1978 A.M.Paredes predictor (LossLess) -
2VUY Optibase VideoPump 8-bit 4:2:2 Component Y'CbCr -
3IV0 MPEG4-based codec 3ivx -
3IV1 3ivx (MPEG4-based) 3ivx
3IV2 3ivx (MPEG4-based) 3ivx
3IVD 3ivx DivX Doctored 3ivx
3IVX 3ivx (MPEG4-based) 3ivx
3VID 3ivx (MPEG4-based) 3ivx
8BPS Planar RGB w/alpha Apple
____ |No Codec NA
_BIT BI_BITFIELDS (Raw RGB) * No codec needed
_JPG BI_JPEG JPEG compressed Joint Photo Experts Group
_PNG BI_PNG PNG compressed W3C/ISO/IEC (RFC-2083)
_RAW Full Frames (Uncompressed) N.A.
_RGB BI_RGB Raw Bitmap * No codec needed
_RL4 BI_RLE4 (RLE 4bpp RGB) * No codec needed
_RL8 BI_RLE8 (RLE 8bpp RGB) * No codec needed
AAS4 Autodesk Animator codec (RLE) Autodesk
AASC Autodesk Animator codec Autodesk
ABYR Kensington ? Kensington
ACTL Streambox ACT-L2 -
ADV1 Loronix WaveCodec (used in various CCTV products) -
ADVJ Avid M-JPEG Avid Technology Also known as AVRn Avid Technology, Inc
AEIK Intel Indeo Video 3.2 (Vector Quantization) -
AEMI Array VideoONE MPEG1-I Capture Array Microsystems
AFLC Autodesk Animator codec Autodesk
AFLI Autodesk Animator codec Autodesk
AHDV CineForm 10-bit Visually Perfect HD (Wavelet) -
AJPG 22fps JPEG-based codec for digital cameras -
ALAC Apple lossless audio Apple
ALPH Not specified. Ziracom Digital Communications Inc.
AMPG Array VideoONE MPEG Array Microsystems
AMR AMR Speech Codec 3GPP.org
ANIM Intel RDX Intel
AP41 AngelPotion Definitive AngelPotion
AP42 AngelPotion Definitive (hack MS MP43) AngelPotion
ASLC AlparySoft Lossless Codec -
ASV1 Asus Video Asus
ASV2 Asus Video (2) Asus
ASVX Asus Video 2.0 Asus
ATM4 Ahead Nero Digital MPEG-4 Codec -
AUR2 AuraVision Aura 2: YUV 422 AuraVision Corporation
AURA AuraVision Aura 1: YUV 411 AuraVision Corporation
AUVX AUVX video codec. USH GmbH
AV1X Avid 1:1x (Quick Time) Avid Technology, Inc
AVD1 Avid DV (Quick Time) Avid Technology, Inc
AVDJ Independent JPEG Group's codec ?
AVDN Avid DNxHD (Quick Time) Avid Technology, Inc
AVDV Avid DV Avid Technology, Inc
AVI1 MainConcept Motion JPEG Codec -
AVI2 MainConcept Motion JPEG Codec -
AVID Avid Motion JPEG Avid Technology, Inc
AVIS Wrapper for AviSynth (Dummy codec) -
AVMP Avid IMX (Quick Time) Avid Technology, Inc
AVR Avid ABVB/NuVista MJPEG w/alpha Avid Technology, Inc
AVRN Independent JPEG Group's codec ?
AVUI Avid Meridien Uncompressed w/alpha Avid Technology, Inc
AVUP Avid 10bit Packed (Quick Time) Avid Technology, Inc
AYUV 4:4:4 YUV format *No codec needed
AZPR Apple QuickTime Apple
AZRP Apple QuickTime Apple
BGR Raw RGB32 * No codec needed
BHIV BeHere iVideo -
BINK Bink Video RAD Game Tools
BITM Microsoft H.261 Microsoft
BLOX Jan Jezabek BLOX MPEG Codec -
BLZ0 MPEG-4 Blizzard Entertainment
BT20 Prosumer Video Conexant
BTCV Composite Video Codec Conexant
BTVC Conexant Composite Video Conexant
BW00 BergWave (Wavelet) -
BW10 Broadway MPEG Capture/Compression Data Translation
BXY2 BOXX 10-bit YUV -
CC12 YUV12 Codec Intel
CDV5 Canopus SD50/DVHD -
CDVC Canopus DV Codec Canopus
CDVH Canopus SD50/DVHD -
CFCC DPS Perception Digital Processing Systems
CFHD CineForm 10-bit Visually Perfect HD (Wavelet) -
CGDI Camcorder Video Microsoft
CJPG WebCam JPEG Creative Labs
CLJR Cirrus Logic YUV 4:1:1 Cirrus
CLLC Canopus LossLess -
CLPL Format similar to YV12 but including a level of indirection. -
CM10 MediaShow 1.0. CyberLink Corporation
CMYK Common Data Format in Printing Colorgraph (UK)
COL0 FFmpeg DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3) -
COL1 FFmpeg DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3) -
CPLA YUV 4:2:0 Weitek
CRAM Microsoft Video 1 Microsoft
CSCD RenderSoft CamStudio lossless Codec (LZO & GZIP compression) -
CT10 TalkingShow 1.0. CyberLink Corporation
CTRX Citrix Scalable Video Codec -
CUVC Canopus HQ -
CVID Cinepak by Supermac Supermac
CWLT Microsoft Color WLT DIB Microsoft
CYUV Creative Labs YUV Creative Labs, Inc.
CYUY ATI Proprietary YUV compression ATI Technologies
D261 H.261 ITU-T
D263 H.263 ITU-T
DAVC Dicas MPEGable H.264/MPEG-4 AVC base profile codec -
DC25 MainConcept ProDV Codec -
DCAP Pinnacle DV25 Codec -
DCL1 Data Connection Conferencing Codec -
DCT0 WniWni Codec -
DFSC DebugMode FrameServer VFW Codec -
DIB Device Independent Bitmap * No codec needed
DIV1 Microsoft MPEG-4 v1 Microsoft
DIV2 Microsoft MPEG-4 v2 Microsoft
DIV3 DivX 3 Low-Motion DivX
DIV4 DivX 3 Fast-Motion DivX
DIV5 DivX 5.x/6.x divx.com
DIV6 DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3) ?
DIVX DivX 4 (OpenDivX) Project Mayo
DJPG Broadway 101 Motion JPEG codec. Data Translation, Inc.
DM4V Dicas MPEGable MPEG-4 -
DMB1 Matrox MJPG for RainbowRunner Matrox
DMB2 Matrox MJPG for RainbowRunner Matrox
DMK2 ViewSonic V36 PDA Video -
DP02 DynaPel MPEG-4 -
DP16 YUV411 with DPCM 6-bit compression. Matsushita
DP18 YUV411 with DPCM 8-bit compression. Matsushita
DP26 YUV422 with DPCM 6-bit compression. Matsushita
DP28 YUV422 with DPCM 8-bit compression. Matsushita
DP96 YVU9 with DPCM 6-bit compression. Matsushita
DP98 YVU9 with DPCM 8-bit compression. Matsushita
DP9L YVU9 with DPCM 6-bit compression and thinned-out. Matsushita
DPS0 DPS Reality Motion JPEG DPS/Leitch
DRMI iPod DRM Protected Apple
DRWX Pinnacle DV25 Codec -
DSVD DV Codec ?
DTMT Media-100 Codec -
DTNT Media-100 Codec -
DUCK TrueMotion S Duck Corporation
DV10 BlueFish444 (lossless RGBA, YUV 10-bit) -
DV25 Matrox DVCPRO codec Matrox
DV50 Matrox DVCPRO50 codec Matrox
DVAN Pinnacle miroVideo DV300 SW codec Pinnacle / Avid
DVC DVC/DV Video IEC 61834 and SMPTE 314M
DVCP DVC/DV Video IEC 61834 and SMPTE 314M
DVCS MainConcept DV Codec -
DVE2 DVE-2 Videoconferencing Codec InSoft
DVH1 Pinnacle DVHD100 -
DVHD DV 1125 lines at 30.00 Hz or 1250 lines at 25.00 Hz IEC Standard
DVIS VSYNC DualMoon Iris DV codec -
DVL Radius SoftDV 16:9 NTSC Radius / Cinepak
DVLP Radius SoftDV 16:9 PAL Radius / Cinepak
DVMA Darim Vision DVMPEG (dummy for MPEG compressor) Darim Vision Co., Ltd.
DVNM Not specified. Matsushita
DVOR BlueFish444 (lossless RGBA, YUV 10-bit) -
DVPN Apple QT DV (NTSC) Apple
DVPP Apple QT DV (PAL) Apple
DVR1 TARGA2000 Codec -
DVRS VSYNC DualMoon Iris DV codec -
DVSD DVC/DV Video IEC 61834 and SMPTE 314M
DVSL DV compressed in SD (SDL) IEC Standard
DVX1 DVX1000SP Video Decoder Lucent
DVX2 DVX2000S Video Decoder Lucent
DVX3 DVX3000S Video Decoder Lucent
DX50 DivX 5.x/6.x divx.com
DXGM Electronic Arts Game Video codec -
DXRE DivX Subtitle Codec DivX
DXSB DivX Subtitle Codec DivX
DXT0 Reserved. Microsoft
DXT1 DirectX Texture Compression Format 1 Microsoft
DXT2 DirectX Texture Compression Format 2 Microsoft
DXT3 DirectX Texture Compression Format 3 Microsoft
DXT4 DirectX Texture Compression Format 4 Microsoft
DXT5 DirectX Texture Compression Format 5 Microsoft
DXT6 Reserved. Microsoft
DXT7 Reserved. Microsoft
DXT8 Reserved. Microsoft
DXT9 Reserved. Microsoft
DXTA Reserved. Microsoft
DXTB Reserved. Microsoft
DXTC DirectX Texture Compression Microsoft
DXTD Reserved. Microsoft
DXTE Reserved. Microsoft
DXTF Reserved. Microsoft
DXTG Reserved. Microsoft
DXTH Reserved. Microsoft
DXTI Reserved. Microsoft
DXTJ Reserved. Microsoft
DXTK Reserved. Microsoft
DXTL Reserved. Microsoft
DXTM Reserved. Microsoft
DXTN DirectX Compressed Texture Microsoft
DXTO Reserved. Microsoft
DXTP Reserved. Microsoft
DXTQ Reserved. Microsoft
DXTR Reserved. Microsoft
DXTS Reserved. Microsoft
DXTT Reserved. Microsoft
DXTU Reserved. Microsoft
DXTV Reserved. Microsoft
DXTW Reserved. Microsoft
DXTX Reserved. Microsoft
DXTY Reserved. Microsoft
DXTZ Reserved. Microsoft
EKQ0 related to Elsa Graphics cards https://www.guta.com/en/dn/elsa.com/ ELK0 related to Elsa Graphics cards https://www.guta.com/en/dn/elsa.com/ EM2V Etymonix MPEG-2 I-frame https://www.etymonix.com/ EMWC EverAd Marquee WMA codec. EverAd, Inc.
ENCA ISMA Encrypted/Protected audio ~ISOMP4
ENCV ISMA Encrypted/Protected video ~ISOMP4
EQK0 Elsa graphics card quick codec -
ESCP Escape Eidos Technologies
ETV1 eTreppid Video Codec eTreppid Technologies
ETV2 eTreppid Video Codec eTreppid Technologies
ETVC eTreppid Video Codec eTreppid Technologies
FFDS ffds Lossless Video FFmpeg
FFV1 ffds Lossless Video FFmpeg
FFVH FFmpeg Lossless HuffYUV (open source) ffmpeg
FLIC Autodesk FLI/FLC Animation https://www.autodesk.com/ FLJP Field Encoded Motion JPEG D-Vision
FLV1 Flash Sorenson Video Sorenson Media
FLV4 Flash VP6 On2 Technologies
FMJP D-Vision fieldbased ISO MJPEG -
FMP4 FFmpeg/ffdshow ISO MPEG-4 FFmpeg/ffdshow (open source)
FPS1 FRAPS Codec beepa
FRLE SoftLab-NSK Y16 + Alpha RLE -
FRWA Forward Motion JPEG w/alpha SoftLab-Nsk
FRWD Forward Motion JPEG SoftLab-Nsk
FRWT Darim Vision Forward Motion JPEG Darim Vision Co., Ltd.
FRWU Darim Vision Forward Uncompressed Darim Vision Co., Ltd.
FSV1 FFmpeg Flash Screen video ffmpeg (open source)
FVF1 Fractal Video Frame Iterated Systems, Inc.
FVFW ff MPEG-4 based on XviD codec -
FXT1 Not specified. 3dfx Interactive, Inc.
G2M2 GoToMeeting/GoToWebinar Codec v2.x Citrix Systems, Inc.
G2M3 GoToMeeting/GoToWebinar Codec v3.x Citrix Systems, Inc.
G726 ITU-T Recommendation G.726 (1990) ~ISOMP4
GEPJ Motion JPEG Codec White Pine (ex Paradigm Matrix)
GJPG Grand Tech GT891x Codec -
GLCC GigaLink AV Capture codec -
GLZW Motion LZW gabest@freemail.hu
GPEG Motion JPEG gabest@freemail.hu
GPJM Pinnacle ReelTime MJPEG Codec -
GREY Apparently a duplicate of Y800 -
GWLT Microsoft Greyscale WLT DIB Microsoft
GXVE SoftMedia ViVD V2 SoftMedia
H260 H.260 ITU-T
H261 H.261 ITU-T
H262 H.262 ITU-T
H263 H.263 ITU-T
H265 Intel ITU H.265 -
H266 Intel ITU H.266 -
H267 Intel ITU H.267 -
H268 Intel ITU H.268 -
H269 Intel ITU H.263 for POTS-based videoconferencing -
HD10 BlueFish444 (lossless RGBA, YUV 10-bit) -
HFYU Huffyuv Lossless Codec Open Source
HM12 Hauppauge PVR 250/350 MB-YUV Format Hauppauge
HMCR Rendition Motion Compensation Format Rendition
HMRR Rendition Motion Compensation Format Rendition
I263 H.263 ITU-T
I420 RAW I420 *No Decoder Needed
IAN Intel RDX. Intel Corporation
ICLB CellB Videoconferencing Codec InSoft
IDM0 IDM Motion Wavelets 2.0 -
IF09 Indeo YVU9 (YVU9 with additional delta-frame info after the U plane) *No codec
IFO9 Intel intermediate YUV9. Intel Corporation
IGOR Power DVD ?
IJPG Intergraph JPEG Intergraph
ILVC Layered Video Intel
IMAC Intel hardware motion compensation. Intel Corporation
IMC1 As YV12, except the U and V planes have same stride as the Y plane -
IMC2 Similar to IMC1, w/ U and V lines interleaved at half stride boundaries -
IMC3 As IMC1, except that U and V are swapped -
IMC4 As IMC2, except that U and V are swapped -
IMG Apple RGB Apple
IMJG Accom SphereOUS MJPEG with Alpha-channel -
IPDV Giga AVI DV Codec I-O Data Device, Inc.
IPJ2 Image Power JPEG2000 -
IR21 Indeo 2.1 Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IRAW Intel YUV Uncompressed Intel
ISME Intel's next-generation video codec. Intel Corporation
IUYV Interlaced version of UYVY https://www.leadtools.com/ IV30 Indeo 3.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV31 Indeo 3.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV32 Indeo 3.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV33 Indeo 3.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV34 Indeo 3.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV35 Indeo 3.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV36 Indeo 3.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV37 Indeo 3.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV38 Indeo 3.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV39 Indeo 3.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV40 Indeo 4.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV41 Indeo 4.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV42 Indeo 4.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV43 Indeo 4.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV44 Indeo 4.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV45 Indeo 4.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV46 Indeo 4.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV47 Indeo 4.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV48 Indeo 4.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV49 Indeo 4.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IV50 Indeo 5.x Ligos / Indeo / Intel
IY41 Interlaced version of Y41P LEAD Multimedia
IYU1 12 bit format used in mode 2 of the IEEE 1394 1.04 spec IEEE standard
IYU2 24 bit format used in mode 2 of the IEEE 1394 1.04 spec IEEE standard
IYUV Planar YUV format (8-bpp Y plane, 8-bpp U and V planes) *No codec needed
JBYR Kensington Codec Kensington
JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format -
JPEG Still Image JPEG DIB Microsoft
JPG JPEG compressed -
JPGL Pegasus Lossless Motion JPEG https://www.accusoft.com/ KMVC Karl Morton's Video Codec (presumably) Team17 Software
KPCD Kodak Photo CD Kodak
L261 LEAD H.261 LEAD Multimedia
L263 LEAD H.263 LEAD Multimedia
L264 LEAD H.264 LEAD Multimedia
LAGS Lagarith Lossless Ben Greenwood
LBYR Creative WebCam Creative Labs, Inc.
LCMW LEAD Motion CMW Codec LEAD Multimedia
LCW2 LEAD MCMW 9Motion Wavelet LEAD Multimedia
LEAD LEAD Video Codec LEAD Multimedia
LGRY LEAD Grayscale Image LEAD Multimedia
LIA1 Liafail Liafail, Inc.
LJ2K LEADTools JPEG2000 LEAD Multimedia
LMP2 LEADTools MPEG2 LEAD Multimedia
LMRT Liquid Motion Runtime Control Microsoft
LOCO LOCO Lossless Codec -
LSCR LEAD Screen Capture -
LSV0 Reserved. Infinop Inc.
LSVC Lightning Strike Video Codec ESPRE Solutions
LSVM Lightning Strike Video Codec ESPRE Solutions
LSVW Lightning Strike multi-bitrate Infinop Inc.
LSVX Lightning Strike Video Codec ESPRE Solutions
LX63 LEAD H263 Codec LEAD Multimedia
LZO1 LZO (oberhumer lossless) oberhumer.com
M101 Uncompressed field-based YUY2. Matrox Electronic Systems, Ltd.
M261 H.261 Microsoft
M263 H.263 Microsoft
M4CC ESS MPEG4 Divio codec -
M4S2 Compliant MPEG-4 v2 Simple Profile Microsoft
MC12 Motion Compensation Format ATI Technologies
MC24 MainConcept Motion JPEG -
MCAM Motion Compensation Format ATI Technologies
MCZM Theory MicroCosm Lossless 64bit RGB w/alpha -
MDVD Alex MicroDVD Video (hacked MS MPEG-4) http://www.tiasoft.de/
MDVF Pinnacle DV/DV50/DVHD100 -
MHFY A.M.Paredes mhuffyYUV (LossLess) -
MJ2C Morgan Multimedia JPEG 2000 http://www.morgan-multimedia.com/
MJP2 Motion JPEG 2000 ISO
MJPA Morgan Motion JPEG Codec http://www.morgan-multimedia.com
MJPB Morgan Motion JPEG Codec http://www.morgan-multimedia.com
MJPG Motion JPEG -
MJPX Pegasus PICVideo Motion JPEG -
ML20 Mimic MSN Messenger Webcam Logitech/Microsoft
MMES Matrox MPEG-2 I-frame Matrox
MMIF Matrox MPEG-2 elementary I-frame-only video stream. Matrox Electronic Systems,
MNVD MindBend MindVid LossLess -
MP2A Media Excel MPEG-2 Audio -
MP2T Media Excel MPEG-2 Transport Stream -
MP2V S-Mpeg 4 version 1 Microsoft
MP41 Microsoft MPEG-4 V1 (enhanced H263) Microsoft
MP42 S-Mpeg 4 version 2 Microsoft
MP43 S-Mpeg 4 version 3 Microsoft
MP4S ISO MPEG-4 Video V1 Microsoft
MP4T Media Excel MPEG-4 Transport Stream -
MPEG MPEG-1 Chromatic Research
MPG1 FFmpeg MPEG 1/2 ?
MPG2 FFmpeg MPEG 1/2 ?
MPG3 MS MPEG-4 v3 Microsoft
MPG4 MS MPEG-4 v1 Microsoft
MPGI MPEG Sigma Designs
MPNG PNG images decoder ?
MRCA Mrcodec FAST Multimedia
MRLE Run Length Encoding Microsoft
MSS1 Windows Media 7 Screen Video Microsoft
MSS2 Windows Media 9 Screen Video Microsoft
MSUC MSU LossLess -
MSUD MSU LossLess -
MSV1 Microsoft video codec V1. Microsoft
MSVC Video 1 Microsoft
MSZH avimszh (lossless, ZLIB) S&K LCL (Lossless Codec Library)
MTGA Motion TGA images (24, 32 bpp) -
MTX1 Matrox, possibly a texture format Matrox
MTX2 Matrox, possibly a texture format Matrox
MTX3 Matrox, possibly a texture format Matrox
MTX4 Matrox, possibly a texture format Matrox
MTX5 Matrox, possibly a texture format Matrox
MTX6 Matrox, possibly a texture format Matrox
MTX7 Matrox, possibly a texture format Matrox
MTX8 Matrox, possibly a texture format Matrox
MTX9 Matrox, possibly a texture format Matrox
MV10 Nokia MVC video codec. Nokia Mobile Phones
MV11 Nokia MVC video codec. Nokia Mobile Phones
MV12 Motion Pixels Codec (old) Motion Pixels
MV99 Nokia MVC video codec. Nokia Mobile Phones
MVC1 Nokia MVC video codec. Nokia Mobile Phones
MVC2 Nokia MVC video codec. Nokia Mobile Phones
MVC9 Nokia MVC video codec. Nokia Mobile Phones
MVI1 Motion Pixels MVI -
MVI2 Motion Pixels MVI -
MWV1 Aware Motion Wavelets Aware Inc.
MYUV Media-100 844/X Uncompressed -
NAVI SMR Codec (hack of Microsoft Mpeg-4) IRC #shadowrealm
NDIG Ahead Nero Digital MPEG-4 Codec -
NHVU NVidia Texture Format (GEForce 3) -
NO16 Theory None16 64bit uncompressed RAW -
NT00 NewTek LightWave HDTV YUV with Alpha-channel https://www.newtek.com/ NTN1 Video Compression 1 Nogatech
NTN2 Nogatech Video Compression 2 (GrabBee hardware coder) -
NUV1 NuppelVideo (RTjpeg2.0) #NAME?
NV11 8-bit 4:1:1 YUV *No Decoder Needed
NV12 8-bit Y plane 2x2 subsampling *No Decoder Needed
NV21 As NV12 with U and V reversed *No Decoder Needed
NVDS nVidia Texture Format -
NVHS NVidia Texture Format (GEForce 3) -
NVHU Not specified. NVIDIA Corporation
NVS0 Nvidia, probably a texture format NVIDIA Corporation
NVS1 Nvidia, probably a texture format NVIDIA Corporation
NVS2 Nvidia, probably a texture format NVIDIA Corporation
NVS3 Nvidia, probably a texture format NVIDIA Corporation
NVS4 Nvidia, probably a texture format NVIDIA Corporation
NVS5 Nvidia, probably a texture format NVIDIA Corporation
NVS6 Not specified. NVIDIA Corporation
NVS7 Not specified. NVIDIA Corporation
NVS8 Not specified. NVIDIA Corporation
NVS9 Not specified. NVIDIA Corporation
NVT0 Nvidia, probably a texture format NVIDIA Corporation
NVT1 Nvidia, probably a texture format NVIDIA Corporation
NVT2 Nvidia, probably a texture format NVIDIA Corporation
NVT3 Nvidia, probably a texture format NVIDIA Corporation
NVT4 Nvidia, probably a texture format NVIDIA Corporation
NVT5 Nvidia, probably a texture format NVIDIA Corporation
NVT6 Not specified. NVIDIA Corporation
NVT7 Not specified. NVIDIA Corporation
NVT8 Not specified. NVIDIA Corporation
NVT9 Not specified. NVIDIA Corporation
NY12 Nogatech YUV 12 format. Nogatech Ltd.
NYUV Nogatech YUV 422 format. Nogatech Ltd.
OSIL LEAD ISO DeMuxer LEAD Multimedia
PCL2 Pinnacle RL video codec. Pinnacle / Avid
PCLE Studio 400 video codec. Pinnacle / Avid
PDVC DVC codec I-O Data Device, Inc.
PGVV Radius Video Vision Radius
PHMO Photomotion IBM Corporation
PIM1 MPEG-1 Realtime (Pinnacle Cards) Pinnacle / Avid
PIM2 MPEG-2 IP (Pinnacle Cards) Pinnacle / Avid
PIMJ Pegasus Lossless JPEG Pegasus Imaging
PIXL MiroXL, Pinnacle PCTV Pinnacle / Avid
PNG Apple PNG Apple
PNG1 Corecodec.org CorePNG Codec -
PVEZ PowerEZ Horizons Technology
PVMM PacketVideo Corporation MPEG-4 PacketVideo Corporation
PVW2 Pegasus Wavelet 2000 Compression Pegasus Imaging
PVWV Pegasus Imaging Wavelet 2000 -
PXLT Apple Pixlet (Wavelet) Apple
Q1.0 Q-Team's QPEG (www.q-team.de) Q-Team Dr Knabe
Q1.1 Q-Team's QPEG (www.q-team.de) Q-Team Dr Knabe
QDGX Apple QuickDraw GX Apple
QDRW APPLE Quickdraw Palettized Video Apple
QPEG QPEG 1.1 Q-Team Dr Knabe
QPEQ Q-Team QPEG 1.1 Q-Team Dr Knabe
R210 BlackMagic YUV (Quick Time) -
R411 Radius DV NTSC YUV Radius / Cinepak
R420 Radius DV PAL YUV Radius / Cinepak
RASC LogMeIn Screen Codec LogMeIn, Inc
RAV_ GroupTRON ReferenceAVI codec (dummy for MPEG compressor) -
RAVI GroupTRON ReferenceAVI codec (dummy for MPEG compressor) -
RAW Uncompressed RGB *No codec needed
RGB Uncompressed BGR32 * No codec needed
RGB1 Uncompressed RGB332 3:3:2 -
RGBA Raw RGB w/ Alpha * No codec needed
RGBO Uncompressed RGB555 5:5:5 -
RGBP Uncompressed RGB565 5:6:5 -
RGBQ Uncompressed RGB555X 5:5:5 BE -
RGBR Uncompressed RGB565X 5:6:5 BE -
RGBT Raw RGB w/ Transparency * No codec needed
RIVA Swizzled texture format. NVIDIA Corporation
RJPG ffmeg NuppelVideo (RTjpeg2.0) ffmpeg
RL4 RLE 4bpp RGB -
RL8 RLE 8bpp RGB -
RLE Run Length Encoded * No codec needed
RLE4 Same as BI_RLE4 (RLE 4bpp RGB) * No codec needed
RLE8 Same as BI_RLE8 (RLE 8bpp RGB) * No codec needed
RLND Not specified. Roland Corporation
RMP4 REALmagic MPEG-4 (unauthorized XVID copy) https://www.sigmadesigns.com/ ROQV RoQ VideoGame File id Software
RPZA Apple RoadPizza Apple
RT21 Indeo 2.1 Ligos / Indeo / Intel
RTV0 NewTek VideoToaster (dummy format - only AVI header) -
RUD0 Rududu video codec http://rududu.ifrance.com/rududu/
RV10 RealVideo 1.0 RealNetworks
RV13 RealVideo 1.0 variant RealNetworks
RV20 RealVideo 2.0 RealNetworks
RV30 RealVideo 3.0 RealNetworks
RV40 RealVideo 4.0 RealNetworks
RVX Intel RDX Intel Corporation
S263 ITU H.263 video (3GPP) ~ISOMP4
S422 VideoCap C210 Tekram International
SAMR Narrowband AMR voice ~ISOMP4
SAN3 MPEG-4 codec (direct copy of DivX 3.11a) -
SANM LucasArts Smush v2 LucasArts
SAWB Wideband AMR voice ~ISOMP4
SCCD Luminositi SoftCam codec. Luminositi, Inc.
SDCC Digital Camera Codec Sun Communications
SEDG Samsung MPEG-4 codec -
SEG4 Cinepak for Sega Sega
SEGA Cinepak for Sega Sega
SFMC Surface Fitting Method CrystalNet
SHR0 BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) -
SHR1 BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) -
SHR2 BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) -
SHR3 BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) -
SHR4 BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) -
SHR5 BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) -
SHR6 BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) -
SHR7 BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) -
SJPG CUseeMe Networks Codec -
SL50 SoftLab-NSK DVCPRO50 -
SLDV SoftLab-NSK Forward DV Draw codec -
SLIF SoftLab-NSK MPEG2 I-frames -
SLMJ SoftLab-NSK Forward MJPEG -
SMC Apple Graphics Apple
SMK2 FFmpeg Smacker Video ffmpeg
SMK4 FFmpeg Smacker Video ffmpeg
SMP4 Samsung Camcorder Samsung
SMSC Proprietary codec Radius
SMSD Proprietary codec Radius
SMSV Wavelet Video WorldConnect
SNOW FFSNOW (Michael's wavelet codec) ffmpeg
SP40 SunPlus YUV -
SP44 SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec -
SP53 SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec -
SP54 Sunplus Sp54 Codec for Mustek GSmart Mini 2 Logitech
SP55 SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec -
SP56 SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec -
SP57 SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec -
SP58 SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec -
SP61 Sunplus Codec for Hama Sightcam Sunplus Technology
SPIG Spigot Radius
SPLC Splash Studios ACM Audio Codec http://splashstudios.net/
SPRK Sorenson Spark -
SQCP 13K Voice (3GPP2) ~ISOMP4
SQZ2 VXTreme Video Codec V2 Microsoft
STVA ST CMOS Imager Data (Bayer) ST Microelectronics
STVB ST CMOS Imager Data (Nudged Bayer) ST Microelectronics
STVC ST CMOS Imager Data (Bunched) ST Microelectronics
STVX ST CMOS Imager Data (Extended CODEC Format) ST Microelectronics
STVY ST CMOS Imager Data (Extended CODEC Format w/ Correction) ST Microelectronics
SV10 Video R1 Sorenson Media
SV3M Sorenson SV3 module decoder. Sorenson Vision, Inc.
SVQ1 Sorenson v1 Sorenson Media
SVQ3 Sorenson v3 (QT 5) Sorenson Media
SWC1 MainConcept Motion JPEG -
T420 Toshiba YUV 4:2:0 Toshiba
TGA Apple TGA w/alpha Apple
THEO Theora (free, reworked VP3) xiph.org/theora.org (open source)
THRA Theora (free, reworked VP3) xiph.org/theora.org (open source)
TIFF Apple TIFF w/alpha Apple
TIM2 Pinnacle RAL DVI -
TLMS Motion Intraframe Codec TeraLogic
TLST Motion Intraframe Codec TeraLogic
TM10 TrueMotion 1.0 Duck (now ON2) Corp
TM20 TrueMotion 2.0 Duck (now ON2) Corp
TM2A Duck TrueMotion Archiver 2.0 Duck (now ON2) Corporation
TM2X Duck TrueMotion 2X Duck (now ON2) Corp
TMIC Motion Intraframe Codec TeraLogic
TMOT TrueMotion S Horizons Technology
TR20 TrueMotion RT 2.0 Duck Corporation
TRLE Akula Alpha Pro Custom AVI (LossLess) -
TSCC TechSmith Screen Capture Codec Techsmith Corp.
TV10 Tecomac Low-Bit Rate Codec Tecomac, Inc.
TVJP Targa 2000 board Pinnacle / Avid
TVMJ Targa 2000 board Pinnacle / Avid
TWOS Uncompressed 16-bit audio *No codec needed
TY0N Tecomac Low-Bit Rate Codec https://www.buydomains.com/lander/tecomac.com?domain=tecomac.com&utm_source=tecomac.com&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=TDFS-OO-BDLander_Invisible&traffic_id=TDFS-OO-BDLander_Invisible&traffic_type=tdfs&redirect=ono-redirect TY2C Trident Decompression Driver Trident Microsystems
TY2N Trident Codec Trident Microsystems
U263 UB Video H.263/H.263+/H.263++ Decoder UB Video Inc.
U<Y Discreet UC YUV 4:2:2:4 10 bit -
U<YA Discreet UC YUV 4:2:2:4 10 bit (with Alpha-channel) -
UCOD ClearVideo eMajix.com
ULTI Ultimotion IBM Corporation
UMP4 UB Video MPEG 4 http://www.ubvideo.com UYNV Same as UYVY NVIDIA Corporation
UYVP YCbCr 4:2:2 extended precision Evans & Sutherland
UYVU SoftLab-NSK Forward YUV codec -
UYVY UYVY (packed 4:2:2) *No codec needed
V210 Optibase VideoPump 10-bit 4:2:2 Component Y'CbCr -
V261 Lucent VX2000S Lucent
V422 24-bit YUV 4:2:2 Vitec Multimedia
V655 16-bit YUV 4:2:2 Vitec Multimedia
VBLE MarcFD VBLE Lossless Codec -
VCR1 ATI Video Codec 1 ATI Technologies
VCR2 ATI Video Codec 2 ATI Technologies
VCR3 ATI VCR 3.0 ATI Technologies
VCR4 ATI VCR 4.0 ATI Technologies
VCR5 ATI VCR 5.0 ATI Technologies
VCR6 ATI VCR 6.0 ATI Technologies
VCR7 ATI VCR 7.0 ATI Technologies
VCR8 ATI VCR 8.0 ATI Technologies
VCR9 ATI VCR 9.0 ATI Technologies
VCRD Dirac Video Codec Open Source
VCWV VideoCon wavelet. VideoCon
VDCT Video Maker Pro DIB Vitec Multimedia
VDST VirtualDub remote frameclient ICM driver -
VDTZ VideoTizer YUV Codec Darim Vision Co.
VGPX VGPixel Codec Alaris
VIDM DivX 5.0 Pro Supported Codec -
VIDS YUV 4:2:2 CCIR 601 for V422 Vitec Multimedia
VIFP VFAPI Reader Codec http://www.yks.ne.jp/~hori/
VIV1 FFmpeg H263+ decoder ?
VIV2 Vivo H.263 Vivo Software
VIVO Vivo H.263 Vivo Software
VIXL Video XL Miro (now part of Pinnacle Systems)
VJPG A JPEG-based compression scheme for RGB bitmaps. Video Communication Systems
VLV1 Videologic codec VideoLogic (now PURE Digital)
VMNC VMware Codec VMware
VP30 On2 VP3 On2 Technologies
VP31 On2 VP3 On2 Technologies
VP40 On2 VP4 On2 Technologies
VP50 On2 VP5 On2 Technologies
VP60 On2 VP6 / Flash On2 Technologies
VP61 On2 VP6 / Flash On2 Technologies
VP62 On2 VP6 / Flash On2 Technologies
VP6F FFmpeg VP6 / Flash ffmpeg (open source)
VP70 On2 VP7 On2 Technologies
VP71 On2 VP7 On2 Technologies
VP72 On2 VP7 On2 Technologies
VQC1 Vector-quantised codec 1 (high compression)
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