je doit sauvegarder des donnés dans mon activité ,pour ça j'ai utilisé les SharedPreference ,j'ai fait des recherches et apparemment j'aurai instancié la variable au mauvaise endroit je vous donne mon code ainsi que les logs pouvez vous m'aider merci je tien à préciser que je suis sous kotlin
package com. example. coockiemania
import android. content. SharedPreferences
import androidx. appcompat. app. AppCompatActivity
import android. os. Bundle
import android. os. Handler
import android. view. View
import android. widget.*
import kotlinx. android. synthetic. main. activity_main.*
import java. util.*
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity () {
val sharedPreference: SharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences ( "SAUVEGARDES" , 0 )
private val editor = sharedPreference. edit ()
private var compteur = sharedPreference. getInt ( "nbr_click" , 0 )
private var set_click_par_sec = 0
private var recup_click_par_sec = 0
private val ameliorationsPrix = Ameliorations_prix ( amel1 = 10 , amel2 = 100 , amel3 = 1000 )
private val nombreAmel = Nombre_amelioration ( nbr_amel1 = sharedPreference. getInt ( "amel1_nbr" , 0 ), nbr_amel2 = sharedPreference. getInt ( "amel2_nbr" , 0 ), nbr_amel3 = sharedPreference. getInt ( "amel3_nbr" , 0 ))
private var parSecAmel= Par_sec_amel ( amel1 = 1000 , amel2 = 2000 , amel3 = 5000 )
private val myHandler: Handler = Handler ()
private val myRunnable = object : Runnable {
override fun run () {
compteur + sharedPreference!!. getInt ( "click_par_sec" , 0 )
compteur_click. text = compteur. toString ()+ "click"
myHandler. postDelayed ( this , 500 )
override fun onCreate ( savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super . onCreate ( savedInstanceState)
setContentView ( R. layout. activity_main)
val myHandler = Handler ()
myHandler. postDelayed ( myRunnable, 500 )
val listView = findViewById< ListView>( R. id. list_amel)
val listAmeliorations = listOf< String>(
"amelioration 1 : +1 click per sec" + "prix :" + ( ameliorationsPrix. amel1. toString ())+( nombreAmel. nbr_amel1. toString ()),
"amelioration 2 : +2 click per sec" + "prix :" + ( ameliorationsPrix. amel2. toString ())+( nombreAmel. nbr_amel2. toString ()),
"amelioration 3 : +3 click per sec" + "prix :" + ( ameliorationsPrix. amel3. toString ())+( nombreAmel. nbr_amel3. toString ())
val adapterView = ArrayAdapter< String>( this , android. R. layout. simple_list_item_1, listAmeliorations)
listView. adapter = adapterView
listView. setOnItemClickListener{ parent, view, position, id ->
if ( position== 0 ) {
Toast. makeText ( this , "amelioration 1 selectionner" , Toast. LENGTH_SHORT). show ()
if ( compteur < ameliorationsPrix. amel1) {
Toast. makeText ( this , "achat reussi" , Toast. LENGTH_SHORT). show ()
compteur -= ameliorationsPrix. amel1
nombreAmel. nbr_amel1 + 1
if ( position== 1 ) {
Toast. makeText ( this , "amelioration 2 selectionner" , Toast. LENGTH_SHORT). show ()
if ( compteur < ameliorationsPrix. amel2) {
Toast. makeText ( this , "achat reussi" , Toast. LENGTH_SHORT). show ()
compteur -= ameliorationsPrix. amel2
nombreAmel. nbr_amel2 + 1
if ( position== 2 ) {
Toast. makeText ( this , "amelioration 3 selectionner" , Toast. LENGTH_SHORT). show ()
if ( compteur < ameliorationsPrix. amel3) {
Toast. makeText ( this , "achat reussi" , Toast. LENGTH_SHORT). show ()
compteur = compteur - ameliorationsPrix. amel3
nombreAmel. nbr_amel3 + 1
val imageView = findViewById< ImageView>( R. id. imageView)
val compter_click = findViewById< TextView>( R. id. compteur_click)
imageView. setOnClickListener {
++ compteur
compter_click. text = compteur. toString ()+ "click"
recup_click_par_sec = (( nombreAmel. nbr_amel1* parSecAmel. amel1)+( this . nombreAmel. nbr_amel2* this . parSecAmel. amel2)+( this . nombreAmel. nbr_amel1* this . parSecAmel. amel1))
set_click_par_sec = recup_click_par_sec
val textView_click_sec = findViewById< TextView>( R. id. click_par_sec)
textView_click_sec. setText ( set_click_par_sec. toString ())
override fun onPause () {
super . onPause ()
editor. putInt ( "click_par_sec" , set_click_par_sec)
editor. putInt ( "amel1_nbr" , nombreAmel. nbr_amel1)
editor. putInt ( "amel2_nbr" , nombreAmel. nbr_amel2)
editor. putInt ( "amel3_nbr" , nombreAmel. nbr_amel3)
editor. putInt ( "nbr_click" , compteur)
editor. commit ()
override fun onResume () {
super . onResume ()
override fun onStop () {
super . onStop ()
if ( myHandler != null ) {
myHandler. removeCallbacks ( myRunnable) }
override fun onRestart () {
super . onRestart ()
myHandler. postDelayed ( myRunnable, 500 )
et voici la console debug
E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.example.coockiemania, PID: 12732 java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{com.example.coockiemania/com.example.coockiemania.MainActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.content.SharedPreferences android.content.Context.getSharedPreferences(java.lang.String, int)' on a null object reference
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