{SQL Server} retauration et sauvgarde exercices+Co
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 13 novembre 2008
Dernière intervention
21 janvier 2010
20 déc. 2009 à 15:57
holow1 Messages postés 680 Date d'inscription lundi 21 décembre 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 7 décembre 2012 - 25 déc. 2009 à 22:45
holow1 Messages postés 680 Date d'inscription lundi 21 décembre 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 7 décembre 2012 - 25 déc. 2009 à 22:45
A voir également:
- {SQL Server} retauration et sauvgarde exercices+Co
- Ps3 media server - Télécharger - Divers Réseau & Wi-Fi
- Filezilla server - Télécharger - Téléchargement & Transfert
- Co abonnement - Accueil - Services en ligne
- Mysql community server - Télécharger - Bases de données
- Serviio media server - Télécharger - TV & Vidéo
8 réponses
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 21 décembre 2009
Dernière intervention
7 décembre 2012
24 déc. 2009 à 23:55
24 déc. 2009 à 23:55
bonjour ,
ici ichigosama http://ifile.it/dl
ici ichigosama http://ifile.it/dl
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 21 décembre 2009
Dernière intervention
7 décembre 2012
21 déc. 2009 à 02:50
21 déc. 2009 à 02:50
voire ce lien http://www.supinfo-projects.com/fr/2006/sauvegarde_restaure_sql_2005/2/ et bon courage pour tes etudes
voire ce lien http://www.supinfo-projects.com/fr/2006/sauvegarde_restaure_sql_2005/2/ et bon courage pour tes etudes
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 13 novembre 2008
Dernière intervention
21 janvier 2010
21 déc. 2009 à 19:59
21 déc. 2009 à 19:59
merci bcp Mr holow, c'etait tres utile votre reponse;
mais j'espere avoir des exercices de stratégies de savgeguarde et de restauration
mais j'espere avoir des exercices de stratégies de savgeguarde et de restauration
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 13 novembre 2008
Dernière intervention
21 janvier 2010
22 déc. 2009 à 11:55
22 déc. 2009 à 11:55
non :-( "www.afager.com" ca marche pas ce site n'existe pas
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Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 21 décembre 2009
Dernière intervention
7 décembre 2012
24 déc. 2009 à 03:32
24 déc. 2009 à 03:32
Bonjour tous et kurusaki ichigo ^_^,
j'ai trouve un livre (format CMH) , angalis prour " sauvegarde et la restauration " mais en anglais
voici l'exemple
1.3. Why Back Up?
I've heard it all. I've been accused of caring only about backups. It's been said that I think the whole world revolves around a cartridge reel. I've said that someday the world's going to crash, and I'm going to have the backup. The question is: how serious are you about protecting your data? To help you come to a decision on this matter, let's talk about what happens if you don't have good backups.
1.3.1. What Will Lost Data Cost You?
To answer this question, you need to consider what kind of data you are backing up. This is a perfect time to include people who may not consider themselves computer people. Get input from other departments to answer this question. When all those 1s and 0s come together, just what kind of information are we talking about? Do you use manual accounting methods or are your company's financial records stored in some accounting software somewhere? When a customer calls in and orders something, do you jot that down on a carbon-copied order form or do you enter it in some sort of order processing program? What about things like budgets, memoranda, inventories, and any other "paperwork" that you throw around from day to day? Do you keep copies of every important memo that you send, or do you depend on the computer for that?
If you're like most people, you have grown quite dependent on these things we call computers. You forget how much of your work has been saved in the form of little magnetized bits spread out across a bunch of spinning platters. Maybe you work in an environment in which you've never lost a disk, so you've never had to do a restore. Maybe you've never fat-fingered a key and deleted an important file. If that's the case, remember what my dad used to say: "motorcycle riders come in two typesthose who have fallen and those who will fall." The same is true of disk drives. If you've never had a failed disk drive, trust me, your turn is coming!
So what would you lose if you lost data? To quantify this, we need to examine the types of information that may reside in your environment and what would happen if you lost each type of information. Most of what you could lose is very tangibleand quantifiable in monetary termsand it might surprise you.
si vous étés intéresser dit le moi °_^ bon chance
j'ai trouve un livre (format CMH) , angalis prour " sauvegarde et la restauration " mais en anglais
voici l'exemple
1.3. Why Back Up?
I've heard it all. I've been accused of caring only about backups. It's been said that I think the whole world revolves around a cartridge reel. I've said that someday the world's going to crash, and I'm going to have the backup. The question is: how serious are you about protecting your data? To help you come to a decision on this matter, let's talk about what happens if you don't have good backups.
1.3.1. What Will Lost Data Cost You?
To answer this question, you need to consider what kind of data you are backing up. This is a perfect time to include people who may not consider themselves computer people. Get input from other departments to answer this question. When all those 1s and 0s come together, just what kind of information are we talking about? Do you use manual accounting methods or are your company's financial records stored in some accounting software somewhere? When a customer calls in and orders something, do you jot that down on a carbon-copied order form or do you enter it in some sort of order processing program? What about things like budgets, memoranda, inventories, and any other "paperwork" that you throw around from day to day? Do you keep copies of every important memo that you send, or do you depend on the computer for that?
If you're like most people, you have grown quite dependent on these things we call computers. You forget how much of your work has been saved in the form of little magnetized bits spread out across a bunch of spinning platters. Maybe you work in an environment in which you've never lost a disk, so you've never had to do a restore. Maybe you've never fat-fingered a key and deleted an important file. If that's the case, remember what my dad used to say: "motorcycle riders come in two typesthose who have fallen and those who will fall." The same is true of disk drives. If you've never had a failed disk drive, trust me, your turn is coming!
So what would you lose if you lost data? To quantify this, we need to examine the types of information that may reside in your environment and what would happen if you lost each type of information. Most of what you could lose is very tangibleand quantifiable in monetary termsand it might surprise you.
si vous étés intéresser dit le moi °_^ bon chance
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 13 novembre 2008
Dernière intervention
21 janvier 2010
24 déc. 2009 à 22:11
24 déc. 2009 à 22:11
oui merci de me poser le lien Mr Holow1
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 13 novembre 2008
Dernière intervention
21 janvier 2010
25 déc. 2009 à 09:33
25 déc. 2009 à 09:33
merci bcp holow1 ;)
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 21 décembre 2009
Dernière intervention
7 décembre 2012
25 déc. 2009 à 22:45
25 déc. 2009 à 22:45