Son system mais pas le reste

GomanX Messages postés 45 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 mai 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 avril 2011 - 16 mars 2009 à 05:58
GomanX Messages postés 45 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 mai 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 avril 2011 - 16 mars 2009 à 12:45

voilà mon prob je suis sous xp sp2 je viens de l'installer je lance l'install des driver audio (realtek) mais le son ne marche pas.

en fait, il marche. Celui de windows marche et aussi celui des tests de realtek. Mais tout le reste (video, music, jeu, etc) fonctionne mais uniquement en attendant l'erreur. Une fois l'erreur survenue les sons systems marche mais le reste non. pire windows agit comme s'il n'y avait pas de périphérique audio. il faut que je redémarre pour que cela remarche.

L'erreur, je n'ai aucune idée de ce qui la provoque (aucune fenêtre ne s'affiche pour me signaler une erreur)

voilà je suis sur ce prob depuis 2 semaines mais sans succès alors bonne chance. Et merci d'avance.

10 réponses

tribun Messages postés 64861 Date d'inscription vendredi 24 août 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 février 2020 12 528
16 mars 2009 à 06:44
va dans le gestionnaire des périphériques et vois si tu as des points jaunes /!\ ?
sur contrôleur Audio / Vidéo et appuie aussi sur les + !
tuxun Messages postés 357 Date d'inscription vendredi 13 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 16 décembre 2010 34
16 mars 2009 à 07:17
Hoho joliment formulé tribun!

Je pense que c'est un conflit ou de pilote ou un problème de DirectMedia (je crois que c'est le DirectX du son)
il me semble que Démarrer->Executer->dxdiag.exe permet de tester le son aussi et lui te mettra une erreur si erreur il y a..
Sinon, dans les propriétés des périphériques tu peux "bidouillé les pilotes (mettre a jour,rétro-portage, ou supprimer carrément... Puis réinstallé!)
Cela n'est pas rare que des pilotes modifie d'autre pilotes ou l'emplacement de choses pour qu'il soit perdu après pour windows...
Si tu veux voir des erreurs ds des fenetre et moins d'écrans bleus
ou erreur 5x4xx8x89x64x654x6x6 (ce qui n'est pas très utile) tu peu aussi changé-essayé-installé un autre système d'exploitation!

GomanX Messages postés 45 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 mai 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 avril 2011 3
16 mars 2009 à 10:17
j'ai deja esseyer tout ça mais rien ne fonctionne et je n'est pas non plus de /!\ jaune dans le gestionnaire des perif sinon je ne vous demanderais pas d'aide

(changer d'os n'est pas resoudre le problemme)
GomanX Messages postés 45 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 mai 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 avril 2011 3
16 mars 2009 à 10:18
voici le log directX.log si ça peut vous aidez

03/16/09 03:27:01: DXSetup: CommandLine: /silent
03/16/09 03:27:01: DSETUP: DirectXSetupA(): hWnd: 00000000 dwFlags: 02010098

03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: === SetupForDirectX() start ===
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: Feb 3 2006 07:30:18
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: DXSetupCommand = 0.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: Installing on WinXP SP2
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: IsIA64(): not IA64.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: Unable to find mscoree.dll.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: CheckForManagedDX(): .NETFramework is not available, Managed DirectX is not installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Extracting dxupdate.dll from C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\dxupdate.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\dxupdate.cif from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\dxupdate.dll from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\dxdllreg_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_MDX_x86.MSI does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\apr2005_d3dx9_25_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\jun2005_d3dx9_26_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\aug2005_d3dx9_27_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\oct2005_xinput_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\feb2006_d3dx9_29_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Managed DirectX Plug-In [] is not installed on this platform.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Managed DirectX Plug-In [] is not installed on this platform.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\feb2006_xact_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Total Files: 35
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Total Size: 14172160
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Total Progress: 10
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
03/16/09 03:27:01: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\dxdllreg_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: GetDXVersion(): Unable to get RC string from registry, now RC is 0.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\dxdllreg.exe from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Files: 2
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Size: 62464
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: InstallEXE(): Command: dxdllreg.exe -PATCH
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxdllreg: CommandLine: -PATCH
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxdllreg: Update is not necessary for this platform.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: InstallEXE(): dxdllreg.exe returned 0.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\ from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_24.dll from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_24_w9x.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_24_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Files: 4
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_24_x86.inf - [x86_Install]
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Installed file C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3dx9_24.dll
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_MDX_x86.MSI does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\apr2005_d3dx9_25_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\ from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_25.dll from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_25_w9x.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_25_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Files: 4
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_25_x86.inf - [x86_Install]
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Installed file C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3dx9_25.dll
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\jun2005_d3dx9_26_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\ from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_26.dll from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_26_w9x.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_26_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Files: 4
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_26_x86.inf - [x86_Install]
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Installed file C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3dx9_26.dll
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\aug2005_d3dx9_27_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:01: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\ from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_27.dll from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_27_w9x.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_27_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Files: 4
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_27_x86.inf - [x86_Install]
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Installed file C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3dx9_27.dll
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\oct2005_xinput_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\ from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\xinput9_1_0.dll from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\xinput9_1_0_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Files: 4
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Size: 498688
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: xinput9_1_0_x86.inf - [x86_Install]
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Installed file C:\WINDOWS\system32\xinput9_1_0.dll
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\ from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_28.dll from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_28_w9x.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_28_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Files: 4
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_28_x86.inf - [x86_Install]
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Installed file C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3dx9_28.dll
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\feb2006_d3dx9_29_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\ from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_29.dll from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_29_w9x.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\d3dx9_29_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Files: 4
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_29_x86.inf - [x86_Install]
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Installed file C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3dx9_29.dll
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Managed DirectX Plug-In [] is not installed on this platform.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Managed DirectX Plug-In [] is not installed on this platform.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\WINDOWS\hotfixes\DX9.0c\ is trusted.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\feb2006_xact_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\ from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\x3daudio1_0.dll from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\xactengine2_0.dll from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX\DX863.tmp\xact_x86.inf from cab
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Files: 5
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Size: 229376
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: XACT_x86.inf - [x86_Install]
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Installed file C:\WINDOWS\system32\xactengine2_0.dll
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: Installed file C:\WINDOWS\system32\x3daudio1_0.dll
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Registering: XACT_x86.inf - [DllRegisterServer]
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: RegisterDLL(): C:\WINDOWS\system32\xactengine2_0.dll is registered successfully.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: -----
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [] is skipped.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dsetup32: SetupForDirectX: InstallPlugIn() Succeeded.
03/16/09 03:27:02: dsetup32: start finalizing: phase: 10 - 10, total: 0 - 11
03/16/09 03:27:02: dsetup32: Installation ended with value 0 = Installation succeeded

Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
tuxun Messages postés 357 Date d'inscription vendredi 13 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 16 décembre 2010 34
16 mars 2009 à 10:54
Cela fait bcp de files not exist,non?

jpensais a un autre os pour voir si c'etait materiel ou logiciel...
genre un livecd pourrai aller...
bah voui si son sous linux et pas windows ba on sait dou ca vient
sinon tu as verifié tes volumes sonores muets ou pas jai un pc portable avec le hp allumé
mais pas la sortie son externe par defaut...
bah sinon je ne voit pas...
GomanX Messages postés 45 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 mai 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 avril 2011 3
16 mars 2009 à 11:47
ok mais non vue que y'a que les son system qui marche tout le temp (mais il marche) donc j'en deduit que ce n'est pas materiel et pour le son non le prob c'est qu'après l'erreur in ne detecte plus de perif audio
tuxun Messages postés 357 Date d'inscription vendredi 13 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 16 décembre 2010 34
16 mars 2009 à 11:59
mes sons systeme sortait par le hp du pc portable et le son de xmms sur le line-out
(qui lui etait muet!)

j'aurais essayé,
GomanX Messages postés 45 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 mai 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 avril 2011 3
16 mars 2009 à 12:09
ah une nouveautée si je lit des musics (example vue) avant que l'erreur ne se produise les music se lisent encore alors que windows ne détecte aucun périf audio (hum le mistysisme de l'informatique dans toute sa splendeure)
tuxun Messages postés 357 Date d'inscription vendredi 13 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 16 décembre 2010 34
16 mars 2009 à 12:42
hmmm c'est vrai que c'est louche...
le mysticisme,c'est le meilleur en info...
GomanX Messages postés 45 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 mai 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 avril 2011 3
16 mars 2009 à 12:45
ouais :) mais quand on le resoud c'est encore mieu