[MSN] j'ai un virus dans mon msn. que faire
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 5 avril 2007
Dernière intervention
6 avril 2007
6 avril 2007 à 21:55
alex37190 - 24 avril 2008 à 12:52
alex37190 - 24 avril 2008 à 12:52
A voir également:
- [MSN] j'ai un virus dans mon msn. que faire
- Telecharger msn - Télécharger - Messagerie
- Msn actu - Télécharger - Médias et Actualité
- Msn messenger - Télécharger - Messagerie
- Youtu.be virus - Accueil - Guide virus
- Svchost.exe virus - Guide
65 réponses
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mardi 27 juin 2006
Contributeur sécurité
Dernière intervention
22 juin 2016
1 321
24 sept. 2007 à 20:38
24 sept. 2007 à 20:38
Il serait préférable que tu fasses ton message personnel, cela rendra les postes plus compréhensibles et la réponse à ton problème sera plus efficace
Procèdes comme ceci :
A bientôt
Il serait préférable que tu fasses ton message personnel, cela rendra les postes plus compréhensibles et la réponse à ton problème sera plus efficace
Procèdes comme ceci :
A bientôt
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mardi 27 juin 2006
Contributeur sécurité
Dernière intervention
22 juin 2016
1 321
29 sept. 2007 à 11:25
29 sept. 2007 à 11:25
Il serait préférable que tu fasses ton message personnel, cela rendra les postes plus compréhensibles et la réponse à ton problème sera plus efficace
Procèdes comme ceci :
A bientôt
Il serait préférable que tu fasses ton message personnel, cela rendra les postes plus compréhensibles et la réponse à ton problème sera plus efficace
Procèdes comme ceci :
A bientôt
re bonjour je vous redéranger , sincérement désolé mais....
heu vous allez me trouverz béte je sais..mais j'ai pas réussi a sauvegarder le premier rapport de msnfix...jai par contre le deuxiéme...
help me please....je suis vraiment vraiment nul en info...et je tiens bcp aux données que contiennent mon PC..snifffff
vous pensez que cela a suffit a éradiquer le virus?? car l'autre truc j'ai commencé, mais je suis nulle en anglais..j'ai pas vouliu faire de bétises...bien que j'en ai déja fait pas mal jusqu'a présent...
merci d'avance...merci pour tout...
une internaute pas du tout calée...
MSNFix 1.537
C:\Documents and Settings\Nadia B \Bureau\msnfix\MSNFix\MSNFix
Fix exécuté le 06/10/2007 - 22:47:31,25 By Nadia B
mode sans échec
************************ Recherche les fichiers présents
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\jucheck.exe
... C:\WINDOWS\nts.exe
************************ MSNCHK ***** /!\ beta test /!\
************************ Recherche les dossiers présents
Aucun dossier trouvé
************************ Suppression des fichiers
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\jucheck.exe
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\nts.exe
************************ Nettoyage du registre
************************ Fichiers suspects
Aucun Fichier trouvé
Les fichiers et clés de registre supprimés ont été sauvegardés dans le fichier 06102007_22490078.zip
[color=#FF0000][b]==>[/b][/color] SVP merci d'envoyer le fichier 06102007_22490078.zip sur http://upload.changelog.fr
Auteur : !aur3n7 Contact: https://www.ionos.fr/
--------------------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------------
heu vous allez me trouverz béte je sais..mais j'ai pas réussi a sauvegarder le premier rapport de msnfix...jai par contre le deuxiéme...
help me please....je suis vraiment vraiment nul en info...et je tiens bcp aux données que contiennent mon PC..snifffff
vous pensez que cela a suffit a éradiquer le virus?? car l'autre truc j'ai commencé, mais je suis nulle en anglais..j'ai pas vouliu faire de bétises...bien que j'en ai déja fait pas mal jusqu'a présent...
merci d'avance...merci pour tout...
une internaute pas du tout calée...
MSNFix 1.537
C:\Documents and Settings\Nadia B \Bureau\msnfix\MSNFix\MSNFix
Fix exécuté le 06/10/2007 - 22:47:31,25 By Nadia B
mode sans échec
************************ Recherche les fichiers présents
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\jucheck.exe
... C:\WINDOWS\nts.exe
************************ MSNCHK ***** /!\ beta test /!\
************************ Recherche les dossiers présents
Aucun dossier trouvé
************************ Suppression des fichiers
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\jucheck.exe
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\nts.exe
************************ Nettoyage du registre
************************ Fichiers suspects
Aucun Fichier trouvé
Les fichiers et clés de registre supprimés ont été sauvegardés dans le fichier 06102007_22490078.zip
[color=#FF0000][b]==>[/b][/color] SVP merci d'envoyer le fichier 06102007_22490078.zip sur http://upload.changelog.fr
Auteur : !aur3n7 Contact: https://www.ionos.fr/
--------------------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------------
Bonjour, voila moi se que sa a donner est maintenent je fais quoi??,snif jen est marre de se virus de merde repond vite stp!!!!
Unable to open the file "\calc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\CapabilityTable.exe"
Unable to open the file "\charmap.exe"
Unable to open the file "\chkdsk.exe"
Unable to open the file "\chkntfs.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cidaemon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cisvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ckcnv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cleanmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cliconfg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\clipbrd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\clipsrv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cmd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cmdl32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cmmon32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cmstp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\comp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\compact.exe"
Unable to open the file "\conime.exe"
Unable to open the file "\control.exe"
Unable to open the file "\convert.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cscript.exe"
Unable to open the file "\csrss.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ctfmon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dcomcnfg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ddeshare.exe"
Unable to open the file "\debug.exe"
Unable to open the file "\defrag.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dfrgfat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dfrgntfs.exe"
Unable to open the file "\diantz.exe"
Unable to open the file "\diskpart.exe"
Unable to open the file "\diskperf.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dllhost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dllhst3g.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dmadmin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dmremote.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dns-sd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\doskey.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dosx.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dplaysvr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dpnsvr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dpvsetup.exe"
Unable to open the file "\drmupgds.exe"
Unable to open the file "\drwatson.exe"
Unable to open the file "\drwtsn32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dumprep.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dvdplay.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dvdupgrd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dwwin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dxdiag.exe"
Unable to open the file "\EB_SET05.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\edlin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\EPUPDATE.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\esentutl.exe"
Unable to open the file "\eudcedit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\eventvwr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\exe2bin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\expand.exe"
Unable to open the file "\extrac32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\E_ADDNET.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\E_S01C00.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\fastopen.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\find.exe"
Unable to open the file "\findstr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\finger.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fixmapi.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fltmc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fontview.exe"
Unable to open the file "\forcedos.exe"
Unable to open the file "\freecell.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fsquirt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fsutil.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ftp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fxsclnt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fxscover.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fxssend.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fxssvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\gdi.exe"
Unable to open the file "\grpconv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\help.exe"
Unable to open the file "\hostname.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ie4uinit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ieudinit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\iexpress.exe"
Unable to open the file "\imapi.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipconfig.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipsec6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipv6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipxroute.exe"
Unable to open the file "\java.exe"
Unable to open the file "\javaw.exe"
Unable to open the file "\javaws.exe"
Unable to open the file "\krnl386.exe"
Unable to open the file "\label.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lights.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lnkstub.exe"
Unable to open the file "\locator.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lodctr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\logagent.exe"
Unable to open the file "\logman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\logoff.exe"
Unable to open the file "\logonui.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lpq.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lpr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lsass.exe"
Unable to open the file "\magnify.exe"
Unable to open the file "\makecab.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mem.exe"
Unable to open the file "\migpwd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mmc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mnmsrvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mobsync.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mountvol.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mplay32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mpnotify.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mrinfo.exe"
Unable to open the file "\MRT.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mscdexnt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msdtc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msfeedssync.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mshearts.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mshta.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msiexec.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msnchk.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mspaint.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msswchx.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mstinit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mstsc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\narrator.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nbtstat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nddeapir.exe"
Unable to open the file "\NeroCheck.exe"
Unable to open the file "\net.exe"
Unable to open the file "\net1.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netdde.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netsetup.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netsh.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netstat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nlsfunc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\notepad.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nslookup.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ntkrnlpa.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ntoskrnl.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ntsd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ntvdm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nvuaudio.exe"
Unable to open the file "\NVUNINST.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\nvunrm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nvusmb.exe"
Unable to open the file "\odbcad32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\odbcconf.exe"
Unable to open the file "\osk.exe"
Unable to open the file "\osuninst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\packager.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pathping.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pentnt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\perfmon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ping.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ping6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\powercfg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\print.exe"
Unable to open the file "\progman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\proquota.exe"
Unable to open the file "\proxycfg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pxcpya64.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pxhpinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pxinsa64.exe"
Unable to open the file "\qappsrv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\qprocess.exe"
Unable to open the file "\qwinsta.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\rasphone.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rcimlby.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rcp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rdpclip.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rdsaddin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rdshost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\recover.exe"
Unable to open the file "\redir.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\regedt32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regini.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regsvr32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regwiz.exe"
Unable to open the file "\replace.exe"
Unable to open the file "\reset.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rexec.exe"
Unable to open the file "\route.exe"
Unable to open the file "\routemon.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\rsm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsmsink.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsmui.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsvp.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\runas.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rundll32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\runonce.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rwinsta.exe"
Unable to open the file "\savedump.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\scardsvr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sdbinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\services.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sessmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sethc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\setup.exe"
Unable to open the file "\setver.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sfc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shadow.exe"
Unable to open the file "\share.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shmgrate.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shrpubw.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shutdown.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sigverif.exe"
Unable to open the file "\skeys.exe"
Unable to open the file "\smbinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\smlogsvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\smss.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sndrec32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sndvol32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sol.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sort.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spider.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spnpinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spoolsv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sprestrt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spupdsvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\stimon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\subst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\svchost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\syncapp.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\syskey.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sysocmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\systray.exe"
Unable to open the file "\taskman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\taskmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tcmsetup.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tcpsvcs.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\tourstart.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tracert.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tracert6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tscon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tscupgrd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tsdiscon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tskill.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tsshutdn.exe"
Unable to open the file "\TWUNK_16.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\TWUNK_32.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\tzchange.exe"
Unable to open the file "\Uninstall_eRecovery.exe"
Unable to open the file "\unlodctr.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\ups.exe"
Unable to open the file "\user.exe"
Unable to open the file "\userinit.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\usrprbda.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\uwdf.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\vssadmin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\vssvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\w32tm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wdfmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wextract.exe"
Unable to open the file "\WgaTray.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wiaacmgr.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\WinFXDocObj.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winhlp32.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\winmine.exe"
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Unable to open the file "\wscript.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wuauclt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wuauclt1.exe"
Unable to open the file "\WudfHost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wupdmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\xcopy.exe"
Unable to open the file "\xmlinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\calc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\CapabilityTable.exe"
Unable to open the file "\charmap.exe"
Unable to open the file "\chkdsk.exe"
Unable to open the file "\chkntfs.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cidaemon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cisvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ckcnv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cleanmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cliconfg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\clipbrd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\clipsrv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cmd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cmdl32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cmmon32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cmstp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\comp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\compact.exe"
Unable to open the file "\conime.exe"
Unable to open the file "\control.exe"
Unable to open the file "\convert.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cscript.exe"
Unable to open the file "\csrss.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ctfmon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dcomcnfg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ddeshare.exe"
Unable to open the file "\debug.exe"
Unable to open the file "\defrag.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dfrgfat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dfrgntfs.exe"
Unable to open the file "\diantz.exe"
Unable to open the file "\diskpart.exe"
Unable to open the file "\diskperf.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dllhost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dllhst3g.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dmadmin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dmremote.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dns-sd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\doskey.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dosx.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dplaysvr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dpnsvr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dpvsetup.exe"
Unable to open the file "\drmupgds.exe"
Unable to open the file "\drwatson.exe"
Unable to open the file "\drwtsn32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dumprep.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dvdplay.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dvdupgrd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dwwin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dxdiag.exe"
Unable to open the file "\EB_SET05.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\edlin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\EPUPDATE.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\esentutl.exe"
Unable to open the file "\eudcedit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\eventvwr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\exe2bin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\expand.exe"
Unable to open the file "\extrac32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\E_ADDNET.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\E_S01C00.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\fastopen.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\find.exe"
Unable to open the file "\findstr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\finger.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fixmapi.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fltmc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fontview.exe"
Unable to open the file "\forcedos.exe"
Unable to open the file "\freecell.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fsquirt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fsutil.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ftp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fxsclnt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fxscover.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fxssend.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fxssvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\gdi.exe"
Unable to open the file "\grpconv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\help.exe"
Unable to open the file "\hostname.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ie4uinit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ieudinit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\iexpress.exe"
Unable to open the file "\imapi.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipconfig.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipsec6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipv6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipxroute.exe"
Unable to open the file "\java.exe"
Unable to open the file "\javaw.exe"
Unable to open the file "\javaws.exe"
Unable to open the file "\krnl386.exe"
Unable to open the file "\label.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lights.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lnkstub.exe"
Unable to open the file "\locator.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lodctr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\logagent.exe"
Unable to open the file "\logman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\logoff.exe"
Unable to open the file "\logonui.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lpq.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lpr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lsass.exe"
Unable to open the file "\magnify.exe"
Unable to open the file "\makecab.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mem.exe"
Unable to open the file "\migpwd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mmc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mnmsrvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mobsync.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mountvol.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mplay32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mpnotify.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mrinfo.exe"
Unable to open the file "\MRT.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mscdexnt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msdtc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msfeedssync.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mshearts.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mshta.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msiexec.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msnchk.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mspaint.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msswchx.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mstinit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mstsc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\narrator.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nbtstat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nddeapir.exe"
Unable to open the file "\NeroCheck.exe"
Unable to open the file "\net.exe"
Unable to open the file "\net1.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netdde.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netsetup.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netsh.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netstat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nlsfunc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\notepad.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nslookup.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ntkrnlpa.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ntoskrnl.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ntsd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ntvdm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nvuaudio.exe"
Unable to open the file "\NVUNINST.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\nvunrm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nvusmb.exe"
Unable to open the file "\odbcad32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\odbcconf.exe"
Unable to open the file "\osk.exe"
Unable to open the file "\osuninst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\packager.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pathping.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pentnt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\perfmon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ping.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ping6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\powercfg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\print.exe"
Unable to open the file "\progman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\proquota.exe"
Unable to open the file "\proxycfg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pxcpya64.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pxhpinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pxinsa64.exe"
Unable to open the file "\qappsrv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\qprocess.exe"
Unable to open the file "\qwinsta.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rasautou.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rasdial.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rasphone.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rcimlby.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rcp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rdpclip.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rdsaddin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rdshost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\recover.exe"
Unable to open the file "\redir.exe"
Unable to open the file "\reg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regedt32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regini.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regsvr32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regwiz.exe"
Unable to open the file "\replace.exe"
Unable to open the file "\reset.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rexec.exe"
Unable to open the file "\route.exe"
Unable to open the file "\routemon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsh.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsmsink.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsmui.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsvp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rtcshare.exe"
Unable to open the file "\runas.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rundll32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\runonce.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rwinsta.exe"
Unable to open the file "\savedump.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\scardsvr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sdbinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\services.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sessmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sethc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\setup.exe"
Unable to open the file "\setver.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sfc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shadow.exe"
Unable to open the file "\share.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shmgrate.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shrpubw.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shutdown.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sigverif.exe"
Unable to open the file "\skeys.exe"
Unable to open the file "\smbinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\smlogsvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\smss.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sndrec32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sndvol32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sol.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sort.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spider.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spnpinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spoolsv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sprestrt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spupdsvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\stimon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\subst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\svchost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\syncapp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sysedit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\syskey.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sysocmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\systray.exe"
Unable to open the file "\taskman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\taskmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tcmsetup.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tcpsvcs.exe"
Unable to open the file "\telnet.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tftp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tourstart.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tracert.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tracert6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tscon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tscupgrd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tsdiscon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tskill.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tsshutdn.exe"
Unable to open the file "\TWUNK_16.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\TWUNK_32.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\tzchange.exe"
Unable to open the file "\Uninstall_eRecovery.exe"
Unable to open the file "\unlodctr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\upnpcont.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ups.exe"
Unable to open the file "\user.exe"
Unable to open the file "\userinit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\usrmlnka.exe"
Unable to open the file "\usrprbda.exe"
Unable to open the file "\usrshuta.exe"
Unable to open the file "\utilman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\uwdf.exe"
Unable to open the file "\verclsid.exe"
Unable to open the file "\verifier.exe"
Unable to open the file "\vssadmin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\vssvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\w32tm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wdfmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wextract.exe"
Unable to open the file "\WgaTray.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wiaacmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winchat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\WinFXDocObj.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winhlp32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winlogon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winmine.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winmsd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winspool.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winver.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wowdeb.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wowexec.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wpabaln.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wpdshextautoplay.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wpnpinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\write.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wscntfy.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wscript.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wuauclt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wuauclt1.exe"
Unable to open the file "\WudfHost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wupdmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\xcopy.exe"
Unable to open the file "\xmlinst.exe"
Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?
Posez votre question
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mardi 27 juin 2006
Contributeur sécurité
Dernière intervention
22 juin 2016
1 321
13 nov. 2007 à 18:19
13 nov. 2007 à 18:19
Il serait préférable que tu fasses ton message personnel, cela rendra les postes plus compréhensibles et la réponse à ton problème sera plus efficace
Procèdes comme ceci :
A bientôt
Il serait préférable que tu fasses ton message personnel, cela rendra les postes plus compréhensibles et la réponse à ton problème sera plus efficace
Procèdes comme ceci :
A bientôt
MSNFix 1.588
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Propri‚taire\Bureau\MSNFix
Fix exécuté le 22/11/2007 - 16:51:02,32 By Compaq_Propri‚taire
mode normal
************************ Recherche les fichiers présents
... C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Carlson\carlton
... C:\WINDOWS\syst.dat
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\explori.exe
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\microsoft\backup.ftp
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\microsoft\backup.tftp
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskmgra.com
************************ MSNCHK ***** /!\ beta test /!\
************************ Recherche les dossiers présents
... C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Carlson\
************************ Suppression des fichiers
.. OK ... C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Carlson\carlton
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\syst.dat
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\explori.exe
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\microsoft\backup.ftp
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\microsoft\backup.tftp
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskmgra.com
************************ Suppression des dossiers
.. OK ... C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Carlson\
************************ Nettoyage du registre
************************ Fichiers suspects
Aucun Fichier trouvé
Les fichiers et clés de registre supprimés ont été sauvegardés dans le fichier 22112007_16542726.zip
Auteur : !aur3n7 Contact: https://www.ionos.fr/
--------------------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------------
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Propri‚taire\Bureau\MSNFix
Fix exécuté le 22/11/2007 - 16:51:02,32 By Compaq_Propri‚taire
mode normal
************************ Recherche les fichiers présents
... C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Carlson\carlton
... C:\WINDOWS\syst.dat
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\explori.exe
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\microsoft\backup.ftp
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\microsoft\backup.tftp
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskmgra.com
************************ MSNCHK ***** /!\ beta test /!\
************************ Recherche les dossiers présents
... C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Carlson\
************************ Suppression des fichiers
.. OK ... C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Carlson\carlton
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\syst.dat
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\explori.exe
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\microsoft\backup.ftp
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\microsoft\backup.tftp
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskmgra.com
************************ Suppression des dossiers
.. OK ... C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Carlson\
************************ Nettoyage du registre
************************ Fichiers suspects
Aucun Fichier trouvé
Les fichiers et clés de registre supprimés ont été sauvegardés dans le fichier 22112007_16542726.zip
Auteur : !aur3n7 Contact: https://www.ionos.fr/
--------------------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------------
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mardi 27 juin 2006
Contributeur sécurité
Dernière intervention
22 juin 2016
1 321
22 nov. 2007 à 21:49
22 nov. 2007 à 21:49
Il serait préférable que tu fasses ton message personnel, cela rendra les postes plus compréhensibles et la réponse à ton problème sera plus efficace
Procèdes comme ceci :
A bientôt
Il serait préférable que tu fasses ton message personnel, cela rendra les postes plus compréhensibles et la réponse à ton problème sera plus efficace
Procèdes comme ceci :
A bientôt
j ai reçu un fichier contenant que ces mes derniers photos et j ai clique sur accepter et malheureusement j ai ete attque par un vris et j ia essayer d installer dfs mon bureau msnfix mais j arrive pas à faire le choix r
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 13 décembre 2007
Dernière intervention
8 février 2008
14 déc. 2007 à 13:59
14 déc. 2007 à 13:59
cc moi aussi j'ai attrapé le vilin virus d'msn avast ne le detecte pas j'ai essayé de redemarer mon pc en mode sans echec puis analyser mais ca n'a rien changé g telecharger msnfix.zip je l'ai decompresser mais j'ai pas trouvé l'option N ou R j'attend votre aide merci à l'avance
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mardi 6 septembre 2005
Dernière intervention
28 août 2020
3 275
14 déc. 2007 à 14:59
14 déc. 2007 à 14:59
Ouééééé, mais bon en postant partout
Tu ne feras pas avancer ton soucis
Tu ne feras pas avancer ton soucis
MSNFix 1.636
C:\Documents and Settings\solenn\Bureau\MSNFix
Fix exécuté le 19/01/2008 - 19:31:54,98 By solenn
mode normal
************************ Recherche les fichiers présents
... C:\Autorun.inf
... C:\autorun.inf
... C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\LOCALS~1\Temp\services.exe
... C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\LOCALS~1\Temp\services.exe
************************ MSNCHK ***** /!\ beta test /!\
************************ Recherche les dossiers présents
Aucun dossier trouvé
************************ Suppression des fichiers
.. OK ... C:\Autorun.inf
.. OK ... C:\autorun.inf
/!\ ... C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\LOCALS~1\Temp\services.exe
/!\ ... C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\LOCALS~1\Temp\services.exe
************************ Nettoyage du registre
Les fichiers encore présents seront supprimés au prochain redémarrage
************************ Suppression des fichiers
.. OK ... C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\LOCALS~1\Temp\services.exe
.. OK ... C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\LOCALS~1\Temp\services.exe
************************ Fichiers suspects
/!\ ces fichiers nécessitent un avis expérimenté avant toute intervention
[C:\Program Files\FirefoxGoogleToolbarSetup.exe] 5CCFC7C18F54FF1ADD36E26C368C858C
[C:\Program Files\FLV PlayerRCSetup.exe] 63F28F9DE9E253063AD0C8758BD0900A
[color=#FF0000][b]==>[/b][/color] SVP merci d'envoyer le fichier [b] C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\Bureau\Upload_Me.zip [/b] sur http://upload.changelog.fr
Les fichiers et clés de registre supprimés ont été sauvegardés dans le fichier 19012008_19345838.zip
Auteur : !aur3n7 Contact: https://www.ionos.fr/
--------------------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------------
C:\Documents and Settings\solenn\Bureau\MSNFix
Fix exécuté le 19/01/2008 - 19:31:54,98 By solenn
mode normal
************************ Recherche les fichiers présents
... C:\Autorun.inf
... C:\autorun.inf
... C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\LOCALS~1\Temp\services.exe
... C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\LOCALS~1\Temp\services.exe
************************ MSNCHK ***** /!\ beta test /!\
************************ Recherche les dossiers présents
Aucun dossier trouvé
************************ Suppression des fichiers
.. OK ... C:\Autorun.inf
.. OK ... C:\autorun.inf
/!\ ... C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\LOCALS~1\Temp\services.exe
/!\ ... C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\LOCALS~1\Temp\services.exe
************************ Nettoyage du registre
Les fichiers encore présents seront supprimés au prochain redémarrage
************************ Suppression des fichiers
.. OK ... C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\LOCALS~1\Temp\services.exe
.. OK ... C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\LOCALS~1\Temp\services.exe
************************ Fichiers suspects
/!\ ces fichiers nécessitent un avis expérimenté avant toute intervention
[C:\Program Files\FirefoxGoogleToolbarSetup.exe] 5CCFC7C18F54FF1ADD36E26C368C858C
[C:\Program Files\FLV PlayerRCSetup.exe] 63F28F9DE9E253063AD0C8758BD0900A
[color=#FF0000][b]==>[/b][/color] SVP merci d'envoyer le fichier [b] C:\DOCUME~1\solenn\Bureau\Upload_Me.zip [/b] sur http://upload.changelog.fr
Les fichiers et clés de registre supprimés ont été sauvegardés dans le fichier 19012008_19345838.zip
Auteur : !aur3n7 Contact: https://www.ionos.fr/
--------------------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------------
Oui moi ossi jai un virus sur mon msn mais comment on pour analyser msn svp jai besoin de vous merci bcp
Moi aussi. On m'a envoyé le message : " C'est pas toi ?! http: // www.very-naked.Mon msn " . J'ai télécharger le truc et ensuite il y a eu une photo. J'ai supprimer le fichier, mais maintenant quand je me connecte sur msn, des fenêtres s'ouvrent toutes seules. Il paraît quand on créer une nouvelle adresse msn c'est bon mais, je suis aller sur mon ancienne et des fenêtres s'ouvraient toutes seules !
SVP aidez moi !
Merci !
SVP aidez moi !
Merci !
MSNFix 1.645
C:\Documents and Settings\Cassandre\Mes documents\MSNFix
Fix exécuté le 28/01/2008 - 20:28:21,36 By Cassandre
mode normal
************************ Recherche les fichiers présents
... C:\Documents and Settings\Cassandre\??????.exe
... C:\Documents and Settings\Cassandre\new.txt
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\spoolms.exe
... C:\WINDOWS\DSC01497.zip
************************ Recherche les dossiers présents
... C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\
... C:\Install\
************************ Suppression des fichiers
.. OK ... C:\Documents and Settings\Cassandre\??????.exe
.. OK ... C:\Documents and Settings\Cassandre\new.txt
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\spoolms.exe
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\DSC01497.zip
************************ Suppression des dossiers
/!\ ... C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\
/!\ ... C:\Install\
************************ Nettoyage du registre
************************ Fichiers suspects
/!\ ces fichiers nécessitent un avis expérimenté avant toute intervention
[C:\WINDOWS\system32\icomania_10038.zip] DD3A67075ADA01D0808533E0FDED969D
[C:\setup_wm.exe] CB590BCE547BA8C7378E5B4220FCF256
[color=#FF0000][b]==>/b/color SVP merci d'envoyer le fichier [b] C:\DOCUME~1\CASSAN~1\Bureau\Upload_Me.zip /b sur http://upload.changelog.fr
Les fichiers et clés de registre supprimés ont été sauvegardés dans le fichier 28012008_20285103.zip
Auteur : !aur3n7 Contact: https://www.ionos.fr/
--------------------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------------
C:\Documents and Settings\Cassandre\Mes documents\MSNFix
Fix exécuté le 28/01/2008 - 20:28:21,36 By Cassandre
mode normal
************************ Recherche les fichiers présents
... C:\Documents and Settings\Cassandre\??????.exe
... C:\Documents and Settings\Cassandre\new.txt
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\spoolms.exe
... C:\WINDOWS\DSC01497.zip
************************ Recherche les dossiers présents
... C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\
... C:\Install\
************************ Suppression des fichiers
.. OK ... C:\Documents and Settings\Cassandre\??????.exe
.. OK ... C:\Documents and Settings\Cassandre\new.txt
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\spoolms.exe
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\DSC01497.zip
************************ Suppression des dossiers
/!\ ... C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\
/!\ ... C:\Install\
************************ Nettoyage du registre
************************ Fichiers suspects
/!\ ces fichiers nécessitent un avis expérimenté avant toute intervention
[C:\WINDOWS\system32\icomania_10038.zip] DD3A67075ADA01D0808533E0FDED969D
[C:\setup_wm.exe] CB590BCE547BA8C7378E5B4220FCF256
[color=#FF0000][b]==>/b/color SVP merci d'envoyer le fichier [b] C:\DOCUME~1\CASSAN~1\Bureau\Upload_Me.zip /b sur http://upload.changelog.fr
Les fichiers et clés de registre supprimés ont été sauvegardés dans le fichier 28012008_20285103.zip
Auteur : !aur3n7 Contact: https://www.ionos.fr/
--------------------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------------
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mardi 27 juin 2006
Contributeur sécurité
Dernière intervention
22 juin 2016
1 321
28 janv. 2008 à 20:41
28 janv. 2008 à 20:41
Il serait préférable que tu fasses ton message personnel, cela rendra les postes plus compréhensibles et la réponse à ton problème sera plus efficace
Procèdes comme ceci :
A bientôt
Il serait préférable que tu fasses ton message personnel, cela rendra les postes plus compréhensibles et la réponse à ton problème sera plus efficace
Procèdes comme ceci :
A bientôt
pas difficil tu lance avast enfin si tu la bien entendue apre tu va dans le fichier ou ya tt les fichier en quarentaine et tu suprim et c fini ^^ sa a marcher au lieux de faire votre truc super long et je le dit jai que 14ans HAHA pour dire ^^ vous este nul ^^
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mardi 27 juin 2006
Contributeur sécurité
Dernière intervention
22 juin 2016
1 321
3 avril 2008 à 23:48
3 avril 2008 à 23:48
Ah ouais? On fait un test avec ton méga antivirus Avast?
Ah ouais? On fait un test avec ton méga antivirus Avast?
MSNFix 1.709
Fix exécuté le 22/04/2008 - 18:57:46,53 By Compaq_Propri‚taire
mode normal
************************ Recherche les fichiers présents
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\^^^^^.exe
... C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Propri‚taire\??????.exe
... C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Propri‚taire\????????.exe
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\real.txt
************************ Recherche les dossiers présents
... \TEMP\
************************ Suppression des fichiers
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\^^.exe
/!\ ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\^^^^^.exe
/!\ ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\^^^^^.exe
/!\ ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\^^^^^.exe
.. OK ... C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Propri‚taire\??????.exe
.. OK ... C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Propri‚taire\????????.exe
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\real.txt
************************ Suppression des dossiers
/!\ ... \TEMP\
************************ Nettoyage du registre
Les fichiers encore présents seront supprimés au prochain redémarrage
Aucun Fichier trouvé
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\^^.exe
************************ Fichiers suspects
Aucun Fichier trouvé
Les fichiers et clés de registre supprimés ont été sauvegardés dans le fichier 22042008_19072089.zip
************************ HKLM\...\Winlogon\Userinit
Userinit = C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,
Auteur : !aur3n7 Contact: https://www.ionos.fr/
--------------------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------------
Fix exécuté le 22/04/2008 - 18:57:46,53 By Compaq_Propri‚taire
mode normal
************************ Recherche les fichiers présents
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\^^^^^.exe
... C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Propri‚taire\??????.exe
... C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Propri‚taire\????????.exe
... C:\WINDOWS\system32\real.txt
************************ Recherche les dossiers présents
... \TEMP\
************************ Suppression des fichiers
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\^^.exe
/!\ ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\^^^^^.exe
/!\ ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\^^^^^.exe
/!\ ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\^^^^^.exe
.. OK ... C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Propri‚taire\??????.exe
.. OK ... C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Propri‚taire\????????.exe
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\real.txt
************************ Suppression des dossiers
/!\ ... \TEMP\
************************ Nettoyage du registre
Les fichiers encore présents seront supprimés au prochain redémarrage
Aucun Fichier trouvé
.. OK ... C:\WINDOWS\system32\^^.exe
************************ Fichiers suspects
Aucun Fichier trouvé
Les fichiers et clés de registre supprimés ont été sauvegardés dans le fichier 22042008_19072089.zip
************************ HKLM\...\Winlogon\Userinit
Userinit = C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,
Auteur : !aur3n7 Contact: https://www.ionos.fr/
--------------------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------------
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mardi 27 juin 2006
Contributeur sécurité
Dernière intervention
22 juin 2016
1 321
23 avril 2008 à 21:28
23 avril 2008 à 21:28
Il serait préférable que tu fasses ton message personnel, cela rendra les postes plus compréhensibles et la réponse à ton problème sera plus efficace
Procèdes comme ceci :
A bientôt
Il serait préférable que tu fasses ton message personnel, cela rendra les postes plus compréhensibles et la réponse à ton problème sera plus efficace
Procèdes comme ceci :
A bientôt