[Python] Résolution d'image
27 juin 2013 à 10:05
Char Snipeur Messages postés 9813 Date d'inscription vendredi 23 avril 2004 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 3 octobre 2023 - 27 juin 2013 à 12:10
Char Snipeur Messages postés 9813 Date d'inscription vendredi 23 avril 2004 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 3 octobre 2023 - 27 juin 2013 à 12:10
A voir également:
- [Python] Résolution d'image
- Image iso - Guide
- Citizen code python - Accueil - Outils
- Acronis true image - Télécharger - Sauvegarde
- Réduire résolution image - Guide
5 réponses
Char Snipeur
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
vendredi 23 avril 2004
Dernière intervention
3 octobre 2023
1 298
27 juin 2013 à 10:10
27 juin 2013 à 10:10
Que te marque "help(Image)" ?
La vrai soumission c'est quand les esclaves s'inquiètent du cours du coton.
Char Snipeur
La vrai soumission c'est quand les esclaves s'inquiètent du cours du coton.
Char Snipeur
Oulala, enormement de chose x)
Merci pour la rapidité de réponse
# 1995-09-09 fl Created # 1996-03-11 fl PIL release 0.0 (proof of concept) # 1996-04-30 fl PIL release 0.1b1 # 1999-07-28 fl PIL release 1.0 final # 2000-06-07 fl PIL release 1.1 # 2000-10-20 fl PIL release 1.1.1 # 2001-05-07 fl PIL release 1.1.2 # 2002-03-15 fl PIL release 1.1.3 # 2003-05-10 fl PIL release 1.1.4 # 2005-03-28 fl PIL release 1.1.5 # 2006-12-02 fl PIL release 1.1.6 # 2009-11-15 fl PIL release 1.1.7 # # Copyright (c) 1997-2009 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 1995-2009 by Fredrik Lundh. # # See the README file for information on usage and redistribution. # CLASSES builtins.object Image ImagePointHandler ImageTransformHandler class Image(builtins.object) | Methods defined here: | | __getattr__(self, name) | | __init__(self) | | __repr__(self) | | convert(self, mode=None, data=None, dither=None, palette=0, colors=256) | Convert to other pixel format | | copy(self) | Copy raster data | | crop(self, box=None) | Crop region from image | | draft(self, mode, size) | Configure image decoder | | filter(self, filter) | Apply environment filter to image | | frombytes(self, data, decoder_name='raw', *args) | Load data to image from a bytes object | | fromstring(self, *args, **kw) | Deprecated alias to frombytes | | getbands(self) | Get band names | | getbbox(self) | Get bounding box of actual data (non-zero pixels) in image | | getcolors(self, maxcolors=256) | Get colors from image, up to given limit | | getdata(self, band=None) | Get image data as sequence object. | | getextrema(self) | Get min/max value | | getim(self) | Get capsule pointer to internal image memory | | getpalette(self) | Get palette contents. | | getpixel(self, xy) | Get pixel value | | getprojection(self) | Get projection to x and y axes | | histogram(self, mask=None, extrema=None) | Take histogram of image | | load(self) | Explicitly load pixel data. | | offset(self, xoffset, yoffset=None) | (deprecated) Offset image in horizontal and/or vertical direction | | paste(self, im, box=None, mask=None) | Paste other image into region | | point(self, lut, mode=None) | Map image through lookup table | | putalpha(self, alpha) | Set alpha layer | | putdata(self, data, scale=1.0, offset=0.0) | Put data from a sequence object into an image. | | putpalette(self, data, rawmode='RGB') | Put palette data into an image. | | putpixel(self, xy, value) | Set pixel value | | quantize(self, colors=256, method=0, kmeans=0, palette=None) | | resize(self, size, resample=0) | Resize image | | rotate(self, angle, resample=0, expand=0) | Rotate image. Angle given as degrees counter-clockwise. | | save(self, fp, format=None, **params) | Save image to file or stream | | seek(self, frame) | Seek to given frame in sequence file | | show(self, title=None, command=None) | Display image (for debug purposes only) | | split(self) | Split image into bands | | tell(self) | Return current frame number | | thumbnail(self, size, resample=0) | Create thumbnail representation (modifies image in place) | | tobitmap(self, name='image') | Return image as an XBM bitmap | | tobytes(self, encoder_name='raw', *args) | Return image as a bytes object | | tostring(self, *args, **kw) | # Declare tostring as alias to tobytes | | transform(self, size, method, data=None, resample=0, fill=1) | Transform image | | transpose(self, method) | Transpose image (flip or rotate in 90 degree steps) | | verify(self) | Verify file contents. | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors defined here: | | __dict__ | dictionary for instance variables (if defined) | | __weakref__ | list of weak references to the object (if defined) | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data and other attributes defined here: | | format = None | | format_description = None class ImagePointHandler(builtins.object) | Data descriptors defined here: | | __dict__ | dictionary for instance variables (if defined) | | __weakref__ | list of weak references to the object (if defined) class ImageTransformHandler(builtins.object) | Data descriptors defined here: | | __dict__ | dictionary for instance variables (if defined) | | __weakref__ | list of weak references to the object (if defined) FUNCTIONS alpha_composite(im1, im2) Alpha composite im2 over im1. blend(im1, im2, alpha) Interpolate between images. coerce_e(value) composite(image1, image2, mask) Create composite image by blending images using a transparency mask eval(image, *args) Evaluate image expression fromarray(obj, mode=None) frombuffer(mode, size, data, decoder_name='raw', *args) Load image from bytes or buffer frombytes(mode, size, data, decoder_name='raw', *args) Load image from byte buffer fromstring(*args, **kw) Deprecated alias to frombytes getmodebandnames(mode) getmodebands(mode) getmodebase(mode) getmodetype(mode) init() Load all file format drivers. isDirectory(f) isImageType(t) isStringType(t) merge(mode, bands) Merge a set of single band images into a new multiband image. new(mode, size, color=0) Create a new image open(fp, mode='r') Open an image file, without loading the raster data preinit() Load standard file format drivers. register_extension(id, extension) register_mime(id, mimetype) register_open(id, factory, accept=None) register_save(id, driver) DATA ADAPTIVE = 1 AFFINE = 0 ANTIALIAS = 1 BICUBIC = 3 BILINEAR = 2 CONTAINER = 2 CUBIC = 3 DEBUG = 0 DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0 EXTENSION = {'.bmp': 'BMP', '.gif': 'GIF', '.pbm': 'PPM', '.pgm': 'PPM... EXTENT = 1 FASTOCTREE = 2 FILTERED = 1 FIXED = 4 FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT = 0 FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM = 1 FLOYDSTEINBERG = 3 HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2 ID = ['BMP', 'GIF', 'PPM', 'PNG'] LINEAR = 2 MAXCOVERAGE = 1 MEDIANCUT = 0 MESH = 4 MIME = {'GIF': 'image/gif', 'PNG': 'image/png'} MODES = ['1', 'CMYK', 'F', 'I', 'L', 'P', 'RGB', 'RGBA', 'RGBX', 'YCbC... NEAREST = 0 NONE = 0 NORMAL = 0 OPEN = {'BMP': (<class 'PIL.BmpImagePlugin.BmpImageFile'>, <function _... ORDERED = 1 PERSPECTIVE = 2 QUAD = 3 RASTERIZE = 2 RLE = 3 ROTATE_180 = 3 ROTATE_270 = 4 ROTATE_90 = 2 SAVE = {'BMP': <function _save>, 'GIF': <function _save>, 'PNG': <func... SEQUENCE = 1 VERSION = '1.1.7' WEB = 0 print_function = _Feature((2, 6, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0)... FILE c:\python33\lib\site-packages\pil\image.py
Merci pour la rapidité de réponse
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mardi 16 novembre 2010
Dernière intervention
10 décembre 2014
27 juin 2013 à 11:28
27 juin 2013 à 11:28
la commande print en python 3+ ce fait comme ceci:
print("mon texte")
la commande print en python 3+ ce fait comme ceci:
print("mon texte")
Tu est mon dieu!
Merci infiniment, cela fessais 3 ans que je n'avais pas refait de Python x)
Problème résolu
Merci infiniment, cela fessais 3 ans que je n'avais pas refait de Python x)
Problème résolu
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Char Snipeur
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
vendredi 23 avril 2004
Dernière intervention
3 octobre 2023
1 298
27 juin 2013 à 12:10
27 juin 2013 à 12:10
Oui, en effet, "invalid syntax", pas "invalid member"
D'ailleurs, je suis étonné que le membre "size" n'apparaisse pas dans la doc.
D'ailleurs, je suis étonné que le membre "size" n'apparaisse pas dans la doc.