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Date d'inscription
mardi 28 août 2007
Dernière intervention
6 janvier 2009
20 oct. 2007 à 22:12
20 oct. 2007 à 22:12
D'abord tu télécharge un antispyware gratuit; par exemple Spybot Search and Destroy en est un bien, ou bien la version d'essai se Spyware Doctor aussi. Je les ai testés, j'avais aussi ce spyware.
Ensuite tu lance une analyse et tu nettoyes tous les spywares détéctés.
Bonne chance!!!
D'abord tu télécharge un antispyware gratuit; par exemple Spybot Search and Destroy en est un bien, ou bien la version d'essai se Spyware Doctor aussi. Je les ai testés, j'avais aussi ce spyware.
Ensuite tu lance une analyse et tu nettoyes tous les spywares détéctés.
Bonne chance!!!
rebonjour, j'ai dl ton logiciel et netoyer ce qui clochait. me reste puls qu'a voir dans les prochaines heures et jours si ça a marché. je vous tiens au courant.
J'ai une fenetre de spam qui s'est encore ouverte ce matin :s
Hello Bahl.
As I said before....
Sorry my French is not so good to "speak" as to understand.
About your problem here is a hint.
Firefox Mozzilla has an option to BLOCK ALL incomes from unwanted adresses.
So FREE download Firefox Mozzilla - open a browser, go in the internet - open the "TOOLS" from the toolbar - choose "OPTIONS" (which is down) - choose "CONFIDENTIALLITY" from the icons on top, (it is No 5/7 the one with the open lock and the "stop" traffic signal - choose "ECXEPTIONS" button (which is over the "show cookies button") and finally WRITE DOWN THE SITE THAT YOU WANT TO BLOCK and press OK. Under this button is the "SHOW COOKIES" button. Press it and you will see the unwanted sites, which are for this problem the following:
You can add as many sites as you like to block all unwanted popups from ALL unwanted sites such as gambling,mobiles,etc.
Friendly ILIOFOS
As I said before....
Sorry my French is not so good to "speak" as to understand.
About your problem here is a hint.
Firefox Mozzilla has an option to BLOCK ALL incomes from unwanted adresses.
So FREE download Firefox Mozzilla - open a browser, go in the internet - open the "TOOLS" from the toolbar - choose "OPTIONS" (which is down) - choose "CONFIDENTIALLITY" from the icons on top, (it is No 5/7 the one with the open lock and the "stop" traffic signal - choose "ECXEPTIONS" button (which is over the "show cookies button") and finally WRITE DOWN THE SITE THAT YOU WANT TO BLOCK and press OK. Under this button is the "SHOW COOKIES" button. Press it and you will see the unwanted sites, which are for this problem the following:
You can add as many sites as you like to block all unwanted popups from ALL unwanted sites such as gambling,mobiles,etc.
Friendly ILIOFOS
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
lundi 18 juin 2007
Dernière intervention
12 novembre 2007
12 nov. 2007 à 17:15
12 nov. 2007 à 17:15
J'ai exactement le meme probleme que toi, j'ai tt essayé mais rien a faire.. Ca commence a devenir un peu long..
J'ai exactement le meme probleme que toi, j'ai tt essayé mais rien a faire.. Ca commence a devenir un peu long..
Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?
Posez votre question
Hello Bahl.
Sorry my French is not so good to "speak" as to understand.
About your problem here is a hint.
Firefox Mozzilla has an option to BLOCK ALL incomes from unwanted adresses.
So FREE download Firefox Mozzilla - open a browser, go in the internet - open the "TOOLS" from the toolbar - choose "OPTIONS" (which is down) - choose "CONFIDENTIALLITY" from the icons on top, (it is No 5/7 the one with the open lock and the "stop" traffic signal - choose "ECXEPTIONS" button (which is over the "show cookies button") and finally WRITE DOWN THE SITE THAT YOU WANT TO BLOCK and press OK. Under this button is the "SHOW COOKIES" button. Press it and you will see the unwanted sites, which are for this problem the following:
You can add as many sites as you like to block all unwanted popups from ALL unwanted sites such as gambling,mobiles,etc.
Friendly ILIOFOS
Sorry my French is not so good to "speak" as to understand.
About your problem here is a hint.
Firefox Mozzilla has an option to BLOCK ALL incomes from unwanted adresses.
So FREE download Firefox Mozzilla - open a browser, go in the internet - open the "TOOLS" from the toolbar - choose "OPTIONS" (which is down) - choose "CONFIDENTIALLITY" from the icons on top, (it is No 5/7 the one with the open lock and the "stop" traffic signal - choose "ECXEPTIONS" button (which is over the "show cookies button") and finally WRITE DOWN THE SITE THAT YOU WANT TO BLOCK and press OK. Under this button is the "SHOW COOKIES" button. Press it and you will see the unwanted sites, which are for this problem the following:
You can add as many sites as you like to block all unwanted popups from ALL unwanted sites such as gambling,mobiles,etc.
Friendly ILIOFOS