Erreur 8611 thinkpad 600E

boniklaud Messages postés 5 Date d'inscription mardi 28 octobre 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 14 septembre 2007 - 13 févr. 2007 à 13:58
 karena - 17 août 2008 à 22:40
J'ai un ordi portable IBM THINKPAD 600E. Au demarrage il m'affiche l'erreur suivante 8611 après le decompte de la memoire ke signifie cette erreur?ke dois je faire?

3 réponses

Fred peux tu nous donner la version french de l'intervention de EDDAHIR consernant erreur 8611 thinkpad 600E
I did the following procedure from information I found on the Internet, and it worked, only you will need to use a mouse with the laptop from that point on, you are basically turning off the trackpoint which is causing the error.

There is no guarantee this will work because it may also be the keyboard itself, so do at your own risk.
First go into the system config utility which you get forced into after the 8611 error is reported
Then go back to the main menu and enter the config.
When there press the control key and the d key at the same time..
Find and ensure you are on the -base 128 cmos- page.
Look for ofset 20h, (maybe a different number ##h) and in the1st column and 3rd row and change the number to 01. On my Thinkpad the ofset was not 20h but 12h., so my ofset number wasn't the same but it is still 1st column, 3rd row.
When finished changing the number to 01 press the F2 key and then the F3 key.
Then exit out and restart the computer.

The computer should reboot with the trackpoint disabled. And you will need to use a mouse with the Thinkpad.
8 déc. 2007 à 10:13
thank you very much for your answer to the former mail. (and thanks also to the asker. it's not me)
J'arrête là mon anglais approximatif, c'était pour te remercier dans ta langue (ten months later...)

Ca fait longtemps que je cherchais la solution à mon problème de trackpoint sur mon vieux 600e qui commençait à voir se lever le couvercle de la poubelle.

Je n'ai encore pas trouvé de doc (gratuite) pour déchiffrer l'hexa du CMOS configuration base du BIOS.

Ton info a donc été capitale : passer de XXh à 01h en 1ère colonne 3ème ligne!

And if you've got more info about how to read BIOS CMOS configuration base, i will take it, sure

That WORKS!!!!

hello Anteo
I'm very happy because you resolved my probleme. In fact I had the same probleme but following your intructions I resolved my probleme. So I heartedly thank you.
See you nd my God bless you
Merci pour l'info, je voulais juste confirmer que cela fonctionner correctement pour moi aussi ...