Redémarrage Samsung chat 222 GT-E 2222
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mardi 3 mai 2016
Dernière intervention
3 mai 2016
3 mai 2016 à 12:08
kaguhajac - 4 mai 2016 à 15:08
kaguhajac - 4 mai 2016 à 15:08
A voir également:
- Redémarrage Samsung chat 222 GT-E 2222
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- Forcer redemarrage windows - Guide
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- Coco chat gratuit - Forum Google Chrome
1 réponse
J'ai le meme probleme que vous, et j'ai fait des recherches de comment resoudre son probleme et j'ai trouve le document de comment redemmarer le meme telephone.
Moi, j'ai essaie mais le probleme n'est pas resolu, vous allez essayer peut etre que pour vous ca y ira.
Voice le document qui va vous guide:
Firmware Update Process:
- First you have to install USB drivers by click on Setup.exe inside this Folder: Sunstone_V5_00_0_1_WHQLed
- Power on the phone and connect USB cable to it and to PC to let Windows install its drivers.
- Turn off the phone and connect USB cable to it and to PC to let Windows install its drivers.
- Run the E2222 Ch@t Flasher: Flash loader 7.4.7_SSG_v0.1_Lite.exe
- Click SET MODEL button and select: E2222_TEXTO_Setting_v00.mdl
- For Application Binary File select: E2222xx.ptt
- For Tfs file select: E2222xxxxx.tfs
- For CSC file select:
- Turn off the phone and connect USB to it while pressing Q + A keys to install DFU mode drivers.
- Disconnect the phone after DFU drivers installed.
- Click START button and reconnect USB cable to phone while pressing Q + A keys.
- The program will detect it and start the Update Process so wait till all is DONE.
- Disconnect the phone and turn it on then do Full reset: *2767*3855#
Original Firmwares for Samsung E2222 Ch@t2222:
E2222XEKD4 - E2222JPKE2 - E2222XXKF1-OXA
Vous pour telecharger flash loader 7.4.7_ssg.v0.1_lite.exe et un de ces original firmwares
Moi, j'ai essaie mais le probleme n'est pas resolu, vous allez essayer peut etre que pour vous ca y ira.
Voice le document qui va vous guide:
Firmware Update Process:
- First you have to install USB drivers by click on Setup.exe inside this Folder: Sunstone_V5_00_0_1_WHQLed
- Power on the phone and connect USB cable to it and to PC to let Windows install its drivers.
- Turn off the phone and connect USB cable to it and to PC to let Windows install its drivers.
- Run the E2222 Ch@t Flasher: Flash loader 7.4.7_SSG_v0.1_Lite.exe
- Click SET MODEL button and select: E2222_TEXTO_Setting_v00.mdl
- For Application Binary File select: E2222xx.ptt
- For Tfs file select: E2222xxxxx.tfs
- For CSC file select:
- Turn off the phone and connect USB to it while pressing Q + A keys to install DFU mode drivers.
- Disconnect the phone after DFU drivers installed.
- Click START button and reconnect USB cable to phone while pressing Q + A keys.
- The program will detect it and start the Update Process so wait till all is DONE.
- Disconnect the phone and turn it on then do Full reset: *2767*3855#
Original Firmwares for Samsung E2222 Ch@t2222:
E2222XEKD4 - E2222JPKE2 - E2222XXKF1-OXA
Vous pour telecharger flash loader 7.4.7_ssg.v0.1_lite.exe et un de ces original firmwares