Recherche NARDINO
A voir également:
- Recherche NARDINO
- Recherche automatique des chaînes ne fonctionne pas - Guide
- Rechercher ou entrer l'adresse mm - recherche google - Guide
- Recherche adresse - Guide
- Recherche photo - Guide
- Je recherche une chanson - Guide
298 réponses
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 10 octobre 2005
Contributeur sécurité
Dernière intervention
12 avril 2022
16 févr. 2008 à 20:35
16 févr. 2008 à 20:35
Hello Nardino
Voici rassemblés les éléments de Beagle:
A)-Désactiver le TeaTimer
==> Si tu n'as pas Spybot S&D, passe outre de cette partie !
==> Si tu as Spybot S&D.
•- Tout d'abord > Désactive le Tea-Timer de Spybot en passant par les options de Spybot: une fois dans le logiciel, il faut aller dans le menu "Mode" => coche "Mode avancé" => "Outils"(en bas de page)=> "Résident" => et tu décoches cette case: "Résident Teatimer" . Tu ne dois plus voir l'icône du Tea- Timer dans la barre de tâches!
•- Ne fais pas l'impasse sur cette étape, car ça peut faire échouer la procédure de désinfection !
B)- Etant donné que ANTIVIR détecte un risque sécuritaire dans l'outil suivant : nircmd.cfexe qui appartient en fait à ComboFix, il faut que tu désactives le bouclier d'Antivir le temps du scan :
==> Fais un clic-droit sur l'icône d'Antivir dans la barre des tâches et décoche "Antivir Guard enable"
==> Réactive-le en fin de cette procédure ComboFix.
2°- Désactive ta restauration système
Clic sur « Démarrer »
Clic droit sur « Poste de travail », puis sur « Propriétés »,
Vas sur l’onglet « Restauration système »
Tu y coches la case « Désactiver la restauration »
Termine par [Appliquer] [OK]
3°- Sélectionne (mettre en surbrillance) tout le texte en caractères gras suivant :
C:\Documents and Settings\LORRAINE MARTINEZ\Application Data\m\flec006.exe
C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\GOOGLETOOLBARNOTIFIER.EXE
C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BACKWEB-8876480.EXE
c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m
"C:\Documents and Settings\LORRAINE MARTINEZ\Application Data\m\flec006.exe"=-
4°- Copie le texte sélectionné (CTRL+C).
Ouvre le bloc-notes (programme>Accessoires >bloc-notes).
Colle (bien dans le coin supérieur gauche) ce texte dans ce bloc-notes (CTRL+V).
Sauvegarde (enregistre-le sur le bureau) sous le nom CFScript.txt
En english ==> Save this as ComboFix-Do.txt and change the "Save as type" to "All Files" and place it on your desktop (= bureau). Regarde ici < >
5°- Ensuite, dépose ce fichier texte sur l'application de ComboFix (icône rouge “ComboFix.exe” sur le bureau) en faisant un “glisser/déposer” de ce fichier “ CFScript.txt ” sur le fichier “ComboFix.exe” comme sur la capture: < >
Une fenêtre bleue va apparaître: au message qui apparaît ( Type 1 to continue, or 2 to abort) , tape 1 puis valide.
NOTE : je crois qu'il n'y a plus à taper 1 ou 2, maintenant il y a une fenêtre qui s'ouvre avec des explications et des boutons OUI et NON
Patiente le temps du scan.
Le bureau va disparaître à plusieurs reprises: c'est normal!
(CAUTION: Do not mouse-click ComboFix's window while it is running. = Ne touche à rien tant que le scan n'est pas terminé. That may cause it to stall.)
6°- Une fois le scan achevé, un rapport va s'afficher: poste son contenu sur le forum.
Si le fichier n'apparaît pas, il se trouve ici > C:\ComboFix.txt
7°- Arrêter puis redémarrer le PC
8°- Ensuite réactive ta restauration système
Clic droit sur « Poste de travail », puis sur « Propriétés »,
Vas sur l’onglet « Restauration système »
Tu décoches la case « Désactiver la restauration »
Termine par [Appliquer] [OK]
9°- Poste un nouveau rapport ELIBAGLA
Tu copies et colles ce rapport sur le forum.
Bonne chance
Voici rassemblés les éléments de Beagle:
A)-Désactiver le TeaTimer
==> Si tu n'as pas Spybot S&D, passe outre de cette partie !
==> Si tu as Spybot S&D.
•- Tout d'abord > Désactive le Tea-Timer de Spybot en passant par les options de Spybot: une fois dans le logiciel, il faut aller dans le menu "Mode" => coche "Mode avancé" => "Outils"(en bas de page)=> "Résident" => et tu décoches cette case: "Résident Teatimer" . Tu ne dois plus voir l'icône du Tea- Timer dans la barre de tâches!
•- Ne fais pas l'impasse sur cette étape, car ça peut faire échouer la procédure de désinfection !
B)- Etant donné que ANTIVIR détecte un risque sécuritaire dans l'outil suivant : nircmd.cfexe qui appartient en fait à ComboFix, il faut que tu désactives le bouclier d'Antivir le temps du scan :
==> Fais un clic-droit sur l'icône d'Antivir dans la barre des tâches et décoche "Antivir Guard enable"
==> Réactive-le en fin de cette procédure ComboFix.
2°- Désactive ta restauration système
Clic sur « Démarrer »
Clic droit sur « Poste de travail », puis sur « Propriétés »,
Vas sur l’onglet « Restauration système »
Tu y coches la case « Désactiver la restauration »
Termine par [Appliquer] [OK]
3°- Sélectionne (mettre en surbrillance) tout le texte en caractères gras suivant :
C:\Documents and Settings\LORRAINE MARTINEZ\Application Data\m\flec006.exe
C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\GOOGLETOOLBARNOTIFIER.EXE
C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BACKWEB-8876480.EXE
c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m
"C:\Documents and Settings\LORRAINE MARTINEZ\Application Data\m\flec006.exe"=-
4°- Copie le texte sélectionné (CTRL+C).
Ouvre le bloc-notes (programme>Accessoires >bloc-notes).
Colle (bien dans le coin supérieur gauche) ce texte dans ce bloc-notes (CTRL+V).
Sauvegarde (enregistre-le sur le bureau) sous le nom CFScript.txt
En english ==> Save this as ComboFix-Do.txt and change the "Save as type" to "All Files" and place it on your desktop (= bureau). Regarde ici < >
5°- Ensuite, dépose ce fichier texte sur l'application de ComboFix (icône rouge “ComboFix.exe” sur le bureau) en faisant un “glisser/déposer” de ce fichier “ CFScript.txt ” sur le fichier “ComboFix.exe” comme sur la capture: < >
Une fenêtre bleue va apparaître: au message qui apparaît ( Type 1 to continue, or 2 to abort) , tape 1 puis valide.
NOTE : je crois qu'il n'y a plus à taper 1 ou 2, maintenant il y a une fenêtre qui s'ouvre avec des explications et des boutons OUI et NON
Patiente le temps du scan.
Le bureau va disparaître à plusieurs reprises: c'est normal!
(CAUTION: Do not mouse-click ComboFix's window while it is running. = Ne touche à rien tant que le scan n'est pas terminé. That may cause it to stall.)
6°- Une fois le scan achevé, un rapport va s'afficher: poste son contenu sur le forum.
Si le fichier n'apparaît pas, il se trouve ici > C:\ComboFix.txt
7°- Arrêter puis redémarrer le PC
8°- Ensuite réactive ta restauration système
Clic droit sur « Poste de travail », puis sur « Propriétés »,
Vas sur l’onglet « Restauration système »
Tu décoches la case « Désactiver la restauration »
Termine par [Appliquer] [OK]
9°- Poste un nouveau rapport ELIBAGLA
Tu copies et colles ce rapport sur le forum.
Bonne chance
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 20 mai 2004
Dernière intervention
6 mars 2010
17 févr. 2008 à 00:10
17 févr. 2008 à 00:10
Merci Al,
Mais tout cela a déjà été fait sans résultat, hélas.
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\SROSA.SYS est un rootkit qu'il n'y a pas moyen de renommer pur le supprimer.
Le dernier rapport Elibagla ne laisse apparaitre que :
J'attends le rapport Blacklight et je vais retenter Avenger.
Mais tout cela a déjà été fait sans résultat, hélas.
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\SROSA.SYS est un rootkit qu'il n'y a pas moyen de renommer pur le supprimer.
Le dernier rapport Elibagla ne laisse apparaitre que :
J'attends le rapport Blacklight et je vais retenter Avenger.
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 10 octobre 2005
Contributeur sécurité
Dernière intervention
12 avril 2022
17 févr. 2008 à 00:25
17 févr. 2008 à 00:25
Nardino, tu as écrit très correctement « Le dernier rapport Elibagla ne laisse apparaitre que ... »
En effet, Elibagla ne montre pas toujours des éléments comme :
"C:\Documents and Settings\LORRAINE MARTINEZ\Application Data\m\flec006.exe"=-
c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m <-- la grosse saloperie !
c:\windows\system32\mdelk.exe <--- souvent caché !
C'est pourquoi je lance le tout.
C'est de toute façon pénible.
< >
On constate de Beagle s'installe maintenant dans des espaces de "failles de sécurité/espionnage" ( GOOGLETOOLBARNOTIFIER et BACKWEB-8876480 ), et que les extensions sont multipliées.
Bagle infecte de nombreux programmes de démarrage.
Jusqu'à il y a peu, il n'infectait que des programmes de "nettoyage" ou des antivirus.
Mais maintenant il infecte n'importe quel programme, ce qui rend plus difficile son éradication car il se propage plus efficacement. --> [merci Méril..]
Bon dimanche
Nardino, tu as écrit très correctement « Le dernier rapport Elibagla ne laisse apparaitre que ... »
En effet, Elibagla ne montre pas toujours des éléments comme :
"C:\Documents and Settings\LORRAINE MARTINEZ\Application Data\m\flec006.exe"=-
c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m <-- la grosse saloperie !
c:\windows\system32\mdelk.exe <--- souvent caché !
C'est pourquoi je lance le tout.
C'est de toute façon pénible.
< >
On constate de Beagle s'installe maintenant dans des espaces de "failles de sécurité/espionnage" ( GOOGLETOOLBARNOTIFIER et BACKWEB-8876480 ), et que les extensions sont multipliées.
Bagle infecte de nombreux programmes de démarrage.
Jusqu'à il y a peu, il n'infectait que des programmes de "nettoyage" ou des antivirus.
Mais maintenant il infecte n'importe quel programme, ce qui rend plus difficile son éradication car il se propage plus efficacement. --> [merci Méril..]
Bon dimanche
Je lis vos messages... ça a l'air grave? y a t-il une solution qui apparaitrait à l'horizon?... vous m'inquiétez.... d'autant que je ne comprends pas tout!!
Est-ce que ça signifie que mon ordi est de plus en plus infecté? que bientôt je ne pourrais carrément plus m'en servir? car il manifeste certains symptome quand même!!
Je lis vos messages... ça a l'air grave? y a t-il une solution qui apparaitrait à l'horizon?... vous m'inquiétez.... d'autant que je ne comprends pas tout!!
Est-ce que ça signifie que mon ordi est de plus en plus infecté? que bientôt je ne pourrais carrément plus m'en servir? car il manifeste certains symptome quand même!!
Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?
Posez votre question
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
samedi 21 avril 2007
Contributeur sécurité
Dernière intervention
18 février 2023
17 févr. 2008 à 10:42
17 févr. 2008 à 10:42
As-tu utilisé Avenger Nardino ?
As-tu utilisé Avenger Nardino ?
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 20 mai 2004
Dernière intervention
6 mars 2010
17 févr. 2008 à 11:14
17 févr. 2008 à 11:14
j'attends le dernier rapport Blacklight.
j'attends le dernier rapport Blacklight.
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 10 octobre 2005
Contributeur sécurité
Dernière intervention
12 avril 2022
17 févr. 2008 à 12:36
17 févr. 2008 à 12:36
Pour info, j'ai trouvé ceci relative au post # 199 (Retente un scan avec BlackLight et la fonction rename)
« Do NOT use this app to rename files! NE PAS utiliser ce soft pour renommer les fichiers!
Sometimes there are legitimate hidden items. Parfois, il ya des éléments cachés légitimes. »
Pour info, j'ai trouvé ceci relative au post # 199 (Retente un scan avec BlackLight et la fonction rename)
« Do NOT use this app to rename files! NE PAS utiliser ce soft pour renommer les fichiers!
Sometimes there are legitimate hidden items. Parfois, il ya des éléments cachés légitimes. »
Nardino, je n'avais pas vu ton post 199 concernant le black light... je suppose que c'est parce qu'il est en bas de page et que je suis allée sur la suivante parce qu'indiquée... Bref du coup indique moi si je dois le faire et si il faut que je change certaines choses comme le signale afideg ci-dessus.
Nardino, je n'avais pas vu ton post 199 concernant le black light... je suppose que c'est parce qu'il est en bas de page et que je suis allée sur la suivante parce qu'indiquée... Bref du coup indique moi si je dois le faire et si il faut que je change certaines choses comme le signale afideg ci-dessus.
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 10 octobre 2005
Contributeur sécurité
Dernière intervention
12 avril 2022
17 févr. 2008 à 15:27
17 févr. 2008 à 15:27
N'écoute pas Afideg
Suis les recommandations de Nardino.
Il sait très bien ce qu'il fait ==> mieux que moi d'ailleurs .
Ce n'était qu'une info.
Al ;)
N'écoute pas Afideg
Suis les recommandations de Nardino.
Il sait très bien ce qu'il fait ==> mieux que moi d'ailleurs .
Ce n'était qu'une info.
Al ;)
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 20 mai 2004
Dernière intervention
6 mars 2010
17 févr. 2008 à 17:21
17 févr. 2008 à 17:21
Refais un Blacklight avec la fonction rename
Je ne crois guère à la solution de ce côté mais il faut en sortir avec les outils disponibles.
Le dernier rapport Elibagla était "bon" dans la mesure où il ne montre plus "que trois" fichiers qui posent problème.
le hic est que l'un d'entre eux nous empêche le démarrage en mode sans échec.
Ensuite nous retenterons une suppression avec Avenger.
Refais un Blacklight avec la fonction rename
Je ne crois guère à la solution de ce côté mais il faut en sortir avec les outils disponibles.
Le dernier rapport Elibagla était "bon" dans la mesure où il ne montre plus "que trois" fichiers qui posent problème.
le hic est que l'un d'entre eux nous empêche le démarrage en mode sans échec.
Ensuite nous retenterons une suppression avec Avenger.
Salut nardino,
Je viens de rentrer et de voir ton dernier message. Par ailleurs, en lisant mes mails, un de mes contacts est muni d'un anti virus qui m'a interpellé :
Je pense qu'avec ces liens tu pourras y accéder, il est apparu comme intéressant de voir que, dans le menu déroulant il y a des bagles, ce qui signifie que tu peux télécharger la version qui convient au problème spécifique. Cependant j'aimerai avoir ton avis si tu ne le connais pas, évidement sinon, tu m'en aurais sûrement parlé.
Voilà ... avant de faire quoi que ce soit, j'attend quand même ton avis.
Je viens de rentrer et de voir ton dernier message. Par ailleurs, en lisant mes mails, un de mes contacts est muni d'un anti virus qui m'a interpellé :
Je pense qu'avec ces liens tu pourras y accéder, il est apparu comme intéressant de voir que, dans le menu déroulant il y a des bagles, ce qui signifie que tu peux télécharger la version qui convient au problème spécifique. Cependant j'aimerai avoir ton avis si tu ne le connais pas, évidement sinon, tu m'en aurais sûrement parlé.
Voilà ... avant de faire quoi que ce soit, j'attend quand même ton avis.
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 20 mai 2004
Dernière intervention
6 mars 2010
17 févr. 2008 à 22:36
17 févr. 2008 à 22:36
Je connais bien sur Eset Nod32
Cependant si tu te souviens je t'ai fais passer un autre, fix-bagle.exe qu in'a poas fonctionné non plus.
Il s'agit apparemment d'une nouvelle version de Bagle.
Cependant tu peux essayer les 6 outils proposés sur ton lien.
En commençant par le premier qui couvre plusieurs versions.
Et surtout tu me dis quelle version a pu fonctionner.
Merci de me tenir comme tu le fais au courant de tes propres recherches.
Bonne chance
Refais quand même Blacklight avant et poste le résultat.
Cependant si tu te souviens je t'ai fais passer un autre, fix-bagle.exe qu in'a poas fonctionné non plus.
Il s'agit apparemment d'une nouvelle version de Bagle.
Cependant tu peux essayer les 6 outils proposés sur ton lien.
En commençant par le premier qui couvre plusieurs versions.
Et surtout tu me dis quelle version a pu fonctionner.
Merci de me tenir comme tu le fais au courant de tes propres recherches.
Bonne chance
Refais quand même Blacklight avant et poste le résultat.
bonjour ,
J'ai fais un scan black light dont voici le rapport mais je n'ai pas fais le clean, trop de fichiers à "rename" et vu qu'il me dit que ça peut-être dangereux, je n'ai pas osé. Tu pourras sûrement m'en dire plus :
02/18/08 10:47:20 [Info]: BlackLight Engine 1.0.67 initialized
02/18/08 10:47:20 [Info]: OS: 5.1 build 2600 (Service Pack 2)
02/18/08 10:47:21 [Note]: 7019 4
02/18/08 10:47:21 [Note]: 7005 0
02/18/08 10:47:34 [Note]: 7006 0
02/18/08 10:47:34 [Note]: 7011 1244
02/18/08 10:47:45 [Note]: 7026 0
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Note]: 7026 0
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Note]: 7024 3
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Info]: Hidden process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hldrrr.exe
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Note]: 7024 3
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Info]: Hidden process: C:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\flec006.exe
02/18/08 10:48:07 [Note]: FSRAW library version 1.7.1024
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Info]: Hidden file: C:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\flec006.exe
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\007 MP3 Sound Re
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\355 Monitor 3.0.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\50 State Quarter
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\A Christmas Snow
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Active CallerID
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Address Magic Pe
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Age of Mythology
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Aggregate Profil
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Akala EXE Lock 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Aldo's Magnifier
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AllBeachSaver 2.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Matrimonial Tool
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MB2-184 - Micros
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Mcafee.v8.0.secu
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MCS CPU Benchmar
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Measure Converte
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Medal of Honor A
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MeetingSense 2.0
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MetaCafeholic Me
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Captain Nemo 3.3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\CD Start-It Lite
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Centennia Histor
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\CMS Contacts 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Code-VB6 3.0 Ser
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Colours of the E
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Cool-Progs Ghost
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\CyberGauge 6.0.z
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\D2GSaver 1.11 [C
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Daily Number Cru
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Dark Reign 2 CTP
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Quick View Plus
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Quit Smoking Sto
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Random Dot Matri
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Recovery for Wor
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\RegistryErrorNuk
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\RockGarden 1.07.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SamePlace 0.7.0.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Scam Sensor for
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Scope Calculator
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Tomb Raider 3Dfx
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Traffic Geek 7.0
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Translit To Cyri
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\TuBu (CE palmtop
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Ultimate Online
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Uptime Clock 3.9
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VB Code Library
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\vDHCP Server 0.1
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VideoLive Mail 4
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Virtual Organize
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Virtual Serial P
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VirtualLab Data
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VVV
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Innovasys Freewa
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Inspiration for
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Intelligent Copi
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IntelliservChat
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Internet Pirates
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Internet Time Co
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IP2Location IP-C
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IpDialer
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\iPool
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Javelin
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\aumpel 2.0 (Seri
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BurnGO
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DXPad
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Evonsoft SysInfo
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Full Cal
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Infima Ultimate
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Master and Disci
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MS Access File S
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Norton.Antivirus
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Personal OA Syst
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\QuickFolders 3.5
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Spider-Man 3 Mov
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Tiny Message 1.2
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\EZTimer
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\EzyImager 1.0.0.
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Fairy Match 1.31
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FastReply 3.0.10
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FetchIt 1.0 (Pat
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FIFA Soccer 97 d
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FitalyLetris 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Flash-Math 1.0.z
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MS Works Convert
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MSKeyViewer Plus
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\My Passwords Kee
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MyPhoneExplorer
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Naturpic Video C
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Network Manageme
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\New CD - MP3 Rip
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Nokia free unloc
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AvisynthEditor 0
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Banner Maker Pro
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BarCodeWiz UPC E
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Batch File Modif
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Battle for the U
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Battle Painters
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BayGenie
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BBC RSS News Fee
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Benefit Toolbar
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Block-IT! 1.1.zi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Budget Ace 1.5.1
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\JPartialDownload
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\JPG 4 Email 1.2.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Jr. Scientist 1.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\JSecret
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\KDT Site Blocker
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Kernel Filter fo
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Ki-Washer 1.0.zi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Learn Chinese 20
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\LingvoSoft Dicti
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\LingvoSoft Talki
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Link Checker 2.4
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\LOVEIRAN toolbar
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\M3U COPiER 1.1.z
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Marine Fish Tank
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Warcraft III - D
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Warm & Fuzzy Hol
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Wedding Assistan
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Wheel Here 1.3.2
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Windows XP Multi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Wonders of Denal
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\World Cup Screen
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\XFlow
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Zipsearch 1.4.5.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Derekware HTML 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DirCase
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Disk Piecharter
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DS DoubleSplit 1
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Duke Nukem Manha
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Duplicate File R
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DVD Audio Files
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Photo Album v6.0
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Photo-Brush 3.51
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Picture and Vide
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PopConverter 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Private InfoKeep
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Private Pix 2.93
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PrivateSurf 2.1.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PureBackup.exe 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Startup Manager
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Stopwatch 1.1.zi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Super Video Conv
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Switch Window 1.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Symantec.Norton.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Tech Terms Compu
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\TGTools Light 2.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\The Performance
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\The Tao Screensa
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Animals Photo Sc
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AntiVir Personal
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Any Background 2
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Anything3D Pano
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AOL Active Secur
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Arabesk
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Astrology Writer
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\ScreenRifle 1.0.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Scudden Death 1.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SenJen Downloade
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SIM Express (OS
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Simple Thumbnail
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Site Studio 6.zi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Smart PC Profess
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Soft191 RAM Defr
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SoftPepper MOV V
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Game Editor 1.3.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Genstore
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\GoMail Subscript
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\gsRTFWriter 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Halo Combat Evol
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Handy Explorer f
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\HexDataEdit 1.11
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\HP0-632 - OpenVi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\iCall
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\iModeller 3D Web
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IndyCar Racing I
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Metes and Bounds
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MICR Font Set 3.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Microsoft Expres
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MonitorWare Cons
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Mosaico Author 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Mouse Mat 1.0.1.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Movies Extractor
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\EasyTaskEmail (E
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\eCafePro 4.05.zi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Electronic Compu
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Encrypt PDF Comm
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Enforcer
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\English Gold Dic
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Numerit Pro 1.7
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\OrangeBox 1.0.zi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PalmBFLThe Body
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Panda.Antivirus.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Parallaxis iAlbu
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PC Registry Clea
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\pdfOffice Pro 5.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\Profiles\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:02 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:02 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:27 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\WINDOWS\system32\wintems.exe
02/18/08 10:56:27 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Info]: Hidden file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hldrrr.exe
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\srosa.sys
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:58:35 [Note]: 2000 1012
02/18/08 10:59:19 [Note]: 7007 0
J'ai fais un scan black light dont voici le rapport mais je n'ai pas fais le clean, trop de fichiers à "rename" et vu qu'il me dit que ça peut-être dangereux, je n'ai pas osé. Tu pourras sûrement m'en dire plus :
02/18/08 10:47:20 [Info]: BlackLight Engine 1.0.67 initialized
02/18/08 10:47:20 [Info]: OS: 5.1 build 2600 (Service Pack 2)
02/18/08 10:47:21 [Note]: 7019 4
02/18/08 10:47:21 [Note]: 7005 0
02/18/08 10:47:34 [Note]: 7006 0
02/18/08 10:47:34 [Note]: 7011 1244
02/18/08 10:47:45 [Note]: 7026 0
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Note]: 7026 0
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Note]: 7024 3
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Info]: Hidden process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hldrrr.exe
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Note]: 7024 3
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Info]: Hidden process: C:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\flec006.exe
02/18/08 10:48:07 [Note]: FSRAW library version 1.7.1024
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Info]: Hidden file: C:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\flec006.exe
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\007 MP3 Sound Re
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\355 Monitor 3.0.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\50 State Quarter
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\A Christmas Snow
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Active CallerID
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Address Magic Pe
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Age of Mythology
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Aggregate Profil
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Akala EXE Lock 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Aldo's Magnifier
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AllBeachSaver 2.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Matrimonial Tool
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MB2-184 - Micros
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Mcafee.v8.0.secu
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MCS CPU Benchmar
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Measure Converte
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Medal of Honor A
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MeetingSense 2.0
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MetaCafeholic Me
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Captain Nemo 3.3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\CD Start-It Lite
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Centennia Histor
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\CMS Contacts 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Code-VB6 3.0 Ser
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Colours of the E
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Cool-Progs Ghost
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\CyberGauge 6.0.z
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\D2GSaver 1.11 [C
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Daily Number Cru
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Dark Reign 2 CTP
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Quick View Plus
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Quit Smoking Sto
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Random Dot Matri
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Recovery for Wor
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\RegistryErrorNuk
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\RockGarden 1.07.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SamePlace 0.7.0.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Scam Sensor for
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Scope Calculator
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Tomb Raider 3Dfx
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Traffic Geek 7.0
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Translit To Cyri
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\TuBu (CE palmtop
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Ultimate Online
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Uptime Clock 3.9
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VB Code Library
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\vDHCP Server 0.1
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VideoLive Mail 4
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Virtual Organize
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Virtual Serial P
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VirtualLab Data
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VVV
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Innovasys Freewa
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Inspiration for
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Intelligent Copi
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IntelliservChat
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Internet Pirates
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Internet Time Co
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IP2Location IP-C
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IpDialer
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\iPool
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Javelin
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\aumpel 2.0 (Seri
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BurnGO
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DXPad
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Evonsoft SysInfo
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Full Cal
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Infima Ultimate
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Master and Disci
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MS Access File S
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Norton.Antivirus
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Personal OA Syst
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\QuickFolders 3.5
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Spider-Man 3 Mov
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Tiny Message 1.2
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\EZTimer
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\EzyImager 1.0.0.
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Fairy Match 1.31
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FastReply 3.0.10
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FetchIt 1.0 (Pat
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FIFA Soccer 97 d
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FitalyLetris 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Flash-Math 1.0.z
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MS Works Convert
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MSKeyViewer Plus
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\My Passwords Kee
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MyPhoneExplorer
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Naturpic Video C
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Network Manageme
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\New CD - MP3 Rip
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Nokia free unloc
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AvisynthEditor 0
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Banner Maker Pro
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BarCodeWiz UPC E
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Batch File Modif
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Battle for the U
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Battle Painters
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BayGenie
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BBC RSS News Fee
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Benefit Toolbar
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Block-IT! 1.1.zi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Budget Ace 1.5.1
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\JPartialDownload
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\JPG 4 Email 1.2.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Jr. Scientist 1.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\JSecret
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\KDT Site Blocker
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Kernel Filter fo
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Ki-Washer 1.0.zi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Learn Chinese 20
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\LingvoSoft Dicti
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\LingvoSoft Talki
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Link Checker 2.4
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\LOVEIRAN toolbar
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\M3U COPiER 1.1.z
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Marine Fish Tank
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Warcraft III - D
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Warm & Fuzzy Hol
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Wedding Assistan
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Wheel Here 1.3.2
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Windows XP Multi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Wonders of Denal
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\World Cup Screen
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\XFlow
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Zipsearch 1.4.5.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Derekware HTML 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DirCase
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Disk Piecharter
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DS DoubleSplit 1
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Duke Nukem Manha
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Duplicate File R
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DVD Audio Files
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Photo Album v6.0
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Photo-Brush 3.51
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Picture and Vide
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PopConverter 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Private InfoKeep
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Private Pix 2.93
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PrivateSurf 2.1.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PureBackup.exe 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Startup Manager
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Stopwatch 1.1.zi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Super Video Conv
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Switch Window 1.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Symantec.Norton.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Tech Terms Compu
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\TGTools Light 2.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\The Performance
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\The Tao Screensa
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Animals Photo Sc
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AntiVir Personal
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Any Background 2
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Anything3D Pano
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AOL Active Secur
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Arabesk
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Astrology Writer
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\ScreenRifle 1.0.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Scudden Death 1.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SenJen Downloade
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SIM Express (OS
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Simple Thumbnail
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Site Studio 6.zi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Smart PC Profess
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Soft191 RAM Defr
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SoftPepper MOV V
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Game Editor 1.3.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Genstore
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\GoMail Subscript
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\gsRTFWriter 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Halo Combat Evol
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Handy Explorer f
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\HexDataEdit 1.11
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\HP0-632 - OpenVi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\iCall
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\iModeller 3D Web
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IndyCar Racing I
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Metes and Bounds
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MICR Font Set 3.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Microsoft Expres
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MonitorWare Cons
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Mosaico Author 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Mouse Mat 1.0.1.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Movies Extractor
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\EasyTaskEmail (E
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\eCafePro 4.05.zi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Electronic Compu
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Encrypt PDF Comm
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Enforcer
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\English Gold Dic
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Numerit Pro 1.7
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\OrangeBox 1.0.zi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PalmBFLThe Body
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Panda.Antivirus.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Parallaxis iAlbu
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PC Registry Clea
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\pdfOffice Pro 5.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\Profiles\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:02 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:02 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:27 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\WINDOWS\system32\wintems.exe
02/18/08 10:56:27 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Info]: Hidden file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hldrrr.exe
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\srosa.sys
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:58:35 [Note]: 2000 1012
02/18/08 10:59:19 [Note]: 7007 0
bonjour ,
J'ai fais un scan black light dont voici le rapport mais je n'ai pas fais le clean, trop de fichiers à "rename" et vu qu'il me dit que ça peut-être dangereux, je n'ai pas osé. Tu pourras sûrement m'en dire plus :
02/18/08 10:47:20 [Info]: BlackLight Engine 1.0.67 initialized
02/18/08 10:47:20 [Info]: OS: 5.1 build 2600 (Service Pack 2)
02/18/08 10:47:21 [Note]: 7019 4
02/18/08 10:47:21 [Note]: 7005 0
02/18/08 10:47:34 [Note]: 7006 0
02/18/08 10:47:34 [Note]: 7011 1244
02/18/08 10:47:45 [Note]: 7026 0
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Note]: 7026 0
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Note]: 7024 3
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Info]: Hidden process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hldrrr.exe
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Note]: 7024 3
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Info]: Hidden process: C:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\flec006.exe
02/18/08 10:48:07 [Note]: FSRAW library version 1.7.1024
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Info]: Hidden file: C:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\flec006.exe
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\007 MP3 Sound Re
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\355 Monitor 3.0.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\50 State Quarter
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\A Christmas Snow
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Active CallerID
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Address Magic Pe
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Age of Mythology
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Aggregate Profil
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Akala EXE Lock 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Aldo's Magnifier
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AllBeachSaver 2.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Matrimonial Tool
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MB2-184 - Micros
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Mcafee.v8.0.secu
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MCS CPU Benchmar
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Measure Converte
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Medal of Honor A
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MeetingSense 2.0
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MetaCafeholic Me
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Captain Nemo 3.3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\CD Start-It Lite
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Centennia Histor
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\CMS Contacts 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Code-VB6 3.0 Ser
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Colours of the E
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Cool-Progs Ghost
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\CyberGauge 6.0.z
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\D2GSaver 1.11 [C
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Daily Number Cru
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Dark Reign 2 CTP
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Quick View Plus
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Quit Smoking Sto
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Random Dot Matri
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Recovery for Wor
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\RegistryErrorNuk
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\RockGarden 1.07.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SamePlace 0.7.0.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Scam Sensor for
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Scope Calculator
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Tomb Raider 3Dfx
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Traffic Geek 7.0
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Translit To Cyri
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\TuBu (CE palmtop
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Ultimate Online
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Uptime Clock 3.9
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VB Code Library
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\vDHCP Server 0.1
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VideoLive Mail 4
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Virtual Organize
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Virtual Serial P
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VirtualLab Data
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VVV
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Innovasys Freewa
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Inspiration for
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Intelligent Copi
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IntelliservChat
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Internet Pirates
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Internet Time Co
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IP2Location IP-C
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IpDialer
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\iPool
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Javelin
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\aumpel 2.0 (Seri
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BurnGO
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DXPad
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Evonsoft SysInfo
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Full Cal
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Infima Ultimate
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Master and Disci
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MS Access File S
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Norton.Antivirus
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Personal OA Syst
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\QuickFolders 3.5
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Spider-Man 3 Mov
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Tiny Message 1.2
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\EZTimer
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\EzyImager 1.0.0.
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Fairy Match 1.31
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FastReply 3.0.10
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FetchIt 1.0 (Pat
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FIFA Soccer 97 d
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FitalyLetris 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Flash-Math 1.0.z
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MS Works Convert
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MSKeyViewer Plus
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\My Passwords Kee
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MyPhoneExplorer
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Naturpic Video C
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Network Manageme
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\New CD - MP3 Rip
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Nokia free unloc
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AvisynthEditor 0
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Banner Maker Pro
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BarCodeWiz UPC E
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Batch File Modif
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Battle for the U
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Battle Painters
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BayGenie
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BBC RSS News Fee
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Benefit Toolbar
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Block-IT! 1.1.zi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Budget Ace 1.5.1
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\JPartialDownload
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\JPG 4 Email 1.2.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Jr. Scientist 1.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\JSecret
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\KDT Site Blocker
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Kernel Filter fo
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Ki-Washer 1.0.zi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Learn Chinese 20
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\LingvoSoft Dicti
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\LingvoSoft Talki
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Link Checker 2.4
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\LOVEIRAN toolbar
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\M3U COPiER 1.1.z
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Marine Fish Tank
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Warcraft III - D
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Warm & Fuzzy Hol
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Wedding Assistan
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Wheel Here 1.3.2
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Windows XP Multi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Wonders of Denal
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\World Cup Screen
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\XFlow
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Zipsearch 1.4.5.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Derekware HTML 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DirCase
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Disk Piecharter
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DS DoubleSplit 1
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Duke Nukem Manha
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Duplicate File R
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DVD Audio Files
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Photo Album v6.0
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Photo-Brush 3.51
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Picture and Vide
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PopConverter 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Private InfoKeep
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Private Pix 2.93
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PrivateSurf 2.1.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PureBackup.exe 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Startup Manager
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Stopwatch 1.1.zi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Super Video Conv
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Switch Window 1.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Symantec.Norton.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Tech Terms Compu
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\TGTools Light 2.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\The Performance
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\The Tao Screensa
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Animals Photo Sc
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AntiVir Personal
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Any Background 2
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Anything3D Pano
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AOL Active Secur
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Arabesk
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Astrology Writer
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\ScreenRifle 1.0.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Scudden Death 1.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SenJen Downloade
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SIM Express (OS
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Simple Thumbnail
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Site Studio 6.zi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Smart PC Profess
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Soft191 RAM Defr
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SoftPepper MOV V
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Game Editor 1.3.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Genstore
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\GoMail Subscript
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\gsRTFWriter 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Halo Combat Evol
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Handy Explorer f
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\HexDataEdit 1.11
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\HP0-632 - OpenVi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\iCall
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\iModeller 3D Web
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IndyCar Racing I
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Metes and Bounds
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MICR Font Set 3.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Microsoft Expres
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MonitorWare Cons
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Mosaico Author 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Mouse Mat 1.0.1.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Movies Extractor
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\EasyTaskEmail (E
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\eCafePro 4.05.zi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Electronic Compu
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Encrypt PDF Comm
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Enforcer
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\English Gold Dic
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Numerit Pro 1.7
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\OrangeBox 1.0.zi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PalmBFLThe Body
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Panda.Antivirus.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Parallaxis iAlbu
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PC Registry Clea
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\pdfOffice Pro 5.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\Profiles\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:02 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:02 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:27 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\WINDOWS\system32\wintems.exe
02/18/08 10:56:27 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Info]: Hidden file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hldrrr.exe
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\srosa.sys
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:58:35 [Note]: 2000 1012
02/18/08 10:59:19 [Note]: 7007 0
J'ai fais un scan black light dont voici le rapport mais je n'ai pas fais le clean, trop de fichiers à "rename" et vu qu'il me dit que ça peut-être dangereux, je n'ai pas osé. Tu pourras sûrement m'en dire plus :
02/18/08 10:47:20 [Info]: BlackLight Engine 1.0.67 initialized
02/18/08 10:47:20 [Info]: OS: 5.1 build 2600 (Service Pack 2)
02/18/08 10:47:21 [Note]: 7019 4
02/18/08 10:47:21 [Note]: 7005 0
02/18/08 10:47:34 [Note]: 7006 0
02/18/08 10:47:34 [Note]: 7011 1244
02/18/08 10:47:45 [Note]: 7026 0
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Note]: 7026 0
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Note]: 7024 3
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Info]: Hidden process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hldrrr.exe
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Note]: 7024 3
02/18/08 10:47:56 [Info]: Hidden process: C:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\flec006.exe
02/18/08 10:48:07 [Note]: FSRAW library version 1.7.1024
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Info]: Hidden file: C:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\flec006.exe
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\007 MP3 Sound Re
02/18/08 10:48:22 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\355 Monitor 3.0.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\50 State Quarter
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\A Christmas Snow
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Active CallerID
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Address Magic Pe
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Age of Mythology
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Aggregate Profil
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Akala EXE Lock 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Aldo's Magnifier
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AllBeachSaver 2.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Matrimonial Tool
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MB2-184 - Micros
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Mcafee.v8.0.secu
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MCS CPU Benchmar
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Measure Converte
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Medal of Honor A
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MeetingSense 2.0
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MetaCafeholic Me
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Captain Nemo 3.3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\CD Start-It Lite
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Centennia Histor
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\CMS Contacts 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Code-VB6 3.0 Ser
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Colours of the E
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Cool-Progs Ghost
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\CyberGauge 6.0.z
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\D2GSaver 1.11 [C
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Daily Number Cru
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Dark Reign 2 CTP
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Quick View Plus
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Quit Smoking Sto
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Random Dot Matri
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Recovery for Wor
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\RegistryErrorNuk
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\RockGarden 1.07.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SamePlace 0.7.0.
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Scam Sensor for
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Scope Calculator
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Tomb Raider 3Dfx
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Traffic Geek 7.0
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Translit To Cyri
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\TuBu (CE palmtop
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Ultimate Online
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Uptime Clock 3.9
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VB Code Library
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\vDHCP Server 0.1
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VideoLive Mail 4
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Virtual Organize
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Virtual Serial P
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VirtualLab Data
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\VVV
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Innovasys Freewa
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Inspiration for
02/18/08 10:48:23 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Intelligent Copi
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IntelliservChat
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Internet Pirates
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Internet Time Co
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IP2Location IP-C
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IpDialer
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\iPool
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Javelin
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\aumpel 2.0 (Seri
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BurnGO
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DXPad
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Evonsoft SysInfo
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Full Cal
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Infima Ultimate
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Master and Disci
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MS Access File S
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Norton.Antivirus
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Personal OA Syst
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\QuickFolders 3.5
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Spider-Man 3 Mov
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Tiny Message 1.2
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\EZTimer
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\EzyImager 1.0.0.
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Fairy Match 1.31
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FastReply 3.0.10
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FetchIt 1.0 (Pat
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FIFA Soccer 97 d
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\FitalyLetris 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Flash-Math 1.0.z
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MS Works Convert
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MSKeyViewer Plus
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\My Passwords Kee
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MyPhoneExplorer
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Naturpic Video C
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Network Manageme
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\New CD - MP3 Rip
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Nokia free unloc
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AvisynthEditor 0
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Banner Maker Pro
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BarCodeWiz UPC E
02/18/08 10:48:24 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Batch File Modif
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Battle for the U
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Battle Painters
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BayGenie
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\BBC RSS News Fee
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Benefit Toolbar
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Block-IT! 1.1.zi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Budget Ace 1.5.1
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\JPartialDownload
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\JPG 4 Email 1.2.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Jr. Scientist 1.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\JSecret
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\KDT Site Blocker
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Kernel Filter fo
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Ki-Washer 1.0.zi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Learn Chinese 20
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\LingvoSoft Dicti
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\LingvoSoft Talki
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Link Checker 2.4
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\LOVEIRAN toolbar
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\M3U COPiER 1.1.z
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Marine Fish Tank
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Warcraft III - D
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Warm & Fuzzy Hol
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Wedding Assistan
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Wheel Here 1.3.2
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Windows XP Multi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Wonders of Denal
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\World Cup Screen
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\XFlow
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Zipsearch 1.4.5.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Derekware HTML 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DirCase
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Disk Piecharter
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DS DoubleSplit 1
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Duke Nukem Manha
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Duplicate File R
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\DVD Audio Files
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Photo Album v6.0
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Photo-Brush 3.51
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Picture and Vide
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PopConverter 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Private InfoKeep
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Private Pix 2.93
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PrivateSurf 2.1.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PureBackup.exe 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Startup Manager
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Stopwatch 1.1.zi
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Super Video Conv
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Switch Window 1.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Symantec.Norton.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Tech Terms Compu
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\TGTools Light 2.
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\The Performance
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\The Tao Screensa
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Animals Photo Sc
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AntiVir Personal
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Any Background 2
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Anything3D Pano
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\AOL Active Secur
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Arabesk
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Astrology Writer
02/18/08 10:48:25 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\ScreenRifle 1.0.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Scudden Death 1.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SenJen Downloade
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SIM Express (OS
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Simple Thumbnail
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Site Studio 6.zi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Smart PC Profess
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Soft191 RAM Defr
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\SoftPepper MOV V
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Game Editor 1.3.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Genstore
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\GoMail Subscript
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\gsRTFWriter 1.0
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Halo Combat Evol
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Handy Explorer f
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\HexDataEdit 1.11
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\HP0-632 - OpenVi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\iCall
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\iModeller 3D Web
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\IndyCar Racing I
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Metes and Bounds
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MICR Font Set 3.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Microsoft Expres
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\MonitorWare Cons
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Mosaico Author 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Mouse Mat 1.0.1.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Movies Extractor
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\EasyTaskEmail (E
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\eCafePro 4.05.zi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Electronic Compu
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Encrypt PDF Comm
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Enforcer
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\English Gold Dic
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Numerit Pro 1.7
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\OrangeBox 1.0.zi
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PalmBFLThe Body
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Panda.Antivirus.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\Parallaxis iAlbu
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\PC Registry Clea
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m\shared\pdfOffice Pro 5.
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:48:26 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\Profiles\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 3
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:50:37 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:02 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:02 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:27 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\WINDOWS\system32\wintems.exe
02/18/08 10:56:27 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Info]: Hidden file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hldrrr.exe
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\srosa.sys
02/18/08 10:56:45 [Note]: 10002 2
02/18/08 10:58:35 [Note]: 2000 1012
02/18/08 10:59:19 [Note]: 7007 0
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 20 mai 2004
Dernière intervention
6 mars 2010
18 févr. 2008 à 12:03
18 févr. 2008 à 12:03
Fichier à créer avec le bloc-notes et à enregistrer sous delete.txt. Sur le bureau.
Dans Format décoche "Retour automatique à la ligne".
Folders to delete:
c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m
Files to delete:
Télécharge The Avenger (de Swandog46) :
Enregistre le fichier sur le Bureau.
Décompresse sur le Bureau.
Tu dois obtenir le fichier avenger.exe
Ferme tout tes programmes compris la surveillance de ton antivirus.
Clique sur l'icône avenger.exe.
OK sur le message d'avertissement
Dans "Script file to execute" choisis "Load script from file:".
Puis Clique sur le bouton représenté par un dossier jaune.
Dans la nouvelle fenêtre "Open script file", navigue vers le bureau et double-clique sur le fichier delete.txt
Clique sur le bouton représenté par un feu vert et réponds Oui ou Yes quand demandé.
Après un ou deux redémarrages le rapport s'affichera dans un blocnote.
Il sera enregistré sous C:\avenger.txt
Poste ce rapport.
Fichier à créer avec le bloc-notes et à enregistrer sous delete.txt. Sur le bureau.
Dans Format décoche "Retour automatique à la ligne".
Folders to delete:
c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m
Files to delete:
Télécharge The Avenger (de Swandog46) :
Enregistre le fichier sur le Bureau.
Décompresse sur le Bureau.
Tu dois obtenir le fichier avenger.exe
Ferme tout tes programmes compris la surveillance de ton antivirus.
Clique sur l'icône avenger.exe.
OK sur le message d'avertissement
Dans "Script file to execute" choisis "Load script from file:".
Puis Clique sur le bouton représenté par un dossier jaune.
Dans la nouvelle fenêtre "Open script file", navigue vers le bureau et double-clique sur le fichier delete.txt
Clique sur le bouton représenté par un feu vert et réponds Oui ou Yes quand demandé.
Après un ou deux redémarrages le rapport s'affichera dans un blocnote.
Il sera enregistré sous C:\avenger.txt
Poste ce rapport.
encore une fois, excuse mon incompétence !!!
Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
(post précédent) :
Folders to delete:
c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m
Files to delete:
encore une fois, excuse mon incompétence !!!
Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
(post précédent) :
Folders to delete:
c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m
Files to delete:
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 20 mai 2004
Dernière intervention
6 mars 2010
18 févr. 2008 à 13:01
18 févr. 2008 à 13:01
dans Démarrer, Tous les programmes, Accessoires tu cliques sur Bloc-notes.
Tu y colles :
Folders to delete:
c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m
C:\Program Files\SuperCopier2
Files to delete:
En haut dans Fichier, Enregistrer sous tu le nommes delete.txt
Et tu l'enregistres sur le bureau.
Et tu continues avec la manip The Avenger.
ATTENTION. Cette procédure est spécifique et ne concerne que cette question.
Elle n'est en aucun cas transposable à un autre cas.
dans Démarrer, Tous les programmes, Accessoires tu cliques sur Bloc-notes.
Tu y colles :
Folders to delete:
c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m
C:\Program Files\SuperCopier2
Files to delete:
En haut dans Fichier, Enregistrer sous tu le nommes delete.txt
Et tu l'enregistres sur le bureau.
Et tu continues avec la manip The Avenger.
ATTENTION. Cette procédure est spécifique et ne concerne que cette question.
Elle n'est en aucun cas transposable à un autre cas.
voici le rapport avenger :
Logfile of The Avenger version 1, by Swandog46
Running from registry key:
Script file located at: \??\C:\qpjtosof.txt
Script file opened successfully.
Script file read successfully
Backups directory opened successfully at C:\Avenger
Beginning to process script file:
Folder c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m deleted successfully.
Folder C:\Program Files\SuperCopier2 deleted successfully.
File C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hldrrr.exe deleted successfully.
File c:\WINDOWS\system32\wintems.exe deleted successfully.
File c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\srosa.sys deleted successfully.
Completed script processing.
Finished! Terminate.
Rapport d'erreur de Microsoft :
Problème provoqué par Device Driver
Vous avez reçu ce message parce qu''un pilote de périphérique installé sur votre ordinateur a provoqué l''arrêt inattendu du système d''exploitation Windows. Ce type d''erreur est appelé « erreur d''arrêt ». Une erreur d''arrêt nécessite le redémarrage de votre ordinateur.
Plus d''informations
Résumé du rapport de problèmes
Type de problème
Erreur d''arrêt Windows (un message s''affiche sur un écran bleu avec des informations de code d''erreur)
Solution disponible ?
Que signifie ce problème ?
Windows a rencontré un problème qu''il ne peut pas résoudre et doit redémarrer.
Un message s''affiche sur un écran bleu avec des informations de code d''erreur (par exemple : 0x0000001E, KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED)
Autres mesures à prendre
Continuez à envoyer des rapports de problèmes afin que les analystes de Microsoft étudient le problème et essaient de le corriger le plus rapidement possible.
Logfile of The Avenger version 1, by Swandog46
Running from registry key:
Script file located at: \??\C:\qpjtosof.txt
Script file opened successfully.
Script file read successfully
Backups directory opened successfully at C:\Avenger
Beginning to process script file:
Folder c:\Documents and Settings\Lorraine Martinez\Application Data\m deleted successfully.
Folder C:\Program Files\SuperCopier2 deleted successfully.
File C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hldrrr.exe deleted successfully.
File c:\WINDOWS\system32\wintems.exe deleted successfully.
File c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\srosa.sys deleted successfully.
Completed script processing.
Finished! Terminate.
Rapport d'erreur de Microsoft :
Problème provoqué par Device Driver
Vous avez reçu ce message parce qu''un pilote de périphérique installé sur votre ordinateur a provoqué l''arrêt inattendu du système d''exploitation Windows. Ce type d''erreur est appelé « erreur d''arrêt ». Une erreur d''arrêt nécessite le redémarrage de votre ordinateur.
Plus d''informations
Résumé du rapport de problèmes
Type de problème
Erreur d''arrêt Windows (un message s''affiche sur un écran bleu avec des informations de code d''erreur)
Solution disponible ?
Que signifie ce problème ?
Windows a rencontré un problème qu''il ne peut pas résoudre et doit redémarrer.
Un message s''affiche sur un écran bleu avec des informations de code d''erreur (par exemple : 0x0000001E, KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED)
Autres mesures à prendre
Continuez à envoyer des rapports de problèmes afin que les analystes de Microsoft étudient le problème et essaient de le corriger le plus rapidement possible.
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 20 mai 2004
Dernière intervention
6 mars 2010
18 févr. 2008 à 14:52
18 févr. 2008 à 14:52
Télécharge ToolsCleaner2 de A. Rothstein sur ton Bureau :*
[*] Double clique sur ToolsCleaner2.exe > clique sur Extract sans changer la destination initiale.
[*] Ouvre le Poste de Travail > ouvre le Lecteur C:\
[*] Ouvre le dossier ToolsCleaner.
[*] Double clique sur ToolsCleaner2.bat < inclued picture > et suis les directives.
[*] Fais un copier/coller du rapport qui se trouve dans C:\TCleaner.txt
[*] Note : ton bureau va disparaître, c'est normal.
S'il n'apparaît pas à la fin du scan, fais la manip suivante :
CTRL+ALT+SUPP pour ouvrir le Gestionnaire des tâches.
Puis rends toi à l'onglet "Processus". Clique en haut à gauche sur Fichiers et choisis "Exécuter"
Tape explorer.exe et valide. Cela fera re-apparaître le Bureau
Tu recharges Elibagla et tu refais un scan pour être sur que la bête est morte.
Tu posteras aussi un nouveau rapport Hijackthis.
Télécharge ToolsCleaner2 de A. Rothstein sur ton Bureau :*
[*] Double clique sur ToolsCleaner2.exe > clique sur Extract sans changer la destination initiale.
[*] Ouvre le Poste de Travail > ouvre le Lecteur C:\
[*] Ouvre le dossier ToolsCleaner.
[*] Double clique sur ToolsCleaner2.bat < inclued picture > et suis les directives.
[*] Fais un copier/coller du rapport qui se trouve dans C:\TCleaner.txt
[*] Note : ton bureau va disparaître, c'est normal.
S'il n'apparaît pas à la fin du scan, fais la manip suivante :
CTRL+ALT+SUPP pour ouvrir le Gestionnaire des tâches.
Puis rends toi à l'onglet "Processus". Clique en haut à gauche sur Fichiers et choisis "Exécuter"
Tape explorer.exe et valide. Cela fera re-apparaître le Bureau
Tu recharges Elibagla et tu refais un scan pour être sur que la bête est morte.
Tu posteras aussi un nouveau rapport Hijackthis.
J'ai essayé de télécharger via le lien que tu me donne toolscleaner2 mais le lien est introuvable.
Je l'ai donc trouvé ailleurs et télécharger sauf que les indications que tu me donne aprés ne correspondent pas à ce que je trouve.
J'ai essayé de le téléchargé plusieur fois mais il est en français et pas zippé. Donc du coup, je ne sais pas comment l'utiliser, rien de similaire avec tes explications pourtant il me semble que c'était la même version.
J'ai essayé de télécharger via le lien que tu me donne toolscleaner2 mais le lien est introuvable.
Je l'ai donc trouvé ailleurs et télécharger sauf que les indications que tu me donne aprés ne correspondent pas à ce que je trouve.
J'ai essayé de le téléchargé plusieur fois mais il est en français et pas zippé. Donc du coup, je ne sais pas comment l'utiliser, rien de similaire avec tes explications pourtant il me semble que c'était la même version.