Xp !
A voir également:
- Xp !
- Cle windows xp - Guide
- Telecharger windows xp - Télécharger - Systèmes d'exploitation
- Winsetupfromusb windows xp - Télécharger - Utilitaires
- Cdburner xp - Télécharger - Gravure
- Windows xp simulator - Télécharger - Études & Formations
66 réponses
Utilisateur anonyme
Modifié par Electricien 69 le 22/03/2015 à 15:04
Modifié par Electricien 69 le 22/03/2015 à 15:04
à lire avant de lancer l'installation de MBAM :
Attention, à l'installation décoche la case « activer l'essai gratuit de Malawarybyte anti malware »
ceci correspond à une version d'essai qui ne dure que 15 jours en fonctionnant comme un antivirus, donc risque de conflit avec ton antivirus existant sur le pc !
Télécharge Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware et enregistre le sur ton bureau:
ou :
ou :
ou ici :
. Si tu l'as déjà sur ton pc, il est inutile de le retélécharger !
. Double cliques sur le fichier téléchargé pour lancer le processus d'installation.
Dans l'onglet paramètres, choisis la langue souhaitée
. Dans l'onglet « tableau de bord, vérifie bien que ta version soit à jour
. si le pare-feu demande l'autorisation de se connecter pour malwarebytes, acceptes
. Une fois la mise à jour terminée
Dans l'onglet "examen", coche la case "Examen personnalisé" et sélectionne ton disque sur le quel est installé Windows, puis examiner maintenant,
Sélectionne "recherche de rootkit", puis la partition ou le disque sur le quel est installé Windows (C: par exemple)
puis sur "lancer l'examen"
. Le scan démarre.
il va durer un certain temps, donc laisse le faire.
. Le scan démarre.
. A la fin de l'analyse, un message s'affiche : L'examen terminé avec succès.
Normalement, les infections trouvées sont déplacées automatiquement dans la quarantaine.
Clique sur voir le journal détaillé,
Puis exporter, enregistre son rapport en format .txt sur ton bureau,
Héberge-le sur Cjoint et copie et colle son lien sur ton prochain message.
O.o°* ???Respire à fond, rédiges ton message en bon français et de manière claire. ça va bien se passer, tu verras, enfin on essaie !!! o°.Oø¤º°'°º¤ø
à lire avant de lancer l'installation de MBAM :
Attention, à l'installation décoche la case « activer l'essai gratuit de Malawarybyte anti malware »
ceci correspond à une version d'essai qui ne dure que 15 jours en fonctionnant comme un antivirus, donc risque de conflit avec ton antivirus existant sur le pc !
Télécharge Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware et enregistre le sur ton bureau:
ou :
ou :
ou ici :
. Si tu l'as déjà sur ton pc, il est inutile de le retélécharger !
. Double cliques sur le fichier téléchargé pour lancer le processus d'installation.
Dans l'onglet paramètres, choisis la langue souhaitée
. Dans l'onglet « tableau de bord, vérifie bien que ta version soit à jour
. si le pare-feu demande l'autorisation de se connecter pour malwarebytes, acceptes
. Une fois la mise à jour terminée
Dans l'onglet "examen", coche la case "Examen personnalisé" et sélectionne ton disque sur le quel est installé Windows, puis examiner maintenant,
Sélectionne "recherche de rootkit", puis la partition ou le disque sur le quel est installé Windows (C: par exemple)
puis sur "lancer l'examen"
. Le scan démarre.
il va durer un certain temps, donc laisse le faire.
. Le scan démarre.
. A la fin de l'analyse, un message s'affiche : L'examen terminé avec succès.
Normalement, les infections trouvées sont déplacées automatiquement dans la quarantaine.
Clique sur voir le journal détaillé,
Puis exporter, enregistre son rapport en format .txt sur ton bureau,
Héberge-le sur Cjoint et copie et colle son lien sur ton prochain message.
O.o°* ???Respire à fond, rédiges ton message en bon français et de manière claire. ça va bien se passer, tu verras, enfin on essaie !!! o°.Oø¤º°'°º¤ø
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
22 mars 2015 à 18:20
22 mars 2015 à 18:20
Après près de 2 heures deux fois le résultat de l'examen personnalisé, recherche de rootkits, ne s'est pas affiché "expiré pour malaware" je ne recommence plus j'en ai assez, deux fois avec le même résultat.
Utilisateur anonyme
22 mars 2015 à 18:22
22 mars 2015 à 18:22
redémarre le pc pour voir s'il fonctionne mieux avant de tout finaliser :-)
redémarre le pc pour voir s'il fonctionne mieux avant de tout finaliser :-)
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
22 mars 2015 à 18:37
22 mars 2015 à 18:37
J'ai redémarré mais il faudrait peut-être expérimenter un peu avant de donner une impression il me semble.
Merci beaucoup
Merci beaucoup
Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?
Posez votre question
Utilisateur anonyme
22 mars 2015 à 18:37
22 mars 2015 à 18:37
justement, surf un peu et essaie le, tu verras bien vite fait :-)
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
22 mars 2015 à 18:50
22 mars 2015 à 18:50
Il réagit plus vite aux demandes, c'est à peu près sûre.
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
22 mars 2015 à 18:58
22 mars 2015 à 18:58
OK !
Utilisateur anonyme
22 mars 2015 à 19:52
22 mars 2015 à 19:52
Télécharge Delfix sur ton bureau :
Coche les cases suivantes :
Attention : Le rapport est unique et est supprimé à chaque fois que l'on ré-exécute une ou plusieurs options de DelFix.
Note :
Delfix ne désinstalle pas MBAM, à toi de voir si tu souhaites le conserver ou désinstaller.
fais une mise à jour de ton antivirus, lance un scan complet de ton pc, tiens moi au courant du résultat :-)
Coche les cases suivantes :
=> Supprimer les outils de désinfection (coché par défaut)
=> Purger la restauration système
- Clique ensuite sur Exécuter puis patiente pendant le processus de suppression.
- Lorsque les procédures seront terminées, l'outil va se fermer et disparaître du bureau
- Un rapport est sauvegardé dans le presse-papier : il te suffit de faire un clic droit et "coller" dans ta prochaine réponse pour me poster le rapport
- le rapport est stocké à cet emplacement : C:\DelFix.txt
Attention : Le rapport est unique et est supprimé à chaque fois que l'on ré-exécute une ou plusieurs options de DelFix.
Note :
Delfix ne désinstalle pas MBAM, à toi de voir si tu souhaites le conserver ou désinstaller.
fais une mise à jour de ton antivirus, lance un scan complet de ton pc, tiens moi au courant du résultat :-)
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
samedi 3 décembre 2011
Dernière intervention
26 septembre 2023
2 408
22 mars 2015 à 21:18
22 mars 2015 à 21:18
Salut Elec,
Je me permets cette petite intrusion pour te signifier que la dernière version d'Adobe Flash Player pour XP est la, c'est celle qui est en ce moment sur mon PC XP Pro SP3, je suppose qu'il en de même pour les autres versions de XP.
Cdltet bonne continuation ;-)
Je me permets cette petite intrusion pour te signifier que la dernière version d'Adobe Flash Player pour XP est la, c'est celle qui est en ce moment sur mon PC XP Pro SP3, je suppose qu'il en de même pour les autres versions de XP.
Cdltet bonne continuation ;-)
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
22 mars 2015 à 20:31
22 mars 2015 à 20:31
Voici pour delfix :
# DelFix v10.9 - Rapport créé le 22/03/2015 à 20:26:15
# Mis à jour le 27/02/2015 par Xplode
# Nom d'utilisateur : Liliane Boemare - LILIANE-B83EBAA
# Système d'exploitation : Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (32 bits)
~ Suppression des outils de désinfection ...
Supprimé : C:\RSIT
Supprimé : C:\AdwCleaner
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\ZHP
Supprimé : C:\Program Files\ZHPDiag
Supprimé : C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Hijackthis
Supprimé : C:\PhysicalDisk0_MBR.bin
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\adwcleaner_4.112.exe
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\ZHPCleaner-2015.3.21.133.exe
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\ZHPCleaner.txt
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\ZHPDiag.lnk
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\ZHPDiag.txt
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\ZHPFix.lnk
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\ZHPFixReport.txt
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Mes documents\Downloads\adwcleaner_4.112 (1).exe
Supprimée : HKLM\SOFTWARE\AdwCleaner
Supprimée : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ZHPDiag_is1
~ Purge de la restauration système ...
Supprimé : RP #279 [avast! antivirus system restore point | 01/02/2015 10:15:16]
Supprimé : RP #280 [Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Avast Free Antivirus | 01/03/2015 19:19:50]
Supprimé : RP #281 [27 décembre 2014 | 01/05/2015 08:38:43]
Supprimé : RP #282 [Opération de restauration | 01/05/2015 08:39:10]
Supprimé : RP #283 [Software Distribution Service 3.0 | 01/14/2015 10:25:12]
Supprimé : RP #284 [Point de vérification système | 01/20/2015 16:31:51]
Supprimé : RP #285 [Point de vérification système | 01/29/2015 09:56:16]
Supprimé : RP #286 [Software Distribution Service 3.0 | 02/11/2015 14:27:55]
Supprimé : RP #287 [Le Windows Desktop Search 3.01 pour Windows XP a été installé. | 02/20/2015 18:14:47]
Supprimé : RP #288 [Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Windows Desktop Search 3.01 | 02/20/2015 19:33:05]
Supprimé : RP #289 [Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Windows Desktop Search 3.01 | 02/20/2015 19:37:38]
Supprimé : RP #290 [Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Balabolka | 02/22/2015 14:36:50]
Supprimé : RP #291 [Revo Uninstaller's restore point - DriverDoc | 02/25/2015 19:33:12]
Supprimé : RP #292 [Point de vérification système | 03/05/2015 09:18:46]
Supprimé : RP #293 [Software Distribution Service 3.0 | 03/11/2015 14:04:19]
Supprimé : RP #294 [Point de vérification système | 03/12/2015 14:13:28]
Supprimé : RP #295 [Point de vérification système | 03/21/2015 15:42:11]
Supprimé : RP #296 [Installé TomTom HOME. | 03/22/2015 11:01:20]
Je continue le reste.......
Nouveau point de restauration créé !
########## - EOF - ##########
# DelFix v10.9 - Rapport créé le 22/03/2015 à 20:26:15
# Mis à jour le 27/02/2015 par Xplode
# Nom d'utilisateur : Liliane Boemare - LILIANE-B83EBAA
# Système d'exploitation : Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (32 bits)
~ Suppression des outils de désinfection ...
Supprimé : C:\RSIT
Supprimé : C:\AdwCleaner
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\ZHP
Supprimé : C:\Program Files\ZHPDiag
Supprimé : C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Hijackthis
Supprimé : C:\PhysicalDisk0_MBR.bin
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\adwcleaner_4.112.exe
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\ZHPCleaner-2015.3.21.133.exe
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\ZHPCleaner.txt
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\ZHPDiag.lnk
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\ZHPDiag.txt
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\ZHPFix.lnk
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Bureau\ZHPFixReport.txt
Supprimé : C:\Documents and Settings\Liliane Boemare.LILIANE-B83EBAA\Mes documents\Downloads\adwcleaner_4.112 (1).exe
Supprimée : HKLM\SOFTWARE\AdwCleaner
Supprimée : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ZHPDiag_is1
~ Purge de la restauration système ...
Supprimé : RP #279 [avast! antivirus system restore point | 01/02/2015 10:15:16]
Supprimé : RP #280 [Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Avast Free Antivirus | 01/03/2015 19:19:50]
Supprimé : RP #281 [27 décembre 2014 | 01/05/2015 08:38:43]
Supprimé : RP #282 [Opération de restauration | 01/05/2015 08:39:10]
Supprimé : RP #283 [Software Distribution Service 3.0 | 01/14/2015 10:25:12]
Supprimé : RP #284 [Point de vérification système | 01/20/2015 16:31:51]
Supprimé : RP #285 [Point de vérification système | 01/29/2015 09:56:16]
Supprimé : RP #286 [Software Distribution Service 3.0 | 02/11/2015 14:27:55]
Supprimé : RP #287 [Le Windows Desktop Search 3.01 pour Windows XP a été installé. | 02/20/2015 18:14:47]
Supprimé : RP #288 [Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Windows Desktop Search 3.01 | 02/20/2015 19:33:05]
Supprimé : RP #289 [Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Windows Desktop Search 3.01 | 02/20/2015 19:37:38]
Supprimé : RP #290 [Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Balabolka | 02/22/2015 14:36:50]
Supprimé : RP #291 [Revo Uninstaller's restore point - DriverDoc | 02/25/2015 19:33:12]
Supprimé : RP #292 [Point de vérification système | 03/05/2015 09:18:46]
Supprimé : RP #293 [Software Distribution Service 3.0 | 03/11/2015 14:04:19]
Supprimé : RP #294 [Point de vérification système | 03/12/2015 14:13:28]
Supprimé : RP #295 [Point de vérification système | 03/21/2015 15:42:11]
Supprimé : RP #296 [Installé TomTom HOME. | 03/22/2015 11:01:20]
Je continue le reste.......
Nouveau point de restauration créé !
########## - EOF - ##########
Utilisateur anonyme
23 mars 2015 à 06:55
23 mars 2015 à 06:55
je sais, d'où ma demande de la mise à jour si possible ! :-)
@ Liliane Boemare :
qu'est ce que ça donne ce scan ?
je sais, d'où ma demande de la mise à jour si possible ! :-)
@ Liliane Boemare :
qu'est ce que ça donne ce scan ?
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
samedi 3 décembre 2011
Dernière intervention
26 septembre 2023
2 408
23 mars 2015 à 18:44
23 mars 2015 à 18:44
Re Elec,
Cette petite précision était juste pour confirmer que les MAJ Adobe étaient toujours faisables sous XP, il y a eu des rumeurs qui disaient le contraire, tant pour Flash Player ActiveX que pour Flash Player Plugin et Adobe Reader.
J'ai vu que sur la page de téléchargement de Adobe Reader XP n'était plus signifié pour la toute dernière version, or, elle est bel et bien présente sur mon XP Pro SP3, il est dit dans le paragraphe " Configurations requises " XP est limité à la version 10.0.08, c'est faux, j'ai la version 11.0.10. qui fait 126 Mo en taille.
Je pense que ça avait le mérite d'être précisé également afin de ne pas induire les internautes en erreur ;-)
Cdlt et bonne continuation ;-)
Cette petite précision était juste pour confirmer que les MAJ Adobe étaient toujours faisables sous XP, il y a eu des rumeurs qui disaient le contraire, tant pour Flash Player ActiveX que pour Flash Player Plugin et Adobe Reader.
J'ai vu que sur la page de téléchargement de Adobe Reader XP n'était plus signifié pour la toute dernière version, or, elle est bel et bien présente sur mon XP Pro SP3, il est dit dans le paragraphe " Configurations requises " XP est limité à la version 10.0.08, c'est faux, j'ai la version 11.0.10. qui fait 126 Mo en taille.

Je pense que ça avait le mérite d'être précisé également afin de ne pas induire les internautes en erreur ;-)
Cdlt et bonne continuation ;-)
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
23 mars 2015 à 15:03
23 mars 2015 à 15:03
Excuse-moi de répondre seulement maintenant, pas possible avant.
Je viens d'allumer mon pc et c'est nettement nettement mieux !
Voici le lien du scan avira :
Merci encore
Je viens d'allumer mon pc et c'est nettement nettement mieux !
Voici le lien du scan avira :
Merci encore
Utilisateur anonyme
23 mars 2015 à 18:00
23 mars 2015 à 18:00
je n'arrive pas à visionner le contenu du rapport en format .txt,
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
23 mars 2015 à 18:51
23 mars 2015 à 18:51
Je l'ai récupéré dans avira, je peux le copier-coller sur le site ?
Vaut-il mieux refaire un scan ?
Vaut-il mieux refaire un scan ?
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
23 mars 2015 à 19:59
23 mars 2015 à 19:59
Le voici sauf erreur de ma part :
Avira Free Antivirus Updater
Complete product update
Creation time: dimanche 22 mars 2015 21:12:44
Operating system:
Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 3) [5.1.2600] 32 bit
Product information:
Product version:
Updater: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\update.exe
Update resource: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\updaterc.dll
Library: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\update.dll
Plugin: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\updext.dll
GUI: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\updgui.dll
Temp Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\
Backup folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\BACKUP\
Installation Directory: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\
Updater folder: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\
AppData folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\
Connection settings:
- Connection type: Web server
- Transfer type: Existing connection
-Proxy settings: System settings used
21:12:45 [UPD] [INFO] Update server: 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update'
21:12:45 [UPD] [INFO] Update File: '/idx/wks_avira13-win32-en-pecl.info.gz'
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Checking whether newer files are available.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Select update server 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/master.idx' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\master.idx'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/wks_avira13-win32-en-pecl.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\wks_avira13-win32-en-pecl.info.gz'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/ave2-win32-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\ave2-win32-int.info.gz'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/localdecider-win32-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\localdecider-win32-int.info.gz'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/personalkeyav14-common-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\personalkeyav14-common-int.info.gz'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/rdf-common-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\rdf-common-int.info.gz'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/scanner13-win32-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\scanner13-win32-int.info.gz'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/xvdf.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\xvdf.info.gz'.
21:12:47 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/webcat-common-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\webcat-common-int.info.gz'.
21:12:47 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/repair-win32-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\repair-win32-int.info.gz'.
21:12:47 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/webguardwhitelist-win32-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\webguardwhitelist-win32-int.info.gz'.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] There are no XVDF files on the update server
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] Reverting to regular update
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [WARN] Failed to parse DESTINATION value: %COMMAPP_DIR_JOBS%\;OS=ALL
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avgntflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avgntflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avgntflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avipbb.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avipbb.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avipbb.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avkmgr.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avkmgr.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avkmgr.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win7/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win764/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win8/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/avadmin.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/avconfig64.cpl's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avgntflt.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avgntflt.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avgntflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avgntflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avgntflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avgntflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avgntflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avgntflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avipbb.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avipbb.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avipbb.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avipbb.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avipbb.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avipbb.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avipbb.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avipbb.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avipc64.dll's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avkmgr.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avkmgr.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avkmgr.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avkmgr.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avkmgr.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avkmgr.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avkmgr.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avkmgr.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avnetflt.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win7/avnetflt.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win764/avnetflt.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win8/avnetflt.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avnetflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win7/avnetflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win764/avnetflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win8/avnetflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win7/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win764/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win8/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/avsda64.dll's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avshadow.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/avwebg7.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:49 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/imp64b.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:49 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/inssda64.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:50 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/shlext64.dll's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:50 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/toastNotifier.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:50 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/wsctool.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:50 [UPDLIB] [INFO] C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\aevdf.dat <
21:12:54 [UPDLIB] [INFO] C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\xbv00203.vdf <
21:12:54 [UPDLIB] [INFO] Checksum mismatch for C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\webcat1.dat. The checksum of the currently installed file is cf4065a4663b4922cc05bfc9ce7433d0. The checksum of the available file is 18b5f19025dc2400b7d670de80f0cf78.
21:12:54 [UPDLIB] [INFO] Checksum mismatch for C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\webcat4.dat. The checksum of the currently installed file is 696a66e2e3b8196684dd5804db5b2625. The checksum of the available file is 43ef00145aba4d3c91a5cc1d3f22c631.
21:12:54 [UPD] [WARN] The help mechanism for the prevention of downgrades could not be initiated.
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Compare local files with status of update server.
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Product-info file: Executing mandatory product update initiated by Avira.
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module SELFUPDATE:
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module ANTISPAM:
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module AVE2:
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module COMMAPDATA_AV_PROFILES:
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/folder.avp' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/rootkit.avp' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module COMMAPPDATA_AV:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/addr_file.html' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module COMMAPPDATA_EVENTDB:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module COMMAPPDATA:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module COMMAPP:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/produpd.avj' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/scanjob.avj' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/startupd.avj' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/updjob.avj' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module DRV:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module LOCALDECIDER:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module MAIN:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/64bitProxy.exe'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/AVSDKList.zip'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/AppRemover_64.exe'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/AppRemover_API.dll'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/AppRemover_CLI.exe'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/AppRemover_EULA.txt'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/AppRemover_Excluded.txt'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/ManualUninstallConfig.zip'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/ProductReleaseNotes.zip'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/QATestedProducts.zip'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/doSilent.txt'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/filelist.ini'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/insthlp.exe'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/license.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/msvcp80.dll'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/msvcr80.dll'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/pinfo.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/pmap.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/presetup.exe'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/quicksysscan.avp' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/scpt.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/tables.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/thorwac.dll'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vmap.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/wsc.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module PECLKEY:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module PRODINFO:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module RDF:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module SCANNER:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module SYS32:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module TEXT:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/eula.txt'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module VDF:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module WEBCAT:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module REPAIR:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module WEBGUARDWHITELIST:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\BACKUP\' requires 254993 bytes of free disk space.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\' requires 361741 bytes of free disk space.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\' requires 337313 bytes of free disk space.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Disk space OK.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Drive: C:\, free capacity: 112751009792 bytes.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Recycle installed files
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Recycled 0 of 32
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] New files are being downloaded...
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/x_vdf/aevdf.dat.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\x_vdf\aevdf.dat.gz'.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/x_vdf/xbv00203.vdf.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\x_vdf\xbv00203.vdf.gz'.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/webcat/common/int/webcat1.dat.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\webcat\common\int\webcat1.dat.gz'.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/webcat/common/int/webcat4.dat.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\webcat\common\int\webcat4.dat.gz'.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The program is running as an unrestricted full version.
21:13:07 [UPD] [INFO] Starting engine validation.
21:13:54 [UPD] [INFO] The engine was successfully validated.
21:13:54 [UPD] [INFO] Preparing installation of new files.
21:13:54 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\.\x_vdf\aevdf.dat' was copied to 'C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\aevdf.dat'.
21:13:54 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\.\x_vdf\xbv00203.vdf' was copied to 'C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\xbv00203.vdf'.
21:14:01 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\.\local000.vdf' was copied to 'C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\local000.vdf'.
21:14:01 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\.\webcat\common\int\webcat1.dat' was copied to 'C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\webcat1.dat'.
21:14:01 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\.\webcat\common\int\webcat4.dat' was copied to 'C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\webcat4.dat'.
21:14:01 [UPD] [INFO] Ending installation of new files.
21:14:14 [UPD] [INFO] Re-initialization of Avira Real-Time Protection was successful.
21:14:14 [UPD] [INFO] Cleanup of current VDF Set backup in folder 'Failsafe'
4 Files downloaded
5 Files installed
Downloaded file(s): aevdf.dat; xbv00203.vdf; local000.vdf; webcat1.dat; webcat4.dat;
dimanche 22 mars 2015 21:14:21
The update was carried out successfully!
Avira Free Antivirus Updater
Complete product update
Creation time: dimanche 22 mars 2015 21:12:44
Operating system:
Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 3) [5.1.2600] 32 bit
Product information:
Product version:
Updater: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\update.exe
Update resource: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\updaterc.dll
Library: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\update.dll
Plugin: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\updext.dll
GUI: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\updgui.dll
Temp Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\
Backup folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\BACKUP\
Installation Directory: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\
Updater folder: C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\
AppData folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\
Connection settings:
- Connection type: Web server
- Transfer type: Existing connection
-Proxy settings: System settings used
21:12:45 [UPD] [INFO] Update server: 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update'
21:12:45 [UPD] [INFO] Update File: '/idx/wks_avira13-win32-en-pecl.info.gz'
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Checking whether newer files are available.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Select update server 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/master.idx' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\master.idx'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/wks_avira13-win32-en-pecl.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\wks_avira13-win32-en-pecl.info.gz'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/ave2-win32-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\ave2-win32-int.info.gz'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/localdecider-win32-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\localdecider-win32-int.info.gz'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/personalkeyav14-common-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\personalkeyav14-common-int.info.gz'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/rdf-common-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\rdf-common-int.info.gz'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/scanner13-win32-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\scanner13-win32-int.info.gz'.
21:12:46 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/xvdf.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\xvdf.info.gz'.
21:12:47 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/webcat-common-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\webcat-common-int.info.gz'.
21:12:47 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/repair-win32-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\repair-win32-int.info.gz'.
21:12:47 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/webguardwhitelist-win32-int.info.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\idx\webguardwhitelist-win32-int.info.gz'.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] There are no XVDF files on the update server
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] Reverting to regular update
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [WARN] Failed to parse DESTINATION value: %COMMAPP_DIR_JOBS%\;OS=ALL
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avgntflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avgntflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avgntflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avipbb.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avipbb.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avipbb.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avkmgr.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avkmgr.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avkmgr.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win7/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win764/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win8/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:47 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/avadmin.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/avconfig64.cpl's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avgntflt.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avgntflt.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avgntflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avgntflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avgntflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avgntflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avgntflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avgntflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avipbb.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avipbb.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avipbb.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avipbb.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avipbb.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avipbb.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avipbb.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avipbb.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avipc64.dll's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avkmgr.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avkmgr.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avkmgr.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avkmgr.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avkmgr.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/xp64/avkmgr.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avkmgr.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avkmgr.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avnetflt.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win7/avnetflt.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win764/avnetflt.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win8/avnetflt.cat's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avnetflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win7/avnetflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win764/avnetflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win8/avnetflt.inf's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win864/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win7/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win764/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/win8/avnetflt.sys's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/avsda64.dll's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vista64/avshadow.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:48 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/avwebg7.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:49 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/imp64b.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:49 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/inssda64.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:50 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/shlext64.dll's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:50 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/toastNotifier.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:50 [UPDLIB] [INFO] File wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/wsctool.exe's operating system doesn't match the current one. File ignored.
21:12:50 [UPDLIB] [INFO] C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\aevdf.dat <
21:12:54 [UPDLIB] [INFO] C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\xbv00203.vdf <
21:12:54 [UPDLIB] [INFO] Checksum mismatch for C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\webcat1.dat. The checksum of the currently installed file is cf4065a4663b4922cc05bfc9ce7433d0. The checksum of the available file is 18b5f19025dc2400b7d670de80f0cf78.
21:12:54 [UPDLIB] [INFO] Checksum mismatch for C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\webcat4.dat. The checksum of the currently installed file is 696a66e2e3b8196684dd5804db5b2625. The checksum of the available file is 43ef00145aba4d3c91a5cc1d3f22c631.
21:12:54 [UPD] [WARN] The help mechanism for the prevention of downgrades could not be initiated.
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Compare local files with status of update server.
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Product-info file: Executing mandatory product update initiated by Avira.
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module SELFUPDATE:
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module ANTISPAM:
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module AVE2:
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module COMMAPDATA_AV_PROFILES:
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/folder.avp' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/rootkit.avp' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:54 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module COMMAPPDATA_AV:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/addr_file.html' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module COMMAPPDATA_EVENTDB:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module COMMAPPDATA:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module COMMAPP:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/produpd.avj' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/scanjob.avj' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/startupd.avj' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/updjob.avj' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module DRV:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module LOCALDECIDER:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module MAIN:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/64bitProxy.exe'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/AVSDKList.zip'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/AppRemover_64.exe'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/AppRemover_API.dll'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/AppRemover_CLI.exe'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/AppRemover_EULA.txt'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/AppRemover_Excluded.txt'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/ManualUninstallConfig.zip'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/ProductReleaseNotes.zip'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/QATestedProducts.zip'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/doSilent.txt'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/filelist.ini'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/insthlp.exe'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/license.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/msvcp80.dll'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/msvcr80.dll'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/pinfo.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/pmap.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/presetup.exe'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] File'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/quicksysscan.avp' is already installed and is not being updated.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/scpt.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/tables.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/thorwac.dll'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/vmap.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/wsc.dat'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module PECLKEY:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module PRODINFO:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module RDF:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module SCANNER:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module SYS32:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module TEXT:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The IGNORE flag is set for the file 'wks_avira13/win32/en/pecl/en-us/eula.txt'. The file will therefore not be taken into account.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module VDF:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module WEBCAT:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module REPAIR:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Checking module WEBGUARDWHITELIST:
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\BACKUP\' requires 254993 bytes of free disk space.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\' requires 361741 bytes of free disk space.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\' requires 337313 bytes of free disk space.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Disk space OK.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Drive: C:\, free capacity: 112751009792 bytes.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Recycle installed files
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Recycled 0 of 32
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] New files are being downloaded...
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/x_vdf/aevdf.dat.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\x_vdf\aevdf.dat.gz'.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/x_vdf/xbv00203.vdf.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\x_vdf\xbv00203.vdf.gz'.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/webcat/common/int/webcat1.dat.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\webcat\common\int\webcat1.dat.gz'.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] Downloading of 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/webcat/common/int/webcat4.dat.gz' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\webcat\common\int\webcat4.dat.gz'.
21:12:55 [UPD] [INFO] The program is running as an unrestricted full version.
21:13:07 [UPD] [INFO] Starting engine validation.
21:13:54 [UPD] [INFO] The engine was successfully validated.
21:13:54 [UPD] [INFO] Preparing installation of new files.
21:13:54 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\.\x_vdf\aevdf.dat' was copied to 'C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\aevdf.dat'.
21:13:54 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\.\x_vdf\xbv00203.vdf' was copied to 'C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\xbv00203.vdf'.
21:14:01 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\.\local000.vdf' was copied to 'C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\local000.vdf'.
21:14:01 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\.\webcat\common\int\webcat1.dat' was copied to 'C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\webcat1.dat'.
21:14:01 [UPD] [INFO] 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP\UPDATE\.\webcat\common\int\webcat4.dat' was copied to 'C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\webcat4.dat'.
21:14:01 [UPD] [INFO] Ending installation of new files.
21:14:14 [UPD] [INFO] Re-initialization of Avira Real-Time Protection was successful.
21:14:14 [UPD] [INFO] Cleanup of current VDF Set backup in folder 'Failsafe'
4 Files downloaded
5 Files installed
Downloaded file(s): aevdf.dat; xbv00203.vdf; local000.vdf; webcat1.dat; webcat4.dat;
dimanche 22 mars 2015 21:14:21
The update was carried out successfully!
Utilisateur anonyme
23 mars 2015 à 20:02
23 mars 2015 à 20:02
ceci est le rapport de la mise à jour,
lance un scan complet du pc, poste son rapport
lance un scan complet du pc, poste son rapport
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
24 mars 2015 à 06:53
24 mars 2015 à 06:53
Existe t il une version française avira ? En anglais je me débrouille moyennement pour exécuter le scan.
Si oui merci pour le lien. Faut il desinstaller proprement avant ? Merci pour le lien là aussi.
En attendant bonne journée
Si oui merci pour le lien. Faut il desinstaller proprement avant ? Merci pour le lien là aussi.
En attendant bonne journée
Utilisateur anonyme
24 mars 2015 à 07:09
24 mars 2015 à 07:09
le lien de téléchargement en FR est là :
il faut probablement désinstaller la version que tu as sur le pc pour installer celle ci, mais pour le choix de la langue, il faut aussi regarder pendant l'installation !
il faut probablement désinstaller la version que tu as sur le pc pour installer celle ci, mais pour le choix de la langue, il faut aussi regarder pendant l'installation !
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
24 mars 2015 à 09:28
24 mars 2015 à 09:28
J'étais entrain de chercher pour la désinstallation propre sur CCM et tu viens de m'envoyer le lien pour l'installation où devrait figurer le choix de la langue au départ.
Comme par hasard je crois avoir réussi à lancer le scan qui est entrain de se réaliser il en est à 13%.
A plus tard.
J'étais entrain de chercher pour la désinstallation propre sur CCM et tu viens de m'envoyer le lien pour l'installation où devrait figurer le choix de la langue au départ.
Comme par hasard je crois avoir réussi à lancer le scan qui est entrain de se réaliser il en est à 13%.
A plus tard.
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
24 mars 2015 à 10:06
24 mars 2015 à 10:06
ça s'est arrêté presque à la fin et voici ce qui s'est inscrit ? j'ai fait un lien :
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
24 mars 2015 à 10:26
24 mars 2015 à 10:26
Finalement j'ai dit non et ça continue !
Liliane Boemare
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 9 juillet 2009
Dernière intervention
6 février 2025
24 mars 2015 à 12:30
24 mars 2015 à 12:30
3h30 bientôt, 1"hidden" trouvé, j'ai envie d'arrêter mais je ne sais pas si j'aurai un rapport ?