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- 36200 sms - Guide
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12 réponses
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Date d'inscription
mardi 19 février 2008
Dernière intervention
9 avril 2009
18 juil. 2008 à 13:25
18 juil. 2008 à 13:25
Bonjour tous voilà contrairement a certains moi je suis sur un projet ou je doi réaliser un programme java pour envoyer SMS via le modem CDMA.Mais je n'arrive à trouver certaines et package qui me permettront de faire fonctionner mon programme.G vous envoi les messages d'erreur qui s'affiche aprè la compilation:
-package javax.comm does not exit
-package org.apache.log4j does not exit
-cannot find symbol class logger
voici le code
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TooManyListenersException;
import javax.comm.CommDriver;
import javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier;
import javax.comm.CommPortOwnershipListener;
import javax.comm.NoSuchPortException;
import javax.comm.PortInUseException;
import javax.comm.SerialPort;
import javax.comm.SerialPortEvent;
import javax.comm.SerialPortEventListener;
import javax.comm.UnsupportedCommOperationException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
/class Sms implements SerialPortEventListener, CommPortOwnershipListener
* Instance Object Logger
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Sms.class);
* Constance status
public static final int SC_OK = 0;
public static final int SC_ERROR = 1;
public static final int SC_PDU_PARSE_ERROR = 2;
* Flux I/O
private OutputStream outStream;
private InputStream inStream;
* Read incoming SMS from SIM
public IncomingSms rx_sms = null;
* Config Serial Port
private SerialParameters parameters;
* Communication scan port
private CommPortIdentifier portId;
* Communication in serial port
private SerialPort sPort;
* Status comm port
public int portStatus = OK;
private static Boolean portStatusLock = new Boolean(true);
private boolean POLLING_FLAG;
private String portStatusMsg = "";
* Type of response
private static final int OK = 1;
private static final int WAIT = 2;
private static final int ERROR = 3;
private static final int WMSG = 4;
private static final int RMSG = 5;
private static final int ECHO = 6;
private static final int TIMEOUT = 7;
* Buffer serial incoming event
private byte[] readBuffer = new byte[20000];
private int bufferOffset = 0; // serialEvent
private static final String lfcr = "\r\n";
* Default index memory is 1
private int indexCurrentMemory = 1;
* Default memory is "SM"
private String currentMemory = "\"SM\"";
* Constructor!
* @param parameters
public Sms(SerialParameters parameters)
this.parameters = parameters;
* Initialize driver to be able to connect to serial port
* incase application is running from Windows
* as u might expect no driver initialization is required on linux
* ensure you initialize only once on Windows so as to avoid multiple port enumeration
* @return String "suncessful" or "failure"
public String initializeWinDrivers()
String drivername = "com.sun.comm.Win32Driver";
CommDriver driver = (CommDriver) Class.forName(drivername).newInstance();
return "successful";
catch (Throwable th)
// Discard it
return "failure";
* Return type of serial port (depend type of driver!) Driver=com.sun.comm.Win32Driver (window)
* Driver=gnu.io.RXTXCommDriver (all platform)
* @param portType
* @return String with driver type
static String getPortTypeName(int portType)
// we use on window...
switch (portType)
case CommPortIdentifier.PORT_PARALLEL :
return "Parallel";
case CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL :
return "Serial";
default :
return "unknown type";
* Open serial connection with COM port
* @param _port
* @throws IOException
public void openConnection(String _port) throws IOException
openConnection(_port, null);
* Open serial connection with COM port
* @param _port
* @param _pinNumber
* @throws IOException
public void openConnection(String _port, String _pinNumber) throws IOException
String port = _port;
if (_port == null) port = parameters.getPortName();
// Obtain a CommPortIdentifier object for the port you want to open.
portId = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(port);
catch (NoSuchPortException e)
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
// Open the port represented by the CommPortIdentifier object. Give
// the open call a relatively long timeout of 30 seconds to allow
// a different application to reliquish the port if the user
// wants to.
sPort = (SerialPort) portId.open("MobileAccess", 5000);
catch (PortInUseException e)
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
// Set the parameters of the connection. If they won't set, close the
// port before throwing an exception.
catch (IOException e)
throw e;
// Open the input and output streams for the connection. If they won't
// open, close the port before throwing an exception.
outStream = sPort.getOutputStream();
inStream = sPort.getInputStream();
catch (IOException e)
throw new IOException("Error opening i/o streams");
// Add this object as an event listener for the serial port.
catch (TooManyListenersException e)
throw new IOException("too many listeners added");
// Set notifyOnDataAvailable to true to allow event driven input.
// Add ownership listener to allow ownership event handling.
// init modem connection with pin number
* Initialize modem with PIN number
* @param pinNumber
private void initializeModem(String pinNumber)
atCmd("ATE0", 0, 1000); // turn off command echo
atCmd("AT+CMEE=2", 0, 500); // verbose all messages
atCmd("AT+CMGF=0", 0, 500); // set Pdu mode (default binary)
//atCmd("AT+CNMI=0,0,0,0", 0, 500);// disable indications -direct to TE?
if (pinNumber != null)
//enter pin number
atCmd("AT+CPIN=\"" + pinNumber + "\"", 0, 1000);
if (portStatus == ERROR)
logger.error("The pin number " + pinNumber + " is INCORRECT. Please try again.");
// close session!
* List open serial port
* @return Array String
public String[] listPorts()
Enumeration ports = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers();
ArrayList portList = new ArrayList();
String portArray[] = null;
while (ports.hasMoreElements())
CommPortIdentifier port = (CommPortIdentifier) ports.nextElement();
if (port.getPortType() == CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL)
portArray = (String[]) portList.toArray(new String[0]);
return portArray;
* Handles ownership events. If a PORT_OWNERSHIP_REQUESTED event is received a dialog box is created asking the user
* if they are willing to give up the port. No action is taken on other types of ownership events.
public void ownershipChange(int type)
if (type == CommPortOwnershipListener.PORT_OWNERSHIP_REQUESTED)
logger.debug("PORT_OWNERSHIP_REQUESTED received : Your port has been requested by an other application...");
else if (type == CommPortOwnershipListener.PORT_OWNED)
logger.debug("PORT_OWNED received!");
else if (type == CommPortOwnershipListener.PORT_UNOWNED)
logger.debug("PORT_UNOWNED received!");
* Sets the connection parameters to the setting in the parameters object. If set fails return the parameters object
* to origional settings and throw exception.
private void setConnectionParameters() throws IOException
// Save state of parameters before trying a set.
int oldBaudRate = sPort.getBaudRate();
int oldDatabits = sPort.getDataBits();
int oldStopbits = sPort.getStopBits();
int oldParity = sPort.getParity();
int oldFlowControl = sPort.getFlowControlMode();
// Set connection parameters, if set fails return parameters object
// to original state.
sPort.setSerialPortParams(parameters.getBaudRate(), parameters.getDatabits(), parameters.getStopbits(),
catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e)
throw new IOException("Unsupported parameter");
// Set flow control.
sPort.setFlowControlMode(parameters.getFlowControlIn() | parameters.getFlowControlOut());
sPort.enableReceiveTimeout(2000); // timeout 2s ?!
catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e)
throw new IOException("Unsupported flow control");
// To be used to send AT command via the IR/serial link to the mobile
// device (for standard AT commands use mode=0)
private synchronized int atCmd(String cmd, int mode, int timeout)
synchronized (portStatusLock)
portStatus = WAIT;
// normal end of at command
if (mode == 0) outStream.write((cmd + lfcr).getBytes());
// end of pdu <CTRL+Z>
if (mode == 1) outStream.write((cmd + "\u001A").getBytes());
// no lfcr: used for polling (just echoed back)
if (mode == 2) outStream.write((cmd).getBytes());
catch (IOException e)
// wait for response from device
// Respond time can vary for different types of AT commands and mobiles!
catch (InterruptedException e)
return OK;
* Terminates IR/Serial connection to Mobile device
public void close()
// Turn on again command echo
atCmd("ATE1", 0, 1000);
if (sPort != null)
// close the i/o streams.
catch (IOException e)
// Close the port.
// Remove the ownership listener.
* Listener Function: Data received from serial link and interpreted
public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event)
switch (event.getEventType())
case SerialPortEvent.BI :
case SerialPortEvent.OE :
case SerialPortEvent.FE :
case SerialPortEvent.PE :
case SerialPortEvent.CD :
case SerialPortEvent.CTS :
case SerialPortEvent.DSR :
case SerialPortEvent.RI :
case SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY :
case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE :
int n;
if (POLLING_FLAG == false)
while ((n = inStream.available()) > 0)
n = inStream.read(readBuffer, bufferOffset, n);
bufferOffset += n;
String sbuf = new String(readBuffer, 0, bufferOffset); // bufferOffset-2
// lfcr detected, line ready
if (((readBuffer[bufferOffset - 1] == 10) && (readBuffer[bufferOffset - 2] == 13)))
// analyzing mobile response
if ("ERROR".equals(portStatusMsg))
bufferOffset = 0;
// delay 1/10 sec
try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception ee) {}
else portStatus = ECHO;
catch (IOException e)
break; // end: case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE:
* Used for analyzing mobile response
private void lineReceived(String buffer)
String response;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(buffer, "\r\n");
rx_sms = null;
synchronized (portStatusLock)
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
response = st.nextToken();
if (response.startsWith("OK"))
portStatus = OK;
else if (response.startsWith(">"))
portStatus = WMSG;
portStatusMsg = response;
else if (response.startsWith("ERROR"))
portStatus = ERROR;
portStatusMsg = response;
else if (response.startsWith("+CME ERROR") || response.startsWith("+CMS ERROR"))
portStatus = ERROR;
portStatusMsg = response;
else if (response.startsWith("07") || response.startsWith("00"))
portStatus = RMSG;
rx_sms = new IncomingSms(response);
logger.debug("SMS received: " + rx_sms.toString());
catch (PduParseException e)
logger.error("Error receiving SMS message: unable to parse PDU:\r\n" + response);
portStatus = ERROR;
// read sms response
else if (response.startsWith("+CPMS")) // list sms SM, ME or MT
portStatus = RMSG;
portStatusMsg = response;
else if (response.startsWith("+CMGR")) // read sms OK
portStatus = RMSG;
portStatusMsg = response;
// read phonebook response
else if (response.startsWith("+CPBR")) // read index phonebook OK
portStatus = RMSG;
portStatusMsg = response;
else if (response.startsWith("+CPBS")) // read current phonebook memory OK
portStatus = RMSG;
portStatusMsg = response;
else if (response.startsWith("+CPBF")) // read find phonebook OK
portStatus = RMSG;
portStatusMsg = response;
// other tips
else if (response.startsWith("ATE0")) // snoop echo
portStatus = ECHO;
portStatusMsg = response;
* Send an SMS to number (using SMS central having number "smsc_number")
public synchronized void SendMessage(String number, String smsc_number, String msg)
// to specify specific SMS settings (character coding, sms type, ...)
int tpPid = 0x00;
int tpDcs = 0x00;
if (number.startsWith("+")) number = number.substring(1);
if (smsc_number.startsWith("+")) smsc_number = smsc_number.substring(1);
OutgoingSms pdumsg = new OutgoingSms(number, smsc_number, msg, tpPid, tpDcs);
String cmd = "AT+CMGS=" + pdumsg.length();
String pdu = pdumsg.toString();
// Delay needed -> Waiting for ">" Prompt, otherwise Error MSG!
atCmd(cmd, 0, 500);
// For some mobiles > 1000 ms!
atCmd(pdu, 1, 3500);
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Irregular SMS format");
* Send an SMS from index memory
public synchronized void SendMessageStore(int index_mem, String number)
if (number.startsWith("+")) number = number.substring(1);
// AT+CMSS= index [,da [,toda]]
String cmd = "AT+CMSS=" + index_mem + "," + number;
atCmd(cmd, 0, 3000);
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Irregular SMS format");
* Write SMS to phone/SIM memory (transmit format)
public synchronized void WriteTextMessage(String number, String smsc_number, String msg)
// to specify specific SMS settings (character coding, sms type, ...)
int tpPid = 0x00;
int tpDcs = 0x00;
if (number.startsWith("+")) number = number.substring(1);
if (smsc_number.startsWith("+")) smsc_number = smsc_number.substring(1);
OutgoingSms pdumsg = new OutgoingSms(number, smsc_number, msg, tpPid, tpDcs);
String cmd = "AT+CMGW=" + pdumsg.length();
String pdu = pdumsg.toString();
atCmd(cmd, 0, 500);
atCmd(pdu, 1, 1500);
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Irregular SMS format");
* Write SMS to phone/SIM memory (received format, write problem with some phone/SIM)
public synchronized void WriteTextUnReadMessage(String number, String smsc_number, String msg)
// to specify specific SMS settings (character coding, sms type, ...)
int tpPid = 0x00;
int tpDcs = 0x00;
if (number.startsWith("+")) number = number.substring(1);
if (smsc_number.startsWith("+")) smsc_number = smsc_number.substring(1);
OutgoingSms pdumsg = new OutgoingSms(number, smsc_number, msg, tpPid, tpDcs);
Calendar time = new GregorianCalendar();
//time.set(Calendar.MINUTE, -5);
String pdu_r = pdumsg.toString();
// Important: PDU of SMS to be stored in RECEIVED UNREAD (,0) folder
// must follow received SMS PDU format!
String cmd_r = "AT+CMGW=" + pdumsg.length() + ",0";
atCmd(cmd_r, 0, 500);
atCmd(pdu_r, 1, 1500);
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Irregular SMS format");
* Read SMS from Mobile/SIM storage having index i
public synchronized void ReadSMS(int i)
atCmd("AT+CMGR=" + i, 0, 1000); // Receive SMS
* Delete SMS from Mobile/SIM storage having index i
public synchronized void DeleteSMS(int i)
atCmd("AT+CMGD=" + i, 0, 1000); // Delete SMS
* get SMS from Mobile/SIM storage
public synchronized IncomingSms getRxMS()
return rx_sms;
* get error message & other...
public synchronized String getPortStatusMsg()
return portStatusMsg;
* get port status...
public synchronized int getPortStatus()
return portStatus;
* Get current size list of SMS strored in particulary memory example = \"ME\",\"SM\",\"MT\"
* "ME": ME phonebook
* "SM": SIM phonebook
* "MT": combined ME and SIM phonebook
* @return int Size list of sms in specific memory
public synchronized int getSizeListSMS()
atCmd("AT+CPMS=" + currentMemory, 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return 1; // index list start 1 not 0!
// parse response
String str = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf(':') + 1, portStatusMsg.length());
String[] str2 = getArrayString(str);
if (str2.length >= 2) str = str2[1]; // size used
str = str.trim();
// index current memory
indexCurrentMemory = 1; // 1 for Sms
return Integer.parseInt(str);
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return 1;
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return 1;
* Get Size list of PhoneBook strored in particulary memory :
* Commonly available phonebooks are:
* FD : SIM fixdialling-phonebook
* LD : SIM last-dialling-phonebook
* ME : ME phonebook (the indexes begin from 750 to 999)
* MT : combined ME and SIM phonebook (the indexes begin from 1 to 80)
* SM : SIM phonebook (the indexes begin from 1 to 80)
* TA : TA phonebook
* @return int Size list of Phone Book in specific memory
public synchronized int getSizeListPhoneBook()
// Check which indexes are available for reading in the selected memory
atCmd("AT+CPBR=?", 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return 1; // index list start 1 not 0!
// parse response
String str1 = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf('(')+1, portStatusMsg.indexOf('-'));
str1 = str1.trim(); // System.out.println("str1 : " + str1);
// index current memory
indexCurrentMemory = Integer.parseInt(str1);
String str2 = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf('-')+1, portStatusMsg.indexOf(')'));
str2 = str2.trim(); // System.out.println("str2 : "+ str2);
return (Integer.parseInt(str2) - Integer.parseInt(str1));
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return 1;
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return 1;
* Read PhoneBook Mobile/SIM storage having index i
public synchronized String getPhoneBook(int i)
atCmd("AT+CPBR=" + i, 0, 1000); // get PhoneBook index i
String book = "";
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return book;
// parse reponse... +CPBR: 750,"33600000000",145,"TOTO"
book = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf(':')+1, portStatusMsg.length());
book = book.trim();
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return "";
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return "";
// return string of phone book
return book;
* Search PhoneBook from Mobile/SIM storage, example : "A"
public synchronized String SearchPhoneBook(String search_name)
atCmd("AT+CPBF="+"\""+search_name+"\"", 0, 1000); // Search PhoneBook
String book = "";
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return book;
// parse reponse... +CPBF: 750,"33600000000",145,"TOTO"
book = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf(':')+1, portStatusMsg.length());
book = book.trim();
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return "";
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return "";
// return string of phone book
return book;
* Write PhoneBook to phone/SIM memory (received format, write problem with some phone/SIM)
public synchronized boolean WritePhoneBookMessage(int index, String number, int type, String name)
//if (number.startsWith("+")) number = number.substring(1);
// Write phone number and name in phonebook index
String cmd_r = "AT+CPBW="+ index+ "," +"\""+ number +"\""+ ","+type+ "," +"\""+name+"\",0";
// Confirm what we have just written
String cmd_c = "AT+CPBR="+ index;
// send write command phone book
atCmd(cmd_r, 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return false;
// confirm write command phone book
atCmd(cmd_c, 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return false;
// parse reponse... +CPBR: 750,"33600000000",145,"TOTO"
String book = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf(':')+1, portStatusMsg.length());
book = book.trim();
// same request ?
if (book.equals(cmd_r)) return true;
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return false;
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return false;
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Irregular PhoneBook format");
return false;
* Delete PhoneBook from Mobile/SIM storage having index i
public synchronized void DeletePhoneBook(int i)
atCmd("AT+CPBW=" + i, 0, 1000); // Delete Phone Book index
* Method getPhoneBookMemory
* @return String Name of current phonebook memory
public synchronized String getPhoneBookMemory()
String memory ="";
// ask memory
atCmd("AT+CPBS?", 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return memory;
memory = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf('"'), portStatusMsg.indexOf('"')+4);
memory = memory.trim();
currentMemory = memory;
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return "";
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return "";
return memory;
* Method getSmsMemory
* @return String Name of current sms memory
public synchronized String getSmsMemory()
String memory ="";
// ask memory
atCmd("AT+CPMS?", 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return memory;
memory = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf('"'), portStatusMsg.indexOf('"')+4);
memory = memory.trim();
currentMemory = memory;
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return "";
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return "";
return memory;
* Init current phone book memory
* @param typeStore
* @return boolean true if memory is initialized
public synchronized boolean initializePhoneBookMemory(String typeStore)
boolean initOk = true;
// inint memory
atCmd("AT+CPBS=" + typeStore, 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return false;
// set current type memory
currentMemory = typeStore;
return initOk;
* Init current sms memory
* @param typeStore
* @return boolean true if memory is initialized
public synchronized boolean initializeSmsMemory(String typeStore)
boolean initOk = true;
// inint memory
atCmd("AT+CPMS=" + typeStore, 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return false;
// set current type memory
currentMemory = typeStore;
return initOk;
* Get index of the current memory
* @return int
public int getIndexMemory()
return this.indexCurrentMemory;
* Method getArrayString
* @param response
* @return String[]
private static String[] getArrayString(String _str)
// test _str
if (_str == null) return new String[0];
StringTokenizer b_stk = new StringTokenizer(_str, ",");
String[] str = new String[b_stk.countTokens()];
int count = 0;
while (b_stk.hasMoreTokens()) str[count++] = b_stk.nextToken();
return str;
* Main method SMS client.
public static void main(String[] args)
// Config serial port parameters!
SerialParameters params = new SerialParameters();
params.setPortName("COM6"); // default COM1
params.setBaudRate(115200); // default 115200
params.setFlowControlIn(SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_NONE); // default none flowcontrol
params.setFlowControlOut(SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_NONE); // default none flowcontrol
params.setDatabits(SerialPort.DATABITS_8); // default data bits 8
params.setStopbits(SerialPort.STOPBITS_1); // default stop bits 1
params.setParity(SerialPort.PARITY_NONE); // default none parity bits 1
// object sms client
Sms sms = new Sms(params);
// give time for the modem to warm up
//try { Thread.sleep(5000); }
//catch(InterruptedException ie){}
System.out.println("Driver loading... " + sms.initializeWinDrivers());
//lets use a single SerialComm object to initialize everything
String[] portArray = sms.listPorts();
System.out.println("Number of ports detected: " + portArray.length);
for (int i = 0; i < portArray.length; i++)
System.out.println("OPEN serial Port : " + portArray[i]);
// open connection serial port
sms.openConnection("COM6");//, "1111"); // COM1, optional pin code
// Send a SMS with short message service center (french smsc by example...)
// Bouygues Telecom smsc = 33660003000
// Orange smsc = 33689004000
// SFR smsc = 33609001390
//sms.SendMessage("3361xxxxxxx", "33660003000", "Testing Network connection");
//sms.SendMessage("62xxx", "33660003000", "CONTACT"); // call sms+ french service
// store sms on SIM memory! (SM)
//sms.WriteTextMessage("336xxxxxxxx", "33660003000", "coucou");
// store sms on SIM memory! (ME) (simulated receive sms unread in test!)
//sms.WriteTextUnReadMessage("336xxxxxxxx", "33660003000", "test1");
// last message status ?
//if (sms.getPortStatus() == ERROR) System.out.println("----> Error : SMS not SEND !");
//else if (sms.getPortStatus() == OK) System.out.println("----> Ok : SMS SEND - check folder on SIM!");
// init write memory sms "\"ME\",\"SM\",\"MT\"
boolean initMemSms = sms.initializeSmsMemory("\"SM\"");
System.out.println("Init Sms Memory : "+initMemSms);
// get size sms storage
int len_sms = sms.getSizeListSMS();
System.out.println("Size stored SMS : "+len_sms);
// start index is 1 !?
int index_sms = sms.getIndexMemory();
for(int i=index_sms; i<=len_sms; i++)
// read sms
// test if last message is a error
if (sms.getPortStatusMsg().startsWith("+CMS ERROR")) break;
// get incoming sms
IncomingSms in_sms = sms.getRxMS();
if (in_sms != null)
System.out.println("\nSMS received : "+in_sms.toString());
else System.out.println("\nProblem SMS received !!!");
// Get current memory used for book!
String memoryBook = sms.getPhoneBookMemory();
System.out.println("PhoneBook memory : "+memoryBook);
boolean initMemBook = sms.initializePhoneBookMemory("\"SM\"");
System.out.println("Init PhoneBook Memory : "+initMemBook);
int len_book = sms.getSizeListPhoneBook();
System.out.println("Size stored PhoneBook : "+len_book);
// get index of current memory
int index_book = sms.getIndexMemory();
String book_old = "";
for(int i=index_book; i<=len_book; i++)
// read phone book
String book = sms.getPhoneBook(i);
if (book_old.equals(book)) break; // same response each time!
else book_old = book;
System.out.println("Phone Book : '"+book+"'");
// index , phone number, type, name
//sms.WritePhoneBookMessage(8, "0xxxxxxxx", 129, "test one");
catch (IOException e)
System.err.println("Communication problem :" + e);
// close connection to serial port / modem
try { sms.close(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) {}
-package javax.comm does not exit
-package org.apache.log4j does not exit
-cannot find symbol class logger
voici le code
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TooManyListenersException;
import javax.comm.CommDriver;
import javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier;
import javax.comm.CommPortOwnershipListener;
import javax.comm.NoSuchPortException;
import javax.comm.PortInUseException;
import javax.comm.SerialPort;
import javax.comm.SerialPortEvent;
import javax.comm.SerialPortEventListener;
import javax.comm.UnsupportedCommOperationException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
/class Sms implements SerialPortEventListener, CommPortOwnershipListener
* Instance Object Logger
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Sms.class);
* Constance status
public static final int SC_OK = 0;
public static final int SC_ERROR = 1;
public static final int SC_PDU_PARSE_ERROR = 2;
* Flux I/O
private OutputStream outStream;
private InputStream inStream;
* Read incoming SMS from SIM
public IncomingSms rx_sms = null;
* Config Serial Port
private SerialParameters parameters;
* Communication scan port
private CommPortIdentifier portId;
* Communication in serial port
private SerialPort sPort;
* Status comm port
public int portStatus = OK;
private static Boolean portStatusLock = new Boolean(true);
private boolean POLLING_FLAG;
private String portStatusMsg = "";
* Type of response
private static final int OK = 1;
private static final int WAIT = 2;
private static final int ERROR = 3;
private static final int WMSG = 4;
private static final int RMSG = 5;
private static final int ECHO = 6;
private static final int TIMEOUT = 7;
* Buffer serial incoming event
private byte[] readBuffer = new byte[20000];
private int bufferOffset = 0; // serialEvent
private static final String lfcr = "\r\n";
* Default index memory is 1
private int indexCurrentMemory = 1;
* Default memory is "SM"
private String currentMemory = "\"SM\"";
* Constructor!
* @param parameters
public Sms(SerialParameters parameters)
this.parameters = parameters;
* Initialize driver to be able to connect to serial port
* incase application is running from Windows
* as u might expect no driver initialization is required on linux
* ensure you initialize only once on Windows so as to avoid multiple port enumeration
* @return String "suncessful" or "failure"
public String initializeWinDrivers()
String drivername = "com.sun.comm.Win32Driver";
CommDriver driver = (CommDriver) Class.forName(drivername).newInstance();
return "successful";
catch (Throwable th)
// Discard it
return "failure";
* Return type of serial port (depend type of driver!) Driver=com.sun.comm.Win32Driver (window)
* Driver=gnu.io.RXTXCommDriver (all platform)
* @param portType
* @return String with driver type
static String getPortTypeName(int portType)
// we use on window...
switch (portType)
case CommPortIdentifier.PORT_PARALLEL :
return "Parallel";
case CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL :
return "Serial";
default :
return "unknown type";
* Open serial connection with COM port
* @param _port
* @throws IOException
public void openConnection(String _port) throws IOException
openConnection(_port, null);
* Open serial connection with COM port
* @param _port
* @param _pinNumber
* @throws IOException
public void openConnection(String _port, String _pinNumber) throws IOException
String port = _port;
if (_port == null) port = parameters.getPortName();
// Obtain a CommPortIdentifier object for the port you want to open.
portId = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(port);
catch (NoSuchPortException e)
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
// Open the port represented by the CommPortIdentifier object. Give
// the open call a relatively long timeout of 30 seconds to allow
// a different application to reliquish the port if the user
// wants to.
sPort = (SerialPort) portId.open("MobileAccess", 5000);
catch (PortInUseException e)
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
// Set the parameters of the connection. If they won't set, close the
// port before throwing an exception.
catch (IOException e)
throw e;
// Open the input and output streams for the connection. If they won't
// open, close the port before throwing an exception.
outStream = sPort.getOutputStream();
inStream = sPort.getInputStream();
catch (IOException e)
throw new IOException("Error opening i/o streams");
// Add this object as an event listener for the serial port.
catch (TooManyListenersException e)
throw new IOException("too many listeners added");
// Set notifyOnDataAvailable to true to allow event driven input.
// Add ownership listener to allow ownership event handling.
// init modem connection with pin number
* Initialize modem with PIN number
* @param pinNumber
private void initializeModem(String pinNumber)
atCmd("ATE0", 0, 1000); // turn off command echo
atCmd("AT+CMEE=2", 0, 500); // verbose all messages
atCmd("AT+CMGF=0", 0, 500); // set Pdu mode (default binary)
//atCmd("AT+CNMI=0,0,0,0", 0, 500);// disable indications -direct to TE?
if (pinNumber != null)
//enter pin number
atCmd("AT+CPIN=\"" + pinNumber + "\"", 0, 1000);
if (portStatus == ERROR)
logger.error("The pin number " + pinNumber + " is INCORRECT. Please try again.");
// close session!
* List open serial port
* @return Array String
public String[] listPorts()
Enumeration ports = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers();
ArrayList portList = new ArrayList();
String portArray[] = null;
while (ports.hasMoreElements())
CommPortIdentifier port = (CommPortIdentifier) ports.nextElement();
if (port.getPortType() == CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL)
portArray = (String[]) portList.toArray(new String[0]);
return portArray;
* Handles ownership events. If a PORT_OWNERSHIP_REQUESTED event is received a dialog box is created asking the user
* if they are willing to give up the port. No action is taken on other types of ownership events.
public void ownershipChange(int type)
if (type == CommPortOwnershipListener.PORT_OWNERSHIP_REQUESTED)
logger.debug("PORT_OWNERSHIP_REQUESTED received : Your port has been requested by an other application...");
else if (type == CommPortOwnershipListener.PORT_OWNED)
logger.debug("PORT_OWNED received!");
else if (type == CommPortOwnershipListener.PORT_UNOWNED)
logger.debug("PORT_UNOWNED received!");
* Sets the connection parameters to the setting in the parameters object. If set fails return the parameters object
* to origional settings and throw exception.
private void setConnectionParameters() throws IOException
// Save state of parameters before trying a set.
int oldBaudRate = sPort.getBaudRate();
int oldDatabits = sPort.getDataBits();
int oldStopbits = sPort.getStopBits();
int oldParity = sPort.getParity();
int oldFlowControl = sPort.getFlowControlMode();
// Set connection parameters, if set fails return parameters object
// to original state.
sPort.setSerialPortParams(parameters.getBaudRate(), parameters.getDatabits(), parameters.getStopbits(),
catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e)
throw new IOException("Unsupported parameter");
// Set flow control.
sPort.setFlowControlMode(parameters.getFlowControlIn() | parameters.getFlowControlOut());
sPort.enableReceiveTimeout(2000); // timeout 2s ?!
catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e)
throw new IOException("Unsupported flow control");
// To be used to send AT command via the IR/serial link to the mobile
// device (for standard AT commands use mode=0)
private synchronized int atCmd(String cmd, int mode, int timeout)
synchronized (portStatusLock)
portStatus = WAIT;
// normal end of at command
if (mode == 0) outStream.write((cmd + lfcr).getBytes());
// end of pdu <CTRL+Z>
if (mode == 1) outStream.write((cmd + "\u001A").getBytes());
// no lfcr: used for polling (just echoed back)
if (mode == 2) outStream.write((cmd).getBytes());
catch (IOException e)
// wait for response from device
// Respond time can vary for different types of AT commands and mobiles!
catch (InterruptedException e)
return OK;
* Terminates IR/Serial connection to Mobile device
public void close()
// Turn on again command echo
atCmd("ATE1", 0, 1000);
if (sPort != null)
// close the i/o streams.
catch (IOException e)
// Close the port.
// Remove the ownership listener.
* Listener Function: Data received from serial link and interpreted
public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event)
switch (event.getEventType())
case SerialPortEvent.BI :
case SerialPortEvent.OE :
case SerialPortEvent.FE :
case SerialPortEvent.PE :
case SerialPortEvent.CD :
case SerialPortEvent.CTS :
case SerialPortEvent.DSR :
case SerialPortEvent.RI :
case SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY :
case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE :
int n;
if (POLLING_FLAG == false)
while ((n = inStream.available()) > 0)
n = inStream.read(readBuffer, bufferOffset, n);
bufferOffset += n;
String sbuf = new String(readBuffer, 0, bufferOffset); // bufferOffset-2
// lfcr detected, line ready
if (((readBuffer[bufferOffset - 1] == 10) && (readBuffer[bufferOffset - 2] == 13)))
// analyzing mobile response
if ("ERROR".equals(portStatusMsg))
bufferOffset = 0;
// delay 1/10 sec
try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception ee) {}
else portStatus = ECHO;
catch (IOException e)
break; // end: case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE:
* Used for analyzing mobile response
private void lineReceived(String buffer)
String response;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(buffer, "\r\n");
rx_sms = null;
synchronized (portStatusLock)
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
response = st.nextToken();
if (response.startsWith("OK"))
portStatus = OK;
else if (response.startsWith(">"))
portStatus = WMSG;
portStatusMsg = response;
else if (response.startsWith("ERROR"))
portStatus = ERROR;
portStatusMsg = response;
else if (response.startsWith("+CME ERROR") || response.startsWith("+CMS ERROR"))
portStatus = ERROR;
portStatusMsg = response;
else if (response.startsWith("07") || response.startsWith("00"))
portStatus = RMSG;
rx_sms = new IncomingSms(response);
logger.debug("SMS received: " + rx_sms.toString());
catch (PduParseException e)
logger.error("Error receiving SMS message: unable to parse PDU:\r\n" + response);
portStatus = ERROR;
// read sms response
else if (response.startsWith("+CPMS")) // list sms SM, ME or MT
portStatus = RMSG;
portStatusMsg = response;
else if (response.startsWith("+CMGR")) // read sms OK
portStatus = RMSG;
portStatusMsg = response;
// read phonebook response
else if (response.startsWith("+CPBR")) // read index phonebook OK
portStatus = RMSG;
portStatusMsg = response;
else if (response.startsWith("+CPBS")) // read current phonebook memory OK
portStatus = RMSG;
portStatusMsg = response;
else if (response.startsWith("+CPBF")) // read find phonebook OK
portStatus = RMSG;
portStatusMsg = response;
// other tips
else if (response.startsWith("ATE0")) // snoop echo
portStatus = ECHO;
portStatusMsg = response;
* Send an SMS to number (using SMS central having number "smsc_number")
public synchronized void SendMessage(String number, String smsc_number, String msg)
// to specify specific SMS settings (character coding, sms type, ...)
int tpPid = 0x00;
int tpDcs = 0x00;
if (number.startsWith("+")) number = number.substring(1);
if (smsc_number.startsWith("+")) smsc_number = smsc_number.substring(1);
OutgoingSms pdumsg = new OutgoingSms(number, smsc_number, msg, tpPid, tpDcs);
String cmd = "AT+CMGS=" + pdumsg.length();
String pdu = pdumsg.toString();
// Delay needed -> Waiting for ">" Prompt, otherwise Error MSG!
atCmd(cmd, 0, 500);
// For some mobiles > 1000 ms!
atCmd(pdu, 1, 3500);
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Irregular SMS format");
* Send an SMS from index memory
public synchronized void SendMessageStore(int index_mem, String number)
if (number.startsWith("+")) number = number.substring(1);
// AT+CMSS= index [,da [,toda]]
String cmd = "AT+CMSS=" + index_mem + "," + number;
atCmd(cmd, 0, 3000);
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Irregular SMS format");
* Write SMS to phone/SIM memory (transmit format)
public synchronized void WriteTextMessage(String number, String smsc_number, String msg)
// to specify specific SMS settings (character coding, sms type, ...)
int tpPid = 0x00;
int tpDcs = 0x00;
if (number.startsWith("+")) number = number.substring(1);
if (smsc_number.startsWith("+")) smsc_number = smsc_number.substring(1);
OutgoingSms pdumsg = new OutgoingSms(number, smsc_number, msg, tpPid, tpDcs);
String cmd = "AT+CMGW=" + pdumsg.length();
String pdu = pdumsg.toString();
atCmd(cmd, 0, 500);
atCmd(pdu, 1, 1500);
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Irregular SMS format");
* Write SMS to phone/SIM memory (received format, write problem with some phone/SIM)
public synchronized void WriteTextUnReadMessage(String number, String smsc_number, String msg)
// to specify specific SMS settings (character coding, sms type, ...)
int tpPid = 0x00;
int tpDcs = 0x00;
if (number.startsWith("+")) number = number.substring(1);
if (smsc_number.startsWith("+")) smsc_number = smsc_number.substring(1);
OutgoingSms pdumsg = new OutgoingSms(number, smsc_number, msg, tpPid, tpDcs);
Calendar time = new GregorianCalendar();
//time.set(Calendar.MINUTE, -5);
String pdu_r = pdumsg.toString();
// Important: PDU of SMS to be stored in RECEIVED UNREAD (,0) folder
// must follow received SMS PDU format!
String cmd_r = "AT+CMGW=" + pdumsg.length() + ",0";
atCmd(cmd_r, 0, 500);
atCmd(pdu_r, 1, 1500);
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Irregular SMS format");
* Read SMS from Mobile/SIM storage having index i
public synchronized void ReadSMS(int i)
atCmd("AT+CMGR=" + i, 0, 1000); // Receive SMS
* Delete SMS from Mobile/SIM storage having index i
public synchronized void DeleteSMS(int i)
atCmd("AT+CMGD=" + i, 0, 1000); // Delete SMS
* get SMS from Mobile/SIM storage
public synchronized IncomingSms getRxMS()
return rx_sms;
* get error message & other...
public synchronized String getPortStatusMsg()
return portStatusMsg;
* get port status...
public synchronized int getPortStatus()
return portStatus;
* Get current size list of SMS strored in particulary memory example = \"ME\",\"SM\",\"MT\"
* "ME": ME phonebook
* "SM": SIM phonebook
* "MT": combined ME and SIM phonebook
* @return int Size list of sms in specific memory
public synchronized int getSizeListSMS()
atCmd("AT+CPMS=" + currentMemory, 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return 1; // index list start 1 not 0!
// parse response
String str = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf(':') + 1, portStatusMsg.length());
String[] str2 = getArrayString(str);
if (str2.length >= 2) str = str2[1]; // size used
str = str.trim();
// index current memory
indexCurrentMemory = 1; // 1 for Sms
return Integer.parseInt(str);
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return 1;
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return 1;
* Get Size list of PhoneBook strored in particulary memory :
* Commonly available phonebooks are:
* FD : SIM fixdialling-phonebook
* LD : SIM last-dialling-phonebook
* ME : ME phonebook (the indexes begin from 750 to 999)
* MT : combined ME and SIM phonebook (the indexes begin from 1 to 80)
* SM : SIM phonebook (the indexes begin from 1 to 80)
* TA : TA phonebook
* @return int Size list of Phone Book in specific memory
public synchronized int getSizeListPhoneBook()
// Check which indexes are available for reading in the selected memory
atCmd("AT+CPBR=?", 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return 1; // index list start 1 not 0!
// parse response
String str1 = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf('(')+1, portStatusMsg.indexOf('-'));
str1 = str1.trim(); // System.out.println("str1 : " + str1);
// index current memory
indexCurrentMemory = Integer.parseInt(str1);
String str2 = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf('-')+1, portStatusMsg.indexOf(')'));
str2 = str2.trim(); // System.out.println("str2 : "+ str2);
return (Integer.parseInt(str2) - Integer.parseInt(str1));
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return 1;
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return 1;
* Read PhoneBook Mobile/SIM storage having index i
public synchronized String getPhoneBook(int i)
atCmd("AT+CPBR=" + i, 0, 1000); // get PhoneBook index i
String book = "";
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return book;
// parse reponse... +CPBR: 750,"33600000000",145,"TOTO"
book = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf(':')+1, portStatusMsg.length());
book = book.trim();
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return "";
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return "";
// return string of phone book
return book;
* Search PhoneBook from Mobile/SIM storage, example : "A"
public synchronized String SearchPhoneBook(String search_name)
atCmd("AT+CPBF="+"\""+search_name+"\"", 0, 1000); // Search PhoneBook
String book = "";
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return book;
// parse reponse... +CPBF: 750,"33600000000",145,"TOTO"
book = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf(':')+1, portStatusMsg.length());
book = book.trim();
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return "";
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return "";
// return string of phone book
return book;
* Write PhoneBook to phone/SIM memory (received format, write problem with some phone/SIM)
public synchronized boolean WritePhoneBookMessage(int index, String number, int type, String name)
//if (number.startsWith("+")) number = number.substring(1);
// Write phone number and name in phonebook index
String cmd_r = "AT+CPBW="+ index+ "," +"\""+ number +"\""+ ","+type+ "," +"\""+name+"\",0";
// Confirm what we have just written
String cmd_c = "AT+CPBR="+ index;
// send write command phone book
atCmd(cmd_r, 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return false;
// confirm write command phone book
atCmd(cmd_c, 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return false;
// parse reponse... +CPBR: 750,"33600000000",145,"TOTO"
String book = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf(':')+1, portStatusMsg.length());
book = book.trim();
// same request ?
if (book.equals(cmd_r)) return true;
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return false;
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return false;
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Irregular PhoneBook format");
return false;
* Delete PhoneBook from Mobile/SIM storage having index i
public synchronized void DeletePhoneBook(int i)
atCmd("AT+CPBW=" + i, 0, 1000); // Delete Phone Book index
* Method getPhoneBookMemory
* @return String Name of current phonebook memory
public synchronized String getPhoneBookMemory()
String memory ="";
// ask memory
atCmd("AT+CPBS?", 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return memory;
memory = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf('"'), portStatusMsg.indexOf('"')+4);
memory = memory.trim();
currentMemory = memory;
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return "";
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return "";
return memory;
* Method getSmsMemory
* @return String Name of current sms memory
public synchronized String getSmsMemory()
String memory ="";
// ask memory
atCmd("AT+CPMS?", 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return memory;
memory = portStatusMsg.substring(portStatusMsg.indexOf('"'), portStatusMsg.indexOf('"')+4);
memory = memory.trim();
currentMemory = memory;
catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return "";
catch (NumberFormatException ee)
return "";
return memory;
* Init current phone book memory
* @param typeStore
* @return boolean true if memory is initialized
public synchronized boolean initializePhoneBookMemory(String typeStore)
boolean initOk = true;
// inint memory
atCmd("AT+CPBS=" + typeStore, 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return false;
// set current type memory
currentMemory = typeStore;
return initOk;
* Init current sms memory
* @param typeStore
* @return boolean true if memory is initialized
public synchronized boolean initializeSmsMemory(String typeStore)
boolean initOk = true;
// inint memory
atCmd("AT+CPMS=" + typeStore, 0, 500);
// receive error message ?
if (portStatus == ERROR) return false;
// set current type memory
currentMemory = typeStore;
return initOk;
* Get index of the current memory
* @return int
public int getIndexMemory()
return this.indexCurrentMemory;
* Method getArrayString
* @param response
* @return String[]
private static String[] getArrayString(String _str)
// test _str
if (_str == null) return new String[0];
StringTokenizer b_stk = new StringTokenizer(_str, ",");
String[] str = new String[b_stk.countTokens()];
int count = 0;
while (b_stk.hasMoreTokens()) str[count++] = b_stk.nextToken();
return str;
* Main method SMS client.
public static void main(String[] args)
// Config serial port parameters!
SerialParameters params = new SerialParameters();
params.setPortName("COM6"); // default COM1
params.setBaudRate(115200); // default 115200
params.setFlowControlIn(SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_NONE); // default none flowcontrol
params.setFlowControlOut(SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_NONE); // default none flowcontrol
params.setDatabits(SerialPort.DATABITS_8); // default data bits 8
params.setStopbits(SerialPort.STOPBITS_1); // default stop bits 1
params.setParity(SerialPort.PARITY_NONE); // default none parity bits 1
// object sms client
Sms sms = new Sms(params);
// give time for the modem to warm up
//try { Thread.sleep(5000); }
//catch(InterruptedException ie){}
System.out.println("Driver loading... " + sms.initializeWinDrivers());
//lets use a single SerialComm object to initialize everything
String[] portArray = sms.listPorts();
System.out.println("Number of ports detected: " + portArray.length);
for (int i = 0; i < portArray.length; i++)
System.out.println("OPEN serial Port : " + portArray[i]);
// open connection serial port
sms.openConnection("COM6");//, "1111"); // COM1, optional pin code
// Send a SMS with short message service center (french smsc by example...)
// Bouygues Telecom smsc = 33660003000
// Orange smsc = 33689004000
// SFR smsc = 33609001390
//sms.SendMessage("3361xxxxxxx", "33660003000", "Testing Network connection");
//sms.SendMessage("62xxx", "33660003000", "CONTACT"); // call sms+ french service
// store sms on SIM memory! (SM)
//sms.WriteTextMessage("336xxxxxxxx", "33660003000", "coucou");
// store sms on SIM memory! (ME) (simulated receive sms unread in test!)
//sms.WriteTextUnReadMessage("336xxxxxxxx", "33660003000", "test1");
// last message status ?
//if (sms.getPortStatus() == ERROR) System.out.println("----> Error : SMS not SEND !");
//else if (sms.getPortStatus() == OK) System.out.println("----> Ok : SMS SEND - check folder on SIM!");
// init write memory sms "\"ME\",\"SM\",\"MT\"
boolean initMemSms = sms.initializeSmsMemory("\"SM\"");
System.out.println("Init Sms Memory : "+initMemSms);
// get size sms storage
int len_sms = sms.getSizeListSMS();
System.out.println("Size stored SMS : "+len_sms);
// start index is 1 !?
int index_sms = sms.getIndexMemory();
for(int i=index_sms; i<=len_sms; i++)
// read sms
// test if last message is a error
if (sms.getPortStatusMsg().startsWith("+CMS ERROR")) break;
// get incoming sms
IncomingSms in_sms = sms.getRxMS();
if (in_sms != null)
System.out.println("\nSMS received : "+in_sms.toString());
else System.out.println("\nProblem SMS received !!!");
// Get current memory used for book!
String memoryBook = sms.getPhoneBookMemory();
System.out.println("PhoneBook memory : "+memoryBook);
boolean initMemBook = sms.initializePhoneBookMemory("\"SM\"");
System.out.println("Init PhoneBook Memory : "+initMemBook);
int len_book = sms.getSizeListPhoneBook();
System.out.println("Size stored PhoneBook : "+len_book);
// get index of current memory
int index_book = sms.getIndexMemory();
String book_old = "";
for(int i=index_book; i<=len_book; i++)
// read phone book
String book = sms.getPhoneBook(i);
if (book_old.equals(book)) break; // same response each time!
else book_old = book;
System.out.println("Phone Book : '"+book+"'");
// index , phone number, type, name
//sms.WritePhoneBookMessage(8, "0xxxxxxxx", 129, "test one");
catch (IOException e)
System.err.println("Communication problem :" + e);
// close connection to serial port / modem
try { sms.close(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) {}
pour pouvoir envoyer un sms, il faut réalisé un programme qui envoie des sms via le modem d'un téléphone portable, pour cela il faut savoir communiquer sur un port série, "le commAPI de sun par exemple qui est une bonne base si le programme est en java" et aussi bien connaitre les commandes AT.
pour envoyer le sms t'aura toujours besoin d'un telephone avec un abonnement, et le sms te sera compté de ton forfait "le prix d'un sms"
pour pouvoir envoyer un sms, il faut réalisé un programme qui envoie des sms via le modem d'un téléphone portable, pour cela il faut savoir communiquer sur un port série, "le commAPI de sun par exemple qui est une bonne base si le programme est en java" et aussi bien connaitre les commandes AT.
pour envoyer le sms t'aura toujours besoin d'un telephone avec un abonnement, et le sms te sera compté de ton forfait "le prix d'un sms"
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 17 avril 2008
Dernière intervention
18 avril 2008
18 avril 2008 à 00:46
18 avril 2008 à 00:46
tu pourais m'informer Stp sur les étapes qu'il faut suivre pour certifier son application ??
mon e-mail ==> ABD_EST@hotmail.fr
mon e-mail ==> ABD_EST@hotmail.fr
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mercredi 26 mai 2004
Dernière intervention
18 septembre 2009
18 juil. 2005 à 09:43
18 juil. 2005 à 09:43
seconde solution passer pas un site internet qui propose l'envoie de sms gratuit.
Cependant il va falloir verifier qu'ils ne trackent pas les robots.
Cependant il va falloir verifier qu'ils ne trackent pas les robots.
Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?
Posez votre question
Bonsoir à tous,
apparement ce site propose ce que tout le monde cherche desesperement
apparement ce site propose ce que tout le monde cherche desesperement
dans le cadre de mon premier stage, j'ai utlisé une API existante sur sourceforge qui s'appelle jSMSEngine. Elle contient les classes nécessaires à la réception et à l'envoi de SMS via une répertoire. Je l'ai essayée, elle marche correctement même si la configuration du bon port est parfois laborieuse.
dans le cadre de mon premier stage, j'ai utlisé une API existante sur sourceforge qui s'appelle jSMSEngine. Elle contient les classes nécessaires à la réception et à l'envoi de SMS via une répertoire. Je l'ai essayée, elle marche correctement même si la configuration du bon port est parfois laborieuse.
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 17 avril 2008
Dernière intervention
18 avril 2008
18 avril 2008 à 00:43
18 avril 2008 à 00:43
STP tu pourais m'envoyer ton code source sur mon adresse e-mail pour que je puisse le comparer avec le mien ??
je travaille sur une application du même genre.
Merci d'avance.
mon e-mail ==> ABD_EST@hotmail.fr
je travaille sur une application du même genre.
Merci d'avance.
mon e-mail ==> ABD_EST@hotmail.fr
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 17 avril 2008
Dernière intervention
18 avril 2008
1 août 2009 à 22:22
1 août 2009 à 22:22
j'ai une application comme la votre sur l'envoie des sms en utilisant java, pouvez vous m'envoyer votre code et merci
j'ai une application comme la votre sur l'envoie des sms en utilisant java, pouvez vous m'envoyer votre code et merci
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 24 octobre 2013
Dernière intervention
24 octobre 2013
24 oct. 2013 à 16:11
24 oct. 2013 à 16:11
STP tu pourais m'envoyer ton code source sur mon adresse e-mail pour que je puisse le comparer avec le mien ? je travaille sur une application du même genre.
Merci d'avance.
mon email tonfelawrence@yahoo.fr
Merci d'avance.
mon email tonfelawrence@yahoo.fr
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
vendredi 6 juillet 2007
Dernière intervention
8 avril 2016
12 août 2008 à 03:21
12 août 2008 à 03:21
Dans ce cas, il faut indiquer le chemin de ces packages dans le classpath....je ne savais pas que sa existait le package comm, j aurais cru a une erreur de syntaxe...tout le monde peut se tromper xD
Pour indiquer le chemin dans le classpath, soit tu configure la variable d'environnement $CLASSPATH, soit en compilant tu indique avec --classpath:chemin_vers_le_package
Pour indiquer le chemin dans le classpath, soit tu configure la variable d'environnement $CLASSPATH, soit en compilant tu indique avec --classpath:chemin_vers_le_package
Hola tout le monde voici l application en question
elle necessite une conection internet
Je l utilise sur mon PocketPC et fonctionne parfaitement
Via WIFI (GRATUIT) ou en absence de celui en 3g ou GPRS -->
Cout conection pas -->avantageux du tout
celity freeSMS
je comme unique
nous comme union
tchao Dookstyle
elle necessite une conection internet
Je l utilise sur mon PocketPC et fonctionne parfaitement
Via WIFI (GRATUIT) ou en absence de celui en 3g ou GPRS -->
Cout conection pas -->avantageux du tout
celity freeSMS
je comme unique
nous comme union
tchao Dookstyle
bjr a tous, mois c imene de l'algerie "relizane" j'aimerais bien savoir comment voter, et je passe le grand bjour a amel b et a touts les condidats
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 7 avril 2008
Dernière intervention
9 avril 2008
9 avril 2008 à 11:40
9 avril 2008 à 11:40
slt a tous c salah de annaba il faut le BAC cette anneé ci non elharga vive sardinia
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
vendredi 6 juillet 2007
Dernière intervention
8 avril 2016
9 avril 2008 à 11:49
9 avril 2008 à 11:49
On s'éloigne du sujet nn?????
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
vendredi 6 juillet 2007
Dernière intervention
8 avril 2016
3 août 2008 à 17:58
3 août 2008 à 17:58
Premiere erreur: com s'écrit avec un seul m.
Et il faut que tu installe les packages log4j
Et il faut que tu installe les packages log4j
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mardi 19 février 2008
Dernière intervention
9 avril 2009
5 août 2008 à 19:41
5 août 2008 à 19:41
en faite g n'arrive pas àconfigurer les packages telle que javax.com ou encore le package RMI.Merci d'avance de m'aider