Petit programme de java qui bug.
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
vendredi 24 janvier 2014
Dernière intervention
14 décembre 2022
13 déc. 2022 à 19:48
onizuka1000 Messages postés 17 Date d'inscription vendredi 24 janvier 2014 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 14 décembre 2022 - 14 déc. 2022 à 04:41
onizuka1000 Messages postés 17 Date d'inscription vendredi 24 janvier 2014 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 14 décembre 2022 - 14 déc. 2022 à 04:41
A voir également:
- Petit programme de java qui bug.
- Waptrick java football - Télécharger - Jeux vidéo
- Bug yahoo mail - Accueil - Mail
- Jeux java itel football - Télécharger - Jeux vidéo
- Java apk - Télécharger - Langages
- Programme demarrage windows 10 - Guide
2 réponses
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mercredi 22 octobre 2003
Dernière intervention
27 février 2025
4 737
13 déc. 2022 à 22:52
13 déc. 2022 à 22:52
Pour commencer, merci de partager le code directement sur le forum on utilisant l'icône prévu à cet effet lorsque tu rédige ton message.
Ensuite, peux-tu nous préciser si il s'agit du langage Java comme le sous-entend ton titre ou bien de code javascript comme tu sembles le dire ensuite...
Ce sont deux langages différents merci donc de préciser.
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
vendredi 24 janvier 2014
Dernière intervention
14 décembre 2022
Modifié le 14 déc. 2022 à 09:52
Modifié le 14 déc. 2022 à 09:52
Voici le code :
const DESVIO_SCALE_PANGYA_TO_YARD = 0.3125 / 1.5; class Vector3D { constructor(x, y, z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } normalize() { return this.divideScalar( this.length() ); } multiplyScalar(value) { this.x *= value; this.y *= value; this.z *= value; return this; } add(vector3d) { this.x += vector3d.x; this.y += vector3d.y; this.z += vector3d.z; return this; } add3D(x, y, z) { this.x += x; this.y += y; this.z += z; return this; } sub(vector3d) { this.x -= vector3d.x; this.y -= vector3d.y; this.z -= vector3d.z; return this; } sub3D(x, y, z) { this.x -= x; this.y -= y; this.z -= z; return this; } divideScalar(value) { if (value != 0) { let scalar = 1 / value; this.x *= scalar; this.y *= scalar; this.z *= scalar; }else { this.x = 0.0; this.y = 0.0; this.z = 0.0; } return this; } cross(vector3d) { let x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z; this.x = y * vector3d.z - z * vector3d.y; this.y = z * vector3d.x - x * vector3d.z; this.z = x * vector3d.y - y * vector3d.x; return this; } length() { return Math.sqrt((this.x * this.x) + (this.y * this.y) + (this.z * this.z)); } clone() { return new Vector3D(this.x, this.y, this.z); } } const TYPE_DISTANCE = { LESS_10: 0, LESS_15: 1, LESS_28: 2, LESS_58: 3, BIGGER_OR_EQUAL_58: 4, } function calculeTypeDistance(distance) { let type = TYPE_DISTANCE.BIGGER_OR_EQUAL_58; if (distance >= 58.0) return TYPE_DISTANCE.BIGGER_OR_EQUAL_58; else if (distance < 10.0) return TYPE_DISTANCE.LESS_10; else if (distance < 15.0) return TYPE_DISTANCE.LESS_15; else if (distance < 28.0) return TYPE_DISTANCE.LESS_28; else if (distance < 58.0) return TYPE_DISTANCE.LESS_58; // Esse não precisa já que ele passou do primeiro if, mas deixar assim return type; } function calculeTypeDistanceByPosition(position1, position2) { return calculeTypeDistance(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(position1.x - position2.x) + Math.pow(position1.z - position2.z)) * 0.3125); } // JP Base ball Static Object class Ball { position = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); slope = new Vector3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // Ball Flag state process state_process = 0; max_height = 0.0; num_max_height = -1; count = 0; // Velocity velocity = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); ball_28 = 0.0; ball_2C = 0.0; ball_30 = 0.0; curva = 0.0; spin = 0.0; rotation_curve = 0.0; rotation_spin = 0.0; // Flags ball_44 = 0; ball_48 = 0; ball_70 = -1; ball_90 = 0; ball_BC = 0; mass = 0.045926999; diametro = 0.14698039; copy(other) { let cpy = this; cpy.position = other.position.clone(); cpy.slope = other.slope.clone(); cpy.velocity = other.velocity.clone(); cpy.state_process = other.state_process; cpy.max_height = other.max_height; cpy.spin = other.spin; cpy.curva = other.curva; cpy.count = other.count; cpy.num_max_height = other.num_max_height; cpy.ball_28 = other.ball_28; cpy.ball_2C = other.ball_2C; cpy.ball_30 = other.ball_30; cpy.ball_3C = other.ball_3C; cpy.ball_40 = other.ball_40; cpy.ball_44 = other.ball_44; cpy.ball_48 = other.ball_48; cpy.ball_70 = other.ball_70; cpy.ball_90 = other.ball_90; cpy.ball_BC = other.ball_BC; cpy.ball_C4 = other.ball_C4; cpy.ball_C8 = other.ball_C8; } } const POWER_SHOT_FACTORY = { NO_POWER_SHOT: 0, ONE_POWER_SHOT: 1, TWO_POWER_SHOT: 2, ITEM_15_POWER_SHOT: 3 } function getPowerShotFactory(ps) { let power_shot_factory = 0.0; switch (ps) { case POWER_SHOT_FACTORY.ONE_POWER_SHOT: power_shot_factory = 10.0; break; case POWER_SHOT_FACTORY.TWO_POWER_SHOT: power_shot_factory = 20.0; break; case POWER_SHOT_FACTORY.ITEM_15_POWER_SHOT: power_shot_factory = 15.0; break; } return power_shot_factory } const CLUB_TYPE = { WOOD: 0, IRON: 1, PW: 2, PT: 3 } class ClubInfo { constructor(type, rotation_spin, rotation_curve, power_factor, degree, power_base) { this.type = type; this.rotation_spin = rotation_spin; this.rotation_curve = rotation_curve; this.power_factor = power_factor; = degree; this.power_base = power_base; } } const CLUB_INFO = { _1W: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.WOOD, 0.55, 1.61, 236.0, 10.0, 230.0), _2W: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.WOOD, 0.50, 1.41, 204.0, 13.0, 210.0), _3W: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.WOOD, 0.45, 1.26, 176.0, 16.0, 190.0), _2I: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.IRON, 0.45, 1.07, 161.0, 20.0, 180.0), _3I: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.IRON, 0.45, 0.95, 149.0, 24.0, 170.0), _4I: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.IRON, 0.45, 0.83, 139.0, 28.0, 160.0), _5I: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.IRON, 0.45, 0.73, 131.0, 32.0, 150.0), _6I: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.IRON, 0.41, 0.67, 124.0, 36.0, 140.0), _7I: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.IRON, 0.36, 0.61, 118.0, 40.0, 130.0), _8I: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.IRON, 0.30, 0.57, 114.0, 44.0, 120.0), _9I: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.IRON, 0.25, 0.53, 110.0, 48.0, 110.0), PW: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.PW, 0.18, 0.49, 107.0, 52.0, 100.0), SW: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.PW, 0.17, 0.42, 93.0, 56.0, 80.0), PT1: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.PT, 0.00, 0.00, 30.0, 0.00, 20.0), PT2: new ClubInfo(CLUB_TYPE.PT, 0.00, 0.00, 21.0, 0.00, 10.0) } const CLUB_INFO_ENUM = [ '_1W', '_2W', '_3W', '_2I', '_3I', '_4I', '_5I', '_6I', '_7I', '_8I', '_9I', 'PW', 'SW', 'PT1', 'PT2' ] const POWER_SHOT_FACTORY_ENUM = [ 'NO_POWER_SHOT', 'ONE_POWER_SHOT', 'TWO_POWER_SHOT', 'ITEM_15_POWER_SHOT' ] const SHOT_TYPE_ENUM = [ 'DUNK', 'TOMAHAWK', 'SPIKE', 'COBRA' ] class Club { type = CLUB_TYPE.WOOD; // 1W type_distance = TYPE_DISTANCE.BIGGER_OR_EQUAL_58; // 1W rotation_spin = 0.55; // Rotação spin rotation_curve = 1.61; // Rotação curva power_factor = 236; // Power shot degree = 10; // Angulo power_base = 230; // Base power init(club_info) { this.type = club_info.type; this.rotation_spin = club_info.rotation_spin; this.rotation_curve = club_info.rotation_curve; this.power_factor = club_info.power_factor; =; this.power_base = club_info.power_base; } getDregRad() { return * Math.PI / 180; } getPower(extraPower, pwrSlot, ps, spin) { // Get Auxpart // Get Card // Get Mascot let pwrjard = 0.0; switch(this.type) { case CLUB_TYPE.WOOD: { pwrjard = + getPowerShotFactory(ps) + ((pwrSlot - 15) * 2); pwrjard *= 1.5; pwrjard /= this.power_base; pwrjard += 1; pwrjard *= this.power_factor; break; } case CLUB_TYPE.IRON: { pwrjard = ((getPowerShotFactory(ps) / this.power_base + 1.0) * this.power_factor) + ( * this.power_factor * 1.3) / this.power_base; break; } case CLUB_TYPE.PW: { // SW e PW const getPowerByDegree = (degree, spin) => { return 0.5 + ((0.5 * (degree + (spin * _00D19B98))) / (56/*Ang*/ / 180 * Math.PI)); } switch (this.type_distance) { case TYPE_DISTANCE.LESS_10: case TYPE_DISTANCE.LESS_15: case TYPE_DISTANCE.LESS_28: pwrjard = (getPowerByDegree(this.getDregRad(), spin) * (52.0 + (ps ? 28.0 : 0))) + ( * this.power_factor) / this.power_base; break; case TYPE_DISTANCE.LESS_58: pwrjard = (getPowerByDegree(this.getDregRad(), spin) * (80.0 + (ps ? 18.0 : 0))) + ( * this.power_factor) / this.power_base; break; case TYPE_DISTANCE.BIGGER_OR_EQUAL_58: pwrjard = ((getPowerShotFactory(ps) / this.power_base + 1.0) * this.power_factor) + ( * this.power_factor) / this.power_base; break; } break; } case CLUB_TYPE.PT: { pwrjard = this.power_factor; break; } } return pwrjard; } // Rotation getPower2(extraPower, pwrSlot, ps) { let pwrjard = (extraPower.auxpart + extraPower.mascot + extraPower.card) / 2 + (pwrSlot - 15); if (ps) pwrjard += (extraPower.ps_card / 2); pwrjard /= 170; return pwrjard + 1.5; } getRange(extraPower, pwrSlot, ps) { let pwr_range = this.power_base + + getPowerShotFactory(ps); if (this.type == CLUB_TYPE.WOOD) pwr_range += ((pwrSlot - 15) * 2) if (this.type == CLUB_TYPE.PW) { switch (this.type_distance) { case TYPE_DISTANCE.LESS_10: case TYPE_DISTANCE.LESS_15: case TYPE_DISTANCE.LESS_28: pwr_range = 30.0 + (ps ? 30.0 : 0.0) + break; case TYPE_DISTANCE.LESS_58: pwr_range = 60.0 + (ps ? 20.0 : 0.0) + break; case TYPE_DISTANCE.BIGGER_OR_EQUAL_58: pwr_range = this.power_base + + getPowerShotFactory(ps); break; } } return pwr_range; } } class Wind { wind = 0; degree = 0; getWind() { return new Vector3D(this.wind * Math.sin( * Math.PI / 180) * -1, 0, this.wind * Math.cos( * Math.PI / 180)); } } // const Object ball const ball = new Ball(); // const club const club = new Club(); // const wind const wind = new Wind(); // Const values const _00D3D008 = 0.00001; // compare with 0 acho const _00D046A8 = -1.0; // -1 value constant const _00D00190 = 0.75; // const const _00D083A0 = 0.02; // Step time, pangya 0.02 const _00D66CF8 = 3.0; // Valor 3 que não sei bem o que é const _00D3D028 = 0.00008; // Efeito Mangnus acho const _00D1A888 = 12.566371; // Não sei const _00D3D210 = 25.132742; // Não sei const _00CFF040 = 0.1; const _00D66CA0 = 0.5; const _00D16928 = 0.002; const _00D17908 = 0.349065847694874; const _00D19B98 = 0.0698131695389748; const _00D16758 = 0.01 const slope_break_to_curve_slope = 0.00875; const _00E42544_vect_slope = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); class QuadTree { constructor() { this.ball = new Ball(); = new Club(); this.wind = new Wind(); } gravityFactor = 1; gravity = 34.295295715332; // gravity in Yards(scale pangya) _21D8_vect = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); getGravity() { return this.gravity * this.gravityFactor; } ball = undefined; club = undefined; wind = undefined; // Usa no cobra ball_position_init = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); power_range_shot = 0.0; shot = SHOT_TYPE.DUNK; power_factor_shot = 0.0; percentShot_sqrt = 0.0; spike_init = -1; spike_med = -1; power_factor = 0.0; cobra_init = -1; // Init Shot initShot(ball, club, wind, options) { this.ball = ball; = club; this.wind = wind; this.shot = options.shot; this.spike_init = -1; this.spike_med = -1; this.cobra_init = -1; this.ball.position = options.position.clone(); // Usa no Cobra this.ball_position_init = options.position.clone(); // Type distance = calculeTypeDistance(options.distance); // init max_height this.ball.max_height = this.ball.position.y; this.ball.count = 0; this.ball.num_max_height = -1; let pwr =, options.power.pwr,, options.spin); // Guarda para usa no cobra this.power_range_shot =, options.power.pwr,; // Guarda para usar no spike this.power_factor = pwr; pwr *= Math.sqrt(options.percentShot); // Multiplica por 1.0 ou 1.3 if (options.shot == SHOT_TYPE.TOMAHAWK || options.shot == SHOT_TYPE.SPIKE/*Toma e spike */) pwr *= 1.3; else pwr *= 1.0; // Percent Erro de pangya e ground pwr *= Math.sqrt(options.ground * 0.01); // Guarda para usar no spike this.power_factor_shot = pwr; this.percentShot_sqrt = Math.sqrt(options.percentShot); this.ball.curva = options.curva; this.ball.spin = options.spin; let value1 = this.getValuesDegree(options.mira_rad + (0 - (this.ball.curva * _00D17908)), 1); let value2 = this.getValuesDegree(( == TYPE_DISTANCE.BIGGER_OR_EQUAL_58 ? : + (this.ball.spin * _00D19B98)), 0); this.ball.curva -= this.getSlope(options.mira_rad - options.slope_mira_rad, Math.random()/* Rotation Ball Line */); pwr *= ((Math.abs(this.ball.curva) * 0.1) + 1); // tava cos2, neg_rad, neg_sin let vectA = new Vector3D(value2.neg_sin, value2.neg_rad, value2.cos2); vectA.multiplyScalar(pwr); let v1 = new Vector3D(value1.cos, value1.rad, value1.sin); let v2 = new Vector3D(value1._C, value1._10, value1._14); let v3 = new Vector3D(value1.neg_sin, value1.neg_rad, value1.cos2); let v4 = new Vector3D(value1._24, value1._28, value1._2C); this.ball.velocity.x = v2.x * vectA.y + vectA.x * v1.x + v3.x * vectA.z + v4.x; this.ball.velocity.y = v1.y * vectA.x + v2.y * vectA.y + v3.y * vectA.z + v4.y; this.ball.velocity.z = v1.z * vectA.x + v2.z * vectA.y + v3.z * vectA.z + v4.z; // Rotação eixo X, Z this.ball.rotation_curve = this.ball.curva * options.percentShot; this.ball.rotation_spin = == TYPE_DISTANCE.BIGGER_OR_EQUAL_58 ? (, options.power.pwr, * options.percentShot) * options.percentShot : 0.0; this.ball.ball_48 = this.ball.ball_44; // Flag Power Shot } getSlope(mira, line_ball) { // values Degree To Matrix const valuesDegreeToMatrix = (value) => { return { v1: new Vector3D(value.cos, value.rad, value.sin), v2: new Vector3D(value._C, value._10, value._14), v3: new Vector3D(value.neg_sin, value.neg_rad, value.cos2), v4: new Vector3D(value._24, value._28, value._2C) } } // Matrix cross Matrix const applyMatrix = (m1, m2) => { return { v1: new Vector3D( m1.v1.x * m2.v1.x + m1.v1.y * m2.v2.x + m1.v1.z * m2.v3.x, m1.v1.x * m2.v1.y + m1.v1.y * m2.v2.y + m1.v1.z * m2.v3.y, m1.v1.x * m2.v1.z + m1.v1.y * m2.v2.z + m1.v1.z * m2.v3.z ), v2: new Vector3D( m1.v2.x * m2.v1.x + m1.v2.y * m2.v2.x + m1.v2.z * m2.v3.x, m1.v2.x * m2.v1.y + m1.v2.y * m2.v2.y + m1.v2.z * m2.v3.y, m1.v2.x * m2.v1.z + m1.v2.y * m2.v2.z + m1.v2.z * m2.v3.z ), v3: new Vector3D( m1.v3.x * m2.v1.x + m1.v3.y * m2.v2.x + m1.v3.z * m2.v3.x, m1.v3.x * m2.v1.y + m1.v3.y * m2.v2.y + m1.v3.z * m2.v3.y, m1.v3.x * m2.v1.z + m1.v3.y * m2.v2.z + m1.v3.z * m2.v3.z ), v4: new Vector3D( m1.v4.x * m2.v1.x + m1.v4.y * m2.v2.x + m1.v4.z * m2.v3.x + m2.v4.x, m1.v4.x * m2.v1.y + m1.v4.y * m2.v2.y + m1.v4.z * m2.v3.y + m2.v4.y, m1.v4.x * m2.v1.z + m1.v4.y * m2.v2.z + m1.v4.z * m2.v3.z + m2.v4.z ) }; }; // Calc slope let ball_slope_cross_const_vect = this.ball.slope.clone().cross(_00E42544_vect_slope); let slope_matrix = { v1: ball_slope_cross_const_vect.clone().normalize(), v2: this.ball.slope.clone(), v3: ball_slope_cross_const_vect.clone().cross(this.ball.slope).normalize(), v4: new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) }; let value1 = this.getValuesDegree(mira * -1, 1); let value2 = this.getValuesDegree(line_ball * -2.0, 1); let m1 = applyMatrix(valuesDegreeToMatrix(value2), slope_matrix); let m2 = applyMatrix(m1, valuesDegreeToMatrix(value1)); return m2.v2.x * _00D66CA0; } getValuesDegree(degree, option = 0) { let obj = new Object(); if (option == 0) { obj.cos = 1.0; obj.rad = 0.0; // degree obj.sin = 0.0; obj._C = 0.0; obj._10 = Math.cos(degree); obj._14 = Math.sin(degree) * -1; obj.neg_sin = 0.0; obj.neg_rad = Math.sin(degree); obj.cos2 = obj._10; obj._24 = 0.0; obj._28 = 0.0; obj._2C = 0.0; }else if (option == 1) { obj.cos = Math.cos(degree); obj.rad = 0.0; // degree obj.sin = Math.sin(degree); obj._C = 0.0; obj._10 = 1.0; obj._14 = 0.0; obj.neg_sin = obj.sin * -1; obj.neg_rad = 0.0; obj.cos2 = obj.cos; obj._24 = 0.0; obj._28 = 0.0; obj._2C = 0.0; } return obj; } ballProcess(steptime, final = undefined) { this.bounceProcess(steptime, final); // Cobra if (this.shot == SHOT_TYPE.COBRA && this.cobra_init < 0) { if (this.percentShot_sqrt < Math.sqrt(0.8)) this.percentShot_sqrt = Math.sqrt(0.8); // 80% if (this.ball.count == 0) { this.ball.velocity.y = 0.0; this.ball.velocity.normalize().multiplyScalar(this.power_factor_shot); } let diff = this.ball.position.clone().sub(this.ball_position_init).length(); let cobra_init_up = ((this.power_range_shot * this.percentShot_sqrt) - 100.0) * 3.2; if (diff >= cobra_init_up) { // 1W, 2W e 3W let power_multiply = 0.0; if ( == CLUB_TYPE.WOOD) { switch ( { case 230.0: power_multiply = 74.0; break; case 210.0: power_multiply = 76.0; break; case 190.0: power_multiply = 80.0; break; } } this.cobra_init = this.ball.count; this.ball.velocity.normalize().multiplyScalar(power_multiply).multiplyScalar(this.percentShot_sqrt); this.ball.rotation_spin = 2.5; } }else { if (this.spike_init < 0 && this.cobra_init < 0 && == TYPE_DISTANCE.BIGGER_OR_EQUAL_58) { this.ball.rotation_spin -= ((_00D66CA0 - (this.ball.spin * _00CFF040)) * _00D083A0); }else if ((this.shot == SHOT_TYPE.SPIKE && this.spike_init >= 0) || (this.shot == SHOT_TYPE.COBRA && this.cobra_init >= 0)) this.ball.rotation_spin -= _00D083A0; if (this.shot == SHOT_TYPE.SPIKE && this.ball.count == 0) { this.ball.velocity.y = 0.0; this.ball.velocity.normalize().multiplyScalar(this.power_factor_shot); // check se a bola andou já this.ball.velocity.normalize().multiplyScalar(72.5).multiplyScalar(this.percentShot_sqrt * 2); this.ball.rotation_spin = 3.1; this.spike_init = this.ball.count; } if (this.shot == SHOT_TYPE.SPIKE && this.ball.num_max_height >= 0 && (this.ball.num_max_height + 0x3C) < this.ball.count && this.spike_med < 0) { this.spike_med = this.ball.count; if ( == CLUB_TYPE.WOOD) { let new_power = 0.0; switch ( { case 230.0: new_power = 344.0; if ((this.power_factor * this.percentShot_sqrt) < 344.0) new_power -= (this.power_factor * this.percentShot_sqrt); else new_power = 0.0; new_power = new_power / 112.0 * 21.5; new_power = -8 - new_power; this.ball.velocity.y = new_power; break; case 210.0: new_power = 306.0; if ((this.power_factor * this.percentShot_sqrt) < 306.0) new_power -= (this.power_factor * this.percentShot_sqrt); else new_power = 0.0; new_power = new_power / 105.0 * 20.5; new_power = -10.3 - new_power; this.ball.velocity.y = new_power; break; case 190.0: new_power = 273.0; if ((this.power_factor * this.percentShot_sqrt) < 273.0) new_power -= (this.power_factor * this.percentShot_sqrt); else new_power = 0.0; new_power = new_power / 100 * 20.2; new_power = -10.8 - new_power; this.ball.velocity.y = new_power; break; } } this.ball.velocity.multiplyScalar(this.percentShot_sqrt * 7); this.ball.rotation_spin = this.ball.spin; } } if (this.ball.velocity.y < 0 && this.ball.num_max_height < 0) { this.ball.max_altura = this.ball.position.y; this.ball.num_max_height = this.ball.count; } this.ball.count++; } bounceProcess(steptime, final = undefined) { if (this.shot == SHOT_TYPE.SPIKE && this.ball.num_max_height >= 0 && (this.ball.num_max_height + 0x3C) > this.ball.count) return; let accellVect = this.applyForce(); let otherVect = accellVect.clone(); otherVect.divideScalar(this.ball.mass).multiplyScalar(steptime); this.ball.velocity.add(otherVect); if (this.ball.num_max_height == -1) { let tmpVect = this._21D8_vect.clone().divideScalar(this.ball.mass).multiplyScalar(steptime); this.ball.velocity.add(tmpVect); } this.ball.ball_2C += (this.ball.rotation_curve * _00D1A888 * steptime); this.ball.ball_30 += (this.ball.rotation_spin * _00D3D210 * steptime); this.ball.position.add(this.ball.velocity.clone().multiplyScalar((final !== undefined ? final : steptime))); } applyForce() { let retVect = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (this.ball.rotation_curve != 0) { let vectorb = new Vector3D(this.ball.velocity.z * _00D046A8, 0, this.ball.velocity.x); vectorb.normalize(); if (this.cobra_init < 0 || this.spike_init < 0) vectorb.multiplyScalar(_00D00190 * this.ball.rotation_curve *; retVect.add(vectorb); } if (this.shot == SHOT_TYPE.SPIKE && this.spike_init < 0) return new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); else if (this.shot == SHOT_TYPE.COBRA && this.cobra_init < 0) return retVect; let windVect = this.wind.getWind(); windVect.multiplyScalar((this.shot == SHOT_TYPE.SPIKE ? _00D16758 : _00D083A0)); retVect.add(windVect); retVect.y = retVect.y - (this.getGravity() * this.ball.mass); if (this.ball.rotation_spin != 0) retVect.y = retVect.y + ( * _00D66CF8 * this.ball.rotation_spin); let velVect = this.ball.velocity.clone(); velVect.multiplyScalar(velVect.length() * _00D3D028); retVect.sub(velVect); // return return retVect; } } const diffYZ = function(vect1, vect2) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(vect1.x - vect2.x, 2) + Math.pow(vect1.z - vect2.z, 2)); }; const find_power = (power_player, club_info, shot, power_shot, distancia, altura, vento, angulo, terreno, spin, curva, slope, mira = undefined, percent = undefined) => { const altura_colision = altura * 1.094 * 3.2; const distanciaScale = distancia * 3.2; var vball = new Ball(); const vclub = club; // init Club Info if (club != undefined) vclub.init(club_info); // Calcule type distance vclub.type_distance = calculeTypeDistance(distancia); let slope_mira_rad = 0.0; if (slope instanceof Vector3D) { slope_mira_rad = slope.y; vball.slope = slope.clone(); vball.slope.y = 1.0; }else if (!isNaN(slope)) vball.slope = new Vector3D(slope * slope_break_to_curve_slope * -1, 1.0, 0.0); const margin = 0.05; const limit_checking = 1000; let count = 0; let isFind = false; let found = { power: -1, desvio: 0.0 } wind.wind = vento; = angulo; const options = { distance: distancia, percentShot: percent || 1.0, ground: terreno, mira_rad: mira || 0.0, slope_mira_rad: slope_mira_rad, spin: spin/30, curva: curva/30, position: new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), shot: shot, ps: power_shot, power: power_player || { pwr: 31, options: { auxpart: 0, mascot: 4, card: 4, ps_auxpart: 0, ps_mascot: 0, ps_card: 8, total: function(option) { let pwr = this.auxpart + this.mascot + this.card; if (option == 1 || option == 2 || options == 3) pwr += this.ps_auxpart + this.ps_mascot + this.ps_card; return pwr; } } } } const powerRange = vclub.getRange(options.power.options, options.power.pwr,; const findAlturaColision = (qt, altura_colision) => { let count = 0; let copy_ball = new Ball(); do { copy_ball.copy(vball); qt.ballProcess(_00D083A0); }while((vball.position.y > altura_colision || vball.num_max_height == -1) && (count++) < 3000) let last_step = Math.abs((altura_colision - copy_ball.position.y) / (vball.position.y - copy_ball.position.y)); vball.copy(copy_ball); qt.ballProcess(_00D083A0, _00D083A0 * last_step); if (Math.abs(distanciaScale - vball.position.z) <= margin) return 0; return distanciaScale - vball.position.z; } const qt = new QuadTree(); let ret = 0; let lado = 0; let feed = 0.00006; do { // 130% é um limite seguro, para ter a % da tacada mesmo que não chega, só para saber se estava perto e usar no macro de silvia cannon if (options.percentShot > 1.3) options.percentShot = 1.3; else if (options.percentShot < 0.0) options.percentShot = 0.1; qt.initShot(vball, vclub, wind, options); ret = findAlturaColision(qt, altura_colision); if (ret == 0) isFind = true; else { // Não tem como achar a força por que nem mandando 100% chega // 130% é um limite seguro, para ter a % da tacada mesmo que não chega, só para saber se estava perto e usar no macro de silvia cannon if (options.percentShot == 1.3 && ret > 0) break; // Não tem como achar a força por que não pode mandar 0.0 de porcentagem if (options.percentShot == 0.1 && ret < 0) break; if (lado == 0) lado = (ret < 0 ? -1 : 1); else if ((ret < 0 && lado == 1) || (ret > 0 && lado == -1)) feed *= 0.5; options.percentShot += ret * feed; } } while (!isFind && (count++) < limit_checking); if (isFind) { found.power = options.percentShot; found.desvio = (vball.position.x + (options.position.x + (Math.tan(options.mira_rad) * distanciaScale))) * DESVIO_SCALE_PANGYA_TO_YARD found.power_range = powerRange; found.smartData = { desvio: found.desvio, altura: altura_colision, club: vclub, options: options }; } return found; } const SHOT_TYPE = { DUNK: 0, TOMAHAWK: 1, SPIKE: 2, COBRA: 3, } function checkValidInput(value) { if (value == '' || isNaN(value)) return 0.0; return Number(value); } function checkValidInputSlope(value) { if (value == '') return 0.0; if (isNaN(value)) { let split = value.split(','); if (split.length !== 3 || isNaN(split[0]) || isNaN(split[1]) || isNaN(split[2])) return 0.0; return new Vector3D(Number(split[0]) * slope_break_to_curve_slope, Number(split[1]) * Math.PI / 180, Number(split[2]) * slope_break_to_curve_slope); } return Number(value); } function calc(el) { let PB_DIVIDE = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('PB_DIVIDE').value); const W_DIRECT = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('W_DIRECT').value); let degree = 0; if(W_DIRECT==0){ degree = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('degree').value); } if(W_DIRECT==1){ degree = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('degree').value); } if(W_DIRECT==2){ degree = 180 - checkValidInput(document.getElementById('degree').value); } if(W_DIRECT==3){ degree = 270 - (90-checkValidInput(document.getElementById('degree').value)); } if(W_DIRECT==4){ degree = 360 - checkValidInput(document.getElementById('degree').value); } const PB_SIZE_SET = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('PB_Measure_Config').value); let power = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('power').value); let auxpart_pwr = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').value); let card_pwr = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('card_pwr').value); let mascot_pwr = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').value); let card_ps_pwr = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').value); let club = document.getElementById('club') club = club.options[club.selectedIndex].value club = CLUB_INFO[CLUB_INFO_ENUM[club]]; let shot = document.getElementById('shot') shot = shot.options[shot.selectedIndex].value shot = SHOT_TYPE[SHOT_TYPE_ENUM[shot]]; let power_shot = document.getElementById('power_shot') power_shot = power_shot.options[power_shot.selectedIndex].value power_shot = POWER_SHOT_FACTORY[POWER_SHOT_FACTORY_ENUM[power_shot]]; let distance = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('distance').value); let height = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('height').value); let wind = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('wind').value); //let degree = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('degree').value); let ground = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('ground').value) let spin = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('spin').value); let curve = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('curve').value); let slope_break = checkValidInputSlope(document.getElementById('slope_break').value); // 100 % ground if (ground == 0.0) ground = 100.0; let result = document.getElementById('result'); // Make options const input_values = { power_player: { pwr: power, options: { auxpart: auxpart_pwr, mascot: mascot_pwr, card: card_pwr, ps_auxpart: 0, ps_mascot: 0, ps_card: card_ps_pwr, total: function(option) { let pwr = this.auxpart + this.mascot + this.card; if (option == 1 || option == 2 || option == 3) pwr += this.ps_auxpart + this.ps_mascot + this.ps_card; return pwr; } } }, club_info: club, shot: shot, power_shot: power_shot, distance: distance, height: height, wind: wind, degree: degree, ground: ground, spin: spin, curva: curve, slope: slope_break }; // Calc const found = find_power( input_values.power_player, input_values.club_info, input_values.shot, input_values.power_shot, input_values.distance, input_values.height, input_values.wind,, input_values.ground, input_values.spin, input_values.curva, input_values.slope); let f = [found]; let index_f = 0; if (found.power != -1) { do { index_f++; f.push ( find_power ( input_values.power_player, input_values.club_info, input_values.shot, input_values.power_shot, input_values.distance, input_values.height, input_values.wind,, input_values.ground, input_values.spin, input_values.curva, input_values.slope, Math.atan2(f[index_f - 1].desvio * 1.5, input_values.distance), f[index_f - 1].power ) ); } while (f[index_f].power != -1 && f[index_f -1].power != -1 && Math.abs(f[index_f - 1].desvio - f[index_f].desvio) >= 0.05); } if (f[index_f].power != -1 && f[index_f].power <= 1.1) { result.color = 'Black'; result.innerHTML = ` <input style="display:none" type="text" id="power_percent_chk" style="" value="${(f[index_f].power).toFixed(10)}"> <input style="display:none" type="text" id="power_percent" style="" value="${(f[index_f].power).toFixed(10)}"> <input style="display:none" type="text" id="pin" style="" value="${(distance).toFixed(10)}"> <input style="display:none" type="text" id="realhwi" style="" value="${(f[index_f].desvio / 0.2167 * -1 * PB_SIZE_SET).toFixed(10)}"> `; }else { result.color = 'Black'; result.innerHTML = ` <input style="display:none" type="text" id="power_percent_chk" style="" value="${(f[index_f].power).toFixed(10)}"> <input style="display:none" type="text" id="power_percent" style="" value="${(f[index_f].power).toFixed(10)}"> <input style="display:none" type="text" id="pin" style="" value="${(distance).toFixed(10)}"> <input style="display:none" type="text" id="realhwi" style="" value="${(f[index_f].desvio / 0.2167 * -1 * PB_SIZE_SET).toFixed(10)}"> `; } } function GenHWI() { document.getElementById('calc_btn').style ="display:none"; document.getElementById('RESET').style ="width: 350px; height: 45px;"; calc(this) uriContent = "data:application/octet-stream,"; uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent("SHOT_PERCENT"); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent(" "); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent("PIN"); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent(" "); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent("REAL_HWI"); uriContent = uriContent + "\r\n"; // data_collector start if(checkValidInput(document.getElementById('power_percent_chk').value)<= 1.1){ do{//loop start here //save start uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent(checkValidInput(document.getElementById('power_percent').value)); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent(" "); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent(checkValidInput(document.getElementById('pin').value)); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent(" "); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent(checkValidInput(document.getElementById('realhwi').value)); uriContent = uriContent + "\r\n"; //save end document.getElementById('distance').value = (checkValidInput(document.getElementById('distance').value) - (-1)).toFixed(0);//set next calc(this)//get next result }while(checkValidInput(document.getElementById('power_percent_chk').value)<= 1.1);//repeat loop } // data_collector end. //printf collected data start newWindow =, 'Result.html'); //printf collected data end. } function save(){ calc(this) uriContent = "data:application/octet-stream,"; uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent(checkValidInput(document.getElementById('power_percent').value)); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent(" "); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent(checkValidInput(document.getElementById('pin').value)); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent(" "); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent(checkValidInput(document.getElementById('realhwi').value)); uriContent = uriContent + encodeURIComponent("<br/>"); newWindow =,'Result.html'); } function drive_checker() { const power_status = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('power').value); const ring_y = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').value); const card_y = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('card_pwr').value); const mascot_y = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').value); const lolo_y = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').value); const true_drive = (200+(power_status*2))+card_y+mascot_y+ring_y; document.getElementById('Drive_Check').value = `${true_drive}+${lolo_y}`; document.getElementById('PB_Measure_Config_Check').value = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('PB_Measure_Config').value); } function DRIVE_SET(){ drive_checker() document.getElementById('wedegt-config').style = "display:none"; document.getElementById('div_calc_club_select').style = ""; document.getElementById('div_calc_data_input').style = ""; document.getElementById('calc_btn').style = "width: 350px; height: 45px;"; /* if(checkValidInput(document.getElementById('Degree_Measure_Config').value)==2){ document.getElementById('Label_W_DIRECT').style = "display:none"; document.getElementById('W_DIRECT').style = "display:none"; document.getElementById('ground').data-index = "5"; document.getElementById('spin').data-index = "6"; document.getElementById('curve').data-index = "7"; document.getElementById('slope_break').data-index = "8"; }else { document.getElementById('Label_W_DIRECT').style = ""; document.getElementById('W_DIRECT').style = ""; document.getElementById('ground').data-index = "6"; document.getElementById('spin').data-index = "7"; document.getElementById('curve').data-index = "8"; document.getElementById('slope_break').data-index = "9"; } */ //fail can not use .data-index } function SetPreset(){ const Drive_Preset = document.getElementById('Drive_Preset').value; if(Drive_Preset == "1"){ document.getElementById('power').value = "33"; document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').value = "0"; } if(Drive_Preset == "2"){ document.getElementById('power').value = "36"; document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').value = "0"; } if(Drive_Preset == "3"){ document.getElementById('power').value = "38"; document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').value = "6"; } if(Drive_Preset == "4"){ document.getElementById('power').value = "46"; document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').value = "0"; } if(Drive_Preset == "5"){ document.getElementById('power').value = "46"; document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').value = "2"; } if(Drive_Preset == "6"){ document.getElementById('power').value = "52"; document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').value = "2"; } if(Drive_Preset == "7"){ document.getElementById('power').value = "57"; document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').value = "8"; } if(Drive_Preset == "8"){ document.getElementById('power').value = "58"; document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').value = "6"; } if(Drive_Preset == "9"){ document.getElementById('power').value = "66"; document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').value = "0"; } if(Drive_Preset == "10"){ document.getElementById('power').value = "76"; document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').value = "0"; document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').value = "8"; } drive_checker() document.getElementById('wedegt-config').style = "display:none"; document.getElementById('div_calc_club_select').style = ""; document.getElementById('div_calc_data_input').style = ""; document.getElementById('calc_btn').style = "width: 350px; height: 45px;"; /* if(checkValidInput(document.getElementById('Degree_Measure_Config').value)==2){ document.getElementById('Label_W_DIRECT').style = "display:none"; document.getElementById('W_DIRECT').style = "display:none"; document.getElementById('ground').data-index = "5"; document.getElementById('spin').data-index = "6"; document.getElementById('curve').data-index = "7"; document.getElementById('slope_break').data-index = "8"; }else { document.getElementById('Label_W_DIRECT').style = ""; document.getElementById('W_DIRECT').style = ""; document.getElementById('ground').data-index = "6"; document.getElementById('spin').data-index = "7"; document.getElementById('curve').data-index = "8"; document.getElementById('slope_break').data-index = "9"; } */ //fail can not use .data-index } function Back_to_Setting(){ document.getElementById('wedegt-config').style = ""; document.getElementById('div_calc_club_select').style = "display:none"; document.getElementById('div_calc_data_input').style = "display:none"; document.getElementById('calc_btn').style = "display:none"; document.getElementById('label_Select_Caliper').style = "display:none"; document.getElementById('Select_Caliper').style = "display:none"; document.getElementById('fit_calip_btn').style = "display:none"; } function toggleView(el) { let display = 'none'; let label = 'Show'; let top = el; if (el.innerHTML.toUpperCase() == 'SHOW') { display = 'grid'; label = 'Hidden'; } // set label el.innerHTML = label; while ((top = top.nextElementSibling)) { if (top.nodeName !== 'SCRIPT') = display; } } function RESET(){ document.getElementById('calc_btn').style ="width: 350px; height: 45px;"; document.getElementById('RESET').style ="display:none"; document.getElementById('distance').value = "0"; document.getElementById('height').value = ""; document.getElementById('wind').value = "1"; document.getElementById('degree').value = "90"; document.getElementById('W_DIRECT').value = "0"; document.getElementById('ground').value = "100"; document.getElementById('spin').value = ""; document.getElementById('curve').value = ""; document.getElementById('slope_break').value = ""; document.getElementById('club').value = "0"; document.getElementById('power_shot').value = "0"; document.getElementById('shot').value = "0"; document.getElementById('data_input_form').elements[0].focus(); result.color = 'White'; result.innerHTML = ``; } function PressEnter(event) { if(event.key==="Enter"){ const form = document.getElementById('data_input_form'); const index = [...form].indexOf(; if(index==8){ document.getElementById('calc_btn').focus(); }else{ form.elements[index+1].focus(); } } } function PressEnterSelectCalip(event) { if(event.key==="Enter"){ document.getElementById('fit_calip_btn').focus(); } } function PressEnterpower(event) { if(event.key==="Enter"){ document.getElementById('auxpart_pwr').focus(); } } function PressEnterauxpart_pwr(event) { if(event.key==="Enter"){ document.getElementById('card_pwr').focus(); } } function PressEntercard_pwr(event) { if(event.key==="Enter"){ document.getElementById('mascot_pwr').focus(); } } function PressEntermascot_pwr(event) { if(event.key==="Enter"){ document.getElementById('card_ps_pwr').focus(); } } function PressEntercard_ps_pwr(event) { if(event.key==="Enter"){ document.getElementById('DRIVE_SET_BTN').focus(); } } const YARDS_TO_PB = 0.2167; const YARDS_TO_PBA = 0.8668; const YARDS_TO_PBA_PLUS = 1.032; function desvioByDegree(yards, distance) { return Math.sin(Math.atan2(yards * -1.5, distance)) * distance / 1.5; } function fix(value) { if (value < 0) value = Math.ceil(value); else value = Math.floor(value); return value; } function getSlopeByResolution() { const resolution = { width: checkValidInput(document.getElementById('rel-width').value), height: checkValidInput(document.getElementById('rel-height').value) }; const auto_fit = document.getElementById('auto-fit').checked; if (resolution.height < 480) return 1.0; let value = resolution.height / 480; if (!auto_fit) value = fix(value); if (value == 0) value = 1.0; return value; } function getResolutionPBLimit() { const resolution = { width: checkValidInput(document.getElementById('rel-width').value), height: checkValidInput(document.getElementById('rel-height').value) }; let value = ((480 / resolution.height * 0.006) * (resolution.width / 2)) / YARDS_TO_PB; if (value <= 0) value = 1.0; return value; } function smartDesvio(smartData) { let MAX_PB = checkValidInput(document.getElementById('smart-dev-limit').value); if (MAX_PB <= 0) // no limit MAX_PB = Math.floor(getResolutionPBLimit() * 10) / 10; const yards = desvioByDegree(smartData.desvio, smartData.options.distance); let pb_sample = yards / YARDS_TO_PB; if (Math.abs(pb_sample) <= MAX_PB) return `${pb_sample.toFixed(2)}pb`; pb_sample = yards / YARDS_TO_PBA; if (Math.abs(pb_sample) <= MAX_PB) return `${pb_sample.toFixed(2)}pba`; pb_sample = yards / YARDS_TO_PBA_PLUS; if (Math.abs(pb_sample) <= MAX_PB) return `${pb_sample.toFixed(2)}pba+`; // key 0 from keybord let powerRange = 230; for (let i = 12; i >= 0; --i) {[CLUB_INFO_ENUM[i]]); powerRange =, smartData.options.power.pwr,; pb_sample = (yards / YARDS_TO_PB) / ((powerRange * 3.2 * 1.4 - smartData.altura) * 0.0625) if (Math.abs(pb_sample) <= MAX_PB) return `${pb_sample.toFixed(2)}pba${powerRange}` } return `${pb_sample.toFixed(2)}pba${powerRange}` }
Quand à la nature du code je ne saurais le dire malheureusement...