Problème lors de conversion Mysql a Mysqli

yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017 - Modifié le 26 mars 2017 à 22:39
yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017 - 27 mars 2017 à 03:13

lors de la conversion de mysql a mysqli quand j'essaie de me connnecter au lieu de m'envoyer vers ma page home.php ca me retourne a mon login sans aucun message d'erreur et je ne comprend pas de ou peux provenir le problème. Avant la conversion tout fonctionnais bien.



header("Expires: Thu, 17 May 2001 10:17:17 GMT"); // Date in the past
header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // always modified
header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header ("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0


if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION'])) require ("session_init.php");

// reset session variables...
$_SESSION['LOGGEDIN'] = false;
$_SESSION['FNAME'] = "";
$_SESSION['LNAME'] = "";

// initialize variables...
$username = "";
$password = "";
$email = "";

// make sure post parameters were sent...
if (isset($_REQUEST["username"])) $username = $_REQUEST["username"];
if (isset($_REQUEST["password"])) $password = $_REQUEST["password"];

// form variables must have something in them...
if ($username == "" || $password == "") { header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username); exit; }

// check in database...
$query = "SELECT * FROM user, position WHERE user.positionID = position.positionID AND logonName = '".$username."'";

$con = mysqli_connect($_SESSION['MYSQL_SERVER'],$_SESSION['MYSQL_LOGIN'],$_SESSION['MYSQL_PASS'],$_SESSION['MYSQL_DB']) or die("Unable to connect to SQL server");

$result = mysqli_query($con,$query) or die("Invalid query: " . mysqli_error($con));

// if username is not present in user table try the client table
if (mysqli_affected_rows($con) != 1)
$clientUserSQL = "SELECT * FROM client_user WHERE logonName = '".$username."'";
$clientUserResult = mysqli_query($con,$clientUserSQL) or die ("Invalide Query[clientUserSQL]: " . mysqli_error($con));

if (mysqli_affected_rows($con) != 1)
header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username); exit;
// check for password, active state, user type, and then send to appropriate section...
if ($clientUserRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($clientUserResult))
#echo $row['sPassword'] . "<br>" . md5($password);
if ((strcmp($clientUserRow['logonPWD'], md5($password)) != 0) || (strcmp($clientUserRow['statusID'],"24") != 0))
header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username); exit;

// set standard session variables...
$_SESSION['LOGIN_TYPE'] = "client";
$_SESSION['LOGED_USERID'] = $clientUserRow['clientUserID'];
$_SESSION['LOGED_USER_CLIENTID'] = $clientUserRow['clientID'];
$_SESSION['USER_STATUS'] = $clientUserRow['statusID'];
$_SESSION['USERNAME'] = $username;
$_SESSION['FNAME'] = $clientUserRow['fname'];
$_SESSION['LNAME'] = $clientUserRow['lname'];

header("Location: ../welcome.php"); exit;
header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username); exit;

// check for password, active state, user type, and then send to appropriate section...
if ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
#echo $row['sPassword'] . "<br>" . md5($password);
if ((strcmp($row['logonPWD'], md5($password)) != 0) || (strcmp($row['statusID'],"1") != 0))
header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username); exit;

// set standard session variables...
$_SESSION['LOGIN_TYPE'] = $row['loginType'];
$_SESSION['LOGIN_POSITION_NAME'] = $row['positionName'];
$_SESSION['LOGED_USERID'] = $row['userID'];
$_SESSION['USER_STATUS'] = $row['statusID'];
$_SESSION['USERNAME'] = $username;
$_SESSION['FNAME'] = $row['fname'];
$_SESSION['LNAME'] = $row['lname'];

header("Location: ../welcome.php"); exit;
header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username); exit;


require_once 'scripts/SESSION_CONNECT.php';
require_once 'scripts/functions.php';

$LoginType = "";
$refresh = "";
$leftMenu = "";
$mainPage = "";
$defaultPanelIndex = -1;
$LoginType = $_SESSION['LOGIN_TYPE'];
$LoginPositionName = $_SESSION['LOGIN_POSITION_NAME'];

//Page creation and redirection for a DISPATCHER login and menu updates
if (isset($LoginType) && !isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "dispatch"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
$mainPage = "dispatchMain.php";
elseif (isset($LoginType) && isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "dispatch"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
if ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dispatchMain")
$mainPage = "dispatchMain.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "shiftReportList")
$mainPage = "shiftReportList.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dailyReport")
$mainPage = "dailyReportForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "carAssign")
$mainPage = "carAssign.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmReports")
$mainPage = "alarmReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "preventiveReports")
$mainPage = "preventiveReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addClient")
$mainPage = "addClient.php";

Page creation and redirection for a CLIENT login and menu updates
if (isset($LoginType) && !isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "client"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
$mainPage = "clientMain.php";
elseif (isset($LoginType) && isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "client"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
if ($_GET['mainPage'] == "clientMain")
$mainPage = "clientMain.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmReports")
$mainPage = "alarmReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "preventiveReports")
$mainPage = "preventiveReports.php";

Page creation and redirection for a PATROLLER login and menu updates
if (isset($LoginType) && !isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "patrol"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
$mainPage = "patrolMain.php";
elseif (isset($LoginType) && isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "patrol"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
if ($_GET['mainPage'] == "patrolMain")
$mainPage = "patrolMain.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "shiftReportList")
$mainPage = "shiftReportList.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dailyReport")
$mainPage = "dailyReportForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmReports")
$mainPage = "alarmReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "preventiveReports")
$mainPage = "preventiveReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "patroller")
$mainPage = "patroller.php";

Page creation and redirection for a ADMINISTRATOR login and menu updates
if (isset($LoginType) && !isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "admin"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
$mainPage = "dispatchMain.php";
elseif (isset($LoginType) && isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "admin"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
if ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dispatchMain")
$mainPage = "dispatchMain.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addUser")
$mainPage = "addUser.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addAlarmCo")
$mainPage = "addAlarmCo.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addClient")
$mainPage = "addClient.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addSite")
$mainPage = "addSite.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addCar")
$mainPage = "addCar.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addDirective")
$mainPage = "addDirective.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addFiles")
$mainPage = "addFiles.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addAlarmType")
$mainPage = "addAlarmType.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "carAssign")
$mainPage = "carAssign.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "shiftReportList")
$mainPage = "shiftReportList.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dailyReport")
$mainPage = "dailyReportForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addTemplate")
$mainPage = "addTemplate.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmReports")
$mainPage = "alarmReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "preventiveReports")
$mainPage = "preventiveReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addDepartment")
$mainPage = "addDepartment.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmCallPeak")
$mainPage = "alarmPeakForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "scheduleListReport")
$mainPage = "scheduleListReport.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmStats")
$mainPage = "alarmStatsForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "preventiveStats")
$mainPage = "preventiveStatsForm.php";

Page creation and redirection for a ROOT login and menu updates
if (isset($LoginType) && !isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "root"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
$mainPage = "dispatchMain.php";
elseif (isset($LoginType) && isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "root"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
if ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dispatchMain")
$mainPage = "dispatchMain.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addUser")
$mainPage = "addUser.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addClientUser")
$mainPage = "addClientUser.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addAlarmCo")
$mainPage = "addAlarmCo.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addClient")
$mainPage = "addClient.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addSite")
$mainPage = "addSite.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addCar")
$mainPage = "addCar.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addDirective")
$mainPage = "addDirective.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addFiles")
$mainPage = "addFiles.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addAlarmType")
$mainPage = "addAlarmType.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addDepartment")
$mainPage = "addDepartment.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "carAssign")
$mainPage = "carAssign.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "shiftReportList")
$mainPage = "shiftReportList.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dailyReport")
$mainPage = "dailyReportForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addTemplate")
$mainPage = "addTemplate.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmReports")
$mainPage = "alarmReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "preventiveReports")
$mainPage = "preventiveReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmCallPeak")
$mainPage = "alarmPeakForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "scheduleListReport")
$mainPage = "scheduleListReport.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmStats")
$mainPage = "alarmStatsForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "preventiveStats")
$mainPage = "preventiveStatsForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "BillingRulesSelection")
$mainPage = "billingRulesSelection.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "createInvoice")
$mainPage = "createInvoice.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "findInvoice")
$mainPage = "findInvoice.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "autoSuggest")
$mainPage = "autosuggest/AutoSuggest.html";

Page creation and redirection for a MANAGERS login and menu updates
if (isset($LoginType) && !isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "manager"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
$mainPage = "dispatchMain.php";
elseif (isset($LoginType) && isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "manager"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
if ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dispatchMain")
$mainPage = "dispatchMain.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addUser")
$mainPage = "addUser.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addAlarmCo")
$mainPage = "addAlarmCo.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addFiles")
$mainPage = "addFiles.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addClient")
$mainPage = "addClient.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addSite")
$mainPage = "addSite.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addCar")
$mainPage = "addCar.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addDirective")
$mainPage = "addDirective.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "carAssign")
$mainPage = "carAssign.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addAlarmType")
$mainPage = "addAlarmType.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "shiftReportList")
$mainPage = "shiftReportList.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dailyReport")
$mainPage = "dailyReportForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addTemplate")
$mainPage = "addTemplate.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmReports")
$mainPage = "alarmReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "preventiveReports")
$mainPage = "preventiveReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmCallPeak")
$mainPage = "alarmPeakForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "preventiveReports")
$mainPage = "preventiveReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmStats")
$mainPage = "alarmStatsForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "preventiveStats")
$mainPage = "preventiveStatsForm.php";

Page creation and redirection for a SENIOR DISPATCHER login and menu updates
if (isset($LoginType) && !isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "seniorDispatch"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
$mainPage = "dispatchMain.php";
elseif (isset($LoginType) && isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "seniorDispatch"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
if ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dispatchMain")
$mainPage = "dispatchMain.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addUser")
$mainPage = "addUser.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addAlarmCo")
$mainPage = "addAlarmCo.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addClient")
$mainPage = "addClient.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addSite")
$mainPage = "addSite.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addCar")
$mainPage = "addCar.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addDirective")
$mainPage = "addDirective.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "carAssign")
$mainPage = "carAssign.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "shiftReportList")
$mainPage = "shiftReportList.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dailyReport")
$mainPage = "dailyReportForm.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmReports")
$mainPage = "alarmReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "preventiveReports")
$mainPage = "preventiveReports.php";
elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addTemplate")
$mainPage = "addTemplate.php";

Page creation and redirection for the TIMEZONE login and menu updates
if (isset($LoginType) && !isset($_GET['mainPage']) && ($LoginType == "timeZone"))
$leftMenu = "sideMenu.php";
$mainPage = "timezones.php";

This variable controls how often the page is refreshed and is in seconds
if($mainPage == "dispatchMain.php" && ($LoginType == "dispatch" || $LoginType == "admin"))
$reloadTime = "30000";
$retryTime = "5000";
else if ($LoginType == "patrol" && $mainPage == "patrolMain.php")
$reloadTime = "300000";
$retryTime = "5000";
else if ($LoginType == "seniorDispatch" && $mainPage == "dispatchMain.php")
$reloadTime = "30000";
$retryTime = "5000";
else if ($LoginType == "client" && $mainPage == "clientMain.php")
$reloadTime = "60000";
$retryTime = "5000";
else if ($LoginType == "timeZone")
$reloadTime = "30000";
$retryTime = "5000";
$reloadTime = "4320000000";
$retryTime = "4320000000";

if ($LoginType == "patrol")
$getCarIDSQL = "SELECT carID, code FROM car WHERE patrollerUserID = '".$LogedUserID."'";
$getCarIDResult = mysqli_query($con,$getCarIDSQL) or die('Query failed: ' . mysqli_error($con));
$numOfRows = mysqli_num_rows($getCarIDResult);
if ($numOfRows != 0)
$_SESSION['PATROLER_CAR_ID'] = mysqli_fetch_row($getCarIDResult,0,"carID");
$_SESSION['CAR_CODE'] = mysqli_fetch_row($getCarIDResult,0,"code");
$infoDisplay = "Voiture assign: ".$_SESSION['CAR_CODE'];
$_SESSION['CAR_CODE'] = "non assign";
$infoDisplay = "Aucune voiture vous a t assigner; AVISER RPARTITION";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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<script type="text/javascript" src="JSCal2/js/jscal2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="JSCal2/js/lang/fr.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/functions.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/formatdate.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="autosuggest/js/AutoSuggest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/ddaccordion.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="autosuggest/css/autosuggest_inquisitor.css" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="JSCal2/css/jscal2.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="JSCal2/css/steel/steel.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function confirmTenCode(TenCode, Location, PassedID, CarID, ExternalID, Type)
confirmResponse = "";
confirmResponse = confirm("Êtes-vous vraiement en " + TenCode + " pour " + Location + "?");
var passedString = 'scripts/tenCodeSave.php?passedID=' + PassedID + '&tenCode=' + TenCode + '&type=' + Type + '&location=' + Location + '&carID=' + CarID + '&externalID=' + ExternalID;
tenCodePopUp = popUp(passedString,'console',300,200,'TenCodeSaveWin');
return true;
return false;
function confirmLogOff()
if (($FirstLogin == false) && ($LoginType != "manager") && ($LoginType != "root") && ($LoginType != "client") && ($LoginType != "admin") && ($LoginType != "timeZone"))
echo "\tconfirmResponse = \"\";\r\n";
echo "\tconfirmResponse = confirm('Si c\'est la fin de votre quart, est-ce que vous avez fait votre \"10-38\"?');\r\n";
echo "\tif(confirmResponse)\r\n";
echo "\t{\r\n";
echo "\t\tdocument.location='scripts/logout.php';\r\n";
echo "\t\treturn true;\r\n";
echo "\t}\r\n";
echo "\telse\r\n";
echo "\t{\r\n";
echo "\t\treturn false;\r\n";
echo "\t}\r\n";
echo "document.location='scripts/logout.php';\r\n";
echo "return true;\r\n";
function clientConfirmLogOff()
return true;
//Function used to collapse all information containers on the main page
function collapseAllInPage()
//Function used to expand all information containers on the main page
function expandAllInPage()

if (($FirstLogin == true) && ($LoginType != "manager") && ($LoginType != "root") && ($LoginType != "client") && ($LoginType != "admin") && ($LoginType != "timeZone"))
echo "customAlert('noubliez pas de faire votre 10-35 si c\'est le début de votre quart!!!');";
function reloadPage()
window.setTimeout('reloadPage()',<?php echo $reloadTime; ?>);
function place()
<?php if ($LoginType == "timeZone") echo "timeZone();"; ?>

function quickCarAssignChange(passedID, initialCarCode, initialCarID, carSaveType)
if (carSaveType == "alarm")
finalCarCode = document.getElementById('CarAssignList-A-' + passedID).options[document.getElementById('CarAssignList-A-' + passedID).selectedIndex].text;
finalCarID = document.getElementById('CarAssignList-A-' + passedID).value;
else if (carSaveType == "preventive")
finalCarCode = document.getElementById('CarAssignList-P-' + passedID).options[document.getElementById('CarAssignList-P-' + passedID).selectedIndex].text;
finalCarID = document.getElementById('CarAssignList-P-' + passedID).value;

if (finalCarCode == "n/a")
confirmResponse = confirm('Etes vous sur d\'assigner la voiture ' + finalCarCode + ' a cette alarme?');
confirmResponse = confirm('Etes vous sur d\'assigner la voiture ' + initialCarCode + ' a ' + finalCarCode + '?');

passedString = 'scripts/quickCarAssignSave.php?passedID=' + passedID + '&carID=' + finalCarID + '&carSaveType=' + carSaveType + '&initialCarID=' + initialCarID;
quickCarAssignPopUp = popUp(passedString,'fixed',400,150,'quickCarAssignSaveWindow');
return true;
return false;

var BrowserDetect = {
init: function () {
this.browser = this.searchString(this.dataBrowser) || "An unknown browser";
this.version = this.searchVersion(navigator.userAgent)
|| this.searchVersion(navigator.appVersion)
|| "an unknown version";
this.OS = this.searchString(this.dataOS) || "an unknown OS";
searchString: function (data) {
for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++) {
var dataString = data[i].string;
var dataProp = data[i].prop;
this.versionSearchString = data[i].versionSearch || data[i].identity;
if (dataString) {
if (dataString.indexOf(data[i].subString) != -1)
return data[i].identity;
else if (dataProp)
return data[i].identity;
searchVersion: function (dataString) {
var index = dataString.indexOf(this.versionSearchString);
if (index == -1) return;
return parseFloat(dataString.substring(index+this.versionSearchString.length+1));
dataBrowser: [
{ string: navigator.userAgent,
subString: "OmniWeb",
versionSearch: "OmniWeb/",
identity: "OmniWeb"
string: navigator.vendor,
subString: "Apple",
identity: "Safari"
prop: window.opera,
identity: "Opera"
string: navigator.vendor,
subString: "iCab",
identity: "iCab"
string: navigator.vendor,
subString: "KDE",
identity: "Konqueror"
string: navigator.userAgent,
subString: "Firefox",
identity: "Firefox"
string: navigator.vendor,
subString: "Camino",
identity: "Camino"
{ // for newer Netscapes (6+)
string: navigator.userAgent,
subString: "Netscape",
identity: "Netscape"
string: navigator.userAgent,
subString: "MSIE",
identity: "Explorer",
versionSearch: "MSIE"
string: navigator.userAgent,
subString: "Gecko",
identity: "Mozilla",
versionSearch: "rv"
{ // for older Netscapes (4-)
string: navigator.userAgent,
subString: "Mozilla",
identity: "Netscape",
versionSearch: "Mozilla"
dataOS : [
string: navigator.platform,
subString: "Win",
identity: "Windows"
string: navigator.platform,
subString: "Mac",
identity: "Mac"
string: navigator.platform,
subString: "Linux",
identity: "Linux"

alert('Browser used: ' + BrowserDetect.browser + ' version: ' + BrowserDetect.version);

<script type="text/javascript">
var cal = Calendar.setup({
weekNumbers: true,
fdow: 0,
onSelect: function(cal) { cal.hide() }
<body onload="place()">
<!-- This is the header area of the site-->
<div class="header">

if ($LoginType != "client")
$assignedCarListSQL = "SELECT * FROM carassignmentLog cal, user, car WHERE car.carID = cal.carID AND cal.patrollerUserID = user.userID AND cal.shiftEndDateTime IS NULL
AND cal.carID >= '50' ORDER BY user.lname ASC";
$assignedCarListResult = mysqli_query($con,$assignedCarListSQL) or die('Query[assignedCarListSQL] failed: ' . mysqli_error($con));
$assignedCarListNumOfRows = mysqli_num_rows($assignedCarListResult);

if ($assignedCarListNumOfRows)
echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"right\">\n";
echo "\t<tr>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $assignedCarListNumOfRows; $i++)
if ($i%2 == 0 && $i != 0){
echo "</tr><tr>\n";
if (mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult, $i, "car.state") == "alarm")
echo "\t\t<td style=\"background-color: #CC0033;\"><b>".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"car.code")."</b> - ".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"user.lname").", ".substr(mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"user.fname"),0,1)." | ".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"cal.shiftStartTime")." à ".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"cal.shiftEndTime")." | <i>".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"cal.sector")."</i></td>\n";
else if (mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult, $i, "car.state") == "preventive")
echo "\t\t<td style=\"background-color: #FFEE00;color:black;\"><b>".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"car.code")."</b> - ".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"user.lname").", ".substr(mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"user.fname"),0,1)." | ".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"cal.shiftStartTime")." à ".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"cal.shiftEndTime")." | <i>".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"cal.sector")."</i></td>\n";
echo "\t\t<td><b>".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"car.code")."</b> - ".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"user.lname").", ".substr(mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"user.fname"),0,1)." | ".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"cal.shiftStartTime")." à ".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"cal.shiftEndTime")." | <i>".mysqli_fetch_row($assignedCarListResult,$i,"cal.sector")."</i></td>\n";
echo "\t</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";

<!-- This is the left menu side of the site -->
<div class="leftMenu">
<div id="menu">

include ($leftMenu); //Call the appropriate left Menu depending on who logs in


<!-- This is the main displaying area of the site-->
<div class="main">

include ($mainPage);


<!-- This sections is always the same -->
<div class="footer">
<?php include("homeFooter.php"); ?>

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
window.setTimeout('reloadPage()',<?php echo $reloadTime; ?>);

5 réponses

jordane45 Messages postés 38430 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 février 2025 4 735
26 mars 2017 à 21:59

Tout d'abord ....
//tes IF/ELSEIF ..
if ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dispatchMain")
   $mainPage = "dispatchMain.php";
  elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "shiftReportList")
   $mainPage = "shiftReportList.php";
  elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "dailyReport")
   $mainPage = "dailyReportForm.php";
  elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "carAssign")
   $mainPage = "carAssign.php";
  elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "alarmReports")
   $mainPage = "alarmReports.php";
  elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "preventiveReports")
   $mainPage = "preventiveReports.php";
        elseif ($_GET['mainPage'] == "addClient")
   $mainPage = "addClient.php";
//Se résument en :  
$mainPage = !empty($_GET['mainPage']) ? $_GET['mainPage'].".php" : "";

Je t'invite à TOUS les corriger de cette manière histoire d'alléger ton code.

Ensuite... une grande partie de ton code est illisible (pas dans les balises de code du forum ou sans indentation ! )
Je te demanderait de reposter ton code PROPREMENT en utilisant les balises de code ( ET en y précisant le langage... : Explications disponibles ici :

Pense également à ajouter les lignes suivantes AU DEBUT de ton code:
 //Affichage des erreurs php

et pour finir .. pour pouvoir voir les éventuelles erreurs... tu dois, le temps des tests, désactiver (les mettre en commentaire ...) les différentes REDIRECTIONS DE PAGE que tu as dans ton code.

jordane45 Messages postés 38430 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 février 2025 4 735
26 mars 2017 à 22:33
Essaye de voir ce que donne ce code légèrement remanié et avec les Echo à la place des redirections

//Affichage des erreurs php

 //Description: This checks the login credentials and redirects accordingly header("Expires: Thu, 17 May 2001 10:17:17 GMT");
 // Date in the past header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
 // always modified header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
 // HTTP/1.1 header ("Pragma: no-cache");
 // HTTP/1.0 session_start();
 if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION'])) {
  require ("session_init.php");
 // connexion à la bdd
 $con = mysqli_connect($_SESSION['MYSQL_SERVER'],$_SESSION['MYSQL_LOGIN'],$_SESSION['MYSQL_PASS'],$_SESSION['MYSQL_DB']) or die("Unable to connect to SQL server");
 // reset session variables... $_SESSION['LOGIN_TYPE'] = "";
 $_SESSION['LOGGEDIN'] = false;
 $_SESSION['FNAME'] = "";
 $_SESSION['LNAME'] = "";

 // make sure post parameters were sent... 
  $username = isset($_REQUEST["username"]) ? $_REQUEST["username"]: "";
  $password = isset($_REQUEST["password"]) ? $_REQUEST["password"]: "";
 // form variables must have something in them... 
 if ($username == "" || $password == "") { 
   //header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username);
 // check in database...
 // if username is not present in user table try the client table 
 if (mysqli_affected_rows($con) != 1) { 
   $clientUserSQL = "SELECT * FROM client_user WHERE logonName = '".$username."'";
   $clientUserResult = mysqli_query($con,$clientUserSQL) or die ("Invalide Query[clientUserSQL]: " . mysqli_error($con));
 if (mysqli_affected_rows($con) != 1) { 
   echo "mysqli_affected_rows !=1";
   //header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username);
 } else { 
   // check for password, active state, user type, and then send to appropriate section... 
  if ($clientUserRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($clientUserResult)) { 
    #echo $row['sPassword'] . "<br>" . md5($password);
     if ((strcmp($clientUserRow['logonPWD'], md5($password)) != 0) || (strcmp($clientUserRow['statusID'],"24") != 0)) { 
      echo ' strcmp($clientUserRow[logonPWD], md5($password)) != 0) || (strcmp($clientUserRow[statusID],"24") != 0 ';
      //header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username);
    // set standard session variables... 
     $_SESSION['LOGIN_TYPE'] = "client";
     $_SESSION['LOGED_USERID'] = $clientUserRow['clientUserID'];
     $_SESSION['LOGED_USER_CLIENTID'] = $clientUserRow['clientID'];
     $_SESSION['USER_STATUS'] = $clientUserRow['statusID'];
     $_SESSION['USERNAME'] = $username;
     $_SESSION['LOGGEDIN'] = true;
     $_SESSION['FNAME'] = $clientUserRow['fname'];
     $_SESSION['LNAME'] = $clientUserRow['lname'];
     header("Location: ../welcome.php");
  } else { 
     echo " error  mysqli_fetch_assoc(clientUserResult)";
     //header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username);
} else { 
 // check for password, active state, user type, and then send to appropriate section... 
 $query = "SELECT * FROM user, position WHERE user.positionID = position.positionID AND logonName = '$username'";
 $result = mysqli_query($con,$query) or die("Invalid query: " . mysqli_error($con));
 if ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { 
    #echo $row['sPassword'] . "<br>" . md5($password);
    if ((strcmp($row['logonPWD'], md5($password)) != 0) || (strcmp($row['statusID'],"1") != 0)) { 
     echo 'Error  strcmp($row[logonPWD], md5(password)) != 0) || (strcmp(row[statusID],"1") != 0';
     //header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username);
    // set standard session variables... 
   $_SESSION['LOGIN_TYPE'] = $row['loginType'];
   $_SESSION['LOGIN_POSITION_NAME'] = $row['positionName'];
   $_SESSION['LOGED_USERID'] = $row['userID'];
   $_SESSION['USER_STATUS'] = $row['statusID'];
   $_SESSION['USERNAME'] = $username;
   $_SESSION['LOGGEDIN'] = true;
   $_SESSION['FNAME'] = $row['fname'];
   $_SESSION['LNAME'] = $row['lname'];
   header("Location: ../welcome.php");
 } else { 
    echo 'error : mysqli_fetch_assoc($result) ';
   //header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username);

yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017
Modifié le 26 mars 2017 à 22:59
quand je change pour ce code la réponse est:

Invalide Query[clientUserSQL]: Table 'cbina.client_user' doesn't exist

et pourtant l'utilisateur existe
yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017
26 mars 2017 à 23:06
me semble que tout aurais été si facile si my_sql serait pas obsolète. Tout fonctionnais avant de faire la mise a jour vers PHP5+
jordane45 Messages postés 38430 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 février 2025 4 735 > yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017
26 mars 2017 à 23:16
Le message te parle du nom de la table.... pas de ton user !
yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017 > jordane45 Messages postés 38430 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 février 2025
Modifié le 26 mars 2017 à 23:26
alors ce que je comprend pas ces que j'ai deux facon de ce loguer sois pas user dans la base ou client.

Le problème semble qui ne va pas lire dans la baser user

Je voudrais bien te montrer une photo de la facon donc mes table sont fait dans ma DB mais je croit qu'on peux pas
yg_be Messages postés 23476 Date d'inscription lundi 9 juin 2008 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 20 février 2025 Ambassadeur 1 568
26 mars 2017 à 22:08
j'imagine que ta page loggedin.php exécute l’instruction suivante:
header("Location: ../index.php?flg=red&username=".$username);

malheureusement, tu as choisi de ne pas différencier les différentes redirections vers la page index.php.
et tu ne nous montres pas le contenu de cette page.
je te suggère de retourner un code spécifique permettant de différencier les différents appels à index.php. par exemple en passant un code d’erreur unique à index.php, et en laissant index.php afficher ce code d'erreur.
yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017
26 mars 2017 à 23:29
voici comment est fait ma DB

yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017
26 mars 2017 à 23:44
Je viens de trouver ce qui me manquait

Est ce que une personne peux m'aider a faire la convetion de ceci en my_sqli svp

$query = "SELECT * FROM user, position WHERE user.positionID = position.positionID AND logonName = '".$username."'";

mysql_pconnect($_SESSION['MYSQL_SERVER'],$_SESSION['MYSQL_LOGIN'],$_SESSION['MYSQL_PASS']) or die("Unable to connect to SQL server");
mysql_select_db($_SESSION['MYSQL_DB']) or die("Unable to select database");
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
jordane45 Messages postés 38430 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 février 2025 4 735
27 mars 2017 à 00:21
Non ce ne sont pas ces lignes la ...
Elles sont déjà bien présentes dans ton code en mysqli...

Le message d'erreur que tu obtiens concerne la table client_user qui n'existe pas !
Donc cette parti du code :
  $clientUserSQL = "SELECT * FROM client_user WHERE logonName = '".$username."'";
   $clientUserResult = mysqli_query($con,$clientUserSQL) or die ("Invalide Query[clientUserSQL]: " . mysqli_error($con));

Et en effet.. quand je regarde ton imprime écran avec la liste des tables... et bien... elle n'existe, en effet.., pas !
yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017
27 mars 2017 à 00:42
Je viens de faire l'ajustement pour mettre User seulement et on est on point 0 ca reviens au login chaque fois j'essaie de me loguer

Il ne veux pas passer a la prochaine page comme si la redirection ne ce fesait pas
jordane45 Messages postés 38430 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 février 2025 4 735 > yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017
27 mars 2017 à 00:50
- As tu... comme je te l'ai indiqué .... désactivé TOUTES les redirections présentes dans ton code ?
- Quel est ton "nouveau" code (modifié en tenant compte de toutes mes précédentes remarques) ?
- Quel est le code de ton formulaire de connexion ?
yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017
27 mars 2017 à 01:59
[27-Mar-2017 01:41:39 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: mysqli_fetch_all() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in C:\xampp\htdocs\cad\scripts\SESSION_CONNECT.php on line 23

il me sort ce code d'erreur la j'avais mal mis une information pour que le log me sorte

Et pour le fichier SESSION_CONNECT je te le met dans la prochaine réponse pour voir si tu voit quel erreur dans le code
jordane45 Messages postés 38430 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 février 2025 4 735 > yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017
27 mars 2017 à 02:19

mysqli_fetch_all() expects at most 2 parameters

La syntaxe de cette fonction c'est :
// Fetch all
//Pour le second paramètre,  tu peux utiliser selon tes besoins/envies :


Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
yanaubin Messages postés 14 Date d'inscription dimanche 26 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 mars 2017
Modifié le 27 mars 2017 à 02:00
La ligne 23 ces celle la

$UserStatus = mysqli_fetch_all($getUserAccountStatusResult,0,"status.statusName");

header("Expires: Thu, 17 May 2001 10:17:17 GMT"); // Date in the past
header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // always modified
header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header ("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0


if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION'])) require ( "session_init.php");

if ($_SESSION['LOGGEDIN'] != true)
header("Location: index.php");
else if ($_SESSION['LOGGEDIN'] == true && $_SESSION['LOGIN_TYPE'] != "client")
$getUserAccountStatusSQL = "SELECT status.statusName FROM user INNER JOIN status ON user.statusID = status.statusID WHERE user.userID = '$UserID'";
$getUserAccountStatusResult = mysqli_query($con,$getUserAccountStatusSQL) or die ('Query[getUserAccountStatusSQL] failed: ' . mysqli_error($con));

$UserStatus = mysqli_fetch_all($getUserAccountStatusResult,0,"status.statusName");

if($UserStatus != 'Actif')
header("Location: index.php");
elseif ($_SESSION['LOGGEDIN'] == true && $_SESSION['LOGIN_TYPE'] == "client")
$getClientUserAccountStatusSQL = "SELECT status.statusName FROM client_user INNER JOIN status ON client_user.statusID = status.statusID WHERE client_user.clientUserID = '$ClientUserID'";
$getClientUserAccountStatusResult = mysqli_query($con,$getClientUserAccountStatusSQL) or die ('Query[getClientUserAccountStatusSQL] failed: ' . mysqli_error($con));

$ClientUserStatus = mysqli_fetch_all($getClientUserAccountStatusResult,0,"status.statusName");

if($ClientUserStatus != 'Actif')
header("Location: index.php");