Formatage de disque dur pour boite externe

Martin - 6 oct. 2006 à 10:07
Hamster Messages postés 6712 Date d'inscription jeudi 16 juin 2005 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 2 décembre 2019 - 6 oct. 2006 à 10:28
Hello people!

Sorry for my english but my french is terrible! I have bought a maxtor 250gg maxtor hard disk and an advance external boite for USB concecctions. In the installations guide it tell you that it should be formated in FAT32 and no in NFTS unix, the problem is that windows can not format the HDD in FAT32. Do youthink that it will work with NFTS? Has anybody tried that? and internal HDD formated in NTFS in an external Boite? Is it possible that if the boite is for 8O to 250 Gb it doesn't work with NTFS? Thank you very much in advandce!!!

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1 réponse

Hamster Messages postés 6712 Date d'inscription jeudi 16 juin 2005 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 2 décembre 2019 979
6 oct. 2006 à 10:28

you must format it in NTFS. There is no problem for Windows XP to work with NTFS, it's better than FAT32.
You must use the "convert" command from DOS if your hard disk is actually in FAT32 :
In a DOS window, enter this command :

convert drive_letter: /fs:ntfs

for example convert F: /fs:ntfs where F is the letter of your external disk