Salut ! J'ai créé un bot connecté au service cognitif de microsoft et du service de langage naturel LUIS.
Avec l'hololens je peux donc lui demander de gérer mes programmes ou autres juste avec des commandes vocales en anglais.
Mais j'ai fait un découverte un peu étrange. Sur on peut télécharger l'ensemble des requêtes que note bot a reçue.
Je me suis aperçue qu'en 1min ce matin vers 9h une douzaine de requête que je n'ai jamais envoyé lui on été transmise... Je suis pourtant le seul à y avoir accès.
D'autant plus que ces requêtes sont trrrrrrès longues et que leur taille s’accroît. Impossible de taper tout ça en moins d'une minute pour un homme...
voila un exemple:
yeahsearch gotta get going to get screwed you over text yeah i'm on my waythe f*** are you with your life and your s***** windows officeyeah they could you send it againsounds so did you ever get outanother points off it's really just an equal zsoft up i really couldn't tell you could use for louise,04/13/2017 09:07:41,"{""query"":""yeahsearch gotta get going to get screwed you over text yeah I'm on my waythe f*** are you with your life and your s***** windows officeyeah they could you send it againsounds so did you ever get outanother points off it's really just an equal zsoft up I really couldn't tell you could use for louise"",""intents"":[{""intent"":""gestionMenu"",""score"":0.9998226},{""intent"":""None"",""score"":0.09062708}],""entities"":[]}"
et voila la plus longue:
yeahsearch gotta get going to get screwed you over text yeah i'm on my waythe f*** are you with your life and your s***** windows officeyeah they could you send it againsounds so did you ever get outanother points off it's really just an equal zsoft up i really couldn't tell you could use for louiseis supposed to this youfit you want them i don't get itopen so this kid did you in a couple daysthe police are youi don't think you don't havegood lookingdid youmutik well,04/13/2017 09:08:12,"{""query"":""yeahsearch gotta get going to get screwed you over text yeah I'm on my waythe f*** are you with your life and your s***** windows officeyeah they could you send it againsounds so did you ever get outanother points off it's really just an equal zsoft up I really couldn't tell you could use for louiseis supposed to this youfit you want them I don't get itopen so this kid did you in a couple daysthe police are youI don't think you don't havegood lookingdid youmutik well"",""intents"":[{""intent"":""gestionMenu"",""score"":0.999887},{""intent"":""None"",""score"":0.08475588}],""entities"":[]}"
Si vous connaissez LUIS je veux bien qu'on m'éclaire, je suis curieux de savoir d'où proviennent ces requêtes...