Messages postés258Date d'inscriptionvendredi 11 juillet 2014StatutMembreDernière intervention11 janvier 2024
13 oct. 2021 à 11:55
Messages postés258Date d'inscriptionvendredi 11 juillet 2014StatutMembreDernière intervention11 janvier 2024
13 oct. 2021 à 15:05
Toujours dans la cadre de la migration à PHP 8, un nouveau message d'erreur apparait concernant un autre fichier que voici:
Voici ce fichier dans son intégralité:
| mysql.class.php (php 4.x)
| by Benjam Welker
| based on works by W. Jason Gilmore
| > MySQL DB Queries module
| > Date started: 2005-09-02
| > Last edited: 2006-11-14
| > Module Version Number: 0.9.2
class mysql
var $linkid; // MySQL Resource ID
var $host; // MySQL Host name
var $user; // MySQL Username
var $pswd; // MySQL password
var $db; // MySQL Database
var $query; // MySQL query
var $query_time; // Time it took to run the query
var $pass_query; // Query passed by argument
var $result; // Query result
var $line; // Line of query
var $file; // File of query
var $error; // Any error message encountered while running
var $log_path; // The path to the log file
var $querycount; // Total number of queries executed since class inception
var $error_debug; // Allows for error debug output
var $query_debug; // Allows for output of all queries all the time
var $super_debug; // Allows output of ALL debugging output
/* Class constructor. Initializes the host, user, pswd, db and log fields */
function __construct($host, $user, $pswd, $db, $log_path = './')
# The following was moved to the config file for
# ease of use by the admin (so they don't have to config
# multiple files, and only have to edit one),
# but the original source was left here for those who wish
# to implement this class in their own creations.
# to enable, just change /*# above to //*# and edit settings
# to disable, change //*# above to /*#
# and copy-paste this section into your own config file
// BEGIN CONFIG ----------------------
define ('DB_ERR_EMAIL_ERRORS', true); // (true / false) set to true to email errors to TO address below
define ('DB_ERR_LOG_ERRORS' , true); // (true / false) set to true to log errors in mysql.err file
define ('DB_ERR_TO' , ''); // set your TO email address
define ('DB_ERR_SUBJECT' , 'Query Error'); // don't really need to change this
define ('DB_ERR_FROM' , ''); // set your FROM email address (can be the same as TO above)
define ('FILE_PATH_END' , '/yourscript/'); // the name of the directory containing the script (with wrapping / )
// END CONFIG ------------------------
# end of config section removal
$this->host = $host;
$this->user = $user;
$this->pswd = $pswd;
$this->db = $db;
$this->log_path = $log_path;
// each of these can be set independently as needed
$this->error_debug = false; // set to true for output of errors
$this->query_debug = false; // set to true for output of every query
$this->super_debug = false; // set to true for other debugging output (like passed query arguments, etc.)
// make sure the log path ends with /
if (strrpos($this->log_path,'/') != (strlen($this->log_path) - 1))
$this->log_path .= '/';
/* Connect to the MySQL database server */
function connect( )
$num_args = func_num_args( );
$args = func_get_args( );
// get the arguments, if any
if (0 != $num_args)
//$this->linkid = mysqli_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pswd);
$this->linkid = mysqli_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pswd);
if ( ! $this->linkid)
if (mysqli_connect_error()) {
$this->error = mysqli_connect_errno() . ': ' . mysqli_connect_error();
if ($this->error_debug)
echo "Il y a une erreur de connexion au serveur : fichier {$this->file_name} ligne {$this->line}:<br />ERREUR - {$this->error}";
die('Il y a une erreur de base de données. Un email a été envoyé à l\'administrateur.');
/* Selects the MySQL Database */
function select( )
$num_args = func_num_args( );
$args = func_get_args( );
// get the arguments, if any
if (0 != $num_args)
if ( ! @mysqli_select_db($this->linkid, $this->db))
$this->error = mysqli_errno($this->linkid).': '.mysqli_error($this->linkid);
$this->error_report( );
if ($this->error_debug)
echo "Il y a une erreur de sélection dans la base de données : fichier {$this->file_name} ligne {$this->line}:<br />ERREUR - {$this->error}";
die('Il y a une erreur de base de données. Un email a été envoyé à l\'administrateur.');
/* Connects to the server AND selects the default database in one function */
function connect_select( )
$num_args = func_num_args( );
$args = func_get_args( );
$this->clear_arguments( );
// get the arguments, if any
if (0 != $num_args)
$this->connect( );
$this->select( );
/* Execute Database Query */
function query( )
$num_args = func_num_args( );
$args = func_get_args( );
// get the arguments, if any
if (0 != $num_args)
$this->clear_arguments( ); // don't clear unless we have new
if (false !== $this->pass_query)
$this->query = $this->pass_query;
if ($this->super_debug)
echo 'QUERY ';
echo '<pre>';
print_r($this->get_arguments( ));
echo '</pre>';
$done = true; // innocent until proven guilty
// start time logging
$time = microtime_float( );
$this->result = @mysqli_query($this->linkid, $this->query);
$this->query_time = microtime_float( ) - $time;
if ($this->query_debug)
$this->query = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $this->query));
echo "<div style='background:white;color:black;'><br />{$this->query} - <strong>Aff(".$this->affected_rows( ).") - {$this->file_name}: {$this->line}</strong></div>";
if ( ! $this->result)
$this->error = mysqli_errno($this->linkid).': '.mysqli_error($this->linkid);
$this->error_report( );
if ($this->error_debug)
echo "<div style='background:#900;color:white;'>Il y a une erreur dans votre requête : fichier {$this->file_name} ligne {$this->line}: ERREUR - {$this->error}<br />Requête: {$this->query}</div>";
print_r(debug_backtrace( ));
$this->error = 'Il y a une erreur de base de données. Un email a été envoyé à l\'administrateur.';
$done = false;
if ($done)
return $this->result;
return false;
/* Determine total rows affected by query */
function affected_rows( )
$count = @mysqli_affected_rows($this->linkid);
return $count;
/* Determine total rows returned by query */
function num_rows( )
$count = @mysqli_num_rows($this->result);
if ( ! $count)
return 0;
return $count;
/** public function insert
* Insert the associative data array into the table.
* $data['field_name'] = value
* $data['field_name2'] = value2
* If the field name has a trailing space: $data['field_name ']
* then the query will insert the data with no sanitation
* or wrapping quotes (good for function calls, like NOW( )).
* @param string table name
* @param array associative data array
* @param string [optional] where clause (for updates)
* @param bool [optional] whether or not we should replace values (true / false)
* @action execute a mysql query
* @return int insert id for row
function insert($table, $data_array, $where = '', $replace = false)
$where = trim($where);
$replace = (bool) $replace;
if ('' == $where) {
$query = (false == $replace) ? ' INSERT ' : ' REPLACE ';
$query .= ' INTO ';
else {
$query = ' UPDATE ';
$query .= '`'.$table.'`';
if ( ! is_array($data_array)) {
throw new Exception(__METHOD__.': Essai d\'insertion d\'une donnée non-array (non tableau)');
else {
$query .= ' SET ';
foreach ($data_array as $field => $value) {
if (is_null($value)) {
$query .= " `{$field}` = NULL , ";
elseif (' ' == substr($field, -1, 1)) { // i picked a trailing space because it's an illegal field name in MySQL
$field = trim($field);
$query .= " `{$field}` = {$value} , ";
else {
$query .= " `{$field}` = '".sani($value)."' , ";
$query = substr($query, 0, -2).' '; // remove the last comma (but preserve those spaces)
$query .= ' '.$where.' ';
$this->query = $query;
$return = $this->query( );
if ('' == $where) {
return $this->fetch_insert_id( );
else {
return $return;
/** public function multi_insert
* Insert the array of associative data arrays into the table.
* $data[0]['field_name'] = value
* $data[0]['field_name2'] = value2
* $data[0]['DBWHERE'] = where clause [optional]
* $data[1]['field_name'] = value
* $data[1]['field_name2'] = value2
* $data[1]['DBWHERE'] = where clause [optional]
* @param string table name
* @param array associative data array
* @param bool [optional] whether or not we should replace values (true / false)
* @action execute multiple mysql queries
* @return array insert ids for rows (with original keys preserved)
function multi_insert($table, $data_array, $replace = false)
if ( ! is_array($data_array)) {
throw new Exception(__METHOD__.': Essai d\'insertion multiple de données non-array (non tableau)');
else {
$result = array( );
foreach ($data_array as $key => $row) {
$where = (isset($row['DBWHERE'])) ? $row['DBWHERE'] : '';
$result[$key] = $this->insert($table, $row, $where, $replace);
return $result;
/** public function delete
* Delete the row from the table
* @param string table name
* @param string where clause
* @action execute a mysql query
* @return result
function delete($table, $where)
$query = "
FROM `{$table}`
$this->query = $query;
try {
return $this->query( );
catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
/** public function multi_delete
* Delete the array of data from the table.
* $table[0] = table name
* $table[1] = table name
* $where[0] = where clause
* $where[1] = where clause
* If recursive is true, all combinations of table name
* and where clauses will be executed.
* If only one table name is set, that table will
* be used for all of the queries, looping through
* the where array
* If only one where clause is set, that where clause
* will be used for all of the queries, looping through
* the table array
* @param mixed table name array or single string
* @param mixed where clause array or single string
* @param bool optional recursive (default false)
* @action execute multiple mysql queries
* @return array results
function multi_delete($table_array, $where_array, $recursive = false)
if ( ! is_array($table_array)) {
$recursive = false;
$table_array = (array) $table_array;
if ( ! is_array($where_array)) {
$recursive = false;
$where_array = (array) $where_array;
if ($recursive) {
foreach ($table_array as $table) {
foreach ($where_array as $where) {
$result[] = $this->delete($table, $where);
else {
if (count($table_array) == count($where_array)) {
for ($i = 0, $count = count($table_array); $i < $count; ++$i) {
$result[] = $this->delete($table_array[$i], $where_array[$i]);
elseif (1 == count($table_array)) {
$table = $table_array[0];
foreach ($where_array as $where) {
$result[] = $this->delete($table, $where);
elseif (1 == count($where_array)) {
$where = $where_array[0];
foreach ($table_array as $table) {
$result[] = $this->delete($table, $where);
else {
throw new Exception(__METHOD__.': Essai d\'effacement multiple avec des tailles de tableau non compatibles');
return $result;
/* Return query result row as an object */
function fetch_object( )
$num_args = func_num_args( );
$args = func_get_args( );
// get the arguments, if any
if (0 != $num_args)
$this->clear_arguments( );
if ($this->super_debug)
echo '<pre>';
print_r($this->get_arguments( ));
echo '</pre>';
if (false !== $this->pass_query)
$this->query = $this->pass_query;
$this->query( );
$row = @mysqli_fetch_object($this->result);
return $row;
/* Return query result row as an indexed array */
function fetch_row( )
$num_args = func_num_args( );
$args = func_get_args( );
// get the arguments, if any
if (0 != $num_args)
$this->clear_arguments( );
if ($this->super_debug)
echo 'FETCH_ROW ';
echo '<pre>';
print_r($this->get_arguments( ));
echo '</pre>';
if (false !== $this->pass_query)
$this->query = $this->pass_query;
$this->query( );
$row = @mysqli_fetch_row($this->result);
return $row;
/* Return query result row as an associative array */
function fetch_assoc( )
$num_args = func_num_args( );
$args = func_get_args( );
// get the arguments, if any
if (0 != $num_args)
$this->clear_arguments( );
if ($this->super_debug)
echo 'FETCH_ASSOC ';
echo '<pre>';
print_r($this->get_arguments( ));
echo '</pre>';
if (false !== $this->pass_query)
$this->query = $this->pass_query;
$this->query( );
$row = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($this->result);
return $row;
/* Return query result row as an associative array and an indexed array */
function fetch_both( )
$num_args = func_num_args( );
$args = func_get_args( );
// get the arguments, if any
if (0 != $num_args)
$this->clear_arguments( );
if ($this->super_debug)
echo 'FETCH_BOTH ';
echo '<pre>';
print_r($this->get_arguments( ));
echo '</pre>';
if (false !== $this->pass_query)
$this->query = $this->pass_query;
$this->query( );
$row = @mysqli_fetch_array($this->result, MYSQLI_BOTH);
return $row;
/* Return query result as an array of arrays */
function fetch_array( )
$num_args = func_num_args( );
$args = func_get_args( );
// get the arguments, if any
if (0 != $num_args)
$this->clear_arguments( );
if ($this->super_debug)
echo 'FETCH_ARRAY ';
echo '<pre>';
print_r($this->get_arguments( ));
echo '</pre>';
if (false !== $this->pass_query)
$this->query = $this->pass_query;
$this->query( );
$arr = array( );
while ($row = @mysqli_fetch_array($this->result))
$arr[] = $row;
return $arr;
/* Return query result as an array of single values */
function fetch_value_array( )
$num_args = func_num_args( );
$args = func_get_args( );
// get the arguments, if any
if (0 != $num_args)
$this->clear_arguments( );
if ($this->super_debug)
echo '<pre>';
print_r($this->get_arguments( ));
echo '</pre>';
if (false !== $this->pass_query)
$this->query = $this->pass_query;
$this->query( );
$arr = array( );
while ($row = @mysqli_fetch_row($this->result))
$arr[] = $row[0];
return $arr;
/* Return single query result value */
function fetch_value( )
$num_args = func_num_args( );
$args = func_get_args( );
// get the arguments, if any
if (0 != $num_args)
$this->clear_arguments( );
if ($this->super_debug)
echo 'FETCH_VALUE ';
echo '<pre>';
print_r($this->get_arguments( ));
echo '</pre>';
if (false !== $this->pass_query)
$this->query = $this->pass_query;
$this->query( );
$row = @mysqli_fetch_row($this->result);
return $row[0];
/* Return the total number of queries executed during
the lifetime of this object */
function num_queries( )
return $this->querycount;
/* get the id for the previous INSERT command */
function fetch_insert_id( )
return @mysqli_insert_id($this->linkid);
/* get the errors, if any */
function fetch_error( )
return $this->error;
/* report the errors to the admin */
function error_report( )
// generate an error report and then act according to configuration
$error_report = "Une erreur a été générée par le serveur.\nVoir détails dans les informations de débogage:\n\n";
$error_report .= " * File: {$this->file_name}\n";
$error_report .= " * Line: {$this->line}\n";
$error_report .= " * Error: {$this->error}\n";
$error_report_short = "\n" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " Erreur dans : fichier {$this->file_name} ligne {$this->line}: ERREUR - {$this->error}";
// if a database query caused the error, show the query
if ('' != $this->query)
$error_report .= " * Query: {$this->query}\n";
$error_report_short .= " [sql={$this->query}]";
// send the error as email if set
//mail(DB_ERR_TO, trim(DB_ERR_SUBJECT), $error_report."\n\n".safe_var_export(debug_backtrace( ))."\n\n\$GLOBALS = ".safe_var_export($GLOBALS), 'From: '.DB_ERR_FROM."\r\n");
@mail(DB_ERR_TO, trim(DB_ERR_SUBJECT), $error_report."\n\n".safe_var_export(debug_backtrace( ))."\n\n\$GLOBALS = ".safe_var_export($GLOBALS), 'From: '.DB_ERR_FROM."\r\n");
// log the error (remove line breaks and multiple concurrent spaces)
$this->logger(trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $error_report_short))."\n");
/* log any errors */
function logger($report)
$log = $this->log_path . "mysql.err";
$fp = fopen($log,'a+');
@chmod($log, 0777);
/* extract the arguments */
function load_arguments($args)
foreach ($args as $arg)
if ($this->super_debug)
echo '<hr />arg = (';
echo stripslashes(var_export($arg, true)).') - ';
echo 'is_line('.var_export(is_int($arg), true).') ';
echo 'is_file('.var_export(('/' == substr($arg, 0, 1)) || (0 != preg_match('/^\\w:/', $arg)), true).') ';
echo 'is_database('.var_export(is_string($arg) && (0 != strlen($arg)) && (false === strpos($arg, ' ')), true).') ';
if (is_int($arg)) // it's an integer
if ($this->super_debug) echo 'LINE - ';
$this->line = $arg;
if ($this->super_debug) echo $this->line;
elseif (('/' == substr($arg, 0, 1)) || (0 != preg_match('/^\\w:/', $arg))) // the string begins with '/' or a drive letter
if ($this->super_debug) echo 'FILE - ';
$this->file_name = substr($arg, strpos($arg, FILE_PATH_END));
if ($this->super_debug) echo $this->file_name;
elseif (is_string($arg) && (0 != strlen($arg)) && (false === strpos($arg, ' '))) // there are no spaces
if ($this->super_debug) echo 'DATABASE - ';
$this->db = $arg;
if ($this->super_debug) echo $this->db;
if ($this->super_debug) echo 'QUERY - ';
$this->pass_query = $arg;
if ($this->super_debug) echo $this->pass_query;
if ($this->super_debug) echo 'UNKNOWN - ';
$arg_dump = var_export($arg, true);
$this->error = 'Argument inconnu trouvé: ' . $arg_dump;
if ($this->super_debug) echo $this->error;
// wait until after all arguments are entered before outputting error
// because the error may happen on the first argument and the other
// arguments have important error report data (it's what they're for)
if ('Unknown argument' == substr((string) $this->error, 0, 16))
$this->error_report( );
if ($this->super_debug) {echo'<pre>';print_r($this->get_arguments( ));echo'</pre>';}
/* clear the arguments */
function clear_arguments( )
// don't clear query or db as we may use them later
$this->line = false;
$this->file_name = false;
$this->error = false;
$this->pass_query = false;
/* return the arguments */
function get_arguments( )
$args['line'] = $this->line;
$args['file'] = $this->file_name;
$args['error'] = $this->error;
$args['query'] = $this->pass_query;
return $args;
} // end of mysql class
| > Extra SQL Functions
/* escape the data before it gets queried into the database / échapper aux données avant qu'elles ne soient interrogées dans la base de données */
function sani($data)
global $mysql;
if (is_array($data))
return array_map('sani', $data);
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc( ))
$data = stripslashes($data);
# $data = htmlentities($data, ENT_NOQUOTES); // convert html to &html;
return mysqli_real_escape_string($mysql->linkid, $data); // php 4.3.0+
if ( ! function_exists('microtime_float'))
function microtime_float( )
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime( ));
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
function safe_var_export($var)
if ( ! is_array($var))
return var_export($var, true);
foreach ($var as $key => $data)
if (('GLOBALS' == $key) || ($data == $var))
$var[$key] = 'RECURSION';
return var_export($var, true);
Pourriez vous m'orienter à résoudre ce problème?
13 oct. 2021 à 15:05
Problème résolu.