Convertir des chiffres vers letttes

majidane - 18 oct. 2005 à 01:46
 ali - 29 janv. 2008 à 20:42
j'ai realisé une aplication avec le gestionnaire d'atelier windev 7
mais le probléme si que je veux une fonction au un alogorithme qui fait convertir les chiffres vers des lettres
10 dolar : dix dolar
4000 franc : quattre milles franc
merci d'avance
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3 réponses

convertir des chiffres vers lettte
badboy59 Messages postés 4291 Date d'inscription mercredi 15 décembre 2004 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 4 septembre 2006 569
19 oct. 2005 à 11:43
c'est quoi la question ?
J'ai trouvé une solution Visual Basic sur internet. Il convient de l'adapter à votre contexte.

Dim EngNum(90) As String
Dim StringNum As String, Chunk As String, English As String
Dim Hundreds As Integer, Tens As Integer, Ones As Integer
Dim LoopCount As Integer, StartVal As Integer
Dim TensDone As Integer
Dim Pennies As String

Static Function NumWord(ByVal AmountPassed As Currency) As String

'** Convert a number to words for filling in the Amount of a check
'** Example: NumWord(120.45) returns ONE HUNDRED TWENTY AND 45/100
'** Can handle numbers from 0 to $999,999.99
'** Created by Alan Simpson: Fax (619)756-0159
'** First working version, not yet fully tuned for speed or brevity.

'** The array below, and other variables, are dimensioned
'** in the Declarations section.

'** Fill EngNum array, if it's not filled already)
If Not EngNum(1) = "One" Then
EngNum(0) = ""
EngNum(1) = "One"
EngNum(2) = "Two"
EngNum(3) = "Three"
EngNum(4) = "Four"
EngNum(5) = "Five"
EngNum(6) = "Six"
EngNum(7) = "Seven"
EngNum(8) = "Eight"
EngNum(9) = "Nine"
EngNum(10) = "Ten"
EngNum(11) = "Eleven"
EngNum(12) = "Twelve"
EngNum(13) = "Thirteen"
EngNum(14) = "Fourteen"
EngNum(15) = "Fifteen"
EngNum(16) = "Sixteen"
EngNum(17) = "Seventeen"
EngNum(18) = "Eighteen"
EngNum(19) = "Nineteen"
EngNum(20) = "Twenty"
EngNum(30) = "Thirty"
EngNum(40) = "Forty"
EngNum(50) = "Fifty"
EngNum(60) = "Sixty"
EngNum(70) = "Seventy"
EngNum(80) = "Eighty"
EngNum(90) = "Ninety"
End If

'** Convert incoming Currency value to a string for parsing.
StringNum = Format$(AmountPassed, "000000.00")

'** Initialize other variables
English = ""
LoopCount = 1
StartVal = 1
Pennies = Mid$(StringNum, 8, 2)

'** Just in case the check is for less than a buck...
If AmountPassed < 1 Then
English = "Zero"
End If

'** Now do each 3-digit section of number.
While LoopCount <= 2
Chunk = Mid$(StringNum, StartVal, 3)
Hundreds = Val(Mid$(Chunk, 1, 1))
Tens = Val(Mid$(Chunk, 2, 2))
Ones = Val(Mid$(Chunk, 3, 1))

'** Do the hundreds portion of 3-digit number
If Val(Chunk) > 99 Then
English = English & EngNum(Hundreds) & " Hundred "
End If

'** Do the tens & ones portion of 3-digit number
TensDone = False

'** Is it less than 10?
If Tens < 10 Then
English = English & " " & EngNum(Ones)
TensDone = True
End If

'** Is it a teen?
If (Tens >= 11 And Tens <= 19) Then
English = English & EngNum(Tens)
TensDone = True
End If

'** Is it Evenly Divisible by 10?
If (Tens / 10#) = Int(Tens / 10#) Then
English = English & EngNum(Tens)
TensDone = True
End If

'** Or is it none of the above?
If Not TensDone Then
English = English & EngNum((Int(Tens / 10)) * 10)
English = English & " " & EngNum(Ones)
End If

'** Add the word "thousand" if necessary.
If AmountPassed > 999.99 And LoopCount = 1 Then
English = English + " Thousand "
End If

'** Do pass through second three digits
LoopCount = LoopCount + 1
StartVal = 4
'** Done: Return english with pennies tacked on.
NumWord = Trim(English) & " and " & Pennies & "/100"

End Function

Bon courage, il y a du travail