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anjelia - 18 juin 2009 à 18:59
lithium_3 Messages postés 2654 Date d'inscription mercredi 14 janvier 2009 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 15 juillet 2013 - 18 juin 2009 à 19:34
j'aimerai beaucoup si quelqu'un puvais me traduire ce petit passage car je ne comprend pas beaucoup l'anglais s'il vous plais

7:59 PM - Hugh on what it was like to make out with Lisa: "There's a bunch of people around with cameras... if you were trying to seduce someone you wouldn't set that up as a romantic aid. It's unnatural, it's a strange, peculiar situation and yet the blessing of it is that everyone can acknowledge that. It's not as if you're alone finding, 'I find this a little odd!' Of course it's odd!" Lisa fires back: "If someone was trying to seduce me, yes I would have them set up cameras."
8:02 PM - Ray asks about when the Cuddy/House ball started rolling. "Very early on," David says. "No matter what we wrote, the two of them had this odd sexual tension. And that's been something we've been nurturing and trying to explore from day one." As for their imaginary hook-up: "I think it was significant even though it turned out not to be real. It was very significant - we got an insight into House's subconscious."
merci d'avance

1 réponse

lithium_3 Messages postés 2654 Date d'inscription mercredi 14 janvier 2009 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 15 juillet 2013 139
18 juin 2009 à 19:34
