Infections Malwarebyte
A voir également:
- Infections Malwarebyte
- Malwarebyte - Télécharger - Antivirus & Antimalwares
- Malwarebyte adwcleaner - Télécharger - Antivirus & Antimalwares
- Security tool malwarebyte rkill marchent pas - Forum Virus
- Infections virus fichier .EXE à 0 octet ✓ - Forum Virus
- Microsoft Security Scanner - 2 infections et RAS ???????? ✓ - Forum Antivirus
102 réponses
Utilisateur anonyme
16 août 2009 à 13:55
16 août 2009 à 13:55
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Fais analyser le(s) fichier(s) suivants sur Virustotal :
Virus Total
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N'oublie pas de recacher à nouveau les fichiers cachés et protégés du système d'exploitation en fin de désinfection, c'est important
Fais analyser le(s) fichier(s) suivants sur Virustotal :
Virus Total
* Clique sur Parcourir en haut, choisis Poste de travail et cherche ces fichiers :
* Clique maintenant sur Envoyer le fichier. et laisse travailler tant que "Situation actuelle : en cours d'analyse" est affiché.
* Il est possible que le fichier soit mis en file d'attente en raison d'un grand nombre de demandes d'analyses. En ce cas, il te faudra patienter sans actualiser la page.
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* Clique alors sur les deux fleches
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* Enfin colle le résultat dans ta prochaine réponse.
Note : Pour analyser un autre fichier, clique en bas sur Autre fichier.
1er fichier:
Fichier b12dd4a0005f1c4b7090009378b5920090fee997.EXE reçu le 2009.03.31 15:27:09 (UTC)Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
AhnLab-V3 2009.03.31 -
AntiVir 2009.03.31 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.03.31 -
Authentium 2009.03.30 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.03.30 -
AVG 2009.03.31 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.03.31 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.03.31 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.03.31 -
Comodo 1090 2009.03.31 -
DrWeb 2009.03.31 -
eSafe 2009.03.31 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6427 2009.03.31 -
F-Prot 2009.03.30 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.03.31 -
Fortinet 2009.03.31 -
GData 19 2009.03.31 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.03.31 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.685 2009.03.30 -
Kaspersky 2009.03.31 -
McAfee 5569 2009.03.30 -
McAfee+Artemis 5569 2009.03.30 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.0.0 2009.03.31 -
Microsoft 1.4502 2009.03.31 -
NOD32 3976 2009.03.30 -
Norman 2009.03.31 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.03.31 -
Panda 2009.03.31 -
PCTools 2009.03.31 -
Prevx1 V2 2009.03.31 -
Rising 2009.03.31 -
Sophos 4.40.0 2009.03.31 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.03.31 -
Symantec 2009.03.31 -
TheHacker 2009.03.30 -
TrendMicro 8.700.0.1004 2009.03.31 -
VBA32 2009.03.31 -
ViRobot 2009.3.31.1669 2009.03.31 -
VirusBuster 2009.03.31 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 28672 bytes
MD5 : ceddee2e0591894d19654d458fd3b9be
SHA1 : c58ba65bff4e5e4ba7e78599b583829d56e76e2a
SHA256: 712ba390891faf0d52aeadbbaef7fe14a655611984cd3db1709f665482e9fa9b
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x1301<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x40787439 (Sun Apr 11 00:24:57 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 5 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x1000 0x50E8 0x5200 6.48 7071acd55cb7b9f4377885dab92bdeb8<BR>.rdata 0x7000 0xA7F 0xC00 4.55 cbf801a89a20762706eaf0d93c1eb2a6<BR>.data 0x8000 0x38 0x200 0.50 1bad19bae9d56027544774597c2bce5e<BR>.rsrc 0x9000 0x618 0x800 2.78 7ffcbc84ac6844b1edea17f1d1734c22<BR>.reloc 0xA000 0x290 0x400 4.60 6d95403a18601703a8c7d2d7f27f4db7<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KfAcquireSpinLock, KfReleaseSpinLock<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: ExFreePool, KeInitializeSpinLock, PoStartNextPowerIrp, IofCompleteRequest, _purecall, KeSetEvent, IoFreeIrp, KeWaitForSingleObject, IofCallDriver, KeInitializeEvent, IoAllocateIrp, KeQuerySystemTime, wcsncmp, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, RtlInitUnicodeString, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, KeDelayExecutionThread, RtlGUIDFromString, ZwQueryValueKey, RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString, RtlCopyUnicodeString, RtlIntegerToUnicodeString, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, ZwSetValueKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, ZwCreateKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins, StreamClassScheduleTimer, StreamClassRegisterAdapter, StreamClassDeviceNotification<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (49.9%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (49.8%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.1%)
ssdeep: 384:UsA3COA9Q6Yd/AikFzp95UwbZLk4suw15Mdrjg2ohzWP3DdgQII9oZ8J3bJz7j:Us7OGQs5PNL6uwGrmgqQIuoZ8dJz7j
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: atinsnxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: atinsnxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: atinsnxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: atinsnxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: atinsnxx.sys
Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
AhnLab-V3 2009.03.31 -
AntiVir 2009.03.31 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.03.31 -
Authentium 2009.03.30 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.03.30 -
AVG 2009.03.31 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.03.31 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.03.31 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.03.31 -
Comodo 1090 2009.03.31 -
DrWeb 2009.03.31 -
eSafe 2009.03.31 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6427 2009.03.31 -
F-Prot 2009.03.30 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.03.31 -
Fortinet 2009.03.31 -
GData 19 2009.03.31 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.03.31 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.685 2009.03.30 -
Kaspersky 2009.03.31 -
McAfee 5569 2009.03.30 -
McAfee+Artemis 5569 2009.03.30 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.0.0 2009.03.31 -
Microsoft 1.4502 2009.03.31 -
NOD32 3976 2009.03.30 -
Norman 2009.03.31 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.03.31 -
Panda 2009.03.31 -
PCTools 2009.03.31 -
Prevx1 V2 2009.03.31 -
Rising 2009.03.31 -
Sophos 4.40.0 2009.03.31 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.03.31 -
Symantec 2009.03.31 -
TheHacker 2009.03.30 -
TrendMicro 8.700.0.1004 2009.03.31 -
VBA32 2009.03.31 -
ViRobot 2009.3.31.1669 2009.03.31 -
VirusBuster 2009.03.31 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 28672 bytes
MD5 : ceddee2e0591894d19654d458fd3b9be
SHA1 : c58ba65bff4e5e4ba7e78599b583829d56e76e2a
SHA256: 712ba390891faf0d52aeadbbaef7fe14a655611984cd3db1709f665482e9fa9b
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x1301<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x40787439 (Sun Apr 11 00:24:57 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 5 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x1000 0x50E8 0x5200 6.48 7071acd55cb7b9f4377885dab92bdeb8<BR>.rdata 0x7000 0xA7F 0xC00 4.55 cbf801a89a20762706eaf0d93c1eb2a6<BR>.data 0x8000 0x38 0x200 0.50 1bad19bae9d56027544774597c2bce5e<BR>.rsrc 0x9000 0x618 0x800 2.78 7ffcbc84ac6844b1edea17f1d1734c22<BR>.reloc 0xA000 0x290 0x400 4.60 6d95403a18601703a8c7d2d7f27f4db7<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KfAcquireSpinLock, KfReleaseSpinLock<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: ExFreePool, KeInitializeSpinLock, PoStartNextPowerIrp, IofCompleteRequest, _purecall, KeSetEvent, IoFreeIrp, KeWaitForSingleObject, IofCallDriver, KeInitializeEvent, IoAllocateIrp, KeQuerySystemTime, wcsncmp, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, RtlInitUnicodeString, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, KeDelayExecutionThread, RtlGUIDFromString, ZwQueryValueKey, RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString, RtlCopyUnicodeString, RtlIntegerToUnicodeString, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, ZwSetValueKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, ZwCreateKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins, StreamClassScheduleTimer, StreamClassRegisterAdapter, StreamClassDeviceNotification<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (49.9%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (49.8%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.1%)
ssdeep: 384:UsA3COA9Q6Yd/AikFzp95UwbZLk4suw15Mdrjg2ohzWP3DdgQII9oZ8J3bJz7j:Us7OGQs5PNL6uwGrmgqQIuoZ8dJz7j
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: atinsnxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: atinsnxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: atinsnxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: atinsnxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: atinsnxx.sys
Fichier b12dd4a0005f1c4b7090009378b5920090fee997.EXE reçu le 2009.03.31 15:27:09 (UTC)Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
AhnLab-V3 2009.03.31 -
AntiVir 2009.03.31 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.03.31 -
Authentium 2009.03.30 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.03.30 -
AVG 2009.03.31 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.03.31 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.03.31 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.03.31 -
Comodo 1090 2009.03.31 -
DrWeb 2009.03.31 -
eSafe 2009.03.31 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6427 2009.03.31 -
F-Prot 2009.03.30 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.03.31 -
Fortinet 2009.03.31 -
GData 19 2009.03.31 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.03.31 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.685 2009.03.30 -
Kaspersky 2009.03.31 -
McAfee 5569 2009.03.30 -
McAfee+Artemis 5569 2009.03.30 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.0.0 2009.03.31 -
Microsoft 1.4502 2009.03.31 -
NOD32 3976 2009.03.30 -
Norman 2009.03.31 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.03.31 -
Panda 2009.03.31 -
PCTools 2009.03.31 -
Prevx1 V2 2009.03.31 -
Rising 2009.03.31 -
Sophos 4.40.0 2009.03.31 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.03.31 -
Symantec 2009.03.31 -
TheHacker 2009.03.30 -
TrendMicro 8.700.0.1004 2009.03.31 -
VBA32 2009.03.31 -
ViRobot 2009.3.31.1669 2009.03.31 -
VirusBuster 2009.03.31 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 28672 bytes
MD5 : ceddee2e0591894d19654d458fd3b9be
SHA1 : c58ba65bff4e5e4ba7e78599b583829d56e76e2a
SHA256: 712ba390891faf0d52aeadbbaef7fe14a655611984cd3db1709f665482e9fa9b
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x1301<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x40787439 (Sun Apr 11 00:24:57 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 5 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x1000 0x50E8 0x5200 6.48 7071acd55cb7b9f4377885dab92bdeb8<BR>.rdata 0x7000 0xA7F 0xC00 4.55 cbf801a89a20762706eaf0d93c1eb2a6<BR>.data 0x8000 0x38 0x200 0.50 1bad19bae9d56027544774597c2bce5e<BR>.rsrc 0x9000 0x618 0x800 2.78 7ffcbc84ac6844b1edea17f1d1734c22<BR>.reloc 0xA000 0x290 0x400 4.60 6d95403a18601703a8c7d2d7f27f4db7<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KfAcquireSpinLock, KfReleaseSpinLock<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: ExFreePool, KeInitializeSpinLock, PoStartNextPowerIrp, IofCompleteRequest, _purecall, KeSetEvent, IoFreeIrp, KeWaitForSingleObject, IofCallDriver, KeInitializeEvent, IoAllocateIrp, KeQuerySystemTime, wcsncmp, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, RtlInitUnicodeString, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, KeDelayExecutionThread, RtlGUIDFromString, ZwQueryValueKey, RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString, RtlCopyUnicodeString, RtlIntegerToUnicodeString, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, ZwSetValueKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, ZwCreateKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins, StreamClassScheduleTimer, StreamClassRegisterAdapter, StreamClassDeviceNotification<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (49.9%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (49.8%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.1%)
ssdeep: 384:UsA3COA9Q6Yd/AikFzp95UwbZLk4suw15Mdrjg2ohzWP3DdgQII9oZ8J3bJz7j:Us7OGQs5PNL6uwGrmgqQIuoZ8dJz7j
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: atinsnxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: atinsnxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: atinsnxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: atinsnxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: atinsnxx.sys
Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
AhnLab-V3 2009.03.31 -
AntiVir 2009.03.31 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.03.31 -
Authentium 2009.03.30 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.03.30 -
AVG 2009.03.31 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.03.31 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.03.31 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.03.31 -
Comodo 1090 2009.03.31 -
DrWeb 2009.03.31 -
eSafe 2009.03.31 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6427 2009.03.31 -
F-Prot 2009.03.30 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.03.31 -
Fortinet 2009.03.31 -
GData 19 2009.03.31 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.03.31 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.685 2009.03.30 -
Kaspersky 2009.03.31 -
McAfee 5569 2009.03.30 -
McAfee+Artemis 5569 2009.03.30 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.0.0 2009.03.31 -
Microsoft 1.4502 2009.03.31 -
NOD32 3976 2009.03.30 -
Norman 2009.03.31 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.03.31 -
Panda 2009.03.31 -
PCTools 2009.03.31 -
Prevx1 V2 2009.03.31 -
Rising 2009.03.31 -
Sophos 4.40.0 2009.03.31 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.03.31 -
Symantec 2009.03.31 -
TheHacker 2009.03.30 -
TrendMicro 8.700.0.1004 2009.03.31 -
VBA32 2009.03.31 -
ViRobot 2009.3.31.1669 2009.03.31 -
VirusBuster 2009.03.31 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 28672 bytes
MD5 : ceddee2e0591894d19654d458fd3b9be
SHA1 : c58ba65bff4e5e4ba7e78599b583829d56e76e2a
SHA256: 712ba390891faf0d52aeadbbaef7fe14a655611984cd3db1709f665482e9fa9b
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x1301<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x40787439 (Sun Apr 11 00:24:57 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 5 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x1000 0x50E8 0x5200 6.48 7071acd55cb7b9f4377885dab92bdeb8<BR>.rdata 0x7000 0xA7F 0xC00 4.55 cbf801a89a20762706eaf0d93c1eb2a6<BR>.data 0x8000 0x38 0x200 0.50 1bad19bae9d56027544774597c2bce5e<BR>.rsrc 0x9000 0x618 0x800 2.78 7ffcbc84ac6844b1edea17f1d1734c22<BR>.reloc 0xA000 0x290 0x400 4.60 6d95403a18601703a8c7d2d7f27f4db7<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KfAcquireSpinLock, KfReleaseSpinLock<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: ExFreePool, KeInitializeSpinLock, PoStartNextPowerIrp, IofCompleteRequest, _purecall, KeSetEvent, IoFreeIrp, KeWaitForSingleObject, IofCallDriver, KeInitializeEvent, IoAllocateIrp, KeQuerySystemTime, wcsncmp, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, RtlInitUnicodeString, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, KeDelayExecutionThread, RtlGUIDFromString, ZwQueryValueKey, RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString, RtlCopyUnicodeString, RtlIntegerToUnicodeString, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, ZwSetValueKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, ZwCreateKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins, StreamClassScheduleTimer, StreamClassRegisterAdapter, StreamClassDeviceNotification<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (49.9%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (49.8%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.1%)
ssdeep: 384:UsA3COA9Q6Yd/AikFzp95UwbZLk4suw15Mdrjg2ohzWP3DdgQII9oZ8J3bJz7j:Us7OGQs5PNL6uwGrmgqQIuoZ8dJz7j
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: atinsnxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: atinsnxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: atinsnxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: atinsnxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: atinsnxx.sys
2ème fichier:
Fichier 9031E7695FDBA0F15365004FF9F694004110881D.sys reçu le 2009.07.22 03:53:13 (UTC)Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
a-squared 2009.07.22 -
AhnLab-V3 2009.07.21 -
AntiVir 2009.07.21 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.07.22 -
Authentium 2009.07.22 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.07.21 -
AVG 2009.07.21 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.07.22 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.07.21 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.07.22 -
Comodo 1670 2009.07.21 -
DrWeb 2009.07.22 -
eSafe 2009.07.21 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6632 2009.07.22 -
F-Prot 2009.07.21 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.07.21 Suspicious:W32/Malware!Gemini
Fortinet 2009.07.22 -
GData 19 2009.07.22 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.07.22 -
Jiangmin 11.0.800 2009.07.21 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.798 2009.07.21 -
McAfee 5683 2009.07.21 -
McAfee+Artemis 5683 2009.07.21 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.07.22 -
Microsoft 1.4903 2009.07.22 -
NOD32 4265 2009.07.21 -
Norman 2009.07.21 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.07.21 -
Panda 2009.07.21 -
PCTools 2009.07.21 -
Prevx 3.0 2009.07.22 -
Rising 2009.07.22 -
Sophos 4.43.0 2009.07.22 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.07.21 -
Symantec 2009.07.22 -
TheHacker 2009.07.21 -
TrendMicro 8.950.0.1094 2009.07.21 -
VBA32 2009.07.21 -
ViRobot 2009.7.22.1846 2009.07.22 -
VirusBuster 2009.07.21 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 21343 bytes
MD5 : f7706dae7d101f1b19ce552d772ebfce
SHA1 : 5f2e56b7f68bfa8cb5bcbba354a14e8a44b5df7b
SHA256: 727d5662b2e7069c25f2cc794f1385c21509dcdceb7c68c037857ccf388a04e4
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x270<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x4027D5A2 (Mon Feb 9 19:46:58 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 6 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x270 0x18C0 0x18C0 6.54 b24893df48ba4a4ddd58e6be375f1e33<BR>.rdata 0x1B30 0x2C0 0x2C0 2.51 920926a42d5483cf4170b6c0d1399501<BR>.data 0x1DF0 0x2AA4 0x2AB0 0.55 309c105d13db5b8f63fac780ac14ffea<BR>.idata 0x48A0 0x2EC 0x2F0 4.76 18a0d95f831b02a0f0e3b8b6e29e9e7f<BR>.rsrc 0x4B90 0x634 0x640 3.46 b90dc64981ad6950b4c6da858262c9f5<BR>.reloc 0x51D0 0x16C 0x170 5.76 2146c23b62f01fbeaa1f1f2704814989<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KeQueryPerformanceCounter<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: ExAllocatePoolWithTag, IoCreateSymbolicLink, IofCompleteRequest, PoStartNextPowerIrp, InterlockedExchange, RtlInitUnicodeString, ZwSetValueKey, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, wcsncmp, ZwCreateKey, ExFreePool, ZwQueryValueKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassDeviceNotification, StreamClassStreamNotification, StreamClassRegisterAdapter<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>95.5% (.EXE) Win64 Executable Generic (85619/45/3)<BR>2.2% (.EXE) Generic Win/DOS Executable (2002/3)<BR>2.2% (.EXE) DOS Executable Generic (2000/1)<BR>0.0% (.CEL) Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (7/3)
ssdeep: 192:2lipxVuTpK7ptQ4qtsX495HO0wy+EPtEg5cOw2DHTB:2lauTpK7pG4csX43u0wqP/2R2DHTB
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: ati1ttxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: ati1ttxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: ati1ttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: ati1ttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: ati1ttxx.sys
Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
a-squared 2009.07.22 -
AhnLab-V3 2009.07.21 -
AntiVir 2009.07.21 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.07.22 -
Authentium 2009.07.22 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.07.21 -
AVG 2009.07.21 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.07.22 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.07.21 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.07.22 -
Comodo 1670 2009.07.21 -
DrWeb 2009.07.22 -
eSafe 2009.07.21 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6632 2009.07.22 -
F-Prot 2009.07.21 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.07.21 Suspicious:W32/Malware!Gemini
Fortinet 2009.07.22 -
GData 19 2009.07.22 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.07.22 -
Jiangmin 11.0.800 2009.07.21 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.798 2009.07.21 -
McAfee 5683 2009.07.21 -
McAfee+Artemis 5683 2009.07.21 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.07.22 -
Microsoft 1.4903 2009.07.22 -
NOD32 4265 2009.07.21 -
Norman 2009.07.21 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.07.21 -
Panda 2009.07.21 -
PCTools 2009.07.21 -
Prevx 3.0 2009.07.22 -
Rising 2009.07.22 -
Sophos 4.43.0 2009.07.22 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.07.21 -
Symantec 2009.07.22 -
TheHacker 2009.07.21 -
TrendMicro 8.950.0.1094 2009.07.21 -
VBA32 2009.07.21 -
ViRobot 2009.7.22.1846 2009.07.22 -
VirusBuster 2009.07.21 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 21343 bytes
MD5 : f7706dae7d101f1b19ce552d772ebfce
SHA1 : 5f2e56b7f68bfa8cb5bcbba354a14e8a44b5df7b
SHA256: 727d5662b2e7069c25f2cc794f1385c21509dcdceb7c68c037857ccf388a04e4
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x270<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x4027D5A2 (Mon Feb 9 19:46:58 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 6 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x270 0x18C0 0x18C0 6.54 b24893df48ba4a4ddd58e6be375f1e33<BR>.rdata 0x1B30 0x2C0 0x2C0 2.51 920926a42d5483cf4170b6c0d1399501<BR>.data 0x1DF0 0x2AA4 0x2AB0 0.55 309c105d13db5b8f63fac780ac14ffea<BR>.idata 0x48A0 0x2EC 0x2F0 4.76 18a0d95f831b02a0f0e3b8b6e29e9e7f<BR>.rsrc 0x4B90 0x634 0x640 3.46 b90dc64981ad6950b4c6da858262c9f5<BR>.reloc 0x51D0 0x16C 0x170 5.76 2146c23b62f01fbeaa1f1f2704814989<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KeQueryPerformanceCounter<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: ExAllocatePoolWithTag, IoCreateSymbolicLink, IofCompleteRequest, PoStartNextPowerIrp, InterlockedExchange, RtlInitUnicodeString, ZwSetValueKey, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, wcsncmp, ZwCreateKey, ExFreePool, ZwQueryValueKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassDeviceNotification, StreamClassStreamNotification, StreamClassRegisterAdapter<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>95.5% (.EXE) Win64 Executable Generic (85619/45/3)<BR>2.2% (.EXE) Generic Win/DOS Executable (2002/3)<BR>2.2% (.EXE) DOS Executable Generic (2000/1)<BR>0.0% (.CEL) Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (7/3)
ssdeep: 192:2lipxVuTpK7ptQ4qtsX495HO0wy+EPtEg5cOw2DHTB:2lauTpK7pG4csX43u0wqP/2R2DHTB
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: ati1ttxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: ati1ttxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: ati1ttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: ati1ttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: ati1ttxx.sys
Fichier 9031E7695FDBA0F15365004FF9F694004110881D.sys reçu le 2009.07.22 03:53:13 (UTC)Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
a-squared 2009.07.22 -
AhnLab-V3 2009.07.21 -
AntiVir 2009.07.21 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.07.22 -
Authentium 2009.07.22 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.07.21 -
AVG 2009.07.21 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.07.22 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.07.21 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.07.22 -
Comodo 1670 2009.07.21 -
DrWeb 2009.07.22 -
eSafe 2009.07.21 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6632 2009.07.22 -
F-Prot 2009.07.21 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.07.21 Suspicious:W32/Malware!Gemini
Fortinet 2009.07.22 -
GData 19 2009.07.22 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.07.22 -
Jiangmin 11.0.800 2009.07.21 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.798 2009.07.21 -
McAfee 5683 2009.07.21 -
McAfee+Artemis 5683 2009.07.21 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.07.22 -
Microsoft 1.4903 2009.07.22 -
NOD32 4265 2009.07.21 -
Norman 2009.07.21 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.07.21 -
Panda 2009.07.21 -
PCTools 2009.07.21 -
Prevx 3.0 2009.07.22 -
Rising 2009.07.22 -
Sophos 4.43.0 2009.07.22 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.07.21 -
Symantec 2009.07.22 -
TheHacker 2009.07.21 -
TrendMicro 8.950.0.1094 2009.07.21 -
VBA32 2009.07.21 -
ViRobot 2009.7.22.1846 2009.07.22 -
VirusBuster 2009.07.21 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 21343 bytes
MD5 : f7706dae7d101f1b19ce552d772ebfce
SHA1 : 5f2e56b7f68bfa8cb5bcbba354a14e8a44b5df7b
SHA256: 727d5662b2e7069c25f2cc794f1385c21509dcdceb7c68c037857ccf388a04e4
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x270<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x4027D5A2 (Mon Feb 9 19:46:58 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 6 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x270 0x18C0 0x18C0 6.54 b24893df48ba4a4ddd58e6be375f1e33<BR>.rdata 0x1B30 0x2C0 0x2C0 2.51 920926a42d5483cf4170b6c0d1399501<BR>.data 0x1DF0 0x2AA4 0x2AB0 0.55 309c105d13db5b8f63fac780ac14ffea<BR>.idata 0x48A0 0x2EC 0x2F0 4.76 18a0d95f831b02a0f0e3b8b6e29e9e7f<BR>.rsrc 0x4B90 0x634 0x640 3.46 b90dc64981ad6950b4c6da858262c9f5<BR>.reloc 0x51D0 0x16C 0x170 5.76 2146c23b62f01fbeaa1f1f2704814989<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KeQueryPerformanceCounter<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: ExAllocatePoolWithTag, IoCreateSymbolicLink, IofCompleteRequest, PoStartNextPowerIrp, InterlockedExchange, RtlInitUnicodeString, ZwSetValueKey, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, wcsncmp, ZwCreateKey, ExFreePool, ZwQueryValueKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassDeviceNotification, StreamClassStreamNotification, StreamClassRegisterAdapter<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>95.5% (.EXE) Win64 Executable Generic (85619/45/3)<BR>2.2% (.EXE) Generic Win/DOS Executable (2002/3)<BR>2.2% (.EXE) DOS Executable Generic (2000/1)<BR>0.0% (.CEL) Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (7/3)
ssdeep: 192:2lipxVuTpK7ptQ4qtsX495HO0wy+EPtEg5cOw2DHTB:2lauTpK7pG4csX43u0wqP/2R2DHTB
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: ati1ttxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: ati1ttxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: ati1ttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: ati1ttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: ati1ttxx.sys
Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
a-squared 2009.07.22 -
AhnLab-V3 2009.07.21 -
AntiVir 2009.07.21 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.07.22 -
Authentium 2009.07.22 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.07.21 -
AVG 2009.07.21 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.07.22 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.07.21 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.07.22 -
Comodo 1670 2009.07.21 -
DrWeb 2009.07.22 -
eSafe 2009.07.21 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6632 2009.07.22 -
F-Prot 2009.07.21 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.07.21 Suspicious:W32/Malware!Gemini
Fortinet 2009.07.22 -
GData 19 2009.07.22 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.07.22 -
Jiangmin 11.0.800 2009.07.21 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.798 2009.07.21 -
McAfee 5683 2009.07.21 -
McAfee+Artemis 5683 2009.07.21 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.07.22 -
Microsoft 1.4903 2009.07.22 -
NOD32 4265 2009.07.21 -
Norman 2009.07.21 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.07.21 -
Panda 2009.07.21 -
PCTools 2009.07.21 -
Prevx 3.0 2009.07.22 -
Rising 2009.07.22 -
Sophos 4.43.0 2009.07.22 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.07.21 -
Symantec 2009.07.22 -
TheHacker 2009.07.21 -
TrendMicro 8.950.0.1094 2009.07.21 -
VBA32 2009.07.21 -
ViRobot 2009.7.22.1846 2009.07.22 -
VirusBuster 2009.07.21 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 21343 bytes
MD5 : f7706dae7d101f1b19ce552d772ebfce
SHA1 : 5f2e56b7f68bfa8cb5bcbba354a14e8a44b5df7b
SHA256: 727d5662b2e7069c25f2cc794f1385c21509dcdceb7c68c037857ccf388a04e4
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x270<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x4027D5A2 (Mon Feb 9 19:46:58 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 6 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x270 0x18C0 0x18C0 6.54 b24893df48ba4a4ddd58e6be375f1e33<BR>.rdata 0x1B30 0x2C0 0x2C0 2.51 920926a42d5483cf4170b6c0d1399501<BR>.data 0x1DF0 0x2AA4 0x2AB0 0.55 309c105d13db5b8f63fac780ac14ffea<BR>.idata 0x48A0 0x2EC 0x2F0 4.76 18a0d95f831b02a0f0e3b8b6e29e9e7f<BR>.rsrc 0x4B90 0x634 0x640 3.46 b90dc64981ad6950b4c6da858262c9f5<BR>.reloc 0x51D0 0x16C 0x170 5.76 2146c23b62f01fbeaa1f1f2704814989<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KeQueryPerformanceCounter<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: ExAllocatePoolWithTag, IoCreateSymbolicLink, IofCompleteRequest, PoStartNextPowerIrp, InterlockedExchange, RtlInitUnicodeString, ZwSetValueKey, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, wcsncmp, ZwCreateKey, ExFreePool, ZwQueryValueKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassDeviceNotification, StreamClassStreamNotification, StreamClassRegisterAdapter<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>95.5% (.EXE) Win64 Executable Generic (85619/45/3)<BR>2.2% (.EXE) Generic Win/DOS Executable (2002/3)<BR>2.2% (.EXE) DOS Executable Generic (2000/1)<BR>0.0% (.CEL) Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (7/3)
ssdeep: 192:2lipxVuTpK7ptQ4qtsX495HO0wy+EPtEg5cOw2DHTB:2lauTpK7pG4csX43u0wqP/2R2DHTB
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: ati1ttxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: ati1ttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: ati1ttxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: ati1ttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: ati1ttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: ati1ttxx.sys
3ème fichier:
Fichier b12dd4a0005f1c4b7090009378b5920090fee997.EXE reçu le 2009.03.31 15:27:09 (UTC)Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
AhnLab-V3 2009.03.31 -
AntiVir 2009.03.31 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.03.31 -
Authentium 2009.03.30 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.03.30 -
AVG 2009.03.31 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.03.31 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.03.31 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.03.31 -
Comodo 1090 2009.03.31 -
DrWeb 2009.03.31 -
eSafe 2009.03.31 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6427 2009.03.31 -
F-Prot 2009.03.30 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.03.31 -
Fortinet 2009.03.31 -
GData 19 2009.03.31 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.03.31 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.685 2009.03.30 -
Kaspersky 2009.03.31 -
McAfee 5569 2009.03.30 -
McAfee+Artemis 5569 2009.03.30 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.0.0 2009.03.31 -
Microsoft 1.4502 2009.03.31 -
NOD32 3976 2009.03.30 -
Norman 2009.03.31 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.03.31 -
Panda 2009.03.31 -
PCTools 2009.03.31 -
Prevx1 V2 2009.03.31 -
Rising 2009.03.31 -
Sophos 4.40.0 2009.03.31 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.03.31 -
Symantec 2009.03.31 -
TheHacker 2009.03.30 -
TrendMicro 8.700.0.1004 2009.03.31 -
VBA32 2009.03.31 -
ViRobot 2009.3.31.1669 2009.03.31 -
VirusBuster 2009.03.31 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 28672 bytes
MD5 : ceddee2e0591894d19654d458fd3b9be
SHA1 : c58ba65bff4e5e4ba7e78599b583829d56e76e2a
SHA256: 712ba390891faf0d52aeadbbaef7fe14a655611984cd3db1709f665482e9fa9b
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x1301<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x40787439 (Sun Apr 11 00:24:57 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 5 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x1000 0x50E8 0x5200 6.48 7071acd55cb7b9f4377885dab92bdeb8<BR>.rdata 0x7000 0xA7F 0xC00 4.55 cbf801a89a20762706eaf0d93c1eb2a6<BR>.data 0x8000 0x38 0x200 0.50 1bad19bae9d56027544774597c2bce5e<BR>.rsrc 0x9000 0x618 0x800 2.78 7ffcbc84ac6844b1edea17f1d1734c22<BR>.reloc 0xA000 0x290 0x400 4.60 6d95403a18601703a8c7d2d7f27f4db7<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KfAcquireSpinLock, KfReleaseSpinLock<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: ExFreePool, KeInitializeSpinLock, PoStartNextPowerIrp, IofCompleteRequest, _purecall, KeSetEvent, IoFreeIrp, KeWaitForSingleObject, IofCallDriver, KeInitializeEvent, IoAllocateIrp, KeQuerySystemTime, wcsncmp, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, RtlInitUnicodeString, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, KeDelayExecutionThread, RtlGUIDFromString, ZwQueryValueKey, RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString, RtlCopyUnicodeString, RtlIntegerToUnicodeString, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, ZwSetValueKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, ZwCreateKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins, StreamClassScheduleTimer, StreamClassRegisterAdapter, StreamClassDeviceNotification<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (49.9%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (49.8%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.1%)
ssdeep: 384:UsA3COA9Q6Yd/AikFzp95UwbZLk4suw15Mdrjg2ohzWP3DdgQII9oZ8J3bJz7j:Us7OGQs5PNL6uwGrmgqQIuoZ8dJz7j
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: atinsnxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: atinsnxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: atinsnxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: atinsnxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: atinsnxx.sys
Fichier b12dd4a0005f1c4b7090009378b5920090fee997.EXE reçu le 2009.03.31 15:27:09 (UTC)Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
AhnLab-V3 2009.03.31 -
AntiVir 2009.03.31 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.03.31 -
Authentium 2009.03.30 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.03.30 -
AVG 2009.03.31 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.03.31 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.03.31 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.03.31 -
Comodo 1090 2009.03.31 -
DrWeb 2009.03.31 -
eSafe 2009.03.31 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6427 2009.03.31 -
F-Prot 2009.03.30 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.03.31 -
Fortinet 2009.03.31 -
GData 19 2009.03.31 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.03.31 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.685 2009.03.30 -
Kaspersky 2009.03.31 -
McAfee 5569 2009.03.30 -
McAfee+Artemis 5569 2009.03.30 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.0.0 2009.03.31 -
Microsoft 1.4502 2009.03.31 -
NOD32 3976 2009.03.30 -
Norman 2009.03.31 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.03.31 -
Panda 2009.03.31 -
PCTools 2009.03.31 -
Prevx1 V2 2009.03.31 -
Rising 2009.03.31 -
Sophos 4.40.0 2009.03.31 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.03.31 -
Symantec 2009.03.31 -
TheHacker 2009.03.30 -
TrendMicro 8.700.0.1004 2009.03.31 -
VBA32 2009.03.31 -
ViRobot 2009.3.31.1669 2009.03.31 -
VirusBuster 2009.03.31 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 28672 bytes
MD5 : ceddee2e0591894d19654d458fd3b9be
SHA1 : c58ba65bff4e5e4ba7e78599b583829d56e76e2a
SHA256: 712ba390891faf0d52aeadbbaef7fe14a655611984cd3db1709f665482e9fa9b
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x1301<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x40787439 (Sun Apr 11 00:24:57 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 5 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x1000 0x50E8 0x5200 6.48 7071acd55cb7b9f4377885dab92bdeb8<BR>.rdata 0x7000 0xA7F 0xC00 4.55 cbf801a89a20762706eaf0d93c1eb2a6<BR>.data 0x8000 0x38 0x200 0.50 1bad19bae9d56027544774597c2bce5e<BR>.rsrc 0x9000 0x618 0x800 2.78 7ffcbc84ac6844b1edea17f1d1734c22<BR>.reloc 0xA000 0x290 0x400 4.60 6d95403a18601703a8c7d2d7f27f4db7<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KfAcquireSpinLock, KfReleaseSpinLock<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: ExFreePool, KeInitializeSpinLock, PoStartNextPowerIrp, IofCompleteRequest, _purecall, KeSetEvent, IoFreeIrp, KeWaitForSingleObject, IofCallDriver, KeInitializeEvent, IoAllocateIrp, KeQuerySystemTime, wcsncmp, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, RtlInitUnicodeString, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, KeDelayExecutionThread, RtlGUIDFromString, ZwQueryValueKey, RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString, RtlCopyUnicodeString, RtlIntegerToUnicodeString, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, ZwSetValueKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, ZwCreateKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins, StreamClassScheduleTimer, StreamClassRegisterAdapter, StreamClassDeviceNotification<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (49.9%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (49.8%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.1%)
ssdeep: 384:UsA3COA9Q6Yd/AikFzp95UwbZLk4suw15Mdrjg2ohzWP3DdgQII9oZ8J3bJz7j:Us7OGQs5PNL6uwGrmgqQIuoZ8dJz7j
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: atinsnxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: atinsnxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: atinsnxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: atinsnxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: atinsnxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: atinsnxx.sys
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4ème fichier:
Fichier atinttxx.sys reçu le 2009.08.14 19:42:30 (UTC)Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
a-squared 2009.08.14 -
AhnLab-V3 2009.08.14 -
AntiVir 2009.08.14 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.08.14 -
Authentium 2009.08.13 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.08.14 -
AVG 2009.08.14 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.08.14 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.08.13 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.08.14 -
Comodo 1965 2009.08.14 -
DrWeb 2009.08.14 -
eSafe 2009.08.13 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6677 2009.08.14 -
F-Prot 2009.08.13 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.08.14 -
Fortinet 2009.08.14 -
GData 19 2009.08.14 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.08.14 -
Jiangmin 11.0.800 2009.08.14 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.819 2009.08.14 -
Kaspersky 2009.08.14 -
McAfee 5709 2009.08.14 -
McAfee+Artemis 5709 2009.08.14 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.08.14 -
Microsoft 1.4903 2009.08.14 -
NOD32 4336 2009.08.14 -
Norman 2009.08.14 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.08.14 -
Panda 2009.08.14 -
PCTools 2009.08.12 -
Prevx 3.0 2009.08.14 -
Rising 2009.08.14 -
Sophos 4.44.0 2009.08.14 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.08.13 -
Symantec 2009.08.14 -
TheHacker 2009.08.13 -
TrendMicro 8.950.0.1094 2009.08.14 -
VBA32 2009.08.13 -
ViRobot 2009.8.14.1885 2009.08.14 -
VirusBuster 2009.08.14 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 13824 bytes
MD5 : d80a8f6c0a717446496c3a06d33b0d9c
SHA1 : c79a0db42f5d0bbcb7ed85e78578025179123080
SHA256: 0e3025a38f060b643914c099792f3e5d2c80c3d039af07fb71e33b678fcee15d
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x16B3<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x4078749C (Sun Apr 11 00:26:36 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 5 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x1000 0x1860 0x1A00 6.30 e723576cc001e80a0fb6055f359170f1<BR>.rdata 0x3000 0x896 0xA00 3.66 eb8a1ef19e143e3191bd57f659470e4f<BR>.data 0x4000 0x29C0 0x400 3.12 bf3d146f65e46ad39ad3218cea1242bb<BR>.rsrc 0x7000 0x638 0x800 2.80 91983aa4359b28b3a4f68a40c31e5fd4<BR>.reloc 0x8000 0x162 0x200 4.39 03f121f28732ec37b185e80288d1023a<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KeQueryPerformanceCounter<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: PoStartNextPowerIrp, IofCompleteRequest, IoCreateSymbolicLink, RtlInitUnicodeString, _allmul, _aulldiv, InterlockedExchange, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, ExFreePool, ZwQueryValueKey, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, ZwSetValueKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, wcsncmp, ZwCreateKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassRegisterAdapter, StreamClassDeviceNotification, StreamClassStreamNotification<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (49.9%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (49.8%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.1%)
ssdeep: 192:bq9O6kUX9yI4hStJpNqEMgGxDMCLMCViviiHexNGYYshf:b5/69hvN9sNdXy+dYshf
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: atinttxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: atinttxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: atinttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: atinttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: atinttxx.sys
Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
a-squared 2009.08.14 -
AhnLab-V3 2009.08.14 -
AntiVir 2009.08.14 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.08.14 -
Authentium 2009.08.13 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.08.14 -
AVG 2009.08.14 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.08.14 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.08.13 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.08.14 -
Comodo 1965 2009.08.14 -
DrWeb 2009.08.14 -
eSafe 2009.08.13 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6677 2009.08.14 -
F-Prot 2009.08.13 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.08.14 -
Fortinet 2009.08.14 -
GData 19 2009.08.14 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.08.14 -
Jiangmin 11.0.800 2009.08.14 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.819 2009.08.14 -
Kaspersky 2009.08.14 -
McAfee 5709 2009.08.14 -
McAfee+Artemis 5709 2009.08.14 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.08.14 -
Microsoft 1.4903 2009.08.14 -
NOD32 4336 2009.08.14 -
Norman 2009.08.14 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.08.14 -
Panda 2009.08.14 -
PCTools 2009.08.12 -
Prevx 3.0 2009.08.14 -
Rising 2009.08.14 -
Sophos 4.44.0 2009.08.14 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.08.13 -
Symantec 2009.08.14 -
TheHacker 2009.08.13 -
TrendMicro 8.950.0.1094 2009.08.14 -
VBA32 2009.08.13 -
ViRobot 2009.8.14.1885 2009.08.14 -
VirusBuster 2009.08.14 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 13824 bytes
MD5 : d80a8f6c0a717446496c3a06d33b0d9c
SHA1 : c79a0db42f5d0bbcb7ed85e78578025179123080
SHA256: 0e3025a38f060b643914c099792f3e5d2c80c3d039af07fb71e33b678fcee15d
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x16B3<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x4078749C (Sun Apr 11 00:26:36 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 5 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x1000 0x1860 0x1A00 6.30 e723576cc001e80a0fb6055f359170f1<BR>.rdata 0x3000 0x896 0xA00 3.66 eb8a1ef19e143e3191bd57f659470e4f<BR>.data 0x4000 0x29C0 0x400 3.12 bf3d146f65e46ad39ad3218cea1242bb<BR>.rsrc 0x7000 0x638 0x800 2.80 91983aa4359b28b3a4f68a40c31e5fd4<BR>.reloc 0x8000 0x162 0x200 4.39 03f121f28732ec37b185e80288d1023a<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KeQueryPerformanceCounter<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: PoStartNextPowerIrp, IofCompleteRequest, IoCreateSymbolicLink, RtlInitUnicodeString, _allmul, _aulldiv, InterlockedExchange, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, ExFreePool, ZwQueryValueKey, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, ZwSetValueKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, wcsncmp, ZwCreateKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassRegisterAdapter, StreamClassDeviceNotification, StreamClassStreamNotification<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (49.9%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (49.8%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.1%)
ssdeep: 192:bq9O6kUX9yI4hStJpNqEMgGxDMCLMCViviiHexNGYYshf:b5/69hvN9sNdXy+dYshf
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: atinttxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: atinttxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: atinttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: atinttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: atinttxx.sys
Fichier atinttxx.sys reçu le 2009.08.14 19:42:30 (UTC)Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
a-squared 2009.08.14 -
AhnLab-V3 2009.08.14 -
AntiVir 2009.08.14 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.08.14 -
Authentium 2009.08.13 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.08.14 -
AVG 2009.08.14 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.08.14 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.08.13 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.08.14 -
Comodo 1965 2009.08.14 -
DrWeb 2009.08.14 -
eSafe 2009.08.13 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6677 2009.08.14 -
F-Prot 2009.08.13 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.08.14 -
Fortinet 2009.08.14 -
GData 19 2009.08.14 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.08.14 -
Jiangmin 11.0.800 2009.08.14 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.819 2009.08.14 -
Kaspersky 2009.08.14 -
McAfee 5709 2009.08.14 -
McAfee+Artemis 5709 2009.08.14 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.08.14 -
Microsoft 1.4903 2009.08.14 -
NOD32 4336 2009.08.14 -
Norman 2009.08.14 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.08.14 -
Panda 2009.08.14 -
PCTools 2009.08.12 -
Prevx 3.0 2009.08.14 -
Rising 2009.08.14 -
Sophos 4.44.0 2009.08.14 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.08.13 -
Symantec 2009.08.14 -
TheHacker 2009.08.13 -
TrendMicro 8.950.0.1094 2009.08.14 -
VBA32 2009.08.13 -
ViRobot 2009.8.14.1885 2009.08.14 -
VirusBuster 2009.08.14 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 13824 bytes
MD5 : d80a8f6c0a717446496c3a06d33b0d9c
SHA1 : c79a0db42f5d0bbcb7ed85e78578025179123080
SHA256: 0e3025a38f060b643914c099792f3e5d2c80c3d039af07fb71e33b678fcee15d
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x16B3<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x4078749C (Sun Apr 11 00:26:36 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 5 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x1000 0x1860 0x1A00 6.30 e723576cc001e80a0fb6055f359170f1<BR>.rdata 0x3000 0x896 0xA00 3.66 eb8a1ef19e143e3191bd57f659470e4f<BR>.data 0x4000 0x29C0 0x400 3.12 bf3d146f65e46ad39ad3218cea1242bb<BR>.rsrc 0x7000 0x638 0x800 2.80 91983aa4359b28b3a4f68a40c31e5fd4<BR>.reloc 0x8000 0x162 0x200 4.39 03f121f28732ec37b185e80288d1023a<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KeQueryPerformanceCounter<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: PoStartNextPowerIrp, IofCompleteRequest, IoCreateSymbolicLink, RtlInitUnicodeString, _allmul, _aulldiv, InterlockedExchange, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, ExFreePool, ZwQueryValueKey, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, ZwSetValueKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, wcsncmp, ZwCreateKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassRegisterAdapter, StreamClassDeviceNotification, StreamClassStreamNotification<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (49.9%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (49.8%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.1%)
ssdeep: 192:bq9O6kUX9yI4hStJpNqEMgGxDMCLMCViviiHexNGYYshf:b5/69hvN9sNdXy+dYshf
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: atinttxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: atinttxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: atinttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: atinttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: atinttxx.sys
Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
a-squared 2009.08.14 -
AhnLab-V3 2009.08.14 -
AntiVir 2009.08.14 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.08.14 -
Authentium 2009.08.13 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.08.14 -
AVG 2009.08.14 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.08.14 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.08.13 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.08.14 -
Comodo 1965 2009.08.14 -
DrWeb 2009.08.14 -
eSafe 2009.08.13 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6677 2009.08.14 -
F-Prot 2009.08.13 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.08.14 -
Fortinet 2009.08.14 -
GData 19 2009.08.14 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.08.14 -
Jiangmin 11.0.800 2009.08.14 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.819 2009.08.14 -
Kaspersky 2009.08.14 -
McAfee 5709 2009.08.14 -
McAfee+Artemis 5709 2009.08.14 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.08.14 -
Microsoft 1.4903 2009.08.14 -
NOD32 4336 2009.08.14 -
Norman 2009.08.14 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.08.14 -
Panda 2009.08.14 -
PCTools 2009.08.12 -
Prevx 3.0 2009.08.14 -
Rising 2009.08.14 -
Sophos 4.44.0 2009.08.14 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.08.13 -
Symantec 2009.08.14 -
TheHacker 2009.08.13 -
TrendMicro 8.950.0.1094 2009.08.14 -
VBA32 2009.08.13 -
ViRobot 2009.8.14.1885 2009.08.14 -
VirusBuster 2009.08.14 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 13824 bytes
MD5 : d80a8f6c0a717446496c3a06d33b0d9c
SHA1 : c79a0db42f5d0bbcb7ed85e78578025179123080
SHA256: 0e3025a38f060b643914c099792f3e5d2c80c3d039af07fb71e33b678fcee15d
PEInfo: PE Structure information<BR><BR>( base data )<BR>entrypointaddress.: 0x16B3<BR>timedatestamp.....: 0x4078749C (Sun Apr 11 00:26:36 2004)<BR>machinetype.......: 0x14C (Intel I386)<BR><BR>( 5 sections )<BR>name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5<BR>.text 0x1000 0x1860 0x1A00 6.30 e723576cc001e80a0fb6055f359170f1<BR>.rdata 0x3000 0x896 0xA00 3.66 eb8a1ef19e143e3191bd57f659470e4f<BR>.data 0x4000 0x29C0 0x400 3.12 bf3d146f65e46ad39ad3218cea1242bb<BR>.rsrc 0x7000 0x638 0x800 2.80 91983aa4359b28b3a4f68a40c31e5fd4<BR>.reloc 0x8000 0x162 0x200 4.39 03f121f28732ec37b185e80288d1023a<BR><BR>( 3 imports )<BR><BR>> hal.dll: KeQueryPerformanceCounter<BR>> ntoskrnl.exe: PoStartNextPowerIrp, IofCompleteRequest, IoCreateSymbolicLink, RtlInitUnicodeString, _allmul, _aulldiv, InterlockedExchange, ZwClose, ZwOpenKey, IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey, ExFreePool, ZwQueryValueKey, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, ZwSetValueKey, strchr, RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString, RtlInitAnsiString, wcsncmp, ZwCreateKey<BR>> stream.sys: StreamClassRegisterAdapter, StreamClassDeviceNotification, StreamClassStreamNotification<BR><BR>( 0 exports )<BR>
TrID : File type identification<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (49.9%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (49.8%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.1%)
ssdeep: 192:bq9O6kUX9yI4hStJpNqEMgGxDMCLMCViviiHexNGYYshf:b5/69hvN9sNdXy+dYshf
PEiD : -
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: atinttxx.sys<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>Disc 2438.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2428.8: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.7: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2438.8: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.7: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2439.8: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.3: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2440.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2441.7: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2442.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.2: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2443.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.3: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2444.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2455.6: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2464.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2465.5: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.2: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2466.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.2: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2476.4: atinttxx.sysMSDN Disc 2477.2: atinttxx.sysOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: atinttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: atinttxx.sysVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: atinttxx.sys
Voilà. Je n'ai pas eu à réaliser "cocher/décocher" dans la première étape car c'était déjà dans l'état demandé. Merci. J'ai l'impression que le travail va être long... :)
Utilisateur anonyme
16 août 2009 à 14:20
16 août 2009 à 14:20
je ne comprends pas pourquoi l'heure et la date d'ailleurs , d'analyse ne correspond pas à aujourd'hui
Utilisateur anonyme
16 août 2009 à 14:26
16 août 2009 à 14:26
tu peux me rendre un service ?
je suis en train de corriger des erreurs de detection sur List'em
peux-tu le supprimer , le retelecharger , et le repasser une fois ? merci d'avance
sinon pour la suite :
Télécharge OTL de OLDTimer
▶ enregistre le sur ton Bureau.
▶ Double clic sur OTL.exe pour le lancer.
▶ Coche les 2 cases Lop et Purity
▶ Coche la case devant scan all users
▶ règle-le sur "60 Days"
▶Clic sur Run Scan.
A la fin du scan, le Bloc-Notes va s'ouvrir avec le rapport (OTL.txt).
Ce fichier est sur ton Bureau (en général C:\Documents and settings\le_nom_de_ta_session\OTL.txt)
Pour me le transmettre clique sur ce lien :
▶ Clique sur Parcourir et cherche le fichier ci-dessus.
▶ Clique sur Ouvrir.
▶ Clique sur "Cliquez ici pour déposer le fichier".
Un lien de cette forme :
est ajouté dans la page.
▶ Copie ce lien dans ta réponse.
Tu feras la meme chose avec le "Extra.txt".
je suis en train de corriger des erreurs de detection sur List'em
peux-tu le supprimer , le retelecharger , et le repasser une fois ? merci d'avance
sinon pour la suite :
Télécharge OTL de OLDTimer
▶ enregistre le sur ton Bureau.
▶ Double clic sur OTL.exe pour le lancer.
▶ Coche les 2 cases Lop et Purity
▶ Coche la case devant scan all users
▶ règle-le sur "60 Days"
▶Clic sur Run Scan.
A la fin du scan, le Bloc-Notes va s'ouvrir avec le rapport (OTL.txt).
Ce fichier est sur ton Bureau (en général C:\Documents and settings\le_nom_de_ta_session\OTL.txt)
Pour me le transmettre clique sur ce lien :
▶ Clique sur Parcourir et cherche le fichier ci-dessus.
▶ Clique sur Ouvrir.
▶ Clique sur "Cliquez ici pour déposer le fichier".
Un lien de cette forme :
est ajouté dans la page.
▶ Copie ce lien dans ta réponse.
Tu feras la meme chose avec le "Extra.txt".
Suppression et deuxième passation de "listem":
List'em by g3n-h@ckm@n
dim. 16/08/2009 14:37:45,42
Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600]
Infections possibles :
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Fichiers et dossiers presents :
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Clés de registre Presentes :
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Windows\Prefetch :
List'em by g3n-h@ckm@n
dim. 16/08/2009 14:37:45,42
Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600]
Infections possibles :
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Fichiers et dossiers presents :
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Clés de registre Presentes :
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Windows\Prefetch :
Utilisateur anonyme
16 août 2009 à 15:10
16 août 2009 à 15:10
▶ Double clic sur OTL.exe pour le lancer.
▶Copie la liste qui se trouve en gras ci-dessous,
▶ colle-la dans la zone sous Customs Scans/Fixes :
O16 - DPF: {166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000} (Reg Error: Key error.)
O16 - DPF: {8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C} (Reg Error: Key error.)
O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA} (Reg Error: Key error.)
O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA} (Reg Error: Key error.)
O18 - Protocol\Handler\ipp - No CLSID value found
O18 - Protocol\Handler\msdaipp - No CLSID value found
@Alternate Data Stream - 36 bytes -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\ctl3dv2.dll:KAVICHS
@Alternate Data Stream - 100 bytes -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\DF4264A10A.sys:KAVICHS
"Adobe Reader Speed Launcher"=-
"QuickTime Task"=-
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\E31C
▶ Clique sur RunFix pour lancer la suppression.
▶ Poste le rapport.
▶Copie la liste qui se trouve en gras ci-dessous,
▶ colle-la dans la zone sous Customs Scans/Fixes :
O16 - DPF: {166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000} (Reg Error: Key error.)
O16 - DPF: {8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C} (Reg Error: Key error.)
O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA} (Reg Error: Key error.)
O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA} (Reg Error: Key error.)
O18 - Protocol\Handler\ipp - No CLSID value found
O18 - Protocol\Handler\msdaipp - No CLSID value found
@Alternate Data Stream - 36 bytes -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\ctl3dv2.dll:KAVICHS
@Alternate Data Stream - 100 bytes -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\DF4264A10A.sys:KAVICHS
"Adobe Reader Speed Launcher"=-
"QuickTime Task"=-
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\E31C
▶ Clique sur RunFix pour lancer la suppression.
▶ Poste le rapport.
All processes killed
========== PROCESSES ==========
No active process named explorer.exe was found!
No active process named iexplore.exe was found!
No active process named firefox.exe was found!
No active process named msnmsgr.exe was found!
No active process named Teatimer.exe was found!
========== OTL ==========
Starting removal of ActiveX control {166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000}
C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\swdir.inf moved successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\{166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000}\ deleted successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000}\ not found.
Starting removal of ActiveX control {8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C}
C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\erma.inf moved successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\{8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C}\ deleted successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C}\ not found.
Starting removal of ActiveX control {CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ deleted successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ deleted successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ not found.
Starting removal of ActiveX control {CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA}
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ deleted successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ deleted successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\PROTOCOLS\Handler\ipp\ deleted successfully.
File Protocol\Handler\ipp - No CLSID value found not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\PROTOCOLS\Handler\msdaipp\ deleted successfully.
File Protocol\Handler\msdaipp - No CLSID value found not found.
Unable to delete ADS C:\WINDOWS\System32\ctl3dv2.dll:KAVICHS .
Unable to delete ADS C:\WINDOWS\System32\DF4264A10A.sys:KAVICHS .
========== REGISTRY ==========
Registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\\Adobe Reader Speed Launcher deleted successfully.
Registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\\QuickTime Task deleted successfully.
========== FILES ==========
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\E31C moved successfully.
========== COMMANDS ==========
User: All Users
User: Default User
->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 0 bytes
User: LocalService
->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes
File delete failed. C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat scheduled to be deleted on reboot.
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 33170 bytes
User: NetworkService
->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 33170 bytes
User: Propriétaire
User: Thomas
->Temp folder emptied: 59067 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 15304910 bytes
->Java cache emptied: 25493131 bytes
%systemdrive% .tmp files removed: 0 bytes
%systemroot% .tmp files removed: 0 bytes
%systemroot%\System32 .tmp files removed: 0 bytes
Windows Temp folder emptied: 57123 bytes
RecycleBin emptied: 0 bytes
Total Files Cleaned = 39,08 mb
OTL by OldTimer - Version log created on 08162009_151244
Files\Folders moved on Reboot...
Registry entries deleted on Reboot...
========== PROCESSES ==========
No active process named explorer.exe was found!
No active process named iexplore.exe was found!
No active process named firefox.exe was found!
No active process named msnmsgr.exe was found!
No active process named Teatimer.exe was found!
========== OTL ==========
Starting removal of ActiveX control {166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000}
C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\swdir.inf moved successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\{166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000}\ deleted successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000}\ not found.
Starting removal of ActiveX control {8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C}
C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\erma.inf moved successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\{8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C}\ deleted successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C}\ not found.
Starting removal of ActiveX control {CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ deleted successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ deleted successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ not found.
Starting removal of ActiveX control {CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA}
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ deleted successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ deleted successfully.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA}\ not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\PROTOCOLS\Handler\ipp\ deleted successfully.
File Protocol\Handler\ipp - No CLSID value found not found.
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\PROTOCOLS\Handler\msdaipp\ deleted successfully.
File Protocol\Handler\msdaipp - No CLSID value found not found.
Unable to delete ADS C:\WINDOWS\System32\ctl3dv2.dll:KAVICHS .
Unable to delete ADS C:\WINDOWS\System32\DF4264A10A.sys:KAVICHS .
========== REGISTRY ==========
Registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\\Adobe Reader Speed Launcher deleted successfully.
Registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\\QuickTime Task deleted successfully.
========== FILES ==========
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\E31C moved successfully.
========== COMMANDS ==========
User: All Users
User: Default User
->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 0 bytes
User: LocalService
->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes
File delete failed. C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat scheduled to be deleted on reboot.
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 33170 bytes
User: NetworkService
->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 33170 bytes
User: Propriétaire
User: Thomas
->Temp folder emptied: 59067 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 15304910 bytes
->Java cache emptied: 25493131 bytes
%systemdrive% .tmp files removed: 0 bytes
%systemroot% .tmp files removed: 0 bytes
%systemroot%\System32 .tmp files removed: 0 bytes
Windows Temp folder emptied: 57123 bytes
RecycleBin emptied: 0 bytes
Total Files Cleaned = 39,08 mb
OTL by OldTimer - Version log created on 08162009_151244
Files\Folders moved on Reboot...
Registry entries deleted on Reboot...
Utilisateur anonyme
16 août 2009 à 17:02
16 août 2009 à 17:02
repasse le avec ceci en mode sans echec stp
@Alternate Data Stream - 36 bytes -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\ctl3dv2.dll:KAVICHS
@Alternate Data Stream - 100 bytes -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\DF4264A10A.sys:KAVICHS
@Alternate Data Stream - 36 bytes -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\ctl3dv2.dll:KAVICHS
@Alternate Data Stream - 100 bytes -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\DF4264A10A.sys:KAVICHS
All processes killed
========== PROCESSES ==========
No active process named explorer.exe was found!
No active process named iexplore.exe was found!
No active process named firefox.exe was found!
No active process named msnmsgr.exe was found!
No active process named Teatimer.exe was found!
========== OTL ==========
Unable to delete ADS C:\WINDOWS\System32\ctl3dv2.dll:KAVICHS .
Unable to delete ADS C:\WINDOWS\System32\DF4264A10A.sys:KAVICHS .
========== COMMANDS ==========
User: All Users
User: Default User
->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 0 bytes
User: LocalService
->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 33170 bytes
User: NetworkService
->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 0 bytes
User: Propriétaire
User: Thomas
->Temp folder emptied: 67013 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 28872924 bytes
->Java cache emptied: 0 bytes
%systemdrive% .tmp files removed: 0 bytes
%systemroot% .tmp files removed: 0 bytes
%systemroot%\System32 .tmp files removed: 0 bytes
Windows Temp folder emptied: 255 bytes
RecycleBin emptied: 0 bytes
Total Files Cleaned = 27,63 mb
OTL by OldTimer - Version log created on 08162009_171658
Files\Folders moved on Reboot...
Registry entries deleted on Reboot...
========== PROCESSES ==========
No active process named explorer.exe was found!
No active process named iexplore.exe was found!
No active process named firefox.exe was found!
No active process named msnmsgr.exe was found!
No active process named Teatimer.exe was found!
========== OTL ==========
Unable to delete ADS C:\WINDOWS\System32\ctl3dv2.dll:KAVICHS .
Unable to delete ADS C:\WINDOWS\System32\DF4264A10A.sys:KAVICHS .
========== COMMANDS ==========
User: All Users
User: Default User
->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 0 bytes
User: LocalService
->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 33170 bytes
User: NetworkService
->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 0 bytes
User: Propriétaire
User: Thomas
->Temp folder emptied: 67013 bytes
->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 28872924 bytes
->Java cache emptied: 0 bytes
%systemdrive% .tmp files removed: 0 bytes
%systemroot% .tmp files removed: 0 bytes
%systemroot%\System32 .tmp files removed: 0 bytes
Windows Temp folder emptied: 255 bytes
RecycleBin emptied: 0 bytes
Total Files Cleaned = 27,63 mb
OTL by OldTimer - Version log created on 08162009_171658
Files\Folders moved on Reboot...
Registry entries deleted on Reboot...
Utilisateur anonyme
16 août 2009 à 17:28
16 août 2009 à 17:28
▶ Clique sur le menu Demarrer /Panneau de configuration/Options des dossiers/ puis dans l'onglet Affichage
* - Coche Afficher les fichiers et dossiers cachés
* - Décoche Masquer les extensions des fichiers dont le type est connu
* - Décoche Masquer les fichiers protégés du système d'exploitation (recommandé)
▶ clique sur Appliquer, puis OK.
N'oublie pas de recacher à nouveau les fichiers cachés et protégés du système d'exploitation en fin de désinfection, c'est important
Fais analyser le(s) fichier(s) suivants sur Virustotal :
Virus Total
* Clique sur Parcourir en haut, choisis Poste de travail et cherche ces fichiers :
C:\WINDOWS\System32\ctl3dv2.dll:KAVICHS .
C:\WINDOWS\System32\DF4264A10A.sys:KAVICHS .
* Clique maintenant sur Envoyer le fichier. et laisse travailler tant que "Situation actuelle : en cours d'analyse" est affiché.
* Il est possible que le fichier soit mis en file d'attente en raison d'un grand nombre de demandes d'analyses. En ce cas, il te faudra patienter sans actualiser la page.
* Lorsque l'analyse est terminée ("Situation actuelle: terminé"), clique sur Formaté
* Une nouvelle fenêtre de ton navigateur va apparaître
* Clique alors sur les deux fleches
* Fais un clic droit sur la page, et choisis Sélectionner tout, puis copier
* Enfin colle le résultat dans ta prochaine réponse.
Note : Pour analyser un autre fichier, clique en bas sur Autre fichier.
* - Coche Afficher les fichiers et dossiers cachés
* - Décoche Masquer les extensions des fichiers dont le type est connu
* - Décoche Masquer les fichiers protégés du système d'exploitation (recommandé)
▶ clique sur Appliquer, puis OK.
N'oublie pas de recacher à nouveau les fichiers cachés et protégés du système d'exploitation en fin de désinfection, c'est important
Fais analyser le(s) fichier(s) suivants sur Virustotal :
Virus Total
* Clique sur Parcourir en haut, choisis Poste de travail et cherche ces fichiers :
C:\WINDOWS\System32\ctl3dv2.dll:KAVICHS .
C:\WINDOWS\System32\DF4264A10A.sys:KAVICHS .
* Clique maintenant sur Envoyer le fichier. et laisse travailler tant que "Situation actuelle : en cours d'analyse" est affiché.
* Il est possible que le fichier soit mis en file d'attente en raison d'un grand nombre de demandes d'analyses. En ce cas, il te faudra patienter sans actualiser la page.
* Lorsque l'analyse est terminée ("Situation actuelle: terminé"), clique sur Formaté
* Une nouvelle fenêtre de ton navigateur va apparaître
* Clique alors sur les deux fleches
* Fais un clic droit sur la page, et choisis Sélectionner tout, puis copier
* Enfin colle le résultat dans ta prochaine réponse.
Note : Pour analyser un autre fichier, clique en bas sur Autre fichier.
Premier fichier :
Fichier smona124813133429603557661 reçu le 2009.07.20 23:12:49 (UTC)Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
a-squared 2009.07.20 -
AhnLab-V3 2009.07.20 -
AntiVir 2009.07.20 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.07.17 -
Authentium 2009.07.20 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.07.20 -
AVG 2009.07.20 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.07.21 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.07.20 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.07.20 -
Comodo 1719 2009.07.21 -
DrWeb 2009.07.20 -
eSafe 2009.07.20 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6628 2009.07.20 -
F-Prot 2009.07.20 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.07.20 -
Fortinet 2009.07.20 -
GData 19 2009.07.21 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.07.20 -
Jiangmin 11.0.800 2009.07.20 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.797 2009.07.20 -
Kaspersky 2009.07.20 -
McAfee 5682 2009.07.20 -
McAfee+Artemis 5682 2009.07.20 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.07.21 -
Microsoft 1.4803 2009.07.20 -
NOD32 4262 2009.07.20 -
Norman 6.01.09 2009.07.20 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.07.20 -
Panda 2009.07.20 -
PCTools 2009.07.20 -
Prevx 3.0 2009.07.21 -
Rising 2009.07.20 -
Sophos 4.43.0 2009.07.20 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.07.20 -
Symantec 2009.07.21 -
TheHacker 2009.07.17 -
TrendMicro 8.950.0.1094 2009.07.20 -
VBA32 2009.07.19 -
ViRobot 2009.7.20.1843 2009.07.20 -
VirusBuster 2009.07.20 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 27200 bytes
MD5 : 637d88e7a1bedc4457c80dbc8ba9f135
SHA1 : 17155dedec7d8cd7aa305e204c489c6bc3060cf7
SHA256: 3387135a5075439b9238d6c486b047d4dba8d9a6d1dad6bb74050347c70616db
TrID : File type identification<BR>Win32 Dynamic Link Library (generic) (87.9%)<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (6.0%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (6.0%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.0%)
ThreatExpert: <A href="" target=_blank></A>
ssdeep: 768:0402mG6h6A4yoUa+pbbPL2zC41jWhDrJp:KCu2PwZrz
PEiD : -
CWSandbox: <A href="" target=_blank>
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Giant )<BR><BR>Antispyware: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Compaq )<BR><BR>Compaq Operating System CD: __0x00e4, ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( NewTech Infosystems Inc. )<BR><BR>CD-Maker Plus Edition: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( The Learning Company Inc. )<BR><BR>Reader Rabbits Toddler: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Dell )<BR><BR>Dell Back-up Dell-installed Programs: ctl3dv2.dllDell Product Recovery CD: ctl3dv2.dllOperating System Reinstallation CD W2K + SP2: ctl3dv2.dllProduct Recovery CD: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD W2K + SP2: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD W2K+SP3: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Macromedia Inc. )<BR><BR>Beta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Computer Literacy )<BR><BR>Windows 98 New Features - A preview: CTL3DV2.DLL<BR>( Connectix Corporation )<BR><BR>Connectix Virtual PC for Mac Version 5: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Oracle )<BR><BR>Enterprise Manager: CTL3DV2.DLL, CTL3DV2.NEWOracle 7 Workgroup Server: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle 8 Client: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle Applications: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle JDeveloper Suite -: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle JDeveloper Suite - Oracle 8 Enterprise Edition: CTL3DV2.NEWPersonal Oracle Lite: CTL3DV2.NEW<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>2261A: Supporting Users Running the Microsoft Windows XP Operating System: ctl3dv2.dll2262A: Supporting Users Running Applications on a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms, Servers: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms, Servers: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllBack Office 2.5: ctl3dv2.dllBack Office Small Business Server (Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllBack Office Small Business Server (x86): ctl3dv2.dllBack Office Small Business Server, Alpha Beta2: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server - Developers edition: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server 2000: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server Beta: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Small Business Server: ctl3dv2.dllBeta 2 Kit 2003: ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Server 5.0 Beta2(Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Beta 2(Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Beta2(x86): ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Checked.Debug Build, Beta2(Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllDell Reinstallation CD W2K and SP3: ctl3dv2.dllDell reinstallation CD W2K SP1: ctl3dv2.dllDeveloper Tools, Platforms, SDK/DDK, Applications: ctl3dv2.dllDisc 2438.5: ctl3dv2.dllGateway Operating System Backup CD Version 2000.1: ctl3dv2.dllGateway Operating System W2K: ctl3dv2.dllImplementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllInstalled Vista Ultimate: ctl3dv2.dll, x86_microsoft-windows-ntvdm-system32_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6000.16386_none_fbd6b71e75a2c6c8_ctl3dv2.dll_68361404Internet Explorer: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer Versions: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer Versions: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer Versions: ctl3dv2.dllMDSN Disc 2441.2: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Security Resource Kit: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft TechNet Trial Software 2002 Volume 1: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Windows Rights Management Services Evaluation Kit: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Windows Server 2003 Web Edition RC2: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Windows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft WindowsNT Workstation 4.0: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN 2939: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN BETA: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc 10: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc11: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0421: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0424: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0527.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0527.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0601: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0783: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0784: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0785: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0786: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0787: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0953: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 1550: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 1780: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2041: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2053: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2085: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2121: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2307: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2360: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2364: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN disc 2390: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2427.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2427.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2427.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.8: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN DISC 2438.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.7: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.8: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.7: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.8: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2440.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2440.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2440.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.7: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN disc 2455.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455.6: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN disc 2465.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2466: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2466.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2466.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2466.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2476: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2476.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2476.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2476.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2477.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2619: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2619.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2724: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2939.2: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2939.3: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2939.4: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2942: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2942: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2973: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2974: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2974: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 3235: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 3264: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 3498: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc2365: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc2386: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc2389: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc2428.3: ctl3dv2.dllmsdn Internet Explorer/ windows2000 Server: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN MSIE 6.0, IE 6.0 SP1, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 98 Second ed., Windows ME, Win XP Pro: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Platform Archive Disc2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Subscripitions Index Disc 0525: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows 2000 Advanced Server Disc6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows 2000 Professional Disc 3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows 2000 Server Disc5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows Codename Whistler Personal Beta 1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows Server 2003 Standard & Enterprise: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows Server 2003 Standard & Enterprise: ctl3dv2.dllNT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllNT Server 5.0 Beta1: ctl3dv2.dllOffice XP Professional with FrontPage: ctl3dv2.dllOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: ctl3dv2.dllOperating System Reinstallation CD W2K + SP3: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms SDKs/DDKs: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, SDK/DDK, Developer Tools: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, Servers, Applications: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, Servers, Applications, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllSmall Business Server,x 86 Beta 2: ctl3dv2.dllVirtual PC for Mac Windows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindow Server 2003: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Enterprise Serever Beta Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Enterprise Server Beta Debug/Checked Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Standard Server Beta Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Web Server Beta 3 Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 - Dell Reinstallation CD: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 - Release Candidate 2: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional - Dell Reinstallation CD: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional Debug/Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional Debug/Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Server - Release Candidate 2: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Versions: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 98 Versions: ctl3dv2.dllWindows CE .NET Evaluation Software: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Advanced Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Advanced Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Advanced Server Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Debug/Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename WhistlerProfessional Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows DDks: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server - Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server 4.0 Terminal: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server Terminal Server Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server Upgrade: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Technical Support Training: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation 1-2 Processor Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation 4.0: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation 4.0(Debug/Checked Build): ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation CD-ROM: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation Debug Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Professional Debug Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Server 2003 Visual Attendee Portfolio: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP eMbedded Evaluation Software: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition Release Candidate 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional 2002 Service Pack 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional Checked Build Release Candidate 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional Release Candidte 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Tablet PC Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindowsNT Workstation 1-2 Processor Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindowsNT Workstation 4.0: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Topics Entertainment )<BR><BR>Instant Home Design: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: ctl3dv2.dllGateway System Restoration Kit: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Disney )<BR><BR>Bowling for Screams: ctl3dv2.dll
Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
a-squared 2009.07.20 -
AhnLab-V3 2009.07.20 -
AntiVir 2009.07.20 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.07.17 -
Authentium 2009.07.20 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.07.20 -
AVG 2009.07.20 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.07.21 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.07.20 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.07.20 -
Comodo 1719 2009.07.21 -
DrWeb 2009.07.20 -
eSafe 2009.07.20 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6628 2009.07.20 -
F-Prot 2009.07.20 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.07.20 -
Fortinet 2009.07.20 -
GData 19 2009.07.21 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.07.20 -
Jiangmin 11.0.800 2009.07.20 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.797 2009.07.20 -
Kaspersky 2009.07.20 -
McAfee 5682 2009.07.20 -
McAfee+Artemis 5682 2009.07.20 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.07.21 -
Microsoft 1.4803 2009.07.20 -
NOD32 4262 2009.07.20 -
Norman 6.01.09 2009.07.20 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.07.20 -
Panda 2009.07.20 -
PCTools 2009.07.20 -
Prevx 3.0 2009.07.21 -
Rising 2009.07.20 -
Sophos 4.43.0 2009.07.20 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.07.20 -
Symantec 2009.07.21 -
TheHacker 2009.07.17 -
TrendMicro 8.950.0.1094 2009.07.20 -
VBA32 2009.07.19 -
ViRobot 2009.7.20.1843 2009.07.20 -
VirusBuster 2009.07.20 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 27200 bytes
MD5 : 637d88e7a1bedc4457c80dbc8ba9f135
SHA1 : 17155dedec7d8cd7aa305e204c489c6bc3060cf7
SHA256: 3387135a5075439b9238d6c486b047d4dba8d9a6d1dad6bb74050347c70616db
TrID : File type identification<BR>Win32 Dynamic Link Library (generic) (87.9%)<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (6.0%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (6.0%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.0%)
ThreatExpert: <A href="" target=_blank></A>
ssdeep: 768:0402mG6h6A4yoUa+pbbPL2zC41jWhDrJp:KCu2PwZrz
PEiD : -
CWSandbox: <A href="" target=_blank>
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Giant )<BR><BR>Antispyware: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Compaq )<BR><BR>Compaq Operating System CD: __0x00e4, ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( NewTech Infosystems Inc. )<BR><BR>CD-Maker Plus Edition: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( The Learning Company Inc. )<BR><BR>Reader Rabbits Toddler: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Dell )<BR><BR>Dell Back-up Dell-installed Programs: ctl3dv2.dllDell Product Recovery CD: ctl3dv2.dllOperating System Reinstallation CD W2K + SP2: ctl3dv2.dllProduct Recovery CD: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD W2K + SP2: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD W2K+SP3: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Macromedia Inc. )<BR><BR>Beta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Computer Literacy )<BR><BR>Windows 98 New Features - A preview: CTL3DV2.DLL<BR>( Connectix Corporation )<BR><BR>Connectix Virtual PC for Mac Version 5: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Oracle )<BR><BR>Enterprise Manager: CTL3DV2.DLL, CTL3DV2.NEWOracle 7 Workgroup Server: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle 8 Client: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle Applications: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle JDeveloper Suite -: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle JDeveloper Suite - Oracle 8 Enterprise Edition: CTL3DV2.NEWPersonal Oracle Lite: CTL3DV2.NEW<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>2261A: Supporting Users Running the Microsoft Windows XP Operating System: ctl3dv2.dll2262A: Supporting Users Running Applications on a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms, Servers: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms, Servers: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllBack Office 2.5: ctl3dv2.dllBack Office Small Business Server (Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllBack Office Small Business Server (x86): ctl3dv2.dllBack Office Small Business Server, Alpha Beta2: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server - Developers edition: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server 2000: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server Beta: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Small Business Server: ctl3dv2.dllBeta 2 Kit 2003: ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Server 5.0 Beta2(Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Beta 2(Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Beta2(x86): ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Checked.Debug Build, Beta2(Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllDell Reinstallation CD W2K and SP3: ctl3dv2.dllDell reinstallation CD W2K SP1: ctl3dv2.dllDeveloper Tools, Platforms, SDK/DDK, Applications: ctl3dv2.dllDisc 2438.5: ctl3dv2.dllGateway Operating System Backup CD Version 2000.1: ctl3dv2.dllGateway Operating System W2K: ctl3dv2.dllImplementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllInstalled Vista Ultimate: ctl3dv2.dll, x86_microsoft-windows-ntvdm-system32_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6000.16386_none_fbd6b71e75a2c6c8_ctl3dv2.dll_68361404Internet Explorer: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer Versions: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer Versions: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer Versions: ctl3dv2.dllMDSN Disc 2441.2: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Security Resource Kit: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft TechNet Trial Software 2002 Volume 1: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Windows Rights Management Services Evaluation Kit: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Windows Server 2003 Web Edition RC2: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Windows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft WindowsNT Workstation 4.0: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN 2939: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN BETA: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc 10: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc11: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0421: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0424: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0527.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0527.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0601: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0783: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0784: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0785: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0786: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0787: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0953: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 1550: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 1780: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2041: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2053: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2085: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2121: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2307: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2360: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2364: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN disc 2390: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2427.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2427.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2427.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.8: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN DISC 2438.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.7: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.8: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.7: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.8: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2440.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2440.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2440.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.7: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN disc 2455.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455.6: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN disc 2465.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2466: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2466.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2466.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2466.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2476: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2476.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2476.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2476.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2477.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2619: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2619.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2724: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2939.2: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2939.3: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2939.4: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2942: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2942: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2973: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2974: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2974: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 3235: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 3264: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 3498: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc2365: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc2386: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc2389: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc2428.3: ctl3dv2.dllmsdn Internet Explorer/ windows2000 Server: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN MSIE 6.0, IE 6.0 SP1, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 98 Second ed., Windows ME, Win XP Pro: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Platform Archive Disc2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Subscripitions Index Disc 0525: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows 2000 Advanced Server Disc6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows 2000 Professional Disc 3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows 2000 Server Disc5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows Codename Whistler Personal Beta 1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows Server 2003 Standard & Enterprise: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows Server 2003 Standard & Enterprise: ctl3dv2.dllNT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllNT Server 5.0 Beta1: ctl3dv2.dllOffice XP Professional with FrontPage: ctl3dv2.dllOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: ctl3dv2.dllOperating System Reinstallation CD W2K + SP3: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms SDKs/DDKs: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, SDK/DDK, Developer Tools: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, Servers, Applications: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, Servers, Applications, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllSmall Business Server,x 86 Beta 2: ctl3dv2.dllVirtual PC for Mac Windows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindow Server 2003: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Enterprise Serever Beta Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Enterprise Server Beta Debug/Checked Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Standard Server Beta Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Web Server Beta 3 Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 - Dell Reinstallation CD: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 - Release Candidate 2: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional - Dell Reinstallation CD: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional Debug/Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional Debug/Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Server - Release Candidate 2: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Versions: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 98 Versions: ctl3dv2.dllWindows CE .NET Evaluation Software: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Advanced Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Advanced Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Advanced Server Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Debug/Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename WhistlerProfessional Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows DDks: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server - Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server 4.0 Terminal: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server Terminal Server Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server Upgrade: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Technical Support Training: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation 1-2 Processor Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation 4.0: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation 4.0(Debug/Checked Build): ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation CD-ROM: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation Debug Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Professional Debug Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Server 2003 Visual Attendee Portfolio: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP eMbedded Evaluation Software: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition Release Candidate 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional 2002 Service Pack 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional Checked Build Release Candidate 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional Release Candidte 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Tablet PC Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindowsNT Workstation 1-2 Processor Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindowsNT Workstation 4.0: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Topics Entertainment )<BR><BR>Instant Home Design: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: ctl3dv2.dllGateway System Restoration Kit: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Disney )<BR><BR>Bowling for Screams: ctl3dv2.dll
Fichier smona124813133429603557661 reçu le 2009.07.20 23:12:49 (UTC)Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
a-squared 2009.07.20 -
AhnLab-V3 2009.07.20 -
AntiVir 2009.07.20 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.07.17 -
Authentium 2009.07.20 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.07.20 -
AVG 2009.07.20 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.07.21 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.07.20 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.07.20 -
Comodo 1719 2009.07.21 -
DrWeb 2009.07.20 -
eSafe 2009.07.20 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6628 2009.07.20 -
F-Prot 2009.07.20 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.07.20 -
Fortinet 2009.07.20 -
GData 19 2009.07.21 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.07.20 -
Jiangmin 11.0.800 2009.07.20 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.797 2009.07.20 -
Kaspersky 2009.07.20 -
McAfee 5682 2009.07.20 -
McAfee+Artemis 5682 2009.07.20 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.07.21 -
Microsoft 1.4803 2009.07.20 -
NOD32 4262 2009.07.20 -
Norman 6.01.09 2009.07.20 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.07.20 -
Panda 2009.07.20 -
PCTools 2009.07.20 -
Prevx 3.0 2009.07.21 -
Rising 2009.07.20 -
Sophos 4.43.0 2009.07.20 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.07.20 -
Symantec 2009.07.21 -
TheHacker 2009.07.17 -
TrendMicro 8.950.0.1094 2009.07.20 -
VBA32 2009.07.19 -
ViRobot 2009.7.20.1843 2009.07.20 -
VirusBuster 2009.07.20 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 27200 bytes
MD5 : 637d88e7a1bedc4457c80dbc8ba9f135
SHA1 : 17155dedec7d8cd7aa305e204c489c6bc3060cf7
SHA256: 3387135a5075439b9238d6c486b047d4dba8d9a6d1dad6bb74050347c70616db
TrID : File type identification<BR>Win32 Dynamic Link Library (generic) (87.9%)<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (6.0%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (6.0%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.0%)
ThreatExpert: <A href="" target=_blank></A>
ssdeep: 768:0402mG6h6A4yoUa+pbbPL2zC41jWhDrJp:KCu2PwZrz
PEiD : -
CWSandbox: <A href="" target=_blank>
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Giant )<BR><BR>Antispyware: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Compaq )<BR><BR>Compaq Operating System CD: __0x00e4, ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( NewTech Infosystems Inc. )<BR><BR>CD-Maker Plus Edition: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( The Learning Company Inc. )<BR><BR>Reader Rabbits Toddler: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Dell )<BR><BR>Dell Back-up Dell-installed Programs: ctl3dv2.dllDell Product Recovery CD: ctl3dv2.dllOperating System Reinstallation CD W2K + SP2: ctl3dv2.dllProduct Recovery CD: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD W2K + SP2: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD W2K+SP3: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Macromedia Inc. )<BR><BR>Beta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Computer Literacy )<BR><BR>Windows 98 New Features - A preview: CTL3DV2.DLL<BR>( Connectix Corporation )<BR><BR>Connectix Virtual PC for Mac Version 5: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Oracle )<BR><BR>Enterprise Manager: CTL3DV2.DLL, CTL3DV2.NEWOracle 7 Workgroup Server: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle 8 Client: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle Applications: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle JDeveloper Suite -: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle JDeveloper Suite - Oracle 8 Enterprise Edition: CTL3DV2.NEWPersonal Oracle Lite: CTL3DV2.NEW<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>2261A: Supporting Users Running the Microsoft Windows XP Operating System: ctl3dv2.dll2262A: Supporting Users Running Applications on a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms, Servers: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms, Servers: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllBack Office 2.5: ctl3dv2.dllBack Office Small Business Server (Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllBack Office Small Business Server (x86): ctl3dv2.dllBack Office Small Business Server, Alpha Beta2: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server - Developers edition: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server 2000: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server Beta: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Small Business Server: ctl3dv2.dllBeta 2 Kit 2003: ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Server 5.0 Beta2(Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Beta 2(Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Beta2(x86): ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Checked.Debug Build, Beta2(Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllDell Reinstallation CD W2K and SP3: ctl3dv2.dllDell reinstallation CD W2K SP1: ctl3dv2.dllDeveloper Tools, Platforms, SDK/DDK, Applications: ctl3dv2.dllDisc 2438.5: ctl3dv2.dllGateway Operating System Backup CD Version 2000.1: ctl3dv2.dllGateway Operating System W2K: ctl3dv2.dllImplementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllInstalled Vista Ultimate: ctl3dv2.dll, x86_microsoft-windows-ntvdm-system32_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6000.16386_none_fbd6b71e75a2c6c8_ctl3dv2.dll_68361404Internet Explorer: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer Versions: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer Versions: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer Versions: ctl3dv2.dllMDSN Disc 2441.2: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Security Resource Kit: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft TechNet Trial Software 2002 Volume 1: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Windows Rights Management Services Evaluation Kit: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Windows Server 2003 Web Edition RC2: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Windows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft WindowsNT Workstation 4.0: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN 2939: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN BETA: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc 10: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc11: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0421: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0424: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0527.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0527.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0601: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0783: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0784: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0785: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0786: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0787: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0953: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 1550: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 1780: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2041: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2053: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2085: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2121: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2307: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2360: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2364: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN disc 2390: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2427.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2427.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2427.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.8: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN DISC 2438.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.7: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.8: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.7: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.8: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2440.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2440.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2440.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.7: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN disc 2455.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455.6: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN disc 2465.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2466: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2466.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2466.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2466.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2476: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2476.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2476.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2476.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2477.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2619: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2619.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2724: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2939.2: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2939.3: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2939.4: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2942: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2942: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2973: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2974: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2974: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 3235: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 3264: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 3498: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc2365: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc2386: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc2389: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc2428.3: ctl3dv2.dllmsdn Internet Explorer/ windows2000 Server: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN MSIE 6.0, IE 6.0 SP1, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 98 Second ed., Windows ME, Win XP Pro: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Platform Archive Disc2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Subscripitions Index Disc 0525: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows 2000 Advanced Server Disc6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows 2000 Professional Disc 3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows 2000 Server Disc5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows Codename Whistler Personal Beta 1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows Server 2003 Standard & Enterprise: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows Server 2003 Standard & Enterprise: ctl3dv2.dllNT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllNT Server 5.0 Beta1: ctl3dv2.dllOffice XP Professional with FrontPage: ctl3dv2.dllOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: ctl3dv2.dllOperating System Reinstallation CD W2K + SP3: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms SDKs/DDKs: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, SDK/DDK, Developer Tools: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, Servers, Applications: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, Servers, Applications, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllSmall Business Server,x 86 Beta 2: ctl3dv2.dllVirtual PC for Mac Windows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindow Server 2003: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Enterprise Serever Beta Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Enterprise Server Beta Debug/Checked Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Standard Server Beta Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Web Server Beta 3 Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 - Dell Reinstallation CD: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 - Release Candidate 2: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional - Dell Reinstallation CD: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional Debug/Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional Debug/Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Server - Release Candidate 2: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Versions: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 98 Versions: ctl3dv2.dllWindows CE .NET Evaluation Software: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Advanced Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Advanced Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Advanced Server Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Debug/Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename WhistlerProfessional Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows DDks: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server - Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server 4.0 Terminal: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server Terminal Server Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server Upgrade: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Technical Support Training: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation 1-2 Processor Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation 4.0: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation 4.0(Debug/Checked Build): ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation CD-ROM: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation Debug Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Professional Debug Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Server 2003 Visual Attendee Portfolio: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP eMbedded Evaluation Software: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition Release Candidate 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional 2002 Service Pack 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional Checked Build Release Candidate 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional Release Candidte 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Tablet PC Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindowsNT Workstation 1-2 Processor Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindowsNT Workstation 4.0: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Topics Entertainment )<BR><BR>Instant Home Design: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: ctl3dv2.dllGateway System Restoration Kit: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Disney )<BR><BR>Bowling for Screams: ctl3dv2.dll
Antivirus Version Dernière mise à jour Résultat
a-squared 2009.07.20 -
AhnLab-V3 2009.07.20 -
AntiVir 2009.07.20 -
Antiy-AVL 2009.07.17 -
Authentium 2009.07.20 -
Avast 4.8.1335.0 2009.07.20 -
AVG 2009.07.20 -
BitDefender 7.2 2009.07.21 -
CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.07.20 -
ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.07.20 -
Comodo 1719 2009.07.21 -
DrWeb 2009.07.20 -
eSafe 2009.07.20 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.6628 2009.07.20 -
F-Prot 2009.07.20 -
F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.07.20 -
Fortinet 2009.07.20 -
GData 19 2009.07.21 -
Ikarus T3. 2009.07.20 -
Jiangmin 11.0.800 2009.07.20 -
K7AntiVirus 7.10.797 2009.07.20 -
Kaspersky 2009.07.20 -
McAfee 5682 2009.07.20 -
McAfee+Artemis 5682 2009.07.20 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.07.21 -
Microsoft 1.4803 2009.07.20 -
NOD32 4262 2009.07.20 -
Norman 6.01.09 2009.07.20 -
nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.07.20 -
Panda 2009.07.20 -
PCTools 2009.07.20 -
Prevx 3.0 2009.07.21 -
Rising 2009.07.20 -
Sophos 4.43.0 2009.07.20 -
Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.07.20 -
Symantec 2009.07.21 -
TheHacker 2009.07.17 -
TrendMicro 8.950.0.1094 2009.07.20 -
VBA32 2009.07.19 -
ViRobot 2009.7.20.1843 2009.07.20 -
VirusBuster 2009.07.20 -
Information additionnelle
File size: 27200 bytes
MD5 : 637d88e7a1bedc4457c80dbc8ba9f135
SHA1 : 17155dedec7d8cd7aa305e204c489c6bc3060cf7
SHA256: 3387135a5075439b9238d6c486b047d4dba8d9a6d1dad6bb74050347c70616db
TrID : File type identification<BR>Win32 Dynamic Link Library (generic) (87.9%)<BR>Generic Win/DOS Executable (6.0%)<BR>DOS Executable Generic (6.0%)<BR>Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) (0.0%)
ThreatExpert: <A href="" target=_blank></A>
ssdeep: 768:0402mG6h6A4yoUa+pbbPL2zC41jWhDrJp:KCu2PwZrz
PEiD : -
CWSandbox: <A href="" target=_blank>
RDS : NSRL Reference Data Set<BR><BR>( Giant )<BR><BR>Antispyware: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Compaq )<BR><BR>Compaq Operating System CD: __0x00e4, ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( NewTech Infosystems Inc. )<BR><BR>CD-Maker Plus Edition: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( The Learning Company Inc. )<BR><BR>Reader Rabbits Toddler: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Dell )<BR><BR>Dell Back-up Dell-installed Programs: ctl3dv2.dllDell Product Recovery CD: ctl3dv2.dllOperating System Reinstallation CD W2K + SP2: ctl3dv2.dllProduct Recovery CD: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD W2K + SP2: ctl3dv2.dllReinstallation CD W2K+SP3: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Macromedia Inc. )<BR><BR>Beta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Computer Literacy )<BR><BR>Windows 98 New Features - A preview: CTL3DV2.DLL<BR>( Connectix Corporation )<BR><BR>Connectix Virtual PC for Mac Version 5: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Oracle )<BR><BR>Enterprise Manager: CTL3DV2.DLL, CTL3DV2.NEWOracle 7 Workgroup Server: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle 8 Client: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle Applications: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle JDeveloper Suite -: CTL3DV2.NEWOracle JDeveloper Suite - Oracle 8 Enterprise Edition: CTL3DV2.NEWPersonal Oracle Lite: CTL3DV2.NEW<BR>( Microsoft )<BR><BR>2261A: Supporting Users Running the Microsoft Windows XP Operating System: ctl3dv2.dll2262A: Supporting Users Running Applications on a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms, Servers: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, Platforms, Servers: ctl3dv2.dllApplications, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllBack Office 2.5: ctl3dv2.dllBack Office Small Business Server (Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllBack Office Small Business Server (x86): ctl3dv2.dllBack Office Small Business Server, Alpha Beta2: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server - Developers edition: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server 2000: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Server Beta: ctl3dv2.dllBackOffice Small Business Server: ctl3dv2.dllBeta 2 Kit 2003: ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Server 5.0 Beta2(Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Beta 2(Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Beta2(x86): ctl3dv2.dllBeta Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Checked.Debug Build, Beta2(Alpha): ctl3dv2.dllDell Reinstallation CD W2K and SP3: ctl3dv2.dllDell reinstallation CD W2K SP1: ctl3dv2.dllDeveloper Tools, Platforms, SDK/DDK, Applications: ctl3dv2.dllDisc 2438.5: ctl3dv2.dllGateway Operating System Backup CD Version 2000.1: ctl3dv2.dllGateway Operating System W2K: ctl3dv2.dllImplementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllInstalled Vista Ultimate: ctl3dv2.dll, x86_microsoft-windows-ntvdm-system32_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6000.16386_none_fbd6b71e75a2c6c8_ctl3dv2.dll_68361404Internet Explorer: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer Versions: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer Versions: ctl3dv2.dllInternet Explorer Versions: ctl3dv2.dllMDSN Disc 2441.2: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Security Resource Kit: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft TechNet Trial Software 2002 Volume 1: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Windows Rights Management Services Evaluation Kit: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Windows Server 2003 Web Edition RC2: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft Windows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllMicrosoft WindowsNT Workstation 4.0: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN 2939: wctl3dv2.dllMSDN BETA: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc 10: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc11: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Development Platform Disc4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0421: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0424: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0527.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0527.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0601: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0783: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0784: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0785: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0786: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0787: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 0953: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 1550: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 1780: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2041: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2053: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2085: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2121: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2307: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2360: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2364: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN disc 2390: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2427.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2427.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2427.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2428.8: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN DISC 2438.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.7: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2438.8: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.7: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2439.8: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2440.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2440.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2440.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2441.7: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2442.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2443.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2444.6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN disc 2455.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455.4: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2455.6: ctl3dv2.dll, wctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464.1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2464.5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465.2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN disc 2465.3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Disc 2465.4: 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Windows 98 Second ed., Windows ME, Win XP Pro: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Platform Archive Disc2: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Subscripitions Index Disc 0525: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows 2000 Advanced Server Disc6: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows 2000 Professional Disc 3: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows 2000 Server Disc5: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows Codename Whistler Personal Beta 1: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows Server 2003 Standard & Enterprise: ctl3dv2.dllMSDN Windows Server 2003 Standard & Enterprise: ctl3dv2.dllNT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllNT Server 5.0 Beta1: ctl3dv2.dllOffice XP Professional with FrontPage: ctl3dv2.dllOperating System Reinstallation CD Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2: ctl3dv2.dllOperating System Reinstallation CD W2K + SP3: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms SDKs/DDKs: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, SDK/DDK, Developer Tools: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, Servers, Applications: ctl3dv2.dllPlatforms, Servers, Applications, SDK/DDK: ctl3dv2.dllSmall Business Server,x 86 Beta 2: ctl3dv2.dllVirtual PC for Mac Windows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllVirtual PC for Mac Windows XP Professional Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindow Server 2003: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Enterprise Serever Beta Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Enterprise Server Beta Debug/Checked Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Standard Server Beta Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows .NET Web Server Beta 3 Build 3604.1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 - Dell Reinstallation CD: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 - Release Candidate 2: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional - Dell Reinstallation CD: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional Debug/Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Professional Debug/Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Server - Release Candidate 2: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 2000 Versions: ctl3dv2.dllWindows 98 Versions: ctl3dv2.dllWindows CE .NET Evaluation Software: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Advanced Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Advanced Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Advanced Server Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Debug/Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename Whistler Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Codename WhistlerProfessional Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows DDks: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server - Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server 4.0 Terminal: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server Terminal Server Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Server Upgrade: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Technical Support Training: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation 1-2 Processor Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation 4.0: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation 4.0(Debug/Checked Build): ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation CD-ROM: ctl3dv2.dllWindows NT Workstation Debug Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Professional Debug Checked Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows Server 2003 Visual Attendee Portfolio: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP eMbedded Evaluation Software: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Home Edition Release Candidate 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional 2002 Service Pack 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional Checked Build Release Candidate 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional Checked/Debug Build: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Professional Release Candidte 1: ctl3dv2.dllWindows XP Tablet PC Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindowsNT Workstation 1-2 Processor Edition: ctl3dv2.dllWindowsNT Workstation 4.0: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Topics Entertainment )<BR><BR>Instant Home Design: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Gateway )<BR><BR>Gateway Operating System Windows XP Pro Edition SP2: ctl3dv2.dllGateway System Restoration Kit: ctl3dv2.dll<BR>( Disney )<BR><BR>Bowling for Screams: ctl3dv2.dll