Problème outlook/zonealarm

donleeroy Messages postés 109 Date d'inscription dimanche 10 juillet 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 12 octobre 2018 - 2 avril 2007 à 19:11
anthonino Messages postés 13 Date d'inscription lundi 8 janvier 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 5 mai 2007 - 10 avril 2007 à 15:04

J'ai téléchargé hier un update de zonealarm (version 7.0.337.000) et depuis je ne parviens plus à ouvrir outlook. J'ai un crah report qui me mentionne : "outlook.dmp" "crash dump".

J'ai essayé de réinstaller l'update de zonealarm et j'ai pu alors de nouveau démarrer outlook mais si je redémarre mon pc le problème revient.

Quelle solution ?

A voir également:

1 réponse

anthonino Messages postés 13 Date d'inscription lundi 8 janvier 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 5 mai 2007
10 avril 2007 à 15:04
Bonjour Donleeroy,

Ayant le même pb que toi, j'ai essayé de voir sur le net. Voici une copie d'un texte trouvé sur un forum (par contre c'est en anglais):

Beware of the most recent ZoneAlarm update. Without warning and
without any regard for any spam filtering you already have installed,
it introduces its own email junk filter into Outlook and decides to
switch mails to additional folders which it has created. This includes
a ZoneAlarm Phishing folder and a ZoneAlarm Challenged Email folder.
It looks like it is a Bayesian type filter but I've not found any
details on the methods it is using, whether or not it is using
blocklists maintained by Check Point, or how effective it is.

When I first got a call about this problem yesterday I assumed that
the person concerned had uploaded the pro version or clicked on the
wrong during installation or something, but having had other people
report the same problem I tried it out for myself I can see it really
does install extensions to Outlook and Outlook Express whether you
like it or not.

There are instructions on its website on how to uninstall the COM
add-in they have used, but the instrucitons do not seem to apply to
the basic ZoneAlarm, only to the paid-for version. The menu you need
to access is disabled in the free version. The COM add-ins can be
disabled from Outlook using the COM management panel within Outlook
itself, but Outlook Express doesn't have that option and, as far as I
can see, the only way to get rid of ZoneAlarm's tampering with Outlook
Express is to completely uninstall ZoneAlarm.

