Pourquoi mon programme python ne fonctionne pas ?

soophiahrg - Modifié le 9 déc. 2021 à 17:54
mamiemando Messages postés 33363 Date d'inscription jeudi 12 mai 2005 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 16 novembre 2024 - 9 déc. 2021 à 17:48

Je dois coder le jeu 'black jack'. Au moment de proposer au joueur de rejouer; la question se repose à nouveau, comme si j'étais dans une boucle infinie (alors que je n'utilise pas de

import random 

def deck():
    color = ["spades", "diamonds", "hearts", "clubs"]                                                 #creation of a list of the 4 symbols 
    deck = []                                                                                         #creation of an empty list
    for s in color :
        cards = ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "jack", "queen", "king", "ace"]        #creation of a list of the value
        for n in cards :
            c = n + " of " + s                                                                      #c is the cards with a value and a symbole   
            deck.append(c)                                                                          #add c to the empty list = deck of cards
    return deck

def valueCard(card) :
    nb = card[0]                                                  #take only the first character of the string
    if nb >= '2' and nb <= '9' :
        value = int(card[0])
    elif nb == '1' or nb == 'j' or nb == 'q' or nb == 'k' :
        value = 10
    else :
        value = int(input("which value chosen ? ( 1 or 11 )"))   #ask the user to chose the value wanted
    return value

def initstack(n) :          # n is the number of player chose by the user
    p = []                  #creation of an empty list
    for i in range(0, n + 1): # add n-deck of card to the empty list
        y = deck()          # y is a deck of card
        p.extend(y)         # add y to p 
    return p                # p is list of the n-deck shuffled

def drawCard(p, x=1):        # x is the number of cards
    dc = []                 #creation of a empty list
    for i in range (0, x) : 
        card = p[0]         #card is the first element of the srting
        dc.append(card)     #add to the list dc
        p.remove(card)      #remove card from the list of n-deck
    return dc               #dc is the list of thge x-cards choosen

def initPlayers(n):
    joueurs = []
    for i in range (0, n) :
        name = input("name of the player ?")
        joueurs.insert(i, name)
    return joueurs

def initScores(joueurs, v=0):
    score = {}
    for i in joueurs :
        score[i] = v
    return score

def firstTurn(players):
    scores =initScores(players, 0)
    p = initstack(len(players))
    for i in range(0, len(players)) :
        cards = drawCard(p, 2)
        score = 0
        name = players[i]
        for j in range(0, 2) :
            v = valueCard(cards[j])
            score = score + v
        scores[name] = score
    return scores

def winner(scores) :
    wins = 0
    for key in scores:
        if scores[key] > wins and wins <= 21 :
            wins = scores[key]
            name = key
    return name, wins

def Continue() :
    c = input("do you want to continue ? yes/no ")
    while c !='yes' or c !='no' :
        c = input("do you want to continue ? yes/no ")
    if c =='yes' :
        return True
    elif c =='no' :
        return False

def playerTurn(turn, namep, scores, p, x) :
    print('BLACK JACK')
    print('turn number:', turn)
    print('the player is:', namep)
    print('current total of point:', scores[namep])
    if Continue()==True :
        newcard= drawCard(p, x)
        v = valueCard(newcard)
        print('the value of the card is:',v)
        scores[namep]= scores[namep] + v
        if scores[namep] == 21 :
            print('YOU ARE THE WINNER !!!!')
        elif scores[namep] > 21 :
            print('YOU LOOSE',)
            savescore[namep]= scores[namep]
            del scores[namep]
    elif Continue()==False :
        savescore[namep]= scores[namep]
        del scores[namep]
        print('END OF YOUR GAME')
    return scores[namep]

def gameTurn(joueurs, scores, p, x) :            
    scores2=dict(scores)                                                    #copy of the dictionary scores                                                    
    turn = 1
    for i in joueurs :                                                      #chose the player
        if i in scores :                                                    #verify if the player is still in play 
            scores2 = scores2[i] + (playerTurn(turn, i, scores, p, x))        #upload the score of the player in the dictionary scores2
            if scores2[i] == 21:                                              # if the score of the player is 21, the game stop
                return scores2
        elif not i in scores :                                              
            del scores2[i]                                                  #if the player is not in the dictionary scores it will be removed of the dictionary scores2, this signify the player decide to don't continuate or the player loose
    return scores2                                                          #return the new dictionary with the new values of the players still in play

def gameOver(scores2):
    flag = False
    if (21 in scores2.value()) or (not scores2) :       #if 21 is a value in scores2 or if scores2 is empty
        flag = True                                     # the game is finished
    return flag

def findkey(scores2):
    for i in scores2:
        if scores2[i] == 21:
            winner = i
    return winner

def completeGame(joueurs, scores, p, x):
    nwin = initScores(joueurs, v=0)
    gameround = gameTurn(joueurs, scores, p, x)
    gO = gameOver(gameround)
    while gO == True :
        winner = findkey(gameround)
        nwin[winner] = nwin[winner]+1
    return nwin

..................................................main program ............................................................

n = int(input('nb of players ?'))
p = initstack(n)
playagain = 'yes'
nbgame = 0
while playagain == 'yes' :
    x = int(input('nb of cards ?'))
    dc = drawCard(p, x)
    joueurs = initPlayers(n)
    score = initScores(joueurs, 0)
    scores = firstTurn(joueurs)        
    BJgame= completeGame(joueurs, scores, p, x)
    nbgame = nbgame + 1
    playagain = imput('Do you want to play an other time? (yes/no)')
overallwinner = winner(BJgame)
print('you played:', nbgame, 'the overall winner is:', overallwinner)

Configuration: Macintosh / Chrome 96.0.4664.55
A voir également:

2 réponses

Utilisateur anonyme
8 déc. 2021 à 21:23
En Python, l’indentation est primordiale, or par défaut le site ne la conserve pas.
Pour la conserver il faut utiliser les balises de code. Voir ce petit tuto https://codes-sources.commentcamarche.net/faq/11288-les-balises-de-code
On pourra commencer à essayer de t’aider quand tu auras reposté correctement ton code.
mamiemando Messages postés 33363 Date d'inscription jeudi 12 mai 2005 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 16 novembre 2024 7 801
Modifié le 9 déc. 2021 à 17:52

Il y a plusieurs erreurs :
  • imput
    au lieu de
  • ...........................main program ......................
    devrait être commenté avec un
  • Enfin, le passage suivant est bien dans une boucle

playagain = input('Do you want to play an other time? (yes/no)')

Tu devrais peut-être afficher la valeur de
pour comprendre pourquoi la variable ne change pas de valeur.

Bonne chance