Jeu Sims 3 lag - Proc./cpu env. 50%

Niklouse Messages postés 42 Date d'inscription dimanche 1 février 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mai 2013 - 15 sept. 2012 à 18:00
vieu bison boiteu Messages postés 44314 Date d'inscription lundi 11 avril 2005 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 23 décembre 2024 - 15 sept. 2012 à 19:41
j'ai un problème qui m'agace sérieusement : mon jeu les sims 3 (jeu de base + tous les add-ons) n'est pas fluide, et ce, même en abaissant les configurations graphiques du jeu. Lorsque je joue, mon gadget windows m'indique que mon processeur et cpu utilisent environs 50 % de leurs capacités et aucune autre application n'est ouverte (image : ). Dans le passé mon jeu plantait très souvent, mais ce n'est désormais plus mon problème. Pouvez-vous m'aider?

Voici ma config :

Windows 7 Edition Intégrale ?(X86)? Service Pack 1
Date d'installation : 30/07/2010
AMD Athlon II X4 620 Cadencé à 2.60 GHz
Fréquence mesurée (core0) : 802.05 MHz
Nombre de coeurs : 4 physique(s), 4 logique(s)
Socket : Socket AM3 (938)
Température CPU (core 0) : 34.75 °C
Carte mère
MEDIONPC MS-7646 1.0
Numéro de série (carte mère) : To be filled by O.E.M.
SKU Number : To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Version du bios : A7646MLN.108
Date : 07/05/2010
Pont nord : AMD 770
Identifiant de révision : 00
Pont sud : AMD SB700
Identifiant de révision : 00
4 Go de mémoire totale de type DDR3 à 668.38 MHz
Timings mémoire : 9.0-9-9-24-1T
Barrette Samsung de 2 Go
Fréquence maximale : 667 MHz
Bande passante : PC3-10700
Barrette Samsung de 2 Go
Fréquence maximale : 667 MHz
Bande passante : PC3-10700
Carte Graphique
Radeon HD 5670
Version DirectX installée : 11.0
Fréquence du GPU : 156 MHz
Fréquence mémoire du GPU : 300 MHz
Disque dur
Disque dur WDC WD10EARS-00Y5B1 de 931.51 Go SATA II
Firmware : 80.00A80
Version du SATA : SATA Rev 2.6
Numéro de série : WD-WCAV57804519
Température HDD : 33 °C
Temps de fonctionnement : 5315 heures
Disque dur Generic CF Card Reader USB Device
Disque dur Generic SD MS Reader USB Device
Disque dur Generic SMC xD Reader USB Device
Lecteurs optiques
Version du firmware : TN02
Version du firmware : 1.03
Date du firmware : 06-11-09
Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter
Type d'adaptateur : Unknown
IMC Networks Mediao 802.11n WLAN [Realtek RTL8191SU] (RTL8191S WLAN Adapter )
Type d'adaptateur : Unknown
Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller
Type d'adaptateur : ethernet
Bande passante : 100 Mbits/s
Cartes multimedia
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Redwood HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 5000 Series]
Standardtastatur (PS/2)
Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd Chicony wired mouse
Resolution maximum : 1920 x 1080
Taille de l'écran : 23.6" (52 cm x 30 cm)
Date de fabrication : 31/12/2009
Ratio d'aspect : 16:9
Type d'entrée vidéo : DVI Digital Signal
Périphérique USB
Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd Chicony wired mouse
Version USB supportée : 2.0
Alcor Micro Corp. Multimedia Card Reader (USB Card Reader)
Version USB supportée : 2.0
IMC Networks Mediao 802.11n WLAN [Realtek RTL8191SU] (RTL8191S WLAN Adapter )
Version USB supportée : 2.0

A voir également:

5 réponses

gwark Messages postés 77 Date d'inscription samedi 28 juillet 2012 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 2 novembre 2016 6
Modifié par gwark le 15/09/2012 à 18:20
Commence par désactiver tes widgets + interface aero ca prend beaucoup de ressources
désactivation aero :
désactivation widget :

Ensuite nettoie l'intérieur de ton pc + aérations + alimentation avec de l'air sec / pinceau non électrostatique au mieux, si tu n'en a pas utilise des cotons tiges / aspirateurs (bloque les ventilateurs avec ton doigt pour empêcher qu'ils tourne dans le vide c'est pas bon) la poussière sera ton pire ennemi après l'humidité. Si tes composants chauffent encore trop tu peut toujours ouvrir ta tour et mettre un ventilo devant.
nettoyage software :
nettoyage hardware :

N'oublie pas avant de bidouiller un pc il faut déjà qu'il soit hors tension, et que tu te décharges en électricité statique (en touchant un radiateur par exemple c'est très important!).

Sinon peut-être que des composants se font vieux et que ta machine rend l'âme petit à petit...

Donne des nouvelles quand tu auras nettoyé ton pc / désactivé aero + widgets.
Niklouse Messages postés 42 Date d'inscription dimanche 1 février 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mai 2013
15 sept. 2012 à 18:19
J'ai déjà dépoussiéré mon pc il y a moins d'un mois, et je ne pense pas qu'il soit en train de rendre l'ame. Le jeu fonctionne mais j'ai toujours eu ce problème depuis qu'il est sorti (mi-2009) mais àvant je me préoccupais plus d'un autre problème : le jeu plantait très souvent, ce qui n'est plus le cas aujourd'hui.

Niklouse Messages postés 42 Date d'inscription dimanche 1 février 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mai 2013
15 sept. 2012 à 18:21
ah, et même en désactivant aero et les widget ca ne change rien...
gwark Messages postés 77 Date d'inscription samedi 28 juillet 2012 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 2 novembre 2016 6
15 sept. 2012 à 18:36
t'as essayé un chkdisk?
Niklouse Messages postés 42 Date d'inscription dimanche 1 février 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mai 2013
15 sept. 2012 à 18:38
c'est quoi?
vieu bison boiteu Messages postés 44314 Date d'inscription lundi 11 avril 2005 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 23 décembre 2024 Ambassadeur 3 553
15 sept. 2012 à 18:47
salut Niklouse

un AMD Athlon II X4 620 n'est pas terrible pour les jeux , mais toujours suffisant pour les SIMS 3 ou les MMORPG

regarde à mettre à jour ton directX

aussi passe un coup de "Fix it" général =
si des solutions te sont proposées , tu les fais

Niklouse Messages postés 42 Date d'inscription dimanche 1 février 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mai 2013
15 sept. 2012 à 19:02
Merci pour ta réponse,
mais j'ai essayé de mettre à jour directX mais l'installation du fichier proposé par windows n'a pas fonctionné avec le message suivant : " Une erreur système interne s'est produite. Consultez les fichiers DXError.log et DirectX.log situés dans le dossier Windows pour déterminer le problème".
Ensuite j'ai lancé fix it. Il m'a dit qu'il avait "réparé les composants Windows Update" et c'est tout.
vieu bison boiteu Messages postés 44314 Date d'inscription lundi 11 avril 2005 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 23 décembre 2024 Ambassadeur 3 553
15 sept. 2012 à 19:11
que disent les deux fichiers ???
tu les ouvres avec le BlocNote , ou avec WordPad ; ou en double cliquant dessus
Niklouse Messages postés 42 Date d'inscription dimanche 1 février 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mai 2013
15 sept. 2012 à 19:18
quels deux fichiers?
vieu bison boiteu Messages postés 44314 Date d'inscription lundi 11 avril 2005 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 23 décembre 2024 3 553
15 sept. 2012 à 19:21

qui sont dans "C:\WINDOWS\....."
Niklouse Messages postés 42 Date d'inscription dimanche 1 février 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mai 2013
15 sept. 2012 à 19:24
le fichier DirectX.log est hyper hyper long :s et j'ai pas encore trouvé l'autre
Niklouse Messages postés 42 Date d'inscription dimanche 1 février 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mai 2013
15 sept. 2012 à 19:29
J'arrive pas à trouver l'autre :s
Niklouse Messages postés 42 Date d'inscription dimanche 1 février 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mai 2013
15 sept. 2012 à 19:32
fichier directX.log :

05/27/12 15:00:51: DSETUP: DirectXSetupA(): hWnd: 00000000 dwFlags: 00010018

05/27/12 15:00:51: dsetup32: === SetupForDirectX() start ===
05/27/12 15:00:51: dsetup32: Oct 22 2007 03:20:38
05/27/12 15:00:51: dsetup32: SetupForDirectX(): query dxsetup command: result = 2.
05/27/12 15:00:51: dsetup32: DXSetupCommand = 0.
05/27/12 15:00:51: dsetup32: Installing on Windows 6.1.7601
05/27/12 15:00:51: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
05/27/12 15:00:51: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
05/27/12 15:03:40: dsetup32: IsIA64(): not IA64.
05/27/12 15:03:41: dsetup32: CLR version number = 2.0.50727
05/27/12 15:03:41: dsetup32: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:03:41: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Extracting dxupdate.dll from E:\DirectX\
05/27/12 15:03:41: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\dxupdate.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:03:41: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\dxupdate.cif from cab
05/27/12 15:03:41: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\dxupdate.dll from cab
05/27/12 15:03:41: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\.
05/27/12 15:03:41: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
05/27/12 15:03:41: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
05/27/12 15:03:41: dsetup32: IsWow64(): not Wow64 process.
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\dxdllreg_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:41: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_MDX_x86.MSI does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:42: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:03:44: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:03:44: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\apr2005_d3dx9_25_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:03:44: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:03:44: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:03:44: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:03:44: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:44: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:03:44: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:44: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:44: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:44: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\jun2005_d3dx9_26_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\aug2005_d3dx9_27_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\oct2005_xinput_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:45: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\feb2006_d3dx9_29_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\feb2006_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:46: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:03:47: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:03:47: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\apr2006_d3dx9_30_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:03:47: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:03:47: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:03:47: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:03:47: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:47: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:03:47: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:47: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): DXUPDATE_MANAGEDDX
05/27/12 15:03:47: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:03:51: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:03:51: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\apr2006_mdx1_x86_archive.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:03:51: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:03:51: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:03:51: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:03:51: dxupdate: CLR version number = 2.0.50727
05/27/12 15:03:51: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback:1.0.2902.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:51: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.Diagnostics:1.0.2902.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:51: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D:1.0.2902.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:52: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX:1.0.2902.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:52: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX:1.0.2903.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:52: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX:1.0.2904.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:52: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX:1.0.2905.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:52: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX:1.0.2906.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:52: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX:1.0.2907.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:53: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX:1.0.2908.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:53: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX:1.0.2909.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:53: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX:1.0.2910.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:53: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX:1.0.2911.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:53: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw:1.0.2902.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:53: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput:1.0.2902.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:53: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay:1.0.2902.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:53: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound:1.0.2902.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:55: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): Microsoft.DirectX:1.0.2902.0:31bf3856ad364e35 is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:55: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:55: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:55: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Diagnostics.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:55: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Diagnostics.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:55: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:56: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:56: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:56: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:56: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:56: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:56: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:56: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:57: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:57: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:57: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:57: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:57: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:57: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:58: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2903.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:58: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2903.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:58: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2904.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:58: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2904.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:58: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2905.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:58: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2905.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:58: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2906.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:58: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2906.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:58: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2907.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:59: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2907.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:59: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2908.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:59: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2908.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:59: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2909.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:59: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2909.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:59: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2910.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:59: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2910.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:59: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2911.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:59: dxupdate: IsTargetFileInUse(): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code\1.0.2911.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.xml is not locked.
05/27/12 15:03:59: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:03:59: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): DXUPDATE_MANAGEDDX
05/27/12 15:03:59: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\apr2006_mdx1_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\apr2006_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\apr2006_xinput_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\jun2006_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\aug2006_xinput_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:00: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\aug2006_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\oct2006_d3dx9_31_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\oct2006_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\dec2006_d3dx9_32_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\dec2006_d3dx10_00_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): supported build number is not checked for this Plug-In.
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\dec2006_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\feb2007_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:03: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\apr2007_d3dx9_33_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\apr2007_d3dx10_33_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): supported build number is not checked for this Plug-In.
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:04: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\apr2007_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\apr2007_xinput_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:05: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\jun2007_d3dx9_34_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\jun2007_d3dx10_34_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\jun2007_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:07: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\aug2007_d3dx9_35_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\aug2007_d3dx10_35_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\aug2007_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:08: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:09: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\nov2007_d3dx9_36_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\nov2007_d3dx10_36_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\nov2007_x3daudio_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\nov2007_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Total Files: 186
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Total Size: 55196672
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Total Progress: 101
05/27/12 15:04:10: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
05/27/12 15:04:10: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\dxdllreg_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: GetDXVersion(): Unable to get RC string from registry, now RC is 0.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\ from cab
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_24.dll from cab
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_24_w9x.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_24_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Files: 4
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
05/27/12 15:04:10: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_24_x86.inf - [x86_install]
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: Target file: 'C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_24.dll'
Target file is Version
Source file is Version
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: Currently C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_24.dll is newer than the one being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_MDX_x86.MSI does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\apr2005_d3dx9_25_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\ from cab
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_25.dll from cab
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_25_w9x.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_25_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: Files: 4
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_25_x86.inf - [x86_install]
05/27/12 15:04:11: dxupdate: Target file: 'C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_25.dll'
Target file is Version
Source file is Version
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Currently C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_25.dll is newer than the one being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\jun2005_d3dx9_26_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\ from cab
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_26.dll from cab
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_26_w9x.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_26_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Files: 4
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_26_x86.inf - [x86_install]
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Target file: 'C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_26.dll'
Target file is Version
Source file is Version
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Currently C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_26.dll is newer than the one being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\aug2005_d3dx9_27_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\ from cab
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_27.dll from cab
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_27_w9x.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_27_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Files: 4
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
05/27/12 15:04:12: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_27_x86.inf - [x86_install]
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: Target file: 'C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_27.dll'
Target file is Version
Source file is Version
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: Currently C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_27.dll is newer than the one being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\oct2005_xinput_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\ from cab
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_28.dll from cab
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_28_w9x.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_28_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: Files: 4
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
05/27/12 15:04:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_28_x86.inf - [x86_install]
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: Target file: 'C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_28.dll'
Target file is Version 9.10.455.0
Source file is Version 9.10.455.0
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: Currently C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_28.dll is newer than the one being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\feb2006_d3dx9_29_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\ from cab
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_29.dll from cab
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_29_w9x.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\d3dx9_29_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: Files: 4
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
05/27/12 15:04:14: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_29_x86.inf - [x86_install]
05/27/12 15:04:15: dxupdate: Target file: 'C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_29.dll'
Target file is Version 9.11.519.0
Source file is Version 9.11.519.0
05/27/12 15:04:15: dxupdate: Currently C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_29.dll is newer than the one being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:15: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:15: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): 64bit Plug-In [] is skipped on this platform.
05/27/12 15:04:15: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:15: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:15: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:15: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/27/12 15:04:16: dxupdate: -----
05/27/12 15:04:16: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
05/27/12 15:04:16: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): E:\DirectX\ is trusted.
05/27/12 15:04:16: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\feb2006_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:16: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/27/12 15:04:16: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/27/12 15:04:16: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/27/12 15:04:16: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\ from cab
05/27/12 15:04:16: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\x3daudio1_0.dll from cab
05/27/12 15:04:16: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\xactengine2_0.dll from cab
05/27/12 15:04:16: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\Niklas\AppData\Local\Temp\DXFCB9.tmp\xact_x86.inf from cab
05/27/12 15:04:16:

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vieu bison boiteu Messages postés 44314 Date d'inscription lundi 11 avril 2005 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 23 décembre 2024 Ambassadeur 3 553
Modifié par vieu bison boiteu le 15/09/2012 à 19:42
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