Arnaque faux TNT Location appartement Seville

Denz - 16 sept. 2008 à 11:34
 hmut - 20 janv. 2014 à 17:45
Bonjour, je viens d'être arnaqué par une personne qui, soit disant louer un appartement à Seville. le prix était interessant, la persone prenait le temps de répondre à mes inquietudes concernants la localisation de celui-ci.
Puis une "agence TNT" m'a envoyé un contrat fictif, je n'y ai vu que tu feu... Le payement devait s'effectuer via Western Union, je ne me suis pas méfié... TNT est une compagnie très sérieuse et réputée.
L'arnaqueur a le mail suivant : à liverpool (fausse identité sammy smith).
Mon prejudice s'elève à 450 euros!
Je ne sais pas si je vais réussir avoir gain de cause, je fais un appel à témoin si quelqu'un a vécu une situation similaire qu'il me contacte... J'ai porté plainte auprès de la gendarmerie mais ils ne m'ont pas laissé grand espoir de retrouver cette personne.

120 réponses

je viens de dejouer la même arnarque sur le 1er site immobilier de belgique pour un bien à louer en plein Bruxelles. Il y était question de TNT et le loueur vit soit disant à Londres ! On me demandait de verser de l'argent alors même que je n'avais pas vu l'appartement.

Heureusement je n'ai rien perdu !
J'ai reçu le même style d'essai d'arnaque pour une location d'appartement à Bruxelles.
Le pseudo utilisé est Sabrina Gomez.
Voici sa réponse quand j'ai demandé de visiter l'appartement.
Je ne me suis pas fait avoir, faites attention !

I want to inform you that TNT will hold the money until you will confirm to them that you like the apt and keep the keys. If you don't like it, you only have to return the keys to them after they will refund the money to you and they will deliver the keys back to me on my expense.
I will need to inform you the steps about how this service works and how we can make it happen. You will only have to deposit to TNT Service for 2 months of rent - 680eur - so they can proceed with the shipping, and you can receive the keys and the contract.
Like I said, I will pay for a 2 days delivery so you will receive the Keys and the contract signed by me right away. I will explain to you step by step how this will work:
1 - To start this transaction i will need to know your full shipping information, full name, full shipping address to proceed with this deal .
2 - I go to te TNT Office and leave the Keys and the contract in your name as the intended receiver.
3 - TNT will check the envelope to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the Keys.
4 - TNT will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the Keys and the papers in their custody, in which you will be told that they have the Keys and that they checked it.
5 - At this point you will have to go to a WesternUnion Agent Location and make a money transfer deposit on the TNT agent name assigned with this transaction for the amount we agreed, the total amount you shall deposit is for 2 months of rent.
6 - After you make the deposit you will have to send the infos about the money deposit to TNT (Reference Number, sender's name and address)
7 - TNT will verify the payment informations and if everything is in order they will deliver the Keys and the contract to you .
8 - After you receive the package, You will go and check the apt and in 2 days you must contact them and tell them if you keep the apt or not, if everything is in order you will instruct TNT to release the funds to me.
If you don't like the apt they will send your money back and you will send them the keys and the contract to them to return the package back to me on my expense..
I will pay TNT Service for the shipping and you will pay WesternUnion for the Money Transfer fees.
Now i must know for sure if you agree because here are a lot of peoples interested to have this apartment rented and i want to know for sure what i must tell them. If you agree what i suggested i will tell them that my apartment is already rented and i will keep it for you. If you agree then i must have all the shipping details so i will be able to make all the arrangements for the TNT delivery.
23 août 2010 à 00:58
j'ai pris des renseignements pour un appartement à Bruxelles et tombe sur les mêmes infos que vous... venant de Josef Hahn... merci de poster ces commentaires, ça me permet de mettre ces infos à la poubelle de suite !
Bonjour et merci à tous car grâce à vous, j'ai moi aussi éviter de perdre 430€.
Même style de procédure que les autres, appartement très beau au prix plus qu'allèchant.
Voici le lien de l'annonce :

Et voici le corps de ma discussion. Elle s'arrête car j'ai été suspris de ce type de transaction via TNT et j'ai donc fait une recherche qui m'a permis de tomber sur ce forum.

If we decide to proceed with this transaction, I will have to contact TNT and provide them all the necessary information, so they can start the process right away. I will need your full name and address for that. You will receive a notification from TNT shortly after that, together with all the instructions to follow and the invoice as well. Regarding the payment, you will be instructed to deposit the money to a TNT account. They will hold and insure your money until you check the apartment and decide if you want take it or not. That is how their buyer protection policy works. As far as my concerns, I will be glad to know that TNT has the possession of the money during the delivery period. That is my insurance.As soon as the funds have been deposited into their account, they will immediately start the shipping process.
The keys and rental contract will be delivered at your address in no more than 3 working days. You will be given a ten days inspection period from the day you receive the keys and contract at home. If you decide to hold the apartment, then you will have to authorize TNT to release the funds to me, and the transaction will be completed. If you will not be satisfied with the apartment, you will be able to send the keys and contract back through the same service and ask TNT to return the funds to you. Through I am sure you will love the apartment, it is good to know that you do have this second option available. If you wish to proceed with renting the apartment, please provide me your full name and address so I can initiate the deal through TNT right away.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.


We're a young couple who's very interested by your appartment in Mons.
But if I right understand what you said in your mail, you're already in post in Liverpool. So my question is how can we meet us together to see the appartment.
The good thing is that we are as obliging as you are because we search an appartment like yours.
So if we can meet us as soon as possible (perhaps this week) to visit your housing it could be good for us.
Thank you for your quick response and I hope that we find a solution for our problem of meeting.

PS: we're really interested by the appartment so please give us a quick response about a rendez vous together.

First of all I'm sorry for the late reply but I had a lot to work and this is the time I could give you a message. From the site add, you could see. It is located on the 3rd floor, the number of the apartment is #7C. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room .
I am looking for someone to live in it, as soon as possible, because my company has won the auction for a project, in construction, for a building that will rise up in United Kingdom, Liverpool. I am a civil engineer, so my accommodation period in United Kingdom will be about 4 years. The renting period is from 2 months upto 4 years.
As a result of this I want to rent, for this period, at this price and also to find the perfect person for my apartment. I'm the owner of the apt and it's like in the pics.
The apartment is furnished, but I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs). The rent for 1 month is 430 Euro,and the deposit is 430Euro including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking, air conditioning, fireplace, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator). You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I'm the only person who has the keys but I hope that we will find a solution.

Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

Good luck,
Willis Deer
P.S. Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the aptartment.

J'espère que ça pourra aider d'autres personnes et encore merci à vous.
Bonne journée.
beau texte ! litteralement !!!

Thanks for your interest. The apartament is still available. I recently moved my work in Liverpool, United Kingdom, but the rent is high here, I decided to offer for rent the apartment that i have in Fuerstenbergerstr 3,Frankfurt Am Main, 60322.I can rent the apartment for maximum 9 years ... This is the period that I have a contract here, but I can rent it for a shorter period as well. I own the ground and is exactly as in the photos. The rent for 1 month is 450 EUR and includes all your utilities (water, Internet, cable). You can enter the apartment on the same day when receiving the keys .. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but I hope to find a compromise. If you're interested, write me back


désolée pour tous ceux qui se sont fait avoir, je vous remercie en tout cas car j'ai failli tomber dans le panneau, c'est le 4ème appartement génial que je à chaque fios je recevais un texte similaire aux autre, cela m'a mis la puce à l'oreille d'où ma recherche sur des témoignages...en tout cas sachez une chose "ils" n'arrêtent pas car j'en suis aux 4ème sur le marché belge...

bonne chance à tous

Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
Je suis dans le même cas que vous. Arnaque, appartement à Berlin : 550 euros., payé par western union..
Il s'agit d'un type qui se fait appeler Benjamin Forder et dont l'adresse mail est :
RE: Immoweb - Intérêt sur une annonce à louer?

Envoyer un courrier électronique
Rechercher un message électronique Ajouter aux contactsÀ
De : Martha Tullezen (
Envoyé : mercredi 4 août 2010 17:29:45

If we decide to proceed with this transaction, I will have to contact TNT and provide them all the necessary information, so they can start the process right away. I will need your full name and address for that. You will receive a notification from TNT shortly after that, together with all the instructions to follow and the invoice as well. Regarding the payment, you will be instructed to deposit the money to a TNT account. They will hold and insure your money until you check the apartment and decide if you want take it or not. That is how their buyer protection policy works. As far as my concerns, I will be glad to know that TNT has the possession of the money during the delivery period. That is my insurance.As soon as the funds have been deposited into their account, they will immediately start the shipping process.
The keys and rental contract will be delivered at your address in no more than 3 working days. You will be given a ten days inspection period from the day you receive the keys and contract at home. If you decide to hold the apartment, then you will have to authorize TNT to release the funds to me, and the transaction will be completed. If you will not be satisfied with the apartment, you will be able to send the keys and contract back through the same service and ask TNT to return the funds to you. Through I am sure you will love the apartment, it is good to know that you do have this second option available. If you wish to proceed with renting the apartment, please provide me your full name and address so I can initiate the deal through TNT right away.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Isis_84 Messages postés 4108 Date d'inscription mercredi 11 mars 2009 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 26 juillet 2012 556
5 août 2010 à 08:29
Email classique concernant une arnaque immobilière et venant certainement du Nigeria...
moi aussi j'ai tombé dans le même piège mais j'ai été tellement naïve que j'ai envoyé 1500 euro:500 pour le loyer et 1000 pour le garantie.
j'ai trouvé l'annonce sur immoweb et ils se trouvent encore des autres annonces de même type en cours.
j'ai déclaré chez la police et la police fédérale fait l'enquête maintenant.
Merci tout plein aux contributeurs de ce forum, je suis tombé sur le même type d'annonce sur immoweb en Belgique. Ça me fait gagner du temps.

Maintenant, il s'appelle Josef Hahn <>, pour une annonce au 23, avenue de la Toison d'Or à Bruxelles pour 510€ tout compris et il est à Londres pour son job... Il ne m'a pas encore parlé de Western Union mais j'imagine que ça ne va pas tarder...
Au fait, si vous voulez signaler des fraudes sur internet à la police :
Récidive le 22/8 toujours sous le pseudo de josef hahn ( pour un appart à woluwé saint lambert avenue Marcel Thiry 470€...exactement le même procédé et les mêmes messages...donc merci à tous sur ce forum!

Apparemment ce genre d'arnaque est très courant. J'ai vu une annonce très attrayante sur pour un appartement 2 chambres situé à Bruxelles à 500 €. Le prix m'a vraiment étonné, je me suis méfiée, mais je me suis dit que ça valait peut-être le coup de visiter. J'ai donc envoyé un mail au proprio pour connaitre les heures de visite, voici ce qu'elle a répondu :

Hello Annick,
The apartment is available for rent. I really want to find a good and responsible tenant for it and i was hoping if you can send me some personal and financial informations about yourself. The monthly rent of 500EUR will include all utilities such as water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking etc. The only problem is that i had to move with my job to London, United Kingdom where i am now and i left the keys and contract already signed by me at a company called TNT and they will handle the payment and delivery for us. If you want to know more about how this deal can work please get back to me ASAP and i will send you the details step by step.
Thanks for understanding and hope to hear back from you.

Pour info, le nom de la soit disante proprio : Marta Stara (

J'ai tout de suite trouver ça louche. Je voulais juste savoir quand visiter, et elle me demande directement des infos sur mes revenus. Ensuite, le fait qu'elle ne se trouve pas en Belgique et qu'elle a fait appel à TNT..... je commençais à trouver ça un peu compliqué. Et puis je n'ai jamais vu une location où les charges comprenaient Internet, tv, electricité... tout ça à BXL pour seulement 500 € ! Je n'ai donc pas donné de suite à son message.
Enfin bref, je suis allée voir sur le site TNT s'il faisait ce genre de transaction, je n'ai rien trouvé. J'ai donc tapé "location appartement TNT" dans google et je suis tombée sur ce site. Merci à tous pour vos signalements, espérons que personne d'autre ne se fasse avoir... MARRE DES ARNAQUES ET DES GENS QUI VEULENT PROFITER DES AUTRES SANS AUCUN REMORDS... dans quel monde vit-on ?

annick, idem que toi, recu en reponse mail de marta stara de hotmail
quand j'ai voulu revoir les photos, l'annonce n'existait deja plus et ensuite tnt etc...
Je suis egalement tombe ici en faisant une recherche sur tnt...
Grosse arnaque!
dis moi tu connais la personne .si oui donne moi son numeros et mais et les message qu'il ta envoyer et puis le contrat fictif .moi je sui la pour t aider a le retrouver
If we decide to proceed with this transaction, I will have to contact TNT and provide them all the necessary information, so they can start the process
right away. I will need your full name and address for that. You will receive a notification from TNT shortly after that, together with all the instructions
to follow and the invoice as well. Regarding the payment, you will be instructed to deposit the money to a TNT account. They will hold and insure your money
until you check the apartment and decide if you want take it or not. That is how their buyer protection policy works. As far as my concerns, I will be glad
to know that TNT has the possession of the money during the delivery period. That is my insurance.As soon as the funds have been deposited into their
account, they will immediately start the shipping process.
The keys and rental contract will be delivered at your address in no more than 3 working days. You will be given a ten days inspection period from the day
you receive the keys and contract at home. If you decide to hold the apartment, then you will have to authorize TNT to release the funds to me, and the
transaction will be completed. If you will not be satisfied with the apartment, you will be able to send the keys and contract back through the same service
and ask TNT to return the funds to you. Through I am sure you will love the apartment, it is good to know that you do have this second option available. If
you wish to proceed with renting the apartment, please provide me your full name and address so I can initiate the deal through TNT right away.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Subject: RE: Immoweb - Intérêt sur une annonce à louer
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 20:24:41 +0200
Changement de nom mais même procédé: à Nice (06000) un somptueux appart situé boulevard Victor Hugo (le must!) (2 chambres, 2 sdb, 2 parkings, meublé, refait neuf) pour... 500 euros! Tout compris! La personne se fait appeler Aline Carter et est à Londres pour 5 ans...
je suis tombé sur la meme arnaque, je lui é envoyé un email il repond :
The apartment is available. I really want to find a good and responsible tenant for it and i was hoping if you can send me some personal and financial informations about yourself. The monthly rent of 470EUR will include all utilities such as water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking etc. The only problem is that i had to move with my job to London, United Kingdom where i am now and i left the keys and contract already signed by me a company called TNT and they will handle the payment and delivery for us. If you want to know more about how this deal can work please get back to me ASAP and i will send you the details step by step. Thank you and hope to hear back from you.

donc je lui é envoyé un autre email pour plus de precision sur ses etaps: et il me repond:
I can rent you the apt. for max. 10 years because I have a contract here for this period. I 'm the owner of the apt and its like in the pics.
I want to inform you that TNT will hold the money until you will confirm to them that you like the apt and keep the keys. If you don't like it, you only have
to return the keys to them after they will refund the money to you and they will deliver the keys back to me on my expense.
I will need to inform you the steps about how this service works and how we can make it happen. You will only have to deposit to TNT Service for 1 months of
rent - 470eur - so they can proceed with the shipping, and you can receive the keys and the contract.
Like I said, I will pay for a 2 days delivery so you will receive the Keys and the contract signed by me right away. I will explain to you step by step how
this will work:
1 - To start this transaction i will need to know your full shipping information, full name, full shipping address to proceed with this deal .
2 - I go to te TNT Office and leave the Keys and the contract in your name as the intended receiver.
3 - TNT will check the envelope to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the Keys.
4 - TNT will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the Keys and the papers in their custody, in which you will be told that they have
the Keys and that they checked it.
5 - At this point you will have to go to a WesternUnion Agent Location and make a money transfer deposit on the TNT agent name assigned with this transaction
for the amount we agreed, the total amount you shall deposit is for 1 month of rent.
6 - After you make the deposit you will have to send the infos about the money deposit to TNT (Reference Number, sender's name and address)
7 - TNT will verify the payment informations and if everything is in order they will deliver the Keys and the contract to you
8 - After you receive the package, You will go and check the apt and in 2 days you must contact them and tell them if you keep the apt or not, if everything
is in order you will instruct TNT to release the funds to me.
If you don't like the apt they will send your money back and you will send them the keys and the contract to them to return the package back to me on my
Now I must know for sure if you agree because here are a lot of peoples interested to have this apartment rented and I want to know for sure what I must tell
them. If you agree what i suggested i will tell them that my apartment is already rented and i will keep it for you. If you agree then I must have all the
shipping details so I will be able to make all the arrangements for the TNT delivery.

donc je ne ne lé plus repondu,
lappart est beacoup trop beau pour etre vrai !
et on plus je lui avé envoyé deux email par la meme adresse, et il me repond la me
Thanks and wait news from you!me chose mot par mot! il na meme pas remarque que cest la meme personne
alors dieu merci pour google et vos commentaires ! je vis a luxbg et dois demenager a francfort pour le 1.10 ou j ai trouve un super appart a 450 eur ,trop bon marche et donc je me suis mefie .suis en train de mailer a l instant , et laura (email hotmail, meme noms involves ) ma deja annonce quelle se trouve a liverpool et dois voir pour la remise des cles .....attendons la suite ! si qqn a une idee comment je peux faire qchose contre cette personne etant dans le proces d email, faites des suggestions ! triste triste !
J'habite à Francfort et moi aussi je viens de trouver un super appartement à 450 Euros (impossible dans le quartier). Même histoire: La personne vient de s'installer à Liverpool, mais dans mon cas elle s'appelle Martha Tullezen.

"I could send you the keys to the apartment to check, but first you must make a deposit!
Deposit must be sent by Western Union and beneficiary Direction:
Street: Fulham Streed 22
Zip code: L3 3DB
Location: Liverpool - United Kingdom.
For your safety, the transfer will not be sent on my behalf. You can use any name for the recipient. In this way, I do not have access to the transmission. Your money is safe. As proof that the transfer was completed, you need to send Western Union documents. Upon receipt of the document and confirm the transfer Western Union, send the keys to your home.
You have three days to check the apartment after receiving the keys. Along with filling out the button, sending a job to, sign and send a copy to me. If you like the apartament you need to go to Western Union and the recipient's name and my NAME. At that time I have access to the transmission and can raise money. If you do not like, you can cancel the download and send the keys back to me.
The deposit is one months rent will be 450 € 450 € 1 month warranty, a total of 900 EURO!
The apartment is furnished, but if you want to bring their own furniture, it is not a problem because I have a garage, and I will furnisture to move in the garage!

As you can see, there is no danger. You can use the apartment before I have access to money."

Si on cherche l'adresse de l'appartement en Googles Maps, on trouve une école de langues...
This person is taking everybody's money. She/He changes his/her name continously. Please be careful and never rent a place if you are not in that country. This is a leason to learn and hope people check on internet good when doing this kind of transactions. A family member almost lost his money thinking this person was honest when mentioning TNT.
musulmania Messages postés 2 Date d'inscription jeudi 30 septembre 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 septembre 2010
30 sept. 2010 à 18:16
c l'apart a louer a bvrd charles quint 27b a mons en belgique et il a tout desuite enleve l'annonce qu'en pensez vous?que dois je faire pour ca?g donner mon adresse et gsm svp aidez moi merci
musulmania Messages postés 2 Date d'inscription jeudi 30 septembre 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 septembre 2010
30 sept. 2010 à 18:36
On a vu une annonce sur immo web be disant:appart a louer a boulevard Charles quint 27b ,7000 mons.450 euro charges comprises et service offert.avec de tres belles photos.J'ai donné mes coordonnées a ce monsieur Muller Tomas travaillant a repondu,que la reception des clés se fera dans trois jours.(ca me parrait si vite qu'on sent l'arnaque.) Il nous a dit qu'il a contacté la societé TNT qui nous recontactera.On a rien payer d'avance mais que doit on faire pour arreter ca?comment le bloquer de msn?Je trouve ca bizare que c'est si vite.Aidez moi svp.Merci.
bonjour je suis actuellement à hong kong et je viens de repérer un appartement plus que bon marché. une Italienne qui prétend être à milan durant 3 ans pour raisons professionnelles. Elle me propose de passer par TNT. En gros, elle propose de m'envoyer les clés par TNT et de payer ensuite. Cela me parait un peu suspicieux mais je ne sais pas. Il semble que je n'ai rien à payer avant de voir l'appartement. Je ne sais pas si c'est la même arnaque.