Extraction d'un mot en java

hanaw Messages postés 15 Date d'inscription mardi 24 juillet 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 27 décembre 2011 - 25 juil. 2007 à 10:13
hanaw Messages postés 15 Date d'inscription mardi 24 juillet 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 27 décembre 2011 - 26 juil. 2007 à 14:29
J'ai trouvé une difficulté à programmer une méthode en java permettant l'extraction du nombre qui suit "generation time" dans la ligne suivante:
At 5.0043376036883105 : MAC addr:1--- received DATA frame { sz570(MAC-802.11_Data_Frame)sz58--Data Frame--duration:218--Address1:1--address2:101--Address3:0--Address4:-2--forcedError:false--__<sz512(INET)sz20--src:0--dest:1--prot:17--TTL:6/255--ToS:#0--label:0--nexthop:1__<sz492(UDP)sz8--s:50--d:1050__<id:1 generation time:5.000372 delay bound:0.03 src: 0>__>__>__ }
prière de m'aider car j'en ai besoin
Merci d'avance
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1 réponse

Utilisateur anonyme
25 juil. 2007 à 14:18

Voici une classe qui te permet d'extraire une chaîne hors d'une autre chaîne.

Regarde la doc dans la calsse pour plus d'info.

Cette classe permet de transformer la valeur lue en int, long, double ou String.

A toi de l'adapter pour retourner d'autre types de valeur (boolean, date,...)

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * Class: StringExtractor.java
 * Description: StringExtractor extract an substring from a given String and may
 * convert that String in a particular format.
 * @author HackTrack
 * Created on Jul 25, 2007

public class StringExtractor {

	 * Extract a long from another String
	 * @param text
	 *            The source String
	 * @param afterText
	 *            The String after which the value has to be retrieved
	 * @param untilText
	 *            The String where the extractor must stop for substring
	 *            retrieve
	 * @return The long extracted from String
	 * @throws NumberFormatException
	 *             If String 'afterstring' hasn't been found in the 'source
	 *             String' or if the returned String can't be converted into a
	 *             long
	public static long extractLong(String text, String afterText, String untilText) throws NumberFormatException {
		return Long.parseLong(extractString(text, afterText, untilText));

	 * Extract a double from another String
	 * @param text
	 *            The source String
	 * @param afterText
	 *            The String after which the value has to be retrieved
	 * @param untilText
	 *            The String where the extractor must stop for substring
	 *            retrieve
	 * @return The double extracted from String
	 * @throws NumberFormatException
	 *             If String 'afterstring' hasn't been found in the 'source
	 *             String' or if the returned String can't be converted into a
	 *             double
	public static double extractDouble(String text, String afterText, String untilText) throws NumberFormatException {
		return Double.parseDouble(extractString(text, afterText, untilText));

	 * Extract a int from another String
	 * @param text
	 *            The source String
	 * @param afterText
	 *            The String after which the value has to be retrieved
	 * @param untilText
	 *            The String where the extractor must stop for substring
	 *            retrieve
	 * @return The int extracted from String
	 * @throws NumberFormatException
	 *             If String 'afterstring' hasn't been found in the 'source
	 *             String' or if the returned String can't be converted into a
	 *             int
	public static int extractInt(String text, String afterText, String untilText) throws NumberFormatException {
		return Integer.parseInt(extractString(text, afterText, untilText));

	 * Extract a String from another String
	 * @param text
	 *            The source String
	 * @param afterText
	 *            The String after which the value has to be retrieved
	 * @param untilText
	 *            The String where the extractor must stop for substring
	 *            retrieve
	 * @return The found substring or null if not found
	public static String extractString(String text, String afterText, String untilText) {
		int afterTextIndex = text.indexOf(afterText);
		String tempStr = text.substring(afterTextIndex + afterText.length());
		int untilTextIndex = tempStr.indexOf(untilText);
		tempStr = tempStr.substring(0, untilTextIndex);
		return tempStr;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String text = "At 5.0043376036883105 : MAC addr:1--- received DATA frame { sz570(MAC-802.11_Data_Frame)sz58--Data Frame--duration:218--Address1:1--address2:101--Address3:0--Address4:-2--forcedError:false--__<sz512(INET)sz20--src:0--dest:1--prot:17--TTL:6/255--ToS:#0--label:0--nexthop:1__<sz492(UDP)sz8--s:50--d:1050__<id:1 generation time:5.000372 delay bound:0.03 src: 0>__>__>__ } ";
		String afterText = "generation time:";
		String untilText = " ";
		System.out.println(StringExtractor.extractDouble(text, afterText, untilText));

hanaw Messages postés 15 Date d'inscription mardi 24 juillet 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 27 décembre 2011
26 juil. 2007 à 14:29
Merci beaucoup, ça a bien marché