Je souhaiterai me débarasser de Antivirus Antispyware 2011 mais je n'y connais absolument rien :-(.
J'ai téléchargé GridinSoft Trojan Killer v. afin d'avoir un rapport (voir ci-dessous) mais je ne sais pas vraiment quoi en faire... Et je n'ai apparemment pas que ça comme virus...
Pourriez-vous SVP m'aider.
D'avance merci pour votre aide :-).
GridinSoft Trojan Killer v.
Report file date: 04/07/2011 12:59:35
Scanning for 411051 virus strains and unwanted programs.
Windows version: Microsoft Windows XP (version 5.1)
Username: EMILIE
Computer name:
Starting the file scan:
Memory:process 2356 securityhelper.exe (Mal/Fraud!se872-1) - terminated
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Application Data\AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011\securityhelper.exe ---- General
MD5: E0952E5BDFB2E7E718F9B0EB4DA40112:2842115
RIC: 415D350BB4FC6B9E4DB60E10E3D525F2:21200
EP: 81 EC 10 02 00 00 53 55 56 68 9C 28 00 00 51 68 C3 2C 00 00 E8 9E 1B 00 00 57 8D 44 24 10 50 33 DB 53 81 94 24 D0 F7 FF FF F5 79 00 00 C1 B4 24 00 EF FF FF 0A 50 B8 63 00 00 00 83 F8 00 0F 84 8A
Memory:process 2644 securitymanager.exe (Mal/Fraud!se872-1) - terminated
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Application Data\AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011\securitymanager.exe ---- General
MD5: 1051561E61FFD85BBD226BD3976FB0E2:101888
RIC: D56C4A3CADD96995A5D66341820401DA:1384
EP: 81 EC 10 02 00 00 53 55 56 57 81 9C 24 A0 FD FF FF 18 04 00 00 8D 44 24 10 52 33 D2 81 C2 54 87 00 00 81 C2 74 57 00 00 69 D2 33 4D 00 00 68 05 23 00 00 56 53 E8 FE 34 00 00 81 C2 0C 7A 00 00 C1
Memory:process 2636 AntiVirus AntiSpyware.exe (Mal/Fraud!se872-2) - terminated
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Application Data\AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011\AntiVirus AntiSpyware.exe ---- General
ProdVer: 4, 1, 0, 5
FileVer: 4, 1, 0, 5
Name : AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011
Company: Tech Software Ltd.
NAC: 722A812037124B4A93696F786FE42D47:44
MD5: A2603E991D5A9876DAD3B6689037A3E8:2623488
RIC: 54E86029A187D877523C5199ECCCB229:124178
EP: 81 EC 10 02 00 00 53 55 56 53 68 FE 25 00 00 53 E8 91 16 00 00 57 8D 44 24 10 50 50 0F BA 35 A8 9B 40 00 0A B8 A7 4B 00 00 81 E0 EC 8E 00 00 C1 C0 01 81 F0 6A 60 00 00 0F BA AC 24 F0 EB FF FF 1F
Startup collected
BHO plugins collected
Service collected
ActiveX collected
Files collected
Scanning process...
----- c:\documents and settings\ emilie\application data\antivirus antispyware 2011\antivirus antispyware.exe ---- Startup
AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011
MD5: A2603E991D5A9876DAD3B6689037A3E8:2623488
RIC: 54E86029A187D877523C5199ECCCB229:124178
EP: 81 EC 10 02 00 00 53 55 56 53 68 FE 25 00 00 53 E8 91 16 00 00 57 8D 44 24 10 50 50 0F BA 35 A8 9B 40 00 0A B8 A7 4B 00 00 81 E0 EC 8E 00 00 C1 C0 01 81 F0 6A 60 00 00 0F BA AC 24 F0 EB FF FF 1F
----- c:\documents and settings\ emilie\application data\antivirus antispyware 2011\securitymanager.exe ---- Startup
AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011 Security
MD5: 1051561E61FFD85BBD226BD3976FB0E2:101888
RIC: D56C4A3CADD96995A5D66341820401DA:1384
EP: 81 EC 10 02 00 00 53 55 56 57 81 9C 24 A0 FD FF FF 18 04 00 00 8D 44 24 10 52 33 D2 81 C2 54 87 00 00 81 C2 74 57 00 00 69 D2 33 4D 00 00 68 05 23 00 00 56 53 E8 FE 34 00 00 81 C2 0C 7A 00 00 C1
----- c:\windows\system32\klfsvjbv.dll ---- BHO
MD5: 6C02715E1ADE727E6512C16A74B03583:821248
EP: 83 EC 04 50 53 E8 01 00 00 00 CC 58 89 C3 40 2D 00 40 0B 00 2D 17 18 60 00 05 0C 18 60 00 80 3B CC 75 19 C6 03 00 BB 00 10 00 00 68 B7 55 F1 47 68 8C CD 33 17 53 50 E8 0A 00 00 00 83 C0 00 89 44
.idata :C0000040:0D2930F406853AA14FC11429FFA5EB62:512
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\local settings\temp\kn.a.exe ---- General
MD5: D8B91C3FD6E334ED39FCDDCDDEE3878A:4096
EP: 00
----- HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{a078f691-9c07-4af2-bf43-35e79eecf8b7} ---- Registry
----- HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\LEGACY_NWCWORKSTATION ---- Registry
----- HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\NWCWorkstation ---- Registry
----- HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_NWCWORKSTATION ---- Registry
----- HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NWCWorkstation ---- Registry
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Application Data\antivirus antispyware 2011\securityhelper.exe ---- General
MD5: E0952E5BDFB2E7E718F9B0EB4DA40112:2842115
RIC: 415D350BB4FC6B9E4DB60E10E3D525F2:21200
EP: 81 EC 10 02 00 00 53 55 56 68 9C 28 00 00 51 68 C3 2C 00 00 E8 9E 1B 00 00 57 8D 44 24 10 50 33 DB 53 81 94 24 D0 F7 FF FF F5 79 00 00 C1 B4 24 00 EF FF FF 0A 50 B8 63 00 00 00 83 F8 00 0F 84 8A
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Application Data\antivirus antispyware 2011\antivirus antispyware.exe ---- General
ProdVer: 4, 1, 0, 5
FileVer: 4, 1, 0, 5
Name : AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011
Company: Tech Software Ltd.
NAC: 722A812037124B4A93696F786FE42D47:44
MD5: A2603E991D5A9876DAD3B6689037A3E8:2623488
RIC: 54E86029A187D877523C5199ECCCB229:124178
EP: 81 EC 10 02 00 00 53 55 56 53 68 FE 25 00 00 53 E8 91 16 00 00 57 8D 44 24 10 50 50 0F BA 35 A8 9B 40 00 0A B8 A7 4B 00 00 81 E0 EC 8E 00 00 C1 C0 01 81 F0 6A 60 00 00 0F BA AC 24 F0 EB FF FF 1F
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Application Data\antivirus antispyware 2011\securitymanager.exe ---- General
MD5: 1051561E61FFD85BBD226BD3976FB0E2:101888
RIC: D56C4A3CADD96995A5D66341820401DA:1384
EP: 81 EC 10 02 00 00 53 55 56 57 81 9C 24 A0 FD FF FF 18 04 00 00 8D 44 24 10 52 33 D2 81 C2 54 87 00 00 81 C2 74 57 00 00 69 D2 33 4D 00 00 68 05 23 00 00 56 53 E8 FE 34 00 00 81 C2 0C 7A 00 00 C1
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Application Data\microsoft\internet explorer\quick launch\antivirus antispyware 2011.lnk ---- General
MD5: 5FFE55BE4B99748CFED65CD2B1675DA2:1997
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Application Data\AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011\AntiVirus AntiSpyware.exe ---- General
ProdVer: 4, 1, 0, 5
FileVer: 4, 1, 0, 5
Name : AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011
Company: Tech Software Ltd.
NAC: 722A812037124B4A93696F786FE42D47:44
MD5: A2603E991D5A9876DAD3B6689037A3E8:2623488
RIC: 54E86029A187D877523C5199ECCCB229:124178
EP: 81 EC 10 02 00 00 53 55 56 53 68 FE 25 00 00 53 E8 91 16 00 00 57 8D 44 24 10 50 50 0F BA 35 A8 9B 40 00 0A B8 A7 4B 00 00 81 E0 EC 8E 00 00 C1 C0 01 81 F0 6A 60 00 00 0F BA AC 24 F0 EB FF FF 1F
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Application Data\antivirus antispyware 2011\icoactivate.ico ---- General
MD5: ED9D69241DF81A3B4AEF12F94BAFC091:894
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Application Data\antivirus antispyware 2011\icohelp.ico ---- General
MD5: 12259CDE3AF9398181080A704A735F4C:894
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Application Data\antivirus antispyware 2011\icouninstall.ico ---- General
MD5: B1E21AF71FA9721CACF88232D20E17C4:894
EP: 00
----- HKCU\Software\AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011 ---- Registry
----- HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011" ---- Registry
----- HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011 Security" ---- Registry
----- HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011 ---- Registry
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\AntiVirus AntiSpyware 2011.lnk ---- General
MD5: 5FFE55BE4B99748CFED65CD2B1675DA2:1997
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\02c9c3c35bdx5.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 47104)
MD5: 84F5233352889A981F07ACAED49A7F79:47104
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\17dkf.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 100352)
MD5: 28A9C92FFD74985A0E501034A332D16D:100352
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\1iowieoo.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 39936)
MD5: 6044B38B4DE04C20CEDCCA650D414314:39936
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\472a10e2ebxd9.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 45056)
MD5: 658D3996D0E641D2FE03F987FC3D0D1A:45056
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\8gmsed-bd.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 56320)
MD5: F1F1946A0C8F733607599F73525C53FE:56320
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\ae0965a7157cd.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 46080)
MD5: 940738C9DD90BFA18B3923EE54F02D94:46080
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\al3erfa3.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 25600)
MD5: 07085BA606649DF808E9637678E6A512:25600
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\alerfa2.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 24576)
MD5: 837F39B2E0CFB707B3ED840A87092A52:24576
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\altedf.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 64512)
MD5: 79CC1051FC8840BE498025840A0A1793:64512
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\aqfitrlxi2.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 43008)
MD5: 997CD35282DB2AB242939C1B11E369E7:43008
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\brdss.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 70656)
MD5: CE848FC6E2EA9F3BDA4F7CDB180F5EFC:70656
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\bzqa43d.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 55296)
MD5: 14B75B80EDE99EF0D2BA44E6E57E0CAB:55296
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\cffd4.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 91136)
MD5: 4DF248F9665858CA237E6D7E877CA248:91136
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\cocksucker.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 80896)
MD5: 13FD069B7101A08E049D5018DDBA0A29:80896
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\cosock.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 73728)
MD5: 3B4B188DC51C4E8EA79B513098D4AF80:73728
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\cowceb.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 28672)
MD5: 47D6BD9CAB03E5F75B340D0BF3FEF5AC:28672
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\cunifuc.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 37888)
MD5: F983E92E32D0BB136DB7193E7C7F6D91:37888
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\d20mes.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 61440)
MD5: 002D5A1AD1313E9613790BEC2A16F037:61440
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\dc_3.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 63488)
MD5: A73DFA90D744CC54231DF09697363432:63488
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\dd10x10.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 33792)
MD5: 7697B0BC383149C69062C7B89D7FC1CB:33792
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\ddoll3342.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 40960)
MD5: 1DD23599ADE58CDE940CB6BD9863EF64:40960
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\destroyer.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 95232)
MD5: E416A0A5FE8C1DAA590D73110361B628:95232
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\dffuck.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 94208)
MD5: 615D22CAE89D74102C613D4348024C01:94208
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\ds7hw.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 26624)
MD5: 174080F52AFD20EEDB2A83A02DDFA513:26624
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\eelnvd13.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 50176)
MD5: 4EB447BA9EBD5A9C0C522C9A2DCA7DDD:50176
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\exppdf_w.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 8192)
MD5: 75F987A9318F09F8A898DCA3DFA55A73:8192
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\fadz43.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 20480)
MD5: 797D06BC6F30E815C8B74ACA85AE4739:20480
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\fe.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 90112)
MD5: 45B04DE9F9E0E70718B6D5312F209DE6:90112
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\format.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 97280)
MD5: 0058BF94097A0298B017BE2FD99DBB22:97280
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\gpupz2a.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 16384)
MD5: F11F6AA5FBECD385068FE892C236CAA6:16384
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\g_dx234.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 10240)
MD5: E8A9B0F745CAB20EDD1070E03BF89C59:10240
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\hhbboll_2.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 32768)
MD5: 65EA5FEFB1AF4DFCA4F5990AD5FEA13B:32768
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\hiphop.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 84992)
MD5: AEC8A66DD570593401C36047103C0719:84992
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\hodeme.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 92160)
MD5: B5BD1C3DDE513CB78E6AFC51FC1A80DF:92160
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\htfad4.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 29696)
MD5: C379807E1826311F0D3C52BE8291648F:29696
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\hvipws9.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 52224)
MD5: D2F788236F40767BA5E1DAE104D1B1CC:52224
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\jdhellwo3.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 51200)
MD5: 51B7B73936484441F0D7E93E225C64D7:51200
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\jkfuckfu.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 44032)
MD5: 321057BE22A9D88CAA999A4043E3A690:44032
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\jofcdks.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 34816)
MD5: 13A666617A4B0C432D276002CCB2ED73:34816
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\kjdh_gf_jjdhgd.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 48128)
MD5: 2B7F2F0B9D196470EBA898DAD3ACD29E:48128
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\kjh102k3.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 77824)
MD5: F4A70C8D8DBE450968E229CC80AEA797:77824
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\kn.a.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 4096)
MD5: D8B91C3FD6E334ED39FCDDCDDEE3878A:4096
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\kock.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 79872)
MD5: 505C7B93CF45C21170D4FE0464F457BA:79872
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\ljts-23.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 62464)
MD5: 0CC835D4B20754382F8238DBFF4A5222:62464
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\lkhgg_ea.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 57344)
MD5: EF7B4EEEA60963DC5F77727DCCEAAD16:57344
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\lols.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 93184)
MD5: 9484CF720E833808B86D9CB62E03EC18:93184
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\ploper.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 78848)
MD5: ECCCBAAC3D4478C4CE440CD1878CAD7B:78848
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\poertd.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 89088)
MD5: 8792198462A6674DAD8A0395B729EDE3:89088
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\protector2.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 88064)
MD5: 39D25FD2FE06FE7095525EA8B7761930:88064
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\pswwg3c.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 30720)
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\puzpup.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 53248)
MD5: 4AFF437AA7F2A8FFDCECAFD0737BB300:53248
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\qwedvor.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 99328)
MD5: B2B717260A7C23CEF9EC8639A8F0F52A:99328
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\qwklrvjhqlkj.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 22528)
MD5: BE18FF81CA3AA25FDC19DC85FC17423E:22528
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\r0life.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 38912)
MD5: FDECC8F28C4C40B48A663AEDBF45F39A:38912
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\rator.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 67584)
MD5: 1F016506A0557C731641A2424B73E8E8:67584
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\rtfme.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 101376)
MD5: 005E819B33A6A0E12E578A22106495C3:101376
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\safe.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 87040)
MD5: AD5465DFFB13A00950E114A4A1D02A46:87040
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\snowif.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 66560)
MD5: 94B8DC642A3E795C31CDC6E4DF05071D:66560
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\sycre.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 65536)
MD5: C59C53B67D5450D65AE67E2AA16F0A28:65536
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\timem.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 86016)
MD5: 5D197F92CE47B986376B833474D21C7B:86016
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\tryh-blv.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 54272)
MD5: 316ACD2B4430E0BF0C28C20EE01FC1E6:54272
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\Update_en_moovidaCore- ---- General
MD5: E0952E5BDFB2E7E718F9B0EB4DA40112:2842115
RIC: 415D350BB4FC6B9E4DB60E10E3D525F2:21200
EP: 81 EC 10 02 00 00 53 55 56 68 9C 28 00 00 51 68 C3 2C 00 00 E8 9E 1B 00 00 57 8D 44 24 10 50 33 DB 53 81 94 24 D0 F7 FF FF F5 79 00 00 C1 B4 24 00 EF FF FF 0A 50 B8 63 00 00 00 83 F8 00 0F 84 8A
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\w32-reno-c.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 9216)
MD5: 5B8F08B933619A501FE2C37EDA06D236:9216
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\w32rim_mem.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 6144)
MD5: F187A58420B500E088446590634457AD:6144
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\warsddd_w.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 14336)
MD5: 80385E3626D0120F7DB8AFE6E5113549:14336
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\wefgetn_00.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 13312)
MD5: FF039BBDC405FF5ACBFDD106ADCB92E4:13312
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\wined.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 71680)
MD5: 02A3F8042BBF1F6E35BDA76AAEEE04D2:71680
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\winifi.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 68608)
MD5: 783E00B0FD4862FCFBE02771BFCFF310:68608
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\wrcud12.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 11264)
MD5: 042E272EC8E28F9ABAD6FF93556EFE47:11264
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\wrfwe_di.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 58368)
MD5: B95A93EC19E288FD14779E49D28E4B9D:58368
EP: 00
----- C:\Documents and Settings\ EMILIE\Local Settings\Temp\wwautrsd.exe ---- General
Broken.Executable (Broken PE file - Section 1 starts beyond the end of file (Offset@ A5C00, Total filesize 18432)
MD5: FD4885A16298735FEAC3BEB85C70E830:18432
EP: 00
Scan completed!
Scan result: 90 detected items
Scan completed in: Scan completed in 29 minute(s) 13 sec.
Files were scanned: 13179
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