Virus (faux antivirus)

Fabien - 8 sept. 2008 à 19:01
 Fabien - 9 sept. 2008 à 20:07
je viens de me prendre un virus qui me dit qu'il est un antivirus.Il est sous plusieurs appellations dans mes programmes : online spyware test,antivirus scan, il y a des morceaux dans Applications,d'autres dans SDist Test et il y a un drole de logiciel dans le gestionnaire d'applications :Warning center. Mon antivirus (avast) et mon antispyware l'on bloqué au moment d'installation mais ca n'a pas suffit, je fais actuellement un scan mais je pense qu'il ne trouvera rien.
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6 réponses

Je lance aussi spybot
Premier element trouve avec spybot:
Société: AntiSpyCheck, Inc.
Produit: AntiSpyCheck
Menace: Malware

URL de la société:

AntiSpyCheck claims to be an antispyware solution. If it is installed on the computer it detects some spyware even if the computer is a totally clean machine. In order to fix these problems, the user needs to purchase a license.
3 nouveaux elements:

Produit: Zlob.Downloader.vdt
Menace: Trojan

This trojan downloads and installs various third-party spyware and malware to infected computers.

Produit: Smitfraud-C.

This program installs itself through the internet and creates new desktop wallpaper. This wallpaper looks like a Windows 98 blue screen and contains a warning that the computer is infected with viruses, that one should download run a virus scanner and that the computer wouldn't work in normal mode. In addition to this one gets a desktop icon leading to a pretended anti virus application named PSGuard. Scanning the computer with this software will return a virus found (that was installed by this software itself). In order to remove this virus one has to download the full version for about 20 EUR.

Another unpleasant effect of Smitfraud-C. is that some configuration options in the Control Panel will no longer be available. This way it stops the user from changing the wallpaper and forces him to keep the blue screen. Overall Smitfraud-C is a very sneaky software trying to sell PSGuard by frightening less experienced users.

Menace: Malware

Description is a collection of Smitfraud-C. variants. These variants usually get installed by exploits, social engineering or bundled with other malware. They also download other malware and trojan horses. Symptoms include unknwon browser helper objects, fake security messages, fake security software, pop up advertising, browser redirects or hijacking.

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j'ai récupéré le mm virus que toi! t'as trouvé un moyen de le virer pour de bon? j'ai enlevé certains fichier ms je suis sur qu'il en reste...
J 'ai reussi a enlever certains fichiers en lancant spybot au demarrage (tu peut essayer) il ne reste plus que le principal j'ai fait un nouveau sujet sur celui la uniquement Voir sujet Windows XP onlyne Anti-Spyware(virus). Voila tout bon courrage