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balou101 Messages postés 19 Date d'inscription lundi 21 juillet 2008 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 22 janvier 2009 - 23 juil. 2008 à 06:35
 supprt - 23 juil. 2008 à 06:44

je me suis procuré un switch (HUB) D LINK en gigabytes pour faire des tranferts de fichier entre mon ordi maison et mon ordi portable mais il détecte seulement 100 Mb au lieu de 1000 Mb alors que mon ordi portable est indiqué 10/100/1000 sur la carte réseau et de l'autre possède une carte réseaux gigabyte indiquant 10/100/1000, je ne comprend pas, pouvez-vous m'aider ?

Le réseau fonctionne bien même s'il est indiqué 100 mais je voudrai exploiter quand même les 1000.


1 réponse



Create a directory for Quake 3 usually /usr/local/games/quake3 and copy or upload the pak0.pk3 pack file from your Windows CD to the baseq3 directory.

Create a directory called wfa under the quake3 and copy the WFA files into the wfa directory

Then make the 1.31 update executable and then run it like so:

chmod +x


Follow the instructions in the installer and your server will be all ready to configure.

This is straight from the Installation Instructions off of zerowing:

Quake III Arena
Quake III: Weapons Factory Arena
Installation instructions

What you need:

- retail CD-ROM of Quake III Arena for Windows or linux
- Weapons Factory Arena files
- a computer running linux (kernel >= 2.2 glibc >= 2.1)
- running the client requires X11 and 3D hardware acceleration with OpenGL


If you have the retail CD-ROM of Quake III Arena for linux:
- install Quake III Arena from the CD-ROM
- run the Point Release installer
(to buy Quake III Arena for linux online, try

If you have the retail CD-ROM of Quake III Arena for Windows:
- run the Point Release installer first
- now you need to copy the main pak files from the CD-ROM or from your win32 partition. Namely, you need to copy baseq3/pak0.pk3 and for Team Arena, missionpack/pak0.pk3 see below for more instructions on how to copy the files:

WARNING: Those instructions are provided as a reference, depending on your distribution the CD-ROM might not have the same mount point. Please refer to your linux documentation for additional information.

- open a root shell and cd to the default installation path:
cd /usr/local/games/quake3
- mount the Quake III Arena CD-ROM and install the game content
cp /mnt/cdrom/Quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3 /usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3
- optionally, mount the Quake III: Team Arena CD-ROM
cp /mnt/cdrom/Setup/missionpack/pak0.pk3 /usr/local/games/quake3/missionpack

- If you are running Quake III Arena and Quake III: Team Arena on a Windows partition, you can save some space by symlinking the game assets to their windows installation:
ln -s /win/quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3 /usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3
ln -s /win/quake3/missionpack/pak0.pk3 /usr/local/games/quake3/missionpack/pak0.pk3
(Windows partition is mounted as /win and Quake III Arena installation is C:\quake3)

Getting Help:

- consult the FAQ in Help directory
- head over to the Weapons Factory forums
- visit us in #wfa

Starting the Linux Server

For Linux users it is best to use screen to launch your quake 3 server so you can log out of the shell. If you use screen to start the server you can hit ctrl a then ctrl D and it will allow you to log out of the telnet session. You can later re-claim the screen process by typing screen -r at the command prompt. This example uses screen.

cd /usr/local/games/quake3
screen ./linuxq3ded +set fs_game wfa +set dedicated 2 +set sv_pure 0 +set gametype 4 +exec wfa-server.cfg

This should start your server running and execute the wfa-server.cfg and start the 2castles-wfa map or whatever map you call at the end of the wfa-server.cfg.

Several people have pointed out that you can also use the command line:

./linuxq3ded +set fs_game wfa +set dedicated 2 +set sv_pure 0 +set gametype 4 +exec wfa-server.cfg > /dev/null 2>&1 &

This will make the server fork off and run as a daemon. This will allow you to cron the command and make the server start automatically every time the server reboots.


Configuring the Linux Server