A voir également:
- Vbr quality 0-9
- Fichier batch - Guide
- Lame.exe - Télécharger - Création musicale
- Xiaomi s'éteint tout seul et se rallume en boucle - Forum Xiaomi
- Echo off batch ✓ - Forum Autoit / batch
- Boucle cmd - Forum Programmation
5 réponses
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 3 mai 2010
Dernière intervention
30 janvier 2023
25 janv. 2011 à 00:35
25 janv. 2011 à 00:35
C'est Lame qui te répond.... Si c'est obsolète, c'est que l'option decode doit poser souci.
Que renvoie lame.exe -h (ou -?), qui devrait être l'aide de lame ?
C'est Lame qui te répond.... Si c'est obsolète, c'est que l'option decode doit poser souci.
Que renvoie lame.exe -h (ou -?), qui devrait être l'aide de lame ?
l'aide c lame.exe --longhelp
et ca donne ca:
usage: lame.exe [options] <infile> [outfile]
<infile> and/or <outfile> can be "-", which means stdin/stdout.
lame -V2 input.wav output.mp3
Input options:
--scale <arg> scale input (multiply PCM data) by <arg>
--scale-l <arg> scale channel 0 (left) input (multiply PCM data) by <arg>
--scale-r <arg> scale channel 1 (right) input (multiply PCM data) by <arg>
--mp1input input file is a MPEG Layer I file
--mp2input input file is a MPEG Layer II file
--mp3input input file is a MPEG Layer III file
--nogap <file1> <file2> <...>
gapless encoding for a set of contiguous files
--nogapout <dir>
output dir for gapless encoding (must precede --nogap)
--nogaptags allow the use of VBR tags in gapless encoding
Input options for RAW PCM:
-r input is raw pcm
-x force byte-swapping of input
-s sfreq sampling frequency of input file (kHz) - default 44.1 kHz
--bitwidth w input bit width is w (default 16)
--signed input is signed (default)
--unsigned input is unsigned
--little-endian input is little-endian (default)
--big-endian input is big-endian
Operational options:
-a downmix from stereo to mono file for mono encoding
-m <mode> (j)oint, (s)imple, (f)orce, (d)dual-mono, (m)ono
default is (j) or (s) depending on bitrate
joint = joins the best possible of MS and LR stereo
simple = force LR stereo on all frames
force = force MS stereo on all frames.
--preset type type must be "medium", "standard", "extreme", "insane",
or a value for an average desired bitrate and depending
on the value specified, appropriate quality settings will
be used.
"--preset help" gives more info on these
--comp <arg> choose bitrate to achive a compression ratio of <arg>
--replaygain-fast compute RG fast but slightly inaccurately (default)
--replaygain-accurate compute RG more accurately and find the peak sample
--noreplaygain disable ReplayGain analysis
--clipdetect enable --replaygain-accurate and print a message whether
clipping occurs and how far the waveform is from full scale
--flush flush output stream as soon as possible
--freeformat produce a free format bitstream
--decode input=mp3 file, output=wav
-t disable writing wav header when using --decode
--disptime <arg>print progress report every arg seconds
-S don't print progress report, VBR histograms
--nohist disable VBR histogram display
--silent don't print anything on screen
--quiet don't print anything on screen
--brief print more useful information
--verbose print a lot of useful information
Noise shaping & psycho acoustic algorithms:
-q <arg> <arg> = 0...9. Default -q 5
-q 0: Highest quality, very slow
-q 9: Poor quality, but fast
-h Same as -q 2. Recommended.
-f Same as -q 7. Fast, ok quality
CBR (constant bitrate, the default) options:
-b <bitrate> set the bitrate in kbps, default 128 kbps
--cbr enforce use of constant bitrate
ABR options:
--abr <bitrate> specify average bitrate desired (instead of quality)
VBR options:
-V n quality setting for VBR. default n=4
0=high quality,bigger files. 9=smaller files
-v the same as -V 4
--vbr-old use old variable bitrate (VBR) routine
--vbr-new use new variable bitrate (VBR) routine (default)
-b <bitrate> specify minimum allowed bitrate, default 32 kbps
-B <bitrate> specify maximum allowed bitrate, default 320 kbps
-F strictly enforce the -b option, for use with players that
do not support low bitrate mp3
-t disable writing LAME Tag
-T enable and force writing LAME Tag
PSY related:
--temporal-masking x x=0 disables, x=1 enables temporal masking effect
--nssafejoint M/S switching criterion
--nsmsfix <arg> M/S switching tuning [effective 0-3.5]
--interch x adjust inter-channel masking ratio
--ns-bass x adjust masking for sfbs 0 - 6 (long) 0 - 5 (short)
--ns-alto x adjust masking for sfbs 7 - 13 (long) 6 - 10 (short)
--ns-treble x adjust masking for sfbs 14 - 21 (long) 11 - 12 (short)
--ns-sfb21 x change ns-treble by x dB for sfb21
experimental switches:
-Y lets LAME ignore noise in sfb21, like in CBR
MP3 header/stream options:
-e <emp> de-emphasis n/5/c (obsolete)
-c mark as copyright
-o mark as non-original
-p error protection. adds 16 bit checksum to every frame
(the checksum is computed correctly)
--nores disable the bit reservoir
--strictly-enforce-ISO comply as much as possible to ISO MPEG spec
Filter options:
--lowpass <freq> frequency(kHz), lowpass filter cutoff above freq
--lowpass-width <freq> frequency(kHz) - default 15% of lowpass freq
--highpass <freq> frequency(kHz), highpass filter cutoff below freq
--highpass-width <freq> frequency(kHz) - default 15% of highpass freq
--resample <sfreq> sampling frequency of output file(kHz)- default=automatic
ID3 tag options:
--tt <title> audio/song title (max 30 chars for version 1 tag)
--ta <artist> audio/song artist (max 30 chars for version 1 tag)
--tl <album> audio/song album (max 30 chars for version 1 tag)
--ty <year> audio/song year of issue (1 to 9999)
--tc <comment> user-defined text (max 30 chars for v1 tag, 28 for v1.1)
--tn <track/total> audio/song track number and (optionally) the total
number of tracks on the original recording. (track
and total each 1 to 255. just the track number
creates v1.1 tag, providing a total forces v2.0).
--tg <genre> audio/song genre (name or number in list)
--ti <file> audio/song albumArt (jpeg/png/gif file, 128KB max, v2.3)
--tv <id=value> user-defined frame specified by id and value (v2.3 tag)
--add-id3v2 force addition of version 2 tag
--id3v1-only add only a version 1 tag
--id3v2-only add only a version 2 tag
--space-id3v1 pad version 1 tag with spaces instead of nulls
--pad-id3v2 same as '--pad-id3v2-size 128'
--pad-id3v2-size <value> adds version 2 tag, pad with extra <value> bytes
--genre-list print alphabetically sorted ID3 genre list and exit
--ignore-tag-errors ignore errors in values passed for tags
Note: A version 2 tag will NOT be added unless one of the input fields
won't fit in a version 1 tag (e.g. the title string is longer than 30
characters), or the '--add-id3v2' or '--id3v2-only' options are used,
or output is redirected to stdout.
MS-Windows-specific options:
--priority <type> sets the process priority:
0,1 = Low priority (IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS)
2 = normal priority (NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, default)
3,4 = High priority (HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS))
Note: Calling '--priority' without a parameter will select priority 0.
--license print License information
Platform specific:
--noasm <instructions> disable assembly optimizations for mmx/3dnow/sse
MPEG-1 layer III sample frequencies (kHz): 32 48 44.1
bitrates (kbps): 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 320
MPEG-2 layer III sample frequencies (kHz): 16 24 22.05
bitrates (kbps): 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 144 160
MPEG-2.5 layer III sample frequencies (kHz): 8 12 11.025
bitrates (kbps): 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
et ca donne ca:
usage: lame.exe [options] <infile> [outfile]
<infile> and/or <outfile> can be "-", which means stdin/stdout.
lame -V2 input.wav output.mp3
Input options:
--scale <arg> scale input (multiply PCM data) by <arg>
--scale-l <arg> scale channel 0 (left) input (multiply PCM data) by <arg>
--scale-r <arg> scale channel 1 (right) input (multiply PCM data) by <arg>
--mp1input input file is a MPEG Layer I file
--mp2input input file is a MPEG Layer II file
--mp3input input file is a MPEG Layer III file
--nogap <file1> <file2> <...>
gapless encoding for a set of contiguous files
--nogapout <dir>
output dir for gapless encoding (must precede --nogap)
--nogaptags allow the use of VBR tags in gapless encoding
Input options for RAW PCM:
-r input is raw pcm
-x force byte-swapping of input
-s sfreq sampling frequency of input file (kHz) - default 44.1 kHz
--bitwidth w input bit width is w (default 16)
--signed input is signed (default)
--unsigned input is unsigned
--little-endian input is little-endian (default)
--big-endian input is big-endian
Operational options:
-a downmix from stereo to mono file for mono encoding
-m <mode> (j)oint, (s)imple, (f)orce, (d)dual-mono, (m)ono
default is (j) or (s) depending on bitrate
joint = joins the best possible of MS and LR stereo
simple = force LR stereo on all frames
force = force MS stereo on all frames.
--preset type type must be "medium", "standard", "extreme", "insane",
or a value for an average desired bitrate and depending
on the value specified, appropriate quality settings will
be used.
"--preset help" gives more info on these
--comp <arg> choose bitrate to achive a compression ratio of <arg>
--replaygain-fast compute RG fast but slightly inaccurately (default)
--replaygain-accurate compute RG more accurately and find the peak sample
--noreplaygain disable ReplayGain analysis
--clipdetect enable --replaygain-accurate and print a message whether
clipping occurs and how far the waveform is from full scale
--flush flush output stream as soon as possible
--freeformat produce a free format bitstream
--decode input=mp3 file, output=wav
-t disable writing wav header when using --decode
--disptime <arg>print progress report every arg seconds
-S don't print progress report, VBR histograms
--nohist disable VBR histogram display
--silent don't print anything on screen
--quiet don't print anything on screen
--brief print more useful information
--verbose print a lot of useful information
Noise shaping & psycho acoustic algorithms:
-q <arg> <arg> = 0...9. Default -q 5
-q 0: Highest quality, very slow
-q 9: Poor quality, but fast
-h Same as -q 2. Recommended.
-f Same as -q 7. Fast, ok quality
CBR (constant bitrate, the default) options:
-b <bitrate> set the bitrate in kbps, default 128 kbps
--cbr enforce use of constant bitrate
ABR options:
--abr <bitrate> specify average bitrate desired (instead of quality)
VBR options:
-V n quality setting for VBR. default n=4
0=high quality,bigger files. 9=smaller files
-v the same as -V 4
--vbr-old use old variable bitrate (VBR) routine
--vbr-new use new variable bitrate (VBR) routine (default)
-b <bitrate> specify minimum allowed bitrate, default 32 kbps
-B <bitrate> specify maximum allowed bitrate, default 320 kbps
-F strictly enforce the -b option, for use with players that
do not support low bitrate mp3
-t disable writing LAME Tag
-T enable and force writing LAME Tag
PSY related:
--temporal-masking x x=0 disables, x=1 enables temporal masking effect
--nssafejoint M/S switching criterion
--nsmsfix <arg> M/S switching tuning [effective 0-3.5]
--interch x adjust inter-channel masking ratio
--ns-bass x adjust masking for sfbs 0 - 6 (long) 0 - 5 (short)
--ns-alto x adjust masking for sfbs 7 - 13 (long) 6 - 10 (short)
--ns-treble x adjust masking for sfbs 14 - 21 (long) 11 - 12 (short)
--ns-sfb21 x change ns-treble by x dB for sfb21
experimental switches:
-Y lets LAME ignore noise in sfb21, like in CBR
MP3 header/stream options:
-e <emp> de-emphasis n/5/c (obsolete)
-c mark as copyright
-o mark as non-original
-p error protection. adds 16 bit checksum to every frame
(the checksum is computed correctly)
--nores disable the bit reservoir
--strictly-enforce-ISO comply as much as possible to ISO MPEG spec
Filter options:
--lowpass <freq> frequency(kHz), lowpass filter cutoff above freq
--lowpass-width <freq> frequency(kHz) - default 15% of lowpass freq
--highpass <freq> frequency(kHz), highpass filter cutoff below freq
--highpass-width <freq> frequency(kHz) - default 15% of highpass freq
--resample <sfreq> sampling frequency of output file(kHz)- default=automatic
ID3 tag options:
--tt <title> audio/song title (max 30 chars for version 1 tag)
--ta <artist> audio/song artist (max 30 chars for version 1 tag)
--tl <album> audio/song album (max 30 chars for version 1 tag)
--ty <year> audio/song year of issue (1 to 9999)
--tc <comment> user-defined text (max 30 chars for v1 tag, 28 for v1.1)
--tn <track/total> audio/song track number and (optionally) the total
number of tracks on the original recording. (track
and total each 1 to 255. just the track number
creates v1.1 tag, providing a total forces v2.0).
--tg <genre> audio/song genre (name or number in list)
--ti <file> audio/song albumArt (jpeg/png/gif file, 128KB max, v2.3)
--tv <id=value> user-defined frame specified by id and value (v2.3 tag)
--add-id3v2 force addition of version 2 tag
--id3v1-only add only a version 1 tag
--id3v2-only add only a version 2 tag
--space-id3v1 pad version 1 tag with spaces instead of nulls
--pad-id3v2 same as '--pad-id3v2-size 128'
--pad-id3v2-size <value> adds version 2 tag, pad with extra <value> bytes
--genre-list print alphabetically sorted ID3 genre list and exit
--ignore-tag-errors ignore errors in values passed for tags
Note: A version 2 tag will NOT be added unless one of the input fields
won't fit in a version 1 tag (e.g. the title string is longer than 30
characters), or the '--add-id3v2' or '--id3v2-only' options are used,
or output is redirected to stdout.
MS-Windows-specific options:
--priority <type> sets the process priority:
0,1 = Low priority (IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS)
2 = normal priority (NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, default)
3,4 = High priority (HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS))
Note: Calling '--priority' without a parameter will select priority 0.
--license print License information
Platform specific:
--noasm <instructions> disable assembly optimizations for mmx/3dnow/sse
MPEG-1 layer III sample frequencies (kHz): 32 48 44.1
bitrates (kbps): 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 320
MPEG-2 layer III sample frequencies (kHz): 16 24 22.05
bitrates (kbps): 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 144 160
MPEG-2.5 layer III sample frequencies (kHz): 8 12 11.025
bitrates (kbps): 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
j'ai trouvé d'où viens le problème, Lame.exe ne supporte pas l'Unicode, si je renomme toute mes tracks en 01 02 03 04...., mon batch marche nickel, c'est galère. quelqu'un connaitrai un autre utilitaire?
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 3 mai 2010
Dernière intervention
30 janvier 2023
25 janv. 2011 à 19:31
25 janv. 2011 à 19:31
A une époque, j'utilisais dbPowerAmp, mais il est devenu shareware...
Il y en a toute une liste ici :
Il y en a toute une liste ici :
Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?
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en fait lame marche tres bien, c le espace dans les titres qui font que ca marche pas, faut trouver le moyen de viré les espace et c bon
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 3 mai 2010
Dernière intervention
30 janvier 2023
Modifié par Zoul67 le 25/01/2011 à 23:31
Modifié par Zoul67 le 25/01/2011 à 23:31
un classique...
plutôt que d'enlever les espaces, en entourant le chemin de guillemets, ça donne quoi ?
plutôt que d'enlever les espaces, en entourant le chemin de guillemets, ça donne quoi ?