Messages postés258Date d'inscriptionvendredi 11 juillet 2014StatutMembreDernière intervention11 janvier 2024
29 sept. 2022 à 14:12
Messages postés258Date d'inscriptionvendredi 11 juillet 2014StatutMembreDernière intervention11 janvier 2024
29 sept. 2022 à 17:04
Sur mon site de jeu d'échecs je rencontre ce message lorsque je passe de PHP7.4 à PHP8:
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/6/0/9/ on line 236 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/6/0/9/ on line 236
Voici le script en question:
// set the session cookie parameters so the cookie is only valid for this game - définissez les paramètres du cookie de session afin que le cookie ne soit valide que pour ce jeu.
$parts = pathinfo($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$path = $parts['dirname'];
if (empty($parts['extension'])) {
$path .= '/'.$parts['jeuxechecs_fr'];
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path).'/';
@session_set_cookie_params(0, $path);
//@session_set_cookie_params(time()+365*24*3600, $path);
//session_set_cookie_params(0, $path);
//La valeur de 0 signifie : "Jusqu'à ce que le navigateur soit éteint". $path =/echecs/
//Impossible de modifier les paramètres des cookies de session lorsque la session est active dans /customers/6/0/9/ sur la ligne 9
session_start( );
/*echo $_COOKIE['WebChessData'];
exit ('stop');*/
/*header('Location: cookies.php');
exit("<br/> Stop");*/
// load 'always needed' settings
require_once './includes/';
require_once './includes/';
//require_once './';
/*if (!empty ($_SESSION['username']))
header ("Refresh: 1;URL=../reception.php");
echo $_SESSION['username'];
exit("<br/> Stop.");*/
// include outside functions
require_once './includes/';
require_once './includes/';
require_once './includes/';
require_once './includes/';
/*$_SESSION['username'] = $player;
if (empty($_SESSION['username'])) {
header("Refresh: $delai;url=$url");
//exit("<br/><blockquote><h3>Page en maintenance, vous aller être redirigé sur la page login dans 15 secondes.<br/>Si cela se reproduit, veuillez en avertir le créateur du site.</h3></blockquote>");
exit("<br/><blockquote><h4>Faisant suite à un problème technique, veuillez effacer les cookies de votre navigateur en correspondance avec le site. Et à fortiori effacer ceux de votre navigateur.</br>
Si vous ne savez pas effacer les cookies de ce jeu, demandez moi comment faire par un message dans une boite à lettre disponible un peu partout sur mon site.</br>
Je vous indiquerai alors précisément comment faire.</br>
Ou changer de navigateur.</h4></blockquote>");
/*echo $_COOKIE['WelChessData'];
echo "bonjour";*/
// load basic information
// check if loading game
if (isset($_POST['game_id']))
$_SESSION['game_id'] = (int) $_POST['game_id'];
// make sure we have game id data
if (empty($_SESSION['game_id'])) {
header('Location: index.php');
/*if (empty($_SESSION['game_id']) or empty($_SESSION['username']) ) {
header('Location: index.php');
if (isset($_SESSION['game_id']) || ! isset($_SESSION['white']))
// get White's data
$query = "
, p_username
, p_email
, ".T_GAME."
WHERE ".T_PLAYER.".p_id = ".T_GAME.".g_white_player_id
AND ".T_GAME.".g_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
$_SESSION['white'] = $mysql->fetch_assoc($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
// get Black's data
$query = "
, p_username
, p_email
, ".T_GAME."
WHERE ".T_PLAYER.".p_id = ".T_GAME.".g_black_player_id
AND ".T_GAME.".g_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
$_SESSION['black'] = $mysql->fetch_assoc($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
// get players' color
if ($_SESSION['white']['p_username'] == $_SESSION['username'])
$_SESSION['player'] = &$_SESSION['white'];
$_SESSION['player']['p_color'] = 'white';
$_SESSION['opponent'] = &$_SESSION['black'];
$_SESSION['opponent']['p_color'] = 'black';
$_SESSION['player'] = &$_SESSION['black'];
$_SESSION['player']['p_color'] = 'black';
$_SESSION['opponent'] = &$_SESSION['white'];
$_SESSION['opponent']['p_color'] = 'white';
// get id960 and position
$query = "
SELECT g_id960
WHERE g_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
$_SESSION['id960'] = $mysql->fetch_value($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$initpos = id960_to_pos($_SESSION['id960']);
$promoting = false; // init the promotion flag
$undoing = false; // init the undo flag
// get FEN array (this should probably be in an include somewhere)
$i = 0;
$query = "
SELECT h_fen
WHERE h_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
ORDER BY h_time
$FENarray = $mysql->fetch_value_array($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$num_moves = count($FENarray) - 1; // remove one for initpos - enlever un pour initpos
loadGame( ); // sets up board using last entry in ".T_HISTORY." table (
FENtomoves( ); // creates movesArray from FENarray (
// find out if it's the current player's turn
$FENitems = explode(' ',$FENarray[$num_moves]);
$curTurn = $colorArray[$FENitems[1]]; // convert w -> white, b -> black
$isPlayersTurn = ($curTurn == $_SESSION['player']['p_color']) ? true : false;
// save incoming information
checkDatabase( ); // check the database data against the current FEN to make sure the game is ended properly (
processMessages( ); // processes the messages (undo, resign, etc) (
// are we undoing ?
if ($undoing && 0 < $num_moves)
// just remove the last FEN entered into the history table - supprime simplement le dernier FEN entré dans la table d'historique
$query = "
SELECT MAX(h_time)
WHERE h_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
$max_time = $mysql->fetch_value($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$query = "
WHERE h_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
AND h_time = '{$max_time}'
$mysql->query($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
if (!DEBUG) header("Location: ./chess.php");
// or saving the promotion
elseif ( isset($_POST['promotion']) && '' != $_POST['promotion'] && false != $_POST['promoting'] )
savePromotion( ); // inserts promoted piece and saves to database (
if (!DEBUG) header("Location: ./chess.php");
// or making a move
elseif ( ( isset($_POST['fromRow']) && '' != $_POST['fromRow'] && '' != $_POST['fromCol'] && '' != $_POST['toRow'] && '' != $_POST['toCol'] ) || ( isset($_POST['castleMove']) && 'false' != $_POST['castleMove'] ) )
call("MAKING A MOVE");
/* ensure it's the current player moving */
/* NOTE: if not, this will currently ignore the command... */
/* perhaps the status should be instead? */
/* (Could be confusing to player if they double-click or something */
$is_valid = true;
if ('white' == $curTurn) // white's move
// ensure that piece being moved isn't black (and is a piece)
if (('black' == $pieceColor[$board[$_POST['fromRow']][$_POST['fromCol']]]) || ('0' == $board[$_POST['fromRow']][$_POST['fromCol']]))
$is_valid = false; // if test passes, piece was black
else // black' move
// ensure that piece being moved isn't white (and is a piece)
if (("white" == $pieceColor[$board[$_POST['fromRow']][$_POST['fromCol']]]) || ('0' == $board[$_POST['fromRow']][$_POST['fromCol']]))
$is_valid = false; // if test passes, piece was white
if ($is_valid)
call("IS VALID");
saveGame( ); // (
// reload a fresh page to avoid errors
// and to display the new database data
if (!DEBUG) header("Location: ./chess.php");
// or we need to select the promoting piece
elseif ('P' == strtoupper($movesArray[$num_moves]['piece']) && ( ! isset($movesArray[$num_moves]['promo']) || null == $movesArray[$num_moves]['promo']))
if($movesArray[$num_moves]['toRow'] == 7 || $movesArray[$num_moves]['toRow'] == 0)
$promoting = true;
// submit chat message
if (isset($_POST['txtChatbox']) && ('' != $_POST['txtChatbox']))
$_POST = sani($_POST);
$private = (isset($_POST['private']) && 'on' == $_POST['private']) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
// select the last post entered and make sure it is not a IE error duplicate message - sélectionnez le dernier message entré et assurez-vous qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un message de duplication d'erreur IE
// (same message within 1 second) - (même message dans la seconde)
$query = "
WHERE c_message = '{$_POST['txtChatbox']}'
$count = $mysql->fetch_value($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$test = new DateTime();
$d= date_format($test, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
if (0 == $count)
//$dat= date('d-m-Y-G-i',strtotime("+1 hours"));
/*echo $count; $count = 0
//echo $_SESSION['player_id']; /*player_id absent.*/
$query = "
(c_game_id, c_player_id, c_time, c_message, c_private)
('{$_SESSION['game_id']}', '{$_SESSION['player_id']}', '{$d}', '{$_POST['txtChatbox']}', '{$private}')
$mysql->query($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
// refresh the page to avoid double posts- rafraîchir la page pour éviter les doubles posts
if (!DEBUG) header('Location: chess.php');
// send wake up email
$wake_up_sent = false;
if ( isset($_POST['wakeID']) && $_SESSION['game_id'] == $_POST['wakeID'] )
/*echo $_POST['wakeID'];
echo "<br/>";
echo $_SESSION['game_id'];
echo "<br/>";
echo $_POST['wakeID'];*/
call ("webchessMail('wakeup',{$_SESSION['opponent']['p_email']},'',{$_SESSION['username']},{$_SESSION['game_id']})");
$wake_up_sent = webchessMail('wakeup',$_SESSION['opponent']['p_email'],'',$_SESSION['username'],$_SESSION['game_id']);
/*echo $wake_up_sent;
if ($wake_up_sent) {
echo "Bonjour";
// load game from database for display
// get FEN array
$query = "
SELECT h_fen
WHERE h_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
ORDER BY h_time
$FENarray = $mysql->fetch_value_array($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$num_moves = count($FENarray) - 1; // remove one for initpos
loadGame( ); // sets up board using last entry in ".T_HISTORY." table (
// convert the current FEN array to an array of standard moves
FENtomoves( ); // (
// find out if it's the current player's turn
$FENitems = explode(' ',$FENarray[$num_moves]);
$curTurn = $colorArray[$FENitems[1]];
$isPlayersTurn = ($curTurn == $_SESSION['player']['p_color']) ? true : false;
// set the display to show whos turn, or shared
if ($_SESSION['shared'])
$turn = "Partagé";
elseif ($isPlayersTurn)
$turn = "Votre coup";
$turn = "Coup adverse";
$head_extra = '
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
var watchgame = false;
function redo( )
// ouput confirmation for wake up email
if ($wake_up_sent)
$head_extra .= "alert('Envoi du rappel à répondre à votre coup par e-mail effectué.');\n ";
elseif (isset($_POST['wakeID']) && ! $wake_up_sent)
$head_extra .= "alert('Envoi Wake Up par e-mail échoué !!');\n ";
// transfer game data to javacript vars - transférer des données de jeu sur des variables javascript.
$head_extra .= getJSFEN( ); // writes 'FEN' array, and 'result' ( - écrit le tableau 'FEN' et 'result' (
$head_extra .= getTurn( ); // writes 'isBoardDisabled', 'isPlayersTurn', and 'perspective' ( - écrit 'isBoardDisabled', 'isPlayersTurn' et 'perspective' (
$head_extra .= getMoves( ); // writes the 'moves' array ( - écrit le tableau 'move' (
$head_extra .= getStatus( ); // writes 'whosMove', 'gameState', and 'statusMsg' ( - écrit 'whosMove', 'gameState' et 'statusMsg' (
//$head_extra .= "console.log('head_moves',moves);";
//$h_status = getStatus();
//echo $h_status;// => var whosMove = 'A votre adversaire de jouer'; var gameState = ''; var statusMessage = ''; Stop
//exit ("Stop");
//$head_extra .= $h_status; // writes 'whosMove', 'gameState', and 'statusMsg' (
/*$head_extra .= "console.log('head_moves',moves);";
$h_status = getStatus();
$head_extra .= $h_status; // writes 'whosMove', 'gameState', and 'statusMsg' (*/
$head_extra .= "var DEBUG = ".JS_DEBUG.";\n ";
$head_extra .= "var numMoves = FEN.length - 1;\n ";
// if it's not the player's turn, enable auto-refresh
$autoRefresh = ( ! $isPlayersTurn && ! isBoardDisabled( ) && ! $_SESSION['shared'] );
$head_extra .= "var autoreload = ";
if ( ! $autoRefresh || (0 == $CFG_MINAUTORELOAD) )
$head_extra .= "0";
elseif ( $_SESSION['pref_auto_reload'] >= $CFG_MINAUTORELOAD )
$head_extra .= $_SESSION['pref_auto_reload'];
$head_extra .= $CFG_MINAUTORELOAD;
$vs = get_medal($_SESSION['white']['p_username']).$_SESSION['white']['p_username']." - ".get_medal($_SESSION['black']['p_username']).$_SESSION['black']['p_username'];
$head_extra .= ";
var gameId = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}';
var players = '{$vs}';
var promoting = '{$promoting}';
var isGameOver = '{$isGameOver}';
var lastMoveIndicator = '{$_SESSION['pref_show_last_move']}';
var id960 = '{$_SESSION['id960']}';
var initpos = '{$initpos}';
var parties_gagnees = '{$_SESSION['wins']}';
$head_extra .= "var currentTheme = '";
$head_extra .= (isset($_SESSION['pref_theme']) ? $_SESSION['pref_theme'] : "Style A") . '\';
<!-- the \'variables\' javascript must come first !! -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/variables.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/chessutils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/commands.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/validation.js"></script>
if ($isPlayersTurn || $_SESSION['shared'] || $promoting)
$head_extra .= "\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"javascript/isCheckMate.js\"></script>";
if ( ! isBoardDisabled( ) || $_SESSION['shared'])
$head_extra .= "\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"javascript/squareclicked.js?v=2\"></script>";
$head_extra .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/board.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/highlight.js"></script>
echo get_header(null, $turn, $head_extra)
<div id='centrer_jeu'>
<div id="centrer_menu_partie">
<a href="index.php"><input type="button" class="button" value="<= Accueil =>"/></a>
<input type="button" id="btnUndo" class="button" value="Demander à rejouer" />
<input type="button" id="btnDraw" class="button" value="Demander la nulle" disabled="disabled" />
<input type="button" id="btnResign" class="button" value="Abandonner" />
<input type="button" id="btnDraww" class="button" value="Partie pat" disabled="disabled" />
<a href="#" class="help" onclick="'./help/pat.html','help','resizable,scrollbars,width=550,height=500,top=50,left=50','_blank');return false;"><FONT COLOR="#0000ff">?</a></span>
<div id="history">
<?php // case avec dernier coup : ?>
<span style='display:none;' id="curmove"> </span>
<h2 id="players"></h2>
<h2 id="gameid"></h2>
<div id="gamebody"></div>
<div id="board">
<div id="checkmsg"></div>
<div id="statusmsg"></div>
<div id="gamebuttons">
<span id="castle">Pour roquer : cliquez sur le roi, et ensuite sur la tour du côté du roque.
<a href="#" class="help" onclick="'./help/c960castling.html','help','resizable,scrollbars,width=550,height=500,top=50,left=50','_blank');return false;"><FONT COLOR="#0000ff">?</a></span>
<form name="gamedata" method="post" action="chess.php">
<div id="chessboard"></div>
if ($promoting && ( ! $isPlayersTurn || $_SESSION['shared'])) // Write promotion dialog only to the correct player
echo getPromotion( );
if ($isUndoRequested)
echo getUndoRequest( );
if ($isDrawRequested)
echo getDrawRequest( );
<input type="hidden" name="requestUndo" value="no" />
<input type="hidden" name="requestDraw" value="no" />
<input type="hidden" name="resign" value="no" />
<input type="hidden" name="fromRow" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="fromCol" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="toRow" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="toCol" value="<?php if ($promoting) echo $movesArray[$num_moves]['toCol']; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="castleMove" value="false" />
<input type="hidden" name="promoting" value="<?php echo ($promoting ? 'true' : 'false'); ?>" />
<div id="confirmationCoup">
<div>Etes-vous sûr de vouloir jouer ce coup ?</div>
<input id="confirmationCoupBtnNon" type="button" value="Non">
<input id="confirmationCoupBtnOui" type="submit" value="Oui">
<h3>Pièces capturées:</h3>
<div id="captheading"></div>
<div id="captures"></div>
<div id="date">
echo 'Nous sommes '.strftime("%A %d %B %Y").'. ';
echo ' Il est: '.strftime("%Hh %M").'<br/>';*/
<!--<form name="gamedata" method="post" action="chess.php">
<div id="chessboard"></div>-->
/* if ($promoting && ( ! $isPlayersTurn || $_SESSION['shared'])) // Write promotion dialog only to the correct player
echo getPromotion( );
if ($isUndoRequested)
echo getUndoRequest( );
if ($isDrawRequested)
echo getDrawRequest( );
<!-- <input type="hidden" name="requestUndo" value="no" />
<input type="hidden" name="requestDraw" value="no" />
<input type="hidden" name="resign" value="no" />
<input type="hidden" name="fromRow" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="fromCol" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="toRow" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="toCol" value="<?php if ($promoting) echo $movesArray[$num_moves]['toCol']; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="castleMove" value="false" />
<input type="hidden" name="promoting" value="<?php echo ($promoting ? 'true' : 'false'); ?>" />
<div id="gamenav"></div>
<form name="gamemenu" id="gamemenu" method="post" action="chess.php" style="display:inline;">
<input type="button" id="btnReload" value="Recharger" disabled="disabled" />
<input type="button" id="btnReplay" value="Revoir partie" disabled="disabled" />
<input type="button" id="btnPGN" value="PGN" disabled="disabled" />
<form name="wakeup" id="wakeup" method="post" action="chess.php" style="display:inline;">
// test for opponents email, and if none, disable the wake up button
$temp = ('' == $_SESSION['opponent']['p_email']) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; // check the var and disable if no email is found
<input type="button" id="btnWakeUp" value="Rappel" onclick="wakeUp( );"<?php echo $temp; ?> />
<input type="hidden" name="wakeID" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['game_id']; ?>" /><a href="#" class="help" onclick="'./help/wakeup.html','help','resizable,scrollbars,width=550,height=500,top=50,left=50','_blank');return false;"><FONT COLOR="#0000ff">?</a>
<h4 style="color: #060200;">1) Pour demander à rejouer un autre coup, il faut cliquer sur le bouton "Demander à rejouer".C'est alors
que votre adversaire en recevra la demande qu'il sera libre d'accepter ou de refuser.<h4/>
<!--<h4 style="color: #060200;">2) Si votre adversaire à déjà jouer avant que vous fassiez la demande pour rejouer, il n'est pas trop tard pour lui en faire la demande.
Pour cela vous devrez lui proposer qu'il vous fasse une demande pour rejouer son coup.Que vous accepterez.
Puis ensuite vous lui demerez de bien vouloir accepter de rejouer votre coup.</h4>-->
// collect the public chat messages
$query = "
SELECT distinct c_message
, c_private
, p_username
,DAY(c_time) AS jour, MONTH(c_time) AS mois, Year(c_time) AS annee, HOUR(c_time) AS heure, MINUTE(c_time) AS minute
ON ".T_CHAT.".c_player_id = ".T_PLAYER.".p_id
WHERE c_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'
(c_private = 'No')
// include private message data if game is not shared
if ('1' != $_SESSION['shared'])
$query .= "
OR (c_private='Yes'
AND ".T_CHAT.".c_player_id = '{$_SESSION['player_id']}')
$query .= "
$result = $mysql->fetch_array($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$i = 0;
// on n'affiche pas le tableau si on a pas de résultats ..
$nb_res = count($result);
if($nb_res > 0){
<div id="chat">
<div id="date">
//$a=strftime("%A %d %B %Y");
//echo htmlentities($a);
//$y='Nous sommes le '.strftime("%A %d %B %Y").'. ';
echo 'Nous sommes le '.strftime("%A %d %B %Y").'. ';
//echo $y;
echo ' Il est: '.strftime("%Hh %M").'<br/>';*/
<div class="info"></div>
<div id="chatholder">
<table class="chat" style='table-layout: fixed;'>
<col />
<col class="message" />
<th style='width:90px' >Joueurs</th>
<th >Messages</th>
<?php }else{ ?>
<div id="chat">
<div class="info"></div>
<div id="chatholder">
<table class="chat">
<col />
<col class="message" />
<th>Aucun message</th>
<?php }
foreach ($result as $chat)
$alt = ' class="';
$alt .= (0 == $i % 2) ? ' alt' : '';
$alt .= ('Yes' == $chat['c_private']) ? ' mine' : '';
$alt .= ( $_SESSION['username'] != $chat['p_username'] ) ? ' opp' : '';
$alt .= '"';
$mois=array("","/ 01 /","/ 02 /","/ 03 /","/ 04 /","/ 05 /","/ 06 /","/ 07 /","/ 08 /","/ 09 /","/ 10 /","/ 11 /","/ 12 /");
if($chat['minute'] < 10 ){$chat['minute'] = "0".$chat['minute'];}
echo "
<td class=\"player\">{$chat['p_username']}:<br/>
{$chat['jour']} {$mois[$chat['mois']]} {$chat['annee']}<br/>
<td style = 'hyphens: auto;word-wrap: break-word;'> {$chat['c_message']}</td>
/*if (!empty ($_SESSION['username']))
header ("Refresh: 1;URL=../reception.php");
echo $_SESSION['username'];
exit("<br/> Stop.");*/
<form action="chess.php" method="post" name="chatdata" style="display:inline;">
<textarea style="width:339px;max-width:373px;max-height:90px;" name="txtChatbox" tabindex="2" cols="39" rows="4" onfocus="clearTimeout(intervalId);" onblur="if(''==this.value){intervalId = setTimeout('redo( )', autoreload * 1000);}"
tabindex="2" placeholder="Ecrivez vos commentaires ici..."></textarea>
<!--<label for="private"><input type="checkbox" id="private" name="private" tabindex="1" />Privé</label> -->
<input type="submit" id="btnSubmit" name="chat" tabindex="3" value="Envoi" />
<div id="footerspacer"> </div>
<?php // NE PAS ENLEVER FENBLOCK : sinon on ne peu plus revoir les coups précédents ?>
<div id="FENblock"></div>
<?php call($GLOBALS);?>
<form action="chess.php" method="post" name="chatdata" style="display:inline;">
<textarea style="width:339px;max-width:373px;max-height:60px;" name="txtChatbox" tabindex="2" cols="39" rows="4" onfocus="clearTimeout(intervalId);" onblur="if(''==this.value){intervalId = setTimeout('redo( )', autoreload * 1000);}"></textarea>
<label for="private"><input type="checkbox" id="private" name="private" tabindex="1" />Privé</label>
<input type="submit" id="btnSubmit" name="chat" tabindex="3" value="Envoi" />
<div id="footerspacer_jeu"> </div>
<?php call($GLOBALS);?>
</html> -->
/* foreach ($result as $chat)
$alt = ' class="';
$alt .= (0 == $i % 2) ? ' alt' : '';
$alt .= ('Yes' == $chat['c_private']) ? ' mine' : '';
$alt .= ( $_SESSION['username'] != $chat['p_username'] ) ? ' opp' : '';
$alt .= '"';
$mois=array("","/ 01 /","/ 02 /","/ 03 /","/ 04 /","/ 05 /","/ 06 /","/ 07 /","/ 08 /","/ 09 /","/ 10 /","/ 11 /","/ 12 /");
if($chat['minute'] < 10 ){$chat['minute'] = "0".$chat['minute'];}
echo "
<td class=\"player\">{$chat['p_username']}:<br/>
{$chat['jour']} {$mois[$chat['mois']]} {$chat['annee']}<br/>
Pourriez vous m'aider à résoudre ce problème ?
Windows / Firefox 105.0
A voir également:
Problème d'accès au tableau sur valeur de type nulle en PHP8