
djoka - 30 avril 2012 à 09:45
mbernard01 Messages postés 6 Date d'inscription mercredi 5 mai 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 7 mai 2012 - 7 mai 2012 à 11:14

comment resilier un prelevement de reelvidz?

1 réponse

mbernard01 Messages postés 6 Date d'inscription mercredi 5 mai 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 7 mai 2012 1
7 mai 2012 à 11:14

Je ne connais absolument pas ce site, mais j'ai trouvé la réponse en moins de 20 secondes :
Rubrique "Terms of use" en bas de la page d'accueil
Chapitre "Cancellation by You" :

"To cancel your membership, simply call toll-free at 1-877-801-9072 for the U.S.A. and Canada or +00 1 (438) 338-1017 for international members, seven (7) days per week from 7:00AM to 9:00PM , Eastern Standard Time. When you cancel your membership, you will be required to provide IMOVIES with certain information regarding your reason for cancellation. There are no refunds for any time period (or portions thereof) already billed or paid for. Alternatively, you can goto and cancel your membership online. Please note that online cancellations are subject to a €0.99 service fee."