fait la commande que tu as donner voici le resutat;
Tue Jun 9 16:24:14 2009
Started redo scan
Tue Jun 9 17:07:58 2009
Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
Picked latch-free SCN scheme 2
Using LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter default value as /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/dbs/arch
Autotune of undo retention is turned on.
ILAT =44
SYS auditing is disabled
ksdpec: called for event 13740 prior to event group initialization
Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version:
System parameters with non-default values:
_trace_files_public = TRUE
processes = 200
sessions = 400
timed_statistics = TRUE
shared_pool_size = 419430400
shared_pool_reserved_size= 41943040
nls_language = american
nls_territory = america
nls_sort = binary
nls_date_format = DD-MON-RR
nls_numeric_characters = .,
nls_comp = binary
nls_length_semantics = BYTE
sga_target = 536870912
control_files = /oracle/db/apps_st/data/cntrl01.dbf, /oracle/db/apps_st/data/cntrl02.dbf, /oracle/db/apps_st/data/cntrl03.dbf
db_block_checksum = TRUE
db_block_size = 8192
compatible = 10.2.0
log_buffer = 11142656
log_checkpoint_interval = 100000
log_checkpoint_timeout = 1200
db_files = 512
db_file_multiblock_read_count= 8
log_checkpoints_to_alert = TRUE
dml_locks = 10000
undo_management = AUTO
undo_tablespace = APPS_UNDOTS1
db_block_checking = FALSE
session_cached_cursors = 500
utl_file_dir = /usr/tmp, /usr/tmp, /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/appsutil/outbound/PROD_ebskeuf, /usr/tmp
plsql_native_library_dir = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/plsql/nativelib
plsql_native_library_subdir_count= 149
plsql_code_type = INTERPRETED
plsql_optimize_level = 2
job_queue_processes = 2
_system_trig_enabled = TRUE
cursor_sharing = EXACT
parallel_min_servers = 0
parallel_max_servers = 8
background_dump_dest = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/bdump
user_dump_dest = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/udump
max_dump_file_size = 20480
core_dump_dest = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/PROD_ebskeuf/cdump
db_name = PROD
open_cursors = 600
ifile = /oracle/db/tech_st/10.2.0/dbs/PROD_ebskeuf_ifile.ora
_sort_elimination_cost_ratio= 5
_b_tree_bitmap_plans = FALSE
_fast_full_scan_enabled = FALSE
_sqlexec_progression_cost= 2147483647
_like_with_bind_as_equality= TRUE
pga_aggregate_target = 419430400
workarea_size_policy = AUTO
optimizer_secure_view_merging= FALSE
aq_tm_processes = 1
olap_page_pool_size = 4194304
PMON started with pid=2, OS id=3911
PSP0 started with pid=3, OS id=3913
MMAN started with pid=4, OS id=3915
DBW0 started with pid=5, OS id=3917
LGWR started with pid=6, OS id=3919
CKPT started with pid=7, OS id=3921
SMON started with pid=8, OS id=3923
RECO started with pid=9, OS id=3925
CJQ0 started with pid=10, OS id=3927
MMON started with pid=11, OS id=3929
MMNL started with pid=12, OS id=3931
Tue Jun 9 17:08:04 2009
Tue Jun 9 17:08:08 2009
Setting recovery target incarnation to 2
Tue Jun 9 17:08:08 2009
Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 100898292
Tue Jun 9 17:08:08 2009
Database mounted in Exclusive Mode
Tue Jun 9 18:44:03 2009
Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
Tue Jun 9 18:44:45 2009
alter database open
Tue Jun 9 18:44:48 2009
Beginning crash recovery of 1 threads
Tue Jun 9 18:44:48 2009
Started redo scan
HostOfSeraphim Messages postés 6750 Date d'inscription jeudi 2 février 2006 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 31 juillet 2016 1 608
9 juin 2009 à 22:25
Visiblement la base a l'air de s'ouvrir... "connect / as sysdba" te renvoie quoi ? "connected" ? "connected to an idle instance" ?

bonjour, quand je fait connect /as sysdba cela me renvoie:
SQL> connect /as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.

Mais quand je doit je fait startup la machine plainte.