Probleme avec sims 2 et carte graphique

lucas - 19 sept. 2004 à 20:12
 yan - 17 déc. 2007 à 17:14
bonjour voila j'ai acheter les sims 2, j'ai une carte graphique sis 650_651_m650_m652_740 , directx 9c 2.2 ghz 512 mo de ram et quand je lance les sims le message suivant apparait : aucune carte graphique compatible directx 9.0c detectee! verifiez que votre ordi est equipe d'une carte graphique compatible directx 9.0c ainsi que des pilotes les plus recents fournis par le fabricant. comment pourrais-je faire pour que les sims 2 se lance? merci d'avances
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16 réponses

edelweiss0119 Messages postés 261 Date d'inscription mercredi 30 mai 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 12 avril 2011 11
5 oct. 2007 à 20:48
mélanie, il faut une carte graphique compatible direct x tu en as une , essaie de télécharger les derniers pilotes
ben ecoute j'ai le meme probleme et je suis degouter jai le jeu depuis la sortie et je peux pas y jouer je suis venerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
J'ai EXACTEMENT la mem chose ! quelle enroule ! j'vous jure que si ça marche pas je vais tout casseeeeeeeeeeeer >__<
jean louis 37 Messages postés 1595 Date d'inscription dimanche 1 août 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 27 mai 2007 345
6 oct. 2004 à 17:58
je ne connais pas ce jeu mais dans chercher taper le nom <sims 2> il se peut que vous trouviez une solution
Bonne soirée @+

Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
6 oct. 2004 à 19:50
Issu d'un autre forum:

Thank you for contacting EA technical support. I am sorry that you are having difficulty.

This error is usually caused by a faulty installation of DirectX.

First, make sure your disk is in the drive. Afterwards follow these steps.

Open My Computer.
Right click on the Sims2 icon and choose Open.
Double-click on the DirectX folder.
Right-click on the DSETUP.dll file and choose Copy.
Close this window.
Open My Computer again.
This time, open your C: drive (usually called Local Disk).
Now open the WINDOWS folder.
Open the SYSTEM32 folder.
Right-click on an empty space in the folder and choose Paste.
Now try running the installation again.

If the issue persists you will need to reinstall DirectX.

You can get this program either off the disk, or from Microsoft's website.

To use the DirectX installer on the disk:

Open My Computer.
Right-click on the Sims2 icon and choose Open.
Open the DirectX folder.
Double-click on the dxsetup icon.
This will install DirectX 9.0c on your system.

If you would like to install DirectX directly from Microsoft:

Go to

DirectX is available on the Downloads page.

If the trouble continues, The issue you are experiencing is due to corrupted game files. In this case we will need to remove all the files associated with the games in order for them to work properly.

We have to go into your Windows registry and remove the parts of the game program that were not removed from your system. We will be focusing on 2 files that were installed with the game into your registry. First, we will need to make a backup of your registry. We do this by using a tool called Scanreg;

1. Click on Start then go to Run.
2. Type in scanreg /backup.
3. Click on Ok.

You will see a window briefly appear on your screen and then go away. Once you have seen this that will tell you that you have made a backup of your registry. If you have Windows XP you can skip this step.

Now we will remove the keys for The Sims 2 from your registry. To do this, follow the steps below;

1. Click on Start then go to Run.
2. Type in regedit and click OK.
3. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
4. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Software.
5. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled EA Games.
6. You will see a folder labeled "The Sims 2".
7. Right click once on this folder; a menu will appear.
8. Select the delete option and left-click; this will remove the folder. The window may take you to the top of the screen. Simply scroll back down to where you were before.
9. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Microsoft.
10. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Windows.
11. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Current Version.
12. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Uninstall.
13. Locate a folder labeled {8AB8D458-939E-403F-0097-9BA1C1F013D5}
14. Right click once on this folder; a menu will appear.
15. Select the delete option and left-click; this will remove the folder.

Delete the two Sims 2 folders located here:

C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2

and here:

\\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2

You have now removed all entries for The Sims 2 from your system. At this point you should be able to re-install your game without an issue.


i tried to create a new Windows XP account with Administrative rights.
so i tested to run The Sims 2 again, and it worked perfectly well !

i need explanation if you see why in my Windows XP account the game doesn't run (directx 9.0c error) and in a new account (so, same computer, same drivers, same softwares,...) it runs itself without any problem ??


please help me, i would want to run the game using my account, and not running it in a 'special Sims 2' account.
6 oct. 2004 à 19:56
Issu d'un autre forum:

Thank you for contacting EA technical support. I am sorry that you are having difficulty.

This error is usually caused by a faulty installation of DirectX.

First, make sure your disk is in the drive. Afterwards follow these steps.

Open My Computer.
Right click on the Sims2 icon and choose Open.
Double-click on the DirectX folder.
Right-click on the DSETUP.dll file and choose Copy.
Close this window.
Open My Computer again.
This time, open your C: drive (usually called Local Disk).
Now open the WINDOWS folder.
Open the SYSTEM32 folder.
Right-click on an empty space in the folder and choose Paste.
Now try running the installation again.

If the issue persists you will need to reinstall DirectX.

You can get this program either off the disk, or from Microsoft's website.

To use the DirectX installer on the disk:

Open My Computer.
Right-click on the Sims2 icon and choose Open.
Open the DirectX folder.
Double-click on the dxsetup icon.
This will install DirectX 9.0c on your system.

If you would like to install DirectX directly from Microsoft:

Go to

DirectX is available on the Downloads page.

If the trouble continues, The issue you are experiencing is due to corrupted game files. In this case we will need to remove all the files associated with the games in order for them to work properly.

We have to go into your Windows registry and remove the parts of the game program that were not removed from your system. We will be focusing on 2 files that were installed with the game into your registry. First, we will need to make a backup of your registry. We do this by using a tool called Scanreg;

1. Click on Start then go to Run.
2. Type in scanreg /backup.
3. Click on Ok.

You will see a window briefly appear on your screen and then go away. Once you have seen this that will tell you that you have made a backup of your registry. If you have Windows XP you can skip this step.

Now we will remove the keys for The Sims 2 from your registry. To do this, follow the steps below;

1. Click on Start then go to Run.
2. Type in regedit and click OK.
3. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
4. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Software.
5. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled EA Games.
6. You will see a folder labeled "The Sims 2".
7. Right click once on this folder; a menu will appear.
8. Select the delete option and left-click; this will remove the folder. The window may take you to the top of the screen. Simply scroll back down to where you were before.
9. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Microsoft.
10. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Windows.
11. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Current Version.
12. Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Uninstall.
13. Locate a folder labeled {8AB8D458-939E-403F-0097-9BA1C1F013D5}
14. Right click once on this folder; a menu will appear.
15. Select the delete option and left-click; this will remove the folder.

Delete the two Sims 2 folders located here:

C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2

and here:

\\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2

You have now removed all entries for The Sims 2 from your system. At this point you should be able to re-install your game without an issue.


i tried to create a new Windows XP account with Administrative rights.
so i tested to run The Sims 2 again, and it worked perfectly well !

i need explanation if you see why in my Windows XP account the game doesn't run (directx 9.0c error) and in a new account (so, same computer, same drivers, same softwares,...) it runs itself without any problem ??


please help me, i would want to run the game using my account, and not running it in a 'special Sims 2' account.
christo5434 Messages postés 12 Date d'inscription mercredi 12 juillet 2006 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 12 juillet 2006
12 juil. 2006 à 11:25
Est-ce que vos carte graphique sont intégré ou est-ce de vrai carte graphique?
et bien écoute moi je peu te conseiller de regardé ton manuel SIMS 2 a la fin il te dise que si tu a des problème avec le jeu (ex: beug .....) tu doi téléchargé des truc je c pu sa remonte a bien loin

jespère que se sera la bonne solution !! :)
youreyes Messages postés 2 Date d'inscription dimanche 11 mars 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 mars 2007
11 mars 2007 à 10:07
salutje suis une nouvelle venu qui cherche de laide!alor voila tout davor javé acheté il y a a peu prè 2 an lé sims 2 en cd rom!ma soeur ma perdu le dc 1 dc forcémen impossible di rejoué!dc 2 an aprè de désolemen je décide de fair une comédie a mes paren!lol!dc on a raxcheté de la mémoir(il en avai besoin remark),é une carte graphique radeon 9600 pro, seul pb kan jai éssayé tte exité mon jeu sa ne marché pa car javé un lecteur cd rom é pa dvd rom!bref on change de lecteur on en rachète un dvd rom é maintenan c bn jinstall lé sims 2 impect ms kan jessai de le metttre sa me met de vérofoer si ma carte grafik pren bien directx9(hor el le pren)ou si mes pilote son bien a jour!jai été sr le site ati téléchargé lé nouvo pilote!g létchargé .net framework(je c pa du tt a koi sa ser ms bn..)é maintenan sa me met un truc "MOM.Implementation, Version=2.0.2589.34834, Culture=neutral,PublickeyToken=9c70f846762e"!!!je vs en supli a genou aidé moi jen peu plu mon cou é matête nen peuven plu!en + jme sui fai opéré d den de sagess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aidé moi klkun!!!mon adress msn si vs voulez
Je suis pas sûr, mais c'est une impression forte, qu'il ne faut pas confondre la version qu'on possède de DirectX (9.0c maintenant) avec la version de DirectX que supporte la carte graphique (9.0b par exemple !). C'est du DirectX 9.0, ca c'est ok, mais ya la petite lettre derrière.

Hypothèse à confirmer.
j'ai le meme probleme aider moi je mis connait pas tres bien
edelweiss0119 Messages postés 261 Date d'inscription mercredi 30 mai 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 12 avril 2011 11
5 juin 2007 à 13:14
j'avais le meme problème, j'ai fait la mise à jour de ma carte mère et pour l'instant , tout refonctionne convenablement.
salut moi je veux jouer a sims 2 mais je suis pas me dit a chaque fois que jinsere le CD:failed to find any DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapters in this system!please make sure you have directX 9.0c compatible graphics adapters and have installed the latest drivers provided by the manufacturer.this application will now terminate.

C'est toujours ce message la qui apparait....jessai de jouer depuis des jours mais sa ne marche pas !!!!pouvez-vous m'aider S.V.P!!!


Merci de me répondre rapidement.....Mélanie
il vout faut telecharger des scarte graphique comme tout les geforce comme geforce2.....
nvidia quadro
edelweiss0119 Messages postés 261 Date d'inscription mercredi 30 mai 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 12 avril 2011 11
5 oct. 2007 à 20:44
bonsoir, on ne télécharge pas une carte graphique lol.ça s'achète, c'est une pièce qui va à l'intérieur d'un pc.
bein le truc tt en anglais a l'air super interessant mais jcomprend ke dal a la fin moi g un peut prés le meme soucie ke les autre ! sauf ke il ya un moi je joué au sims sans soucie et un jour g formaté et depui dés ke j'instal les sims sxa me dit qu aucune carte graphique ....
est-ce que je peux jouer aux sims 2 avec mon ordinateur portable qui a Intel Celeron M, 1,60GHz, 448 Mo de RAM et une carte graphique SiS 661MX (64MB) elle est ocmpatible VGA, BIOS 2.24.4e ?????????????????????????????????????????????
ba moi jai jouer mais mon perr a enlever la carte je ne sais comment la ravoir