j´ai un problème avec un code PHP
voici le code
/*--function draw_image()--*/
function draw_image ()
global $frm;
global $settings;
$q = 'select
date_format(date_added, \'%b %D, %Y\') as added,
(hl_listings.expiration = 0 || date_added + interval hl_listings.expiration day >= current_date)
and hl_listings.status = 1 and
id = ' . $frm['lid'];
$sth = mysql_query ($q);
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth);
if (!$row)
header ('Location: ' . $settings['site_logo_url']);
exit ();
$Date_1=date("Y-m-d h:i:s");
$added="Added : ".$row['added'];
//monited xx days
$monited="Monitored : ".$Days." days";
$colors = array ();
$colors['pay'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#498302');
$colors['wait'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#0000FF');
$colors['problem'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#FF9900');
$colors['notpay'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#FF0000');
$colors['black'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#000000');
$colors['name']= imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#000000');
$colors['name1']= imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#0000FF');
$name=((strlen($name)>16) ? substr($name, 0, 13). '...' : $name);
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(3) * strlen($name)) / 2));
//ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1,63+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $name);
ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x,65, $colors['name1'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $name);
if ($status == 1)
$statuscolor = $colors['pay'];
$text = 'PAYING';
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2));
if ($status == 2)
$statuscolor = $colors['wait'];
$text = 'WAITING';
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2));
if ($status == 3)
$statuscolor = $colors['problem'];
$text = 'PROBLEM';
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2));
if ($status == 4)
$statuscolor = $colors['notpay'];
$text = 'NOT PAYING';
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2));
if ($group == 7)
$statuscolor = $colors['notpay'];
$text = 'CLOSED';
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2));
//ImageTTFText($img, $size, 0, $x+1,92+1, $colors['black'], "images/impact.ttf", $text);
ImageTTFText($img, $size, 0, $x,95, $statuscolor, "images/impact.ttf", $text);
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($added)) / 2));
//ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 105+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttff", $monited);
ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x+5, 112, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $added);
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($monited)) / 2));
//ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 105+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $monited);
ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x+7, 123, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $monited);
//get listing details
$listing = get_listing_details ($row);
$text="Total Votes : ".$listing['cvotes'].' votes';
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2));
//ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+10+1, 135+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text);
ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x+9, 134, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text);
//user' rating
$text="User Rating : ".$listing['avg_vote']." pts";
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2));
//ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+10+1, 135+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text);
ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x+8, 145, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text);
$text='Our Invest : $'.$listing['spend'].'';
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2));
//ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 120+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text);
ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x+2, 156, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text);
$text='Payout Ratio : '.($listing['ratio']*100).'%';
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2));
//ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 120+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text);
ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x-8, 167, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text);
$q = "select
date_format(, '%b %d') as date
type = 1 and listing_id = " . $frm['lid'] ."
order by DESC LIMIT 1";
if (!($sth = mysql_query ($q)))
exit (mysql_error ());
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth);
if (!$row)
$lastpayout = 'Last payout : No';
$lastpayout = 'Last payout :'.$row['date'];
//lastpayout end
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($lastpayout)) / 2));
//ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 150+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $lastpayout);
ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x-5, 178, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $lastpayout);
$text='Today is : '.date("M j,Y");;
$x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2));
//ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 120+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text);
ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x+8, 195, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text);
header("Content-type: image/png");
le resultat est ceci :
vous voyer que l´écriture n´est pas à la ligne que je voudrai dans l´image,
voici un exemple comment je veux
je veux placer ces mots dfgdfg, waiting dans la premieure photo, a la place de la deuxième photo, la meme place
le code au dessus est le code qui me donne le resultat de la première photo
dfgdfg = orientinvestement
waiting = paying
les autres au milieu
quelqu´un peux faire pour moi ce plaisir svp ?
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