Code de chiffrement RSA

ngalson Messages postés 8 Date d'inscription mardi 9 avril 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 juin 2013 - 30 juin 2013 à 11:51
ngalson Messages postés 8 Date d'inscription mardi 9 avril 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 juin 2013 - 30 juin 2013 à 19:57
bonjour à tous! je n'arrive pas à faire tourner un code RSA en php.
-génération des pairs de clés
-chiffrement et déchiffrement de l'information

je vous emprit si quelqu'in a un code qui marche, qu'il puisse me le poster!
A voir également:

7 réponses

Exileur Messages postés 1475 Date d'inscription mercredi 31 août 2011 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 16 décembre 2022 150
Modifié par Exileur le 30/06/2013 à 13:05

ngalson Messages postés 8 Date d'inscription mardi 9 avril 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 juin 2013
30 juin 2013 à 19:30
merci, mais j'ai déjà beaucoup de code du mème lien que le votre et aucun ne tourne. donc je voulais vraiment si vous avez un code que vous avez testé et qui tourne. s'il y'en a un comme ça, sil vous plait envoyé le moi.
grand merci!
ngalson Messages postés 8 Date d'inscription mardi 9 avril 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 juin 2013
30 juin 2013 à 19:35
Voici un des code que je possède:


$text = "Peter";
$RSA = new RSA_Handler();
$keys = $RSA->generate_keypair(1024);
$encrypted = $RSA->encrypt($text, $keys[0]);
$decrypted = $RSA->decrypt($encrypted, $keys[1]);
echo $decrypted; //Will print Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

class RSA_Handler {
function encrypt($text, $key) {
list($p, $r, $keysize) = unserialize(base64_decode($key));
$in = $this->blockify($text, $keysize);
$out = '';
foreach($in as $block) {
if($block) {
$cryptblock = $this->crypt_num($this->txt2num($block), $p, $r);
$out .= $this->long_base_convert($cryptblock, 10, 145) . " ";
return $out;

function decrypt($code, $key) {
list($q, $r) = unserialize(base64_decode($key));
$in = explode(" ", $code);
$out = '';
foreach($in as $block) {
if($block) {
$block = $this->long_base_convert($block, 145, 10);
$out .= $this->num2txt($this->crypt_num($block, $q, $r));
return $out;

function generate_keypair($bits = 1024) {
$km = new RSA_keymaker();
$keys = $km->make_keys($bits);
//The keys are separated into arrays and then serialized and encoded in base64
//This makes it easier to store and transmit them
//The private key should probably be encrypted with a user-supplied key (in AES or DES3)...
//This way it can be stored on the server, yet still be secure. The user-supplied key should not be stored.
$pub = base64_encode(serialize(array($keys[0], $keys[2], $bits)));
$priv = base64_encode(serialize(array($keys[1], $keys[2], $bits)));
return array($pub, $priv);

function crypt_num($num, $key, $mod) {
//The powerhorse function. This is where the encryption/decryption actually happens.
//This function is used whether you are encrypting or decrypting.
return $this->powmod($num, $key, $mod);

function long_base_convert ($numstring, $frombase, $tobase) {
//Converts a long integer (passed as a string) to/from any base from 2 to 145
$chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZ_-+=!@#$%^*(){[}]|:,.?/'~*¤¶§Çüéâ? ?àåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿÖÜ¢£¥f áíóúñѪº¿¬½¼¡«»¯ßµ±÷;<>";
$fromstring = substr($chars, 0, $frombase);
$tostring = substr($chars, 0, $tobase);

$length = strlen($numstring);
$result = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$number[$i] = strpos($fromstring, $numstring{$i});
do {
$divide = 0;
$newlen = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$divide = $divide * $frombase + $number[$i];
if ($divide >= $tobase) {
$number[$newlen++] = (int)($divide / $tobase);
$divide = $divide % $tobase;
elseif ($newlen > 0)
$number[$newlen++] = 0;
$length = $newlen;
$result = $tostring{$divide} . $result;
} while ($newlen != 0);
return $result;

function blockify($in, $keysize) {
//Calculate blocksize by keysize
$b_len = floor($keysize/8);
return str_split($in, $b_len);

function txt2num($str) {
//Turns regular text into a number that can be manipulated by the RSA algorithm
$result = '0';
$n = strlen($str);
do {
$result = bcadd(bcmul($result, '256'), ord($str{-$n}));
//$result = bcadd(bcmul($result, '256'), ord(-$n));
} while ($n > 0);
return $result;

function num2txt($num) {
//Turns the numeric representation of text (as output by txt2num) back into text
$result = '';
do {
$result .= chr(bcmod($num, '256'));
$num = bcdiv($num, '256');
} while (bccomp($num, '0'));
return $result;

function powmod($num, $pow, $mod) {
if (function_exists('bcpowmod')) {
// bcpowmod is only available under PHP5
return bcpowmod($num, $pow, $mod);

// emulate bcpowmod
$result = '1';
do {
if (!bccomp(bcmod($pow, '2'), '1')) {
$result = bcmod(bcmul($result, $num), $mod);
$num = bcmod(bcpow($num, '2'), $mod);

$pow = bcdiv($pow, '2');
} while (bccomp($pow, '0'));
return $result;

class RSA_keymaker {

static $primes = null;

function __construct() {
if(is_null($this->primes)) {
//Make $this->primes an array of all primes under 20,000
//We will use this list to rule out the "easy" composite (non-prime) numbers

for ($i = 0; $i < 20000; $i++) {
$numbers[] = $i;
$numbers[0] = $numbers[1] = 0; //Zero and one are not primes :)
foreach ($numbers as $i => $num) {
if(!$num) {
$j = $i;

for ($j += $i; $j < 20000; $j += $i) {
//Jump to each multiple of the current number and set it to 0 (not prime)
$numbers[$j] = 0;
foreach($numbers as $num) {
//Take all the prime numbers and fill the primes array
if ($num) {
$this->primes[] = $num;

function make_keys($bits = 1024, $u = false, $v = false) {
//If not provided, select 2 random prime numbers each at about half the bit size of our key
//We keep a possible variant of 2 bits so that there are a wider range of primes that can be used
$variant = rand(0,2);
$u = $this->make_prime(ceil($bits/2) + $variant);
$v = $this->make_prime(floor($bits/2) - $variant);
while(substr($u, -16, 2) < (substr($v, -16, 2) + 2) && substr($u, -16, 2) > (substr($v, -16, 2) - 2) ) {
//Make sure the 2 primes are at least 1 quadrillion numbers apart
$v = $pm->make_prime(intval($digits/2));

//Find our modulo r and phi(r)
$r = bcmul($u, $v);
$phir = bcmul(bcsub($u, 1), bcsub($v, 1));

//Pick a value for p (The Public key). We will make it 17 bits or smaller.
$psize = ($bits > 51) ? 17 : intval($bits/3);
$p = $this->make_prime($psize);

//Find the inverse of p mod phi(r) using the Extended Euclidian Algorithm
$q = $this->euclid($p, $phir);

return array($p, $q, $r);

function make_prime($bits) {
//This function should not be used to generate primes less than 18 bits

$min = bcpow(2, $bits - 1);
$max = bcsub(bcmul($min, 2), 1);
$digits = strlen($max);
while(strlen($min) < $digits)
$min = "0" . $min;
$ent = $this->entropyarray($digits);
$maxed = true;
$mined = true;
$num = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $digits; $i++) {
//Create a long integer between $min and $max starting with the entropy number
$thismax = 9;
$thismin = 0;
$thismax = substr($max, $i, 1);
$thismin = substr($min, $i, 1);

//Add random numbers (mod 10) until the number meets the constraints
$thisdigit = ($ent[$i] + rand(0,9)) % 10;
if($i == $digits - 1) //The last digit should be a 1, 3, 7 or 9
while($thisdigit != 1 && $thisdigit != 3 && $thisdigit != 7 && $thisdigit != 9 && $thisdigit <= $thismax && $thisdigit >= $thismin)
$thisdigit = ($thisdigit + rand(0,9)) % 10;
while($thisdigit <= $thismax && $thisdigit >= $thismin)
$thisdigit = ($thisdigit + rand(0,9)) % 10;
$num .= $thisdigit;
if($maxed && $thisdigit < $thismax)
$maxed = false;
if($mined && $thisdigit > $thismin)
$mined = false;

//Check if the number is prime
while(!$this->is_prime($num)) {
//If the number is not prime, add 2 or 4 (since it is currently an odd number)
//This will keep the number odd and skip 5 to speed up the primality testing
if(substr($num, -1, 1) == 3)
$num = bcadd($num, 4);
$num = bcadd($num, 2);
return $num;

function entropyarray($digits) {
//create a long number based on as much entropy as possible
$a = base_convert(md5(microtime()), 16, 10);
$b = base_convert(sha1(@exec('uptime')), 16, 10);
$c = mt_rand();
$d = disk_total_space("/");
$e = rand();
$f = memory_get_usage();

//Make sure it is only numbers, scramble it and make it the right length
$num = str_shuffle(preg_replace("[^0-9]", '', $a . $b . $c . $d . $e));
if(strlen($num) > $digits)
$num = substr($num, 0, $digits);
while(strlen($num) < $digits)
$num = str_shuffle(substr(base_convert(md5($num), 16, 10), 3, 1) . $num);

//Turn the number into an array and return it
$ent_array = str_split($num);
return $ent_array;

function is_prime($num) {
if(bccomp($num, 1) < 1)
return false;
//Clear the easy stuff (divide by all primes under 20,000)
foreach($this->primes as $prime) {
if(bccomp($num, $prime) == 0)
return true;
if(!bcmod($num, $prime))
return false;

//Try the more complex method with the first 7 primes as bases
for($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
if(!$this->_millerTest($num, $this->primes[$i]))
return false; //Number is composite

//Strong probability that the number is prime
return true;

function _millerTest($num, $base) {
if(!bccomp($num, '1')) {
// 1 is not prime ;)
return false;
$tmp = bcsub($num, '1');

$zero_bits = 0;
while (!bccomp(bcmod($tmp, '2'), '0'))
$tmp = bcdiv($tmp, '2');

$tmp = $this->powmod($base, $tmp, $num);
if (!bccomp($tmp, '1')) {
// $num is probably prime
return true;

while ($zero_bits-) {
if (!bccomp(bcadd($tmp, '1'), $num)) {
// $num is probably prime
return true;
$tmp = $this->powmod($tmp, '2', $num);
// $num is composite
return false;

function euclid($num, $mod) {
//The Extended Euclidian Algorithm
$x = '1';
$y = '0';
$num1 = $mod;
do {
$tmp = bcmod($num, $num1);
$q = bcdiv($num, $num1);
$num = $num1;
$num1 = $tmp;

$tmp = bcsub($x, bcmul($y, $q));
$x = $y;
$y = $tmp;
} while (bccomp($num1, '0'));
if (bccomp($x, '0') < 0) {
$x = bcadd($x, $mod);
return $x;

function powmod($num, $pow, $mod) {
if (function_exists('bcpowmod')) {
// bcpowmod is only available under PHP5
return bcpowmod($num, $pow, $mod);

// emulate bcpowmod
$result = '1';
do {
if (!bccomp(bcmod($pow, '2'), '1')) {
$result = bcmod(bcmul($result, $num), $mod);
$num = bcmod(bcpow($num, '2'), $mod);

$pow = bcdiv($pow, '2');
} while (bccomp($pow, '0'));
return $result;

ngalson Messages postés 8 Date d'inscription mardi 9 avril 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 juin 2013
30 juin 2013 à 19:35
voici un des codes que je possede:


$text = "Peter";
$RSA = new RSA_Handler();
$keys = $RSA->generate_keypair(1024);
$encrypted = $RSA->encrypt($text, $keys[0]);
$decrypted = $RSA->decrypt($encrypted, $keys[1]);
echo $decrypted; //Will print Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

class RSA_Handler {
function encrypt($text, $key) {
list($p, $r, $keysize) = unserialize(base64_decode($key));
$in = $this->blockify($text, $keysize);
$out = '';
foreach($in as $block) {
if($block) {
$cryptblock = $this->crypt_num($this->txt2num($block), $p, $r);
$out .= $this->long_base_convert($cryptblock, 10, 145) . " ";
return $out;

function decrypt($code, $key) {
list($q, $r) = unserialize(base64_decode($key));
$in = explode(" ", $code);
$out = '';
foreach($in as $block) {
if($block) {
$block = $this->long_base_convert($block, 145, 10);
$out .= $this->num2txt($this->crypt_num($block, $q, $r));
return $out;

function generate_keypair($bits = 1024) {
$km = new RSA_keymaker();
$keys = $km->make_keys($bits);
//The keys are separated into arrays and then serialized and encoded in base64
//This makes it easier to store and transmit them
//The private key should probably be encrypted with a user-supplied key (in AES or DES3)...
//This way it can be stored on the server, yet still be secure. The user-supplied key should not be stored.
$pub = base64_encode(serialize(array($keys[0], $keys[2], $bits)));
$priv = base64_encode(serialize(array($keys[1], $keys[2], $bits)));
return array($pub, $priv);

function crypt_num($num, $key, $mod) {
//The powerhorse function. This is where the encryption/decryption actually happens.
//This function is used whether you are encrypting or decrypting.
return $this->powmod($num, $key, $mod);

function long_base_convert ($numstring, $frombase, $tobase) {
//Converts a long integer (passed as a string) to/from any base from 2 to 145
$chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZ_-+=!@#$%^*(){[}]|:,.?/'~*¤¶§Çüéâ? ?àåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿÖÜ¢£¥f áíóúñѪº¿¬½¼¡«»¯ßµ±÷;<>";
$fromstring = substr($chars, 0, $frombase);
$tostring = substr($chars, 0, $tobase);

$length = strlen($numstring);
$result = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$number[$i] = strpos($fromstring, $numstring{$i});
do {
$divide = 0;
$newlen = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$divide = $divide * $frombase + $number[$i];
if ($divide >= $tobase) {
$number[$newlen++] = (int)($divide / $tobase);
$divide = $divide % $tobase;
elseif ($newlen > 0)
$number[$newlen++] = 0;
$length = $newlen;
$result = $tostring{$divide} . $result;
} while ($newlen != 0);
return $result;

function blockify($in, $keysize) {
//Calculate blocksize by keysize
$b_len = floor($keysize/8);
return str_split($in, $b_len);

function txt2num($str) {
//Turns regular text into a number that can be manipulated by the RSA algorithm
$result = '0';
$n = strlen($str);
do {
$result = bcadd(bcmul($result, '256'), ord($str{-$n}));
//$result = bcadd(bcmul($result, '256'), ord(-$n));
} while ($n > 0);
return $result;

function num2txt($num) {
//Turns the numeric representation of text (as output by txt2num) back into text
$result = '';
do {
$result .= chr(bcmod($num, '256'));
$num = bcdiv($num, '256');
} while (bccomp($num, '0'));
return $result;

function powmod($num, $pow, $mod) {
if (function_exists('bcpowmod')) {
// bcpowmod is only available under PHP5
return bcpowmod($num, $pow, $mod);

// emulate bcpowmod
$result = '1';
do {
if (!bccomp(bcmod($pow, '2'), '1')) {
$result = bcmod(bcmul($result, $num), $mod);
$num = bcmod(bcpow($num, '2'), $mod);

$pow = bcdiv($pow, '2');
} while (bccomp($pow, '0'));
return $result;

class RSA_keymaker {

static $primes = null;

function __construct() {
if(is_null($this->primes)) {
//Make $this->primes an array of all primes under 20,000
//We will use this list to rule out the "easy" composite (non-prime) numbers

for ($i = 0; $i < 20000; $i++) {
$numbers[] = $i;
$numbers[0] = $numbers[1] = 0; //Zero and one are not primes :)
foreach ($numbers as $i => $num) {
if(!$num) {
$j = $i;

for ($j += $i; $j < 20000; $j += $i) {
//Jump to each multiple of the current number and set it to 0 (not prime)
$numbers[$j] = 0;
foreach($numbers as $num) {
//Take all the prime numbers and fill the primes array
if ($num) {
$this->primes[] = $num;

function make_keys($bits = 1024, $u = false, $v = false) {
//If not provided, select 2 random prime numbers each at about half the bit size of our key
//We keep a possible variant of 2 bits so that there are a wider range of primes that can be used
$variant = rand(0,2);
$u = $this->make_prime(ceil($bits/2) + $variant);
$v = $this->make_prime(floor($bits/2) - $variant);
while(substr($u, -16, 2) < (substr($v, -16, 2) + 2) && substr($u, -16, 2) > (substr($v, -16, 2) - 2) ) {
//Make sure the 2 primes are at least 1 quadrillion numbers apart
$v = $pm->make_prime(intval($digits/2));

//Find our modulo r and phi(r)
$r = bcmul($u, $v);
$phir = bcmul(bcsub($u, 1), bcsub($v, 1));

//Pick a value for p (The Public key). We will make it 17 bits or smaller.
$psize = ($bits > 51) ? 17 : intval($bits/3);
$p = $this->make_prime($psize);

//Find the inverse of p mod phi(r) using the Extended Euclidian Algorithm
$q = $this->euclid($p, $phir);

return array($p, $q, $r);

function make_prime($bits) {
//This function should not be used to generate primes less than 18 bits

$min = bcpow(2, $bits - 1);
$max = bcsub(bcmul($min, 2), 1);
$digits = strlen($max);
while(strlen($min) < $digits)
$min = "0" . $min;
$ent = $this->entropyarray($digits);
$maxed = true;
$mined = true;
$num = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $digits; $i++) {
//Create a long integer between $min and $max starting with the entropy number
$thismax = 9;
$thismin = 0;
$thismax = substr($max, $i, 1);
$thismin = substr($min, $i, 1);

//Add random numbers (mod 10) until the number meets the constraints
$thisdigit = ($ent[$i] + rand(0,9)) % 10;
if($i == $digits - 1) //The last digit should be a 1, 3, 7 or 9
while($thisdigit != 1 && $thisdigit != 3 && $thisdigit != 7 && $thisdigit != 9 && $thisdigit <= $thismax && $thisdigit >= $thismin)
$thisdigit = ($thisdigit + rand(0,9)) % 10;
while($thisdigit <= $thismax && $thisdigit >= $thismin)
$thisdigit = ($thisdigit + rand(0,9)) % 10;
$num .= $thisdigit;
if($maxed && $thisdigit < $thismax)
$maxed = false;
if($mined && $thisdigit > $thismin)
$mined = false;

//Check if the number is prime
while(!$this->is_prime($num)) {
//If the number is not prime, add 2 or 4 (since it is currently an odd number)
//This will keep the number odd and skip 5 to speed up the primality testing
if(substr($num, -1, 1) == 3)
$num = bcadd($num, 4);
$num = bcadd($num, 2);
return $num;

function entropyarray($digits) {
//create a long number based on as much entropy as possible
$a = base_convert(md5(microtime()), 16, 10);
$b = base_convert(sha1(@exec('uptime')), 16, 10);
$c = mt_rand();
$d = disk_total_space("/");
$e = rand();
$f = memory_get_usage();

//Make sure it is only numbers, scramble it and make it the right length
$num = str_shuffle(preg_replace("[^0-9]", '', $a . $b . $c . $d . $e));
if(strlen($num) > $digits)
$num = substr($num, 0, $digits);
while(strlen($num) < $digits)
$num = str_shuffle(substr(base_convert(md5($num), 16, 10), 3, 1) . $num);

//Turn the number into an array and return it
$ent_array = str_split($num);
return $ent_array;

function is_prime($num) {
if(bccomp($num, 1) < 1)
return false;
//Clear the easy stuff (divide by all primes under 20,000)
foreach($this->primes as $prime) {
if(bccomp($num, $prime) == 0)
return true;
if(!bcmod($num, $prime))
return false;

//Try the more complex method with the first 7 primes as bases
for($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
if(!$this->_millerTest($num, $this->primes[$i]))
return false; //Number is composite

//Strong probability that the number is prime
return true;

function _millerTest($num, $base) {
if(!bccomp($num, '1')) {
// 1 is not prime ;)
return false;
$tmp = bcsub($num, '1');

$zero_bits = 0;
while (!bccomp(bcmod($tmp, '2'), '0'))
$tmp = bcdiv($tmp, '2');

$tmp = $this->powmod($base, $tmp, $num);
if (!bccomp($tmp, '1')) {
// $num is probably prime
return true;

while ($zero_bits-) {
if (!bccomp(bcadd($tmp, '1'), $num)) {
// $num is probably prime
return true;
$tmp = $this->powmod($tmp, '2', $num);
// $num is composite
return false;

function euclid($num, $mod) {
//The Extended Euclidian Algorithm
$x = '1';
$y = '0';
$num1 = $mod;
do {
$tmp = bcmod($num, $num1);
$q = bcdiv($num, $num1);
$num = $num1;
$num1 = $tmp;

$tmp = bcsub($x, bcmul($y, $q));
$x = $y;
$y = $tmp;
} while (bccomp($num1, '0'));
if (bccomp($x, '0') < 0) {
$x = bcadd($x, $mod);
return $x;

function powmod($num, $pow, $mod) {
if (function_exists('bcpowmod')) {
// bcpowmod is only available under PHP5
return bcpowmod($num, $pow, $mod);

// emulate bcpowmod
$result = '1';
do {
if (!bccomp(bcmod($pow, '2'), '1')) {
$result = bcmod(bcmul($result, $num), $mod);
$num = bcmod(bcpow($num, '2'), $mod);

$pow = bcdiv($pow, '2');
} while (bccomp($pow, '0'));
return $result;


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ngalson Messages postés 8 Date d'inscription mardi 9 avril 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 juin 2013
30 juin 2013 à 19:37
Voici un code que j'ai mai qui ne tourne pas:


$text = "Peter";
$RSA = new RSA_Handler();
$keys = $RSA->generate_keypair(1024);
$encrypted = $RSA->encrypt($text, $keys[0]);
$decrypted = $RSA->decrypt($encrypted, $keys[1]);
echo $decrypted; //Will print Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

class RSA_Handler {
function encrypt($text, $key) {
list($p, $r, $keysize) = unserialize(base64_decode($key));
$in = $this->blockify($text, $keysize);
$out = '';
foreach($in as $block) {
if($block) {
$cryptblock = $this->crypt_num($this->txt2num($block), $p, $r);
$out .= $this->long_base_convert($cryptblock, 10, 145) . " ";
return $out;

function decrypt($code, $key) {
list($q, $r) = unserialize(base64_decode($key));
$in = explode(" ", $code);
$out = '';
foreach($in as $block) {
if($block) {
$block = $this->long_base_convert($block, 145, 10);
$out .= $this->num2txt($this->crypt_num($block, $q, $r));
return $out;

function generate_keypair($bits = 1024) {
$km = new RSA_keymaker();
$keys = $km->make_keys($bits);
//The keys are separated into arrays and then serialized and encoded in base64
//This makes it easier to store and transmit them
//The private key should probably be encrypted with a user-supplied key (in AES or DES3)...
//This way it can be stored on the server, yet still be secure. The user-supplied key should not be stored.
$pub = base64_encode(serialize(array($keys[0], $keys[2], $bits)));
$priv = base64_encode(serialize(array($keys[1], $keys[2], $bits)));
return array($pub, $priv);

function crypt_num($num, $key, $mod) {
//The powerhorse function. This is where the encryption/decryption actually happens.
//This function is used whether you are encrypting or decrypting.
return $this->powmod($num, $key, $mod);

function long_base_convert ($numstring, $frombase, $tobase) {
//Converts a long integer (passed as a string) to/from any base from 2 to 145
$chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZ_-+=!@#$%^*(){[}]|:,.?/'~*¤¶§Çüéâ? ?àåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿÖÜ¢£¥f áíóúñѪº¿¬½¼¡«»¯ßµ±÷;<>";
$fromstring = substr($chars, 0, $frombase);
$tostring = substr($chars, 0, $tobase);

$length = strlen($numstring);
$result = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$number[$i] = strpos($fromstring, $numstring{$i});
do {
$divide = 0;
$newlen = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$divide = $divide * $frombase + $number[$i];
if ($divide >= $tobase) {
$number[$newlen++] = (int)($divide / $tobase);
$divide = $divide % $tobase;
elseif ($newlen > 0)
$number[$newlen++] = 0;
$length = $newlen;
$result = $tostring{$divide} . $result;
} while ($newlen != 0);
return $result;

function blockify($in, $keysize) {
//Calculate blocksize by keysize
$b_len = floor($keysize/8);
return str_split($in, $b_len);

function txt2num($str) {
//Turns regular text into a number that can be manipulated by the RSA algorithm
$result = '0';
$n = strlen($str);
do {
$result = bcadd(bcmul($result, '256'), ord($str{-$n}));
//$result = bcadd(bcmul($result, '256'), ord(-$n));
} while ($n > 0);
return $result;

function num2txt($num) {
//Turns the numeric representation of text (as output by txt2num) back into text
$result = '';
do {
$result .= chr(bcmod($num, '256'));
$num = bcdiv($num, '256');
} while (bccomp($num, '0'));
return $result;

function powmod($num, $pow, $mod) {
if (function_exists('bcpowmod')) {
// bcpowmod is only available under PHP5
return bcpowmod($num, $pow, $mod);

// emulate bcpowmod
$result = '1';
do {
if (!bccomp(bcmod($pow, '2'), '1')) {
$result = bcmod(bcmul($result, $num), $mod);
$num = bcmod(bcpow($num, '2'), $mod);

$pow = bcdiv($pow, '2');
} while (bccomp($pow, '0'));
return $result;

class RSA_keymaker {

static $primes = null;

function __construct() {
if(is_null($this->primes)) {
//Make $this->primes an array of all primes under 20,000
//We will use this list to rule out the "easy" composite (non-prime) numbers

for ($i = 0; $i < 20000; $i++) {
$numbers[] = $i;
$numbers[0] = $numbers[1] = 0; //Zero and one are not primes :)
foreach ($numbers as $i => $num) {
if(!$num) {
$j = $i;

for ($j += $i; $j < 20000; $j += $i) {
//Jump to each multiple of the current number and set it to 0 (not prime)
$numbers[$j] = 0;
foreach($numbers as $num) {
//Take all the prime numbers and fill the primes array
if ($num) {
$this->primes[] = $num;

function make_keys($bits = 1024, $u = false, $v = false) {
//If not provided, select 2 random prime numbers each at about half the bit size of our key
//We keep a possible variant of 2 bits so that there are a wider range of primes that can be used
$variant = rand(0,2);
$u = $this->make_prime(ceil($bits/2) + $variant);
$v = $this->make_prime(floor($bits/2) - $variant);
while(substr($u, -16, 2) < (substr($v, -16, 2) + 2) && substr($u, -16, 2) > (substr($v, -16, 2) - 2) ) {
//Make sure the 2 primes are at least 1 quadrillion numbers apart
$v = $pm->make_prime(intval($digits/2));

//Find our modulo r and phi(r)
$r = bcmul($u, $v);
$phir = bcmul(bcsub($u, 1), bcsub($v, 1));

//Pick a value for p (The Public key). We will make it 17 bits or smaller.
$psize = ($bits > 51) ? 17 : intval($bits/3);
$p = $this->make_prime($psize);

//Find the inverse of p mod phi(r) using the Extended Euclidian Algorithm
$q = $this->euclid($p, $phir);

return array($p, $q, $r);

function make_prime($bits) {
//This function should not be used to generate primes less than 18 bits

$min = bcpow(2, $bits - 1);
$max = bcsub(bcmul($min, 2), 1);
$digits = strlen($max);
while(strlen($min) < $digits)
$min = "0" . $min;
$ent = $this->entropyarray($digits);
$maxed = true;
$mined = true;
$num = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $digits; $i++) {
//Create a long integer between $min and $max starting with the entropy number
$thismax = 9;
$thismin = 0;
$thismax = substr($max, $i, 1);
$thismin = substr($min, $i, 1);

//Add random numbers (mod 10) until the number meets the constraints
$thisdigit = ($ent[$i] + rand(0,9)) % 10;
if($i == $digits - 1) //The last digit should be a 1, 3, 7 or 9
while($thisdigit != 1 && $thisdigit != 3 && $thisdigit != 7 && $thisdigit != 9 && $thisdigit <= $thismax && $thisdigit >= $thismin)
$thisdigit = ($thisdigit + rand(0,9)) % 10;
while($thisdigit <= $thismax && $thisdigit >= $thismin)
$thisdigit = ($thisdigit + rand(0,9)) % 10;
$num .= $thisdigit;
if($maxed && $thisdigit < $thismax)
$maxed = false;
if($mined && $thisdigit > $thismin)
$mined = false;

//Check if the number is prime
while(!$this->is_prime($num)) {
//If the number is not prime, add 2 or 4 (since it is currently an odd number)
//This will keep the number odd and skip 5 to speed up the primality testing
if(substr($num, -1, 1) == 3)
$num = bcadd($num, 4);
$num = bcadd($num, 2);
return $num;

function entropyarray($digits) {
//create a long number based on as much entropy as possible
$a = base_convert(md5(microtime()), 16, 10);
$b = base_convert(sha1(@exec('uptime')), 16, 10);
$c = mt_rand();
$d = disk_total_space("/");
$e = rand();
$f = memory_get_usage();

//Make sure it is only numbers, scramble it and make it the right length
$num = str_shuffle(preg_replace("[^0-9]", '', $a . $b . $c . $d . $e));
if(strlen($num) > $digits)
$num = substr($num, 0, $digits);
while(strlen($num) < $digits)
$num = str_shuffle(substr(base_convert(md5($num), 16, 10), 3, 1) . $num);

//Turn the number into an array and return it
$ent_array = str_split($num);
return $ent_array;

function is_prime($num) {
if(bccomp($num, 1) < 1)
return false;
//Clear the easy stuff (divide by all primes under 20,000)
foreach($this->primes as $prime) {
if(bccomp($num, $prime) == 0)
return true;
if(!bcmod($num, $prime))
return false;

//Try the more complex method with the first 7 primes as bases
for($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
if(!$this->_millerTest($num, $this->primes[$i]))
return false; //Number is composite

//Strong probability that the number is prime
return true;

function _millerTest($num, $base) {
if(!bccomp($num, '1')) {
// 1 is not prime ;)
return false;
$tmp = bcsub($num, '1');

$zero_bits = 0;
while (!bccomp(bcmod($tmp, '2'), '0'))
$tmp = bcdiv($tmp, '2');

$tmp = $this->powmod($base, $tmp, $num);
if (!bccomp($tmp, '1')) {
// $num is probably prime
return true;

while ($zero_bits-) {
if (!bccomp(bcadd($tmp, '1'), $num)) {
// $num is probably prime
return true;
$tmp = $this->powmod($tmp, '2', $num);
// $num is composite
return false;

function euclid($num, $mod) {
//The Extended Euclidian Algorithm
$x = '1';
$y = '0';
$num1 = $mod;
do {
$tmp = bcmod($num, $num1);
$q = bcdiv($num, $num1);
$num = $num1;
$num1 = $tmp;

$tmp = bcsub($x, bcmul($y, $q));
$x = $y;
$y = $tmp;
} while (bccomp($num1, '0'));
if (bccomp($x, '0') < 0) {
$x = bcadd($x, $mod);
return $x;

function powmod($num, $pow, $mod) {
if (function_exists('bcpowmod')) {
// bcpowmod is only available under PHP5
return bcpowmod($num, $pow, $mod);

// emulate bcpowmod
$result = '1';
do {
if (!bccomp(bcmod($pow, '2'), '1')) {
$result = bcmod(bcmul($result, $num), $mod);
$num = bcmod(bcpow($num, '2'), $mod);

$pow = bcdiv($pow, '2');
} while (bccomp($pow, '0'));
return $result;

ngalson Messages postés 8 Date d'inscription mardi 9 avril 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 juin 2013
30 juin 2013 à 19:55
sil vous plait assayer un peu de faire tourne ce code. vous verez l'erreur.
voici le chemin de ce code source sur google " Stevish » RSA Encryption in Pure PHP_htm"
merci beaucoup d'avance
ngalson Messages postés 8 Date d'inscription mardi 9 avril 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 juin 2013
30 juin 2013 à 19:57
si vous le copier exactement sur note pad comme moi, l'erreur sera par rapport au "temps d'exécution de 30s" et la variable "primes". j'ai déjà ajouté le temps sur mon Apach "php.ini"