Cookies disparaissent
A voir également:
- Cookies disparaissent
- Supprimer les cookies - Guide
- Pourquoi mes contacts disparaissent - Accueil - Guide Android
- La cause de ce problème peut être la désactivation ou le refus des cookies. ✓ - Forum Mozilla Firefox
- Pourquoi mes likes disparaissent sur tiktok - Forum TikTok
- La cause de ce problème peut être la désactivation ou le refus des cookies ✓ - Forum Mozilla Firefox
4 réponses
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 16 juin 2008
Dernière intervention
30 mars 2009
16 juin 2008 à 21:55
16 juin 2008 à 21:55
C'est le but d'un navigateur de s'occuper des cookies pas d'1 nettoyeur? essayes donc Firefox, la version 3.0 vient de sortir. essayer firefox c'est l'adopter. et il gère a merveille les cookies et ses sauvegardes/restaurations.
Utilisateur anonyme
16 juin 2008 à 21:59
16 juin 2008 à 21:59
merci l'ami pour ton commentaire qui ne sert à rien ! A cause de toi je vais devoir ouvrir un nouveau post pour que qqn me réponde !
Utilisateur anonyme
17 juin 2008 à 14:32
17 juin 2008 à 14:32
Le problème venait bien de Spybot.
Voici la question que j'ai posée à la Team de Spybot, et ensuite leur réponse !
for the first time I decided to install Spybot with its Teatimer. But I couldn't catch something.
I also use Ccleaner to clean my disks and my registry. In this program, one can set a list of cookies that we don't want to be erased by the cleaning. I use this list for many websites, as I don't want to login everytime I visit the website.
Since I've installed Spybot with its teatimer, every time I reboot, all the cookies are removed. I couldn't find the parameters to disable that.
Now that I have uninstalled completely Spybot, everything went back in order. However, I would like to use Spybot with its teatimer, but without this inconvenient ! Did I miss something in the parameters ? Can you help me ?
Thanks a lot for your further answer !
I think you immunized your system. Due to this no cookies are allowed to settle on your computer.
You just need to undo the immunzation and it will work again.
If not, you should not remove usage tracks after the scan.
Please run Spybot-S&D and switch to "Advanced mode" via the menu bar item "Mode". Now select "Settings" --> "File Sets" in the navigation bar on the left. The checkboxes in front of "Usage tracking" and "tracks.uti" have to be ticked if you want to find usage tracks.
You should also check the "Ignore products" section (in "Settings" as well) and see if the usage tracks are ticked by accident.
Usage tracks are your fingerprints in your system. Whenever you visit a page with your browser, or just open any file, that information is stored deep inside Windows. In most cases that is very useful – if you want to open that file again, you can select it from a list instead of typing the whole filename or browsing the whole directory structure again.
But in some cases you may want to hide your activity, because spyware and internet attackers may use that information. Spybot-Search&Destroy can remove some of the most important and common tracks on your system.
You may still decide to keep a threat, or just a usage track. Maybe you don't want your list of most recently used Word documents removed?
At this point you have three options.
* You could decide on ignoring all usage tracks. In that case you could open the File sets page on the Settings section
of the program, and disable the Usage tracks entries.
* Or if you want to just keep all tracks from a specific product, just right-click a product in the results list.
* Finally, if you want to keep just one file, that is possible the same way
Best Regards,
Team Spybot
Voici la question que j'ai posée à la Team de Spybot, et ensuite leur réponse !
for the first time I decided to install Spybot with its Teatimer. But I couldn't catch something.
I also use Ccleaner to clean my disks and my registry. In this program, one can set a list of cookies that we don't want to be erased by the cleaning. I use this list for many websites, as I don't want to login everytime I visit the website.
Since I've installed Spybot with its teatimer, every time I reboot, all the cookies are removed. I couldn't find the parameters to disable that.
Now that I have uninstalled completely Spybot, everything went back in order. However, I would like to use Spybot with its teatimer, but without this inconvenient ! Did I miss something in the parameters ? Can you help me ?
Thanks a lot for your further answer !
I think you immunized your system. Due to this no cookies are allowed to settle on your computer.
You just need to undo the immunzation and it will work again.
If not, you should not remove usage tracks after the scan.
Please run Spybot-S&D and switch to "Advanced mode" via the menu bar item "Mode". Now select "Settings" --> "File Sets" in the navigation bar on the left. The checkboxes in front of "Usage tracking" and "tracks.uti" have to be ticked if you want to find usage tracks.
You should also check the "Ignore products" section (in "Settings" as well) and see if the usage tracks are ticked by accident.
Usage tracks are your fingerprints in your system. Whenever you visit a page with your browser, or just open any file, that information is stored deep inside Windows. In most cases that is very useful – if you want to open that file again, you can select it from a list instead of typing the whole filename or browsing the whole directory structure again.
But in some cases you may want to hide your activity, because spyware and internet attackers may use that information. Spybot-Search&Destroy can remove some of the most important and common tracks on your system.
You may still decide to keep a threat, or just a usage track. Maybe you don't want your list of most recently used Word documents removed?
At this point you have three options.
* You could decide on ignoring all usage tracks. In that case you could open the File sets page on the Settings section
of the program, and disable the Usage tracks entries.
* Or if you want to just keep all tracks from a specific product, just right-click a product in the results list.
* Finally, if you want to keep just one file, that is possible the same way
Best Regards,
Team Spybot
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 16 juin 2008
Dernière intervention
30 mars 2009
17 juin 2008 à 15:38
17 juin 2008 à 15:38
ben tu vois quand on cherche soi meme on finit par trouver.