Bon bah je vois que je suis pas le seul à être tomber sur ce genre d'annonce. Ce coup ci c'est pour un appart de 82 m2 à paris près du metro montgallet à 650 € par mois. Comme conseillé, voici les mails en copie:
Hi there,
My name is Marine Elodie Biarnes and I am a lawyer! I inherited the apartment in rue de Vaugirard, Paris from my father in 2007. I never lived in that apartment because my mother and father were divorced and I was raised by my mother in Greece (but I am a French Citizen too). I tried to sell the apartment but I couldn't get a fair price for it so I decided together with my mother to rent it to some nice people..
The apartment is exactly like you see it in the pictures, fully furnished, but I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs). The rent for 1 month is 650 Euro (for the entire apartment) including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking etc).
You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I`m in Greece now and my law firm has won the auction to represent a very important company from here from Athens and I can't come back in France !
You don't need to worry, I have made all arrangements to rent the apartment from here, an agency will take care of business for me (with no extra cost for you)
Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon !
Good luck,
Marine Elodie Biarnes
le deuxième :
Hello again, for me is easily to write in english, I lived most time in Greece, my french is not so good. If you have difficulties and you can't understand english, you can use this transaltion website: ok?
The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company called TNT which is similar to FedEx, DHL or UPS.Since it is impossible for me to return to France (due to my job ) at this point they will send an agent (by plane) to show you the apartment !
I have to inform you the steps about how this service works and how we can make it happen:
1 - To start this transaction I will need to know your full shipping name and address to proceed with this deal.
2 - I will go to the my local TNT Office, I leave them the Keys and I make all the arrangements for the delivery.
3 - TNT will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the Keys and the papers in their custody.
4 - At this point you will have to make a money transfer deposit to the TNT agent assigned to handle our transaction.
5 - You will have to send the informations about the money deposit to TNT. They will verify the payment informations and if everything is ok, the agent will come to show you the apartment.
6 - When the agent arrives there, he will call and you will go and visit the apartment with him.
* If you accept to rent the apartment, you sign all the papers with him and the transaction is finished.
* If you don't accept to rent my apartment, the agent will give your money back in the same day, you won't lose anything !
I will pay the shipping taxes to TNT. They are requesting a minimum payment of 2 months of rent as warranty to start the delivey. If you are interested in a discount, we can get to an agreement in wich you will pay less if you agree to pay in advance for more than 2 months. The reason for this discount is that I am in a bad financial situation. I am willing to cut the price by 100 Euro for each month paied in advance. If you agree to these terms, please provide me the following information:
Zip Code:
Phone number:
The rent period (minimum 2 months):
The advance payed to TNT (minimum 2 months):
I am waiting your quick answer !
Marine Elodie Biarnes
PD: Please send me your details only if you agree to rent my apartment because when I will go to the TNT office I will pay all the shipping taxes, I will make all the arrangements, everything.
Je viens de lire votre message; et je constate que j'ai recu les même mails ces jours ci, l'offre est plus qu'intéressante! Mais je remarque d'un mensonge est bien mis en place, car dans votre mesage vous dites que l'appartement se situe a Montgallet alors que moi elle m'a dit qu'il été dan le 75006 Paris! La déja ya un probleme
Et aussi elle nous communique en meme temps, c'est qu'elle veut pe etre faire le coup à tous le monde j'en sais rien mais ca ma l'air suspect!
J'ai fahu m'engager à la procedure, mais j'ai fait un stop dès que j'ai vu votre message! ca m'a plutot décu!!
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