Attention à Lucas Smith et Ray Benny

Diver67 - 24 juil. 2009 à 12:50
 Mar - 7 janv. 2010 à 21:10
Une nouvelle arnaque en cours.
Je suis en contact depuis 10 jours avec un homme charmant, chef d'entreprise à Manchester, veuf avec une fille de 10 ans. (orkide599)
Mais j'ai reçu hier un mail d'un homme inscrit sur reprenant exactement le texte du mail que Lucas m'avait envoyé le premier jour pour prendre contact.
Effectivement pas de i majuscule à la 1ère personne, des coupures de réseau intempestives, pas de réponses à certaines questions trop précises, et les rares coups de fils reçus coupés au bout de 2 minutes... Et il voulait que je me déconnecte de match pour être toute à lui (cela m'aurait évité de recevoir une nouvelle fois sa lettre, voire de récupérer mon profil puisqu'il me proposait aussi de m'aider à me déconnecter).
Heureusement nous n'en étions qu'au début, mais j'avoue que les poèmes font leur effet.

Alors attention aux profils tout en anglais où les hommes habitent une ville anglaise... située en France, où ils cherchent... un homme, et dont le profil est déconnecté dès qu'il a vu votre profil tellement il est tombé amoureux !!!

Message en question :
Hello Angel, "smiling" i called you that due to what i saw in this picture that you have on your profile which i believe is you, i must tell you that you do not look bad at all and will want you to know that your profile has a beauty that captivated me, and as long as my heart beat i will seek out your soul and be fullfiled, It's your picture which really attracted me to your profile and i have to write you. really i am impressed with your charming and irresistable looks in your picture, you have swept me off my feet and it is quite enchanting and very captivating too. i will want you for a good, caring, communicative, Committed Friendship and Intimate relationship, Marriage and others as it will be ok for you but this must start as good friends.
My names are ray benny i am a widower, a father of a Teenage daughter that i have manage to raise alone ever since i lost her mother to death, i have been lonly for some years now, but seeing your profile has almost made all that time of lonliness a thing of the past, irrespective of the distance that may seem to be in between us, because i dont believe in distance when it comes to having an Angel like you, I do travel often and am as well making plans to relocate to where ever i will find love, i mean that and hope you find out soon. i have always prayed to have an Angel like you which i know i have found, and hope that you will be that one for me, if it will have to take me relocating to where you are to be with i will do it without a second thought, no regret because i think you will be worth it, do not be supprise that i can say this to a woman that i have never really meet, i am saying from what i feel and will really want to do. responding to this mail will give me some more joy and knowing you better will add glory to my life, meeting you make it all for me.
Plz send me your email address that i will be able to send you pictures of me, i was not able to upload one on my profile, to chat on the messenger will be a better way to know each other more and better, i hope you agree to that, if yes, then send me your email address and chat id so that we can talk more and better on chat, i am sure you know that it will be better and easier to talk more and know each other better on chat and hope to see you on there, untill then, thanks and bye for now. if possible, get me at raybenny73|@/yahoo/./com !!!!!!

5 réponses

La même bande a un nouveau nom, un certain Jeffery James, qui m'a contacté en faisant référence à mon profile... qui n'existe plus. Attention donc aux adresses mil suivantes :
Bonne chance
Isis_84 Messages postés 4108 Date d'inscription mercredi 11 mars 2009 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 26 juillet 2012 556
24 juil. 2009 à 15:44
Bonjour Diver67,
C'est ce qu'on appelle un ROMANCE SCAM.
Cet escroc est probablement du Nigeria ou du Ghana (langue anglaise). Ce sont les spécialistes de ce genre d'arnaque.
Il faut signaler ces profils sur les sites de rencontre, dès qu'on en repère un. Meetic est très réactif, et supprime le profil dans les heures qui suivent le signalement, parfois bien plus vite (mon record : 30 mn).
Quand on a un peu l'habitude, il est très facile de les trouver. Et surtout, le premier tchat est révélateur (honey, sweetheart, baby....).
Ces hommes sont pervers et très manipulateurs. Ce sont les pires.
Je suis en train de vivre cette manipulation, merci par votre information, mais je ne sais pas encore les consequences, voulez-vous me dire le sense de manipulation, jusqu´a cet homme arrive ? merci beaucoup
chat_teigne Messages postés 15596 Date d'inscription mercredi 27 février 2002 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 27 janvier 2020 1 559 > espagnole
31 août 2009 à 15:13
Rappel pour les participants :

Gardez à l'esprit que tous les noms/prénoms et copies de documents fournis par ces escrocs sont inventés, falsifiés ou usurpés à des personnes totalement étrangères à ces arnaques.

Pour info, les mécanismes de ces arnaques ici :

Merci de votre collaboration :)
Bonjour espagnole,
l'objectif de cet homme, comme tous les manipulateurs de ce type, est de vous faire croire qu'il vous aime pour vous extorquer de l'argent en prétextant un problème.
Alors qu'il me faisait de grandes déclarations d'amour, il a suffit que je lui dise que j'avais découvert que tout était faux (sans doute un faussaire du Ghana, et pas du tout le séduisant anglais qu'il disait être) pour ne plus avoir aucune nouvelle...
Arrêtez tout très vite car il est très fort pour faire croire qu'il tient à nous, mais il est impossible d'avoir une photo de lui avec "sa fille adorée" !!!
merci beaucoup diver67, j´ai arreté lui . Nous devons nous protèger de quelqu´un comme lui. Quelque chose que je peut aider, je suis avec liberté et defénse de droits humains.
Utilisateur anonyme > espagnole
30 août 2009 à 23:02
détail de l'arnaque appelée romance scam
espagnole > Utilisateur anonyme
31 août 2009 à 14:11
les adresses e-mail sont
teléphone 48060627842
J´ai reÇois aussi un autre message pareil,c´est un fabio de s´appelle marvellony55
e-mail adress is
Ce dernier fabio est un homme widow aussi, son épouse mort par la maladie cancer de poitrine,
avec des enfants qui habitent avec lui, riche exportant et important ouvres d´art et sans compromise pour aller oú la femme vivre. Coincidence ou la meme chose avec un autre nomme? les yeux ouvertes et attention!
diver67 > espagnole
31 août 2009 à 14:27
Malheureusement aucune coincidence là dedans, mais plutot la bétise de ces arnaqueurs qui utilisent le même message sur plusieurs cibles...
Mais heureusement pour nous, car il est plus facile d'ouvrir les yeux lorsque l'on reçoit le même message de deux hommes différents.
A fuir de toute urgence et prévenir même s'il est évident que les arnaqueurs créeront aussitot d'autres profils pour continuer leur pèche...
diver67 > Utilisateur anonyme
31 août 2009 à 14:23
Le même mail, envoyé deux fois du site de rencontre est venu de Lucas Smith ( ) et de Ray Benny ( ).
Attention donc à ces adresses
Winama Messages postés 2 Date d'inscription dimanche 27 septembre 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 27 septembre 2009
27 sept. 2009 à 19:33
Merci pour cette info car j'ai reçue aussi un message tout en anglais que je vous mets ci dessous.En chargeant ce texte sur google je suis arrivée sur ce forum c'est cool car au moins l'info passe et c'est clair qu'il y a des arnaques impensables sur le net!Merci cordialement Winama

Hello Angel,
"smiling" i called you that due to what i saw in this picture that you have on your profile which i believe is you, i must tell you that you do not look bad at all and will want you to know that your profile has a beauty that captivated me, and as long as my heart beat i will seek out your soul and be fullfiled, It's your picture which really attracted mea to your profile and i have to write you. really i am impressed with your charming and irresistable looks in your picture, you have swept me off my feet and it is quite enchanting and very captivating too. i will want you for a good, caring, communicative, Committed Friendship and Intimate relationship, Marriage and others as it will be ok for you but this must start as good friends....
My names are James Andrew am a widower, a father of a Teenage daughter that i have manage to raise alone ever since i lost her mother to death, i have been lonly for some years now, but seeing your profile has almost made all that time of lonliness a thing of the past, irrespective of the distance that may seem to be in between us, because i dont believe in distance when it comes to having an Angel like you, I do travel often and am as well making plans to relocate to where ever i will find love, i mean that and hope you find out soon. i have always prayed to have an Angel like you which i know i have found, and hope that you will be that one for me, if it will have to take me relocating to where you are to be with i will do it without a second thought, no regret because i think you will be worth it, do not be supprise that i can say this to a woman that i have never really meet, i am saying from what i feel and will really want to do. responding to this mail will give me some more joy and knowing you better will add glory to my life, meeting you make it all for me.
Plz send me your email address that i will be able to send you pictures of me, i was not able to upload one on my profile, to chat on the messenger will be a better way to know each other more and better, i hope you agree to that, if yes, then send me your email address and chat id so that we can talk more and better on chat, i am sure you know that it will be better and easier to talk more and know each other better on chat and hope to see you on there, untill then, thanks and bye for now. if possible, get me at and you can add me me please so that we get to know each other better... andrew_james8896//at//yahoo//dot//co//dot //uk
or andrew_james8896//at//hotmail//dot//com !!!!!!
Thanks Winana, i have been saved for you information, these person james contacted me two days ago, but something make me suspicios and search in the web and find you information, i am really gracefull, I am from Venezuela

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Reçu la même merde sur match!
Hello Angel,
"smiling" i called you that due to what i saw in this picture that you have on your profile which i believe is you, i must tell you that you do not look bad at all and will want you to know that your profile has a beauty that captivated me, and as long as my heart beat i will seek out your soul and be fullfiled, It's your picture which really attracted mea to your profile and i have to write you. really i am impressed with your charming and irresistable looks in your picture, you have swept me off my feet and it is quite enchanting and very captivating too. i will want you for a good, caring, communicative, Committed Friendship and Intimate relationship, Marriage and others as it will be ok for you but this must start as good friends....
My names are James Andrew am a widower, a father of a Teenage daughter that i have manage to raise alone ever since i lost her mother to death, i have been lonly for some years now, but seeing your profile has almost made all that time of lonliness a thing of the past, irrespective of the distance that may seem to be in between us, because i dont believe in distance when it comes to having an Angel like you, I do travel often and am as well making plans to relocate to where ever i will find love, i mean that and hope you find out soon. i have always prayed to have an Angel like you which i know i have found, and hope that you will be that one for me, if it will have to take me relocating to where you are to be with i will do it without a second thought, no regret because i think you will be worth it, do not be supprise that i can say this to a woman that i have never really meet, i am saying from what i feel and will really want to do. responding to this mail will give me some more joy and knowing you better will add glory to my life, meeting you make it all for me.
Plz send me your email address that i will be able to send you pictures of me, i was not able to upload one on my profile, to chat on the messenger will be a better way to know each other more and better, i hope you agree to that, if yes, then send me your email address and chat id so that we can talk more and better on chat, i am sure you know that it will be better and easier to talk more and know each other better on chat and hope to see you on there, untill then, thanks and bye for now. if possible, get me at and you can add me me please so that we get to know each other better... andrew_james8896//at//yahoo//dot//co//uk
or !!!!!!