Interface graphique pokemon

Seb - 4 févr. 2023 à 17:20
mamiemando Messages postés 33088 Date d'inscription jeudi 12 mai 2005 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 30 avril 2024 - 7 févr. 2023 à 15:26

Bonjour, bonjour  !


Voila j'ai un code python qui permet donc d'avoir une sorte de Battle Pokemon, sauf que ca se passe dans le terminal, et c'est pas ce que je veux. J'aimerais avoir une interface graphique dans laquelle l'utilisateur choisi son pokémon et puis que la bataille commence :!! :)

Problème : je ne sais pas comment faire, et c'est assez urgent (très urgent)

J'avais commencé avec pygame mais j'ai du mal a continuer pour creer une interface graphique

import pygame


pygame.display.set_caption("Pokemon fight") #a changer

ecran = pygame.display.set_mode((1340,650))

fond = pygame.image.load("Fond.jfif")
#fermeture de la fenetre
for event in pygame.even.get():
    if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
        running = False
        print("Fermeture du jeu")

un exemple a proposer ?



import random 
class Pokemon:
    def __init__(self, name, type1, type2, hp, atk, df, spatk, spdf, spd, move1, move2, move3, move4): = name
        self.type1 = type1
        self.type2 = type2
        self.hp = hp
        self.atk = atk
        self.df = df
        self.spatk = spatk
        self.spdf= spdf
        self.spd = spd
        self.move1 = move1
        self.move2 = move2
        self.move3 = move3
        self.move4 = move4
class Move:
    def __init__(self, name, form, typ, pwr): = name 
        self.form = form
        self.typ = typ
        self.pwr = pwr
Flamethrower = Move("Flamethrower", "Special", "Fire", 90)
Slash = Move("Slash", "Physical", "Normal", 70)
Air_Slash = Move("Air Slash", "Special", "Flying", 75)
Fire_Fang = Move("Fire Fang", "Physical","Fire", 65)
Aqua_Tail = Move("Aqua Tail", "Physical", "Water", 90)
Water_Pulse = Move("Water Pulse", "Special", "Water", 60)
Bite = Move("Bite", "Physical","Dark", 60)
Rapid_Spin = Move("Rapid Spin", "Physical", "Normal", 50)
Seed_Bomb = Move("Seed Bomb","Physical","Grass",60)
Sludge_Bomb = Move("Sludge Bomb", "Special","Poison", 90)
Razor_Leaf = Move("Razor Leaf", "Physical","Grass", 55)
Double_Edge = Move("Double Edge","Physical","Normal", 120)
Pok1 = Pokemon("Charizard", "Fire", "Flying", 185, 149, 143, 177, 150, 167, Flamethrower, Air_Slash, Fire_Fang, Slash)
Pok2 = Pokemon("Blastoise", "Water", None, 186, 148, 167, 150, 172, 143, Water_Pulse, Aqua_Tail, Bite, Rapid_Spin)
Pok3 = Pokemon("Venusaur", "Grass", "Poison", 187, 147, 148, 167, 167, 145, Seed_Bomb, Sludge_Bomb, Double_Edge, Razor_Leaf)
def PokAttack(pok1, pok2, move):
    critChance = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.5]
    randDamage = [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100]
    STABdmg = 1
    gamestate = 0   # if gamestate = 1, Pokemon is fainted and game is over
    if move.typ == pok1.type1:
        STABdmg = 1.5
    elif move.typ == pok1.type2:
        STABdmg = 1.5
    else: pass
    dmg = move.pwr
    # changes formula so moves use the correct attack stat
    if move.form == "Physical" :
        damage = (((22 * dmg * (pok1.atk / pok2.df)) / 50) + 2) * random.choice (critChance) * (random. choice (randDamage)) * STABdmg
        damage = (((22 * dmg * (pok1.spatk / pok2.spdf)) / 50) + 2) * random.choice (critChance) * (random .choice (randDamage)) * STABdmg
    if move.typ == "Fire" and pok2.type1 == "Water":    # all the type combinations. probably better to use a dictionary or array in the future
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Fire" and pok2.type1 == "Grass":
        damage *= 1.8
    if move.typ == "Fire" and pok2.type1 == "Fire":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Grass" and pok2.type1 == "Water":
        damage *= 1.8
    if move.typ == "Grass" and pok2.type1 == "Flying":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Grass" and pok2.type1 == "Grass":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Grass" and pok2.type1 == "Fire":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Water" and pok2.type1 == "Water":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Water" and pok2.type1 == "Grass":
        damage *= 0.5
    if move.typ == "Water" and pok2.type1== "Fire":
        damage *= 1.8
    if move.typ == "Flying" and pok2.type1 == "Grass":
        damage *= 1.8
    damage = round(damage,0)
    damage = int(damage/100)
    print(f'{} used {}')
    pok2.hp -= damage
    print(f"{} takes {damage} damage !")
    if pok2.hp <= 0:
        gamestate = 1
        pok2.hp = 0
    print(f'{} has {pok2.hp} HP left. \n')
    return gamestate
party = []
pokedex = [Pok1, Pok2, Pok3]
print(f'Please choose a Pokemon to use: (1) {} (2) {} (3) {} ')
pokemonChoice = int (input ())
if pokemonChoice == 1:
    party.append (Pok1)
    print (f"You have chosen {}.")
elif pokemonChoice == 2:
    party.append (Pok2)
    print(f"You have chosen {}.")
elif pokemonChoice == 3:
    party.append (Pok3)
    print (f"You have chosen {}.")
    choicelol = random.choice (pokedex)
    print (f'Invalid input. Random Pokemon chosen... {}.\n')
print(f'Please choose a Pokemon to battle against: (1) {} (2) {} (3) {} ')
pokemonChoice2 = int (input ())
if pokemonChoice2 == 1:
    party.append (Pok1)
    print (f"You have chosen to battle {}.")
elif pokemonChoice2 == 2:
    party.append (Pok2)
    print(f"You have chosen to battle {}.")
elif pokemonChoice2 == 3:
    party.append (Pok3)
    print (f"You have chosen to battle {}.")
    choicelol = random.choice (pokedex)
    print (f'Invalid input. Random Pokemon chosen... {}.\n')
gamestate = 0
while gamestate == 0:
    if party[0].spd >= party [1].spd:
        print(f"Choose a move: (1) {party[0]} (2) {party[0] } (3) {party[0]} (4) {party[0]}")
        moveChoice1 = int(input())
        if moveChoice1 == 1:
            if PokAttack(party[0], party[1], party[0].move1) == 1:
                gamestate = 1
        elif moveChoice1 == 2:
            if PokAttack(party[0], party [1], party[0].move2) == 1:
                gamestate = 1
        elif moveChoice1 == 3:
            if PokAttack (party[0], party[1], party [0] .move3) == 1:
                gamestate = 1
        elif moveChoice1 == 4:
            if PokAttack(party[0], party[1], party[0].move4) == 1:
                gamestate = 1 
        if gamestate != 1:
            randMove = random.randint(1,4)
            if randMove == 1:
                if PokAttack (party[1], party[0], party [1] .move1) == 1:
                    gamestate = 2
            elif randMove == 2:
                if PokAttack (party[1], party[0], party [1] .move2) == 1:
                    gamestate = 2
            elif randMove == 3:
                if PokAttack (party[1], party[0], party [1] .move3) == 1:
                    gamestate = 2
            elif randMove == 4:
                if PokAttack (party[1], party[0], party [1] .move4) == 1:
                    gamestate = 2
        randMove = random.randint(1,4)
        if randMove == 1:
            if PokAttack (party[1], party[0], party [1] .move1) == 1:
                gamestate = 2
        elif randMove == 2:
            if PokAttack (party[1], party[0], party [1] .move2) == 1:
                gamestate = 2
        elif randMove == 3:
            if PokAttack (party[1], party[0], party [1] .move3) == 1:
                gamestate = 2
        elif randMove == 4:
            if PokAttack (party[1], party[0], party [1] .move4) == 1:
                gamestate = 2
        if gamestate != 2:
            print(f"Choose a move: (1) {party[0]} (2) {party[0] } (3) {party[0]} (4) {party[0]}")
            moveChoice2 = int(input())
            if moveChoice2 == 1:
                if PokAttack(party[0], party[1], party[0].move1) == 1:
                    gamestate = 1
            elif moveChoice2 == 2:
                if PokAttack(party[0], party [1], party[0].move2) == 1:
                    gamestate = 1
            elif moveChoice2 == 3:
                if PokAttack (party[0], party[1], party [0] .move3) == 1:
                    gamestate = 1
            elif moveChoice2 == 4:
                if PokAttack(party[0], party[1], party[0].move4) == 1:
                    gamestate = 1 
if gamestate == 1:
    print("ta gagné! c fini")
elif gamestate == 2:
    print("t nul! C fini")

Windows / Chrome

1 réponse

mamiemando Messages postés 33088 Date d'inscription jeudi 12 mai 2005 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 30 avril 2024 7 751
7 févr. 2023 à 15:26


Vu où tu en es rendu, je pense que l'idéal serait pour toi de regarder un tutoriel pygame (il y en a plein, par exemple celui-ci) puis tenter de l'adapter à ton cas. Car en l'état le code est trop peu avancé pour identifier un problème précis ou comprendre ce qui te bloque. Il vaut mieux, quand tu poses une question sur un forum, avoir un problème très précis à formuler.

Bonne chance