A voir également:
- Problème VirtualDub
- Virtualdub français - Télécharger - Montage & Édition
- Virtualdub mp4 - Forum Format et connectique vidéo
- Virtualdub mov - Forum TV & Vidéo
- Virtualdub xvid codec ✓ - Forum TV & Vidéo
- Lire videos MP4 pour VirtualDub - Forum Logiciels
2 réponses
Utilisateur anonyme
2 mars 2008 à 00:07
2 mars 2008 à 00:07
Je travaille depuis plusieurs années avec ce logiciel qui est un vrai couteau Suisse de la vidéo et c'est la première fois que je vois un tel message. Tout ce charabia pour rien.. savoi .Enfin
Apparemment, je dis bien apparemment tu aurais un problème avec le Codec XVID, tente la recompression en changeant le Codec( le DIVX par exemple). Essaie et tiens moi au courant stp cela m'intéresse... A+
Je travaille depuis plusieurs années avec ce logiciel qui est un vrai couteau Suisse de la vidéo et c'est la première fois que je vois un tel message. Tout ce charabia pour rien.. savoi .Enfin
Apparemment, je dis bien apparemment tu aurais un problème avec le Codec XVID, tente la recompression en changeant le Codec( le DIVX par exemple). Essaie et tiens moi au courant stp cela m'intéresse... A+
bonjour meme probleme
virtualdub ne veut plus ouvrir mes videos il me dit cause supposee "An integer division by zero occurred in module 'SonicHDDemuxer"
voici mon rapport d'erreur j'espere que quelqu'un pourra m'aider Merci
VirtualDub crash report -- build 32618 (release)
021ab5c0: 188b4c24188b sbb [ebx-74e7dbb4], cl
021ab5c6: 44 inc esp
021ab5c7: 2414 and al, 14h
021ab5c9: 33d2 xor edx, edx
021ab5cb: f7f1 div eax, ecx
021ab5cd: 8bd8 mov ebx, eax
021ab5cf: 8b442410 mov eax, [esp+10h]
021ab5d3: f7f1 div eax, ecx
021ab5d5: 8bd3 mov edx, ebx
021ab5d7: eb41 jmp 021ab61a
021ab5d9: 8bd8 mov ebx, eax
021ab5db: 8b4c2418 mov ecx, [esp+18h]
021ab5df: 8b542414 mov edx, [esp+14h]
021ab5e3: 8b442410 mov eax, [esp+10h]
021ab5e7: d1eb shr ebx, 1
021ab5e9: d1d9 rcr ecx, 1
021ab5eb: d1ea shr edx, 1
021ab5ed: d1d8 rcr eax, 1
021ab5ef: 0bdb or ebx, ebx
021ab5f1: 75f4 jnz 021ab5e7
021ab5f3: f7f1 div eax, ecx
021ab5f5: 8bf0 mov esi, eax
021ab5f7: f764241c mul eax, dword ptr [esp+1ch]
021ab5fb: 8bc8 mov ecx, eax
021ab5fd: 8b442418 mov eax, [esp+18h]
021ab601: f7e6 mul eax, esi
021ab603: 03d1 add edx, ecx
021ab605: 720e jc 021ab615
021ab607: 3b542414 cmp edx, [esp+14h]
021ab60b: 7708 ja 021ab615
021ab60d: 7207 jc 021ab616
021ab60f: 3b442410 cmp eax, [esp+10h]
021ab613: 7601 jbe 021ab616
021ab615: 4e dec esi
021ab616: 33d2 xor edx, edx
021ab618: 8bc6 mov eax, esi
021ab61a: 4f dec edi
021ab61b: 7507 jnz 021ab624
021ab61d: f7da neg edx
021ab61f: f7d8 neg eax
021ab621: 83da00 sbb edx, 00h
021ab624: 5b pop ebx
021ab625: 5e pop esi
021ab626: 5f pop edi
021ab627: c21000 ret 0010
021ab62a: ff2524a11c02 jmp dword ptr [021ca124]
021ab630: 53 push ebx
021ab631: 56 push esi
021ab632: 8b442418 mov eax, [esp+18h]
021ab636: 0bc0 or eax, eax
021ab638: 7518 jnz 021ab652
021ab63a: 8b4c2414 mov ecx, [esp+14h]
021ab63e: 8b442410 mov eax, [esp+10h]
021ab642: 33d2 xor edx, edx
021ab644: f7f1 div eax, ecx <-- FAULT
021ab646: 8bd8 mov ebx, eax
021ab648: 8b44240c mov eax, [esp+0ch]
021ab64c: f7f1 div eax, ecx
021ab64e: 8bd3 mov edx, ebx
021ab650: eb41 jmp 021ab693
021ab652: 8bc8 mov ecx, eax
021ab654: 8b5c2414 mov ebx, [esp+14h]
021ab658: 8b542410 mov edx, [esp+10h]
021ab65c: 8b44240c mov eax, [esp+0ch]
021ab660: d1e9 shr ecx, 1
021ab662: d1db rcr ebx, 1
021ab664: d1ea shr edx, 1
021ab666: d1d8 rcr eax, 1
021ab668: 0bc9 or ecx, ecx
021ab66a: 75f4 jnz 021ab660
021ab66c: f7f3 div eax, ebx
021ab66e: 8bf0 mov esi, eax
021ab670: f7642418 mul eax, dword ptr [esp+18h]
021ab674: 8bc8 mov ecx, eax
021ab676: 8b442414 mov eax, [esp+14h]
021ab67a: f7e6 mul eax, esi
021ab67c: 03d1 add edx, ecx
021ab67e: 720e jc 021ab68e
021ab680: 3b542410 cmp edx, [esp+10h]
021ab684: 7708 ja 021ab68e
021ab686: 7207 jc 021ab68f
021ab688: 3b44240c cmp eax, [esp+0ch]
021ab68c: 7601 jbe 021ab68f
021ab68e: 4e dec esi
021ab68f: 33d2 xor edx, edx
021ab691: 8bc6 mov eax, esi
021ab693: 5e pop esi
021ab694: 5b pop ebx
021ab695: c21000 ret 0010
021ab698: 6a14 push 14h
021ab69a: 6870ad1c02 push 021cad70
021ab69f: e814030000 call 021ab9b8
021ab6a4: 8365fc00 and dword ptr [ebp-04h], 00h
021ab6a8: ff4d10 dec dword ptr [ebp+10h]
021ab6ab: 780e js 021ab6bb
021ab6ad: 8b4d08 mov ecx, [ebp+08h]
021ab6b0: 2b4d0c sub ecx, [ebp+0ch]
021ab6b3: 894d08 mov [ebp+08h], ecx
021ab6b6: ff5514 call dword ptr [ebp+14h]
021ab6b9: ebed jmp 021ab6a8
021ab6bb: 834dfcff or dword ptr [ebp-04h], 0ffh
021ab6bf: e8 db 0e8h
Built on SPARAD0X-XP on Mon Sep 21 18:42:11 2009 using compiler version 1400
Windows 5.1 (Windows XP x86 build 2600) [Service Pack 3]
EAX = 00000007
EBX = 00c48f94
ECX = 00000000
EDX = 00000000
EBP = 00c48fa8
ESI = 00c49318
EDI = 00c48f60
ESP = 014bf680
EIP = 021ab644
EFLAGS = 00010246
FPUCW = ffff027f
FPUTW = ffffffff
Crash reason: Integer Divide-by-Zero
Crash context:
An integer division by zero occurred in module 'SonicHDDemuxer'.
Pointer dumps:
EBX 00c48f90: 0000f8ff 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000008 000000ff 0000101f 00000002
ESI 00c49318: fabbf8ff 304af503 ec33ed17 e7ddef13 f7e18fd8 cfe3e7dc afde7fdf afe3d7e3
EDI 00c48f60: 021cb1ec 00000000 00000000 00177000 0000101f 00000000 00000000 00000000
ESP 014bf680: 00c49318 00c48f94 021b854a 270e0000 00000007 00000000 00000000 00000000
014bf6a0: 02246840 014bf7f8 00c448f8 021c8dc0 00000000 021a9c91 00000000 0000031d
014bf6c0: 02246840 00000002 00000000 014bf4c4 00000000 00000001 00000001 022467f0
014bf6e0: 00c48f60 00000000 000000c0 00000000 00000000 021ca868 00000001 00000009
EBP 00c48fa8: 0000101f 00000002 00177000 00000101 000c000d 0008011a 00c49028 00c479f8
00c48fc8: 00c47a48 022226e8 00c448e0 021e0d80 021e0d98 00c44cf8 00c44d10 02201380
00c48fe8: 02201398 022013b0 00c47390 00c473a8 00c473c0 00c44038 00c44050 00c44068
00c49008: 00c44080 02201ed8 02201ef0 02201f08 02201f20 00000000 000d000d 000801e9
Thread call stack:
021ab644: SonicHDDemuxer!DllUnregisterServer [021a0000+4d40+6904]
021b854a: SonicHDDemuxer!DllUnregisterServer [021a0000+4d40+1380a]
021a9c91: SonicHDDemuxer!DllUnregisterServer [021a0000+4d40+4f51]
7c3416b8: MSVCR71!__crtLCMapStringA [7c340000+13ae+30a]
7c3416b8: MSVCR71!__crtLCMapStringA [7c340000+13ae+30a]
021a2877: SonicHDDemuxer!00002877
021aa498: SonicHDDemuxer!DllUnregisterServer [021a0000+4d40+5758]
021a35dd: SonicHDDemuxer!000035dd
021c3caf: SonicHDDemuxer!DllUnregisterServer [021a0000+4d40+1ef6f]
747adf75: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+a919]
747ae7bf: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+b163]
747ae357: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+acfb]
747ae2e1: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+ac85]
747ae030: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+a9d4]
747ae553: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+aef7]
74796fa9: quartz!00016fa9
747aea5e: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+b402]
7c80bb20: kernel32!lstrcpyW [7c800000+bb04+1c]
7c80bb2b: kernel32!lstrcpyW [7c800000+bb04+27]
77bfc3e7: msvcrt!free [77be0000+1c21b+1cc]
7c809acc: kernel32!lstrlenW [7c800000+9aa9+23]
7657583d: devenum!DllUnregisterServer [76570000+4c85+bb8]
76576137: devenum!DllUnregisterServer [76570000+4c85+14b2]
76576149: devenum!DllUnregisterServer [76570000+4c85+14c4]
7c92005d: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [7c910000+ff2d+130]
774bd3e8: ole32!CoTaskMemAlloc [774a0000+1d060+388]
774be4f4: ole32!StringFromGUID2 [774a0000+1de12+6e2]
774be4cc: ole32!StringFromGUID2 [774a0000+1de12+6ba]
747df3e1: quartz!AMGetErrorTextA [74780000+5b994+3a4d]
76574e82: devenum!DllUnregisterServer [76570000+4c85+1fd]
747aec82: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+b626]
747aec98: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+b63c]
774bd430: ole32!CoTaskMemAlloc [774a0000+1d060+3d0]
770e4a44: OLEAUT32!VariantInit [770e0000+4950+f4]
76574e9f: devenum!DllUnregisterServer [76570000+4c85+21a]
747aed19: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+b6bd]
747a5593: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+1f37]
747a55b6: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+1f5a]
747a4ca0: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+1644]
747a4fc9: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+196d]
747e206b: quartz!AMGetErrorTextA [74780000+5b994+66d7]
608042fc: qedit!DllRegisterServer [607a0000+fbbd+5473f]
7c80bafc: kernel32!lstrcpynW [7c800000+ba8f+6d]
60804b54: qedit!DllRegisterServer [607a0000+fbbd+54f97]
60804b5b: qedit!DllRegisterServer [607a0000+fbbd+54f9e]
5ce0a3db: shmedia!DllGetClassObject [5ce00000+a0c0+31b]
5ce0a471: shmedia!DllGetClassObject [5ce00000+a0c0+3b1]
7c92005d: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [7c910000+ff2d+130]
7c809a0d: kernel32!LocalFree [7c800000+99cf+3e]
7c92005d: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [7c910000+ff2d+130]
7c8099fa: kernel32!LocalFree [7c800000+99cf+2b]
7c809a0d: kernel32!LocalFree [7c800000+99cf+3e]
5ce0a62f: shmedia!DllGetClassObject [5ce00000+a0c0+56f]
7ca4ecb5: SHELL32!SHGetRealIDL [7c9d0000+78e41+5e74]
75f11b9a: browseui!00001b9a
7c809a0d: kernel32!LocalFree [7c800000+99cf+3e]
77f49588: SHLWAPI!wnsprintfW [77f40000+93e6+1a2]
7c937ac2: ntdll!RtlSetEnvironmentVariable [7c910000+277b8+30a]
7c937b03: ntdll!RtlSetEnvironmentVariable [7c910000+277b8+34b]
7c937bc5: ntdll!RtlSetEnvironmentVariable [7c910000+277b8+40d]
7c937b9c: ntdll!RtlSetEnvironmentVariable [7c910000+277b8+3e4]
7c80b729: kernel32!GetModuleFileNameA [7c800000+b56f+1ba]
-- End of report
virtualdub ne veut plus ouvrir mes videos il me dit cause supposee "An integer division by zero occurred in module 'SonicHDDemuxer"
voici mon rapport d'erreur j'espere que quelqu'un pourra m'aider Merci
VirtualDub crash report -- build 32618 (release)
021ab5c0: 188b4c24188b sbb [ebx-74e7dbb4], cl
021ab5c6: 44 inc esp
021ab5c7: 2414 and al, 14h
021ab5c9: 33d2 xor edx, edx
021ab5cb: f7f1 div eax, ecx
021ab5cd: 8bd8 mov ebx, eax
021ab5cf: 8b442410 mov eax, [esp+10h]
021ab5d3: f7f1 div eax, ecx
021ab5d5: 8bd3 mov edx, ebx
021ab5d7: eb41 jmp 021ab61a
021ab5d9: 8bd8 mov ebx, eax
021ab5db: 8b4c2418 mov ecx, [esp+18h]
021ab5df: 8b542414 mov edx, [esp+14h]
021ab5e3: 8b442410 mov eax, [esp+10h]
021ab5e7: d1eb shr ebx, 1
021ab5e9: d1d9 rcr ecx, 1
021ab5eb: d1ea shr edx, 1
021ab5ed: d1d8 rcr eax, 1
021ab5ef: 0bdb or ebx, ebx
021ab5f1: 75f4 jnz 021ab5e7
021ab5f3: f7f1 div eax, ecx
021ab5f5: 8bf0 mov esi, eax
021ab5f7: f764241c mul eax, dword ptr [esp+1ch]
021ab5fb: 8bc8 mov ecx, eax
021ab5fd: 8b442418 mov eax, [esp+18h]
021ab601: f7e6 mul eax, esi
021ab603: 03d1 add edx, ecx
021ab605: 720e jc 021ab615
021ab607: 3b542414 cmp edx, [esp+14h]
021ab60b: 7708 ja 021ab615
021ab60d: 7207 jc 021ab616
021ab60f: 3b442410 cmp eax, [esp+10h]
021ab613: 7601 jbe 021ab616
021ab615: 4e dec esi
021ab616: 33d2 xor edx, edx
021ab618: 8bc6 mov eax, esi
021ab61a: 4f dec edi
021ab61b: 7507 jnz 021ab624
021ab61d: f7da neg edx
021ab61f: f7d8 neg eax
021ab621: 83da00 sbb edx, 00h
021ab624: 5b pop ebx
021ab625: 5e pop esi
021ab626: 5f pop edi
021ab627: c21000 ret 0010
021ab62a: ff2524a11c02 jmp dword ptr [021ca124]
021ab630: 53 push ebx
021ab631: 56 push esi
021ab632: 8b442418 mov eax, [esp+18h]
021ab636: 0bc0 or eax, eax
021ab638: 7518 jnz 021ab652
021ab63a: 8b4c2414 mov ecx, [esp+14h]
021ab63e: 8b442410 mov eax, [esp+10h]
021ab642: 33d2 xor edx, edx
021ab644: f7f1 div eax, ecx <-- FAULT
021ab646: 8bd8 mov ebx, eax
021ab648: 8b44240c mov eax, [esp+0ch]
021ab64c: f7f1 div eax, ecx
021ab64e: 8bd3 mov edx, ebx
021ab650: eb41 jmp 021ab693
021ab652: 8bc8 mov ecx, eax
021ab654: 8b5c2414 mov ebx, [esp+14h]
021ab658: 8b542410 mov edx, [esp+10h]
021ab65c: 8b44240c mov eax, [esp+0ch]
021ab660: d1e9 shr ecx, 1
021ab662: d1db rcr ebx, 1
021ab664: d1ea shr edx, 1
021ab666: d1d8 rcr eax, 1
021ab668: 0bc9 or ecx, ecx
021ab66a: 75f4 jnz 021ab660
021ab66c: f7f3 div eax, ebx
021ab66e: 8bf0 mov esi, eax
021ab670: f7642418 mul eax, dword ptr [esp+18h]
021ab674: 8bc8 mov ecx, eax
021ab676: 8b442414 mov eax, [esp+14h]
021ab67a: f7e6 mul eax, esi
021ab67c: 03d1 add edx, ecx
021ab67e: 720e jc 021ab68e
021ab680: 3b542410 cmp edx, [esp+10h]
021ab684: 7708 ja 021ab68e
021ab686: 7207 jc 021ab68f
021ab688: 3b44240c cmp eax, [esp+0ch]
021ab68c: 7601 jbe 021ab68f
021ab68e: 4e dec esi
021ab68f: 33d2 xor edx, edx
021ab691: 8bc6 mov eax, esi
021ab693: 5e pop esi
021ab694: 5b pop ebx
021ab695: c21000 ret 0010
021ab698: 6a14 push 14h
021ab69a: 6870ad1c02 push 021cad70
021ab69f: e814030000 call 021ab9b8
021ab6a4: 8365fc00 and dword ptr [ebp-04h], 00h
021ab6a8: ff4d10 dec dword ptr [ebp+10h]
021ab6ab: 780e js 021ab6bb
021ab6ad: 8b4d08 mov ecx, [ebp+08h]
021ab6b0: 2b4d0c sub ecx, [ebp+0ch]
021ab6b3: 894d08 mov [ebp+08h], ecx
021ab6b6: ff5514 call dword ptr [ebp+14h]
021ab6b9: ebed jmp 021ab6a8
021ab6bb: 834dfcff or dword ptr [ebp-04h], 0ffh
021ab6bf: e8 db 0e8h
Built on SPARAD0X-XP on Mon Sep 21 18:42:11 2009 using compiler version 1400
Windows 5.1 (Windows XP x86 build 2600) [Service Pack 3]
EAX = 00000007
EBX = 00c48f94
ECX = 00000000
EDX = 00000000
EBP = 00c48fa8
ESI = 00c49318
EDI = 00c48f60
ESP = 014bf680
EIP = 021ab644
EFLAGS = 00010246
FPUCW = ffff027f
FPUTW = ffffffff
Crash reason: Integer Divide-by-Zero
Crash context:
An integer division by zero occurred in module 'SonicHDDemuxer'.
Pointer dumps:
EBX 00c48f90: 0000f8ff 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000008 000000ff 0000101f 00000002
ESI 00c49318: fabbf8ff 304af503 ec33ed17 e7ddef13 f7e18fd8 cfe3e7dc afde7fdf afe3d7e3
EDI 00c48f60: 021cb1ec 00000000 00000000 00177000 0000101f 00000000 00000000 00000000
ESP 014bf680: 00c49318 00c48f94 021b854a 270e0000 00000007 00000000 00000000 00000000
014bf6a0: 02246840 014bf7f8 00c448f8 021c8dc0 00000000 021a9c91 00000000 0000031d
014bf6c0: 02246840 00000002 00000000 014bf4c4 00000000 00000001 00000001 022467f0
014bf6e0: 00c48f60 00000000 000000c0 00000000 00000000 021ca868 00000001 00000009
EBP 00c48fa8: 0000101f 00000002 00177000 00000101 000c000d 0008011a 00c49028 00c479f8
00c48fc8: 00c47a48 022226e8 00c448e0 021e0d80 021e0d98 00c44cf8 00c44d10 02201380
00c48fe8: 02201398 022013b0 00c47390 00c473a8 00c473c0 00c44038 00c44050 00c44068
00c49008: 00c44080 02201ed8 02201ef0 02201f08 02201f20 00000000 000d000d 000801e9
Thread call stack:
021ab644: SonicHDDemuxer!DllUnregisterServer [021a0000+4d40+6904]
021b854a: SonicHDDemuxer!DllUnregisterServer [021a0000+4d40+1380a]
021a9c91: SonicHDDemuxer!DllUnregisterServer [021a0000+4d40+4f51]
7c3416b8: MSVCR71!__crtLCMapStringA [7c340000+13ae+30a]
7c3416b8: MSVCR71!__crtLCMapStringA [7c340000+13ae+30a]
021a2877: SonicHDDemuxer!00002877
021aa498: SonicHDDemuxer!DllUnregisterServer [021a0000+4d40+5758]
021a35dd: SonicHDDemuxer!000035dd
021c3caf: SonicHDDemuxer!DllUnregisterServer [021a0000+4d40+1ef6f]
747adf75: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+a919]
747ae7bf: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+b163]
747ae357: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+acfb]
747ae2e1: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+ac85]
747ae030: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+a9d4]
747ae553: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+aef7]
74796fa9: quartz!00016fa9
747aea5e: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+b402]
7c80bb20: kernel32!lstrcpyW [7c800000+bb04+1c]
7c80bb2b: kernel32!lstrcpyW [7c800000+bb04+27]
77bfc3e7: msvcrt!free [77be0000+1c21b+1cc]
7c809acc: kernel32!lstrlenW [7c800000+9aa9+23]
7657583d: devenum!DllUnregisterServer [76570000+4c85+bb8]
76576137: devenum!DllUnregisterServer [76570000+4c85+14b2]
76576149: devenum!DllUnregisterServer [76570000+4c85+14c4]
7c92005d: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [7c910000+ff2d+130]
774bd3e8: ole32!CoTaskMemAlloc [774a0000+1d060+388]
774be4f4: ole32!StringFromGUID2 [774a0000+1de12+6e2]
774be4cc: ole32!StringFromGUID2 [774a0000+1de12+6ba]
747df3e1: quartz!AMGetErrorTextA [74780000+5b994+3a4d]
76574e82: devenum!DllUnregisterServer [76570000+4c85+1fd]
747aec82: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+b626]
747aec98: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+b63c]
774bd430: ole32!CoTaskMemAlloc [774a0000+1d060+3d0]
770e4a44: OLEAUT32!VariantInit [770e0000+4950+f4]
76574e9f: devenum!DllUnregisterServer [76570000+4c85+21a]
747aed19: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+b6bd]
747a5593: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+1f37]
747a55b6: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+1f5a]
747a4ca0: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+1644]
747a4fc9: quartz!DllGetClassObject [74780000+2365c+196d]
747e206b: quartz!AMGetErrorTextA [74780000+5b994+66d7]
608042fc: qedit!DllRegisterServer [607a0000+fbbd+5473f]
7c80bafc: kernel32!lstrcpynW [7c800000+ba8f+6d]
60804b54: qedit!DllRegisterServer [607a0000+fbbd+54f97]
60804b5b: qedit!DllRegisterServer [607a0000+fbbd+54f9e]
5ce0a3db: shmedia!DllGetClassObject [5ce00000+a0c0+31b]
5ce0a471: shmedia!DllGetClassObject [5ce00000+a0c0+3b1]
7c92005d: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [7c910000+ff2d+130]
7c809a0d: kernel32!LocalFree [7c800000+99cf+3e]
7c92005d: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [7c910000+ff2d+130]
7c8099fa: kernel32!LocalFree [7c800000+99cf+2b]
7c809a0d: kernel32!LocalFree [7c800000+99cf+3e]
5ce0a62f: shmedia!DllGetClassObject [5ce00000+a0c0+56f]
7ca4ecb5: SHELL32!SHGetRealIDL [7c9d0000+78e41+5e74]
75f11b9a: browseui!00001b9a
7c809a0d: kernel32!LocalFree [7c800000+99cf+3e]
77f49588: SHLWAPI!wnsprintfW [77f40000+93e6+1a2]
7c937ac2: ntdll!RtlSetEnvironmentVariable [7c910000+277b8+30a]
7c937b03: ntdll!RtlSetEnvironmentVariable [7c910000+277b8+34b]
7c937bc5: ntdll!RtlSetEnvironmentVariable [7c910000+277b8+40d]
7c937b9c: ntdll!RtlSetEnvironmentVariable [7c910000+277b8+3e4]
7c80b729: kernel32!GetModuleFileNameA [7c800000+b56f+1ba]
-- End of report
J'ai le même genre de problème depuis quelques temps malgré la réinstalation de Xvid-1.2.2-07062009, Divx plus 8.0, satsuki codec pack ainsi que RiamCodecPack_4.2.7.
Avec Virtualdub-MPEG2 1.6.15 j'ai çà quand je veux visualiser un avi: An integer division by zero occurred in module 'xvid'...
...while decompressing video frame 1 (VideoSource.cpp:1718)...
...while using input buffer at 02140000-0214006e (VideoSource.cpp:1717)...
...while using output buffer at 03c20000-03cecc03 (VideoSource.cpp:1716)...
...while running thread "Processing" (thread.cpp:150).
Avec VirtualdubMod 1.4.13 à la tentative de lecture, j'ai ceci: Error decompressing video frame 0:
An unknown error occured (may be corrupt data).
(error code -100)
Je dit donc bien , mes avi s'ouvrent mais je ne sais pas les visualiser dans le prog donc impossible pour de faire une synchronisation, un cropping, ou tout autre tâche avec virtualdub et virtualdubmod
Avec Virtualdub-MPEG2 1.6.15 j'ai çà quand je veux visualiser un avi: An integer division by zero occurred in module 'xvid'...
...while decompressing video frame 1 (VideoSource.cpp:1718)...
...while using input buffer at 02140000-0214006e (VideoSource.cpp:1717)...
...while using output buffer at 03c20000-03cecc03 (VideoSource.cpp:1716)...
...while running thread "Processing" (thread.cpp:150).
Avec VirtualdubMod 1.4.13 à la tentative de lecture, j'ai ceci: Error decompressing video frame 0:
An unknown error occured (may be corrupt data).
(error code -100)
Je dit donc bien , mes avi s'ouvrent mais je ne sais pas les visualiser dans le prog donc impossible pour de faire une synchronisation, un cropping, ou tout autre tâche avec virtualdub et virtualdubmod