Freebox client-server connection issue -green

Antonello - 28 mai 2012 à 18:09
 Utilisateur anonyme - 29 mai 2012 à 10:53
first let me apologise I'm writing in English. I'm pretty new of France and while I can read French, my writing skills are ways too poor to be able to compose any meaningful sentence.
Today I finally got my Freebox working (..after almost 2 months, due to a problem with the line.. but that's an other story).
However I can't connect the player with server (V6) using the freeplugs. If I use a ethernet cable (but I have 2 doors in the middle! :-( ) it's fine, however with the freeplugs the client remain stuck with the sentence "Association avec le Server Freebox en course". I have trying avoiding multiple sockets, changing ethernet plugs (on the server) and even switching the two freeplugs but I didn't got any success.
The point that I can't really understand is that the two Freeplugs themselves can synchronize and hence I have a stable green light on both of them.
Does anyone has a suggestion?


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3 réponses

jee pee Messages postés 40558 Date d'inscription mercredi 2 mai 2007 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 16 décembre 2024 9 458
Modifié par jee pee le 28/05/2012 à 18:22

Il existe des installations électriques sur lesquelles les cpl ne fonctionnent pas : une installation de type triphasé. Sur une telle installation il faut rajouter un coupleur de phase au niveau du compteur. Mais cela reste une installation rare.

Le mieux pour tester les cpl c'est de les brancher ensembles sur la même prise électrique multiple à coté de la freebox avec le boitier adsl. Tu verras ainsi si ils fonctionnent correctement. Dans ce cas on peut alors supposer que c'est ton installation électrique qui pose soucis (en connexion réelle il faut bien sur eviter les prises multiples).


Un étranger, c'est un ami qu'on n'a pas encore rencontré.
Hello, merci .
I have a normal flat, so I guess monophase. However I have tried to plug the two freeplugs on the same power point (like you suggest) and still I can't have the client to connect (while the freeplug themselves became green very quickly).
I have also tried different ethernet cables between the freeplugs and the client and the server..
Did anyone have tried a wifi-to-ethernet converter if they would work with the freebox client?
I have tried also with my laptop at home and, between the laptop and the network cable, in the office.

In both circumstances, green lights but no connection.. to be precise the laptop got something.. it "tried" to connect but it ended fails..

So I guess at this point the two freeplugs are faulty...
jee pee Messages postés 40558 Date d'inscription mercredi 2 mai 2007 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 16 décembre 2024 9 458
Modifié par jee pee le 28/05/2012 à 22:20
Effectivement cela ressemble bien à un problème matériel des freeplugs.

As tu effectué la procédure de ré-association des freeplug ? voir :
My material is slighly different (I have the V6) but ... yes.. I done 2-3 times the association between the 2 freeplugs, and I have them connecting with both the green light quite easily..
I used this diagnostic software:
I have one of the two freeplugs that doesn't communicate on the ethernet port (while they can comunicate each other using the power line pretty fast).
Now I hope they will not take ages to repleace it.. merci
I have one of the two freeplugs that doesn't communicate on the ethernet port

and what ethernet port do you put them on
i dont understand ?

one on each server and player ?

have you enabled the wifi on your free account ?
try it that way
I have tried to use the two freeplugs, one connected to the freebox and the other one to my laptop.
If I connect the "good one" to the freebox, then using the scan program I linked (very nice!) and connecting my laptop using wifi (that I eneabled on my Free account) I can scan both the freeplugs in the network and also observe how the speed change depending on which power socket I plug the freeplug connected with the laptop (and.. yes.. using power strips reduce the speed!).
But if I disable the wifi on the laptop and try to connect using the freeplug itself (remember, on the laptop I have what I believe to be the faulty one) I can't scan anything, I'm out of any network.
Then I tied to switch the freeplugs. In this case (the good one on my laptop) if I use wifi but I temporary unplug the freeplug from the laptop (but still keeping it on the power socket) I can obviously contact the freebox, but the scan software can't find any of the freeplugs (the faulty one is now connected with the freebox).
If I plug the working freeplug on the laptop and disable wifi I can then see both the freeplugs using that scan program and their speed, but I can not access the freebox/internet.
So it is obvious from my experiment that the problem is in the ethernet card of one of the two freeplugs.. and yes.. I tried different ethernet cables than the provided ones.
Now I'll just need to explain all of this to the Free technician for a replacement of the freeplug.. you can wish me good luck ! :-|