Probleme d'importation java

samsoumaton Messages postés 21 Date d'inscription dimanche 7 octobre 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 15 décembre 2008 - 8 oct. 2008 à 22:26
samsoumaton Messages postés 21 Date d'inscription dimanche 7 octobre 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 15 décembre 2008 - 9 oct. 2008 à 15:23
c mon code
package tcpipattacker.modules;

import net.sourceforge.jpcap.capture.*;
import tcpipattacker.*;
//import tcpipattacker.;
public class sniff
    extends Module {

  public String getName() {
    return "sniff";

  public String getHelp() {
    return "SYNOPSIS : sniff\n" +
        "DESCRIPTION : Sniff the network. This module is entirely assisted.\n" +
        "Written by Julien CHABLE (\n";

  public String run(String[] arguments) {
    // Console d'affichage
    Console console = new Console("sniff");
    // Paramètres de la capture
    int packetCount;
    String filter = "";
    String device;

    try {
      console.println("Instantiate Capturing Engine");
      PacketCapture pcap = new PacketCapture();
      console.println("Check for devices");
      console.println("Available network devices on your machine :");
      String[] devices = PacketCapture.lookupDevices();
      // Affiche tous les accès réseau
      for (int i = 0; i < devices.length; ++i)
        console.println("\t " + i + " : " + devices[i]);
      console.println("Use network device :");
      device = pcap.findDevice();
      console.println("Open device to capturing (requires root)");
      device=" \\Device\\NPF_{67A959FB-3D4C-463D-B1BD-92012FE5CDFE}";, true);
      console.println("BPF filter (see pcap help) :");
      //filter = console.prompt();
      pcap.setFilter("", true);
      console.println("Register a listener for packets");
      pcap.addPacketListener(new PacketHandler());
      console.println("How many packets to capture :");
      packetCount = console.promptInt();
      console.println("Capturing packets ...");
    catch (Exception e) {
      return "Module " + getName() + " error : " + e.getMessage();

    return "Succesfull execution of " + getName() + "!";

final class PacketHandler
    implements PacketListener {
  private String sourceAddress;
  private String destinationAddress;
  private String dataPacket;
  private Console console = new Console();

  public void packetArrived(Packet packet) {
    try {
      // Trame Ethernet
      if (packet instanceof EthernetPacket) {
        EthernetPacket ethernetPacket = (EthernetPacket) packet;
        sourceAddress = ethernetPacket.getSourceHwAddress();
        destinationAddress = ethernetPacket.getDestinationHwAddress();
        console.println("[Ethernet] : from <" + sourceAddress + "> to <" +
                        destinationAddress + ">");
      // Paquet ARP
      if (packet instanceof ARPPacket) {
        ARPPacket arpPacket = (ARPPacket) packet;
        byte[] data = arpPacket.getARPHeader();
        console.print("\t[ARP] : " +
                      (arpPacket.getOperation() == ARPFields.ARP_OP_REQ_CODE ?
                       "Request" : "Reply"));
        console.print(" from " + arpPacket.getSourceProtoAddress() + " to " +
        console.println(" - Header length : " + arpPacket.getHeader().length +
                        " - Data Length : " + arpPacket.getData().length);

      // Paquet IP
      if (packet instanceof IPPacket) {
        IPPacket ipPacket = (IPPacket) packet;
        byte[] data = ipPacket.getIPData();
        sourceAddress = ipPacket.getSourceAddress();
        destinationAddress = ipPacket.getDestinationAddress();
        dataPacket = new String(data, "ISO-8859-1");
        console.println("\t[IP] : from <" + sourceAddress + "> to <" +
                        destinationAddress + ">\n\t\t" +
      // Paquet ICMP
      if (packet instanceof ICMPPacket) {
        ICMPPacket icmpPacket = (ICMPPacket) packet;
        byte[] data = icmpPacket.getICMPData();
        sourceAddress = icmpPacket.getSourceAddress();
        destinationAddress = icmpPacket.getDestinationAddress();
        dataPacket = new String(data, "ISO-8859-1");
        console.println("\t[ICMP] : " +
                        ICMPMessage.getDescription(icmpPacket.getMessageCode()) +
                        "\n\t\tData : " + dataPacket);
      // Paquet IGMP
      if (packet instanceof IGMPPacket) {
        IGMPPacket igmpPacket = (IGMPPacket) packet;
        byte[] data = igmpPacket.getData();
        sourceAddress = igmpPacket.getSourceAddress();
        destinationAddress = igmpPacket.getDestinationAddress();
        dataPacket = new String(data, "ISO-8859-1");
        console.println("\t[IGMP] : " +
                        IGMPMessage.getDescription(igmpPacket.getMessageType()) +
                        " " + igmpPacket.getGroupAddress() + "\n\t\tData : " +
      // Paquet TCP
      if (packet instanceof TCPPacket) {
        TCPPacket tcpPacket = (TCPPacket) packet;
        byte[] data = tcpPacket.getTCPData();
        dataPacket = new String(data, "ISO-8859-1");
        console.print("\t[TCP] - Port source : " +
                      String.valueOf(tcpPacket.getSourcePort()) +
                      " (" + IPPort.getName(tcpPacket.getSourcePort()) +
                      ") Destination port : " +
                      String.valueOf(tcpPacket.getDestinationPort()) +
                      " (" + IPPort.getName(tcpPacket.getDestinationPort()) +
                      ")\n\tSequence Number : " +
                      String.valueOf(tcpPacket.getSequenceNumber()) +
                      "\n\tAcknowledgment Number : " +
                      String.valueOf(tcpPacket.getAcknowledgmentNumber()) +
                      "\n\tHeader Length : " +
                      // Flags
                      if (tcpPacket.isUrg())
                        console.println("\n\tURG[0x" + Integer.toHexString(tcpPacket.getUrgentPointer()) + "]");
                      if (tcpPacket.isAck())
                        console.println("\n\tACK[0x" + Long.toHexString(tcpPacket.getAcknowledgmentNumber()) + "]");
                      if (tcpPacket.isPsh())
                      if (tcpPacket.isRst())
                      if (tcpPacket.isSyn())
                        console.println("\n\tSYN[0x" + Long.toHexString(tcpPacket.getSequenceNumber()) + "]");
                      if (tcpPacket.isFin())
                      console.println("\tData : " + dataPacket);
      // Paquet UDP
      if (packet instanceof UDPPacket) {
        UDPPacket udpPacket = (UDPPacket) packet;
        byte[] data = udpPacket.getData();
        dataPacket = new String(data, "ISO-8859-1");
        console.print("\t[UDP] - Port source : " +
                      String.valueOf(udpPacket.getSourcePort()) +
                      " (" + IPPort.getName(udpPacket.getSourcePort()) +
                      ") Destination port : " +
                      String.valueOf(udpPacket.getDestinationPort()) +
                      " (" + IPPort.getName(udpPacket.getDestinationPort()));
    catch (Exception e) {

lors de compilation il affiche les erreur
"Compilation de TCP/IP Attacker en cours ..."
modules\ cannot find symbol
symbol: class Module
    extends Module {
modules\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Console
location: class tcpipattacker.modules.PacketHandler
  private Console console = new Console();
modules\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Console
location: class tcpipattacker.modules.sniff
    Console console = new Console("sniff");
modules\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Console
location: class tcpipattacker.modules.sniff
    Console console = new Console("sniff");
modules\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Console
location: class tcpipattacker.modules.PacketHandler
  private Console console = new Console();
5 errors
"Erreur de compilation !"
Press any key to continue . . .

merci pour toute reponce
A voir également:

4 réponses

Utilisateur anonyme
9 oct. 2008 à 06:47

Peut-être avec :

import tcpipattacker.modules.*;


samsoumaton Messages postés 21 Date d'inscription dimanche 7 octobre 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 15 décembre 2008
9 oct. 2008 à 06:55
merci pour votre reponce
dans mon exemple tous les fichiers a importer se trouve directement sur tcpipattaker
mais je ne sais pas pourquoiil n'a pas les reconnu

en attandant d'autres soution et merci
Utilisateur anonyme
9 oct. 2008 à 07:03

même avec import tcpipattacker.Console; et import tcpipattacker.Module; ?
samsoumaton Messages postés 21 Date d'inscription dimanche 7 octobre 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 15 décembre 2008
9 oct. 2008 à 07:13
Plus d'erreurs
"Compilation de TCP/IP Attacker en cours ..."
modules\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Console
location: package tcpipattacker
import tcpipattacker.Console;
modules\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Module
location: package tcpipattacker
import tcpipattacker.Module;
modules\ cannot find symbol
symbol: class Module
    extends Module {
modules\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Console
location: class tcpipattacker.modules.PacketHandler
  private Console console = new Console();
modules\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Console
location: class tcpipattacker.modules.sniff
    Console console = new Console("sniff");
modules\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Console
location: class tcpipattacker.modules.sniff
    Console console = new Console("sniff");
modules\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Console
location: class tcpipattacker.modules.PacketHandler
  private Console console = new Console();
7 errors
"Erreur de compilation !"
Press any key to continue . . .
Utilisateur anonyme > samsoumaton Messages postés 21 Date d'inscription dimanche 7 octobre 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 15 décembre 2008
9 oct. 2008 à 07:38
C'est qu'on ne trouve ni la classe Console, ni la classe Module dans tcpipattacker (les autres erreurs sont les mêmes)

Tu as essayé import tcpipattacker.modules.Console; et import tcpipattacker.modules.Module; (ou .modules.*;)?
samsoumaton Messages postés 21 Date d'inscription dimanche 7 octobre 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 15 décembre 2008
9 oct. 2008 à 15:23